Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

rocket League montages have continued to get better and better since the game

first came out this is partially because the players have gotten better but more

than anything rocket league really lends itself to creativity in ways that many

other games just don't so as there have been more creative people joining the

community we've seen some pretty incredible content that's why today I'm

giving you my picks for the 10 greatest rocket League montages of all time I'm

basing my picks on the shots themselves as well as the overall creativity and

quality of the montage alright I hope you guys enjoy this number 10 the best

of cooks your montage by rocket league FX this 16 minute video covers most of

cooks ears best shots and plays I really love how this montage covers so many of

cooks ear shots from when he was streaming it also really does hurt to

know that the cooks here of two years ago would probably still beat me

number nine pulse MKS 50k montage though known primarily as the guy who passes

for J's ur pulse clans fearless leader MK has a few crazy good montages I

picked his most recent montage primarily because of the amazing editing done by

jury the shots really aren't too bad either

number eight Mert sees 15k montage I realize this montage isn't probably very

high on most people's lists I honestly just loved it when I first saw it I

found myself actually watching it over and over again what I really loved about

it is how well the music fits with the shots that they've created especially

all of the slow motion he uses number seven rocket League insanity number

eleven by rocket league FX the only reason this montage isn't listed higher

is because the editing really isn't all that creative but honestly I'm okay with

that I really love how the series showcases the community's best shots and

some of them are truly insane

number six faded by step see this montage didn't make my list because of

its creative editing or music though he really is an amazing editor but rather

because of how it showcases step C's insane freestyling ability honestly step

C maybe the best freestyler I've ever seen his car control is just

unbelievable the montage also shows his incredible

ability to get flip resets like they're just nothing number five Squishy's 70k

montage it was really tough to decide which of squishies montages to include

in this list the second DK montage stood out because it really showcases what

squishy is best at fast gameplay team plays double touches and air dribbles oh

and dribbling and really just squishies overall creativity

number four Lachie Neos gold montage edited by storm combining storms editing

with Lachie Neos crazy shots is basically the perfect recipe for a

montage apart from showcasing some of the

nastiest goals that had happened at the time

storms editing is just on point I love how he makes lots of cuts to show

different angles he really doesn't take any shortcuts in this montage

number three pulses black-and-white montage edited by aim punch this is the

only montage I've seen that only contains clips with texture modding this

is definitely one of the most creative montages I've ever seen and the shots

really aren't too bad either

number two chasers 200k montage

out of all of the Jays are montages I picked this one for a few different

reasons first of all the editing by Olly is just amazing it's really creative but

also simple enough to not get in the way second at this time Jay sir was still on

another level in terms of freestyling and creativity some of these shots are

mind-blowing even ten months later all right before I give you my pick the best

montage of all time here a couple honorable mentions

my pick for the best rocket League montage of all time goes to chrono V the

200k montage edited by seismic white

everything is just on point in this montage the music fits perfect with the

editing style and because chrono V only has like one other montage most of us

hadn't really seen all of these shots the whole tone of the montage fits so

well with rocket League as a game it's fun it's exciting and appoints just

somewhat mind-blowing alright there you have it my picks for the 10 best rocket

league montages of all time let me know if there are any montages that I missed

and be sure to subscribe if you like this kind of content until next time

peace out

For more infomation >> The Ten Greatest Rocket League Montages Of All Time - Duration: 7:08.


Les Brown - Are You Ready to Take the LEAP (Les Brown Motivation) - Duration: 5:03.


LES BROWN► see they're ideas that can come to you out of things that appear to be negative

I have a friend out of Chicago just met him he was 23 years old and this guy he

went financially bankrupt two years ago ruined his credit guess what he decided

to do he found a blessing in it he wanted to

restore his credit it was very challenging very difficult and he

realized that a lot of other people during these particular times that ruin

their credit so now he started a credit repair business last year he earned over

$100,000 helping people to restore their credit I met a young lady who attends

this church that she was at her father's funeral and and she was putting flowers

on her father's grave and she looked around and saw the other grave sites

they did not look well-groomed and they were not attended to on a regular basis

she thought a grave site maintenance business out of that tragedy something

positive has come out of it and now she's earning more money doing that than

on her present job what idea are you sitting on right your ideas down and

then once you get that idea take the lead hello

take the lead see a lot of people get the ideas and just walk around with them

have you ever had an idea and all of us have you looked around and somebody had

that idea and gone with it think you gonna be going with my hospital idea

forget that buddy we will be out there together Jack take

the lead this Audi of the universe if you don't take the plunge I guarantee

you somebody else will take the plunge go into action and ladies and gentlemen

you will be surprised how things will come together you'll be surprised now

you're gonna have some difficult challenges I can tell you that now be

aware that things are not going to work out exactly right for time they will

sometimes and that's when life is just playing a game with you I want you to

feel good and relaxed and then after a while

okay the honeymoons over now and then like we'll come over then slap your side

to hear you say what you're doing out here well there's my dream life is that

right come over here Minotaur oh you went to the seminar huh came in I can

tell you that but ladies and gentlemen go into action with your dream and don't

avoid where the fights are get in the midst of the fight and get some hickeys

on your head get knocked down so you can learn how to

fight so you can hold your position see most people don't get out in the arena

of life because they don't want to fight most people don't get out there because

they don't want to get knocked down they don't want to be dropped to their knees

but see you're going to be dropped worthy you on the field or where they're

not just sitting on the sidelines you're going to be dropped so at least get

dropped with something don't get knocked down while you're sitting down

see that's not most people of spectators in life you don't want to be a spectator

