Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

-Sema? -Hmm?

She's still sleeping.

But is she OK?

Cafer, don't make me nervous!

She'll wake up soon.


-What happened? -Stop shouting, don't!

Go check on her!


Come here, come here!

Oh you woke up?


Has my sunflower woken up?

Good morning!

She's woken up, uncle Cafer!

Look how pretty she is!

Such a princess!

Girl, we were so worried since you left, we became really sad.

We had gotten used to having you around.

I swear, sweety, you're like a child to us.

You really scared both of us.

Where've you been, huh?

Where did you go, after leaving us?

What happened to you, come on, tell us! Come on!


My dear...

My dear Sema,

...she's already tired, aren't you?

She has to eat.

Then she'll tell us if she wants, isn't that right, Elif?

Cutie, are you hungry?

Your aunt Sema cooked delicious rolls!

Then we'll have some yoghurt on the side, huh?

You would eat that, wouldn't you?

I'm sure she will!

For more infomation >> "You scared us!" - Elif Episode 617 | Season 4 Episode 57 - Duration: 1:57.


How To Make Pasta without Machine - Homemade Ravioli & Farfalle - Duration: 10:35.

Colored Strips Ravioli

Colored Strips Farfalle

The best to make pasta of course using pasta maker/machine

We can make homemade pasta using a rolling pin

Colored Pasta Dough recipe link in the description below

Parsley dough

using a rolling pin, roll out as thin as you can

A half of turmeric dough

I cut turmeric dough & red beet dough into strips

Apply strips dough on parsley dough creating lines

Using a rolling pin, press & roll out to blend into a thin sheet

As we can see here the sheet dough is very thin and dry. Flexible like a fabric.

Thin and dry but flexible, this is will be easy to shape it

Trim all sides

In here is cut into two to make different shape

Making ravioli with ricotta filling

I put little filling to not overpowering the taste. The filling is your choice

Dab with water at the edges and between the filling

Fold the sheet dough to cover the filling. make a border with finger between the filling

Cut into a square ravioli

Press the edges to secure

Ready to cook

Making Farfalle

Cut sheet dough into little rectangle

Pinch in the middle to shape into a butterfly-like

The sheet pasta dough should be thin, dry, and flexible for easier shaping

Colored Farfalle ready to cook or let them dry before store

A half of red beet dough

Cover with plastic wrap while rolling other dough

A half of turmeric dough

Using piping tips, create holes on the dough

Stack turmeric dough & beet dough and roll out into thin sheet

Trim the edges

Pinch in the middle into a butterfly-like

These farfalle was not as thin as parsley farfalle

Some farfalle that has been dry for 24 hours at room temperature

Little remaining just to show you how they look when they dry

For more infomation >> How To Make Pasta without Machine - Homemade Ravioli & Farfalle - Duration: 10:35.


L'olio extravergine di oliva di Caltabellotta. - Duration: 16:02.

For more infomation >> L'olio extravergine di oliva di Caltabellotta. - Duration: 16:02.


Fun and Silly Things to do on an Alaska Sea Day - Duration: 1:53.

We don't have a whole lot planned on this chilly sea day so we thought we'd

take you with us around the ship to show you a few things that you can do on a

sea day besides eating stand in line for ping pong

shoot hoops with a volleyball and

you might even order a drink before noon how's it going? yeah I can have a grapefruit

Ricky please thank you take an open-mouth nap on the pool deck play

mahjong or a board game with your friends try little high seas mini golf

catch an outdoor movie

shuffleboard in high winds take a refreshing dip in the aft pool

and then defrost in one of the aft facing hot tubs my favorite enjoy a

relaxing spa treatment

happy hour at the wheelhouse bar two for one last but not least be sure to catch

a show thanks for watching our silly take on sea day fun until next time we'll

see you on the high seas

For more infomation >> Fun and Silly Things to do on an Alaska Sea Day - Duration: 1:53.


Acta Diurna Universa 2017·12·05 / World News by ScorpioMartianus - Duration: 4:44.


