Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

As a team, we've started well this year.

I'm happy on a personal level too

as I'm playing better than I did last year.

As I've said before,

last year was about getting to grips

with Italian football for me.

I understand it better now

and I'm more familiar with Giampaolo's way of playing.

It's going better for me this year

and I want to keep it up.

The coach thinks I play best as an inside forward.

I think I understand the positions

and the coach's brand of football better this year,

and that goes for the inside forward position too.

I still think I can do well as a trequartista

because that's where I've always played,

but the coach wants me to play at inside forward

at the moment so I do my best.

I want to get more assists and goals

and be more important to the team.

I can do well as an inside forward.

I started playing football when I was five years old.

I was very young – my dad encouraged me to play.

Back then I also played tennis.

When I was ten, I had to decide between tennis and football

and chose football.

I joined Genk, which is an hour away from home,

at the age of ten.

I went to school there too.

After Genk I joined Anderlecht,

where I spent five years before signing for Sampdoria.

Sampdoria weren't the only club interested in signing me,

but I felt really good about it after I met the president.

He has a very close relationship with the players,

whereas at Anderlecht there was a massive distance

between the directors and the team.

It's like a family here at Sampdoria.

Everyone is really close and I love that.

Samp is a really friendly club so

it was the perfect place for me.

I'm interested in fashion.

Around four years ago,

I set up a brand with my friend Yannick Nulens,

who I played with at Genk.

It's called DYJCODE.

We do it with another friend called Joey,

so that's why it has DYJ at the start.

We're all mates.

As I said, I like fashion and I like being creative.

We use a lot of black and white for the brand

– it's kind of streetwear.

When I joined Sampdoria,

we decided to make some t-shirts featuring Italian slogans

and words.

This is one of them!

It says "BUONGIORNO" and "ARRIVEDERCI" in Italian.

We've made a few more too.

I think people in Belgium like the link with me and Italy.

I live in Pieve Ligure,

five minutes from Bogliasco.

It's nice and close for training.

I'm very happy here. It's a beautiful region.

I live with my girlfriend Sharon and my dog Scotch.

He's three years old.

He's really important to me,

especially when my girlfriend is back home

as he usually stays with me.

He always wants to play around with a ball, a bit like me!

I really like the city of Genoa,

though I do find it a bit chaotic.

I prefer smaller, quieter towns such as Camogli,

which I really like.

Portofino is nice too.

I also visited Finale Ligure,

I also visited Finale Ligure, where there is a lovely beach.

I really like the sea.

I think it was my father that gave me that love for the sea.

There is a seaside in Belgium,

but it's a two hours' drive away

and it's not like it is here in Italy.

As I say, I like going out on the water in canoes or boats.

It's really important for me to have a sea view.

I absolutely love Italian food.

I could eat pasta every day – all kinds of pasta.

My favourite is carbonara,

but I love arrabbiata, bolognese, vongole and the rest too.

I miss Belgian frites a bit,

but as players we shouldn't eat too

many anyway so it's not an issue.

When my parents visit,

they come and see every home game in Genoa.

We go out to eat in restaurants in Bogliasco, Recco, Camogli…

We eat pasta or fish or something like that.

I use social media a lot as well,

my favourite is Instagram.

I think it's a great way of keeping in touch with the fans

and you can advertise things if you want to,

like me with my clothing line.

It's easy to use social networks for this.

I'm on Twitter and Facebook as well,

but Instagram is the one I use the most.

I think the Sampdoria fans are amazing

because they're always positive

and this is really important for the team.

They don't put us under too much pressure,

so we can play freely.

Home games at our stadium are amazing:

they chant and support us for the whole match.

This is really good for us.

Breaking into the senior national team

is definitely an objective of mine.

I don't think I played that well last season,

so I understand why I didn't get a call-up

because the Belgium squad is so strong right at the moment.

All the players play their trade in England, Spain and Italy,

like Radja Nainggolan or Dries Mertens.

It's very hard to get into the squad,

but after a good campaign for Sampdoria –

and we're playing pretty well currently –

I hope to get a call-up

because I definitely want to play for my country.

It won't be easy, though, and I'll need to be on top form.

