Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

Native Legend Describes Where Our Soul Goes When We Dream

Dreaming was an extremely important part of the Native Culture.

It was woven deep into their tradition and their spiritual practice.

Children would be taught to remember their dreams from an early age so that they could

decode them and extract guidance from them.

But where does the soul go when we dream?

Does it remain in our body as our minds explore the dream world?

Or does it come with us into the dream world and explore alongside the mind?

These questions imply that we only have one soul.

But according to Native Americans, we have 3 souls.

First is the ego-soul, which is embodied in the breath.

The second is the body-soul, which gives the body energy and life force during the waking


And the third is the free-soul which is the soul that leaves the body during dreams and


So as we can see, the Native Americans believed that a part of the soul literally goes and

explores other dimensions (which we will look at more fully in a bit).

It operates as the physical body sleeps.

The other two aspects of the soul remain attached to the body as the free-soul traveled the

dream world.


According to the Native Americans, the mind does not dream anything.

Neither does the body.

Chippewa elder John Thunderbird explains it this way:

�Your soul dreams those dreams; not your body, not your mind.

Those dreams come true.� �The soul travels all over the world when you dream.�

They believe that a portion of the soul disconnects from the physical body and travels the dream

world, where it then communicates with other spirits of other human souls.

In the dream world, you can also communicate with non-human animals as well.

The dream world is just as real as the physical world.

It is by experiencing the realness of the dream world that we appreciate the dream-ness

of the real world.

A big part of Native philosophy was understanding that life itself was just one big Dream, and

it is through dreaming that we remember how impermanent this world really is.

In the minds of Native Americans, there is no difference in terms of importance between

the dream world and waking life.

In fact, if someone got bit by an animal or was sick in the dream world, they would be

treated for it back in waking life by a Medicine Man.

Our Spiritual Mentors (spirit guides, guardian angels, etc.) communicate with us through

dream symbolism.

Dreaming is a time of receiving a spiritual and psychic transmission.

When you wake up from a dream journey as a Native American, it would be time to go approach

and Elder and tell them about your dreams.

They would then interpret them, tell you what Spirit is trying to show you, and then would

leave you with words of advice to take with you.

Similar to how we go to therapists and teachers for problems we experience in waking life,

Natives would approach experts and therapists for what they were experiencing in their dreams.

They were not dismissed as being random activities of the subconscious mind, or meaningless neurochemical


Some say that life is a schoolhouse for the soul.

The Natives believed this as well, but they also believe we visit the second schoolhouse

for our soul each night as we enter into the dream world.


Contrary to our modern world where profound dreams are usually followed up by a bowl of

cereal and CNN, dreams in the Native American culture were just as important as anything

in waking life.

In fact, sometimes dreams were even looked at as more important.

This is because you were traveling there with a part of your soul for the purpose of receiving

spiritual guidance, gaining insights into the future, and connecting with Spirit.

The dream world is a real world.

In the background of New Age and New Spirituality, we may say that Natives believe the dream

world to be an astral plane that our souls go to each night for the purpose of self-exploration

and growth.

Dreams were no joke and were not to be taken lightly.

They were thought of as the main communication medium where Spirit could give us guidance

without infringing upon our free will.

Because Spirit cannot interfere with our soul�s development, it has to allow us to make our

own mistakes and learn our lessons.

But by communicating to us through dreams and dream symbolism, we can receive guidance

while maintaining our free will.

So, where do our souls go when we dream?

One of our souls goes to a spiritual plane guided by our Spiritual Mentors to help us

evolve, while the other two remain in the body keeping it alive.

If the Natives were right and one of our souls travels to a spiritual schoolhouse each night,

it would be wise to start reflecting on the dreams you have each night.

They may just hold the answers you are looking for.

For more infomation >> Native Legend Describes Where Our Soul Goes When We Dream - Duration: 5:35.


American Caregiver Association Reviews-Volume 8 - Duration: 0:51.

Become a caregiver. Caregiver certification. How to become a caregiver. National caregiver certification only $79

For more infomation >> American Caregiver Association Reviews-Volume 8 - Duration: 0:51.


VicandFriends: A NEW Toy! Invinci-Pet! PUPPETS AND TOYS KIDS SHOW - Duration: 20:04.

[Happy music intro]

>>Vic: Ahhhhh....

>>Vic: Ahhhhh....

>>Vic: Time to see what's on TV.

[Happy music in background]

>>Commercial Announcer [on TV]: Are you tired of your boring old puppy? Your boring old rabbit? Your boring old crocodile?

>>Commercial Announcer [on TV]: Well, I'm about to tell you about a revolutionary new pet that will change the way you live. It's called the

>>Commercial Announcer [on TV]: Invinci-Pet.

>>Commercial Announcer [on TV]: The Invinci-Pet is the most smartest and

>>Commercial Announcer [on TV]: intelligent pet you will ever own.

>>Commercial Announcer [on TV]: Way smarter than the modern-day tabby cat, I mean look at him! He won't even move!

>>Commercial Announcer [on TV]: But don't take it from me. Take it from these happy Invinci-Pet customers!

>>Brook Worm [Customer]: I love the Invinci-Pet so much, I gave up my cat and my dog.

>>Rick Coon [Customer]: The Invinci-Pet is so smart and helpful it's even helped me gettin' over gettin' into trash cans.

>>Lea Colatta [Customer]: Like oh my god. I have an Invinci-Pet and I have not slept for like five days.