Acta Diurna Universa / World News

Ego sum Lucius Amadeus Ranierius / I am Luke Amadeus Ranieri

nuntians Tucsoniae in Arizona / reporting from Tucson, Arizona

Saudianos nobiles comprehensos / Saudi nobiles arrested

nuntiat Occidentalis Studiorum Universitas Vasintoniensis / reports Western Washington University

in Arabia Saudiana / in Saudi Arabia

nonnulli principes, nobiles / some princes, nobles,

magnates donorum acceptorum / magnates were accused

accusati / of accepting gifts

et comprehensi sunt / and were arrested

Mahometo bin Salman principe / by Prince Modammed bin Salman

qui proximus fertur / who is next in line

ad regiam auctoritatem accessurus / to accede to the throne

Pro magna pecunia / For a great deal of money

nonnulli jam libertate fruuntur ut / some already have been set free, among them

Mutaib bin Abdullah

pristini regis filius / the former king's son

qui miliardum / who paid $1 billion

sive decies milies centena milia dollarorum sovit

ut crimine purgaretur / to be acquitted of wrongdoing

Bandar bin Sultan

princeps / a prince

qui anno 2001 / who in 2001

confessus est / confessed

magnam pecuniam esse donis ad divites potius / to imbezzling a large amount of money for gifts for the rich

quam ad bonum commune et publicum diversam / instead of for the public good

etiam inter comprehensos numeratur / is also among the royalty who were arrested

Scripsit Andreas Novocomensis apud Ephemeridem / Andreas Novocomensis writes at Ephemeris

Dictatoris Kim Jong-Un jussu / ordered by Kim Jong-Un

missile balisticum contra Japoniam / a missile towards Japan

projectum esse / was launched

Actuarius de Defensione Praebenda Americana / US Secretary of Defense

Jacobus Mattis / James Mattis

de discrimine rei / about the crisis

communitatem internationalem monuit / advised the international community

"Altiorem proceditatem numquam missile Boreocoreanum consequitur /a North Korean missile has never gone higher

Ita, cum tantam adeptus sit, / Thus, as it is so capable

cuicui nationi in toto orbe periculum est." / every nation on earth is in danger."

Balisticis examinibus exactis / Balistic missle tests having been performed

ipsum missile non modo Japoniam / the missile can reach not only Japan

sed etiam Civitates Conjunctas Americae / but also the United States

seu Uniti Status Americae

et Europam attingere potuisset / and even Europe

idonee flexum / under ideal conditions

Minister Primarius Japonensis Shinzo Abe / Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

missile in mare cecidisse confirmavit / confirmed the missile fell into the sea

Sed Austrocorea et Japonia / But South Korea and Japan

novum congressum Communitatem Nationum rogaverunt / have called for a new meeting of the United Nations

Apud Nuntios Latinos Finnicos / Ad the Finnish Nuntii Latini

vulcanum in Bali activum esse / a volcano in Bali is active

nuntiat Tuomo Pekkanen / reports Tuomo Pekkanen

In insula Bali Indonesiae / On the island of Bal in Indonesia

ex vulcano Agung cineres in altitudinem / ash from the volcano Agung have erupted to a height of

quattuor fere chiliometrorum / nearly four kilometres

erumpentes commeatum aereum impediunt / impeding air traffic

Itaque magistratus aeriportum urbis Denpasar / Thus the officials of Denpasar

interim claudere decreverunt / have ordered the temporary closure of the airport

et homines qui minus quam decem chiliometra / and have encouraged those who live less than ten kilometres

a vulcano distantes vivunt / from the vulcano

hortati sunt ut domos suas relinquerent / to leave their homes

In regione evacuanda / In the region to be evacuated

centum fere milia hominum habitant / nearly one hundred thousand people live

Terra prope montem continuo tremit / The earth near the mountain is shaking constantly

quod majorem eruptionem portendere potest / which could portend a major eruption

Anno 1963 / In 1963

cum proxima eruptio facta erat / the last eruption took place

plus mille homines interierunt / in which one thousand people perished

Obiter, YLE / By the way, YLE

quod Nuntios Latinos Finnicos producit / which produces the Finnish Nuntii Latini

proximo anno non diutius edet eos Nuntios Latinos / won't be publishing the Latin news anymore

YLE jamjam 28 annos produxit Nuntios Latinos / YLE has produced the Nuntii Latini for 28 years

Si vultis ut ii pergant / If you want them to continue

petitionis nexum, qui in hujus pelliculae descriptione invenitur, sequamini / follow the link to a petition in the description of this video

Ut videtis, denuo focale induo / As you can see, I'm wearing a necktie again

denuo post octo annos fere nuntians Acta Diurna / while reporting the news again after about eight years

sed illo tempore / but in that time

capilli nondum creverunt / my hair still hasn't grown

Bene, actis diurnis relatis / So, the news having been reported

Ego sum Lucius Amadeus Ranierius / I'm Luke Amadeus Ranieri


vos omnes bene valere jubeo / take care

For more infomation >> Acta Diurna Universa 2017·12·05 / World News by ScorpioMartianus - Duration: 4:44.


