Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Wonder Breasts.

Today we are going to discuss: Does scarring ever fade after a breast lift?

In this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery.

Welcome back!

On multiple occasions I had patients coming to see me for a breast augmentation

but what they actually needed was a breast lift.

Many people still believe that getting breast implants will eliminate the need to undergo a breast lift

as the breasts will elevate naturally after inserting the implant.

This is not true, and it never happens, especially if we are talking about considerable sagginess of the breasts.

The reason why many patients prefer to have a breast augmentation than a breast lift is

that they believe the scarring is less visible in the first case compared to the lift.

This is true in many cases.

The breast augmentation can leave minimal scarring and the breast lift more extensive ones.

But the two procedures are not a substitute for each other, so if a breast lift is recommended,

this procedure should be performed first.

Does the scarring ever fade after a breast lift?

Just like any other type of surgical scar, it can take up to a year or more for the scars

to completely heal and mature.

Because of the size of the scars, patients are worried during the first days and weeks

after the breast lift because the incisions are red and sometimes even swollen.

This is not how your scars are going to look like once the healing process is completed.

The scars will change color into one closer to the skin in the surrounding area,

and they will look like fine lines that are barely visible.

For the scars to fade smoothly after a breast lift, the patient needs to pay attention to the hygiene

in the area shortly after the surgery is performed.

You will also need to avoid smoking, which can lead to a poor oxygenation of the tissues and necrosis.

You will need to avoid sun exposure for at least six months,

preferably a year to avoid discoloration of the incisions.

You will need to avoid intense physical exercises the first weeks after the surgery

as they might lead to wound opening.

If you follow all the post-operative recommendations and you have a history of nice scar healing,

I can tell you that your scars are going to look just fine a year after the procedure

and you will not have to worry about their aesthetic appearance.

In this video, we discussed: Does scarring ever fade after a breast lift?

Next week we will discuss: How to get a natural look after breast augmentation?

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Wonder Breasts channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website,

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.

On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.

Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.

Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.

Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.

And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.

And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.

All these and more in the Hourglass TV!

For more infomation >> Does Scarring Ever Fade After a Breast Lift-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 6:16.


Cute Girl Dancer - dejtheegreatest 🔥 Best Lit Trending Dances Challenge Compilation #dancelikedej - Duration: 10:09.

Cute Girl Dancer - dejtheegreatest 🔥 Best Lit Trending Dances Challenge Compilation #dancelikedej

For more infomation >> Cute Girl Dancer - dejtheegreatest 🔥 Best Lit Trending Dances Challenge Compilation #dancelikedej - Duration: 10:09.


Prescribed Burn - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Prescribed Burn - Duration: 1:36.


Mom Season 5 Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.

At CBS we know what you want.

♫ (singing Spice Girls "Wannabe" ) ♫

You want a new season of Mom, now don't you?

Trust me, this is big.

You don't even have to ask.

Excuse me?

I'm over 50, and a man is putting a ring on my finger. Nothing?

Cause we've got you covered.

Must have forgotten your sunscreen, cause you got burned!

Yeah, that was a lot funnier in seventh grade.

A new season of Mom premieres CBS Thursday November 2nd.

For more infomation >> Mom Season 5 Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.


HCT Summer Championship 2017 - Pavel - Duration: 2:21.

And we have ourselves a Summer Champion.

Please join me in one final round of applause

for World Champion Pavel, from Russia!

I'm Pavel, I'm from Russia, Ekaterinburg

and I've been playing Hearthstone since the end stage of 2013.

Two Championships in a single year.

You are staring at the king of Europe.

What I like about HCT the most

is that here come the best players

from all around the world and I really like

the atmosphere and the competitive spirit

in the HCT events.

Every time his back has been against the wall

and everything has been on the line.

that's when you've seen Pavel. This is a guy that is prepared

to play under pressure.

You should do your line up not against one guy

who you expect to fight in the first round because

yes, of course you can beat him, but that's not a winning strategy.

You don't win tournament like that. You need to build a line up to be

good against all the line ups you expect to see.

There are some players that I respect

that I think they're good players

but there's no player better than me at Hearthstone.

Uhm… I don't want to talk about that.

The thing that winning the World Championship twice in a row

has always been my biggest goal for the year.

Hopefully things will go my way.

For more infomation >> HCT Summer Championship 2017 - Pavel - Duration: 2:21.


(Liberian Music 2017)PITTY D'BEST - DRY FACE Official Music Video - Duration: 5:08.

Please Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe

For more infomation >> (Liberian Music 2017)PITTY D'BEST - DRY FACE Official Music Video - Duration: 5:08.


15 Most Bizarre Things People Got Addicted To - Duration: 6:19.

• How many different non-food items have people gotten addicted to eating?

What did a couple get addicted to doing with coffee, OTHER THAN drinking it?

