Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

(Extreme Theater Troupe)

- This is really bad. / - Why?

We have no audience again today.

What if our show gets cancelled?


- Director! Hello! / - Hello!

Does the audience affect your acting?

You call yourselves actors?


We have an audience today!

My great actors, it's time to start the show.

I directed and wrote this

so act properly.

- Act... / - By the rules!

The audience is coming in.


I sense bad energy from this place.

I feel bad vibes here.

Shamans should be cultured too.

Let's enjoy the show.

Gosh, Hana.

Snap out of it!

Master Shaman.

This is the house.

The daughter here is strange.

Mr. Ju.

I brought a skilled shaman.

- A shaman? / - Yeah.

He's the Gyeryongsan Shaman.

I'm the Gyeryongsan Shaman!

It's bad luck to have the same nickname!

- Right. / - Yeah!

He's the Baby Shaman.

I'm the Baby Shaman.

Say an unlikely girl's nickname.

Flower Fairy.

That's me!

Why do you keep using the names of others?

Why are you impersonating us?

You're my role models.

Please read my fortune after the show.

I'll pay you generously.



Please save my daughter.

I knew this would happen,

so I put a talisman on the door.

A talisman won't work.

You have to have an exorcism.

Let's take the talisman down and have an exorcism.

- Good! / - Good!

- It's an exorcism! / - An exorcism!

Very good!

An exorcism?

Alright then.

What should I prepare first?

Prepare a pig's head and chicken's blood.

Buy those things.

Buy the cheap kind.

- Go. / - Alright.

How dare you possess this child?

Get out of her!

Open your eyes!


Shaman, I've prepared everything.


I will exorcise this demon out of her.

Begone! Begone!

That's not enough jumping to chase a demon away.

More. More!


Jumping isn't enough.

You need to balance on straw cutters.

I should balance on straw cutters.

But we have none.

Here are the straw cutters!

Go stand on them.

- Stand on them. / - Stand on them.

The demon is gone!

I will totally remove the demon.

Let's have you take a rest.

A demon like that won't leave the body easily.

What are you trying to do?

Pretend you're possessed.

Why would I pretend like I'm possessed?

It's to save the play.

That's not in the script. How can I act...

The demon has possessed him!

The demon is here!

Get out!

Get out!

Get out!


You didn't hit him enough.


I don't think I hit you enough.


What are you trying to do?

Just take one hit.

That's natural rubber.

I'm going with this.

It's out!

- It's not out! / - It's not out!

It's out!

- It's not out! / - It's not out!

It's out!

Why do you keep hitting...

Hold still!

Hold still... Hold still...

Hold still.

Hold still or I'll pop 2 more of your back pimples.

Cue the music.

This poor soul...

What did you say? Oh, poor soul...

What? What?

Thank you for letting me pass on.

Goodness! Of course!

It's time for me to go up to heaven.


You poor soul.


The demon is gone!

I think my rib is cracked.

Whatever. You can go now.

That's the end of today's show.

Did the six of you enjoy the show?

What are you talking about? I'm here by myself.

There were 5 people around you.

You can see them?

For more infomation >> Extreme Theater Troupe | 극닥전 극단 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 5:29.


Say Anything Festival | 아무 말 대잔치 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 3:22.

(Say Anything Festival)

Hello, viewers.

This is Gag Concert's Say Anything Festival.

Does anyone here want a gift certificate?

Are you really giving it away?

I just said anything.

Let's meet our first contestant now.

♪ Just kill me ♪

He died while singing a trot song.

♪ Trot, trot, trot, trot, trot, trot ♪

Let's meet the next contestant.

Are they playing rock, paper, scissors?

- Go bring the scissors! / - Yes.

He was sending him on an errand!

What is that?

Tough guy!

Let's meet the next contestant.

2017's best fox!


A real fox showed up!

Let's meet the next contestant.

The best tree!


A forest statement!

♪ So tree ♪

I have nowhere to tree.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Can I buy this?

This is my shirt.

- Sell it to me! / - It's mine.

- An absurd clothes statement! / - Amazing.

You need to look good in the clothes you wear.

♪ Trust in my clothes ♪

♪ Let's meet the next contestant ♪

Is it the javelin throw?

It wasn't the javelin throw! It was a barbecue party!

We're having a party when we finish too.

♪ Amor fati ♪

Let's meet the next contestant.

Geez! This stinking dirty company...

Is he quitting his job?

Why's it so dirty?

The company really was dirty!

Let's meet the next contestant.


That joke is so outdated.

Stop trying to be funny with makeup and outfits.

- Be funny with your words. / - Yes.

- Alright? / - Yes, sir!

I'm going to shoot "2 Days and 1 Night."

Okay, then.


He wore an absurd outfit and just walked out!

- Amazing. / - Amazing.

Gag Concert is all about

Kim Daehui!


Let's meet the next contestant.

Honey, I'm going in now.


I caught a mosquito!

He wasn't going for a kiss!

He was swatting a mosquito!

I want to go to England.


Let's meet the next contestant.

Abs please.

Sure. Here is your abs.

Real abs!

Amazing. Showing off your abs just anywhere.

- Right. / - That deserves praise.

Good job! Stamp, stamp!

From the Say Anything Festival,

this has been caster "Gashina..."

And commentator, probably not.


For more infomation >> Say Anything Festival | 아무 말 대잔치 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 3:22.



For more infomation >> HOW TO FINGERWHIP ON A SCOOTER IN 2 MINUTES - Duration: 2:00.


Bongsunga School | 봉숭아학당 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 16:17.