Oración del día Miércoles, 6 de Diciembre de 2017 - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> Oración del día Miércoles, 6 de Diciembre de 2017 - Duration: 11:09.


Christmas Home Tour 2017 Collab CleanCutCouponing - Duration: 10:35.

Hi guys!

It's Natalie from

Welcome to my home.

Here is my 2017 Christmas Home Tour so I'm going to be taking you on a little tour of

the Christmas decorations in my home.

This is a collab and its with Nichole Coupon Queen of Columbus.

She's awesome!

Also Cvs Couponzalez, equally awesome and lastly but not least couponingstacy.

So they each are going to have a video up on their channel as well.

Make sure you check them out.

I'm going to leave their links below in the description box.

You can go ahead and watch their videos as well.

So I hope you guys enjoy the video.

Thank you for watching!

Here we are in the entryway and I did a red and gold theme in this room with the little


I love glitter and you'll find that out really quick as we tour my home.

This is my entryway but on my hall table I just have this little simple candle with a

gold runner.

Right above it is a picture of my daughter when she first born.

The rug that I put in this room has hints of burgundy and I like to go with a Cherry

wood in here.

In the powder room in here I just add little touches of Christmas things.

A little snowman, Bath & Body Works oil warmer.

The shelf on the wall I just put a couple little antique pieces.

These are actually old Noxzema bottles that I found in my garden.

If you look on the bottom.

I don't know if you'll be able to see it.

But anyway these are old Noxzema bottles.

Isn't that cool?

Anyway I liked the blue aspect so I put them in here as well.

Those are Listerine bottles back there.

We are going to walk from the hallway into my Dining and Kitchen are.

We will start with the Dining table first.

I don't have the table fully set because my kids would just completely destroy it, honestly.

But this is a simple thing that I'll do.

This is my dining area.

If you guys have any questions where I got anything just leave it in the comments below

and I will definitely answer your questions.

Most of the items on the garland here are from Michaels.

The table runner is from Target.

This Hurricane I actually got at a thrift shop for $4.00.

It's huge.

Here is my hand.

It's humongous.


I was like, "Yes!"

The tapers are my wedding.

From my wedding.

Let me turn off the light as well so you can see a little bit better.

I my little dangly guys.

I just got them at Walmart.

Very inexpensive.

Over here in my Kitchen area I have an Orchid because it goes with my kitchen.

I love Orchids.

This is actually this Orchids third year and it comes back so beautifully when it blooms.

My little Hutch.

Here is all my pictures of my kids.

This is when my daughter was just born.

Michael when he was a baby, baby.

This is my kids Christmas picture this year.

That...Can you see that?

That is when Kayla was in my belly.

There is another baby picture of her.

There's when Jake was little and Caleb when he was just a couple years old.

I have my birch wreath there.

I just love that there.

A little decor on top.

the Cookie Tin is from Williams Sonoma.

I got that probably tne to twelve years ago.

Platzgraf plate Bless this Home Plate, snowman.

My little tree.

Here is my Christmas Village.

If you wanted to see a little bit more of an extended video you can go ahead and I have

it in my Christmas playlist.

You can go ahead and watch that.

Still didn't pick up my train yet.

But this is actually going to be a train coming around here and going back there.

But I have not started.

I didn't get the train yet.

A little busy.

Here is my

bakers rack.

Here is my 7 year old's Gingerbread house.

He did a pretty good job.

Caleb's Gingerbread.

Little snowflake lights.

When you enter my Famliy room, Jacob's playing a game.

So this is my tree in the family room and I also have tutorial for that ornament wreath.

Which is so pretty!

Just love that.

The top I just did a bow.

I tied a bow.

I think every single thing for this tree I got at Michaels.

Alright my library is still a work in progress so its not totally done but I did start putting

some Christmas decorations up on there . This is picture from last year.

I put just a little bit of Christmas decor on here.

That wreath up there is a book wreath I had made from an old, old book that were never

going to read.

So again this is just a kind of work in progress.

The library but I really love it.

Really enjoy this.

Super excited to be able to get more decorations for it for next year and to continue unpacking

our books because we have a lot.

So that is the family room.

Here we go into the living room.


Then here is my daughter's tree.

Quite bright.

She switched it out to green.

Inside my china cabinet is my Nativity scene.

Alright guys so that is the end of my home tour I hope you guys have enjoyed this video

and if you did give it a Thumbs up and don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button down below

and ding the notification bell so you are notified every single time I post a video.

I hope you guys have a beautiful holiday and Merry Christmas!

For more infomation >> Christmas Home Tour 2017 Collab CleanCutCouponing - Duration: 10:35.


This Simple Exercise Removes Back and Belly Fat In No Time! - Duration: 2:19.