Here are 15 of the most bizarre things people have gotten addicted to.

15 – Deodorant • Using deodorant is fine.

And there don't seem to be any cases of addiction to using deodorant on your armpits, like you're

supposed to.

• But some woman did get addicted to EATING deodorant.

• She ended up eating about 15 sticks a month.

Why she actually started eating them, and how it happened enough for her to become addicted

is anyone's guess.

14 – Tanning • The weird thing about addiction is that

anything can be addictive.

Even things that are normally good for you.

• But mostly, they're things that are awful for you, like tanning.

• Tanning makes your skin leathery, exponentially increases your risk of skin cancer, and also

apparently can be as addictive as heroin.

13 – Huffing gasoline • You know how you go to a gas station,

and you can smell gasoline there, and it smells kinda good and bad at the same time?

• Well, some people REALLY like it.

So much so that they'll soak a rag in it and just inhale it until they get high off it

and cause brain damage.

• It's not just gas, either.

Glue, rubber cement, Sharpie markers... basically anything with strong fumes has about the same


12 – Hair pulling • Trichotillomania is what it's called when

you can't stop pulling your hair out.

• It's an impulsive thing, and people who suffer from it are almost never able to stop

pulling hair from their heads or bodies without treatment.

11 – Plastic Surgery • Addiction

can be attached to anything you do impulsively, that you can't stop doing no matter what.

• And yes, plastic surgery counts.

Some people are just completely unable to stop.

• It happens when you combine people who feel like they're never good enough, with

lots of money.

They keep going under the knife to try to "perfect" themselves, and just can't stop.

10 – Urine • Thanks to Bear Grylls and an old meme,

we now know that drinking your own piss is a handy survival tool.

• It is NOT, however, something you ought to do if your life isn't on the line.

• Naturally, someone did anyway.

A woman not only started drinking urine, she actually got addicted to it.

• Apparently it tastes different based on what people have eaten that day.

9 – *True* Sex Addiction • So everybody had a good laugh at Tiger

Woods, because how can you be addicted to sex?

People want sex all the time, it's like food.

• And then it became a sort of popular celebrity rehab thing.

• But jokes aside, it's a real thing.

Sex addicts don't care who they have sex with, or where.

In public, at work, whatever.

They'll do anything for it, the same way a heroin addict will do anything for a fix.

8 – Glass • Eating glass is actually a form of torture.

At least for some people it is.

For others, it's an obsession.

• The associated disorder is known as "Pica," which is a disorder where people obsessively

eat things with no nutritional value.

• It's not just glass, either.

People have been known to eat things like paint, stones, and dirt, as well.

7 – Body Piercings • Body piercings can become addictive in

a sort of sneaky way.

It's not really the piercings themselves people get addicted to.

• It's overcoming the feeling of anxiety and fear they have before getting a piercing.

People get addicted to that rush of adrenaline from getting their piercing, and then keep

trying to push it further and further.

• And that's how you end up with people who get genital piercings.

6 – Toilet Paper • That's right, you guessed it.

There's a lady who eats toilet paper.

• A 25-year old woman developed the strange habit of eating toilet paper while she was


• Now, pregnancy is known to cause some strange cravings, but this is a bit much.

The woman ate an entire roll every day.

5 – Cat hair • Pica strikes again.

This time, it's a woman who eats her cat's hair.

Sometimes she even licks the cat to get it.

• Perhaps the most amazing thing about this story isn't simply that she eats cat hair,

but that her cat lets her lick it without biting her.

4 – Coffee...?

• So far, we've had people who eat glass, cat hair, and deodorant, and drink urine.

• So compared to that, a coffee addiction is downright commonplace, right?

• Well, it would be.

But these people don't drink coffee.

The Florida couple we're talking about got addicted to coffee enemas.

• You know how there's that whole thing with butt-chugging alcohol, to make the alcohol

absorb faster into your body?

• Yeah, it's like that, but for coffee.

3 – Smartphone • Okay, you're probably not surprised to

hear about this.

Smartphone addiction is thrown around all the time by people who don't actually understand

how to use one.

• But the really strange thing is that smartphones are designed to be addictive.

• Using your smartphone hits a lot of the same pleasure centers in your brain that gambling

and drug abuse do.

• And they're made that way on purpose.

So it's not really the smartphone addict's fault.

Like drugs and gambling games, smartphones are literally engineered to be addictive.

2 – Dead Husband's Ashes • Everybody has a different way of mourning

for the dead.

And it's best not to judge anyone for how they get through a tough time.

• But... there's a lady who got addicted to the ashes of her dead husband.

Specifically, she got addicted to eating them.

• There's really not much more to say.

This woman eats the ashes of her dead husband.

1 – "Loving" Cars • It's fine to love your car.

But you're not supposed to, like, LOVE your car.