>>Commercial Announcer: And hey, if you act now, heck, we'll throw in a free

>>Commercial Announcer: three-day warranty for your Invinci-Pet.

>>Commercial Announcer: And we will also throw in another Invinci-Pet absolutely free! That's right F-R-E-E!

>>Commercial Announcer: FREE!!!

[Franklin interrupts the commercial] >>Franklin: It came! It finally came! >>Vic: What?!

>>Vic: What came?

>>Vic: What pet?

[Happy music]

>>Vic: Sooooo, what does it do?

[Happy music]

>>Vic: [Whispering} What's supposed to happen?

>>Vic: Okay, nothing's happening.

[Happy music in background]

>>Vic: That was it??

>>Vic: No. That was all it could do?

>>Vic: Not very exciting.

>>Vic: Okay.

>>Vic: Okay, what's the thing supposed to do?

>>Vic: Wait, how much did that Invinci-Pet cost?

>>Vic: A free pet? Hmmm..

>>Vic: That's weird.

>>Vic: Well, did it come with instructions?

>>Vic: There has to be instructions, I mean

>>Vic: do you even know how to use the Invinci-Pet?

>>Vic: Are you sure it didn't come with any instructions?

>>Vic: Wait, that's the instructions!

>>Vic: Here, let me see those instructions.

>>Vic: [Reading instructions]: Make sure that your batteries are fully charged before you go to bed or else...

[Overlapping echoing words] >>Vic: Fully charged....The rest of the words are...Oh, hang on, there's more....Make sure he's been fed....

>>Vic: [Echoing voice]: 25%...18....So make sure that you're Invinci-Pet is....

>>Vic: What, wait...

>>Vic: Where's the rest of the instructions?

>>Vic: Wait, you ate the rest the instructions?

>>Vic: Well at least we know a little bit about him. Okay. It says if you rub his tummy

>>Vic: he comes to life, I guess.

>>Invinci-Pet [robot voice]: Hello. I'm your personal and playful Invinci-Pet.

>>Vic: Whoa! That's awesome!

>>Vic: Okay, it says here

>>Vic: Press his eye once to enter play mode.

>>Invinci-Pet: Play mode engaged

[Chase music begins]

>>Invinci-Pet: You can't catch meeeee!

>>Vic: Uhh, should we go catch him?

>>Vic: Let's go!

[Invinci-Pet's robotic sinister laugh]

[Chase music]

>>Vic: I think he went this way, come on.

>>Vic: Okay, you look over there and I'll look over here.

>>Vic: Invinci-Pet....Invinci-Pet

>>Vic: Maybe he went over here.

>>Vic: Invinci-Pet...

[Vic hears a robotic sneeze coming from the cabinet] >>Invinci-Pet: Ah choo!

>>Vic: Ha Ha...gotcha

>>Vic: [opening cabinet] Ah ha!

>>Vic: What?

>>Vic: Ahhhh

>>Vic: He's got to be around here somewhere.

[Happy music]

>>Vic: Ah man, I'm thirsty. I gotta get a drink.

[Happy music]

>>Vic: Whoa!

>>Invinci-Pet: [robotic voice] Yay, you found me! That was so much fun!

>>Vic: Wow!

>>Vic: Franklin! This Invinci-Pet thing is awesome!

>>Vic: Dragon, have you seen this thing? This thing is awesome!

[Dragon senses something is wrong, dreadful music in the background]

>>Vic: Uh Dragon, are you okay?

[Happy music again]

>>Vic: Okay, I wanna go play with the Invinci-Pet.

>>Vic: Yes, oh my god, this thing is so cool! Wait a second, he looks kind of dirty. You think we should wash him?

>>Vic: Wait a minute, does it say he's dishwasher safe?

[Happy music]

[Washer turns on]

>>Vic: Hey, what should I switch it to?

>>Vic: Alright.

[Silence as they wait]

[Loud ding]

[Cheerful music]

>>Vic: Hey, you know what would be cool, if the Invinci-Pet like had powers to fly, but if he could shoot lasers out of his eyeballs, that'd be awesome! >>Baby: Vic!!!

>>Vic: Oh hey, uh oh I forgot uh..

>>Vic: Franklin, if the Invinci-Pet does anything could you please call me? >>Franklin: Yeah. >>Vic: Okay? Alright come on, let's..let's go play.

>>Baby: Weeee!

>>Vic: And then the little baby turtle went back to his home...

[Loud banging drum]

[Franklin yelling from the other room] >>Franklin: Vic! Vic!

>>Vic: What! What! What!

>>Vic: Oh..

>>Vic: Then little baby turtle said I don't want no macaroni and cheese...

[Loud banging drum while Franklin yells from the other room] >>Franklin: Vic! Vic!

>>Vic: What! What! What!

[Vic gasping] >>Vic: Oh.

>>Vic: Okay. ......and then he got in his airplane, and then he flew up in the sky and the little baby...

[Loud banging drum while Franklin yells from the other room] >>Franklin: Vic! Vic!

>>Vic: What! What!

>>Vic: Oh come on! I ran all the way from the other room to come see you! Argh!

>>Vic: I'm tired. We've been playing with that Invinci-Pet almost all day.

[Vic yawns] >>Vic: Goodnight Franklin.

[Crickets chirping outside]

[Door slam]

[Feeling of dread music]

>>Vic: [whispering] What the heck is that?

[Music intensifies]

>>Vic: Armond! >>Armond: Ah Vic! Good to see you! >>Vic: How long have you been out here?