I always want to be a leader on the pitch;

I'm not the kind who talks all the time,

but I prefer to let my feet do the leading

and be at the heart of the action when we get the ball.

That's the kind of leader I want to be in this team.

We've got a strong squad.

I think we're better than last season

because we've had a year to take on board

how Giampaolo wants to play.

Now you can see more of our style on the pitch,

so I think we just need to believe in ourselves

and continue as we're doing.

If it's possible, I definitely want to get into Europe,

but we're playing in Serie A

and we're up against many strong sides,

so it's no easy task.

Nevertheless, I think we've got an excellent team

and a united squad that gives everything for one another.

With the support of our amazing fans,

I think we can have a great season.

Forza Sampdoria!

For more infomation >> Praet esclusivo: «Amo la Liguria e il calore della Samp» - Duration: 12:01.


Feelin' Groovy - Tech Tuesday #90 - Duration: 5:21.

♫ Lalala la la la la, feelin' groovy... ♫

♫ Hello cable, whatcha knowin' you got problems you ain't showin' ♫

...oh, excuse me! Didn't know anyone was there.

We're running the cable back to the pinch mechanism - back to the pinch plate.

Not quite as simple as you might think.

So we're gonna look at some good and bad examples but always we're going to look for the groove.

This is a good place to remind ourselves - don't be afraid to admit you might need the readers.

It's also a good place if you need a little extra light, get it, because sometimes they're a bit subtle.

let's get a closer look.

On this model the cable leaves the stop, continues down, there is a channel here

it's practically an open invitation - CABLE GOES HERE

Pretty clear. But let's do the thing that mechanics like to do - let's take some things apart.

This pinch bolt here, we can look behind it and see what the thinking was.

and this is pretty common - we have a groove in our plate, and this tab.

The cable is going to go right along that groove straight.

That tab - it doesn't wrap around the cable - that tab is an anti rotation tab

that just fits into the body here and keeps it from spinning

Tight - trim - ready to adjust.

This model can be a little tricky -definitely a good place for a little extra light.

We're gonna see there's a stop tab, we're gonna have our cable come through, but let's have a look inside.

Sure enough, there's a plate with a groove.

But there's this flat in the plate - our anti rotation tab is built into the body of the derailleur.

that's a little different - still the same concept.

So we're coming over the tab and we're going to lay right there

the flat is going to go against the stop rotation tab and it's going to tighten down

and all will be smooth and nice.

That's how it's supposed to be.

Not how it's supposed to be.

On a similar-looking model, we have two choices - we can go below or above - below or above.

Let's have a look underneath.

We have that groove. Clearly goes right through there.

But don't try and overthink it.

This is the way they wanted it - the holes line up.

If we try and trick them and I flip it around, the holes don't line up.

Subtle, but nice little design feature.

So here, we've come through with the cable,

obvious channel here shoots it out right there,

let's have a look underneath, and sure enough we have a nice groove

It's gonna go right there, and a couple of anti-rotation stop tabs.

Pretty clear.


This model - pretty simple as they all are.

We come through, now here - hmm, heads, tails, heads, tails,

Probably not through the middle - let's see what's underneath.

This one a little bit of an exception - a simple round washer.

But clearly here there's our groove.

Not over here, it's right there, making it pretty straightforward.

This would be correct.

So what we don't do is tie this up like it's a horse at a saloon.

Partner, that's just wrong.

And why is it wrong? It's not going to slip.

but by changing the design - where it's supposed to be mounted - you've changed the math.

You've changed the throw here to the linkages here. It's not going to shift good.

So when you run your cable, make sure it feels groovy. See you next time.

Now that we have our cable attached, we are ready to adjust some limit screws and indexing.

For that, head on over to the repair help section of, or YouTube.

and be sure to like and subscribe to Park Tool. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Feelin' Groovy - Tech Tuesday #90 - Duration: 5:21.


Röhm-Putsch und Führerstaat - Dikatur des Nationalsozialismus 5 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Röhm-Putsch und Führerstaat - Dikatur des Nationalsozialismus 5 - Duration: 3:47.


Trennung der Eltern | Wer ist schuld? 🌪💔 - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Trennung der Eltern | Wer ist schuld? 🌪💔 - Duration: 4:25.


