Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

♫ Lalala la la la la, feelin' groovy... ♫

♫ Hello cable, whatcha knowin' you got problems you ain't showin' ♫

...oh, excuse me! Didn't know anyone was there.

We're running the cable back to the pinch mechanism - back to the pinch plate.

Not quite as simple as you might think.

So we're gonna look at some good and bad examples but always we're going to look for the groove.

This is a good place to remind ourselves - don't be afraid to admit you might need the readers.

It's also a good place if you need a little extra light, get it, because sometimes they're a bit subtle.

let's get a closer look.

On this model the cable leaves the stop, continues down, there is a channel here

it's practically an open invitation - CABLE GOES HERE

Pretty clear. But let's do the thing that mechanics like to do - let's take some things apart.

This pinch bolt here, we can look behind it and see what the thinking was.

and this is pretty common - we have a groove in our plate, and this tab.

The cable is going to go right along that groove straight.

That tab - it doesn't wrap around the cable - that tab is an anti rotation tab

that just fits into the body here and keeps it from spinning

Tight - trim - ready to adjust.

This model can be a little tricky -definitely a good place for a little extra light.

We're gonna see there's a stop tab, we're gonna have our cable come through, but let's have a look inside.

Sure enough, there's a plate with a groove.

But there's this flat in the plate - our anti rotation tab is built into the body of the derailleur.

that's a little different - still the same concept.

So we're coming over the tab and we're going to lay right there

the flat is going to go against the stop rotation tab and it's going to tighten down

and all will be smooth and nice.

That's how it's supposed to be.

Not how it's supposed to be.

On a similar-looking model, we have two choices - we can go below or above - below or above.

Let's have a look underneath.

We have that groove. Clearly goes right through there.

But don't try and overthink it.

This is the way they wanted it - the holes line up.

If we try and trick them and I flip it around, the holes don't line up.

Subtle, but nice little design feature.

So here, we've come through with the cable,

obvious channel here shoots it out right there,

let's have a look underneath, and sure enough we have a nice groove

It's gonna go right there, and a couple of anti-rotation stop tabs.

Pretty clear.


This model - pretty simple as they all are.

We come through, now here - hmm, heads, tails, heads, tails,

Probably not through the middle - let's see what's underneath.

This one a little bit of an exception - a simple round washer.

But clearly here there's our groove.

Not over here, it's right there, making it pretty straightforward.

This would be correct.

So what we don't do is tie this up like it's a horse at a saloon.

Partner, that's just wrong.

And why is it wrong? It's not going to slip.

but by changing the design - where it's supposed to be mounted - you've changed the math.

You've changed the throw here to the linkages here. It's not going to shift good.

So when you run your cable, make sure it feels groovy. See you next time.

Now that we have our cable attached, we are ready to adjust some limit screws and indexing.

For that, head on over to the repair help section of, or YouTube.

and be sure to like and subscribe to Park Tool. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Feelin' Groovy - Tech Tuesday #90 - Duration: 5:21.


Kim Jong-un stays away from public eye marking regime's public holiday - Duration: 2:24.

Contrary to what many North Korean watchers anticipated, the regime has not conducted

any provocations.

Also during the hermit kingdom's key anniversary... its leader was not seen in the public limelight.

However, according to our Connie Kim...

South Korea is staying vigilant regardless.

Tension has been mounting on the Korean peninsula as well as the region as North Korea has been

expected to mark October 10, the 72nd anniversary of the regime's ruling Workers' Party, with

another provocation,... but so far, North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un has stayed away

from the public eye and from making another round of global headlines.

The anniversary, an annual public holiday in the secretive regime, was expected to be

marked with a missile launch, as Pyongyang has a track history of commemorating key dates

with provocations of such kind.

Pyongyang carried out its seventh intermediate-range ballistic missile on October 15th last year

followed up by another test four days later.

