Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 11 2017

♫ A world of peace

♫ A world of love

♫ With happiness in every heart

♫ That's what we're dreaming of

♫ Dreams of the future

♫ We'll make them come true

♫ The future belongs to the dreamer

♫ The dreamer inside of you

♫ Dreams of the future

♫ All shiny and new

♫ If you see it in the eyes of a dreamer

♫ The future belongs to you

- [Narrator] One of history's greatest dreamers

was Walt Disney, whose vivid imagination

helped him to become the leading pioneer and innovator

in the world of show business.

Still he looked far beyond his lifetime,

to the creation of a showplace that could point the way

to exciting and achievable new directions in future living.

He called his dream Epcot,

Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow.

By the middle 1960s, the Disney organization

acquired more than 27,000 acres of land

in the center of Florida

to build Walt Disney's last and greatest dream.

On October 1st 1971,

the first phase of Walt Disney World opened to the public.

Almost immediately, it became the number one

vacation destination in the world.

Nearly 140 million visitors have come here

from all 50 states and more than a 100 nations.

From the very beginning,

the Epcot dedication to innovative technologies

has been a part of the Walt Disney World master plan.

Advanced new electric-powered monorail trains

and linear induction-powered people movers

already demonstrate potential new transportation systems.

Other Community of Tomorrow technologies

include a central energy plant solar project,

the world's first use

of steel modular construction at the hotels,

a unique network of underground crisscrossing utilidors,

computer-controlled fire, safety, and energy systems,

the world's first 100% electronic phone system,

and the use of once pesky water hyacinths

for treating of wastewater

and creating methane gas for energy.

And so with Epcot's foundation already established,

the Disney organization is now rapidly moving ahead

with the creation of EPCOT Center.

This vast new showplace will come to life

thanks to the ideas, the inventions, the imagination,

and the magic of the people at Walt Disney Productions.

(jaunty music)

This is WED Enterprises, a unique Disney design organization

made up of artists,




and dozens of others, working in a harmonic blend

of space age creativity called Imagineering.

They bring to reality

the kinds of dreams that EPCOT Center is made of.

Today, they are imagineering the future,

and with the help of their sketches, renderings, models,

and a little imagination on our part,

we can turn the clock ahead to October 1st 1982

for a preview look at Walt Disney's greatest dream,

EPCOT Center, a vast new showplace

for the innovations of tomorrow and the nations of today.

This unique community of ideas

will encompass two major theme.

First, Future World, posing the challenges

and previewing choices for the community of tomorrow.

And second, the World Showcase, a community of nations

focusing on the cultures, traditions, tourism,

and accomplishments of people around the world.

(solemn music)

Your journey to tomorrow begins with Spaceship Earth.

Towering nearly 17 stories above Future World,

this mammoth geosphere

is the first structure of its kind anywhere in the world.

Inside, you'll board a unique time machine

and spiral deep into the past

in search of clues to our survival through the ages

and how they'll help us chart the course of our own future,

on this, our Spaceship Earth.

(cheery music)

The Land will be your gateway

to the major geographic regions of the Earth.

Here, you'll discover the promise and potential

that remarkable new agricultural methods

are already bringing to food production,

including a look at plants

which have learned to grow without soil.

♫ The earth and man

♫ The earth man

♫ Can be good friends

♫ Be good friends

♫ Let's listen so our harvest time will never end

- [Narrator] In this dramatic building,

the universe of energy awaits you.

Its solar paneled roof will help power

your traveling theater cars.

A ride on sunshine, it'll bring you face to face

with immense creatures of the primeval world,

where the formation of our fossil fuels took place.

Then, on a spectacular wraparound screen,

you'll explore emerging new energy systems

that may help power our world in the future.

♫ Feel the glow

♫ Here we go

♫ Through the universe of energy

♫ From the seas

♫ Till the skies

♫ There's a force beyond our eyes

♫ We all have sparks

♫ Imagination, that's how our minds

♫ Create creations

♫ Oh, they can make

♫ Our wildest dreams come true

♫ These little sparks

♫ In me and you

- [Narrator] Dreams, fantasies, creativity,

that's your journey into imagination,

into the boundless realms of the arts,

literature, science, and film.

Just imagine a visit to a place where you can visualize

anything your mind can fantasize.

♫ A dream can be a dream come true

♫ Just add the spark

♫ In me and you

(delicate music)

- [Narrator] Another kind of journey

will take you into the world of motion,

where a whimsical series of audio animatronic scenes

will show that the story of transportation

is indeed a moving experience.