you want to get out in the field where the action is and you will be amazed

after the struggle there will be a calm period and things will begin to click

for you come out here with what you got you don't have enough money don't worry

about it you got the dream you got the idea

you don't have enough resources don't worry about it you need some help don't

worry about it you get out here in the arena someone will look at you and

become inspired and say hey can I help you but if you're sitting up on the

bleachers nobody's gonna ask you anything you've got to get into the flow

of action Frances Hart called me from Chicago she had been sitting on an idea

of a show that she wanted to produce for ten years called mind-body connection

so someone saw me speaking in Chicago and a saw

Party convention and said I saw a guy that perhaps can host this show for you

who has energy and charisma she called me she was so fired up I said listen on

the day of them that you want to do that I'm speaking in Chicago I can do it for

you and I said by the way I met somebody two weeks ago in Baltimore who has an

idea of the same type of show and she's doing it on radio why don't you call her

and then she called me back who else would you suggest I say well I know

Deepak Chopra hero of the book called quantum healing and Bernie Siegel could

you get his number I tell you what I have a friend named Jack bowling at the

Church of the day he knows how to get in touch with him call him and he will give

you the numbers so you can get in touch with Bernie Siegel that lady start

calling all around did not have the resources but she had this idea and

dream and she said the other night when she came before the audience that had

gathered in the studio she said I feel like I've been pregnant for 10 years and

tonight you're going to witness a beautiful delivery and it was she said I

couldn't believe less how things began to happen how it all began to come

together and how many of you ever started on some dream and you didn't

have all your stuff together but you just went out there with nothing but


For more infomation >> Les Brown - Are You Ready to Take the LEAP (Les Brown Motivation) - Duration: 5:03.


படத்தில் நடிக்க வாய்ப்பு இல்லாததால் நடிகை ரிச்சா பல்லோட் என்ன ஆனார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> படத்தில் நடிக்க வாய்ப்பு இல்லாததால் நடிகை ரிச்சா பல்லோட் என்ன ஆனார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 2:12.


All About Insects for Children: Bees, Butterflies, Ladybugs, Ants and Flies for Kids - FreeSchool - Duration: 5:45.

You're watching FreeSchool!

They crawl on leaves.

They fly through the air.

They even dig in the ground.

Insects are practically everywhere!

They live on every continent, including Antarctica, although they prefer to live in warm areas.

You are probably familiar with some common insects like bees, ants, and butterflies,

but insects are the largest group of animals on earth.

Nearly a million species have been identified so far, and scientists estimate that there

could be millions more just waiting to be discovered.

Insects are invertebrates, or animals that do not have backbones.

In fact, insects do not have any bones at all.

Instead, they have a hard outer shell, called an exoskeleton, that gives them their structure.

Insects have three main sections of their bodies: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen.

They have six legs that are connected to the thorax.

Most insects also have wings and antennae.

Although insects breathe air, they do not have lungs.

Instead, they have a system of tubes and sacs through which air may pass or be pumped.

This system can only carry air so far into the insect's body, and it is this that limits

how large insects can grow.

Although there are some very large insects on our planet, they cannot grow as large as

other types of animals because after a certain size they could not get enough air into their

bodies to support themselves.

Another interesting insect characteristic is their eyes!

Insects have a special kind of eyes called compound eyes.

Compound eyes are made up of hundreds or even thousands of tiny light-sensitive units.

Each unit sees only a small part of the insect's surroundings, but all of them together create

a mosaic image - a pattern of light and dark dots.

Overall insects do not see as well as humans do and only some can see colors, but their

eyes are excellent at detecting motion.

Insects are cold blooded, which means that they cannot control their body temperature.

That is why insects usually live in warm places, and why you do not see as many insects during

the winter as you do during the summer.

To survive the cold, some insects enter a state called diapause, which is their version

of hibernation, and will not become active again until warm weather returns.

Insects hatch from eggs, and although some insects hatch as basically small versions

of the adults of their species, others go through an incredible change before adulthood.

It is called metamorphosis, from a word meaning to transform.

The most famous example of metamorphosis in insects is the butterfly.

Butterflies begin their lives as caterpillars, and spend a few weeks eating and increasing

in size.

Once they are fully grown, the caterpillars will attach themselves to the underside of

a leaf or branch and form a pupa, or chrysalis.

The chrysalis hardens into a protective case, and over the next few weeks the caterpillar

inside transforms into a butterfly!

When the butterfly is ready to emerge, the chrysalis splits open, but the butterfly cannot

fly yet.

It hangs upside down, pumping fluid into its wings to make them expand, and slowly opens

and closes them to help them dry.

Once its wings are ready, the butterfly takes off to find flowers to drink from.

Eventually it will lay eggs of its own, and the cycle starts all over again.

Crawling or flying, alone, or with thousands of friends, insects by the millions are incredibly

important to life on earth.

Some insects are beneficial to humans, while others are pests, but no matter their shape,

size, or color, insects make a big difference for such small creatures.

I hope this helped you learn more about insects today.

Goodbye till next time!

For more infomation >> All About Insects for Children: Bees, Butterflies, Ladybugs, Ants and Flies for Kids - FreeSchool - Duration: 5:45.


Essence of Murli 11-10-2017 - Duration: 5:15.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date is 11th October 2017

Essence: Sweet children, always maintain intoxication that you Brahmins are the mouth-born creation of Brahma,those who belong to the dynasty of Shiva.

Your Godly clan is the most elevated of all.

Question: When do you get the lift to go up to your home and who can sit in that lift?

Answer: Only now, at the confluence age, do you get the lift to go home.

