She's a Hollywood legend and everyone's favorite honorary grandma — and she travels with
her own teakettle, because of course she does.
But what do you really know about actress, singer, and all-around queen Julie Andrews?
Here's a closer look at the incredible woman who taught us that a spoonful of sugar helps
the medicine go down… or the airplane stay up.
"Julie Andrews is in the cockpit!"
She had a troubled family life
Considering the sunny nature of her most famous roles, it might surprise you to learn that
Julie Andrews' childhood wasn't a happy one.
Things got bad after her parents divorced, and her mother, Barbara Morris, married a
vaudeville performer named Ted Andrews.
Andrews was heavy drinker who tried on two occasions to climb into bed with his stepdaughter,
until Julie put a lock on her door to make sure it wouldn't happen again.
But as a teenager, the young Andrews' four-octave vocal range made her a valuable asset to her
stepfathers act, and the family relied on her talents to make money — at the expense
of her childhood.
Her real father was a stranger
In 1949, Andrews put on a singing performance at the home of a family friend, a man with
whom she felt an inexplicable connection.
But it was still a shock when her mother told her the truth: The man was actually her biological
Andrews was shaken, but she says it didn't change the way she felt about Ted Wells, her mother's
first husband and the man she believed was her real father.
In Andrews' memoir Home, she wrote,
"I would always consider him my father.
I loved him with all my being."
She was the first Eliza Doolittle
Andrews' big break came when she won the lead in the musical My Fair Lady, a challenging
role that made her a bona fide star — and made the show a huge hit.
But when a film adaptation was announced, the studio shocked everyone by casting Audrey
Hepburn as Eliza instead of Andrews, a decision that even Hepburn herself thought was crazy.
Andrews told The Hollywood Reporter:
"[Audrey] said to me, 'You should have done My Fair Lady, Julie — but I didn't have
the guts to turn it down.'
Which was very sweet.
Classy dame."
Adding insult to injury, Hepburn didn't have the vocal chops to do the role justice; instead,
the voice you hear during the movie's musical numbers is "ghost singer" Marni Nixon.
"The rain in spain stays mainly in the plain…"
"By george she's got it!"
She delayed the production of Mary Poppins
Fortunately, Andrews didn't have to wait long for good news after her My Fair Lady snub:
shortly thereafter, Walt Disney invited her to come see the storyboard and hear the songs
that had been written for a brand new movie.
"At a time in my life when the next break was just a big question mark...
Suddenly, there was Mary Poppins and Walt."
There was just one problem: Andrews was three months pregnant when Disney came calling.
But Walt knew who he wanted for his leading lady, so the production was put on hold until
Andrews was ready to join them in the role that would make her a movie star — and an
Oscar winner.
All about The Sound of Music
Even though Andrews was an Academy Award winner and professional singer, the role of Maria
in The Sound of Music wasn't just handed to her.
She had to audition against more bankable movie stars like Doris Day and Grace Kelly
for the privilege of bringing iconic moments like this one to life onscreen.
And speaking of that famous scene: Those hills might have been alive with the sound of music,
but they were also a difficult place to make a movie.
According to Andrews, the downdraft from the helicopter that flew past to get that gorgeous
shot ended up knocking her over on every take.
"We did this six or seven times and I was spitting dirt and hay"
She almost lost her voice
In 1997, tragedy struck when Andrews underwent surgery on her vocal cords — and lost her
four-octave vocal range as a result, leading to a lawsuit against the physicians who performed
her surgery.
It took a heavy toll on the actress, who underwent grief counseling to cope with the loss of
her legendary voice.
Andrews hasn't stopped singing entirely, though she uses a different style now.
But her newly limited vocal range doesn't hold her back from putting on a great show,
and she's grateful for the opportunity to branch out into new kinds of work, telling
The Telegraph,
"I thought at the time my voice was what I am.
But it seems it's not all that I am."