This time around, speculations of an imminent provocation were further fueled by Russian

lawmaker Anton Morozov who was quoted as saying last Friday,... after returning from a visit

to Pyongyang, that Kim Jong-un intended to launch one more long-range missile in the

near future.

With no apparent signs indicating such event will happen on Tuesday, North Korea has decided

to remain quiet on its public holiday.

However, South Korea is on high alert and stays vigilant on any surprise provocation.

(Korean) "As North Korea has publicly announced an

additional provocation, the South Korean government will closely monitor the possibility of Pyongyang

launching an intercontinental ballistic missile, submarine-launched ballistic missile or a

nuclear test and will maintain a full readiness posture."

And although speculations over a missile launch on its key anniversary have weakened, tension

on the peninsula remains high as the regime carried out a reshuffle at a key meeting of

its ruling party,...and this could represent another chance for Kim Jong-un to focus on

consolidating his power base.

(Standup) "With Pyongyang still leaving the possibility

of another provocation open, North Korea watchers in Seoul are pointing at October 18th as a

highly likely date,... as that's the beginning of China's Party Congress or even in November

when U.S. President Trump is scheduled to visit Asia.

Connie Kim, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Kim Jong-un stays away from public eye marking regime's public holiday - Duration: 2:24.


Chào hỏi bằng tiếng Nhật cực dễ - Giao tiếp tiếng Nhật cơ bản - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Chào hỏi bằng tiếng Nhật cực dễ - Giao tiếp tiếng Nhật cơ bản - Duration: 4:55.


БУДЬ ЛУЧШЕЙ ВЕРСИЕЙ СЕБЯ: Конспект Дэна Вальдшмидта - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> БУДЬ ЛУЧШЕЙ ВЕРСИЕЙ СЕБЯ: Конспект Дэна Вальдшмидта - Duration: 6:01.


Bad Kids & Chocolate Candy Coca Cola! Johny Johny Yes Papa Baby Song Nursery Rhymes for Children - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Bad Kids & Chocolate Candy Coca Cola! Johny Johny Yes Papa Baby Song Nursery Rhymes for Children - Duration: 2:53.


Giới thiệu Kênh Youtube cùng chủ đề với không gian IT|Kênh chia sẻ kiến thức - Duration: 11:37.

Introducing youtube channel the same content with the IT Space channel

That is Công Nghệ Dạy và Học Channel

And Hồ Hoài Nam Channel

For more infomation >> Giới thiệu Kênh Youtube cùng chủ đề với không gian IT|Kênh chia sẻ kiến thức - Duration: 11:37.


தினமும் உடலுறவு வைப்பவரா நீங்கள் இந்த வீடியோவை கண்டிபாக பாருங்கள்| Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> தினமும் உடலுறவு வைப்பவரா நீங்கள் இந்த வீடியோவை கண்டிபாக பாருங்கள்| Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 2:33.


Overwatch Moments #92 - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Overwatch Moments #92 - Duration: 10:16.


Stupid Crazy Angry People Vs Bikers 2017 - Duration: 10:15.

Biker: what does he want ?

B: what do you want ?

B: look at the camera, I have you on camera !

B: look at the camera, I have you on camera !

B: look at the camera, I have you on camera

Man: did you give me the finger ?

B: No Sir I didn't . I did this ! I didn't direspect you Sir.

M : yeah you better hold your tongue

B : I didn't offend you Sir, this is what I did !

M : ... And what does that mean ?

B: I didn't give you the finger

*Old Man tries to intimidate the biker*

Biker: So what ?

Man : you better be more polite ! , you were speeding !

B : No I wasn't Sir, this bike can't even reach the 45km/h ...blablabla

M : Get the f**k off , or I'll kick your a##!

B: the f**k you gonna do ?

Left indication but turns right, doen't apologize, ignores me,

Still going into my lane, Gets mad because in fault, Brakes just to piss me off.

"Retard alert, kids, becareful retard alert! "

What are you doign? Whats that?

Just stop...

Just stop on the side !

b: don't you know how to use your mirrors?