Until someone belongs to the Father and becomes a Brahmin ( celibate ), he cannot sit in the lift.

In order to sit in the lift, you have to become pure and, secondly, spin the discus of self-realisation.

These are like wings and you can go home with the support of these wings.

Song: Have patience o mind! Your days of happiness are about to come.

Essence for dharna: 1. In order to become beads of the rosary, make this dharna firm:

"Mine is one Shiv Baba and none other."

Become an embodiment of remembrance.

2. Completely follow the shrimat of Shri Shri 108.

Renounce the consciousness of "mine" and become liberated from the eclipse.

All the powers are the Father's treasures and the children have a right to those treasures.

Those over whom you have all rights move however you make them move.

Similarly, when you have a right to all powers, you will then become a number one victorious soul.

Check that every power is being used at the right time.

Use the powers with a right in every situation.

When you have the practice of using the creation, that is, the powers, over a long period of time,

you will then be said to be a master almighty authority.

Slogan: No great task can be achieved without zeal and enthusiasm.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 11-10-2017 - Duration: 5:15.


All IRON BANNER Weapons & Armor! - Duration: 5:57.

Hi guardians welcome back, today we are going to preview all the Iron Banner Weapons and


This year's's Iron banner armor looks very nice, with a lot of plating and it has some

of the best looking helmets of all iron banner armor sets.

The gold highlights are back and it is this time combined with dark and light green.

As for the weapons they have gone all out on these, all the weapons are either in the

highest or lowest impact archetype.

These archetype are currently not performing the best in the crucible but there are definitely

some guns with interesting perks that will make them worthwhile which we will talk about

in this video.

Lets start with the The Time-Worn Spire a fast firing pulse rifle in the 540 rounds

per minute archetype.

This gun will fire super fast, and you will need all the stability that you can get to

make sure your shots count , luckily this gun comes with Tactical Mag and Zen moment

which will increases the stability of this gun.

The next one up is the Steady Hand Hand Cannon, this is the high impact high recoil hand cannon

from Iron Banner and it has interesting perks that can make this a great weapon.

Normally an high impact hand cannon has great range and impact but it lacks a lot in handling

speed and usually it comes with a horrible reload speed.

I am looking at you Ill Will….

But this particular hand cannon has outlaw and flared magwell to help negate that poor

reload speed.

Flared magwell gives you a base reload speed increase, and outlaw will drastically improves

the reload speed upon precision kills.

If you enjoy using the first curse in Destiny 1 then you should try this gun out.

The Forward path is a fast firing auto rifle.

Yeah that's it, oh yeah and it has armor piercing rounds that overpenetrate targets and extended

mag to increase your mag size, and tap the trigger which grants increased stability and

accuracy on the initial trigger pull.

Fast firing auto rifles do not sit in a good spot at the moment, the 450 rounds per minute

auto rifles are dominating the crucible.

You can do well with this gun in PVE, but I can not recommend using this in the crucible

over a Uriel's Gift or Origin Story, those two are really the best auto rifles in the

game that you should be using.

I have reviews of both these guns, you can find it in the youtube card on the right hand

corner that should pop up now or have a look at the links in the description below.

The guiding sight is an high impact low rate of fire scout rifle.

It has tactical mag which increases stability , reload speed and slightly increase the mag.

Armor piercing rounds that overpenetrate targets and pulse monitor that auto reloads part of

the mag when you are critically wounded.

If you haven't noticed it yet, the Mida Multi Tool is dominating the crucible , while there

are good replacements for that like the Future War Cult Pleiades Corrector, but the Guiding

Sight is not one of them.

It fires slow and the mag size is also low, so in the crucible you will be over ran by

faster firing scouts or auto rifles in general and in PVE these high impact slow firing scouts

are very frustrating to use, it fires very slowly and your killing streak is constantly

interrupted due to the low mag size.

I am a collector so I will keep this gun in the vault and that is where it will stay.

The Hero's Burden is the fast firing submachine gun and this one looks great.

If you like the MIDA mini tool, then you will like this gun as well.

It has the same rate of fire and it has two great perks, high caliber rounds and threat


High caliber rounds is a fantastic perk on any gun, it will knock the target back giving

them a hard time to hit you back.

And threat detector increases reload, stability and handling when enemies are in close proximity

this pairs up very well with a submachine gun which is used in the short range.

So most of your close range engagement with this gun will proc this perc giving you that

extra boost in stability , handling and reload speed.

This is the gun that I will be grinding for.

The fool's remedy is the legendary sidearm, which also sits in the fastest firing archetype

of 450 rounds per minute.

This has the Suros rapid fire which means that this is a full auto sidearm.

It has ricochets and accurized rounds, I would go for accurized rounds to max out the range,

and it also has moving target which increases the movement speed and target acquisition

when moving while aiming down sights.

The wizened rebuke is the Iron Banner High Impact Fusion Rifle it has liquid coils for

an increase in impact or enhanced battery to increase the mag size, and it has Backup

Plan which reduces the charge time and increases the handling speed for a short time after

swapping to this weapon.

So this is basically the hot swap perk from destiny 1.

And the final gun is the Day's Fury grenade launcher.

This sits in the low rate of fire high impact archetype.

It has the Precision Frame which allows you to hold to fire and release to detonate the


It has countermass, confined launch and volatile launch to adjust the blast radius, velocity,

handling and projectile speed.

I would go for Volatile launch to max out the blast radius, after that you have the

option of mini frags which fires smaller grenades or spike grenades which do increased damage

on direct hits.

This is an high impact grenade launcher so I would recommend to play to its strengths

and opt for Spike grenades.

To finish it off it has the snapshot sight.