She knows the secret to a happy marriage
The second wedding was a charm for Andrews, who tied the knot husband Blake Edwards in
The couple were happily married until Edwards' passing in 2010, sometimes even working together
— although Andrews admitted that being directed by her husband could be challenging, in a
fun way.
"When I'm doing a love scene with somebody and he'll say things like 'Just great honey
but I know you can do it better.'"
Andrews credits "patience and perseverance" as the secret to a lasting marriage, telling
Good Morning Britain,
"We were married 41 years and it was a love story.
Success in our marriage was to take it one day at a time and so, lo and behold, 41 years
later there we still were."
She doesn't take anything for granted
Considering Andrews' immense success, you might expect it all to go to her head.
But that has never been the case.
Andrews is as gracious, giving, humble, and poised as ever; you might even say that she's
practically perfect in every way.
And if you ask for the secret to her incredible success?
Her answer is totally on brand.
"The secret is that I'm an unbelievably lucky human being."
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For more infomation >> The Fascinating Life Of Julie Andrews - Duration: 5:53.-------------------------------------------
Sbooktober Challenge 1- Decorate your Bookshelves!! - Duration: 1:28.
Hey everyone it's October! Happy Halloween! So this month I'm going to be
participating in the Sbooktober read-a-thon which is a yearly
read-a-thon that happens every October. This read-a-thon is hosted by some
wonderful booktubers that I will leave down below. There's video challenges,
picture challenges, read-a-thons, watch- thon's, it's a wonderful time and I'm
really excited about it! I do want to be doing every video challenge but I'm not
sure that I'm gonna be able to just because of my internship and time but I
am doing the first challenge which is this video! The first challenge for Sbooktober
is a decorate your bookshelf for Halloween. Now some of you may know that
I have no bookshelves because I'm not home but I have a little tiny bookshelf
that I'm gonna be decorating because it's Halloween
that most wonderful time of the year. Let's do this! All I have is this
spiderweb thing but um I'll make it happen
I also had this pumpkin spice candle which I love.
Thank you guys so much for watching! Remember do some serious reading, I'll see guys next time! Adios!
Youtube Project 1: Commodification of Beaches - Duration: 2:12.
Commodification is the act of taking something that is not a product and turning it into
that can be bought and sold.
The commodification of beaches has become very popular, we can see examples of it in
resorts built on beaches, privatized beaches, board walks with commercial goods and services,
the goods marketed to enhance beach experience.
Beaches were once a thing of nature accessible to all, but now they can be privatized for
the highest bidder.
In addition to being able to charge for access, many goods are bought and sold for enhanced
beach experience, such as chairs, umbrellas, toys, coolers, and water gear.
Images of the beach can also be sold and used to sell the idea of relaxation and luxury.
Fancy resorts are built on beaches and use beaches in their advertising to attract tourists.
The commodification of beaches is just one example of the commodification of nature in
This trend also applies to wild life parks, safari's, and national and state parks.
A Great Short Game Practice Session - Practice Like You Play - Duration: 8:30.
I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
Today I'm going to show you one of the best ways to lower your score with practice.
This is the best practice method you can have to really have an impact on your score.
If you are looking forward to hearing it stay tuned.
It's funny.
A lot of people think that a way to a better score is to work on hitting their driver further.
Or getting their driver on the fairway more often.And while some maybe you could make
a case for both of those.
I think the best way to lower your score is to really improve your short game.
And here is a game that I get a lot of people to play.
We are in the same place.We are about 35 meters near enough to 40 yards from the flag stick.
It is a very tricky pin position.
The pin is at the very front of the green, there is not much green to work with.
But the object here is we have 3 balls and I am going to try and have a par with each
We are saying it's a Par 3.
So we have got to get it on the green and 2 putt and hopefully we will get par or better
with these 3 shots.
And if we don't that's ok it gives us something to strive for in the future.
Now the key to this game is we are not going to hit the same shot 3 times.