This Simple

Exercise Removes Back and Belly

Fat In No Time!

This Simple Exercise Removes

Back and Belly Fat In No Time!

This Simple Exercise Removes Back and Belly Fat In No Time!

This Simple


Removes Back and Belly Fat In No Time!

For more infomation >> This Simple Exercise Removes Back and Belly Fat In No Time! - Duration: 2:19.


travel vlog: High in Amsterdam! - Duration: 6:54.

What's up guys?


I just smoked a joint!

For now, I'm ok!

I drink a beer in an Irish Pub.

It is right next to the hostel where I sleep.

This place has a good vibe.

It is full of people.

I hope that you can hear me!

A pint costs 5.30 EUR, with the discount from the hostel.

The price is comparable to London!

Otherwise, everything is fine.

The second one!

Tell me to stop

because it's wrong

Tell me to stop, ok?!

Did you know that Amsterdam is such a liberal city that at this time,

the gay community is bigger than the straight community?

For example, if a man tries to court you and you refuse him and tell him that you are not gay.

He will look strange at you,

as if you were a freak!

Even he will tell you something like this:

What's wrong with you? Do you behave like in the past?

Soon, the straight people from Amsterdam will make their own parade!

Straight people parade!

Do you understand?

They will go along with their childrens and sing children songs!

And they will ask for rights and to have respect!

Yeah, this is Amsterdam!

A colorful place where people of all kinds are accepted

and for this reason they really came here!

Just as Germany is full of refugees

so Amsterdam is full of gay!

To be a normal person here is getting harder and harder!


No more jokes! Let's be serious!

Prost=Cheers in dutch!

Another smoke, another beer etc ...

So are the things in Amsterdam!

It's allright!

I want to tell you


it rained!

No, that's not what I wanted to tell you! I wanted to tell you that I'm happy,


I do not know if you realize this from my words, so it is better to show you!

I'm Happy! :)


It's not about me,

it's about Amsterdam!

I want to tell you something.

Every bar

from here, from downtown,

is full of people!

Something like that, I have not seen anywhere in my trips!

So, any bar you find in the way, you can go inside, because it will, surely, be full of people and will be fun there!

Everyone is relaxed, drinking, smoking, feeling good!

Nobody bothers you!

Because Amsterdam is the most liberal city in the world!

Here is the place where you can feel good in your skin without anyone judging you!

Because it is a very tolerant city!

And the flip side is that straight people have become minority! But anyway ...

By the way, I'm now walking around the Red Light District

and here, you are not allowed to take pictures,

anyway, I do not take pictures, just shooting myself

I hope no one will try to throw my camera into the canal

because I do not want to run now, understand ?!

It started to rain again so I stop shooting for the moment because I do not want to wet my camera!

I went back to a bar

to keep away from rain.

The weather is the only bad thing in Amsterdam, the only one!

Today, all day was cloudy, cold, now it's raining ...

The wheater is bad!

Otherwise, everything is ok!


I'm going into the room now, after two joints and three beers!

It is enough for me!

So, we end this meeting here!

See you next time!

For more infomation >> travel vlog: High in Amsterdam! - Duration: 6:54.


Eugenie Scott on Changing Your Mind - Duration: 6:17.


Knowledge resistance is a tendency to

not want to accept corrections for

misinformation that a person might hold,

and the reasons for knowledge resistance

are pretty varied. Well first I should

probably make it clear that people are

willing to change their minds about some

of their misunderstandings, some

things we have misconceptions about. You

provide somebody with information, they

say oh sure I guess I was wrong about

that, but then there's a whole suite of

other things that people are wrong about,

and are, you know, just resistant to

change their views, and for that second

class of phenomena they tend to be ideas,

or concepts, or opinions that have

consequences for somebody's values, or

their ideologies, or the groups that they

associate with, their tribes if

you will. Well certainly the evidence of

Survey Research doesn't show that, all

the evidence that we have of Americans

and Canadians show that people are

pretty enthusiastic about science, they

want to learn more about science, they

think science is important, they think

science has had positive effects for

society, and they want their kids to study

science, and even become scientists. Know

that it's a misconception that the

anti-vaccination movement is largely a

political Left kind of thing. I think

first you have to realize that the

percentage of Americans who are

anti-vaxxers is minuscule, it's less

than 5%, it's this tiny, tiny little

percentage. The vast majority of

Americans know that vaccinations are

important, they know they save kids lives,

and make them healthier, and all that, and

people do get their kids vaccinated. You

know, it is close to the 93/95 percent

that the CDC wants us to do have, so

you're actually dealing with a very

small amount of variation, number one. But

even with that small amount of variation,

you don't see a strong tendency for

either political left or political right,

you see

some of both, or some of each I guess

would be better grammar. You see some

tendency for anti-vaxxers to be

left-wing, some tendency to be right-wing,

but there's no strong tendency overall

for either right or left. People reject

the sciences, the specific sciences, that

tend to gore their oxen. If accepting

a particular science or a particular

view within science is going to have

consequences for values or ideologies

that you hold dear, you're not going to

want to change them. Ideologies are like

operations, they can be good or bad, it

all depends on the context.