Man: whats wrong? Me: You almost ran into me!

Man: Who are you to talk to me like that? Biker: You almost ran into me!

B: You know what? Go f*ck your mother! Your mirror i'll explode that shit du***uck

B: No more mirrors!

M: I'm a biker too !

B: I don't give a f**k!

B: I don't give a f**k! Then look at your f***ing mirrors

B : I don't know be a little intelligent morron !

B: you almost ran into me and don't even f*cking look at your mirrors before turning!

B: Are you dumb or what ?

B: Franckly i have everything on tape tonight on youtube my friend! Look it up ! RoadRage Lyon!

You'll search ! F$%K!

Right turn lane, no indicator, does'nt acknowledge me, doesn't say sorry.

"Retard alert, kids, becareful retard alert! "

Biker: That's not how it works.....

B: You've changed lanes without indicating i got scared for a sec

*Excuses doesn't know the city very well... *

B: No problem just use your idicator next time :)


"Big smile, apologies, understands the biker, nice to talk to

B: No problem, have a nice day!


B: no problem just indicate.

For more infomation >> Stupid Crazy Angry People Vs Bikers 2017 - Duration: 10:15.


REAGOIDAAN | Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer [Reaktio] - Duration: 5:46.

hello it's pevukka here with new star wars trailer

For more infomation >> REAGOIDAAN | Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer [Reaktio] - Duration: 5:46.


Seth Meyers and Fred Armisen Record Orc Voices for our sponsor Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Seth Meyers and Fred Armisen Record Orc Voices for our sponsor Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Duration: 5:11.


Gospel of the day Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - Duration: 14:43.

For more infomation >> Gospel of the day Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - Duration: 14:43.


Куклы Пупсики Беби Элайв Соня Кушает Писает Подгузник Утро Пупсов Зырики ТВ morning routine как мама - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Куклы Пупсики Беби Элайв Соня Кушает Писает Подгузник Утро Пупсов Зырики ТВ morning routine как мама - Duration: 3:48.


Stossel: Ayn Rand–The Author People Love to Hate - Duration: 4:50.

People love

to hate Ayn Rand.

You are out to destroy

almost every edifice

in the contemporary American way of life.

60 years

to the day

after "Atlas Shrugged" was published,

people STILL feel compelled

to pan her.

Ayn Rand became famous

for her philosophy of objectivism

which is a nice way of saying

being a selfish asshole.

Atlas Shrugged and Rand's other books

are about many such

"self-interested people".

Mr. Rearden,

you wouldn't want it misunderstood that

you work for nothing

but your own profit?

Indeed I want it understood clearly.

And how does that benefit your fellow man?

Thousands of jobs, billions in revenue,

fueling our economy

despite your efforts to destroy

the very foundation of our existence.

Rand argued

that even if entrepreneurs and creators are "selfish"

so what?

They create opportunities for others.

They never got that.

But I'm glad these people do.

They love Rand's heroes.

They had an idea,

people told them "you can't do that,

that's too selfish,

that's too

out of the ordinary",

They did it anyways.

And they're successful.

So being selfish themselves in the end

helped out a lot of people.


me wanting to make more money,

I may create an invention

that may improve the standard

of living for millions and millions of people.

These young people

are part of an organization called "Turning Point USA",

a group that tries to get Atlas Shrugged

read more on campuses.

We're on over 1100 college and high school campuses

across the country.

But the campuses are

not listening to you

or you're a tiny

fraction of the political discussion.

You would be surprised at how big

the following is

and how much appetite there is actually for this.

Atlas describes an America where government

passes so many rules that

most of the economy just shuts down.

That idea horrified people who

like regulation.

I find it abhorrent.

I really do.

Why was the left so

enraged by it?

Because she was

and is


She wasn't talking about economics

in terms of practical good.

She was talking about

your having a right

to your own life.

Jennifer Grossman of the Atlas Society

loves seeing young people

discover a new way to

think about things.

I'm a Peace Corps baby.

