Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The Challenger MT800E Series And The AGRISEM CULTIPLOW PLATINUM 8M.

Challenger MT800E 4 Engine Setup 4 Design Setup 40Km/h Top Speed

IC CONTROL SPACE So many New Function Like !!!


AGRISEM CULTIPLOW PLATINUM 8M Colorable 8m Working Width 12Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 420Hp

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Special MT800E And Agrisem Cultiplow - Duration: 11:59.


i can sing with my mouth closed.. - Duration: 10:38.

Okay, so people always ask me to talk to my mouthful for them, so I'm assuming video


I can say

hi, and spoon or

Hi, tiny. I mean I can say long things with announcer, but

your letters and harder to stay on the line and

and on smile, Alyson, Hannigan

Dragon has the three songs

Here back in addition, and I'm it's a good size matching mMM, sing twinkle twinkle little star

welcome to my video on

just listening to me making noises my

going to show you some of the impressive noises that I can make first of all I can whistle really lab with my fingers and

It would sound like this

Well my parents didn't hear that um yeah, so that is my finger whistle I'll do it again

that's my whistle with my fingers um

My next one is the water drop noise with sounds like a water drop noise

That's why it's called net wow. I sound really stupid. Okay. It sounds like this

Now that noise is perfect for when it's completely silent during class and you just want to

Make a distraction and make everyone look at you

The water drop noise next is the crab scratch also known as the average scratch I

Don't know I didn't name it that this noise. Do you?

Incorporate normally people incorporate it into their beatbox beats

Because it sounds like a scratch that you would do on a disk, so

now you would make that noise like say about a Beatbox which I'm not good at just saying but

Something like that if you hear from a real beat boxer, then it would sound much better because I'm not

that glad beatboxing um

But anyways yeah

crap scratch ever scratch, whatever

Next would be the bubble noise

I think it sounded like a bubble noise because why do I do it sound like bubble noise, okay, so

you might have had to turn up your volume a little bit on that noise because kind of quiet, but

Yep, that's my bubble noise um I can also do a race car noise

I'm really doing the race car noise like I'm not just covering my mouth

But I have to cover my mouth like that because it. What sounds better if I do it like that, whatever but

Yeah, that's my race car noise. I mean it sounds like a chainsaw just a fart to some people, but I

Think it sounds like a race car um

Also, I know how to do a hooting noise. This only works occasionally for me when I have a good day, but um


I could do a cricket noise

Just saying I'm going to be covering my mouth again, but I'm really doing it. I'll do it without my hands department Malchus

and I think it just sounds better if I would cover my mouth like this I

Can make a I'm sure everybody knows how to make a port noise like I?

Mean that's Pathetic if you don't know how to do that

This is a little different because I do this with my hands and my mouth I do

Also, my gunshot noise. Oh


Probably look really stupid doing that just now this next

Everyone knows how to do that

I'm sure and you don't you don't know how to do it you can just look at me doing it right now and

You would know how to do it, but we've got ten nights until the next full moon

But already there have been sightings of these creatures around, San antonio

Yeah, those creatures are teen wolves and as ken's 5 chicag reports. They haunt our high schools

School's out at John Marshall high but this could be any school and with any school

Come - clicks - Cheerleaders nerds jocks and goth, but lately we've tailed another group on and off campus literally

We're not a to be feared. It's not emo, and it's not God. It's well more animal than that

Meet members of the Wolf Pack one of Several packs scattered about San Antonio's Northside

We're not a gang at all like gangs are posers. They just want attention

That's why they go on tagging stuff the packs

We're family like we go just each other for our problems and yes

They sometimes meet under a full moon that is if mom and dad let them out of the house. We're here

The Fascination with werewolves dates back to the 1930s with popular movie starring Lon Chaney Jr.. I

Think more recently movies like van helsing and the Twilight series have captured the attention of teenagers

They may not be mutating for Amanda wolf but counselors warned these teens are experiencing

Transformations of their own from childhood to adulthood young people are looking to define their identities

sometimes to come together and affiliate around a theme or an idea and just really to

Belong that sense of belonging and a sense of belonging is just what this group says they're after your friends you've in place

You belong yeah

You pretty much like you're accepted or to where you are who you are what you are day Khitan wolfram lupus is the unofficial leader

Of the pack at Brandeis high he says he's got some wolf in him howling sometimes to get out

We spotted the tails at a westside mall doing what teenagers do we just hang out here like

we're just like another family like this is our second home basically and you couldn't help but notice the eyes and the fangs it's a

Style we're told and nothing more we're not trying to be intimidating. We're not trying to be menacing or anything

We're just trying to live our daily lives and just hang out. You know as teenagers. We just won't have fun

They just kind of look at you where sometimes at point, and you can tell they're kind of talking about you

But attention they have received one of the wolfpack who many consider the alpha dog received some international acclaim when a neighbor's dog went missing

Only to have its skull found in possession of 118 year old Wolfie black heart it created a firestorm on the internet