Everybody has ideologies, they can be

benign and they can be toxic.

Having ideologies is a very human thing,

and ideologies are the way that

we decide how to live and how to treat

each other. So no, I don't think

ideologies are bad at all.

I think some ideologies are worth

fighting against, but everybody has

ideologies, and it's silly to

assume that, because I'm a

scientist, because I try to look at the

world rationally, logically, that

therefore ideology is unimportant,

because it's important for everybody.

I think skeptics don't do enough

listening, we talk about 'how do we talk

to people who are anti-evolutionists' or

'how do we talk to climate change deniers'?

Well maybe we should listen to them, we

need to find out what it is about

evolution, or what it is about climate

change that is making people resistant

to change their minds, because it is

quite, it is quite possible to find

common ground,

even with somebody who initially

disagrees with your opinion in the case.

I know the most about anti-evolutionists

because I've spent most of my

professional career dealing with the

anti-evolution movement, and I know a lot

of conservative Christians, I know I have

met and talked with a lot of

anti-evolutionists, and the the major

concern for a very large number of

people who initially appear to not, you

know, want their kids to learn

evolution, or they believe they reject

evolution, is when evolution is

packaged as something that goes along

with disbelief in God. In other words you

have to take the whole package, you

have to be both an atheist and an

evolutionist, which of course is

empirically wrong. I mean we have plenty

of evidence that there are people of

faith who accept evolution and would

teach classes in evolution the same way

I would teach classes in evolution.

What I find conservative Christians most

concerned about is that if their

children are taught evolution in the

schools, they're taught here's the

evidence for evolution scientists are

agreed that living things had common


now take your religion and shove it, and

once, you know, once you sort of get that

belief in people's minds, you need

to get that belief out of there because

that's not what evolution is all about. I

mean nobody says, you know, here's cell

division, here's how the chromosomes line

up in the midline, here are the enzymes

that that formed the spindle fibers that

pull the cells across, now take your

religion and shove it. Nobody even thinks

about looking at all other aspects of

science like that, so why all of a sudden

does evolution have to be an atheistic

science. Evolution is no more

atheistic than cell division.


For more infomation >> Eugenie Scott on Changing Your Mind - Duration: 6:17.


Come Support Puerto Rico's Small Businesses | Carnival Cruise Line (with audio description) - Duration: 2:31.

This video opens on the coast of sunny Puerto Rico,

and features a montage of sightseeing

and shopping destinations, including:

stores offering hand-crafted souvenirs;

an old stone fort overlooking San Juan;

neighborhoods with cobblestone streets

and brightly colored small business

and residential buildings;

and rolling green hills

where tourists ride all terrain vehicles.

Opening text: San Juan, Puerto Rico. November 2017.

Man: We missed sharing the city with the people.

That's the best part of our job.

There's nothing bigger, more satisfying

than to have somebody come back or send you a message

that said, "Thank you."

Now, the owner of Olé, a small store renowned for

its classic, customized Panama hats:

Shopkeeper: This is one of the oldest shops in the city.

We are 40 years open.

Being a small business owner will give you freedom,

the capacity to decide your life.

Now, the owner of Fruta Fruit, a shop that serves

refreshing tropical fruit treats including:

smoothies, parfaits, and fruit salads:

We like attending people.

We like people to get a good impression

of what Old San Juan has to offer.

A man in a crane renovates

the front of an ornate white building.

Now, an employee of the VIVO Beach Club,

an oceanfront shopping and activities complex:

Employee: A lot of people lost their homes,

a lot of people are distressed, no jobs.

So every time somebody comes in,

we really want to showcase what we have and what we can offer.

A tour guide:

Tour Operator: Maria hit us, about 155 mile-an-hour winds

came through this area, and just devastated it.

A lot of growth has come back.

It's been a lot of work, you have to come here,

experience Puerto Rico.

Once you come once, I'm sure you're gonna come back again.

At Fruta Fruit, a woman slices a pineapple.

We've been hurt.

But we are back on our feet.

Just a matter of a little time.

