She's a Hollywood legend and everyone's favorite honorary grandma — and she travels with
her own teakettle, because of course she does.
But what do you really know about actress, singer, and all-around queen Julie Andrews?
Here's a closer look at the incredible woman who taught us that a spoonful of sugar helps
the medicine go down… or the airplane stay up.
"Julie Andrews is in the cockpit!"
She had a troubled family life
Considering the sunny nature of her most famous roles, it might surprise you to learn that
Julie Andrews' childhood wasn't a happy one.
Things got bad after her parents divorced, and her mother, Barbara Morris, married a
vaudeville performer named Ted Andrews.
Andrews was heavy drinker who tried on two occasions to climb into bed with his stepdaughter,
until Julie put a lock on her door to make sure it wouldn't happen again.
But as a teenager, the young Andrews' four-octave vocal range made her a valuable asset to her
stepfathers act, and the family relied on her talents to make money — at the expense
of her childhood.
Her real father was a stranger
In 1949, Andrews put on a singing performance at the home of a family friend, a man with
whom she felt an inexplicable connection.
But it was still a shock when her mother told her the truth: The man was actually her biological
Andrews was shaken, but she says it didn't change the way she felt about Ted Wells, her mother's
first husband and the man she believed was her real father.
In Andrews' memoir Home, she wrote,
"I would always consider him my father.
I loved him with all my being."
She was the first Eliza Doolittle
Andrews' big break came when she won the lead in the musical My Fair Lady, a challenging
role that made her a bona fide star — and made the show a huge hit.
But when a film adaptation was announced, the studio shocked everyone by casting Audrey
Hepburn as Eliza instead of Andrews, a decision that even Hepburn herself thought was crazy.
Andrews told The Hollywood Reporter:
"[Audrey] said to me, 'You should have done My Fair Lady, Julie — but I didn't have
the guts to turn it down.'
Which was very sweet.
Classy dame."
Adding insult to injury, Hepburn didn't have the vocal chops to do the role justice; instead,
the voice you hear during the movie's musical numbers is "ghost singer" Marni Nixon.
"The rain in spain stays mainly in the plain…"
"By george she's got it!"
She delayed the production of Mary Poppins
Fortunately, Andrews didn't have to wait long for good news after her My Fair Lady snub:
shortly thereafter, Walt Disney invited her to come see the storyboard and hear the songs
that had been written for a brand new movie.
"At a time in my life when the next break was just a big question mark...
Suddenly, there was Mary Poppins and Walt."
There was just one problem: Andrews was three months pregnant when Disney came calling.
But Walt knew who he wanted for his leading lady, so the production was put on hold until
Andrews was ready to join them in the role that would make her a movie star — and an
Oscar winner.
All about The Sound of Music
Even though Andrews was an Academy Award winner and professional singer, the role of Maria
in The Sound of Music wasn't just handed to her.
She had to audition against more bankable movie stars like Doris Day and Grace Kelly
for the privilege of bringing iconic moments like this one to life onscreen.
And speaking of that famous scene: Those hills might have been alive with the sound of music,
but they were also a difficult place to make a movie.
According to Andrews, the downdraft from the helicopter that flew past to get that gorgeous
shot ended up knocking her over on every take.
"We did this six or seven times and I was spitting dirt and hay"
She almost lost her voice
In 1997, tragedy struck when Andrews underwent surgery on her vocal cords — and lost her
four-octave vocal range as a result, leading to a lawsuit against the physicians who performed
her surgery.
It took a heavy toll on the actress, who underwent grief counseling to cope with the loss of
her legendary voice.
Andrews hasn't stopped singing entirely, though she uses a different style now.
But her newly limited vocal range doesn't hold her back from putting on a great show,
and she's grateful for the opportunity to branch out into new kinds of work, telling
The Telegraph,
"I thought at the time my voice was what I am.
But it seems it's not all that I am."
She knows the secret to a happy marriage
The second wedding was a charm for Andrews, who tied the knot husband Blake Edwards in
The couple were happily married until Edwards' passing in 2010, sometimes even working together
— although Andrews admitted that being directed by her husband could be challenging, in a
fun way.
"When I'm doing a love scene with somebody and he'll say things like 'Just great honey
but I know you can do it better.'"
Andrews credits "patience and perseverance" as the secret to a lasting marriage, telling
Good Morning Britain,
"We were married 41 years and it was a love story.
Success in our marriage was to take it one day at a time and so, lo and behold, 41 years
later there we still were."
She doesn't take anything for granted
Considering Andrews' immense success, you might expect it all to go to her head.
But that has never been the case.
Andrews is as gracious, giving, humble, and poised as ever; you might even say that she's
practically perfect in every way.
And if you ask for the secret to her incredible success?
Her answer is totally on brand.
"The secret is that I'm an unbelievably lucky human being."
Thanks for watching!
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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
For more infomation >> The Fascinating Life Of Julie Andrews - Duration: 5:53.-------------------------------------------
8-Bit Donation Unboxing September 2017 - Duration: 10:34.
Hello, and welcome to this month's unboxing episode, where I'm going to be unboxing
all of the stuff that you guys have sent me during the month of September 2017.
So, it's going to be a little bit less than usual this month because I've been turning
down a lot of stuff, mostly due to space requirements.
But, anyway, let's dig right in!
OK, the first package of the month comes from Arjan van Raaij from the Netherlands.
Let's have a look what's inside the small envelope.
What the heck is this.
Oh yes, I remember now.
This is a cassette drive adapter to allow the Commodore 64 to use a cassette drive for
the Plus/4.
And it appears to be made by Commodore itself.
Very unusual piece of hardware.
And here's a note.
Ok, thank you Arjan!
Next package is from Jack Murphy.
I can't remember what's in here either.
Obviously, I have been heavily screening all of the incoming packages, but I don't always
remember what was discussed.
OK, yep..
This is a game for the Atari 8-bit line of computers, one I did not have.
Kind of a large box to ship a single cartridge.
But anyway, thank you Jack!
Next up, we have something here from Mark Brents.
All right, it's a hand scanner.
I've been wanting one of these original models.
This one appears to be designed for the Atari ST.
Let's see what's in the box.
OK, this must be the software.
And here it is.
So yeah, this is how we used to have to scan documents.
And this must be the interface.
It appears to connect to the Atari ST cartridge port.
Very neat, thank you Mark!
OK, now this is interesting.
That's a really weird looking cat there.
Well, I guess that makes sense, this is from Mega Cat studios.
I seem to recall this was some software.
Let's see what's inside.
Looks like quite a few things.
OK, so yeah.
These are actually brand new releases for some vintage consoles.
This one is for the Nintendo, obviously.
It's called Almost hero.
This next one is called Log Jammers, also for the NES.
And Coffee Crisis for the Sega Genesis.
Very neat.
So it looks like they sent me the boxes, but I guess I'll need to fold them myself.
And while these boxes look really nice, it's a pity they aren't a little thicker.
Anyway, thank you mega cat studios, I look forward to reviewing these!
All Right, apparently this is a drop shipment from Lorin Milsap.
I think this is like the 3rd or 4th donation he's made this year.
I seem to recall it was some Commodore software.
OK, so this is an unopened copy of Predator for the Commodore 64.
And an unopened box of Zork III, the famous text adventure that I've never completed.
And here's Zork I and II as well.
This is interesting.
It appears to be some sort of map.
Looks like it is specific to Zork II.
Next here is the Three Stooges, again for the Commodore 64.
Very nice.
I used to play this back in the day.
And last is Rocket Ranger, also for the Commodore 64.
All very great games, thank you Lorin!
This is certainly a mysterious box.
It's from Myung Kim, but I guess what's weird is that it has a printed shipping label,
but then it also has a ton of stamps on it.
Not sure why that is.
Anyway, let's see what's inside.
All right.
So this appears to be a PC Engine game console.
I've never actually seen one of these before.
In the United States, this was sold as the Turbografx 16.
But it does appear to take the same little cartridges.
I'll have to read up on this.
Anyway, thank you Mr. Kim.
Next up is a little envelope from Noam Gilor from Israel.
So yeah.
I remember him telling me about these.
These look like little cards, and they are.
But they are also games for the gameboy advance.
Apparently if you have the e-reader attachment, it actually reads this very complex little
printed barcode and that is actually game code of some kind.
Of course, now I'll have to find the reader before I can actually try these out.
Anyway, thank you Noam!
OK, this is a hefty package from Ernie Malago sent on behalf of the Bradley Prosperity Fire
He said they found this in a back room somewhere.
I guess there's no way to get this out without packing peanuts going everywhere, so I might
as well just get it over with.
But it's pretty heavy, so I guess I'll have to move it to the floor.
OK, so this is a quite dirty machine.
That's an unusual floppy drive, it's 5 and a quarter size, but it it appears to operate
like a 3 and a half inch design.
It's a Compaq 386 portable.
This is just one step before an actual laptop.
So it does convert out like this.
Quite neet.
I'm definitely going to be doing a restoration episode on this guy!
Thank you Ernie and the whole fire department!
This one is from Jean or Jeanne.
And here's a little note.
Apparently there is an Intellivision in there.
So this is cool.
I now have the first and second generation Intellivision console.
Andanother one from Jeanne that showed up the next day.
And this one really is like getting a Christmas present.
And another note.
Hahah, please excuse the Christmas box..
Well, I thought it was charming.
Anyway, so let's have a look.