Kim Jong-un stays away from public eye marking regime's public holiday - Duration: 2:24.

Contrary to what many North Korean watchers anticipated, the regime has not conducted

any provocations.

Also during the hermit kingdom's key anniversary... its leader was not seen in the public limelight.

However, according to our Connie Kim...

South Korea is staying vigilant regardless.

Tension has been mounting on the Korean peninsula as well as the region as North Korea has been

expected to mark October 10, the 72nd anniversary of the regime's ruling Workers' Party, with

another provocation,... but so far, North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un has stayed away

from the public eye and from making another round of global headlines.

The anniversary, an annual public holiday in the secretive regime, was expected to be

marked with a missile launch, as Pyongyang has a track history of commemorating key dates

with provocations of such kind.

Pyongyang carried out its seventh intermediate-range ballistic missile on October 15th last year

followed up by another test four days later.

This time around, speculations of an imminent provocation were further fueled by Russian

lawmaker Anton Morozov who was quoted as saying last Friday,... after returning from a visit

to Pyongyang, that Kim Jong-un intended to launch one more long-range missile in the

near future.

With no apparent signs indicating such event will happen on Tuesday, North Korea has decided

to remain quiet on its public holiday.

However, South Korea is on high alert and stays vigilant on any surprise provocation.

(Korean) "As North Korea has publicly announced an

additional provocation, the South Korean government will closely monitor the possibility of Pyongyang

launching an intercontinental ballistic missile, submarine-launched ballistic missile or a

nuclear test and will maintain a full readiness posture."

And although speculations over a missile launch on its key anniversary have weakened, tension

on the peninsula remains high as the regime carried out a reshuffle at a key meeting of

its ruling party,...and this could represent another chance for Kim Jong-un to focus on

consolidating his power base.

(Standup) "With Pyongyang still leaving the possibility

of another provocation open, North Korea watchers in Seoul are pointing at October 18th as a

highly likely date,... as that's the beginning of China's Party Congress or even in November

when U.S. President Trump is scheduled to visit Asia.

Connie Kim, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Kim Jong-un stays away from public eye marking regime's public holiday - Duration: 2:24.


How to write HAPPY DIWALI in fancy letters - Duration: 3:53.

How to write HAPPY DIWALI in fancy letters

For more infomation >> How to write HAPPY DIWALI in fancy letters - Duration: 3:53.


Chào hỏi bằng tiếng Nhật cực dễ - Giao tiếp tiếng Nhật cơ bản - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Chào hỏi bằng tiếng Nhật cực dễ - Giao tiếp tiếng Nhật cơ bản - Duration: 4:55.


Vlog 03 Ghangaria | Uttarakhand - Duration: 7:23.

Day 8

Finally we checked out our hostel

We stayed there for 5 days and had fun

Now we are heading to youth hostel

There was a man with a braid

But he passed away

So this man sits here now

His duty is to wake up, do the makeup and sit here all day

He gets a break

At the end of the day, remove makeup and sleep

And repeat this everyday

How many days he is doing this?

I did not ask this

This was more interesting!

What did you do your entire life?

Nothing just sat!

Woke up at 3:30 AM because of youth hostel

We are going to joshimath today by bus

Day 9

Going to joshimath

Woke up at 3:30 in the morning

Started travelling at 5

Journey is about to end now, 30 kms are remaining

Locations are too good

We are thinking to settle here

What say deveshu?


We took a permission to leave on 7th day

We will do whatever we want

He gave permission this morning

We took his sign at 4 in the morning

Woke up at 4 and ate maggi

We are seating on last seats managing everyone's bags

We have come to govindghat by bus

Everyone got off the bus

And they are taking out our ration

So guys!

Deveshu and me

We are going to valley of flowers

Walked 5 kms and exchanged our bags

My bag is with me again

Still 7 kms to go

Trek is easy

There are big steps to walk

Horses and mules are available to pick the baggage

You can also go with them

There is also a helicopter

You can go by chopper

Day 10

It is sunny here

And we are walking

Me and deveshu left the main road

And now we will take lunch near this river

How is the plan, deveshu?


Whats for lunch?

Paratha and Potato gravy

We also have peanut chutney

They gave maggi for breakfast

Who eats maggi as a breakfast?