A montage of scenes including: a smiling local woman,

standing in front of a Puerto Rican flag;

souvenirs displayed in front of small business establishments;

and a bartender preparing a cool drink

at The Chapel Restaurant and Bar.

Man: With a new enthusiasm, new perspective, new colors,

it's actually kind of an exciting time for the business.

We're always open.

Even if the doors are shut and it's 2 o'clock in the morning.

Subtitles: We are ready to receive

all of the Carnival guests.

I'm open and ready for business.

Carnival, we are open, ready for business.

A Carnival ship sails on a calm blue ocean

toward its destination.

Text: Come Support Puerto Rico's Small Businesses.

For more infomation >> Come Support Puerto Rico's Small Businesses | Carnival Cruise Line (with audio description) - Duration: 2:31.


PureJoyPeople: Too Much in the Brain - Duration: 2:50.

What's going on in with the world today?

is the ongoing question

I am but a small mass of being

I can't focus on my sh't

If I keep worryin'

Sometimes I just feel like

there is just

Too much in the brain

Got to refrain or I'll go insane

I got too much in the brain

Got to retain a zen state of being

I turn on the television

I can't help but question

The intentions behind their eyes

I think I know a lot

but I really don't know much

I gotta focus on my sh't

Instead of playing detective

or pretend I know politics

this is just

Too much in the brain Got to refrain or I'll go insane

I got too much in the brain Got to retain a zen state of being

I got too much in my brain

We got too much in our brains, yeah!

For more infomation >> PureJoyPeople: Too Much in the Brain - Duration: 2:50.


The future of Bitconnect - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> The future of Bitconnect - Duration: 6:28.


Taha Boukkad |UNBOXING EAU DE PARFUM BY GUERLAIN / اكتشف عطر جميل جيداً - Duration: 2:09.

what's up guys

welcome in my new video

I wish that you are fine

this video will be about UNBOXING of a parfum

which I received from a company





It's not expensive if we know its quality

I had already opened it

we will start our UNBOXING with God blessing

the box was received like that

with a high quality

I like it very well

Its design is very beautiful


I like its design very well

now we will open our


it looks like that

we find it in cartoon box, by the way I like it

this is how it's look like

it's in a glass bottle

it's wonderful


For more infomation >> Taha Boukkad |UNBOXING EAU DE PARFUM BY GUERLAIN / اكتشف عطر جميل جيداً - Duration: 2:09.



Dashing through the snow.

It's almost Christmas Day!

Gonna get some gifts!

Unwrapping them all day!

Tired of crappy gifts.

That is never fun.

I don't want no lame presents I'll tell you what I want!


All I Want!

All I Want!

All I want is Cash!

Don't get me anything else.

Just give me cold hard cash.


Sign a Card!

Put in Cash!

That's my whole wish list!

Withdraw from the ATM and put cash in my fist!

I don't want gift cards.

Grownup presents suck.

Don't buy clothes I don't want.

No underwear, no socks.

Don't want a new wallet.

No perfume or cologne.

I just want awesome gifts. That I'll buy on my own.

Oh! All I Want!

All I Want!

All I want is Cash!

No calendar or cookie tins!

Just give me cold hard cash!


Video Games!

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Cash gifts are the best.

They say that it's the thought that counts.

But don't think, just give cash!

Happy Holidays from AOK!

For more infomation >> ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS CASH - Duration: 1:26.


Rogue UN Official Reveals Obama Behind 'Historic Coup' To Forcibly Remove Trump From Office RIGHT N… - Duration: 7:57.

Rogue UN Official Reveals Obama Behind 'Historic Coup' To Forcibly Remove Trump From Office


Obama has had an extremely difficult time relinquishing the power he was held as president

of the Untied States, as he's spent every waking moment in recent months obsessing on

ways to take out President Trump with his "resistance movement."

Despite now being a civilian, Obama has been holding diplomatic meetings with world leaders,

which is a direct violation of the Logan Act and a very serious federal crime.

As Obama continues to try to assert his power over President Trump, now a former United

Nations ambassador is going rogue, revealing that Obama is now actively engaging in the

first coup d'état in Amercican History against a sitting president.

Over the past couple of weeks, Obama's Asian tour has been underway, where he's been

going around bashing President Trump's policies to world leaders across the globe.

Obama was first suspiciously seen with President Xi Jinping of China, following Trump's successful

visit just a few short weeks ago.

Obama then made his way to France, claiming that the United States is suffering from a

"temporary absence of American leadership."

While he was in India, Obama mocked President Trump with a teenage girl-like jab, saying

that he has more Twitter fans than Trump.