It was san Antonio's first glimpse into the world of these transform teens

Northside officials confirm wolf packs do exist in at least half a dozen schools with anywhere from Twelve to twenty

Werewolves in each they walk down the hallways and and meld into the the fabric of the school and don't seem to be

Troublesome in the school environment now Northside counselors say it's extreme expression

Day says it's something deeper than violating the school's dress code. I don't believe anyone that's just human

It's just everyone's got something else mixed in with them

Just they've got to actually look inside themselves and find out what it is Jay's got his only she wears

And then there's the kind his mother keeps him tethered to his family his chores his studies as soon as he walks in the door

he is supposed to take out the things loose the glock the

Lenses and put his hair back Pam manly says she's proud of her son. They could

Go subscribe to them you beautiful people

For more infomation >> i can sing with my mouth closed.. - Duration: 10:38.


What content to make on YouTube | Master Class ft Roberto Blake - Duration: 4:03.

There is a secret to winning on YouTube, that nobody tells you.

Hey everybody this is Roberto Blake

helping you create something awesome. Today I specifically

want to focus on teaching you about content and what content to make for your

YouTube channel. The thing that nobody will tell you! Especially when you're

just getting started. What if I told you despite all the genres and subcategories

of YouTube, that there are only really three types of content on YouTube.

In fact, of the three types of content you could make for a YouTube channel most

creators will only focus on doing one. The three types of content you could create

on YouTube are referred to as hub, help, and hero content.

Help content is search

friendly, it's the kind of thing like tutorials and how-to videos.

Hub content is share-friendly and emotionally satisfying. And then hero content is

mission driven and is something that either can help you achieve your goals

beyond YouTube or might be newsworthy. This is how you're going to get

discovered in YouTube, balancing these three types of content the correct way.

Earlier I mentioned that most creators only focus on one type of piece of content.

As someone who primarily does an education based channel around

creativity and entrepreneurship, I've had to learn how to balance this as well and

I wasn't good at it at first. I overwhelmingly focused on help content

because that was the nature of my videos a lot of it was tutorial based and the

lot of it is also giving advice. But, because I'm a creative entrepreneur I found that

there are a lot of people who want to connect with me and the journey that

I've been on and they know that they've experienced similar things in their life.

So, I open that up to vlogging as well, about that journey of what it's like to

be an artist and be an entrepreneur. And in terms of hero content, working

specifically with sponsor or brand that would actually share and distribute this

using their platform, or tack onto something that might be happening in the

news or a conversation that more people want to have.

Or there might be a popular trend or tag, or there might be a new release of a

product. With all of this different content whether its hub, help, or hero,

it's important to also organize your content in a way your audience can

understand and the way that makes it, you know, practical to go from one video to

the next video. Having that stuff in a playlist is really practical for the

audience but it's also great for search and discovery. It tells YouTube what

videos are connected and related to each other and a lot of times my videos that

share a playlist, are recommended to anyone who's already watched some of my

videos and my content. Getting people to binge-watch your content is much easier

when it's in a playlist, there are less distractions and the odds are that if

you can get them to view from the playlist,

they'll just watch more of your content, you'll accumulate more watch time, and

that also means that your videos will recommended to them more often because

they're already watching them. And YouTube just wants to help us watch more

of the content that we already enjoy.

The nature of my videos has always been "evergreen", something that I've wanted to

touch on for a while. Your videos don't

necessarily have to perform the best, the day or the week that you release them.

My most popular video to this day got most of its views six months after I put it

out. And that video is now at over a million views. But it took a year for it

to accumulate that. So you just never know.

Consistent and reliable pieces of

content are something your audience can rally behind and that they will expect

from you and that they will enjoy and engage with. It also is extremely share

friendly but also elevates the value of your name and that is important because

beyond YouTube you need to be building a brand and that means your name has to

matter to people, and it will matter if you're consistent.

Thank you so much for

tuning in to this episode on the next one we're going to be talking about

visual branding and how that helps you stand out in YouTube.

Take Care.

For more infomation >> What content to make on YouTube | Master Class ft Roberto Blake - Duration: 4:03.


¡Kiko, quédate! Las 7 razones por las que nos negamos a aceptar su marcha de 'Sálvame' - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> ¡Kiko, quédate! Las 7 razones por las que nos negamos a aceptar su marcha de 'Sálvame' - Duration: 7:28.


Fun Care games for girls - Play Hair Salon & Learn Colors - Baby Game Summer Love Story - Kids Games - Duration: 15:12.

Fun Care games for girls - Play Hair Salon & Learn Colors - Baby Game Summer Love Story - Kids Games

For more infomation >> Fun Care games for girls - Play Hair Salon & Learn Colors - Baby Game Summer Love Story - Kids Games - Duration: 15:12.


skam w/w collab | let me love you *:・゚✧ - Duration: 2:10.

Do you think he's in love with you?

