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For more infomation >> blackbear - froze over (extended instrumental with hook) | free blackbear type beat 2017 - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
Khmer Horoscope, ហោរាសាស្រ្ត ប្រចាំថ្ងៃ ចន្ទ័ ទី ០២ ខែ តុលា ឆ្នាំ ២០១៧, khmer horoscope 2017 - Duration: 12:49.
Minecraft - 5 TNT Minecart Traps - Duration: 4:26.
Hey guys, I'm NiceMark and today I want to show you 5 minecart tnt traps in Minecraft.
Let's start!
First of all I'd like to show you the basics of these traps.
If a TNT minecart falls down 3 or more blocks, it's going to explode.
Also, if 2 or more stacked tnt minecarts run into a wall, they're going to explode.
In this case we want the explosion to happen quickly so we place a block in front of the
powered rail, which when gets activated is going to send the minecarts into a wall.
You can also speed up the explosion slightly by placing a fence in front of the powered
Now that you know the basics we're ready to move on to the different traps I have prepared
for you.
I'll also show you how to build them since they are all very simple.
You're in a forest and you want to make a tree trap.
You can pick any tree and at the top log place any type of rails and at least 2 TNT minecarts.
Cover it up and your trap is done!
If the player is not paying attention they're most likely not going to see it, especially
if they are not playing with fancy trees.
You can hide it better by placing a few logs around the tnt minecarts and placing more
So now we're going to test the trap out and it works great!
The TNT minecarts will either fall directly on the player or on the ground, getting triggered
either way.
However this trap is not perfect as the player can panic or have fast reaction and break
the tnt minecarts.
To avoid this I recommend placing at least 3 or 4 tnt minecarts.
Even if they do react, they most likely won't have enough time to break all the tnt minecarts.
The trap usually kills the player, but if you want to be sure you can place TNT under
the tree.
Since TNT activated by explosions blows up faster the player won't have enough time to
escape even if they don't get killed by the first explosion.
Our next trap involves any structure that has a door.
In this case I'm just going to use this house in a village.
First of all the door must be moved behind the door frame.
Then you need to see where the door opens.
If it opens to left, place a powered rail to the right.
If it opens to the right, place a powered rail to the left.
Next, close the door.
Be aware that this will be the last time you use the door as opening it will trigger the
place a chest above the door and a block diagonal from it.
On the top place a rail and a tnt minecart on top of it.
Push the minecart into the chest.
Then above the chest, place another chest and repeat the same process.
Then break all the blocks carefully and let the tnt minecarts sit on the door.
Be careful after completing this next step as it'll make the trap active.
Go under the powered rail and power the block that it sits on.
I'm using a lever as it's cheap and simple.
After that replace all the blocks and you're done!
Opening the door will trigger the trap.
Now we're going to take a look at a trap for caves.
Find any block that you want to trap, dig under it and create the same setup as I showed
you in the beginning of the video.
Place redstone dust and two levers like this.
Activate this lever and break the other one, now the active redstone dust should point
to the powered rail without powering it.
Cover it up.
Don't forget to place at least 2 TNT minecarts.
Now when a player breaks the trapped block it'll trigger the trap.
Again, you can use regular TNT for more explosion power.
The next trap is similar, but involves ore in the ceiling.
Simply place rails above the ore and a tnt minecart on it.
As with the tree trap you can use more TNT and more TNT minecarts.
Finally, if you already have a trap that uses TNT it might take a while to explode.
You don't expect the player to wait for it, do you?
You can use the trick with TNT minecarts to create way faster explosions that there's
no way to escape from.
and that's all the Minecraft traps that I've prepared for you today, I hope you guys liked
Thanks for watching and I'll see you all later, bye bye!
Uma amizade eterna entre Chile e Brasil | La Mirada Chilena 4ª temp. - Duration: 16:32.
LIL FRESH X FIRE BOY - M.B.E - Duration: 3:06.
كيف نعدل السلوك ◆ معلومات مفيدة جدا لتغير حياتك ◆ محاضرة رائعة للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 24:25.
Lego New Compilation Part 8 – Fantastic, Spider man and Captain American war Octopus | FFK Gaming HD - Duration: 10:31.
Lego New Compilation Part 8 – Fantastic, Spider man and Captain American war Octopus | FFK Gaming HD
Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create a Classic, Retro, Disco Ball - Duration: 10:42.
Hi . This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.
I'm going to show you how to create a classic retro, disco ball from the heyday of Disco Fever!
I provided 2 files that you can download.
Their links are located in my video's description or project files below.
One is a photo of this discotheque that we'll use to create our disco ball
and the other is a photo of the same discotheque, but cropped to 1920 by 1080 pixels.