So these are all the Iron Banner weapons and armor, as mentioned before this year's weapon

set is particular weird as all the guns are so extreme.

All the guns are either in the high impact or low impact archetypes, which is not necessarily

the best archetype of weapons to use in the crucible.

But there are definitely some gems out there , my top 3 picks here would be the Hero's

Burden Submachine gun, the steady hand hand cannon and the fool's remedy sidearm.

Stay tuned for more in depth weapon reviews on these guns which will come out soon.

Thanks you so much for watching this video.

I hope this breakdown of the guns help you to decide on what to grind for.

Subscribe if you want to see more content or watch my latest or recommended video in

the end screen.

As always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> All IRON BANNER Weapons & Armor! - Duration: 5:57.


PHẦN MỀM TẠO ẢNH THUMNAIL CHO VIDEO, Cách tạo hình thu nhỏ video Youtube - Duration: 35:43.

For more infomation >> PHẦN MỀM TẠO ẢNH THUMNAIL CHO VIDEO, Cách tạo hình thu nhỏ video Youtube - Duration: 35:43.


TOP 5 Strong And Weak Contestants Of Bigg Boss 11 | Bigg Boss 11 Contestants Analysis - Duration: 4:25.

TOP 5 Strong And Weak Contestants Of Bigg Boss 11 | Bigg Boss 11 Contestants Analysis

For more infomation >> TOP 5 Strong And Weak Contestants Of Bigg Boss 11 | Bigg Boss 11 Contestants Analysis - Duration: 4:25.


Future House Mix 2017 Vol. 9 | Future House Radio - Duration: 30:39.

Future House Mix 2017 Vol. 9 | Future House Radio

For more infomation >> Future House Mix 2017 Vol. 9 | Future House Radio - Duration: 30:39.


Games for Kids Children Baby Learn Colors with Colors Talking Tom Jetski Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Children Baby Learn Colors with Colors Talking Tom Jetski Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 5:34.


10 тупых ошибок, которые делают тебя неудачником – Что мешает развиваться и добиваться целей - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 10 тупых ошибок, которые делают тебя неудачником – Что мешает развиваться и добиваться целей - Duration: 3:50.


Undertale Senbonzakura - viesub ( nhớ bật phụ đề nha) - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Undertale Senbonzakura - viesub ( nhớ bật phụ đề nha) - Duration: 4:03.


Confesiones, novedades y presentaciones de Juanes y Pablo López - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Confesiones, novedades y presentaciones de Juanes y Pablo López - Duration: 3:16.


Halloween - Haunted Castle Cake Tutorial - Part Two - ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Duration: 20:51.

Don't forget to watch part two of this video.

Edible dust Midnight black

Flat brush

Subscribe. Let's begin by painting the spaces between the bricks.

Edible dust Dove Grey

Edible dust Rainforest Green

This powder will be to create the effect of moss

As I said in Part One of this video (link in the description below) because I didn't covered the squares with fondant, I had to remove the cones of the towers in order to decorate the squares now.

After painting we can already put the cones. The big one in the centre and 4 small in the corners.

Next we will make 4 rectangular windows with grey fondant.

Round a little the corners.

Vein leaf tool

To make the stained glass cut 3 orange fondant strips of 2cm wide .

The height will depend on the height of the top layer of your cake.

But you will have to have one tall and 2 lower ones.

With a round cutter cut out the tops.

Water to stick.

For this step you wil need an extruder with this square disc.

If you don't have an extruder you can roll out a normal tube/snake by hand.

Brown fondant

Palette knife

Black fondant

1 small square and 1 ring for the door knocker.

And one more tiny trip to put ...


Black midnight dust

Now let's draw and paint the stained glass in the following way.

First, a diamond.

Then a series of lines.

Use an edible black ink marker

Now for the painting use an edible red ink marker.

And now the bottom part

Most of the bricks I did by hand but you can use the brick moulds we did on the first video.

Now more closely.

This is one of the most difficult parts to decorate so I have decided to shoot it in detail. It is that bit between the tower and the top layer.

It doesn't have to be perfect, on the contrary the more imperfect the better

Back to the decoration. The method is the same.


With the same brush we used to paint the black let's smoke a little around the stained glass and the other windows too.

With an x-acto knife let's make a wall.

White fondant

Rocks impression mat

Turn it around.

We want this side facing the fondant.

Edible dust Autumn Leaf

I used the same black painting brush to highlight the indents.

Edible dust Biscuit

A bit of black only in the reliefs.

The same dusts from the begging of the video but I have only used the Rainforest one, because the Dove Grey wasn't too noticeable.

Brown Tan

This dustie is a tricky one, it messes everything around.

Brush up the green and the black.

"Bolacha Maria" ( they are some Portuguese cookies/biscuits) you can also use any kind of cookie you want and grate them into crumbs.

Let's colour our "dirt"with black.


Autumn Red

1 tablespoon of sweet cocoa powder or chocolate powder works too.

And 1 more tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder.

Chocolate rocks/stones. If you don't find something like these you can make your own ones with fondant.

6 white marshmallows. Microowave them for 30 seconds.

Dust your hands with corn starch, trust me you will need that.

Now just stretch the melted marshmallows and stick them where you want them to be.

White fondant

Edible black ink marker.

Orange fondant

Brown fondant


You can make this crack by drawing the line with your tool.

I hope you like it.

Thank you for watching.




For more infomation >> Halloween - Haunted Castle Cake Tutorial - Part Two - ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Duration: 20:51.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante de Clash Royale em Portugues Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante de Clash Royale em Portugues Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:37.