• But one man actually LOVES his car.

Like, physically.


He literally has sex with his car.

• And in doing so, he gives a new definition to putting a banana in the tailpipe.

For more infomation >> 15 Most Bizarre Things People Got Addicted To - Duration: 6:19.


Tennis-Inspired Macarons | Food Network - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Tennis-Inspired Macarons | Food Network - Duration: 0:37.


Tuesday's Child: Animal lover Chris seeks Big Brother - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Tuesday's Child: Animal lover Chris seeks Big Brother - Duration: 1:40.


Police Officer, suspect both shot at Sebastian bar - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Police Officer, suspect both shot at Sebastian bar - Duration: 1:32.


CMCtv: Collins Dining Hall Tour - Duration: 2:12.

(happy upbeat music)

- Hi, welcome to Collins.

(happy upbeat music)

- My name is Executive Chef Paul Baca,

and I want to introduce you to what we're featuring today

at our home station.

Today, we have a vegetarian egg roll,

a vegetarian tofu stir fry,

a vegetarian fried rice, General Tso's chicken.

All of our sauces are made in-house.

We have our fresh vegetables.

They're either grilled or steamed daily.

And then we have our pasta express bar.

(happy upbeat music)

- This is the CMC salad bar. Pretty vibrant.

You've got a lot of colors here.

I personally like the corn and the carrots.

I also like the eggs here.

(happy upbeat music)

- This is the vegan section

and we have vegan options everyday.

(happy upbeat music)

- This is the expo bar. Saute.

Different days we, other days we have pasta.

And everything is fresh and cut the same day.

(happy upbeat music)

- Here we have the deli section.

We have an assortment of meats and sauces

where you can make your own sandwiches

and then use the panini grill to make a panini.


(happy upbeat music)

- This is the dessert bar.

You can get cookies, cupcakes, pie.

- My favorite is the snickerdoodle.

Oh, they have gluten-free and vegan options, too.

(happy upbeat music)

- Hello, my name is Dennis and I'm a cook on the grill.

So, hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers.

We also do specials everyday. Enjoy.

(happy upbeat music)

- Dessert bar.

- What can you get?


For more infomation >> CMCtv: Collins Dining Hall Tour - Duration: 2:12.


Alternativer Politiker-Check zur Wahl in Österreich [Medienkommentar] | 10.10.2017 | - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Alternativer Politiker-Check zur Wahl in Österreich [Medienkommentar] | 10.10.2017 | - Duration: 10:10.


President Trump to talk tax plan in Harrisburg - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> President Trump to talk tax plan in Harrisburg - Duration: 1:33.


Diarrhea & Dehydration in Dairy & Beef Calves: Prevention (Part 2 of 3) - Duration: 2:56.

Thank you for viewing the second segment in Jaguar Health's three-part video series

on diarrhea and dehydration in calves.

In this video, I review important steps you can take to prevent diarrhea on your beef

or dairy farm.

Over the long run, prevention of diarrhea before an outbreak is always more cost-effective

than treating sick calves after an outbreak occurs.

At the herd level, important preventive practices include, maintaining cleanliness of equipment

and facilities, good personnel hygiene, and proper training of personnel.

A variety of pathogens can be involved in calf diarrhea.

Commonly, the infection and transmission occurs through a fecal-oral route.

Biosecurity measures, such as the use of gloves when handling and treating affected animals,

and the use of disinfectants on entering and leaving stalls, can help curtail the spread

of infectious agents in an outbreak situation, and of course, any sick animals should be

isolated from others.

Neonatal calves lack the ability to effectively regulate their body temperature when exposed

to excessively hot or cold weather.

Environmental stress can cause immune system impairment and increase the susceptibly of

newborn calves to diarrhea.

Calves are typically exposed to contaminated environments directly after birth.

To reduce opportunities for contamination, it is critical to maintain a clean calving


To reduce pathogen exposure, calves must be relocated after birth from the calving pen

to a clean, dry calf bed.

The calving area should offer adequate space in a clean environment to optimize calf performance.

Additionally, milk bottles, water buckets and other feeding equipment should be cleaned


A calf's natural resistance to diarrheal disease is closely related to the timely consumption

of high-quality colostrum.

Colostrum contains antibodies and immune cells that are transferred to the calf.

Optimally, newborn calves should receive 3 to 4 liters of colostrum within the first

6 hours after birth.

Thank you for watching.

In the final video in this series from Jaguar Health, I discuss calf diarrhea treatment strategies.

For more infomation >> Diarrhea & Dehydration in Dairy & Beef Calves: Prevention (Part 2 of 3) - Duration: 2:56.


Sherman Alexie - Gonzaga Commencement 2017 Speaker - Duration: 2:09.

