Hey guys, I'm NiceMark and today I want to show you 5 minecart tnt traps in Minecraft.
Let's start!
First of all I'd like to show you the basics of these traps.
If a TNT minecart falls down 3 or more blocks, it's going to explode.
Also, if 2 or more stacked tnt minecarts run into a wall, they're going to explode.
In this case we want the explosion to happen quickly so we place a block in front of the
powered rail, which when gets activated is going to send the minecarts into a wall.
You can also speed up the explosion slightly by placing a fence in front of the powered
Now that you know the basics we're ready to move on to the different traps I have prepared
for you.
I'll also show you how to build them since they are all very simple.
You're in a forest and you want to make a tree trap.
You can pick any tree and at the top log place any type of rails and at least 2 TNT minecarts.
Cover it up and your trap is done!
If the player is not paying attention they're most likely not going to see it, especially
if they are not playing with fancy trees.
You can hide it better by placing a few logs around the tnt minecarts and placing more
So now we're going to test the trap out and it works great!
The TNT minecarts will either fall directly on the player or on the ground, getting triggered
either way.
However this trap is not perfect as the player can panic or have fast reaction and break
the tnt minecarts.
To avoid this I recommend placing at least 3 or 4 tnt minecarts.
Even if they do react, they most likely won't have enough time to break all the tnt minecarts.
The trap usually kills the player, but if you want to be sure you can place TNT under
the tree.
Since TNT activated by explosions blows up faster the player won't have enough time to
escape even if they don't get killed by the first explosion.
Our next trap involves any structure that has a door.
In this case I'm just going to use this house in a village.
First of all the door must be moved behind the door frame.
Then you need to see where the door opens.
If it opens to left, place a powered rail to the right.
If it opens to the right, place a powered rail to the left.
Next, close the door.
Be aware that this will be the last time you use the door as opening it will trigger the
place a chest above the door and a block diagonal from it.
On the top place a rail and a tnt minecart on top of it.
Push the minecart into the chest.
Then above the chest, place another chest and repeat the same process.
Then break all the blocks carefully and let the tnt minecarts sit on the door.
Be careful after completing this next step as it'll make the trap active.
Go under the powered rail and power the block that it sits on.
I'm using a lever as it's cheap and simple.
After that replace all the blocks and you're done!
Opening the door will trigger the trap.
Now we're going to take a look at a trap for caves.
Find any block that you want to trap, dig under it and create the same setup as I showed
you in the beginning of the video.
Place redstone dust and two levers like this.
Activate this lever and break the other one, now the active redstone dust should point
to the powered rail without powering it.
Cover it up.
Don't forget to place at least 2 TNT minecarts.
Now when a player breaks the trapped block it'll trigger the trap.
Again, you can use regular TNT for more explosion power.
The next trap is similar, but involves ore in the ceiling.
Simply place rails above the ore and a tnt minecart on it.
As with the tree trap you can use more TNT and more TNT minecarts.
Finally, if you already have a trap that uses TNT it might take a while to explode.
You don't expect the player to wait for it, do you?
You can use the trick with TNT minecarts to create way faster explosions that there's
no way to escape from.
and that's all the Minecraft traps that I've prepared for you today, I hope you guys liked
Thanks for watching and I'll see you all later, bye bye!
For more infomation >> Minecraft - 5 TNT Minecart Traps - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
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