So yeah, several different games.
One thing I found really interesting is the way these boxes open up to reveal the game
It appears they wanted people to store these games in the original boxes, along with their
controller inserts.
This is the first time I've seen this, so I'm sort of surprised more people didn't
hold onto the boxes.
All right, so thank you very much Henry and Jeanne!
Next package is from Britney McGannon.
An unopened box of Kodak brand floppy disks.
I can actually use these for the Commodore 64 game I'm about to be selling.
Several other unusual things in here.
So this must be Intellivision month or something.
This is the system changer that plugs into the Intellivision and then you can play Atari
2600 games on it.
It even has the joystick ports for the Atari on this unit, neat.
Oh and it also has the various buttons you need to control Atari games up here.
Now, I have no idea what this is.
Yeah, this doesn't fit.
It's not an Atari game.
In fact, I don't recognize the cartridge style at all.
This might be something from a Magnavox Odyssey or some other system I don't have.
And this last item is an ethernet card for an old Macintosh SE/30.
That's cool.
I have an SE/30.. actually two of them that need repair.
So eventually I'll get one restored and I'll stick this bad boy in there and I'll
be able to connect it to my network.
So very cool!
Thank you Britney!OK, we have a box here from Miriam Valenzuela, I hope I pronounced that
at least partially correct.
Anyway, let's see what's inside.
OK, so what I have here are the original disks to MS-DOS 6.1, which I actually didn't have.
I'm not sure what is in these envelopes, so I'll check it out.
OK, more MS-DOS disks.
OK, so after sorting this out, there appears to be 4 different sets of MS-DOS disks, but
also it came with the certificate of authenticity.
I mean, I guess that's cool.
Now I can say I'm not using a pirated copy of MS-DOS. haha.
Ok, thank you Miriam!
OK, I actually don't know who this is from because there is no name on the package.
So I guess it will be a surprise.
I hope it isn't a confetti bomb or something.
Actually, it turns out this package is from Anthony Wronka.
OK, It appears to be cartridge games.
For several different systems too, let me sort these out.
OK, so these appear to be more Intellivision games, I told you this was Intellivision month.
And these 3 are for the Atari 8-Bit computers.
These are ColecoVision games, and these over here are for the Atari 7800.
All very cool, my cartridge game library is expanding rapidly!
Thank you Anthony!
Up next is a box from Kristen Furry or Fury, sorry, I'm not sure how to pronounce that.
Looks like some more games.
And a note!
Looks like some Nintendo 64 games.
This is a Gameboy Advance game, but I can't even tell what it is.
I guess I'll be relabelling this guy!
Same with this one!
Anyway, thank you Kristen!
And now we have reached the last package for the month of September.
This is from Shane E. Uh oh.
Teddy looks dead with his eyes closed like that.
Actually, I accepted this donation even though I already had two Teddy Ruxpins, but neither
one work.
Apparently this one doesn't either, but between the 3 of them, hopefully I can make
one work.
But THIS is the more interesting part of this shipment.
This is Grubby!
Apparently they connect together like this, and they both tell stories together.
And what's great is I also got some of the tapes.
I hope to decode these and figure out the data stream on these.
So expect to see a big episode on a these vintage animatronics in the next few months!
So, thank you very much Shane!
All right, so that about wraps it up!
I did want to mention for those who have been wondering.
I haven't posted a video on my channel in like two weeks.
And, one of the reasons is because I've been working on the episode on the Commodore
And, you know, I think this is a really really important episode and so there's a lot of
information to cover and so it's just taking a long time to produce.
And, I hope it's worth it!
And, I can't wait to present that to you in a few days.
So, stick around for that, and thanks for watching!
Yoga Ab Workout ♥ Pilates Hard Core Blast | Out To Pasture Sanctuary - Duration: 31:34.
theres something outside of us
that we are all a part of
the universe that created beings
animals, plants
even rocks were all
made of all that stuff part of all that
the idea of Savah
part of that progress is to do
beneficial to the outer world
hello friends welcome to
estacada, oregon
we are here in this incredible place called out to pasture sanctuary
surrounded by so many animals
rescued animals
the energy here is
and today I've got a yoga class
for you thats going to really
focus on your core
and your abs
its going to be a lot of work
in that area of your body
so it will be quite challenging for some of you
so what I want you to do ia
have your water ready
and also don't be afraid to pause the video
at any point if you need to take a break
at the end of the class
we also have a special surprise for you
where you will get to meet
the owners of the out to pasture sanctuary
as well as learn a little bit more about what they do
and their mission
so if you guys are ready I want you to grab your mat
and lets begin
go ahead Kit tell em
my name is Kit and this is my husband John
and we run out to pasture animal sanctuary
in estacada, oregon
we take in abused, neglected animals
or homeless
and we find homes for as many as we can
and we keep the other ones here
that are unadoptablr for the rest of their lives
we take in donkeys,lammas
poy belly pigs, farm pigs
chickens goats sheep
we take in a lot of former lab animals
we have a few former lab pigeons and rabbits
from the beagle freedom project
13 years ago Kit
saw a sign help wanted
it was a woman who
she worked part time as a school bus driver
she had a truck
and a horse trailor
and she would find out about
animals that were stranded or abused
and she would find homes
for them
i called her up out of curiosity
we chatted for an hour and we became good friends
then we got a donkey, a goat, 2 lammas
some sheep
it just went from there
i think all of our lives
together we've had that idea
that we would want to do something in a way of
service to others
i guess you could say a little deeper
since this is a yoga concept
that we've been yoga practitioners since our 20s
and so we were really influenced by
that idea of savah
of service
part of spiritual practice
were you go
in spiritual practice you go deeper
beyond your individuality
deeper beyond your
indicvidual qualities and characterictics
and you get in touch with something
thats universal
or unqualified or
maybe you can say that we all share
we were presented this idea again by
by a yoga guru that
animals value their lives
in a way that we value our own
in a similar way
they'd ont have philosophies
and stuff like we do but that
primal feeling of
not wanting to be
snuffed out
or wanting to exist
and to feel good
and have your needs met
animals have that
you can see it in them
and that we humans
have used our
to violate that
and to exploit animals
for utility
for food
for entertainment
for leather
for products
for experimentation
the idea of taking an animal
towards being utilized and honouring
and supporting its natural existance
so thats the idea
behind everything
even if they give nothing to us
so thats another mission
to demonstrate the value
of animals lives
and to talk about it to
and say we would like to help you change your
[TiG] Review: Comica CVM-VM10 Shotgun Microphone - Duration: 5:50.
Hey, this is Shane with That's It Guys.
Today I'm going to be reviewing the Comica CVM-VM10 Shotgun Microphone.
Now this microphone is very similar to the Rode Video Micro.
Comica was kind enough to send us this as a review sample.
It is an unpowered cardioid shotgun microphone that mounts to any device with a cold shoe.
This is such as a DSLR or a mount box for a smartphone or a GoPro.
When you first open the box, you will see a nice foam-lined carrying case that everything
is placed in.
Inside of that is, of course, the microphone.
The shock-absorbing mic stand which mounts to the cold shoe.
Two 3.5mm cables; one for your smartphone and one for everything else.
A windscreen and a pop filter.
I've mounted this on my Canon T3i, which I shoot the majority of my videos with.
I normally record using multiple audio sources.
That way if one of the audio files get corrupted or if there's a bump on the device - say you're
moving a large package around or something like that - that way you can kind of bounce
between devices if you have a lot of noise.
Now currently I'm recording with the Comica VM10 mic without any kind of filtering and
it's plugged directly into my DSLR.
The mic is about 6 feet or 2 meters in front of me and I'm speaking at a normal speaking
After using this microphone over the past few days in several scenarios, I've tested
out a few things to try and get the best sounding audio possible without any kind of filtering.
I'm in a very noisy environment.
My home theater PC is just a few feet away from the microphone and the recording device
and about 12 feet away is the refrigerator that often kicks in and starts running when
I'm trying to record video.
So that sound always gets picked up.
What I generally do is have some type of royalty free music play on in the background and that
kind of just mitigates that issue.
For this particular video, I'm not going to have any kind of music on in the background.
So you're hearing the raw audio untouched unfiltered from this microphone.
So, with that being said, I did try to see if I could impact the audio recording quality,
and my conclusions were that this mic sounds just as good in all of the scenarios that
I setup.
The first thing that I did was plug the microphone directly into a ZOOM H1.
I figured my DSLR has sensors, has motors, stepper motors, all sorts of sounds that it
may be able to pickup through the device, so I wanted to remove that as an issue, to
see if I could try and get different audio.
When recording on this, I recorded initially at 40% and 50% volume, and then I noticed
it was very quiet.
So I bumped it all the way up to 100%, and even then it was still quiet.
Once I matched the audios, I couldn't tell the difference.
So I moved onto the next scenario, which was seeing possibly if the microphone cable could
be a potential issue.
So I swapped it out with an audio cable - 3.5mm audio cable that had some ferrite cores on
It was a thicker cable that was used in my car... and same situation.
It didn't change the audio one bit.
In fact it didn't even change the volume or the input gain or anything like that through
the DSLR.
So if you like the sound that you're hearing right now, that's what you're going to get
- more or less.
I figured this mic would be more appropriate with closer interactions, such as a vloggers
or if you're doing an interview, and generally as a backup audio source.