Its resolution is 150 pixels per inch.
Open the smaller image.
We'll convert it into a Smart Object, so we can modify it non-destructively.
To do this, click the icon at the upper, right of the Layers panel and click "Convert to Smart Object".
Go to Filter and Filter Gallery.
Open the Texture folder and click "Patchwork".
Make the Square Size: 2 and the Relief: 0.
We're choosing Patchwork instead of Mosaic because the Patchwork filter adds delineating
lines whereas the Mosaic filter doesn't.
Go to Filter, Distort and "Spherize".
Make the Amount: 100%.
Then, click OK or press Enter or Return.
Repeat the filter once more by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + F. Then, press Enter or Return.
Open your "Elliptical Marquee Tool" and go to a corner.
Press and hold Shift as you drag a circular selection to the opposite corner.
Click the Layer mask icon to make a layer mask of the selection next to the disco ball.
Convert your disco ball with all its filters into a Smart Object.
To place the ball onto the background, press "v" to open your Move Tool
and drag it onto the tab of the disco background.
Without releasing your mouse or pen, press and hold Shift as you drag it down and release.
Pressing Shift kept the ball centered over the background.
Slide the ball up by pressing the Up arrow on your keyboard until it's position is approximately this high.
Name the disco ball layer whatever you'd like.
Make the background active and convert it into a Smart Object.
We'll give the background the appearance of some motion by going to to Filter, Blur and Radial Blur.
Make the Amount: 7, the Blur Method: Zoom and the Quality: Best.
Drag the center point straight up
to a position approximating the center of your disco ball on the document.
Doing this makes the background look as if its source of motion is emanating from the
center of the disco ball.
Make the ball active and double-click an empty area of the layer to open its Layer Style window.
Click "Outer Glow".
If the box isn't white, click it and pick white.
The Blend Mode is Linear Dodge and the Opacity is 15%.
The Technique is Softer, the Spread is 0 and the Size is 250 pixels.
The Range is 50%.
Make a copy of it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J
and double-click "Outer Glow" to see it in the Layer Style window.
Change its Blend Mode to Color Dodge and make its opacity: 75%.
Click "Inner Glow".
The color is white, the Blend Mode is Color Dodge and the Opacity is 40%.
The Source is Edge, the Choke is 0% and the Size is 30 pixels.
The Range is 1%.
We want to make a new layer below the active layer.
To do this, Ctrl-click or Cmd-click the New Layer icon.
Name it "Radial Lights".
Open your "Custom Shape Tool" and choose "Pixels".
If you're working on an earlier version of Photoshop, the Pixel icon is here.
Open your custom shapes thumbnails
and click the small gear icon to open your list of custom shape presets.
Click "Symbols".
When you see this message, click OK to replace your current thumbnails with the Symbols thumbnails.
Since I already had the Symbols preset open, my thumbnails remained the same.
Click this thumbnail, which is called "Registration Target 2".
Click the gear icon at the top and tick, "Defined Proportions and check "From Center".
We want to give ourselves more room on our canvas, so zoom out of your document by pressing
Ctrl or Cmd and the minus key on your keyboard 2 or 3 times.
Go to the center of the disco ball and drag out the shape until it covers your entire document.
Then, release.
To fit it back onto your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.
Convert it into Smart object and change its blend mode to "Overlay".
Go to Filter, Blur and Radial Blur.
Make the Amount 15, the Blur Method: Spin and the Quality: Best.
Make a copy of the layer and drag it to the top of the Layers panel.
Double-click the Radial Blur of the copy to open the panel.
Change the Amount to 5
and reduce its opacity to 75%.
Make a copy of the layer
and click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask next to it.
Ctrl-click or Cmd-click the disco ball to make a selection of its shape.
Go to Select and Transform Selection.
Go to a corner and when you see a diagonal, double-arrow, press and hold Alt or Option
+ Shift as you drag it out approximately this much.
Then, press Enter or Return.
Go to Select, Modify and Feather.
Feather it 200 pixels.
Fill the selection with black inside the layer mask by pressing Alt or Option + Delete.
This hides the radial lights of this layer inside the selection.
Deselect it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + D. Next, we'll add lens flares.
Make a new layer and fill it with black.
Change its blend mode to "Screen" and name it "Lens Flare".
Make a copy of it and temporarily hide the copy.
Make the original layer active.
Go to Filter, Render and Lens Flare.
Make the Brightness: 75% and the Lens Type: Movie Prime.
Drag the lens flare to a general location that approximates the location of where you'd
like it placed on your document.
Feel free to reposition it if you like.
Make the Lens flare copy visible and active.