While Obama's "Bash Trump World Tour" seems to be motivated out of his obsessive

jealousy of Trump holding the office he once had, former United Nations Ambassador John

Bolton revealed that there's something far more malicious at play, as he believes that

Obama is actively trying to overthrow Trump's Administration, and isn't hesitating to

break federal law to get the job done.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

Lou Dobbs and Ambassador Bolton discussed the latest developments in the Mueller witch

hunt and Barack Obama's latest tour across Asia to attack sitting President Trump.

"…this is the first coup d'état in American History," Bolton stated.

"It's a mini coup d'état but it goes right along with the idea that they (liberals)

should have won the election..They are trying to prove the administration is illegitimate.

Working with foreign governments to overthrow the President of the Untied States as Obama

is actively doing is a serious federal crime as spelled out in 18 U.S. Code 2385 that could

land him 20 years in behind bars.

Working with foreign governments is additionally a violation of the Logan Act, as citizens

are prohibited from negotiating with foreign governments in order to undermine our government.

Here's the exact definition of Local Act that Obama is directly violating with these

meetings with world leaders via Wikipedia:

The Logan Act enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes

negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United


The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's


The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798,

and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799.

The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.

Ever since Trump got into office we've dismissed Obama's antics as his inability to cope

with not being president or relinquish the power of the presidency that fed his ego for

the past 8 years.

But as Ambassador Bolton revealed, there's something for more menacing at play here,

as Obama is actively seeking to overthrow our president with a coup d'état, which

is startlingly, the first time a former president has ever tried to attempt this.

The desperation of the Democratic Party is quite entertaining at this point as all their

plans keep imploding in their faces, and now Obama's illegal activity of conspiring with

world leaders in a civilian capacity to influence our government is now being exposed for the

entire world to see.

Obama is actively violating federal crime, and it's now time that President Trump puts

an end to this nonsense, as Obama isn't showing signs of backing up anytime soon in

his pursuits to get Trump removed from office.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Rogue UN Official Reveals Obama Behind 'Historic Coup' To Forcibly Remove Trump From Office RIGHT N… - Duration: 7:57.


LE DOSSIER | the kidults - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> LE DOSSIER | the kidults - Duration: 1:30.


In viaggio verso ció che sei.... - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> In viaggio verso ció che sei.... - Duration: 9:20.


The Best Cheap Lunch in NYC's Chelsea || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:57.

- My name is Prez

and I work at Thrillist.

Around these parts,

I'm known as the five dollar lunch guy.

Every episode,

I'm gonna put you guys

onto the very finest meals as well

for five dollars or less.

(upbeat music)

- You know, I don't know, I feel like it goes with it.

- What's that on the bottom of your cup?

- Oh it's our new mission.

Chelsea guys, hey I got to go

because I have a mission so.

- Alright, that was rude.

- Chelsea, that's kind

of perfect,

I mean we are in Chelsea.

That means we don't have to go too far.

I mean we could get street food.

We could get dirty water dog

or I could just hit up Khushubu

and make my life easier.

Today my mission is Chelsea and I only have

five bucks, what should I be eating?

- [Woman] I would head over to Chelsea Market.

There's this great little place

called Los Tacos NO.1

- [Prez] Yeah.

- [Woman] You can't go wrong

with anything there.

But their quesadillas are on fire.

- Oh that's perfect dude.

Thanks so much, you're the best.

- [Prez Voiceover] Here are the rules

for Operation five buck lunch.

One, it's gotta be good

'cause nobody wants bad food.

Two, no big chains

'cause that's just too easy.

Three, it's gotta be within budget.

And four, whatever I don't use

flows over into the next episode.

- This is like a little seating area

that opens up into the street.

Highline actually used to be an above ground railroad

and it was kind of withering

away and it was kind of gross but you know,

they made it into a tourist attraction.

What did you eat for lunch today?

What have you had?

Oh, actually we're going to a place called

Los Tacos No.1 by Chelsea Market.

Ah, yeah it's good right, there you go.

Cosign, that's one ding. (dinging)

What is this?

This looks like a horror movie.

You remember the horror movie

where the guy attached the butts to the faces?

- Yeah!

- This looks exactly like that.

I probably have been to Chelsea market

maybe once or twice since it was built.

So I don't know much about it,

but I am seeing a bunch of restaurants

and popups that I heard a lot of good things about.

So, let's find out

what everybody else is eating.

Come on.

If I gave you five dollars

where would you go and eat?

- The taco place?

Los Tacos No.1?

We're about to head over there, perfect.

What do you get when you go to Los Tacos?