I was raised in a community

where I had never

seen a conservative

except in caricature.

Libertarians were either stupid

or evil.

And when I went to Harvard,

which was a bastion of liberalism,

I actually found

a couple of

people who didn't fit that stereotype.

So I decided I needed to go back and do some thinking

And some reading.

She says she found the 12,000 page novel…

a "spiritual experience".


It's about business.

I think it's about overcoming odds.

It's about not allowing people to take advantage of you

and feeling bad about pursuing your

own interests.

The consensus of the best metallurgical authorities

are highly skeptical.

I'm not interested in their opinions.

Then whose do you go by?

My own.

In America, the social justice people are winning

and people who wear dollar signs on their

dress are vilified.

They completely marginalized Ayn Rand.

They completely took this stuff out of the classroom

and now when they're introduced to it,

they freak out.

In a good way, she means.

People are surprised

when they see how freedom-minded

college students are.

They're socialists.

They're not socialists.

Admittedly Bernie Sanders' biggest portion

of his support came from young people.

But our generation is split in a really ironic way.

60% think socialism is a good idea

and then 70% say they don't want to pay

higher taxes and they don't trust the government.

So they just don't understand what socialism really is.

The first day of class we had a student that walked in

and opened his laptop and on that

laptop there were a ton of Bernie bro stickers,

and "I love socialism".

So the very next day

I brought to class a

ton of stickers,

laptop stickers that said

"This laptop was brought to you by capitalism."

Towards the end of the semester

I had most of the class on my side.

With the help of a book

that's 60 years old today.

Fiction is more powerful than facts.

Facts are more important,

but maybe fiction

does a better job teaching people

what really matters.

For more infomation >> Stossel: Ayn Rand–The Author People Love to Hate - Duration: 4:50.


बिना खर्चा किये steel बर्तन rack चमकाने का आसान तरीका / steel rack cleaning/vlog/TRUPTISWORLD - Duration: 5:10.

hello friends i m trupti n dis is my channel press the red button n subscribe to me

done wid my breakfast i had indian breakfast POHA today and started wid my work

to super clean our steel utensil rack we require baking soda, lemon and vinegar mix it well

thats what i m doing here my son loves to ask so many questions out of which i dont understaND IT ALL HEHE

I pour all that mixture on to the rack and kept for 1/2 an hour and then i took vim liquid soap mix it with water and with that i m cleaning the rack after half an hour

i was able to remove all the dust, oil particles everything very easily in this way really it works wonders guys do try it out

you can see i m able to remove it without putting any presure

you can see the difference very well

diwali is coming do try out these small small tricks to get over wid your diwali work faster.

after cleaning work i did some of my kitchens cleaning so was so hungry and wanted to make something quick for lunch so made this SOYA PULAO Very easy yet very healthy

miz veggies, onion slit green chilies soya chunks soaked in water for half an hour some curd whole spices that you are good to go

after adding whole spies added onin bey leaves turmeric, chilli powder garam masala, biryani masala saute it well then add rice curd soya chunks double the quantity of water and cook for 15 minutes thats it serve wid some curd raayta

not to forget add seasoning as per taste and thats a perfect lunch in no time....

thanks for watching do subscribe to me guys and gals.........muaaaaaaaaaaa

For more infomation >> बिना खर्चा किये steel बर्तन rack चमकाने का आसान तरीका / steel rack cleaning/vlog/TRUPTISWORLD - Duration: 5:10.


Seoul City work to save disappearing villages - Duration: 3:57.

Rapid urbanization usually involves a rise in the number of apartments.

As conversion to concrete jungles continues, some villages and small towns in the capital

are left behind in the process.

But now some are trying to turn things around and provide a new lease in life to these areas.

Kim Mok-yeon sheds light on such efforts.

The neighborhood of Gaebong 3-dong, located in Seoul's Guro-gu district, is a low-rise

residential area that had fallen into disrepair.

Most of its public facilities, including roads, alleys and playgrounds were neglected for

a long time.