We knew lunch will not be good

So we took peanut chutney with us

Let's take lunch secretly

This place is awesome

You do not need anything if you have place like this

Only your shoes should not get wet

We secretly had lunch and will eat fruits now

Deveshu will cut cake!


We will cut an apple

Whats in your hand?

You will be thinking its a pen

Yes its a pen

It has a knife also

We will cut apple with this

Show them the pen

Started enjoying the trek today

What say deveshu?


Life is beautiful

No one should complain

Deveshu thanekar

He is tired

I am waiting for him from 2 hours

Had to do this

He is my friend

And finally we reached

You can see the view

Isn't is awesome!

Had lunch at the riverside

And we are staying here

What do you need more

Life is beautiful

But you should not get maggi in the morning

And your shoes should not get wet while trekking

What more?


While trekking in himalaya, you should not get prick

Should not have to eat painkillers

We will make list

And will make a song on life is beautiful

We have our free youtube channel

We will make something

You will watch

You will like it


And share it!

For more infomation >> Vlog 03 Ghangaria | Uttarakhand - Duration: 7:23.


БУДЬ ЛУЧШЕЙ ВЕРСИЕЙ СЕБЯ: Конспект Дэна Вальдшмидта - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> БУДЬ ЛУЧШЕЙ ВЕРСИЕЙ СЕБЯ: Конспект Дэна Вальдшмидта - Duration: 6:01.



For more infomation >> ZOMBİLER ARTIK HER YERDE !! (FLAKKA BÜYÜK TEHLİKE) - Duration: 5:06.


Bad Kids & Chocolate Candy Coca Cola! Johny Johny Yes Papa Baby Song Nursery Rhymes for Children - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Bad Kids & Chocolate Candy Coca Cola! Johny Johny Yes Papa Baby Song Nursery Rhymes for Children - Duration: 2:53.


LaUP #3 - Desabafo Cronometrado - (Rocha, Ld, Malheiros, To-in) - Prod. Rocha - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> LaUP #3 - Desabafo Cronometrado - (Rocha, Ld, Malheiros, To-in) - Prod. Rocha - Duration: 4:36.


CHARLIE PUTH - Too Long (Robert Michael Cover) - Duration: 3:48.

Ooh, yeah

I'll admit, I was wrong What else can I say, girl?

Can't you break my head and not my heart?

I was drunk, I was gone, that don't make it right

But I promise there were no feelings involved

She said "Boy, tell me honestly Was it real or just for show?"

Yeah She said "Save your apologies

Baby, I just gotta know"

How long has this been going on?

You've been creeping 'round on me While you're calling me baby

How long has this been going on?

You've been acting so shady I've been feeling it lately, baby

I'll admit, it's my fault But you gotta believe me

When I say it only happened once I tried and I tried, but you'll never see

that You're the only one I wanna love, ooh, yeah

She said "Boy, tell me honestly Was it real or just for show?"

She said "Save your apologies Baby, I just gotta know"

How long has this been going on?

You've been creeping 'round on me While you're calling me baby

How long has this been going on?

You've been acting so shady I've been feeling it lately, baby

How long has this been going on, baby?

You gotta go tell me now

She said "Boy, tell me honestly Was it real or just for show?"

Yeah She said "Save your apologies

Baby, I just gotta know"

How long has this been going on?

You've been creeping 'round on me While you're calling me baby

How long has this been going on?

You've been acting so shady I've been feeling it lately, baby

How long has this been going on?

You've been creeping 'round on me How long has it been going on, baby?

How long has this been going on?

(You gotta go tell me now) You been acting so shady

I've been feeling it lately, baby

For more infomation >> CHARLIE PUTH - Too Long (Robert Michael Cover) - Duration: 3:48.


Southern Holiday Etiquette 101 | Southern Living - Duration: 2:50.

It is really not the time for blow-up Smurf figures

in your front yard.

Now, what does that have to do with Christmas?

The Christian Smurfs?

I don't know.

(Christmas music)

You don't like the placement of the silver?

That's right, and this is not like it's supposed to be,

but what the heck, it's the holiday, it's informal.

But I do hope they're eating outside

if they've arranged the knife and fork like this.