Because remember we don't want to hit the same shot over and over.
On the course we have to do it the first time.
So even though we have got 3 balls here in play.
I have to hit 3 totally different shots when I play this game.
So i'm going to start with my hybrid.
So I am going to think about using a hybrid.
And people say gee it's uphill all the way.
The grass is reasonably long.
We have had a fairly wet last few weeks.
It's starting to dry out but it's still wet.
But yep I still think we can use a hybrid from here.
So I have got to feel how hard I need to hit this.
I am trying to take technique out.
I am just thinking feel.
So we will see how I go with this one.
So I have got it up there.
It's just short.
I hope it stays there and doesn't roll back.
Here it comes it didn't quite get up there.
It's coming back again.
But, I have got a putter for my next one.
I am just off the green.
As long as it stops I am still a chance to make my 3 from there.
It just needed a few more weetbix for lunch.
The next shot I am going to play is, I am going to choose a 7 iron.
Now I am not saying you have to do this.
We just the rule says we have to play 3 different shots.
So I am just going to go with a 7 iron.
So this is a form of chip and run.
A little bit like the hybrid but I am going to land this a bit closer to the green.
And I am going to hopefully run that up that slope a little bit.
It's running it's got up there but I think I am going to have the same result.
It's going to come back and it's going to run just to the edge.
That's ok.
No it's still running.
I didn't quite give it enough.
But if I 2 putt from there I am ok.
The last one I am going to hit is I am going to use my lob wedge.
My 60 degree sand wedge.
So we will see how I go with this one.
That;s got up there.
I think that will stay there.
So that makes it pretty easy.
So you might say to me why don't you just keep playing the same shot?
Well the object is we are trying to create some imagination.
We can't always play the same shot.
So we have to try and get better at all 3.
The lob wedge is probably the best shot.
And I would probably play that from here almost every time.
But we have got to get better at doing the different shots.
So unless we practice them how do we get better at them.
So here is where my second ball has finished.
As I said.
It did get up there but it has rolled back So now I have to try and get this ball close
enough so I can 2 putt.
So we will see how I go with it.
Pretty happy with that.
It's given me a very good chance.
Now we will go back to the next one.
Ok so here is where my first ball finished.
It did get up close but it came backwards.
So I have got to try and get this one in a little close as well.
And it's just gone a little left.
It's coming backwards.
Oh dear.
I didn't see that one happening.
It's come back all the way off the green.
Now I am further away from where I started.
This happens.
This is part of golf.
I actually thought I hit that stone dead.
But I was wrong.
So now I have got a more difficult shot.
I have already had 2.
I have got to get 9 for the 3.
I better get one of those putts and get this one in close enough.
I made sure I got that one past.
So that's pretty good.
Now I have got to try and get the ball in the hole.
So I have played ah 3, 4, 5, 6 shots.
If I can 1 putt all of these I am ok.
So I am going to have to mark this ball.
This was the last putt tht I hit.
So that's my 4.
So I have had a bogey with that ball.
This was my second sorry last shot.
So I am actually sitting here for 1.
So that one is in.
So that's a birdie.
So I have had a bogey and a birdie.
Now I have to hole this for a successful game.
Phew that was tricky.
So there was one unexpected outcome there.
I didn't think that shot would roll back further than when I started.
But it happens it was a very tough pin position.
So if you can play this game regularly.
From different spots.
Always use different clubs.
And tht way you get experience at hitting all of the 3 different shots.
You will get a lot better.
And this is going to have more impact on your score than getting out and busting balls on
a golf range.
So I hope you enjoyed this lesson.
Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.
I am Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
And if you like my videos you can click on the subscribe button down on the round avatar
down the bottom there.
You can get further information from my FaceBook page or my Twitter feed.
You can sign up to my electronoc newsletter at
How to Draw Spinners for Kids - Coloring Pages for Children - Painting and Drawing Coloring Books - Duration: 2:32.
Coloring Pages
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