♫ Fun to be free

♫ To wander and roam

♫ To go where you please

♫ To travel with ease

♫ To do all there is to be done

♫ It's fun to be free

- [Narrator] But what about the future?

Tran Center will give you an over-the-shoulder look

at new designs and technologies

for tomorrow's world of motion.

(delicate music)

Here, you'll reach for new horizons,

a spectacular odyssey into the future

where you'll discover the envisioned technologies

of the 21st century and beyond.

Here, you'll visit a city of tomorrow,

desert farm, space colony, and undersea city.

♫ For the whole human race

♫ There is time, there is space

♫ As we reach for new horizons

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] How would you like to venture

into the living seas, yet stay safe and dry?

In Sea Base Alpha, you'll do just that

and still be able to explore

the wonders of our aquatic frontier,

a futuristic research station beneath the waters

of the largest saltwater tank environment in the world.

(solemn music)

At the hub of Future World is CommuniCore,

Epcot's community core.

Here is your own close encounter with the future,

where you can personally participate

in a wide range of hands-on activities

that may soon apply to your own daily living.

Epcot Computer Central will focus on the role computers play

in serving your everyday needs.

Future Choice Theater

will enable you to express your opinions

on important issues of today and tomorrow.

Other CommuniCore attractions will enable you

to further explore the worlds of energy, communications,

space, and many more concepts from the day after tomorrow.

Just beyond Future World,

nestled on the banks of a broad lagoon

is the World Showcase,

the first permanent international exposition of its kind.

Here, nations stand side by side in friendship

along the banks of a broad lagoon.

As you stroll along the promenade that circles the lagoon,

you'll discover exciting shows, attractions, restaurants,

shops, and great architectural landmarks

unique to each nation.

In the shadow of the famed Eiffel Tower,

Disney cameras will whisk you

across the romantic French countryside,

your film journey made all the more magical

by the great classical music of France's finest composers.

(elegant music)

Stately buildings and gabled rooftops

provide a traditional British setting

for your stroll through the United Kingdom.

A few steps away and you're in a spacious plaza

surrounded by the picturesque medieval buildings

of Old Germany.

Here, there's a difference though.

It's Oktoberfest year-round in the nearby beer garden.

Classic art, graceful architecture,

you're now in Italy, where you'll discover sculptures

of a noted Lion of Saint Mark's

before you enter a recreation of the Doge's Palace.

(serene music)

From classic Europe to the exotic Orient,

here, you'll stroll through a garden

rich with living Japanese art and colorful koi fish ponds.

You've arrived in ageless China.

The magic of Circle-Vision will unlock mystery and beauty,

60,000 years of our oldest civilization.

From ancient Asia, you now strike out for colorful Mexico,

where you'll find a country

moving boldly into the future.

(stately music)

Then to majestic Canada where Disney Circle-Vision cameras

place you in the northern wilderness.

(solemn music)

Would you like to meet a cast

of three dozen great American figures brought to life

by the magic of Disney audio animatronics?

You'll find that to be just one part

of the American adventure,

the centerpiece and host for the World Showcase,

perhaps the most inspiring and dramatic show

ever presented about America.

♫ America

♫ You must keep dreaming now

♫ Dreaming the promised vow

♫ Of your pioneers

♫ America

♫ Keep on flying now

♫ Keep your spirit free

♫ Facing new frontiers

- [Narrator] Yes, if dreaming is what

the American adventure is all about,

then so is doing.

That's what's happening today.

Walt Disney built a staff of doers.

And today, his greatest dream, EPCOT Center,

is indeed becoming reality.

And no matter where you go in Future World

or World Showcase,

it'll be an experience unlike anything you've ever imagined,

except perhaps in your wildest dreams.