>>Armond: Ahhh, just about 12 hours. >>Vic: Well, do you need help? >>Armond: No, no, no, no. I'm fine.

>>Armond: You just uh...

>>Armond: Yeah. [Continues to whack bushes]

[Jazz music playing as two visitors walk up]

>>Vic: Well, I guess I'll...[Vic gets startled]

>>Gentleman visitor: Excuse me, uh sorry for the late presence

>>Gentleman visitor: but according to our paperwork...well excuse me, let me introduce myself. My name is Mr. Bingal.

>>Mr. Bingal: I'm from the Invinci-Pet Corporation and this here is Hortense.

>>Hortense: Hello.

>>Vic: Uh, Vic O'Bannon

>>Vic: Nice to meet you, I guess.

>>Mr. Bingal: We're here on a matter of business because well

>>Mr: Bingal: the paperwork shows that you are one owner of an Invinci-Pet. Is that true?


>>Mr. Bingal: You're not one owner of an Invinci-Pet? >>Vic: Unh-uh. >>Mr. Bingal: Hortense, I thought you said the paperwork said... >>Hortense: Well, it did.

>>Mr. Bingal: Well, you know

>>Mr. Bingal: this gal right here, when she says somebody has an Invinci-Pet, she's more than likely right.

>>Vic: Uh...well no. We do not have an Invinci-Pet here.

>>Mr. Bingal: Hmmmm...

>>Mr. Bingal: well, this is surely a matter of importance because

>>Mr: Bingal: well, there's a recall. >>Armond: Hey Vic, where do you keep..oh...

>>Armond: Ahhh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..

>>Vic: Uh

>>Mr. Bingal: No problem. >>Hortense: Hello

>>Armond: [French music in background] Armond, the gardener, nice to meet you.

>>Vic: Okay, all right, wait...

>>Vic: What is this all about?

>>Mr. Bingal: Well, it's a matter of a recall. Seems our Invinci-Pet is uh, well, gone awry.

>>Vic: I'm sorry. We do not have an Invinci-Pet here.

[French music still playing]

>>Hortense: Well... >>Mr. Bingal: What about you Mr. Armond?

>>Armond: Oh! I am just the gardener of this fine man, Vic O'Bannon.

>>Mr. Bingal: Alright. Hortense?

>>Hortense: Yes?

>>Mr. Bingal: Let's go.

>>Armond: What in the world was that all about?

>>Vic: Armond....

>>Vic: We have an Invinci-Pet.

>>Armond: What?! should have told them the truth!

>>Vic: Uhhh, I just really love that Invinci-Pet and I don't want them to take it away.

>>Armond: Ahhh, Vic

>>Armond: back in Italy

>>Armond: we have a saying...

>>Armond: tell the freaking truth!!

>>Vic: I know Armond. You're right. Ugh...

>>Vic: We'll just figure it out tomorrow, okay?

[Vic snoring]

>>Franklin: [Scared] Vic!

>>Franklin: Vic!

>>Vic: [Groggy] Yeah, yeah, yeah...

>>Vic: What?

>>Vic: I gotta get back to sleep.

[Creepy music]

[Franklin sees something dash by]

[Vic snoring]

[Mumbling that he is hungry]

>>Invinci-Pet: [creepy tone, robot voice] Hello Franklin. It's good to see you.

>>Voice on TV: We now return to No! That's My Boyfriend!

>>Cheerleader Actress: [Angry] What are you doing here?

>>Ballerina Actress: I was about to meet my boyfriend here. >>Mermaid Actress: Yeah, me too.

>>Cheerleader Actress: I was supposed to meet my boyfriend here!

>>Ballerina Actress: No, I was about to meet my boyfriend here. >>Cheerleader Actress: No, I was!

>>Ballerina Actress: No, I was! >>Cheerleader Actress: No, I was! >>Mermaid Actress: No, I was! [All three start yelling at each other]

>>Cheerleader Actress: You know what? I am so angry at you guys right now! I'm gonna rub my pom-pom in your faces! I'm gonna do this...I'm gonna rub a pom-pom in your face!

[Three actresses yelling at once]

>>Vic: [with his mouthful] You tell 'em girl, you tell 'em.

>>Vic: I'm coming Franklin!!!!!

>>Vic: You!

[Invinci-Pet hissing]

>>Vic: Get back here!....Take this!

>>Vic: Yes!

[Action music]

>>Vic: No.....Not the brioche!

[French music]

[In deep, slow motion voice] >>Vic: Nooooooo!

[Action music plays while chaos taking place in the house]

>>Invinci-Pet: [robot voice] Yah, yah!

>>Armond: Oh no! Vic and his friends are in trouble! Oh!

>>Armond: Oh! What can I do? Oh! I know, I will call the professionals!

[Vic grunting trying to get away] >>Vic: Ahhhhh!

>>Armond: Guys! Guys! >>Mr. Bingal: Yes, yes...

>>Armond: Vic and his friends are in trouble!

>>Hortense: What, what?! >>Armond: Yes, he's been attacked by that demon cat!

>>Mr. Bingal: But, but what are you talking about? >>Hortense: No! >>Mr. Bingal: What demon cat?

>>Armond: The Robo-Cat!

>>Mr. Bingal: The Robo-Cat? Wait a sec...You mean an Invinci-Pet??

>>Armond: Yes! Yes!

>>Mr. Bingal: But I thought he said just...Hortense! You were right!

>>Armond: Just help me! Just help me! Come on, come on...follow me!