But in recent years, there have been signs of significant change.

(STAND UP) ed: steve "Two years ago, this place was deserted.

It has since been rebuilt and is now a community hall where villagers can take a rest and spend

time with each other."

At the community hall, the locals can take take classes in yoga, singing or learn to

make jam from fresh fruit.

(KOREAN) "The first thing was that university students

came and took a look at the inconveniences residents were facing.

They started by rennovating the stone steps and installed security cameras for us.

We're very thankful, and we're proud of them."

These students were able to make a difference with the help of Seoul city's Residential

Environment Management program.

The program first began in 2009.

It puts on a contest in which university students select underdeveloped areas and submit ideas

on how to improve living conditions, which they could get a chance to implement under

the guidance of their professor.

(KOREAN) "We've held this competition on a yearly basis,

and for the past eight years, a total of 580 applications have been submitted.

Out of those, eight have been selected and have been turned into real projects."

The program doesn't end with the students just handing over their programs.

Some participants stay on in the villages as advocates, serving as a liaison between

residents and city officials.

North of the Han River, in Seodaemun-gu district, the neighborhood of Hongje 3-dong is getting

some help from two students and a professor.

The team of three looked at the way the residents live and the inconveniences they face... and

came up with solutions such as installing security lights, painting the walls of kindergartens

so people don't dump garbage outside them, and holding get-togethers for the villagers.

(KOREAN) "By working here on-site every day, I realized

that things are very different from what I've learned from books.

I learned that we should look more carefully at the people and their way of life too."

(KOREAN) "At first, we were planning to focus on the

architecture side of the project, but later we realized that creating a community spirit

is more important.

So we are now trying to get people together and help them share opinions that can develop

the village."

Thanks to the efforts of the team, Seoul city said it would provide some 1.8 million U.S.

dollars for the development of the village, dispatching experts and installing facilities

that could boost the participation of its residents.

Locals say the neighborhood has had a new energy since the team started their work.

(KOREAN) "We are learning a lot from these students.

I was able to meet neigbours I hadn't met before, and more people greet each other in

the streets.

I think other residents are also slowly trying to make efforts to change the village."

The professor supervising the team says all these efforts are to make a happier place

for people to live in.

(KOREAN) "Ultimately, people want to live in a place

where there is happiness and harmony.

And I think happiness comes from small actions where people can comfortably share their opinions

with their neighbours.

So we want to create a platform for residents to communicate with each other."

The team, along with the villagers of Hongje 3-dong, have been cooperating for the past

three years to build a better village.

As so, Seoul City plans to continue with its Residential Environment Management program

in the coming years... and lift up more neighborhoods in need of a hand.

Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Seoul City work to save disappearing villages - Duration: 3:57.


Los 8 momentazos de 'La Voz 4' en sus segundas audiciones a ciegas - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> Los 8 momentazos de 'La Voz 4' en sus segundas audiciones a ciegas - Duration: 7:15.


Greatest Country Songs Of 2017 - Top 100 Country Songs 2017 Playlist - Duration: 1:59:54.

For more infomation >> Greatest Country Songs Of 2017 - Top 100 Country Songs 2017 Playlist - Duration: 1:59:54.


Entertaining video transmission for cafes, restaurants - Duration: 1:34.

Just the idea of creating a small video transmission in a café or restaurant. In almost any cafe have a TV and VCR. Your task is to remove a small entertaining and educational program about cafes, dishes, ways of cooking, what wine to suit any dish. And all this teaching in the form of light in the afternoon and evening. The transfer must be constructed in the form of communication with visitors, with video clips and anecdotes. On each day of the week their announcements. Your task - every week, two to update the information, etc. of Course, with the owner you charge a fee.

For more infomation >> Entertaining video transmission for cafes, restaurants - Duration: 1:34.


Amazing food processing machinery 2017 coconut industrial factory - Duration: 10:55.

Amazing food processing machinery 2017 coconut industrial factory

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