நடிகர் சூர்யகாந்த் என்ன செய்கிறார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> நடிகர் சூர்யகாந்த் என்ன செய்கிறார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 1:44.


Wake Up And Fight! - Study Motivation - Duration: 12:30.

I'm just being real

You will feel pain

You will hurt

It will hurt along the way

Now here's the beautiful thing about success

There's enough space for everybody, but everybody don't have what it takes

So what happens along the way is that

We have these dreams

and these goals, and these ideas

and all these things we wanna do

and then life puts us to the test

The first thing that life does

to test you, is it makes you go through a little pain

If you can't handle that pain

You can't handle success

If you can't handle dissapointment

you might as well check out now

just quit, just give up, like most people do

See we all go through pain

We all go through pain

but some of us stay on the ground and cry about it

Some of us stay there

But some of us get up

so when you go through pain

if you can get through it, you're gonna be stronger than the person who's never felt pain

and you'll be able to handle stuff in life

because you're used to going through the pain

Do you understand, it's the difficulties that are going to prepare you, and take you to to the next level

So what if you failed your last exam?

So what if you had to retake the year?

Do you understand, you got through that?

You're all running from obstacles

When in fact it's the obstacles that are gonna take you to the next level

You're all running from pain

You're all running from challenges

You're all telling me how difficult your life is

You got put through that because what that does, that tension produces greatness

Stop running from it, start running to it

You did it once, you did it twice, and that didn't work so you QUIT?!

Yeah you did it for three months

Yeah you did it for six months

and you're like, where are the results?


It's gonna take more than six months for it to become a reality

You've gotta learn to stop starting and stopping

You've gotta learn to stop quitting and giving up

just because it didn't work out for you the first time

just because it didn't work out for you the 20th time

You've just gotta keep going

and keep going, what you need to know about life is

you cannot lose if you do not quit

so you gotta keep studying, keep reading

keep doing what you gotta do

and if you can weather that storm, I guarantee you

every dream you have will become a reality

There are no limits, just the ones you place on yourself


You gotta do it with passion

You gotta go to college with passion

but you're going to college with an attitude

You're going but you don't really wanna be there

You're not bringing the passion

You're not bringing the fire, you're not bringing the heat

You're studying but you're barely doing it! Come on!


You gotta be tired of this 60% you!

Greatness is within you

You. Are. Here.

You have been blessed to be on this earth

You're here! Do something! So whatever you gotta do you do it

I'm a firm believer that talent alone is not enough to be successful

I'm a firm believer that the amount of work you put into something

is more important than anything

The amount of work you put into something

the amount of effort that you give

I'm a firm believer that just because you grew up in a certain neighbourhood

just because your parents are rich, or your mum's a doctor

They're not giving out degrees, they're not giving out success

So what I'm trying to say is, that exams, that's your life

That's your future

Don't look at it like it's a punishment

Don't look at it like, "I gotta go to class"

Whatever you write down

You're literally at school to make your dreams become a reality

So every single day you wake up

This is what should be on your mind

This is what you should be pursuing

You've got a small window, listen to me

You've got a small window, and the problem is, when you're young, you think you've got forever

It's a disease of young people

it's a disease when you're young

You're like, I can go to this party

I'll bounce back

I don't have to study this week, I'll bounce back

You think you'll keep bouncing back

No. You. Won't.

Many of you are not taking ownership of your life

That you have not looked at yourself in the mirror and said

You. Owe. You!

Will the world know that you were here?

Or will you be a distant memory?

Will you leave your mark? You've gotta stay ready

Because I know one thing in your life, the opportunity will come

But will you be ready when it gets there?

So I'm gonna finish by telling you this, It's gonna come

Everything you've ever dreamed of

Every opportunity you've ever dreamed of

It's gonna come

But will you be ready?

When it comes?

you don't know now you know it's true your friends family and loved ones will

be the first ones to try and talk you out of greatness when you're ready to do

something and try something new that's out of your comfort zone that's

out of your norm it's always the one you're dating the one you marry to the

one that's in your family your friends in your immediate circle that will

always try and talk you out of doing something special and significant

walk into bold and uncomfortable doors without having fear and rejection

without having fear of the word no do you know how many people have had

visions ideas and huge career moves that they were about to make and they allowed

the word no to stop them from changing the landscape of their life and their

family lives so many people are afraid of rejection and the word no it is the

saddest shit I've ever witnessed in my life so I no longer have fear of

rejection I no longer have fear of the word no I've never had no longer give

power to the word no I could care less about you rejecting me disowning me me

having visions and ideas and you not seeing what I see I see what's not there

only those that can see the invisible can do the impossible I see what's not

there I have visions my visions are bold and unapologetic

boldly walking to the way

and if they don't get it laugh about it don't disown your ideas because they're

disowning your ideas don't lose confidence in your ideas because they

don't have confidence

you got gifts you got talents you got a capabilities

you got you got inventions you got phone apps you got all of these things that

you need to unleash on the world you don't have money you may not have the

financial resources but don't allow your visions and ideas to be stifled because

of what's in your bank account or not when you have visions and ideas you do

any means necessary to get a hold of the investors and the people with all the

money in the world don't have your ideas to see to it that your ideas come to


I am so proud of you already because only a chosen few will hear this message

and you're gonna reactivate the beast inside of you and move on those visions

ideas and inventions I'm proud of you I'm celebrating your success already

this is kind of hard to understand but sometimes you can try so hard at

something sometimes you're gonna be so so prepared and still fail

and with every time you fail it's painful cause the sadness especially as

I saw last night it causes disappointment

I've often said a man's character is not judged after he celebrates a victory but