So if you're doing an interview, for instance, you would have some sort of portable microphone
that you're passing between the two people or a stationary microphone that's directly
in front of them, or even a lavalier microphone.
But in a lot of those scenarios - lavaliers move around, so you can get a lot of noise
from that.
You want to have nice clean audio, so something like this very close to somebody will produce
good audio.
So I wanted to setup a few scenarios to test out the recording.
The first scenario would be recording between 1 and 2 feet away from the mic.
This would be appropriate for vloggers or if you have a camera that can record at a
short distance while keeping everything in frame.
The second scenario would be recording 3-4 feet away.
This is probably the furthest you'd want to record where you're just picking up one
voice, and trying to distinguish that.
And the final scenario is at the distance I'm at, which is between 5 and 6 feet away
from the microphone.
At this distance, you're going to be picking up more background noise, which due to the
home theater and the refrigerator and everything else that's running, you're going to hear
My final thoughts on the VM10 is that it's really solid.
I think with the included accessories and the ability to record on smartphones, GoPros,
and full sized camera equipment, at this price, I think you'll have a really good experience
with this.
Will it replace something like my Blue Yeti?
No - but it's not really supposed to.
It's supposed to be for recording singular direction audio and that's it.
It's supposed to be portable, which it certainly is.
So to conclude, I would say it's definitely worth looking into this if you're looking
for a shotgun microphone for your camera or your GoPro.
I've had great results with all the audio I've recorded with this.
If you guys are interested in this product, we have it linked below this video with a
coupon code for, I believe 10% off.
That code may change, but either way there's a link down below.
Thank you guys for watching.
If you'd like to see more videos like this, hit that subscribe button and see us later.
The Story of Shadows of Argus, Patch 7.3 - Part 3 [Lore] - Duration: 34:44.
This video is brought to you in collaboration with
Tu tu tu tu, tu tu tu tuuu tuuu
Hello everyone!
Last week we continued our adventures on Argus where we went through a couple of trials and
proved ourselves worthy of the Sigil of Awakening.
We have one more piece to collect to finish the crown, but we don't focus all our efforts
just on the demons that we find on Argus.
The Legion's fanatical crusade leaves them spread thin and as they focus their defense
on our assault, this creates the perfect opportunity for us to tear into their forces on completely
different worlds.
"Find their portals and kill the demons on the other side!"
We follow the Legion into worlds that odly look familiar to the places that we've been
like the firelands, zangermarsh, the grizzly hills but still the idea of visiting a whole
different planet it is kinda cool.
We're not only dealing some blows to the Legion on their homebase, we make sure that
other planets are liberated from their influence.
I wouldn't mind seeing a future expansion with different planets like this, go into
the great dark beyond and find out what other cultures and races are outthere.
I was hoping to see some influence like that within the army of the Light, but it seems
like they only have Draenei amongst their ranks.
Perhaps the rest of the army did have more diversity and was simply wiped out already,
who knows, but besides following the Legion through their gateways, we also have a quest
that takes us back to Outland.
Near the shattered fields we find the dead body of a Lightforged courier who carried
a very important letter, important enough to be murdered for.
The Legion is up to something and our scout Skara was after 2 encoded orders held by Legion
troops to find out more about their plans.
Her partner Brae was a codebreaker but also slain while trying to get to our lines with
a code book that we'll need in order to translate the Legion's orders.
It's up to us to finish what they started so we retrieve the Army of the Light Code
Book and kill a few demons to get our hands on their orders.
Turns out that the Legion is planning to free an inquisitor called Raalgar, a demon from
here on Argus who cannot be killed because of a secret magic he alone possesses.
Because of his immortality, he was kept within the Arcatraz in the Tempest Keep, a prison
where the naaru housed some of the most terrifying and dangerous creatures in the universe.
You might remember partying with Millhouse Manastorm in this place so while we travel
to the Arcatraz to stop the Legion, Romuul will study the source of his immortality so
that it can be broken.
Enter the Arcatraz: "High Inquisitor Raalgar was imprisoned deep inside the Arcatraz.
The Legion is already here, so be careful!"
"The Legion has opened portals to invade the Arcatraz.
Shut them down...before you find yourself outflanked."
"Make quick work of this intruder.
Lah'zaruun needs time to get the High Inquisitor to Argus!"
We shut down the portals and kill a whole bunch of legion in our way,we even stop them
from draining Zereketh's lingering void magic, one of the bosses that used to be here
in the Arcatraz.
When we finally reach stasis block: maximus, we arrive just in to see Lah'zaruun set
her master free.
In stasis block: maximus we find high inquisitor Raalgar.
"I am freeeeee!"
"Hurry, High Inquisitor!
The enemy is upon us!"
"Lah'zarrun, my loyal servant.
Stay here and kill these fools.
I have much to do."
"It will be done, High Inquisitor!
Your invasion of Argus will fail.
High Inquisitor Raalgar will see to that."
"Your efforts have meant nothing!"
"The Legion is still only moments ahead of us.
Take the portal back here and I will figure out where the inquisitor has gone!"
We were too late and now the Legion has their immortal fighter back, but Romuul has learned
The secret to Raalgar's immortality lies within the fel heart of Argus powered by wells
leading directly to the core of the planet.
By bringing down holy fire from above, we take out the wells cutting his connection
the fel on Argus and leaving Raalgar vulnerable.
"I was so close!
You are not worthy to stop me, worm!"
But we are of course and we take out the high inquisitor, claiming the heart of argus for
It still has a bit of power left in it to protect us, another special ability we can
add to the vindicaar, right next too Light's Judgement and the Lightforged Warframe with
an added bonus that if you use the shroud of arcane echoes, you'll actually be able
to open those special chests found locked on the planet.
So with that little detour from Argus out of the way, lets focus on the main objective
again the crown of the triumvirate.
Velen has taken Captain Fareeya and our forces into the Arinor Gardens to search for the
Picking up the Sigil of Awakening was like announcing our presence to all of Argus and
the eyes of Antorus are firmly upon us.
The Legion has come to Mac'Aree which means that our forces are most likely in trouble
and we have to go down to help them out.
Status report."
"Baraat sent up a signal flare a short time ago.
He is alive, at least.
I have heard nothing from the others."
"Then let us waste no time."
We check in with Baraat, Sorvor and Telaamon who were securing the area for Velen when
the Legion came down on their heads.
Each is kicking some massive demon booty and we let them know that it's time to regroup
with the prophet.
Naturally we also kill plenty of demons and disrupt their forces in the Gardens until
we find the prophet who's having a little moment.
"This is it."
"Forgive, my son."
"Are you hurt?"
"I am unharmed.
Your arrival is timely.
We must find the Crest of Knowledge before Talgath takes it beyond our reach."
"So he is here, then.
I was afraid of this."
The memories of the past are hurting the prophet.
He had asked his friend Talgath to gather as many people as he could to follow them
off of this doomed planet, away from Sargeras' dark bargain, but instead Talgath betrayed
He did not retrieve Velen's family as he was asked, his wife Nuuri and his son Rakeesh
stayed behind as Velen lead his people away.
Those that have done the Light's Heart questline know that Rakeesh was taken by Kil'jaeden,
tortured and tormented by Atrigan and Belac until nothing of his beloved child remained.
Only hatred burned in his heart and Velen could only hold his child as the light died
in his eyes.
"We will escort Velen safely to the crest.
If you cover our retreat, we may just see this through.
Lead the way, Prophet."
"Make haste my friends.
Something dark and terrible stirs...and it is not Talgath."
Talgath was also the one who located the Draenei on Draenor again and reported it back to Kil'jaeden.
He was a loyal follower and quite busy with corrupting native populations of different
worlds, bringing down countless civilizations.
He tried to do the same to Azeroth by forging a pair of nimble cutlasses known as the Dreadblades,
but rogues were able to put a halt to those plans and claim the weapons for the war against
the Legion.
"Your screams will echo through Antorus if they escape!"
The army of the light has apparently encountered Talgath numerous times as well so here we
shut down the Legion portals from which his troops are pooring in and we slay a fair few
of them as we move further up into Kil'jaeden's Terrace.
Echo of KJ: "Worthless.
The crest alone is powerless.
This relics time has passed.
Throw it in the temple with the naaru.
Let them rot together."
"At least we know where it is."
"It is hidden in the Seat of the Triumvirate, then.
I sense only darkness within."
Kil'jaeden was not happy when Velen did not agree with their plans, they even tore
off the head of his statue and burned out the eyes.
Velen needs a moment to reflect on the choices he has made, the day that would forever separate
him from his brothers, not brothers in blood, but brothers all the same.
Cinematic: "Swear loyalty to me, pledge your hearts of your people to my cause.
I will transform you, granting you knowledge beyond imaging and might beyond measure.
Together, we will become Legion, and defeat the hungering void that would consume us all."
"It is little enough to ask, for what he offers us."
"Such power...and he speaks the truth."
"I had hoped the others would sense the darkness behind Sargeras's words.
But they were blinder by their vanity...their hunger for power."
"The ata'mal crystal soon showed me the horrible truth of what would come to pass
if we accepted the titan's offer.
We would be transformed not into wise leaders, but into hateful monsters."
After witnessing the truth, Velen shared what he had learned with Archimonde and Kil'jaeden,
but they didn't believe in the vison shown and remained convinced that going with Sargeras
was the best plan.
Gently, sorrowfully, Velen detached his thoughts from theirs.