My tip on having a holiday party is to be sure

that you are preparing things that you know how to prepare.

You should prepare things that other people will eat,

and eat in a timely manner.

Gayden and I had a friend who thought of herself

as just Julia Child reincarnated.

It would be midnight and you with think oh,

oh when's the Coq au vin coming?

And the answer is, in about two hours.

And I am grateful for people celebrating Thanksgiving.

Well, if it's sit down, I would set the table.

If it's gonna be a cocktail buffet,

I would roll my napkins.

I think if we're having a sit down party

and you don't have a lot of help,

it's hard to serve that many plates.

We also have turkey and dressing,

and those kinds of traditional things at Thanksgiving.

We do not have that Christmas.

I think to have two different scenarios is the way to go.

If you were coming to my house,

and you were bringing your beau,

is there anything I need to know?

Is he allergic to nuts?

Those nuts, they are secret killers.

Being over-served happens at weddings,

it happens at funerals, it happens at holiday parties.

The main thing is to not let somebody over-served drive.

And there are tactful ways to handle that.

You can't take the car keys away from your elderly uncle,

but you can say there's the bedroom,

or you can do something.

You shouldn't let them drive.

And I just think that's your responsibility as a hostess.

I think the main point of a hostess gift

is to show appreciation, and again, not to break the bank.

And if it's particularly somebody you don't know very well,

how about a little jar of homemade mayonnaise?

Not flowers that are cut flowers

and she has to drop everything to get a vase.

Why make the one person that comes dressed

casually feel inappropriate?

And make him feel at ease.

Take our jackets off, take our ties off.

That's a variation on the famous story

of somebody shows up to somebody's house

and drinks out of the soup bowl, somewhere elegant,

and the hostess says, I always thought it tasted better

that way and drinks out of it,

and everybody's immediately at ease.

And I find that just very cordial.

What's the rule on giving people leftovers?

If I have a guest at Thanksgiving and I see

that he was particularly enjoying the apple pie,

I would just say, would you like to have a piece

of this pie to take home with you?

I don't really think it's easy for the hostess

to assemble a lot of takeaway plates.

I might drop it by the next day.

For more infomation >> Southern Holiday Etiquette 101 | Southern Living - Duration: 2:50.


தினமும் உடலுறவு வைப்பவரா நீங்கள் இந்த வீடியோவை கண்டிபாக பாருங்கள்| Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> தினமும் உடலுறவு வைப்பவரா நீங்கள் இந்த வீடியோவை கண்டிபாக பாருங்கள்| Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 2:33.


'How Did This Guy Ever Save The World?' Ep. 201 Official Clip | The Shannara Chronicles (Season 2) - Duration: 1:56.

You seriously had no idea you were being hunted?

I had heard rumors about some extremist elves

going after magic users,

but Storlock is a neutral zone.

Might want to tell that to the Crimson.

Here. Let me help you.


Thanks for your help.

I didn't do it for thanks.

I plan on collecting that favor.

Look, I'm no healer but that thing needs stitches.

I'm gonna go get one of your Stor friends.


I was drunk and in a bar fight.

I'm already on thin ice around here.

(GROANS) They'd kick me out.

So you're gonna stay here and bleed out? Great plan.

Hand me my jacket.

Enjoy the show.




How did this guy ever save the world?

For more infomation >> 'How Did This Guy Ever Save The World?' Ep. 201 Official Clip | The Shannara Chronicles (Season 2) - Duration: 1:56.


Upgrading 280Z Engine & Turbo | Drift Car Dynamics EP1 | Donut Media - Duration: 5:18.

- What's up everybody, I'm Chris Forsberg

Formula Drift champion and welcome to the next

installment of Drift Car Dynamics.

As you can see my 1975 Datsun is in a million pieces.

On our last episodes we did a lot of adjustable suspension,

and just like any car guy, I just wasn't finished there.

I tore the car all the way down

to really build it up from the inside out

with an all new aesthetics package, interior and exterior.

Pull the engine out and clean and spot weld

the entire chassis to really stiffen it up

for our new adjustable suspension.

And while the engine's out I have new manifolds,

new turbo, and a whole new cooling system going in

to help make that extra power

so we're even quicker around the track.