about what he does when his back is against the wall so no matter how great

the setback

how severe the failure you never give up

you never give up you pick yourself up you brush yourself off push forward you

move on

everybody here everybody no option I won't be stopped I can't be stopped

you're either committed or you aren't you're either willing to do everything

it takes whatever that might be or you aren't you either are willing to go

through hell and high water and fire and brimstone to get to your goals or you

aren't all yourself work on your focus you cannot stop

you've got to work the problem with you is you see difficult as something

negative I want you to see difficult differently are you hearing me I need

you to push through that stuff push through it you can't get through it the

more you go through the more difficult it is the more challenging it is listen

to me the harder it is are you hearing me the more challenging it is all you're

doing baby is building my soul in life you're either going to a store in a

store or you coming out it's a part of life there's no way around it so just be

careful not to allow the trials and the tribulations to consume you I don't care

if you're a billionaire I don't care if you a CEO of one most important company

I don't care if you're an entertainer like I don't care who you are you will

go to the moon we all have problems what I'm trying to tell you is this

though problems are part of life but guess what

they're not like it's not going to be easy the moments when you're going to

doubt yourself their rough times are going to come but they have not come to

stay no matter how bad it is or how bad it gets you've got to make it your

personal business to make it happen

For more infomation >> Wake Up And Fight! - Study Motivation - Duration: 12:30.


Liberty Chronicles, Ep. 24; Court & County in the First British Empire - Duration: 19:31.

Anthony Comegna: We're inclined to look at 18th century America and see the grand legacy

of freedoms won.

The colonists, after all, governed themselves and they had little need for imperial management

from Great Britain.

Colonists all over disparaged the idea of monarchy and Tom Paine smashed it to pieces.

The world's most powerful state lost its most vigorous appendages after the revolution of

'76 and the settlers there expanded all sorts of civil rights to new cohorts over time.

We [00:00:30] remember the triumphant victory of a new nation state, or thirteen depending

on your view of things, and the gains made by some toward exercising a greater control

over that state, but revolution bred counter-revolution, as so often happens and we're so quick today

to remember the freedoms we won in an age of heroes.

But what about the freedoms we lost?

Welcome to Liberty Chronicles, a project of Liberatarianism.

[00:01:00] org.

I'm Anthony Comegna.

The Revolutionary period, the Constitutional era, the early national period, the Jacksonian

era, each of these major swats of time dramatically shifted the way Americans conceived of freedom.

In the early model, the early colonial period, liberty and freedom were characterized by

the common ground of the village, your locality, the local knowledge developed there, the customary

rights and powers [00:01:30] of the people, the rulers, the aristocrats and the king,

all balanced against one another.

Political participation came not from your vote, but your involvement in the neighboring

process in your community.

There was little talk about individual rights and much about the rights of Englishmen.

In the constitutional and early national periods, the great big documents of the day, the Constitution,

the Bill of Rights, the State Constitutions, each of them usurped the popular right to


Liberty [00:02:00] then was about supporting the things that had been won during the revolution.

In the Jacksonian and later periods, conceptions of freedom shifted toward individualism.

This is the era when private property becomes sacrosanct, universal suffrage is the way

of life.

Your personal connections to politics were essential to your place within the larger


This was a world marked by national expansion, where the individual projected their own greatness

out into the deeds [00:02:30] of the nation, or saw the nation somehow justifying themselves

and their actions as individuals.

This was the era of abolitionism and associations, when people once again joined together to

pursue greater liberty, but, this time, it was the individual that everybody recognized

as central, not the collectivity.

In the colonial period, liberty was largely defined as a reaction against the kind of

problems people faced in the old world and the problems they all encountered together

in [00:03:00] the new world frontier.

Liberty was something practiced in major communal institutions, in the household, the neighborhood,

the congregation.

People engaged in a process of neighboring, which was terribly important to the function

of the larger society.

The process of neighboring required popular participation in the courts and in policing

any breaches of the law after the fact.

The people must display their consent to the degree that they can through their representative

institutions who passed laws, but also after the fact, when the law [00:03:30] was actually

being enforced.

People had to agree to them in both cases, before it could be considered popularly legitimate.

Colonial Americans really didn't see themselves as mere subjects of the king and his empire,

nor were they simply spectators to the government run by others.

Recent history, especially the English Civil War had empowered popular forces to organize

themselves and inject their voice into the public debate like they'd never been able

to before.

Yes, the king was still supposed to be God's viceroy [00:04:00] here on earth, benevolently

ruling over us all for the common wealth of his people, but kings often failed at this.

History showed this, theory showed this, there was nothing special about them, not necessarily.

But they were still God's viceroys.

Politics then in the first British Empire took a court versus country caste.

The country represented the vast popular interest, the people spread across the countryside,

the working people, marginalized groups, whoever was not exactly in [00:04:30] the power elite

was part of the country.

The court on the other hand was made up of the king, his counselors and any corporate

interest that surrounded him.

The country did not necessarily dispute the court's existence.

But they did act to constrain individual aristocrats ambitions, using the historically established

methods in arenas for popular protest open to them.

One such arena for protest was the courtroom.

The common person's power was in no serious way linked to their status [00:05:00] as a


Consent by ballot was still reserved to the few and most people could not vote.

Common people did, though, possess something that elites scattered across the British Empire

could not.

They had specialized, localized common knowledge that could be brought to bear on any particular


Officials across the broad expanse of the Empire needed these common people to locate

and capture outlaws and to define community standards and take place and even witness

the results of any breaking of laws.

[00:05:30] Without the many forms of popular consent to the law after its passage, any

actual enforcement was a dead letter.