The passion and compassion that burst from Sherman Alexie's poetry and fiction

have the power to enlighten and to heal. We are pleased this morning to recognize

Sherman Alexie's positive and life-giving work by bestowing on him the

degree Doctor of Letters honoris causa. (Sherman Alexie) I always felt unfinished at Gonzaga.

I didn't graduate from here, yet I have so many strong relationships from here.

I was formed here, I was introduced to poetry here, I wrote my first poems here.

I took a poetry writing class and I might have been a reservation, I was a

reservation Indian boy looking to get bigger but I had that in common with all

these small-town kids so it was rewarding.

I got validated. My ambitions were validated, my intellectual ambitions, my

academic ambitions, my spiritual ambitions,

my geographical ambitions got validated because I shared the same dream with all

these kids that were in my class at Gonzaga. I mean Gonzaga really, at that

point, was a way station for small-town kids, small-town Catholics by and large

looking toward the city and I'd been punished for those kind of ambitions

growing up I was the weird one in my tribe and even in the small white

town I was from my my leftist ambitions, my liberal ambitions marked me as a

little weird I was popular but I was still odd so to come into Gonzaga with

these small-town kids in love with books and who ended up growing up to be

lawyers and college professors and psychologists and writers coming from

these little classrooms in little towns in the West it was really quite beautiful.

For more infomation >> Sherman Alexie - Gonzaga Commencement 2017 Speaker - Duration: 2:09.


If Barnaby Joyce is disqualified, where does this leave Malcolm Turnbull's government? - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> If Barnaby Joyce is disqualified, where does this leave Malcolm Turnbull's government? - Duration: 1:07.


Police: New body cam video shows overdoses with babies in SUV - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Police: New body cam video shows overdoses with babies in SUV - Duration: 1:35.


Zonestar Z5F Review - Sub EN - Duration: 16:22.

Hi guys

today we try a new printer

let's see how it works

in the kit you have this tools

1 tweezers .. 1 nippers .. 1 screwdriver .. and some allen wrench

to assemble the kit you use only screwdriver

and ..

proximity sensor

for auto leveling

and 1 extra temperature sensor

and extra motor cable

print dimension are 220x220x220 mm

the kit comes

in 4 preassembled blocks

there is the bed block

this bar .. here below

extruder block

to mount on the cart

the main frame block

display .. and .. electronics and the power supply block

filament extruder .. all metal

now we see in the detail

the bed

look .. ( and listen )

the distance of these wheels is wrong

are wide

these are ok ...

but these no

listen ..

look ..

the wheels .. look here

this not much ..

3-4 wheels are ruined

they have cuts .. one is this ..

another is this .. uff now it is blocked

but if you go to look the official images of this printer

on the image of cart you can see the wheel with cuts

then .. the main frame

is fixed only to this base

then .. this piece and this

are fixed by this plastic base

then ..


I move this .. but the bed stay fix

the bars are fixed by only this "L"

look how easy is to move it

here the cart arm

it was bent wrong

and the distance

is wrong

when it go on the botton

you see the joint

that folds .. out

push the screw .. out

here there is a problem ..


here another ..

the extruder cart

listen .. it is difficult to move

same here .. the distance of the wheels

made wrong .. or designed wrong

the electronic is mounted on this base

whit this lateral plate

but .. look

it .. dancing

other ..

the x axes

it is mounted wrong .. not ortogonal

is 2-3 degree out

is need to dismount all

and remount all right because the screws to fix it are .. back here

the endstop of x is on fan ..


the electronics

firmware is Repertier 0.92

display at 4 lines

many options

a strange thing .. is .. with all options that it has

you can preheat pla or abs

and this activate extruder and bed

after you can go in other menu and deactivate the extruder

if you want preheat only the bed

other strange thing

when the printer working

nothing options to stop the print

example .. you can

disable the bed and extruder temperature

and the printer continue to print

until filament blocked

but you can't stop the print

you need to power off the printer

I think this is stange

or .. also you can press that button

that it is reset on main board

the electronics is branded

zonestar v3.2

5 drivers

the 5th for the second extruder

and nothing to add

ah! .. a interesting thing

look here .. the bridges

these bridges are on second plug of z motors

in case it used on printer with 2 z motors

and .. this is ..

because the plugs are in series

and for use with one motor, are needed the bridges

this is a good thing

of this electronics

for the others things, it seems like melzi

power supply 20A 12V


z axes has many problems

the layer shift

here .. in down .. and here in up

how tell .. seen the hardware

I did not expect otherwise

the print is completely crooked .. twisted

well .. the conclusion

I not think there are others things to tell

the printer looks very attractive

a simple kit .. quick assembly

the possibility to add the second extruder .. or the laser

but the practical realization is disappointing

my vote for this printer is 5

sincerely at the current state of the kit, I do not recommend it

now a quick unboxing .. bye .. to the next video

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