>>Mr. Bingal: What do you want us to do? >>Armond: Follow me! Follow me!

>>Vic: Oh no! Oh no!

>>Vic: Oh no! He's got my donut stash!

>>Vic: Ah! He's throwing donuts! Ah!

>>Armond: Vic! Vic! It is me! We are going to get you out of there!

>>Armond: We will get you out! >>Mr. Bingal: Step aside....

>>Hortense: No! Your bad back!

[Action music]

>>Mr. Bingal: Stand back.

>>Mr. Bingal: All those days of those back exercises are about to pay off.



>>Mr. Bingal: My back!


>>Hortense: Oh look. It's unlocked.

[Mr. Bingal moaning in the background]

[Creepy music]

[Mr. Bingal moaning as Hortense helps him stand up]

>>Hortense: Oh, oh my goodness.

>>Mr. Bingal: What in the world?

[Creepy music]

[Vic gasping]

>>Vic: What happened? >>Mr. Bingal: Now, where is that Invinci-Pet?

[Horror music] >>Invinci-Pet: Yah!

[Invinci-Pet and Mr. Bingal making fighting sounds]

>>Vic: Use the safe word!

>>Mr. Bingal: What's the safe word?

>>Vic: Fancy Feast!

>>Invinci-Pet: Yah! Yah! >>Mr. Bingal: Fancy Feast! Fancy Feast! Fancy Feast!

>>Invinci-Pet: [robot voice] Shutting down...

>>Vic: Yes! Now...I'm gonna eat these donuts!

>>Vic: Thank you guys so much for saving us from that Invinci-Pet.

>>Mr. Bingal: Well, you're quite welcome.

>>Mr. Bingal: And to put all this behind us we would like to give you a token of our appreciation.

>>Armond: [Excited] Is it gardening tools?

>>Mr. Bingal: No, no, it's not gardening tools. >>Armond: Ohhh

>>Mr. Bingal: On behalf of Hortense and myself, and this time she brought the paperwork. >> Hortense: Yes, I brought it.

[Triumphant background music]

>>Mr. Bingal: We would like to present to you on behalf of the Invinci-Pet Corporation, Invinci-Pet 2.0.

[Action music]

[Happy music]

For more infomation >> VicandFriends: A NEW Toy! Invinci-Pet! PUPPETS AND TOYS KIDS SHOW - Duration: 20:04.


Top 5 Best Looking Indie Games of December 2017 - Duration: 10:46.