In the colonial period, wealthy people controlled the offices and voters were supposed to be

represented in legislatures, but the average white male did not vote and he was represented

in juries.

Juries were supposed to be interchangeable with the accused and the audience witnessing

the trial.

These were the men of the neighborhood and they were really supposed to be in charge

of the proceedings.

[00:06:00] Some colonial thinkers said that judges may have a place of prestige and privilege

in the courtroom, but really they didn't even have to say anything.

They did not necessarily have much power and people increasingly said they might as well

just remain silent throughout a trial.

One Massachusetts minister even commented the jurors were, in fact, temporary judges.

In the colonial era, notions of deference in class were still very strong, both for

voters and for jurors, [00:06:30] but they were giving way to notions of common dignity

and equality, that people were fundamentally equal, and any class barriers set up, especially

in a place like a courtroom, were illegitimate, false, created basically by the state.

If commoners were, in fact, worthy of dignity and even respect, if they received this in

the courtroom, they could also expect a certain level of humane treatment, even recognition

of their equal rights before the law when they were on trial.

In the trial of Sir Richard Rum, readers [00:07:00] experience a mid-eighteenth century American

trial much like contemporaries would have.

Sir Richard is accused of violently interfering with his neighbors, breaking all community

standards of ethics.

The court informs Richard of his charge.

Here's his statement and proceeds to call forth the agreed parties one after another.

Speaker 2: The indictment and trial of Sir Richard Rum, clerk.

"Sir Richard [00:07:30] Rum of the county of Flip.

Thou standest here indicted for that thou, not regarding the good of thy fellow creatures,

hast, in a bold and audacious manner, knocked down, killed, maimed, and despoiled many of

his majesty�s good and liege subjects.

Also, that thou hast, for many years, and still dost, hold a traitorous conspiracy with

Mr. Punch, and Mr. Flip, two as notoriously wicked as thyself, by and with whose assistance,

thou dost intoxicate the heads of good, honest, [00:08:00] well-meaning people, to the ruining

of their persons, and the impoverishing of their estates; so that many a poor man�s

wife and children sit at home, wanting what is sinfully wasted in your extravagant company,

as will appear by many credible witnesses, who are deplorable instances of the truth

of what is here alleged against you.

All which facts are contrary to the good and wholesome laws of the kingdom, as well as

against the king, his crown and dignity.

What sayest thou, art thou guilty or not guilty, of what thou here standest indicted?"

[00:08:30] Sir Richard:" Not guilty."

Clerk: "How will you be tried?"

Sir Richard: "By the opinion of all judicious persons."

Clerk: "Crier, make proclamation."

Crier: "O yes, O yes, O yes!

If any person can inform the Court of any murders, treasons, or other misdemeanors committed

by the prisoner at the bar, let them come into the court, and they shall be heard in

their several orders.

Call John Vulcan, the blacksmith."

[00:09:00] Vulcan: "I am very well acquainted with the prisoner at the bar.

I am a blacksmith by trade, and being liable to much heat, I have, for many years, had

an unquenchable spark in my throat, which I might quench with a pot of middling beer

or cider; but happening to be acquainted with the prisoner, I became a lover of his company,

and when I am once got into his company, he scarce ever parts with me, till he hath catcht

me fast by the noddle, tript up my heels, and laid me fast on my back, so that I have

not [00:09:30] been able to get up to go to work for two or three days, and I am sure

Sir Richard ought to be punished".

Crier: "Call William Shuttle, the weaver.

Shuttle: "I am but a poor man, and have a wife and a great charge of children; I am

a weaver by trade, and I can never sit at my loom, but this wicked companion is enticing

me from my work, and is never quiet till he gets me to the tavern, and when I am there,

I have no mind to come home again; and then he picks a quarrel with me, and abuseth me;

sometimes [00:10:00] he sets upon me like a robber, and ties me neck and heels, and

throws me into a ditch, and there leaves me till next morning, and not a penny in my pocket,

so that if you hang him or quarter him, you have my free consent."

Clerk: "Call Thomas Snip, the tailor."

Snip: "For my part, I know the prisoner at the bar very well, and I am sure I know no

good for him; I always loved Mr. Wheat, the baker, better than Sir Richard Rum.

But one night, as I was going home from work, I espied [00:10:30] Sir Richard and two or

three good fellows, a quarreling, and what does I but step in among them to see if I

could make them friends.

But Sir Richard, picking a quarrel with me, gave me such a knock on the crown that I could

not work for a fortnight after.

And what is still worse, he has got acquainted with my wife, and sends her home every night

in a scolding mood, and for my part, unless I am as boozy as she, I dare neither speak

nor stir, but am forced to be a true Passive-Obedience man.

[00:11:00] I hope this Honorable Bench will take it into consideration, and put him to

death, or banish him out of the land."

Clerk: "Call James Wheat, the baker."

Wheat: "Most Honorable Judge, I have this to relate concerning the prisoner at the bar,

that I have been daily and hourly ill used by him.

I have been a man esteemed of by lords and knights, and none could please better than

James Wheat the baker; but the case [00:11:30] is now altered; Sir Richard Rum is preferred

before poor James Wheat, by almost all persons, of all ranks and sexes.

Many men now a days fall down before him, and worship him, and the reverence they have

paid him, has brought many to extreme poverty, and some to the halter, for they have stolen

and robbed, to enable themselves to keep company with the wretch, when, at the same time, he

is such an ungrateful monster, that if they were starving, he would not give them one

meal�s victuals, and the more any person loves [00:12:00] him, and keeps him company,

the more they are despised and disregarded by him; I hope this Court will take it under

consideration, and, as a common disturber of the peace, and a grievance to mankind,

far beyond any thief, it�s not only particular persons, but whole provinces that are sufferers

by, and appear against the prisoner."