(engine roar)

And once we're there I'm gonna show you

all the settings that we go through

to really dial in the car.

(guitar music)

So one of the biggest upgrades that we're

doing to the RB25 now, is a whole new turbo system.

Taking off this old, crusty, log style exhaust manifold

which as you can see is not equal length

it's not a good flow and it causes like a lot of heat

build up in different regions of the manifold.

But it's cast iron so it'll stay together.

However, what we're replacing it with

is this beautiful, equal length Dac Race manifold

two wheeler six into one

which gives an incredible amount of flow

for a lot more mid-range torque.

And then this extra pipe here

is for an external waste gate,

so we have a much larger valve to

control the flow of the exhaust through the turbo

to keep boost levels in check.

(engine roar)

Now anytime you're replacing exhaust components

on your turbo system, you wanna make sure

that you clean the surfaces really well

and always get new gaskets, because you want those

maning services to seal up nice and tight,

because you actually have pressure built up

in your manifold and that's what makes the turbo spin

and what makes the charged air going into your engine

and that's where you get your power from.

So any extra leak will cause boost lag

or just a lack of response from your turbo system.

(engine roar)

One of the other highlight pieces of this build

is this custom carbon and billet intake manifold

it's the true definition of function and form,

versus the stock unit, which is a cast piece

it comes up over the top of the engine

causes a very cluttered engine bay,

and a terrible routing system for a front mat inter-cooler.

This kit gives you a much more direct flow,

very lightweight and a huge single throttle body

which puts it way out in the front

so it's much shorter and cleaner routing system

for your inter-cooler.

Utilizing shorter charge pipes is just like the

exhaust system, it gives you faster response

and quicker boost time, so that you can

get the power to the ground a lot quicker.

(engine roar)

The obvious last piece we need for this setup

is our turbo charger,

which has just arrived, perfect timing.

Look at that.

That's a nice looking piece.

And the nice part about this system,

is it uses full V-band clamps,

so you actually don't even need a gasket

you can just clamp it on there and you can actually

rotate it to be in the perfect spot for your application.

Now with all the pieces in place

you can get a little bit of a better idea of how

a turbo system works.

The exhaust gases flow into the back side

of this turbo charger, spins this wheel here

which creates charged air coming through this housing

out through the inter-cooler and into the engine.

And like I said, you have a valve here

that regulates the pressure in this manifold

so that you don't over boost your engine and blow it up.

(engine roar)

Now another problem with these older cars

especially if you're trying to make a lot of horsepower,

is that they do not have good fuel systems.

Most of them even came carbureted,

so therefore you have to upgrade pretty much the entire

setup in order to get the proper fuel flow into your rails.

What a surge tank does is it's a secondary reservoir

for your fuel, which another fuel pump lives in

so that it doesn't get the cause and effect of

fuel sloshing around in a big ole gas tank.

So now we have a much taller narrower cylinder

with one pump sitting down at the bottom,

to create a direct flow with no aeration

so that we don't cause burned up pumps or burned up motors.

Now the last piece of this engine build

is a new set of Tomei cams.

On this motor, the camshafts sit on top of the engine

because it's a overhead cam setup.

What that means, is that the cams are spinning

on this shaft, based off the timing belt.

And as they rotate, these lobes will push down

on the spring bucket and push the valves open.

And the reason why we got after market cams,

is because you have a higher lift and a higher duration

which is the valve opens deeper and stays open longer

to allow more air into the engine.

And the way that you get that is with the cam design

of these lobes, the fatter the lobe, the wider the duration.

The taller the lobe, the higher the lift.

(engine roar)

Well we got the turbo system fully wrapped up

and on the next episode we're gonna

finalize the engine build and wrap up the rest

of the chassis and get this thing fired up

and ready for the street.

(engine roar)

(guitar music)

For more infomation >> Upgrading 280Z Engine & Turbo | Drift Car Dynamics EP1 | Donut Media - Duration: 5:18.


Overwatch Moments #92 - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Overwatch Moments #92 - Duration: 10:16.


Does Polish Transportation SUCK? [Kult America] - Duration: 13:59.

Polish people are always complaining about their public transportation system.

I think it's great, so for the next 48 hours I'm going to be doing nothing

but riding Polish public transportation to answer the question,

'Does Polish transportation suck?'