Go back to Filter, Render and Lens Flare.
Move the lens flare to a different location
and again, reposition it if you like.
If you'd like to make another lens flare, copy it, fill it with black
and go back to Filter, Render and Lens Flare.
I'd like to make the radial blur that's emanating from the disco ball a little less intense,
so I'll make the top radial blur layer active and reduce its opacity.
This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.
Thanks for watching!
Learn colors with tape children songs - Nursery rhymes for kids song - Duration: 2:28.
Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!
Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!
Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!
Growing Apple Trees From Seeds - 21 Months - Duration: 10:41.
hey everyone its Rob the backyard Gardenerr and first and foremost go bucs
just kidding I know they're not a great team maybe this year is our year anyway
happy Sunday it's definitely time for an update on my
apple trees growing from seed series they are so January 1st 2016
today's October 1st 2017 so that means they're 21 months old today my last
update they were approaching 19 months so it's been a few months the last few
months they've had a kind of a off and on street they really took off and grew
since the last update then the heat was kicked in full gear and I've been on the
road a lot so I haven't cared for them as much and they kind of slowed down but
now they're looking fantastic again in this video I'm gonna take you through a
few different things first I'll show you my 4 year old Gala apple tree that I
purchased from a nursery two years ago and show you how it's doing hoping to
get some Gala apples next year then I'll take you through and show you my May
16th 2016 apples that I started from seed to Gala apples show you how they're
doing because they're about 17 months old now and then I'll finally show you
my 21 month Gala apples grown from seed as well let's go and take a look and
let's not wait any further since the series is about Gala apples grown from
seed I figured I'll go ahead and show you one of my gala apple trees
now this particular Gala apple tree I purchased from a nursery oh let's see
spring of 2016 so almost two years old year and a half old and it was actually
a two plus year old tree when I bought it it's probably about two and a half so
it's probably a four year old tree right about now maybe four and a half
somewhere in that ballpark I just wanted to show it because kind of give you an
idea how big this guy is he's about 13 feet tall I didn't get any blossoms this
year but now that he's four years old plus
hoping for blossoms next year I'm pretty certain we'll get us some fruit that
being said I also wanted to show you the three gala Apple trees that I started on
may 16th 2016 so these guys are about a year and a half old I guess they're just
about 16 and a half months old so I wanted to give you guys an update on
these three as well I showed these in the last video they're really starting
to put on some size now I had started these five and a half months after my
first series which I'll get to here in a second just so I had some backup apple
trees in case they didn't make it this guy right here is about four feet tall
slow growing these grew a lot slower than the other ones did my first scent
did but I also didn't care for them like I did the other ones because there are
my backup set the second ones right here he's hard to see omits the jalapenos and
everything he's struggling and I want to show you why we've got ourselves an
aphid infestation look how tired he looks
shortly after this video I'm gonna have to spray him down with just a water hose
for now to wash the aphids off the sun's still out it's gonna be out for several
hours so I don't want to use any soap and water on them or any kind of neem
oil I'm just gonna hose him down with a hose that would get those lot knocked
off he's only about two and a half feet tall and then there's another one right
here it's funny I always seem to get a twin tower one and once again this is
another one of the twin towers he's actually twin way down there at the base
see if I could zoom in for you look at that I'm gonna leave him alone like I
did the other twin tower he's about 3 feet tall let me pull him away from this
so pepper plant and he doesn't have any aphids on him right now but he's got the
two leaders looking good so the may 16th Apple 2 series 3 apple
trees are doing pretty good in my opinion and looks like we should have
between the original gala Apple and then these three all in line
along with what I'm gonna show you next I have a nice row here of apple trees
I'm hoping for a fruit off of not just the store-bought one of course but off
of the grown from seed ones let me go and walk you over here and show you what
we got going on with the other apple trees so this first crabapple tree it's
beautiful he's really taking off this year this is my royalty crabapple tree
and again I like having the crabapples out here because they're very good cross
pollinators for any types of apples you have but this is my royalty crabapple I
put him in about a year and a half ago and he's about ten and a half feet tall
now he's probably about two and a half years old as well maybe three next up I
have one of my January 1st 2016 germinated apple trees these are the
Gala apples as well and they turned 21 months today now this is the one that's
struggling the most you'll recall I had to put a water bottle around his base he
had so much of his base eaten away by rabbits and if you didn't see the last
video let me go ahead show this key down here look at that about 50% of his base
was eat away so I've done this to protect him he started to put on some