hi everybody and welcome to get indie gaming and to the last of this year's

top five best looking indie game launch video run throughs it's been quite the

year for Indies where some have argued the triple-a side of the business seems

to be treading water independent developers continue to produce games of

outstanding quality while showing true innovation and originality

while the December launch window tends to lack some of the gravitas from

launches earlier in the year we're hoping there's something for everybody

within this month's selection once more before we gaze into the leading 5 we'll

take a short view of a number of this month's honorable mentions with midnight

quest we have an adventure style point-and-click er you play as an

assistant to a brilliant scientist who conducts experiments with time however

there has been a horrible accident and it's up to you to fix everything by

solving fascinating puzzles meeting friendly and not so friendly characters

you'll travel through time and hopefully save the professor the long reach is a

horror thriller adventure game that draws influence from such classics as

the lone survivor and the cave with it's at times gruesome looking pixel art a

haunting soundtrack and gameplay flavoured with sci-fi ideology the long

reach comes to the PC and all of the main consoles including the switch

December 11th

making its way out of early access for a full launch this December 5th oh my god

heads is a capture-the-flag action game for 1 to 4 players in this case however

the flag happens to be an ancient godlike head that's very much alive and

not at all happy to be involved in your game playing antics we played this back

in early access and very much welcomed this launch on the Xbox and the PC to

some one of the games of the year to others and unfinished mess player

unknown battlegrounds comes to the Xbox this December 12th featured in our

December indie game trailer round off spell force 3 is another early December

release with this one coming out on the PC on the 7th this one looks very much

to be a throwback to the I'll spell Thor saga with the game

combining elements of the RTS and RPGs in a unique way with an epic storyline

and with those being the final honorable mentions of the year time for one quick

clarification by the time this video comes to air it's not certain if that

games company are planning to launch their eagerly awaited sky this side of

the new year while the team have previously hinted it would come this

year aside from a Monument Valley to type of surprise announcement we've

assumed the game will hit the App Store at some point early next year having

made that clarification and for the last time in 2017 here are the top five

best-looking indie games coming out this December a huge attraction of indie

gaming and the scene in general stems from seeing developers put together and

launch interesting and innovative creations the types of things you won't

see coming from within the traditional mainstream here's a prime example floor

kids expected to launch in December on the switch iOS and Android is an

original game created by industry experts John John and Kid Koala with the

help of the renowned artist Eric Sam they've put together a game about

breakdancing that's a clear nod to the 1980s and its cultural heyday and

significance we think it's best to consider this as a type of a dance like

RPG as you can expect the aim is to put together moves in sync to the 40

original tunes commissioned for the game with 8 playable characters 16 moves per

person at least five in-game areas and also more than 100 transitions to unlock

the game comes with a couch based co-op together with a single-player campaign

all things turning out well we're planning on producing some gameplay

footage of floor kids which we hope to pop out just prior to its launch it was

the mother of all storms but somehow I just knew

everything was gonna be well being stranded on a desert island is a lot of

fun you get to meet new friends you get in shape and you learn how to craft

bouncing into early access this December 6y lands is both a sandbox exploration

survival adventure and also a game creation styled platform aimed squarely

at casual or perhaps the younger player demographics as you can possibly gather

from the footage there's more than a passing nod to minecraft although

looking through the game specs its creation tools are more advanced and

wider reaching players will be able to create their own games pretty much in a

similar vein to that scene within the LittleBigPlanet franchise from a few

years ago there's clearly a lot on offer here with the crafting exploration and

randomly generated areas both for a single and multiplayer environment the

low poly graphics won't be to everybody's taste and were quite

interested to see how the game is able to blend itself together and not

alienate its target market games that have gone after the Minecraft crown have

sometimes fallen short and yet with the skilled team err armor games while and

maybe the title to take the mantle

we featured hallo neighbor once or twice before or get indie gaming its design

and features seemed to split opinions fairly evenly loved or low with the

premise what dynamic pixels are trying to put together here should in our

humble opinions be somewhat special out after a series of betas on the PC and

Xbox this December 8 hello neighbor is a stealth based survival game the goal is

to successfully sneak into the basement of your neighbor's house to discover the

terrible secret that lies within if you're caught in the act of

housebreaking you're sent back to try again having played the demo much of the

fun here is driven by the game's AI which modifies the neighbors behavior

depending on your past actions that window you jump through last time well

in the next playthrough it may very well be alarmed or booby-trapped with its

colorful graphics and a playful gameplay wrapped within more than a hint of

menace hello neighbor maybe one of the surprises of the season

clearly taking inspiration from the advanced war series tiny metal and the

area 35 team behind it are looking to recreate the charm and excitement of the

much adored military turn-based strategy series not without some recent

controversy we'll put a link in the description below for anybody interested

tiny metals low poly and isometric style gameplay features 15 units to build in

command within the campaign and skirmish maps I look at the gameplay suggests in

keeping and as expected with the war series for reference success or

otherwise will come from superior tactical abilities over your enemy said

to feature a 20-hour single-player like all good games of this type you'll need

to carefully consider the varying terrain the correct positioning of your

forces for attacking the enemy and also the strategic nature behind advancements

and defense coming from Sony Music Entertainment new indie label unties

this arcade war game jumps onto the PlayStation 4 PC and Nintendo switch on

December 21st and is this month's runner up

in the last number one place of the Year Jason Roberts long-awaited hand

Illustrated rotoscoped puzzle adventure game gorgoa will be released on December

the 14th Gora Gora is a part point-and-click and part visual story

novella described as a subtle and yet complex fable our focus for putting the

game so highly is in relation to the stunningly beautiful artistry with the

strength of the storytelling made even stronger by the animations in each of

the game's scenes which are little windows into other worlds players are

shown four tiles which can be moved and combined to solve puzzles and game

progression after four years and development some within the industry

have compared gura gura in parts to that of the snowman by Raymond Briggs

delicate subtle innovative and certainly something quite ungainly our last indie

game number one of the Year Gora Gora comes to the iOS and PC platforms with

perhaps others to follow we can't help but think had gorgoa given its premise

and design been released earlier in the year it may very well have been a

contender for our game of the Year shortlist if you haven't already checked

this out we'll leave a link in the description below wow this is the last

of our indie game launch videos of the year we're far from putting our feet up

for the rest of 2017 we've our Kickstarter and hidden gems episode 2

put together a piece on the best and most fun games of the switch this

Christmas and holiday season and perhaps if there's time our first industry

opinion piece where we've been looking into what Nintendo did to ensure the

success of their switch device switching parts took much of the business wholly

by surprise so thank you once again for watching we always appreciate you taking

the time to do so if you've any thoughts on today's games

or any other content in general please let us know hope to see you here again

soon for more videos


For more infomation >> Top 5 Best Looking Indie Games of December 2017 - Duration: 10:46.


How Computers Revolutionized Space Travel - Duration: 5:03.

When Alan Shepard became the first American in space in 1961, he rode in a Mercury capsule

packed with the world's most cutting-edge technology.

It had almost everything you'd expect a spaceship to have, from a heat shield to plenty of oxygen.

But it was missing one really big thing: a computer!

Somehow, our first mission to space relied on Newton's good 'ole "what goes up,

must come down" idea about gravity.

Thankfully, we've come a long way since those early days.

And as computers have gotten more powerful, they've completely transformed how we explore

the solar system.

And along the way, the space industry gave computer science a boost, too.

By the time NASA was getting serious about landing on the Moon, everyone knew the Mercury

system wouldn't cut it.

Mission control in Houston provided most Apollo flight control data, but there were still

critical times when the astronauts couldn't rely on Earth.

And the most important time was during lunar landing.

Because the Moon is so far and signals can only travel so fast, there's a round-trip

communication delay of about two and half seconds between Earth and the Moon.

Which was just way too long during landing.

So each Apollo mission needed computers capable of doing everything necessary to reach the

lunar surface.

The problem was that computers back then fit in whole rooms, not on desks, and the Apollo

missions needed something with as little mass as possible.

So computer engineering had to step it up.

NASA assigned this huge task to MIT, which proposed using a new technology: the integrated circuit.

In the 1950s, computers were being made with transistors, tiny electronic switches that

form the foundation of digital circuits.

But all the wires needed to connect them together still left a bulky, sometimes unreliable end

result -- which is not good if you only get one chance to land on the Moon!

Integrated circuits solve this problem by printing the transistor and its wiring directly

on a thin sheet of silicon, which increases reliability and decreases weight.

