V/O: Are you finding the best witch for the job?
I want a witch who can make a really good love potion.
I want her to laugh like this (cackles badly) ...but better.
Um, I'm interested in finding a witch who can, like, shout the funny latin sounds and then
the magic will do the thing it does.
I'd like someone who's good with a broomstick.
Maybe a mop.
What I really want to know is what the limits are for flying cleaning equipment
to be honest.
I want a witch with a bizarrely mundane weakness in case she gets out of control.
I'm really just looking for a witch who can sing really well.
V/O: If you want to know which witch is right for you, and how to get the best from her,
call Witch? on (cackle) to order our free Find the Best Witch guide.
We'll help you find your perfect witch.
Show you how the best ones fly and cackle.
How to interview them and see their magic styles.
There's tips on potion making, security, and of course, our jargon buster.
It's like having a Witch? expert in your pocket.
(Tiny mumbling sounds)
This is so helpful!
Her cackling really terrifies the kids!
(doorbell; children yelling "trick or treat!"; cackle; various terrified screams)
(Screams die away) Most peaceful Halloween we've had in years.
I'm so glad I got this guide.
Now I know the best place to get a love potion I can finally get those two together!
My ears are in heaven right now!
(Dramatic cackling long note)
It's more than I could have asked for!
I mean, who knew washing machines could go that high?
She's out of control!
(Cackling, crashing sounds)
I know she has a weakness but she won't let me get to the guide to see it!
(More cackling and bashing)
(Melty screams)
V/O: Find the best witch for the job.
Call now for your free Witch? guide.
And it's free, it just makes it even better, doesn't it.
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