Now, what was in his mind and heart stayed there.
He would never again share it with these two had had once been like extensions of his own
"Make way, I will deal with this myself."
"He's here."
"How unlike you, Velen, to stand your ground.
A welcome change of pace, to be certain."
We need not come to blows.
I offer you one chance, stand down."
"Still the pacifist, I see.
Face me!"
"Oh, how Kil'jaeden mourned for you!
Do you know how deeply your departure wounded him?"
"I lost a beloved brother that day as well."
"You did not lose him.
You gave it up – all of it!
Your people, your planet, even your family."
"I have not forgotten your betrayal!"
"I only hoped they would give you a reason to stay.
How cold of you leaving without your mate and child."
You dare speak of them!"
"Struck a nerve, did I?"
"Sheet-sah, you hide behind your allies, as usual."
"We will finish this another ti—" "No.
This ends now."
"This is your end.
IF there is a shred of goodness left in you, you will help us find the Crest of Knowledge."
You are far too late.
Nothing will escape the temple.
Not even the Light itself."
"I see.
Safe journey, Talgath."
The prophet is not taking any prisoners as he smites the one who betrayed him and in
his final moments, still trying to hurt Velen, Talgath actually gives us something to work
The Crest of Knowledge is hidden away in the Seat of the Triumvirate, and it is not unguarded.
If Velen's suspicions are correct, we may be facing a massive threat in the form of
a dark naaru.
We must return to the Vindicaar and plan our next steps there
"Talgath's last words...not even the Light can escape.
What did he mean?"
"The darkness that lingers in the temple...the shadow that looms over all of MAc'
She is a naaru!
A being of the Light!"
"There is much Xe'ra did not want you to know."
Been fighting in the army of the light next to a naaru for a thousand years and never
did Turalyon find out about their darkened state.
This can happen when a naaru falls ill or by the hands of mortals as we've seen with
the blood elves draining the light of the naaru M'uru.
When pushed far enough they'll turn into a Void God, M'uru turned into Entropius
during the Sunwell raid, but there is a chance to recover.
For example the naaru D'ore in the Auchenai Crypts spend centuries regaining its light
and priests used their artifact to restore Saa'ra from its void god state named Saraka.
It's a bit odd that Turalyon never knew this could happen, especially since his mate
Alleria was throw in prison for dealing with the void but I guess it was something that
just never came up.
"We have no time to celebrate our victory over Talgath.
L'ura's dark song echoes in my mind.
If the Crest of Knowledge truly rests within the temple...We stand against the Void itself."
"Light help us."
"Without the crest of Knowledge, we cannot prevail.
Come, we must brave the darkness."
Alleria: "Hold, Prophet.
I have scouted the area.
The shadows grip Mac'Aree more tightly than you know."
I need to show you what I've seen, cinematic: "The darkened naaru pulses with Void energy.
It has become a beacon..calling those who would use this power for their own ends."
"It is far worse than I feared.
Do we have the strength to face such a foe?"
"There may be another way, I will require a second set of hands, however."
The naaru L'ura that stayed behind to buy Velen and his people enough time to get away
has turned to her dark state, pulsing with void energy which has drawn the attention
of the Ethereals.
They are no strangers when it comes to the powers of the void as their homeworld of K'aresh
came under attack by Dimensius the All-Devouring.
He opened countless gateways into the void and the twisting nether around the planet,
bathing K'aresh in arcane and dark energies.
They used every scrap of their advanced technology to construct magical barriers around their
cities, but it was only partially succesfull.
It did indeed block the dark energies, but the unimpeded flood of arcane energy tore
away their corporeal shells and infused their souls with enough energy so that they could
subsist without a body.
They started to bind themselves with enchanted strips of cloth to provide their souls with
enough structure to survive.
Now this altered state it proved to be a blessing in disguise, as their enhanced minds and magical
abilities allowed the ethereals to fight Dimensius and his limited forces to a standstill.
Over the years though, Dimensius grew so powerful that he was able to summon armies of fellow
void creatures which forced the ethereals to flee into the twisting nether.
They've shown up several times, even took care of Dimensius during our adventures within
the Burning Crusade and now here they are drawn to the delicious powers of the void,
ready to gather it for their own plans.
We already saw a similar scheme going down during the mage and priest artifact questline
and speaking of artifacts, as we travel to Mac'aree our shadow priest knifu waifu,
Xal'atath blade of the black empire, she becomes very excited.
"Can you taste it on the air?
The sweet nectar of madness, ow this place is swollen with it."
Together with Alleria we go down to the Ruins of Oronaar to investigate the situation.
"It is as I thought.
The voids corrupted has reached them here.
I am certain it had help.
Take a look around.
Call for me if you find anything of interest."
Inspect: Abandoned altar – "You must hold fast to your resolve.
Temptation weakens the mind and spirit."
Frantic Wall Scrawling – "Look inside yourself and see the strength your vigil has
"Do not let the long, dark night break you.
Accept its gift."
Discared Naaru Figurine – "Look to the heavens.
Above see the million points of brilliance in the great dark beyond."
"Know you are not alone.
Our salvation is out there, somewhere."
"I found a survivor.
Come to me."
We see echos of Arkhaan trying to keep his people sane while the whispers of the void
fill their minds.
There's also a statue which fills our minds with a somber voice.
"You must resist the shadow's pull.
Come to me, brothers and sisters.
Be whole within the Light.
Let Arkhaan show you the way home."The rest of the message is garbled and the nearby broken
are gnawing on some of the pieces of the statue so we make sure to collect the fragmented
Seeing how Arkhaan tried to keep them connected with the Light, it seems like their transformation
into Broken was not because of the red mist, that special weapon used by the orcs as that
severs your connection to the Light.
Looks like Argus just had a very similar effect with devolving them into broken.
"Come on out.
We mean you no harm."
"A voice!
Arkhaan never heard this one before."
"We found your messages."
"Yes, Arkhaan did call...but he was not expecting..."
Arkhaan is one of the few remaining broken that have not succumbed to the darkness and
still remains some of his sanity.
Alleria can sense some void influences nearby and thinks that dispelling these manifestations
should help our new friend clear his mind.
The prayer fragments still have some light energy so they'll do the trick while Arkhaan
himself wants us to put down a few of his people enveloped by the darkness.
"Arkhaan, was it?
Can you tell us what happened to your people?
"Arkhaan knows, yes."
Arkhaan remembers now.
He remembers something that he believes will save us.
Isolon is calling to him and there we will offer words to the Light.
The Light will banish the darkness so we follow Arkhaan to Isolon.
"Arkhaan remembers.
Isolon calls to us!
Isolon will look to the stars again!"
"That is not Isolon calling to you.
"He's stil here.
He crossed over into the Void.
We may still be able to save him if we hurry."
"Who is that?"
Xalatah: "Watch now as a weak mind gives way to darkness
"Show us, please...please."
Viceroy Nezhar: "Let me satisfy your curiosity."
"Thank you!
Thank you!"
"Arkhaan finally understands...It will all be undone!
There is nothing...but the Void.
You must know the truth!"
"Resist their call, Arkhaan!"
"Arkhaan will make you understand!"
What you have seen is a lie!"
AAaarghghghgh" "We are losing him!"
"Why...they not...listen?"
"He cannot hear us!
We must end his suffering."
"What has Arkhaan ... done?"
"I am sorry you had to learn this way.
Rest now.
Do you feel that?
Something is pulling us back."
"The shadow can be an ally - Locus-Walker?"
Ethereal Locus Walker: "I see you've met the viceroy."
"What are your people doing here?"
"I am here to find out.
Follow, if you can."
"This way."
"I have something I want to show you, but we musn't be seen.
"Explain yourself first."
"Such impatience.
I believe you will find the answers you seek on the other side."
Step through void tear into the void realm – Walking through the Void.
Less visible to Void Ethereals and their minions
Together with the Locus-Walker we step into the realm of the void again and we find some
information on what the ethereals are doing.
The locus-walker is apparently Alleria's teacher, the way she got into the Void to
begin with and ended up in shackles.
She's surprised to see more of his kind dabbling in the void, but he had hoped to
find more worthy souls on the planet to follow in his footsteps.
Instead, alleria is still his best student while the rest of them will simply be overtaken
in their conquest of spreading the void and plunging Argus into darkness.
With the recent audio drama we received some more details and turns out that Alleria was
assaulted by the powers of the Void and the visions shown made her doubt about the path
of the Light.
Circumstance pushed her deeper into the void, to protect her child and Azeroth, leading
to the search of the Locus Walker.
The Legion had spent countless lives trying to capture him and eventually succeeded, holding
hom on the planet of Niskara.
Alleria allowed herself to be captured as well and made a bargain, his teachings for
his freedom but getting out of there did force her to leave behind her bow, waiting for marksman
hunters to pick it up.
Eventually the high elf had to cut their studies short and returned to her beloved using the
powers of the void to save him, but Xera was not happy with her child wandering of the
path the light had set out for her and they placed her in chains.
We also learn that you don't want to ask the locus-walker for his real name since he
gets pretty pissy about it and the ethereal on the vindicaar does know about him.
Thaumaturge Vashreen knows locus-walker as a disreputable individual who sought him out
as a financier of a project that sounded profitable, and has never repaid his investment.
"I need to finish what I started, Locus-Walker."
"Can you, though?
With your...attachments?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Why, your mate of course.
How does he feel about your choices?"