Using integrated circuits in the Apollo Guidance Computer was a huge risk because they'd

never been tried outside a prototype — but they worked!

The final computers weighed only about 32 kilograms — or about as much as a golden

retriever — and each one performed flawlessly in flight.

To build them, MIT also bought basically the whole world's supply of integrated circuits,

which really helped out the computer industry.

In 1961, a single circuit cost about $32, and each Apollo computer used them by the thousands.

With all that demand, the price plummeted to just a buck-twenty-five a decade later,

and today every computerized product on Earth is built from integrated circuits.

Thanks, Apollo!

Of course, we had plenty of robotic missions in the 1960s, too.

And since those didn't have astronauts, they definitely needed computers.

But they were super basic!

Back then, they weren't even called computers; instead these so-called sequencers just stored

a list of commands and the time they should be executed.

Once the mission was in flight, everything was totally out of our hands.

The first mission to break this mold didn't come until 1969, when Mariner 6 and 7 flew

past Mars.

The Mariner 6 flyby happened first, and then scientists could use the data it collected

to reprogram Mariner 7 mid-flight.

That way, when Mariner 7 showed up at Mars five days later, it could get an even better

data return.

Now, almost 50 years later, our flight sequencing has gotten a lot more complicated, thanks

to more powerful computers.

When Cassini made its final dives between Saturn and its rings this fall, it was executing

the last commands of a 294-orbit mission.

Something that complicated could never have been planned out years in advance, so it was

critical that mission controllers could update the computer along the way.

Cassini's flight computer is simple compared to what's in your phone, but it successfully

flipped and spun the spacecraft to make sure every instrument was pointed in the right

place at the right time.

And all those flips and turns have taught us a lot about Saturn's moons, weather,

and more.

Modern computers are also enabling missions we wouldn't have dreamed of in the past

— like the Sky Crane that dropped the Curiosity rover on Mars in 2012.

Curiosity is way too big for an airbag-style landing, like what we used for the Opportunity

rover, so engineers built the parachute, rocket, and winch combo of the Sky Crane to lower

it to the ground.

Like with the Apollo landings, there's a communications delay between Earth and Mars,

so everything was up to the flight computer.

But unlike a sequencer, the computer had split-second decisions to make.

After being dropped from the parachute, the Sky Crane had just moments to find its elevation

and velocity, determine its orientation, account for the local wind speed, and fire its rockets

to get balanced.

And it had to decide when to lower Curiosity and when to cut it loose.

All before anyone on Earth even knew it was entering the atmosphere.

Spoilers: It worked!

And now Curiosity is living a happy, productive life on Mars.

Without computers powerful enough to collect that data and make those decisions, Curiosity

may have never made it to Mars in the first place.

And luckily there's no sign this innovation will slow down.

Opportunity and Curiosity can already pick some of their own objects to study, and Curiosity

can drive itself over short distances like a self-driving car.

That's a heck of a long way to come in sixty years, and there's no telling what will

come next.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space, brought to you by our awesome patrons

on Patreon who make everything we do possible!

If you want to learn more about the human computers who helped Alan Shepherd and other

Mercury astronauts get to space, check out one of my all time favorite SciShow Space

videos on Katherine Johnson.

For more infomation >> How Computers Revolutionized Space Travel - Duration: 5:03.


David Harbour's Intense Body Transformation To Become Hellboy - Duration: 4:48.

Though he's no stranger to television, you probably recognize American actor David Harbour

as Stranger Things' chain-smoking lawman Chief Hopper.

His character in the hit Netflix series is a hero of sorts...but not exactly a superhero.

There's one comics-derived role that's perfect for him, though: the cigar-smoking half-demon

hero Hellboy.

Since the first image of Harbour as Hellboy for the upcoming reboot went live, the internet

has buzzed with conjecture as to how Stranger Things' soft sheriff got so swole.

Well, wonder no longer!

Here's how Harbour shed that extra weight and put on some powerful red muscle.

Workout blues

Prior to landing the Hellboy reboot, David Harbour's relationship with the gym wasn't

particularly close.

In fact, it was virtually non-existent—a fact unsurprising to anyone who's ever seen

Chief Hopper washing down his Monday-morning medication with last night's beer and eating

donuts for breakfast.

In an interview on his trainer's official website, Harbour explained:

"I was a chubby kid growing up.

Straight out of college, I did my first play, which I got pretty in shape for, but I let

that go completely.

So from about the time I was 26 years old, to about now, I haven't really been training

at the gym seriously at all."

Harbour is now in his 40s, but he's proven that it's never too late to get back in shape.

Superhero trainer

Going from playing a police chief with a beer belly to a jacked-up half-demon superhero

is no easy feat—and probably one Harbour couldn't accomplish by himself.

In order to go from big softie to Brother Red, he enlisted the help of one of Hollywood's

biggest names in the training biz: Don Saladino..

Saladino's client list is extensive, and includes superhero actors like Sebastian Stan and Ryan

Reynolds, among others.

As Harbour explained.

"There is something very special about Don as a person and a trainer.

He brings great creativity to the workout regimes, which in the past have usually terrified

and bored me.

His methods are unique, as well as heavily researched.

Not only that, but they are even fun, despite the challenges you are taking on."

Boot camp

As is often the case with big-name superhero films, David Harbour needed to get into Hellboy

shape in a very short period of time.

Thanks to Don Saladino's official Instagram, we know he put Harbour through a rigorous

10-week boot camp, and that was just to kick things off.