These city bikes are probably my favorite option as an alternative to a car

you can get around Warsaw fast and without traffic.

However, if you're not a cyclist the Metro is also a fantastic place to ride.

So Poland has two short Metro lines in its capital city, Warsaw,

and although you can't go everywhere that you would want to go, it's very very convenient,

new, renovated, handicapped accessible,

and my favourite thing of all is that some of my friends are going here.

Hey, good morning.

So if you want to meet Polish YouTube stars come to the Metro apparently.

I'm more accustomed to riding subway systems in cities like Chicago and New York

and the first contrast I notice is that it's clean, it's safe, there's no graffiti,

there are no creeps in here, just normal people commuting to and from work.

Imagine that you're going somewhere, and you need to use the restroom.

Well guess what, boom.

It's waiting for you.

I believe that all Warsaw Metro stops are equipped with clean, safe, guarded toilets.

So we're getting adult tickets, two.

You have to make sure that you get the correct kind of ticket

because you wouldn't want to get fined, then check that out you just use the paypass

and your tickets come out.

It's like magic.

Alright well, you have to exercise the art of patience in the printing of the ticket;

my first complaint about Polish transportation because we're in a hurry.

Okay, we have two.

Just pop it in.

Boom and you go.

This also seems pretty energy efficient because the escalators are switching on and off

depending on whether or not people are moving.

No, I'm not one of those people who stands on their phone, that's not that's not me.

Look at this beast, emerging from the tunnel in all of its glory.

Next station: Świętokrzyska.

I was hoping to visit the other Metro line, but considering our time restraints

I've got a desire to go to Krakow from the train leaves in just 20 minutes,

so we have to be on our way now.

Maciek, I'm sorry I rushed you so bad.

Unusual situation, unexpected, but it turns out that our train is 30 minutes late.

So earlier this morning I asked the question: 'Does Polish transportation suck?"

Poles are often complaining about their transportation, but I think what they'd really have to complain about

is the future if they don't start using the public transportation that is available.

Not only will public transportation stop us from all dying of cancer or global warming,

but it's going to help us move around in comfort.

Reduce traffic, more safe conditions.

I'm a little bit of a broken record here, but it really is a win-win.

So when I heard of this "Energia OdNowa" project, I couldn't resist but to take part.

Just to re-instill the idea in my own mind that there are these great alternatives available

and they should be used.

The average urban driver emits approximately 153 grams of CO2 per passenger per mile.

But if you take a diesel bus, only with 25 percent occupancy,

you'd burn about 70 grams per passenger per mile.

Alright, so I want you to explain me one thing. Why on earth would anyone choose to drive

five hours to Krakow when you can do it in just a little over two and a half hours,

in luxury sitting here eating freshly cooked food and sipping on delicious tea?

That my friend is a benefit public transportation.

Check it out this door is basically right out of Star Wars.

It's not working.

Now it's working.

Got like laser lights in here.

This is amazing.

This is the best toilet that I've ever seen in my life, really.

So, I just very discreetly relieved myself and gonna cross another Star Wars door sit

down and chill.

The train adventure has been fun, but it's time to close my eyes.

When I open them again we'll be in the beautiful city of Krakow.

One of the things I love about these Krakow trams.

They're fast, they're modern, they're comfortable,

I really wish we had these in the United States.

You see that clock tower?

That's the first place I kissed my wife.

You guys liked that market square montage so much, that now you're going to fly to Krakow

and you want to find out how to get here, right?

Let's go check out the airport train now.

So you might wonder why I didn't take a plane anywhere in Poland?

Every city has an airport and you can actually fly very cheap.

Cheaper than the train that I took, in fact.

I didn't consider a realistic healthy option or alternative to a private car

on a court of the huge emissions that planes put out.

Apparently, one transatlantic crossing consumes the same amount of fuel

that an average driver would do in 50 years.

Hello, Ania!

Nice to see you! Nice to see you too!

So today we are going to the airport?

Yes, using the fastest transport possible, by train.

It will take us 20 minutes so it's very convenient for tourists.

By bus it usually takes 40 minutes and by train - 20 minutes.

The passengers are quite satisfied.