foliage and he's the Texas heat really hurt him his leaves don't look that
healthy at all I'm wondering if the heat has finally got to his reduced trunk
maybe the water bottle might have hurt it might have kept the rabbits away but
maybe it's kind of boiled or baked or burnt his bottom I'm not overly worried
about him he is an extra apple tree he did recently start getting some of these
little tiny shoots coming out at all the leaf nodes and so I'm thinking right
here and so I'm thinking and you see him everywhere
I'm thinking he'll be ok I think he needs this winner pretty badly to go
ahead and heal himself up not doing that great but he is 6 and a half almost 7
feet tall now yeah about seven feet tall now so that's
the first one
my second ones doing good he's about eight feet tall
up here the foliage looks great the leaves look really good this is the twin
tower one if you were called let me go ahead and take you down here
he's the twin tower he also had his trunk eaten by or not at my rabbits but
they're in pretty good shape this was only about 30% eating away at
so he's doing pretty good he's added some extra branching all over the place
and I'm not doing any trimming on this guy we're gonna let him just keep
continuing to add on foliage you know he has slowed down his growth the last
month but still the leaves look great the guy's doing fantastic he's put on
about six inches of height only in the last month but he still looks really
good I'm pretty happy with this one now let me take her to this side of the yard
do I have the tallest the original the first one I planted kind of the star of
the show let's go take a look at him here's my apple tree guys so there's the
base the fence is over eight feet tall and he is now officially over ten feet
tall looks beautiful he's got several several branches and
you look at all these branches he's even got a lower limb down here and a lower
limb down here this guy is going like gangbusters I'm probably going to top
him at the fence line once the winter hits because I do know these guys can
get twenty to thirty feet and I don't want that to happen I'm gonna probably
end up topping about a good foot and a half off the top of all the branches
promotes more side branching try to get that goblet shaped better that's really
cool about this guy is he's really putting on some girth you'll recall in
my last video I said he was a little bigger than a pencil made my finger size
well now he is definitely definitely bigger than
my fingers by far at least one and a half times as big he's probably a 100
inch and a half two inches around guy is growing like crazy he seems to really
like the yard I'm gonna have to get a better support system for him
those two bamboos are really not ideal anymore but I will tell you the one
thing I did notice he did start to get a little bit of yellowing on some of these
older leaves but I'm not too worried about it because the rest of the leaves
look great as you can see I can't even reach the top of anymore he's so tall
now so Wow anyway I wanted to give you an update on my Apple series I know it's
been a few months but man they're getting ready in the next month to go
dormant and I just didn't want them to go dormant and how do you not see how
the how the foliage looked on him look at this guy he's absolutely stunning
growing from seed guys 21 months well there you have it everyone
there's my apple trees grown from seed update the Gala apples are now 21 months
old doing great should give you another update probably
mid November right when they're at 22 and a half months somewhere in there
because then we'll get our frost and the leaves will fall and we'll see how they
do in the off season hoping that next year just maybe maybe one of them gets a
flower probably won't happen if my three and a half year old tree didn't get one
they're not gonna get one but we can always hope if you're enjoying the
series please give it a thumbs up and as always thanks for watching
well there you have it everyone there's my apple seeds apple seeds
網易雲音樂2017年九月最熱新歌TOP50 - Duration: 12:22.
#WMassBiz Episode 21 - All Star Dance Center - Duration: 4:55.
On this episode of Wmassbiz,
we're gonna meet with Kim Starsiak,
the All-Stars Dance center.
Let's see what they're doing to bring families
together through dance.
(jazz music)
- Welcome to episode 21 of Wmassbiz.
Kim, thanks so much for being on the show.
- Nice to meet you, Steve.
- So tell us a little bit about the history
behind All-Stars Dance.
- I've been in business for 23 years.
I started off at a small, little studio
at the Hampton Ponds Plaza
and about ten years ago we built this beautiful facility
and I went from two rooms to four rooms.
From 200 kids to 400 kids.
For being a small part of the community,
to a huge part of the community.
- Cool, so with all these rooms,
what are the different dance options
that the kids have here?
- We have something literally for everybody.
We have all boys hip hop classes.
We have hip hop and acro.
We have a ton of combo classes.
We offer beautiful fantasy book series
where you come in, you read a little bit of a book,
they reenact the book.
We also offer a recreational Irish step
program now along with our regular
jazz, tap, ballet, lyrical, hip hop, acro.
A little bit of everything for everybody.
- Now is it all recreational,
is there a competitive side?
- We do have a fantastic competitive team.
We have about a hundred kids and they travel
all over New England.
Usually starting sometime in January
and ending in June.
We just came back in July
from our nationals at Foxwoods where
they won several awards.
We have them posted everywhere.
Choreography awards, teacher's awards,
studio spirit awards, high score awards,
so very successful.