(pleasant music)

♫ It started in the mind of just one man

♫ Then the dream inside became a plan

♫ Now the time is almost at hand

♫ We're getting ready

♫ We're getting ready

♫ 15 years ago, we started small

♫ But with people working hard and giving their all

♫ Our dream kept growing strong and tall

♫ We're almost ready, almost ready

♫ We're getting ready, getting ready

♫ The dream's achieved, Imagineers

♫ The artists and the engineers

♫ The work in hand with caring heart

♫ Trying hard to do their part

♫ We're getting ready for you

♫ We're getting ready for you

♫ We're getting ready for you

♫ We're getting ready

♫ We're getting ready

♫ We're getting ready

♫ For you

(lively music)

For more infomation >> The Dream Called EPCOT | Walt Disney World - Duration: 15:26.



oh my gosh you can see the circle holes in my glasses in the reflection i really am not feeling it but i wanted to wear it

*intro music*

hey guys it's amanda and welcome back to my channel

um... i ... it's been... i spent 5 minutes trynna fix my camera and make it straight

make the angles straight I don't know if it worked let's pretend it did I don't care

I don't care um as the title said a mother fuckin thing attacked me last night and

Imma pull some tana mongeau shit out my ass right now and tell you all the

story time this is not click bait this is not fake

it was scary as shit so yeah um honestly what the fuck

basically if you guys never heard of lucid dreaming lucid dreaming is when

you can basically dream and you have control of your dreams

and then there's sleep paralysis which is when something is occurring in your

dream and your your body is awake when your mind is asleep I'm pretty sure

that's what it is or it's the opposite or something like that some things awake

some things asleep you are not all there so yesterday I had the fuckin scariest

shit of my life and I'm gonna tell you about it so yesterday afternoon Amanda

was like having her ritual afternoon nap afternoon nap after um I finished school

because a bitch likes to sleep so I was sleeping and all was good all of a

sudden I woke up and there was a black figure sitting next to me in my bed and

I thought it was my mom and then this figure was like oh my god listen to this

and they put this phone near my ear and all of a sudden all i hear is

like yelling and crying and screaming and I was like bitch what the fuck and

then all of a sudden this black figures like jumping on my bed next to me and

like I like all i saw was like black and legs and I was like what the

fuck and I was trying to like move and like open my eyes or like just like

speak and nothing was coming out like my body was like -- and I was like oh my god i'm gunna cry

so um that lasted for a good like three four minutes and then I woke up and I

looked around and I was like what the fuck I looked at the time and it was

like 4:00 p.m. and I was like my mom is not even home at this time what the fuck

just happened and then I'm like I'm not going back to bed

I'm gonna do something blah blah blah blah I lived my life I mean I lived the rest of my night

just chillin like thinking what the fuck was that

and then last night around 1:30 I went back to bed and this shit was the scary

shit that kept me up all mother fucking fucking night um I went back to bed yeah

1:30 I went to bed and um it happened like slightly like I was on I felt like

my body being like weird and I was imagining things and I saw things flying in

my room but like that one I was able to instantly wake up so I thought two

seconds later I took my cover of it and I put it over my head a bit I'm like

yeah fuck this um I'm not about to like see people again I'm not about to see

shit like I have no fucking courage or anything when I'm sleeping alone

no thank you someone freaking sign up to come sleep next to me every night I will

pay you in love and cuddles but anyways um so I was like nah not happening not

fucking happening so I took my cover put it a bit over my

head like up to like here that was like I'm gonna be good I'm gonna be good two

motherfucking seconds later I see I see so this is when I knew I was like not in

my body or something it was really weird but I saw like a black figure from my

door make its way on top of me and all of a sudden this figure like put his

whole arms around me and his hands on like my neck

and started like suffocating me and choking me and I was like not able to breathe

and I couldn't hear myself going like *breathes heavily* and I heard it I was like bitch what the fuck

wake up and like I couldn't and I just felt it getting tighter and

tighter and like I couldn't breathe and all of a sudden i like snapped out of it and I

woke up so I was like live there for like three four hours and I put my light

on and I was like nope not anymore this shit like no honey like if you hate

me if you want to get in my body or like attack me or like do something to me not

today yeah I just stayed there with my lights open the whole night and I woke

up and it was like 6 a.m. after I fell asleep at like 4:30 after that and I was

like I'm not having it I'm not having it and then I googled it and I saw pictures

and the pictures that people described and everything was exactly what I saw

and I was like I fucking love sleeping that's what

happened that's my story time that's my tana mongeau coming out of me um yeah it

was scary I don't like it I hope you never get it but anyways if you guys enjoyed this

please give it a big thumbs up and subscribe below I'm gonna try and post

more content but it's really hard with school and everything but you know what

we gonna do what we gonna do we gonna try our best

who cares whatever but yeah if you liked it please hit a big thumbs up subscribe

below and I'll see you next time and remember live life don't think twice I'm

out of here

For more infomation >> I GOT ATTACKED IN MY SLEEP // STORY TIME - Duration: 5:40.


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