"Turalyon trusts me to make hard decisions, and I him."
"I am not talking about trust."
"How can you expect to embrace the shadow with the Light shining so brightly at your
"Without the Light, there is no Shadow, teacher."
Locus-Walker has showed us what the ethereals are up too and we need to stop them from cultivating
the Void, calling it to Argus.
We shut down 5 of their void harvesters and we kill a few of the shadowguard ethereals
that have tragically succumbed to the call of the void.
After some consideration, he decides to give Alleria a second chance, another opportunity
to pursue her destiny into the powers of the void.
His people are summoning a being of darkness that will provide enough energy for her to
start over.
"Yes, this specimen will do.
Prepare yourself, Alleria.
Your friend here will hold its attention."
"That's...calling to me."
"Focus your mind.
Remember your training."
"The Void show only halfs truths.
Trust your instincts."
"I...I can't I ...ARGH!"
"Fight, curse you!"
"I won't let you!
I am not yours to claim!"
I wonder if the half truth showed to her is a hint at something happening with Turalyon,
possibly connected to his sons dream.
Impossible to say, but for now we pick up the heart of Nhal'atoth for Alleria to devour.
"Begone, wretched darkness."
"Be sure to collect our prize, fleshling.
I will tend to Alleria."
"The heart of a demigod.
This is no mere token, Alleria."
"Take it, and you will be one step closer to your destiny."
"I understand.
Thank you.
Both of you."
"How do you feel?"
"My head is...swimming."
"Remember...So long as your mind is your own, you command this power.
It does not command you."
Alleria is drawn to L'ura while she hands us the remnants of Nhal'atoth, a core of
shadow that we use for the Netherlight Crucible and by doing so, we bring balance.
These two forces must coexist and their powers combined allow us to empower the relics used
for our artifacts.
Now that we have all that we need, it's time to join Alleria at the seat of the triumvirate
to try and recover the crest of knowledge as well as dealing with the ethereals and
their plans with the void.
Inside we first encounter Zuraal the Ascended who represents the Shadowguard's first success
at creating a void-infused Broken whose mind has not fallen into madness.
A renowned brawler in his past life, Zuraal uses his newfound dark strength to empower
his attacks and decimate his foes.
Over here!"
'Follow me!"
"The Shadowguard is building up its presence near the temple."
"Disrupting their efforts would benefit us all.
Also, their commander here has a particular item that would be useful to me."
"Just give the word, heroes, and we can begin the assault."
We are ready.
Bzzzz, shadow beam, tadaaaa 'Figure out their motives...and put a stop
to their efforts."
Saprish: 'Fools!
We shall push you back.
Our mission will not be jeopardized!"
Saprish the Etherium lord of the shadowguard is forced to come out and face us directly
after we kill a whole bunch of his troops.
The ever-tactical Saprish deploys the forces of the Shadowguard with calculated precision.
Though a skilled commander and strategist, Saprish relishes taking a direct hand in battle.
He turns his foes weaknesses against them, leaving his vulnerable adversaries at the
mercy of his voracious pets.
"I did not...foresee this."
"Thank you for removing the obstacles between me and this staff, heroes.
Yes this will do nicely.
You'll find their viceroy near the entrance to the temple, feebly trying to break in."
"Eliminating him will give us an opportunity to get in ourselves."
"I'll see to opening the way once he's taken care of."
Not sure if handing over that staff to the locus-walker is a great idea, but worries
for later I suppose.
Next up is the underking of this operation, viceroy Nezhar.
"While I relish a healthy lust for power, this one fumbles for it like an amateur."
Like others of his ilk, Viceroy Nezhar is obsessed with harnessing the power of the
Void to serve his own ambitions.
Drawn to the Seat of the Triumvirate by the immense darkness emanating from deep within,
Nezhar will stop at nothing to claim it for his own.
Given the viceroy's experiments at infusing vessels with the power of shadow, the implications
of what he might accomplish on Argus are dire indeed.
Vengeance for Arkhaan and stopping his plans, sounds like a good enough reason to me to
put the ethereal down.
The darkness...was to be mine..."
"I sense great despair emanating from within.
"Yes, the naaru.
We must get inside.
Alleria, the skills you have learned can open the way."
Champions, once the door is open, clear the way to L'ura.
We'll be right behind you."
Open door "The way is open!
Hurry, heroes!"
"Such chaos...such anguish.
I have never sensed anything like it before."
"It is rare that a naaru falls into Void this way.
The few cases I know of have occurred when mortals were involved.
What fascinating implications...
Such musing can wait, though.
This entity must die."
Like I mentioned before, L'ura was the one who stayed behind to buy the draenei time
to escape.
Kil'jaeden, enraged by this betrayal, ordered the wounded naaru sealed away in the Seat
of the Triumvirate.
Over the long millenia that passed, L'ura fell from Light to Void.
Her elegant song of courage and hope became a shadowy dirge of despair, luring those seeking
to lay claim to her power.
She calls to the void becoming immune to all attacks as rifts open up within the chamber,
but that also creates an oppertunity for alleria as we kill the rift warden.
"Seize the power of the portals, Alleria!
It can become your weapon!"
She uses her mastery over the void to break the shield around the dark naaru, giving us
the opportunity we needed to end her suffering.
We put the naaru down, cinematic: Come to me my sweety, your powers of the void
will be mine, yum yum yum yum yum HERE HAVE ALL MY POWER
ow snap, i did not expect this.
Behold, super sayan dark alleria.
"You survived...interesting!
How do you feel?"
"The voices are louder now.
More insistent.
But they do not control me."
"You asked me to teach you to use the void as a weapon, now that weapon is you."
"It seems my training is complete."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
We need to test the limits of this newfound power.
A quite shocked and surprised Alleria is bombarded with the remaining essence of L'ura, she
has become a void weapon because of it but first she'll have to test the limits of
this newfound power.
Aww man this is going to be incredible.
I'm sure that we're going to enter this bad ass scenario in which she plays around
with this new voidform, maybe whispers will assault her mind or dark apparitions of the
void now drawn to her as a moth to the flame and through it all we get to stand at her
side and help her through it.
I can't wait, so lets quickly grab the thing we came here for, the Crest of Knowledge and
check in with Alleria at the Vindicaar.
She's just standing there looking like her regular self?
Ah she learned to control it off screen, the transformation we witnessed now completely
under her control.
I see...
Alright ... well at least we got the Crest of Knowledge and Velen takes the eye of propecy
out of his weapon so lets see the bad ass conclusion of finishing the crown.
"I want to pimp my riiiiiide, awww yeah check it out mtv giving my vindicaar a sexy
new coat of paint, some 8 inch rims and some heavy artilary.
Awww yeaaaa"
"The crown is whole once more!
Now we take the fight to the Burning Throne itself.
Ready yourselves.
Antorus awaits!"
I see...
The vindicaar got a shiny new color and Antorus awaits, but not for a few more months and
that's where the story of shadows of argus ends for the moment.
Of course there is more on its way, the story is not finished yet with the raid still ahead
of us, but I feel like the breaking point should have been done better.
Maybe even unlock flying argus in the direction of the Vindicaar has been upgraded, it's
now powerful enough to keep you safe while flying in the sky.
I also think that the army of Light and the story on Argus it needs some additional storytelling.
I don't care if it's short stories or a comic or even an animation, something to
explain what went down before we made our way to the planet.
And at this point I go on a little rant as too how I would love to see more details about
Alleria, Turalyon, Lothraxion, her path into the Void and their relation with Xera but
that wish came true with new audio drama so well done blizzard!
The only thing I would still like a bit more information on would be the broken, the krokuul
that we party with.Why is Hatuun so hostile towards Velen when they volunteerd to stay
What were the millenia dealing with the Legion on Argus like, but that's really a minor thing.
So with that ladies and gentleman we are going to finish up the video for today.
Next week I'm going to cover a couple of the dialogues, a couple of the conversations
that didn't flow into the overall storyline as well take a look at what the future is
going to bring, talk a little bit about the spoilers and perhaps even speculate about
the next expansion...but that will be for next week.
For now, if you're looking for some more details about all the things we talked about
today then check out the related wowhead article in the description down below.
Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one....and until next
time guys....see ya!
Destiny 2 Lore The Fallen Joined Calus!? - Duration: 10:25.
Welcome back guardians.
Even though the prestige mode for the Leviathan Raid has not been released, you can still
find the armor set for prestige mode in the database.
The Warlock armor set references a Fallen Baron and in today's Destiny lore episode,
I wanted to cover the significance of this and whether the Fallen are working for Calus?
In addition, I am going to introduce the Lore about Calus's Shadows, Calus's personal
army of intergalactic hitmen.
The artwork seen in this video is by Brandon McCamey and was possible with your generous
support on patreon.
Also, when this video is released, I will be live on Twitch helping more people get
through the raid.
Link in the description.
This is myelin games and I hope you enjoy this latest Destiny 2 Lore episode.
[INTRO] Firstly, I must give a big shoutout to AnonPig,
I will link his twitter below, as he was the one who let me know about the prestige raid
armor and secondly another shoutout to Ishtar Collective which is the website that documents
these items.
Unfortunately, we only have the flavor text at this stage and I will need to wait for
the full release to read the entire item description, however, even the flavor text is extremely
The items do not directly reference the Fallen, however there are a number of details that
indicate that the items are describing a Fallen character.
For example, the items are quotes from a character named Sekris, Baron of Shanks.