(funky music)
- Have you had anybody go on professionally
after the studio?
- We have.
We have several kids that have gone on
to be part of their college teams.
Some of them have even gone on
to open their own studios and stuff like that.
We really pride ourselves on not just
being a dance studio.
We really like to try to say
we build great people, not just great dancers.
But a lot of our kids that are in
their recreational program in a competitive program leave.
They went on to work at a state house,
they're lawyers, they're doctors,
they're teachers, nurses, just very successful.
(funky music)
- Is their a seasonality to the business?
And what are the hours like?
- We run from September to June primarily,
but we have an incredible summer program also.
We do a lot of work with park and rec,
we also do a lot of work with Roots Gymnastics
and Roots Athletic Center
and Roots Aquatic and Fitness Center.
So the summer time we run day camps
that start at nine o' clock in the morning,
run 'til 4 o' clock in the afternoon.
Few evening classes, we find that in
the summertime it's nice to have your nights off,
hanging with the family.
And then, during the fall we run usually
couple morning classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays,
but mostly we start at about four o'clock
and run 'till 8:30, 9 o'clock
Monday through Friday.
(funky music)
- Any special events throughout the year, or...?
- We do lots of special events throughout the year.
We have a lot of what we'd like to call
our All-Star Tuesdays.
So we do a Moana party where we incorporate
some swimming and a little luau for the kids.
We are doing a flash mob at the pumpkin fest
in Westfield October 14th.
We also are sponsoring a trunk-for-treat
on October 29th down in Princeton street
in Westfield so we like and really pride
ourselves in being part of the community.
(funky music)
- If somebody wanted to find out more
information about the business,
where would they go?
We also have a fantastic Facebook page,
or you can give us a call.
- Okay, and where are you guys physically located?
- 209 Root Road.
(funky music)
- Fantastic, well thanks so much for being
on the show.
- Thanks so much for having me.
- What an amazing studio.
- Thank you.
- Guys, if you'd like to be featured
on a future episode on Wmassbiz,
you can shoot us an email at,
or you can hit us up on one of our social media
profiles at Rovithisrealty.
Please make sure that you like, comment,
and share so that others can find out
about this great, local dance studio.
(funky music)
Now this is gonna take a few takes, Kim.
Bear it down, bear it down!
- [Man] You ready?
- On this episode of-
(funky music)
ASMR Drawing Features On Your Face 😂 GigiASMR - Duration: 13:56.
ASMR Drawing Features On Your Face
Shorewood IL Septic Line Repairs 815-630-1024 Shorewood IL Septic Line Repairs - Duration: 1:09.
Shorewood IL Septic Line Repairs. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line rodded and paying someone to come out
every 6 months?
Tritan Plumbing has a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While rodding only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the entire surface
of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give Tritan Plumbing a call today, we'll get there fast!
How Rolex Started | When Soldiers Tape Pocket Watches to Their Wrists - Duration: 1:59.
In the early 1900's, a young German named Hans Wilsdorf dreamed of a
world where people would wear elegant and reliable watches on their wrists. At
age 20, he worked for a Swiss watch company where he became obsessed with
precision and technology. After a few years of working, he decided to move to
England in hopes to start his own business. But during his trip, nearly all
of his inheritance was stolen by thieves. He continued to work and save up money,
and in 1903 at age 24 he met this person named Alfred Davis who was willing to
financially support his new company. Then, Wilsdorf borrowed money from his
siblings and together Wilsdorf and Davis went into a 50/50 partnership, and
started the company "Willsdorf and Davis" where they would sell pocket and purse
watches. During this time, the Boer War was going on in Wilsdorf noticed that
these soldiers in combat were taping pocket watches to their wrists so that
they would avoid fumbling around in their pockets. And then it clicked that
wristwatches had a future! So Wilsdorf and Davis decided to rebrand the
company, change the name to Rolex, and focus on wristwatches with parts that
came from Switzerland. At the time, wristwatches were called wristlets and
they were only worn by women for show, and men would often say that they'd rather
wear a skirt than a wristlet. But after Rolex came out, they caught on so
quickly that both men and women were wearing these wristwatches. And, in 1901 a
Rolex watch was the first wristwatch to receive the Swiss certificate of
chronometric precision. Rolex followed Wilsdorf's innovative vision as they
created the first waterproof watch, first to have an automatic date on the dial,
first to display time zones, the list goes on and on.
Today, Rolex is valued at $8.7 billion, making them the 69th most
valuable company in the world. And that's how Rolex started. Thank you for
watching my video! If you enjoyed it, please subscribe to me on YouTube and
follow me on Instagram @AustinDanielPatry!
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