Saladino said,

"Getting David ready for this role was an absolute blast for me.

The sessions weren't easy, but like all of my clients, I made sure that he felt great

at the end of every day.

By the end he not only put on some real muscle, but also was more flexible than ever."

As for Harbour, well, his goals were a little more down to earth.

"I'd like to discover that I have abs!

Even if those abs are a bit fleshy."

Secret weapon

In an interview with The New York Post, Saladino laid out the tailored regimen that took Harbour

from Hopper to Hellboy.

First, they increased the frequency of his workouts to "...five to six days a week in

the nine weeks before Hellboy."

But the real key to success, Saladino revealed, is a move he calls "the suitcase carry," According

to the all-star trainer, this workout hits "nearly every muscle group in the body, from

the glutes to the biceps."

Though it may sound grueling, Saladino said Harbour "never complained about anything"

and that he "just loved how strong he was getting."

Hey, who wouldn't?

Scary strength

Most superhero actors training for the big screen are not only trying to get ripped--they're

trying to look good doing it.

David Harbour?

He trained to get scary.

And in order to look scary, he had to look strong.

Really strong.

"We didn't want like an abercrombie, like ripped out…

You needed to look like - scary!"

Harbour agreed, saying:

"In terms of Hellboy, like he's a big demon monster but he really knows how to fight.

I did want to develop mainly power and strength so that when I'm doing these movements and

doing this role that you believe it.

Like, you believe that this guy, when he hits you, hits you like a truck."

He stayed motivated

As any actor who's ever embarked on a superhero training regimen will tell you, motivation

is key.

David Harbour found motivation through the people who'll flock to theaters to see the

Hellboy reboot.

"The fans are what are keeping me motivated through everything.

As well as the audience that will come see the movie and the haters out there who have

decided to make their opinion known before a scene has even been shot.

I've got something to prove to all three.

I really want to do justice to this character and create a Hellboy that everyone can get


Room to grow

Despite his intense 10-week boot camp with one of Hollywood's most in-demand trainers,

David Harbour isn't actually getting as big as you might think.

In fact—as you may have guessed from the first images of the actor as Hellboy—he's

actually wearing a bodysuit.

Harbour went on LIVE with Kelly and Ryan to explain his dismay at not being able to post

Instagram selfies like his other superhero cohorts:

"Well the thing is I thought, here we go - I get to do a superhero movie.

I'm gonna do the Chris Pratt thing where you buff out and take selfies in front of the


"And the producers are now like if you lose weight you're not going to fit in the suit."

The upshot?

Harbour is working out, but he also gets to eat all the junk food he wants.

Sure beats whatever Chris Pratt's been eating, no matter how many Instagram selfies he gets

to take.

Thanks for watching!

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For more infomation >> David Harbour's Intense Body Transformation To Become Hellboy - Duration: 4:48.


7 Days to Die | Settler's | Ep20 | Single Player Live - Duration: 1:36:54.

For more infomation >> 7 Days to Die | Settler's | Ep20 | Single Player Live - Duration: 1:36:54.


Aislar un muro húmedo con placas de yeso laminado 2 (Bricocrack) - Duration: 20:35.

For more infomation >> Aislar un muro húmedo con placas de yeso laminado 2 (Bricocrack) - Duration: 20:35.


What If Humans Were Twice As Intelligent? - Duration: 3:49.

Would you want to be twice as intelligent?

They say that ignorance is bliss, perhaps not.

Being twice as intelligent would create a lot of opportunities.

But what would life truly be like if humans were twice as intelligent?

Hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions, I'm charlotte dobre.

As always hit that like and subscribe and let us know in the comments below what topics

you would like to see next.

The current average IQ for humans is 100, but lets say that average became 200.

Statistically speaking, for every 10 billion people, there is 1 person with an IQ of 200.

So seeing as there are only 7 billion people on earth, there might not even be someone

alive today with an IQ of 200.

The last person who was estimated to have an IQ that high was Sir Isaac Newton, but

he never took an IQ test, so we will never know.

What we do know is, if everyone on earth were a genius, the number of people with Bachelors

degrees and PHDs would also increase substantially.

Each one of us would read more often.

Ever wanted to learn a language?

With an average IQ of 200, you could learn any language in a matter of weeks.

we could also pursue pretty much any career we wanted.

There would be far more brain surgeons, and astrophysicists.

Perhaps if more of us were geniuses, people would earn more money across the board.

We would be far more advanced when it comes to space travel, because the more intelligent

people there are working on a particular project, the more likely they will come up with an

extraordinary innovation.

Many of our problems could become solvable.

We could find a solution to our energy crisis, find cures for terrible diseases stop global

climate change, and even find a way to take the salt out of salt water.

Many of the military conflicts on earth arise because of resources, and it's been that

way since the dawn of civilization.

It can be assumed that if we didn't have to fight over resources anymore, there would

be far fewer wars.

That doesn't mean violence would disappear altogether, but there would be a lot less

of it.

There would be a lower rate of violent crimes as well as petty crimes.

People with higher test scores tend to break the law a lot less often.

If people were twice as intelligent, however, there would be more people who would try to

cheat the system, so to speak.

We would very well see a rise in banking scams.

That being said, there would be far fewer people who believe in god But there is a lot

of evidence to suggest that people with higher IQs are less accepting of religious beliefs.

This is not true across the board, there are and have been incredibly intelligent people

who are also religious.

Being twice as smart likely means we would have a much longer life expectancy.