- Guys, this is the second cosign that we've had today.

This place is probably amazing.

We have finally made it to Los Tacos No.1.

I'm starving a bit.

I can smell it all they way form here.

Whoever's editing this,

do a cool transition to where I'm

on the front of the line alright.


This is my first time here.

I'm not sure what to get because I only have five bucks.

What should I get?

- Oh, that's the best seller?

Oh sick so that's what I'll get.

There you go.

Guys, boom.

This stuff looks a bit different from

the other stuff that I get.

This looks like Baja style.

This is Baja?

Oh wow, guys so this is Tijuana Baja style.

Most of the stuff that we actually

get in New York

is Puebla style.

A little fun fact for you.

Thank you so much.

- Thank you.

- We even got some back,

look at that. (laughing)

Look at all of the things on this menu

that are under five bucks.

You can get carne asada tacos.

Three seventy five.

You can get the Nopal, three twenty five.

Quesadilla, carne asada, four seventy five.

Of course we got

the Adobada, which is four fifty.

(camera clicking)

Look at this guy sharpening his knife.

Something's getting cut up today.

Hey look at the line.

It stretches all the way outside of this place.



One, two, three.

That might be an Olympic record guys.

That was done in less than five seconds.

Come on guys.

Thank you so much.

Everything on it.

Everything on it.

I want everything on it.

I want the onions, I want the guac,

I want the mild sauce , I want the cilantro.

You got your limes, you got the spices, mole,

you got your medium, you got your mild.

Look at the amount of

meat that they cook in one sitting.

There's at least, I'd say 50 pounds worth of chicken

on that grill right now.

Everything is made fresh.

Look at homeboy going in with his knife.

I mean I would have cut several fingers

off if I were him.

But the man is an expert.

There is nobody here playing games.

Everybody here is on point.


Look at this.

Come on, come on, come on.

I want to show you

what's in this.

Hey ah, you work here right?

What is your name?

- Right.

- Geraldo. - Geraldo.

Nice to meet you.

Ah, can I ask you a question?

- Yeah of course.

- Ah how much sauce is too much sauce.

- Ah, my guy.

Thank you.

- No problem.

- Guys, I'm starving,

let's get out of here.

The most beautiful thing you've seen all day.

Look at this quesadilla, come,

come close look at this.

Pineapple, and we have the pork,

and we have this cheese, we have the onion,

we have the tomatoes.

We have our mild sauce,

we have our hot sauce on there.

We have some extra tomatoes and some gentle,

gentle sauce ah,

and of course under that we have cheese.

And there's a bit of guacamole

inside of that as well.

This thing smells amazing.

This thing looks amazing.

Give Daddy Pres two seconds.




God damn.

There's so much juice coming out of this.

The cheese is leaking out.

The guacamole is coming out.

All these dynamic flavors.

There's pineapple juice coming out of the meat.

There's pineapple juice coming out of the pineapple.

Everything is juicy.

Everything is fresh.

All the flavors work together

and it has a nice little kick.

We've hit every single one of our points

in our budget, it's delicious

and you don't have

to spend anything extra.

Guys, I've given you a gift.

You're welcome.




It's hitting on all points.

I'm gonna say this right now.

I know a lot of people are gonna fight me.

This is the best quesadilla that I've had

since I left Monterey.

This is absolutely incredible.

I've spent some time in Mexico.

This is the closest I've had it.

This is the closest I've had it.

If you disagree,

at me son,

go in those comments.

Tell em where it's better.

Hey guys, I didn't see you there.

If you think green is the best

jolly rancher flavor or have a suggestion of where

we should go next,

put it in the comments below.

Other than that,

follow, like, subscribe.

I'll see you guys later, peace.

For more infomation >> The Best Cheap Lunch in NYC's Chelsea || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:57.


Energy Visionaries - Rachel Brouwer - Duration: 1:12.

Hi, my name is Rachel, and I'm from Bedford, Nova Scotia.

And I created a water pasteurization system.

It uses solar pasteurization.

Typically, you want to use it in 30 degree weather.

So it can heat up to a certain temperature to kill the bacteria.

And I think it will be great in certain communities that don't have access to clean water, which

we definitely have.

We still have that issue here.

So we can definitely see a brighter future.

I think the best technology for Canada is going to be turbines and windmills because

we do have that wind coming down from the north and we have oceans surrounding us.

So, we can use the resources that we've been given, to create this change.

I work on energy and innovation because, ever since I was 11, I wanted to see a change.

I think anybody that has the tools and resources to make a difference, and create a better

way of living for, in Canada or around the world, I think that they should take that

opportunity and do what they can.

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