Anthony Comegna: Sir Richard's most eager defenders are the free thinking, dissenting

Quaker, working people, and the West Indies Sugar Slave Complex with their [00:12:30]

own sort of local knowledge of course.

His trial highlights that officially recognized interests of common white colonists were becoming

more important, more mainstream, but they left the interests of black slaves to the

privacy of plantations.

Their liberties were already long lost.

Speaker 2: Barbados and Islands.

"Whosoever speaks against Sir Richard Rum, can never be any better than enemies to the


For, without the help of Sir Richard, we that live in the [00:13:00] Islands could not subsist;

for he is the best branch of our trade, and if we should fail and sink in our trade, what,

I pray, would become of poor Ireland?

How would they dispose of their butter, beef, and Great Britain would be at no small loss.

Besides, what would New England do with their horses, refuse fish and lumber, and provisions?

And what would New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania do with their bread, beer, and other provisions?

By this it is plain, and may be made [00:13:30] to appear evidently, that upon us depends

the prosperity of trade in many other countries.

And if our trade should decay, how would the merchants do to employ builders in New England?

And then, what would they do with their timber, hemp, tar and iron, which they begin to make

there in considerable quantities?

And how would the poor be employed?"

Clerk: "Call Newport on Rhode Island."

Newport: "We are sensible that many persons, in this place, have kept this [00:14:00] prisoner

company too much, and have hurt themselves not only in their good name, but in their

estates, and, without doubt, have contracted much guilt; but, at the same time, we cannot

find how the prisoner at the bar is guilty, for as he said in his own defense, he forceth


And whereas it is alleged he is crafty and insinuating, and also ungrateful; we do not

find that he deceives sober, moderate persons.

And as for his ingratitude, the best way is, not to suffer him [00:14:30] to come under

any obligation to them.

We are sensible that he has done much good to many men in this place; he hath raised

many from almost nothing to a great estate, in a very few years, and helped to build many

good vessels, and employs a great number of men daily, both by sea and by land, and most

of them that do not abuse him, thrive."

Clerk: "Call friend, John the Quaker."

Sir Solomon: "Friend John, what hast thou to say [00:15:00] in behalf of the prisoner

at the bar?"

Friend John: "For my own part I may say, he hath many times comforted me, both at sea

and on land; and, if the affirmation of a Friend may be accepted, I can assure the Court,

that I never knew the prisoner to abuse any person, or give offense to anybody till they

first abuse him; for I think he hath made it appear, that he forceth nobody, but is

a peaceable, honest neighbor, also profitable to such who have so much prudence as to keep

him safely, and [00:15:30] to dispose of him seasonably; and, therefore, I am persuaded

that no man, in his right wits, will condemn him; nay, the judge and jury may plainly see

these accusers blame the prisoner for their own faults."

Clerk: "Call Mrs. Hostess and Mrs. Fillpot."

Enter Mrs. Hostess.

Mrs Hostess: "What impudent fellows be they, that say they would have such a famous worthy

man�s life taken away?

If you take away his life, you take away mine [00:16:00] too."

Anthony Comegna: Outside of the courtroom, common people had an essential position enforcing


Dozens of different shame rituals and public tortures were used to bring people into compliance

with community standards.

Even a public presence at mass executions was seen as necessary to pass legitimacy over

the sentence.

These crowds were hardly extralegal.

They were in fact part of the whole framework here.

The law alone was not sufficient [00:16:30] to compel behavior.

It was certainly not sufficient to punish breakers of the law, and elites in the Colonial

Era knew this.

The difference between a crowd and a mob was the actions that the individuals who composed

them took.

If you behave legitimately and within your proper sphere, then you were part of the public,

the people, the body politic, recognized officially by the ruling aristocracy.

If you deviated even a little, like having black skin or red skin, being a woman or being

under age, then you were part [00:17:00] of an unruly, illegitimate mob, and elites in

the era while they could not necessarily ignore mobs, they could unite with the growing middle

class to restrain its legitimacy.

Over centuries the process of enclosure had stripped Britains of their sustenance and

cast half the population into wagedom by the early 18th Century.

They clustered in cities, no longer participating in countryside feudalism.

From the urban slums people pioneered new forms [00:17:30] of popular consent and politicking.

With no means to produce bread on their own, they formed flour riot mobs to forcibly strip

corporate capitalists of their stores and power.

There were fewer bread riots in America to be sure, but they brought with them from Europe

the same ideas about popular rights and popular power.

In the Colonies people thought of their liberty as increasingly dependent upon interdependence.

Popular forms of organization pioneered during this period, [00:18:00] the 1740s, 1750s,

1760s, they enabled, concerted, directed, planned community resistance later.

By the 1760s the common people out of doors were the ones leading the mass boycotts, the

nonimportation and noncompliance agreements that provoked the Revolution and made it successful.

We remember the Revolution from above as told by Jacksonian nationalists, like George Bancroft,

or the latest best selling hero worshiping hard cover, but the movement actually [00:18:30]

began spontaneously from below.

The truth is, the Aristocrats joined them.

This was the origins of what historians call "the first patriot coalition", the one that

made the war possible and won independence.

From the start there were the origins of a second patriot coalition of conservative conspirators,

organizing a coup d'etat against popular local governance.

The greatest trick they ever pulled was convincing us they didn't exist.

[00:19:00] Liberty Chronicles is a project of

It is produced by Test Terrible.

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