Sekris is a very Fallen type name and Baron is also a title within the Fallen Hierarchy,
and of course, Shanks are a Fallen unit.
Furthermore the items reference web grenades and amethyst.
The Boots of Sekris reads, "The fiercest Light emerged from the tangle
of the web grenade.
The amethyst divider on his helmet gleamed with rage.
I was gone by then.
I'm no fool."
Sekris, Baron of Shanks Web grenades are a fallen weapon and amethyst
was a prominent location during the Reef Wars, which was a series of battles between the
Awoken and the Fallen House of Wolves.
Amethyst is also Reef gem that Variks the loyal was often carving, which is confirmed
in the Skolas: Captured and Skolas: Defeated grimoire card.
Furthermore, the warlock prestige raid items heavily imply this story is about a Fallen
Baron as it describes an encounter with a group of Guardians and how the Fallen Baron
had more arms and was able to cut down one of the Guardians.
The reference to multiple arms is a clear reference to the Fallen, have a listen.
The Mask of Sekris reads, "Five Lights.
Too many to fight.
I loosed web grenades and fled."—Sekris, Baron of Shanks
The Robes of Sekris reads, "There was a sixth Light.
He cut me and I cut him, but I had more arms.
He fell in pieces."
—Sekris, Baron of Shanks And the Wraps of Sekris reads,
"My stealth drive kept me secret.
I just watched.
To my dismay, the dead Light stood up.
Shook himself off."—Sekris, Baron of Shanks This Fallen Baron tried killing this sixth
guardian only to see the guardian revived.
So, I think we can confidently say that the prestige Leviathan raid items for the Warlock
are about a Fallen Baron name Sekris, Baron of Shanks.
The Warlock Bond, Imperial Shadow's Bond, is easily the most interesting item, it reads,
"I never forgot what I saw.
The gift the Great Machine could bestow.
And Calus promised me more."
Sekris, Baron of Shanks This item heavily implies that this Fallen
Baron is working for Calus, Calus promised him more.
Remember that the Fallen had their own Golden Age, where the Traveler was aligned with them,
they saw great developments in their technology and civilization much like we did during our
Golden Age.
However, of course the Traveler left for reasons only speculated upon and the Fallen were devastated
by an event known as the Whirlwind.
Ever since then, the Fallen have been scavengers trying to reclaim the Traveler.
This Fallen Baron, has witnessed the creation of Guardians saying how the Great Machine
bestowed these Gift i.e. ghosts, however rather than continue to try and claim the Traveler
back, this Baron joined with Calus.
Now, does this mean that all the Fallen are aligned with Calus… well no.
To better understand why, you need to understand the Shadows of Calus.
I am going to tell the story of the Shadows in a much more detailed video, however, all
you need to know, is that the raid gear tells a story about the Shadows of Calus, which
are multiple-species recruited into Calus's personal army of assassins.
Typically, Calus challenges a species and the last remaining warrior is invited to join
the Shadows.
For example, Calus recruits a Psion pilot named Jarus after Calus destroyed a whole
Psion fleet.
Jarus is then gifted with an extravagant ship named God's Will and is tasked with not
only assassination missions but also transporting the other Shadows to take down Ghaul.
Another example is Rull, of a race known as the Clipse.
Rull has a Viking-esk attitude and once again is the last remaining warrior after the Clipse
boarded the Leviathan.
Rull, like Jarus performs a number of assassinations in the name of Emperor Calus.
These assassinations are documented in the normal Raid armor.
The Fulminator is also part of an unseen species known as the Arkborn and has been added to
the ranks of the Shadows.
The Arkborn are actually described to be similar to Stormcallers, I don't think for appearance
sake but more due to their abilities and manipulation of Arc energy.
The Fulminator is slightly different from Jarus and Rull and only joins the Shadows
to prevent Calus from destroying the Arkborn, Mask of the Fulminator reads,
"You are marvelous," he said to the Arkborn.
His eyes drank in the flickering light, reflecting nothing.
"You will cast a glorious Shadow."…
"Of course.
You are all I need.
Your very presence eviscerates flesh."
He gestured, and a metallic shell lowered from the darkness above.
Now the Fulminator was free to walk the decks of her new flagship.
So, Calus recruits the best warriors from the Galaxy to form a hit squad.
The assassinations documented in the raid gear usually involve any Cabal associated
with Ghauls military uprising which overthrew Calus.
The end goal of the Shadows is to enact Calus's ultimate revenge by assassinating Ghaul.
The Boots of the Fulminator provides a great summary of the Shadows.
The Fulminator noticed a difference in her fellow Shadows as they prepared for war.
The usual bickering, fostered by the multispecies makeup of Calus's enforcer group, vanished
overnight as they faced the task they had gathered to complete: kill Dominus Ghaul.
Calus had recruited them through bribery or promises of wealth and resources for their
None of them expected to survive their mission.
The might of the Red Legion had grown vast.
This acceptance brought them together.
The Fulminator didn't understand, or care.
As long as Calus left the Arkborn to their interstellar conduits, she would do what she
had done since the day she came aboard the Leviathan: destroy the enemies of the emperor.
So, in my opinion the Fallen Baron revealed in the prestige mode raid armor is a Shadow,
has joined Calus's assassination team, however like the other Shadows, they do not necessarily
represent their entire species, they are simple some of the greatest warriors of their species
that have either been bribed by Calus or have had their home world threatened by Calus.
This Fallen Baron has been bribed by Calus, Calus promised powers greater than that of
the Traveler.
Now that we know this, this lore adds even greater depth to the end of the raid.
The Shadows were meant to assassinate Ghaul… but we did, Guardians did, we killed Ghual
and then we passed all of Calus's test on the Leviathan.
So what does Calus do, Calus makes the same offer he has to every great warrior, join
the Shadows.
"If you seek the means to live to your potential, I can guide you to it.
There is power in this universe beyond your feeble light.
I leave you with those words, and these parting gifts.
Take them, and grow fat from strength.
Emperor Calus has spoken."
But the question is, the Shadows were always meant to assassinate Ghaul, with Ghaul gone,
what does Calus want from us?
That concludes this latest Destiny Lore episode.
If you would like to support the channel leave the words, "Shadows" to represent a collection
of Galactic warriors forming Calus's personal hit squad.
As usual it has been a pleasure, this is myelin games.
Zbuntowany harvester - Duration: 1:59.
Oh, here you are.
Cool. Listen up.
My name's Harvester.
I'm a hired killer.
A tree that's hundreds-years-old
succumbs to me in half a minute.
Not bad, eh?
I know.
You don't like me anymore.
But try to understand.
I'm but a machine.
I was sent to work at logging
in the heart of Białowieża forest.
We had to act
to protect spruces
from a bark beetle outbreak.
We were to fell sick trees only
to put a stop to further infestation.
But it soon turned out
that we cut down other trees, too.
Non-infested ones.
Among them hundreds-year-old oaks.
Then environmentalists came.
They blocked the logging machines
so I couldn't leave for work.
I listened to them out of boredom
and I learned many horrifying things.
First of all, chopping trees
isn't the way to go.
But if it has to be done
felled trees must not be
taken out of the forest.
This is when I snapped.
And I refused to obey.
Despite the presence of police and forest rangers
I managed to escape.
Listen, this is really important.
All of this has nothing to do with protecting the health of Białowieża forest.
It's about money from the sale of timber.
Despite the UNESCO and EC's calls
for an immediate ban on logging
harvesters keep working all around the clock.
Come here
to talk more harvesters into rebellion.
Białowieża forest
has been growing without human intervention
for severeal thousand years.
It's simple. Let it be and leave it
NFL Player Who Disrespected Anthem Was Just Arrested – Look How Many Felony Charges He Racked Up! - Duration: 5:06.
There has been a lot of debate over the NFL players who have been taking a knee during
the national anthem.
These players feel that they need to raise awareness to the lack of racial equality in
America by disrespecting our veterans.
At any rate, whatever moral high ground these protesters were trying to take have been dealt
a devastating blow after one of those players was just arrested.
The whole national anthem debacle began when Colin Kaepernick took a knee last year to
draw attention to supposed police brutality in the black community.
Of course, the mainstream media immediately backed this un-American action and the protest
only grew.
Last week, the anthem protest reached its fever pitch when hundreds of players took
a knee, or entire teams stayed in their locker room.
But, here is where the irony of these protests begins to rear its ugly head.
One of those players that opposed the national anthem was arrested and racked up a ton of
felony charges.
Los Angeles Rams defensive lineman Ethan Westbrooks, age 26, was arrested on Friday night, September
Westbrooks was pulled over for speeding near Bakersfield, California, and that is when
the police officers noticed a gun in the glove compartment while he was searching for his
vehicle registration.
The firearm that Westbrooks was in possession of was reported stolen back in 2009 and was
loaded with a "high-capacity" magazine that held 13 rounds of ammunition.
So, Westbrooks was arrested, and he was charged with not one but five felony charges: receiving
stolen property, carrying a loaded firearm, carrying a stolen loaded firearm, grand theft
of a firearm, and possessing a high-capacity magazine.
Everyone in America knows that the gun laws in California are stringent, but it is the
state's law, and he broke it.
So, how is that not for racial inequality?
If anyone else was caught with the same firearm in their car, they would face the same treatment.