Is this train clean? I mean, is it good to our environment?

This is the cleanest train possible.

We missed it!

The f*****g thing just left.

All right, we want to see some train, so we're running.

Yes yes yes yes.


Alright, I guess we're not going to Wieliczka.

Alright, there's been another change in plan we're going to Tarnów now.

To the forth one?

These guys are filming a short movie about railroad.

We just need to make a few shots in the train.

Why are you out of breath?

We were running around!

There's a toilet, Wi-Fi.

What else do you want, maybe a movie? But we need to have a permission to do that.

So what about the trains?

According to the Guardian, fully crowded trains

are one of the most efficient long-distance means of transportation.

Train which has 100% occupancy emits less than 30 grams of CO2 per passenger, per mile.

That is a lot less than a car would burn.

Thank you a lot for this trip through cockpit.

That was fantastic.

Ania, thank you a lot, for this amazing experience!

Another good alternative to owning your own car and traveling that way is ride-sharing.

There are several applications like BlaBlaCar.

Good afternoon! Krakowska 7, please.

Last weekend I took Uber that was not mine.

We've been riding for like half an hour and then I've noticed that that's the wrong road!

The driver asked: "Mr. Robert?".

I said: "No, Ryan".

He was also quite surprised.

Kraków is an awful city when it comes to the air pollution.

If you want to have a healthy child and if you are a good parent,

you have to move out of Kraków.

Because the air is so bad?

Because the air is bad.

So when Iived in Krakow,

my apartment was at the top of this building.

You can see the windows are open all the way on the left there.

In terms of pictures it was just stunning.

The problem was that throughout the winter I felt sick, and I'm not sure of it,

but if you look down from those windows you'll observe nothing but chimneys.

And in that time people were burning coal.

So basically I was living up there and I was enjoying the views of Krakow,

but I was being poisoned throughout the whole winter.

And that's just unacceptable and disgusting.

Now this seems to be a little bit more for tourists, but it's very cool the same.

Krakow has an array of water trams, as they call them, connections throughout the city.

So there's a really really cool option to travel by water inside of Krakow if you so desire.

Actually there aren't really any great beaches along Vistula river,

so these water boats provide a cool, but kind of expensive attraction for tourists to use.

Alright, I'm gonna make a declaration.

This is my official favorite form of transportation. A boat.

Water. Krakow. Practicality.

What else could you possibly want?

Boats are certainly less than optimal way to move things and people around.

When it comes to shipping freight, boats would emit three times more pollution than rail.

In terms of shipping people transportation a boat emits eight times more pollution than a train.

I'm actually pretty comfortable, and the scenery is nice, so if I don't fall asleep

I will see you in a few moments in Zakopane.

It worked out to actually be okay, I had a lot of space, it was fast, it was efficient.

Not my favorite form of transportation, but I'm happy to be in Zakopane

because I'm getting a little bit tired.

It's really late.

I'm a little bit hungry.

I'll make the best of things.

Alright, we made it to Zakopane and I've got my oscypek.

It's not in the standard form, it's shredded, but it's gonna be good all the same.

You know what time it is?

It's bedtime.

Well my dear viewers, once again I am up way too early, but that's okay

because I'm headed back to Warsaw, and I will complete this quest

of discovering alternative forms of transportation.

I'm sure you're curious whether or not I think Polish public transportation sucks.

And quite frankly, I think that it's great.

And I wish we had the same back where I'm from in America.

I think you've seen enough of my adventure, but before I go I'd like to leave you

with two final items. The first is a link in the description of this video to our partners WWF.

They put together a documentary series called "Punkt Krytyczny",

which chronicles really interesting environmental issues

and it's inspired me to make change in my own life;

especially regarding forms of transportation.

I hope you'll watch it, learn something, share it with a friend,

and retain the concept of change in your life.

Even if it's a little bit, change can go a long way when everyone does a little of it.

And that's the last item; a quote from Robert Kennedy who famously said,

"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion

of events and in the total of all these acts will be written the history of this generation."

So if you don't believe that your small acts mean anything, think again.

The acts of the generation will define whether or not change occurs.

Aside from that, I hope that you'll subscribe to the Kult America channel,

and I will see you once again next week

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