Smart people often know how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

And those who are burdened with the challenges of diseases like diabetes would be better

at managing it.

Surprisingly, if we were all twice as smart there would be far more better looking people.

I say that because the stereotypical genius isn't necessarily what you would call a


Editor show a picture of a nerdy girl and guy.

In reality, smart people understand the importance of exercise and grooming.

Being intelligent, as well as attractive opens up a lot of opportunities, both socially and

career-wise, and intelligent people know that.

According to a Harvard University Study, there is a significant correlation between people's

test scores and how physically attractive other people rate them to be.

In case you're wondering, yes there are downsides to being twice as intelligent.

Being intelligent does not necessarily mean you are emotionally stable.

Intelligence is independent of personality and emotion, so if humans were twice as smart,

you would still have a variety of personality types.

Sir Isaac newton was incredibly smart, but he hated people, and spent most of his life

in solitude.

He was notoroiously arrogant, and mostly spoke to other scientists by mail.

He didn't have many friends, few family members he liked, and apparently, not even

a single lover.

Could it be said that perhaps being twice as smart would make us reluctant to open up

to people and fall in love?

What do you think the world would be like if human beings were twice as intelligent?

Let us know in the comments below.

If you want to continue on your quest for answers, you should check out our playlist,

biggest what ifs, clickable on the screen right now.

For now, I'm charlotte dobre for lifes biggest questions.

Click that bell notification so you can stay up to date with when we upload videos.

For more infomation >> What If Humans Were Twice As Intelligent? - Duration: 3:49.


Elif Episode 617 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 57 (English subtitles) - Duration: 4:32.

Good morning, Mrs. Macide!

Good morning indeed, Yıldız.

I'll prepare your breakfast in couple of minutes.

I won't be at the breakfast table, set the table for the others.

I'll be in my study.

Mustafa will show up, send him to my room.

Sure, my lady.

What is the matter with her?

Well, who am I preparing this breakfast for?

Everybody is so on edge lately!

Let's hope for the best.

Here, look, have some of these, you need vitamins.

Just cucumber won't do it.

Open your mouth, open.

There you go!

Who knows what you ate on the streets!

You gotta get much more vitamins, isn't that right?

Hope you didn't stay on the streets!

No, I haven't.

So then?

Where did you stay, with who?

How did the accident happen?

I was walking there...

I thought I saw my mother.

Then I got excited.

Then I ran towards the road.

Then the car just hit me.

Is your mother alive?

Who's your mother?

You know it too, Mrs. Macide.

One of Tarık's guys tried to damage Yusuf and his shop.

It is possible that Melek, Elif's mother came up with the same conclusion.

Maybe she's still alive.

She might be hiding to protect her daughter.

If that is true, who is buried in the tomb?

This is only a possibility, of course.

But with the prosecutor's permission, we'll be able to open the tomb.

Getting that permission isn't easy, we have to present valid justification.

We have nothing, except an accident report full of lies.

My only wish is for Elif to be with people with good intentions.

We can go back for the accident report.

We can ask for a new one from the court.

These things take time, Mustafa.

If we're going to take this route, we need to come up with all a list of all doubts about the accident.

We have no time to lose.

You're right, Mrs. Macide.

I believe we've made a mistake, searching only for Elif.

Maybe, Mustafa.


For more infomation >> Elif Episode 617 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 57 (English subtitles) - Duration: 4:32.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 72 - Duration: 4:28.


For more infomation >> Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 72 - Duration: 4:28.


World of Tanks - A Batalha Final: o Trailer - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> World of Tanks - A Batalha Final: o Trailer - Duration: 1:01.


Put God first, pray with others for revival, and be available to be used by God. - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Put God first, pray with others for revival, and be available to be used by God. - Duration: 1:45.


Pink Shares The Dating Advice She Gave Her Six Year Old Daughter | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:07.

Pink's songs are known for their raw support for female empowerment, so of course she's

making sure that her six-year-old daughter Willow is raised right.

According the E! Online, Pink gave Cosmopolitan magazine the low-down about what she told

her young daughter about dating boys in the future.

Pink reportedly said, "She said to me the other day, 'How many boys can I have at

once?' and I said, 'Excuse me?'"

But then Pink assures the magazine that she gave Willow a little life lesson.

Pink reportedly said," "Probably none of them because they won't deserve you…

They have to be kind, respectful, they have to be chivalrous, they have to be good to

their moms, they have to be good looking, they have to be funny."

Considering Cosmo also reports that Pink's main hope for womankind is "equality, safety

and respect," you can bet her daughter will get plenty of lessons on all of those values.

For more infomation >> Pink Shares The Dating Advice She Gave Her Six Year Old Daughter | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:07.


John Mayer Rushed to Hospital For Emergency Appendectomy | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 0:56.

John Mayer's body is not a wonderland at the moment!

According to TMZ, the singer had to be rushed to a hospital in New Orleans for an emergency


The singer and guitarist was reportedly on tour with the Dead and Company, but now the

shows are being postponed until Mayer recovers.

TMZ also reports that Mayer is on tour with his own group, and pending the recovery time

needed after the surgery, it may be a while before he is able to step back on stage.

The 40-year-old will undergo the procedure, which will remove his appendix.

According to, it's a common emergency surgery that's performed to treat


With any luck, Mayer should be able to return to his tour within a few weeks.

For more infomation >> John Mayer Rushed to Hospital For Emergency Appendectomy | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 0:56.


The Jesus Trio - Man Of Light - Duration: 4:00.
















































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