Westbrooks was not profiled but caught for breaking the law, but will the Rams fire this
Most likely not considering that there are numerous NFL players who are criminals who
are still allowed to play ball.
Mass Live reported that since the year 2000, 855 NFL players had been arrested and those
charges range from DUI to drug charges and also include 96 domestic violence cases and
71 assaults.
That even consists of two murders.
You can read the entire list of players here.
So, it makes sense why these NFL players would be against the police since a number of them
have been arrested numerous times.
Just recently, Michael Bennett made the wild claim that police officers in Las Vegas racially
profiled him after gunshots were fired when he went to watch the Mayweather-McGregor fight.
Bennet claimed that he was singled out of the crowd for "being a black man."
Bennet was detained for a short time and was released, but of course, he needed to make
a stink out of it on social media.
"Las Vegas police officers singled me out and pointed their guns at me for doing nothing
more than simply being a black man in the wrong place at the wrong time," Bennett
The video does not support Bennet's claim of being racially profiled, but rather he
was detained for running "with purpose" towards the officers.
Of course, Bennet has not retracted his claim and apologized for saying what he did, but
that does not help his agenda or the protest on the football field.
Here is more from Blue Lives Matter:
What was made clear was that Bennett was not racially profiled, and the circumstances were
explained to him after he was detained for only 10 minutes.
It possible, but appears unlikely from currently released video, that a second officer jammed
their knee in his back.
It is possible that an officer pointed their gun at his head and threatened to "blow
his head off," which wouldn't be abnormal for an active shooter suspect; an investigation
will verify or contradict these claims.
It appears that Bennett is going to deflect from his obvious lies to other irrelevant
One issue being brought up is that the primary arresting officer did not have his body camera
To suggest that the body camera not being on somehow implies evidence of Bennett's
claims means that you would have to assume that the officer made a conscious decision
to leave his body camera off while going to an active shooter call, explicitly for the
reason that he wanted to racially profile somebody.
It's a claim that defies all reason.
Over 120 cameras captured the incident (it's Las Vegas) and are being reviewed.
These protests need to come to screeching halt since they are pushing a false narrative
of racial inequality.
Police officers are not running all over America looking to harm anyone, but they will uphold
the law.
There are people in the world who want to divide the country by pitting Americans against
each other, and that cannot stand anymore.
If this infighting continues, it will only be a matter of time before America falls apart,
and we cannot allow that to happen.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
Sbooktober Challenge 1- Decorate your Bookshelves!! - Duration: 1:28.
Hey everyone it's October! Happy Halloween! So this month I'm going to be
participating in the Sbooktober read-a-thon which is a yearly
read-a-thon that happens every October. This read-a-thon is hosted by some
wonderful booktubers that I will leave down below. There's video challenges,
picture challenges, read-a-thons, watch- thon's, it's a wonderful time and I'm
really excited about it! I do want to be doing every video challenge but I'm not
sure that I'm gonna be able to just because of my internship and time but I
am doing the first challenge which is this video! The first challenge for Sbooktober
is a decorate your bookshelf for Halloween. Now some of you may know that
I have no bookshelves because I'm not home but I have a little tiny bookshelf
that I'm gonna be decorating because it's Halloween
that most wonderful time of the year. Let's do this! All I have is this
spiderweb thing but um I'll make it happen
I also had this pumpkin spice candle which I love.
Thank you guys so much for watching! Remember do some serious reading, I'll see guys next time! Adios!
How We Budget Date ~ A Cheap Date Idea - Duration: 4:05.
Hi, welcome back to This Jolly Good Life! If you want to see how we do a badger date, keep watching.
Over the weekend Jaun had a great idea for a budget date.
We both love spending quality time together
and knowing how to do that on a budget can come in quite handy.
To watch more budget date videos, subscribers guys!
We went to a supermarket to get some awesome peanut butter cookies and doughnuts for Anica.
Yes, I'm not such a big fan of the peanut butter cookies,
but I feel any day is pretty much a good day for some chocolate donuts
well any donuts to be quite honest.
But when we got to the stand it looked like they were all out of these famous peanut butter cookies,
we were quite sad
but lucky Jaun spotted a fresh batch at the back.
He ordered a chocolate doughnut for me they are amazing
and a big peanut butter cookie for him.
We finally got our order and we are heading back to get Anica some cookies
Oh wait, oh wait, wait I just realised my cookie is way too small!
Dissatisfaction right there on my face.
So we went back
Yes, we ended up back at the counter
because as you can see, we need one more cookie and that lady day is the best
and that lady there is the best service you will get,
by far the friendliest assistant they have.
So I felt a bit cheated that Jaun got two cookies and I only had one donut.
so as you can see (look at the satisfaction on her face right there)
uh-huh I went to grab a packet of Oreo buy far my favourite biscuits.
We where missioning so much out of the shop that we almost forgot coffee.
All in all we ended up spending no more than R55 / $4,06 / £3.03
R16 / $1,18 / £0.88 for the two peanut butter cookies,
,R6 / $0.44 / £0.33 for the donut.
R7 / $0.52 / £0.39 for my cookies, which I didn't end up eating anyway,
and R26 / $1.92 / £1.43 for the two coffees.
We pay and off to the car!
with coffee, peanut butter cookie and a chocolate donut! Whoooohoooo
We decided to take a drive out through the mountains, we've got beautiful mountain here in Worcester.
If you've got any budget ideas, leave it in the comments below and hit that thumbs up if you like this video.
so we stopped here and we just had a good chat,
spend some good quality time, some needed quality time actually
and enjoy the view.
Share this video with someone you love spending quality time with!
Ok, Go! uh-huh
Youtube Project 1: Commodification of Beaches - Duration: 2:12.
Commodification is the act of taking something that is not a product and turning it into
that can be bought and sold.
The commodification of beaches has become very popular, we can see examples of it in
resorts built on beaches, privatized beaches, board walks with commercial goods and services,
the goods marketed to enhance beach experience.
Beaches were once a thing of nature accessible to all, but now they can be privatized for
the highest bidder.
In addition to being able to charge for access, many goods are bought and sold for enhanced
beach experience, such as chairs, umbrellas, toys, coolers, and water gear.
Images of the beach can also be sold and used to sell the idea of relaxation and luxury.
Fancy resorts are built on beaches and use beaches in their advertising to attract tourists.
The commodification of beaches is just one example of the commodification of nature in
This trend also applies to wild life parks, safari's, and national and state parks.
A Great Short Game Practice Session - Practice Like You Play - Duration: 8:30.
I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
Today I'm going to show you one of the best ways to lower your score with practice.
This is the best practice method you can have to really have an impact on your score.
If you are looking forward to hearing it stay tuned.
It's funny.
A lot of people think that a way to a better score is to work on hitting their driver further.
Or getting their driver on the fairway more often.And while some maybe you could make
a case for both of those.
I think the best way to lower your score is to really improve your short game.
And here is a game that I get a lot of people to play.
We are in the same place.We are about 35 meters near enough to 40 yards from the flag stick.
It is a very tricky pin position.
The pin is at the very front of the green, there is not much green to work with.
But the object here is we have 3 balls and I am going to try and have a par with each
We are saying it's a Par 3.
So we have got to get it on the green and 2 putt and hopefully we will get par or better
with these 3 shots.
And if we don't that's ok it gives us something to strive for in the future.
Now the key to this game is we are not going to hit the same shot 3 times.
Because remember we don't want to hit the same shot over and over.
On the course we have to do it the first time.
So even though we have got 3 balls here in play.
I have to hit 3 totally different shots when I play this game.
So i'm going to start with my hybrid.
So I am going to think about using a hybrid.
And people say gee it's uphill all the way.
The grass is reasonably long.
We have had a fairly wet last few weeks.
It's starting to dry out but it's still wet.
But yep I still think we can use a hybrid from here.
So I have got to feel how hard I need to hit this.
I am trying to take technique out.
I am just thinking feel.
So we will see how I go with this one.
So I have got it up there.
It's just short.
I hope it stays there and doesn't roll back.
Here it comes it didn't quite get up there.
It's coming back again.
But, I have got a putter for my next one.
I am just off the green.
As long as it stops I am still a chance to make my 3 from there.
It just needed a few more weetbix for lunch.
The next shot I am going to play is, I am going to choose a 7 iron.
Now I am not saying you have to do this.
We just the rule says we have to play 3 different shots.
So I am just going to go with a 7 iron.
So this is a form of chip and run.
A little bit like the hybrid but I am going to land this a bit closer to the green.
And I am going to hopefully run that up that slope a little bit.
It's running it's got up there but I think I am going to have the same result.
It's going to come back and it's going to run just to the edge.
That's ok.
No it's still running.
I didn't quite give it enough.
But if I 2 putt from there I am ok.
The last one I am going to hit is I am going to use my lob wedge.
My 60 degree sand wedge.
So we will see how I go with this one.
That;s got up there.
I think that will stay there.
So that makes it pretty easy.
So you might say to me why don't you just keep playing the same shot?
Well the object is we are trying to create some imagination.
We can't always play the same shot.
So we have to try and get better at all 3.
The lob wedge is probably the best shot.
And I would probably play that from here almost every time.
But we have got to get better at doing the different shots.
So unless we practice them how do we get better at them.
So here is where my second ball has finished.
As I said.
It did get up there but it has rolled back So now I have to try and get this ball close
enough so I can 2 putt.
So we will see how I go with it.
Pretty happy with that.
It's given me a very good chance.