He's not


I think you deserve better

Sara doesn't like Vilde

For more infomation >> skam w/w collab | let me love you *:・゚✧ - Duration: 2:10.


ROBLOX FUNNY MOMENTS MONTAGE -- Paula Blox Compilation - Duration: 2:05.

oh my little buddy's gonna play with me don't jump on me little buddy hey little

buddy come on is his shoulder it's her

shoulders like I has a girl nevermind I'm gonna make her mad yes super knee

look at that whoa oh my gosh we're in his mouth oh yes yes

I am a shark be prepared to kill everybody

I don't know how okay Jeff we're not murderers

ha what wait did I just die - Jeff kill me why is this so fun I mean

come on is this like a girl a place where are the guys okay

I don't see that many guys in here everybody run up run up quick quick oh

no no oh gosh so I'm dead no I'm not that I am dead okay I know what I'm

doing okay I'm scared guests remove your butt

this is so cute oh my gosh I can't even don't kill me a little octopus all those

creepy it's creepy in a cute way the clowns are coming on now say it isn't so

they're not coming right okay don't die first off I died we could do it yeah we

did it look at that butt up in the air and everything that was awesome

hey guys want some kool-aid yeah sure I'll take one here you go there that's

hot chocolate okay thanks Oh what am i doing

For more infomation >> ROBLOX FUNNY MOMENTS MONTAGE -- Paula Blox Compilation - Duration: 2:05.


Story Of Seasons előzetes - Nintendo 3DS - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Story Of Seasons előzetes - Nintendo 3DS - Duration: 0:31.


تجهيزات العودة للمدرسة أفكار و حيل و أعمال يدوية ستجعلك متميزة بين صديقاتك 👌✔️ - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> تجهيزات العودة للمدرسة أفكار و حيل و أعمال يدوية ستجعلك متميزة بين صديقاتك 👌✔️ - Duration: 10:27.


THE ONCE AND FUTURE LAMB - Duration: 20:48.

For more infomation >> THE ONCE AND FUTURE LAMB - Duration: 20:48.


Ludmilla aposta em look ousado com seios à mostra e enlouquece fãs: 'Pisa muito' - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Ludmilla aposta em look ousado com seios à mostra e enlouquece fãs: 'Pisa muito' - Duration: 4:50.


5 Terrifying Jumpscares in Movies - Horror Month 2017 - Day 10 - Duration: 3:02.

Geeky Gaming Hey Geeks, it's Andrea.

It is day 10 of Horror Month 2017 and I figured today we can talk about something I have a

love/hate relationship with.

Jumpscares in movies.

I love that they exist, but I hate that they scare me so easily.

Don't forget, links to actual clips are in the description below.

Alright Geeks, let's go.


Insidious - I can still hear that voice Insidious is a decent horror movie if you

haven't seen it.

One of my personal favorite scenes in this movie is when the mother of the main character

is describing a dream that she had.

I always love simple lines before a jump scare and in this one she states, "I can still

hear that voice."

when the camera cuts to see her son, you see the man with the red and black face behind


Of course accompanied by one of those terrifying demon screams that jump scares like to use.


Sinister - The Lawnmower Scene I love the setup for this jumpscare.

It takes the silence before a scare to a whole new level.

Rather than having someone talk or looking around the room and someone being behind them.

Which are all valid ways to do jumpscares, but you have to love when someone does something

their own way.

Entering into the scare on this one, you are watching a fuzzy video with no sound.

There is nothing special going on.

Just a guy pushing a lawnmower.

That is until you see someone laying in front of the lawnmower and hear one of those horrible

demonic screams.


A Tale Of Two Sisters - Girl Under The Sink You kinda see a jumpscare coming from a mile

away with this one, but they do it in an interesting way.

First they have her looking over her shoulder in such a way that you're sure something

is going to be standing there.

So maybe for a moment when you realize that it isn't there you might feel at ease.

That is until you see the hair pin on the floor.

You kinda know where it is going at that point, but that doesn't make me jump any less.


The Orphanage - Benigna Grabs Laura We actually talked about this movie the other

day whenever we were looking at masks in movies.

This doesn't show the creepy child, but it is disturbing none the less.

The woman laying on the sidewalk badly injured is presumed dead when she suddenly grabs Laura's

wrist and makes a horrible grunting sound before, well, dying again.


Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring - Bilbo Baggins

Oh god, this was like my nightmare when I was a kid.

I know that Lord of the Rings isn't the most terrifying movie out there, but that's

kinda why this is so unexpected.

You're just sitting around, watching a classic Lord of the Rings movie and then BAM!

There is a face that makes you want to cry for your mommy.

Alright Geeks, that's going to do it for this video.

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.

We still have 21 days to come, so be sure to come back tomorrow for another video.

Be sure to pick up the limited time Horror Month t-shirt and check out the official song

for this Horror Month on bandcamp.

On your way out, subscribe, like, and comment.

Alright Geeks, I will see you tomorrow.

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