Now we will go back to the next one.
Ok so here is where my first ball finished.
It did get up close but it came backwards.
So I have got to try and get this one in a little close as well.
And it's just gone a little left.
It's coming backwards.
Oh dear.
I didn't see that one happening.
It's come back all the way off the green.
Now I am further away from where I started.
This happens.
This is part of golf.
I actually thought I hit that stone dead.
But I was wrong.
So now I have got a more difficult shot.
I have already had 2.
I have got to get 9 for the 3.
I better get one of those putts and get this one in close enough.
I made sure I got that one past.
So that's pretty good.
Now I have got to try and get the ball in the hole.
So I have played ah 3, 4, 5, 6 shots.
If I can 1 putt all of these I am ok.
So I am going to have to mark this ball.
This was the last putt tht I hit.
So that's my 4.
So I have had a bogey with that ball.
This was my second sorry last shot.
So I am actually sitting here for 1.
So that one is in.
So that's a birdie.
So I have had a bogey and a birdie.
Now I have to hole this for a successful game.
Phew that was tricky.
So there was one unexpected outcome there.
I didn't think that shot would roll back further than when I started.
But it happens it was a very tough pin position.
So if you can play this game regularly.
From different spots.
Always use different clubs.
And tht way you get experience at hitting all of the 3 different shots.
You will get a lot better.
And this is going to have more impact on your score than getting out and busting balls on
a golf range.
So I hope you enjoyed this lesson.
Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.
I am Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
And if you like my videos you can click on the subscribe button down on the round avatar
down the bottom there.
You can get further information from my FaceBook page or my Twitter feed.
You can sign up to my electronoc newsletter at
Shorewood IL Septic Line Cleaning 815-630-1024 Shorewood IL Septic Line Cleaning - Duration: 1:09.
Shorewood IL Septic Line Cleaning. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line rodded and paying someone to come out
every 6 months?
Tritan Plumbing has a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While rodding only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the entire surface
of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give Tritan Plumbing a call today, we'll get there fast!
I COLORI DELLE EMOZIONI - spiegare le emozioni ai bambini - Duration: 4:26.
Joyce's Breast Cancer Story - Duration: 4:38.
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite – Spencer Tutorial (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 3:33.
Growing Apple Trees From Seeds - 21 Months - Duration: 10:41.
hey everyone its Rob the backyard Gardenerr and first and foremost go bucs
just kidding I know they're not a great team maybe this year is our year anyway
happy Sunday it's definitely time for an update on my
apple trees growing from seed series they are so January 1st 2016
today's October 1st 2017 so that means they're 21 months old today my last
update they were approaching 19 months so it's been a few months the last few
months they've had a kind of a off and on street they really took off and grew
since the last update then the heat was kicked in full gear and I've been on the
road a lot so I haven't cared for them as much and they kind of slowed down but
now they're looking fantastic again in this video I'm gonna take you through a
few different things first I'll show you my 4 year old Gala apple tree that I
purchased from a nursery two years ago and show you how it's doing hoping to
get some Gala apples next year then I'll take you through and show you my May
16th 2016 apples that I started from seed to Gala apples show you how they're
doing because they're about 17 months old now and then I'll finally show you
my 21 month Gala apples grown from seed as well let's go and take a look and
let's not wait any further since the series is about Gala apples grown from
seed I figured I'll go ahead and show you one of my gala apple trees
now this particular Gala apple tree I purchased from a nursery oh let's see
spring of 2016 so almost two years old year and a half old and it was actually
a two plus year old tree when I bought it it's probably about two and a half so
it's probably a four year old tree right about now maybe four and a half
somewhere in that ballpark I just wanted to show it because kind of give you an
idea how big this guy is he's about 13 feet tall I didn't get any blossoms this
year but now that he's four years old plus
hoping for blossoms next year I'm pretty certain we'll get us some fruit that
being said I also wanted to show you the three gala Apple trees that I started on
may 16th 2016 so these guys are about a year and a half old I guess they're just
about 16 and a half months old so I wanted to give you guys an update on
these three as well I showed these in the last video they're really starting
to put on some size now I had started these five and a half months after my
first series which I'll get to here in a second just so I had some backup apple
trees in case they didn't make it this guy right here is about four feet tall
slow growing these grew a lot slower than the other ones did my first scent
did but I also didn't care for them like I did the other ones because there are
my backup set the second ones right here he's hard to see omits the jalapenos and
everything he's struggling and I want to show you why we've got ourselves an
aphid infestation look how tired he looks
shortly after this video I'm gonna have to spray him down with just a water hose
for now to wash the aphids off the sun's still out it's gonna be out for several
hours so I don't want to use any soap and water on them or any kind of neem
oil I'm just gonna hose him down with a hose that would get those lot knocked
off he's only about two and a half feet tall and then there's another one right
here it's funny I always seem to get a twin tower one and once again this is
another one of the twin towers he's actually twin way down there at the base
see if I could zoom in for you look at that I'm gonna leave him alone like I
did the other twin tower he's about 3 feet tall let me pull him away from this
so pepper plant and he doesn't have any aphids on him right now but he's got the
two leaders looking good so the may 16th Apple 2 series 3 apple
trees are doing pretty good in my opinion and looks like we should have
between the original gala Apple and then these three all in line
along with what I'm gonna show you next I have a nice row here of apple trees
I'm hoping for a fruit off of not just the store-bought one of course but off
of the grown from seed ones let me go and walk you over here and show you what
we got going on with the other apple trees so this first crabapple tree it's
beautiful he's really taking off this year this is my royalty crabapple tree
and again I like having the crabapples out here because they're very good cross
pollinators for any types of apples you have but this is my royalty crabapple I
put him in about a year and a half ago and he's about ten and a half feet tall
now he's probably about two and a half years old as well maybe three next up I
have one of my January 1st 2016 germinated apple trees these are the
Gala apples as well and they turned 21 months today now this is the one that's
struggling the most you'll recall I had to put a water bottle around his base he
had so much of his base eaten away by rabbits and if you didn't see the last
video let me go ahead show this key down here look at that about 50% of his base
was eat away so I've done this to protect him he started to put on some
foliage and he's the Texas heat really hurt him his leaves don't look that
healthy at all I'm wondering if the heat has finally got to his reduced trunk
maybe the water bottle might have hurt it might have kept the rabbits away but
maybe it's kind of boiled or baked or burnt his bottom I'm not overly worried
about him he is an extra apple tree he did recently start getting some of these
little tiny shoots coming out at all the leaf nodes and so I'm thinking right
here and so I'm thinking and you see him everywhere
I'm thinking he'll be ok I think he needs this winner pretty badly to go
ahead and heal himself up not doing that great but he is 6 and a half almost 7
feet tall now yeah about seven feet tall now so that's
the first one
my second ones doing good he's about eight feet tall
up here the foliage looks great the leaves look really good this is the twin
tower one if you were called let me go ahead and take you down here
he's the twin tower he also had his trunk eaten by or not at my rabbits but
they're in pretty good shape this was only about 30% eating away at
so he's doing pretty good he's added some extra branching all over the place
and I'm not doing any trimming on this guy we're gonna let him just keep
continuing to add on foliage you know he has slowed down his growth the last
month but still the leaves look great the guy's doing fantastic he's put on
about six inches of height only in the last month but he still looks really
good I'm pretty happy with this one now let me take her to this side of the yard
do I have the tallest the original the first one I planted kind of the star of
the show let's go take a look at him here's my apple tree guys so there's the
base the fence is over eight feet tall and he is now officially over ten feet
tall looks beautiful he's got several several branches and
you look at all these branches he's even got a lower limb down here and a lower
limb down here this guy is going like gangbusters I'm probably going to top
him at the fence line once the winter hits because I do know these guys can
get twenty to thirty feet and I don't want that to happen I'm gonna probably
end up topping about a good foot and a half off the top of all the branches
promotes more side branching try to get that goblet shaped better that's really
cool about this guy is he's really putting on some girth you'll recall in
my last video I said he was a little bigger than a pencil made my finger size
well now he is definitely definitely bigger than
my fingers by far at least one and a half times as big he's probably a 100
inch and a half two inches around guy is growing like crazy he seems to really
like the yard I'm gonna have to get a better support system for him
those two bamboos are really not ideal anymore but I will tell you the one
thing I did notice he did start to get a little bit of yellowing on some of these
older leaves but I'm not too worried about it because the rest of the leaves
look great as you can see I can't even reach the top of anymore he's so tall
now so Wow anyway I wanted to give you an update on my Apple series I know it's
been a few months but man they're getting ready in the next month to go
dormant and I just didn't want them to go dormant and how do you not see how
the how the foliage looked on him look at this guy he's absolutely stunning
growing from seed guys 21 months well there you have it everyone
there's my apple trees grown from seed update the Gala apples are now 21 months
old doing great should give you another update probably
mid November right when they're at 22 and a half months somewhere in there
because then we'll get our frost and the leaves will fall and we'll see how they
do in the off season hoping that next year just maybe maybe one of them gets a
flower probably won't happen if my three and a half year old tree didn't get one
they're not gonna get one but we can always hope if you're enjoying the
series please give it a thumbs up and as always thanks for watching
well there you have it everyone there's my apple seeds apple seeds
How to Draw Spinners for Kids - Coloring Pages for Children - Painting and Drawing Coloring Books - Duration: 2:32.
Coloring Pages
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