(Bongsunga School)

Hello, I'm the teacher of Bongsunga School,

Kim Daehui.

Let's get started with Bongsunga School!

Who wants to talk first?

Who are you guys?

We're from "Produce 101."

We didn't make the cut. I'm 104th, Ryu Samuel.

I'm 103rd, Song Daniel.

102nd. I'm the lucky one, Jang Obok!

What the...

What was that?

See that? This was for my sister's wedding...

And I secretly took it.

Sorry, sis.

I'll shoot these myself next time.

Get married again!

What are you saying?

I'm curious about you guys.

Do you even have fans?

I got a bouquet from some high school girls

on my way to the studio today.

I got a fan letter from some middle school girls.

I was teased by an elementary school student.

She called me ugly.

That was my first time hearing that.


- Am I really ugly? / - Yes!

This is my second time hearing this.

I'll never ask again.

Alright, go sit down.

The two of us need to go to a wedding.

I'm coming too!

What? You can't get in without a suit.

Don't underestimate me.

I have a suit too!

What is this?

This is a suit?

I can't go to weddings on rainy days!

Hey... Hey...

A seam burst here.

- Isn't this thread? / - It's pit hair!

Go sit down.

Who wants to talk next?

Hi, everyone!

These days, guys that live alone

are more popular than handsome guys.

I live alone. I'm Honnam.


You're all looking at me with pity.

Geez... I'm totally happy.

I'll tell you how good it is to live alone.

If you have a girlfriend,

she's always such a pain.

You'd be on a date and

she suddenly asks you...

Out of nowhere...


"I gained weight, didn't I?"

You have to answer right!

No, I can't even tell.

"Oh, you have no interest in me."

Chills! She knew I'd say that!

She already knew!

Then... No!

It looks like you gained around 3kg.

"Gosh, I bet you were just dying to tell me that."

What am I supposed to say?

You don't have to worry about this stuff

if you live alone.

I took a trip to China recently all by myself!

I even went to the famous monkey village

where monkeys take selfies for you.

I went and a monkey actually took my camera

and took a selfie!

Wow, that must've been amazing.

What was more amazing

was when the another monkey

stole my wallet while I was posing for the selfie.

They all have their roles.

I tried to ask the foreigner next to me for help

and I used body language.

The foreigner handed me a banana and a camera

and told me to take a selfie.

I didn't want to disappoint him so I took the photo.

Afterwards, 300 people lined up in front of me.

Even a monkey got in line.

But that monkey got to take a break

thanks to me so I'm fine!

You know...

You should find a girl to date and even get married.

I don't understand what's great about marriage.

I don't get it.

I bet you're envious of a single guy like me!

I know you are!

Yeah, I'm envious that you're single.

I want to relax on the weekends

but my father-in-law calls every weekend

asking me to drink with him.

That's so annoying!

- What a hassle... / - When I visit him...

He brings out the expensive foreign liquor...

He keeps feeding me healthy bar snacks like

wild abalone and grilled gizzard shad.

When I lifted my glass to have a drink,

my mother-in-law goes...

"What do you think you're doing?"

- She got angry? / - Why?

"What is it, mother?"

"Let's do a love shot together."

My mother-in-law loves me to death!

It's such a hassle!

Teacher, can you go on a bit longer?

Just a little more. I want to do a love shot too!

- Do a love shot with me too! / - What's your deal?

- Honnam! / - Do a love shot with me...

Let's do a love shot together.

- Love shot level 3. / - What's that?

- Mouth to mouth. / - You're crazy!

Why you...

- Why can't I grab you? / - My clothes are bleeding!

Who wants to talk next?

♪ I'm back, back, back, back again ♪

- Who are you? / - Hello, teacher.

I drink burdock tea instead of barley tea.

I'm Wu Eongjae.

What are you pointing at?


- There are those times. / - What times?

- There are those times. / - What do you mean?

♪ There are those times ♪

♪ When you go out to dinner with your parents ♪

♪ And you go to karaoke afterwards ♪

♪ And you're having a blast ♪

♪ But then your dad gets happy ♪

♪ That it's been years since he's been to karaoke ♪

♪ And you feel pleased ♪

♪ That's when the karaoke owner told my dad ♪

♪ Did you get home well last night? ♪

♪ The karaoke owner said something else ♪

♪ You're here with someone else today ♪

♪ What my dad needs is ♪

♪ Two bags of towels to wipe off his sweat ♪

♪ Don't worry, dad, you don't have to cry ♪

♪ He said someone else and not a different woman ♪

- What a relief. / - What are you saying?


- There are those times. / - What times?

There are those times.

What times?

♪ There are those times ♪

♪ When you're happy eating fruit ♪

♪ And watching TV with the entire family ♪

♪ But then something racy comes on ♪

♪ You're embarrassed and you feel like ♪

♪ You have to change the channel ♪

♪ That's when my dad said ♪

♪ Just leave it on, son ♪

♪ My mom said in a hurry ♪

♪ Turn the volume up, son ♪

♪ I was so embarrassed ♪

♪ I needed two bags of blindfolds and earplugs ♪



The next class is history.

- That's so boring. / - It is not boring!

Who are you guys?

Hello, teacher. We're the fun-loving brothers.

The Fun Bros!

Yes, baby!

So exciting, so exciting!

Just watching you guys is fun.

So what brings you here?

Teacher, we'll show you how history class

doesn't have to be boring

and it can be fun.

Show us then.

The year 918. Goryeo is founded.

So what do you have to say?

We need new laws fit for a new country.


Make some new laws.

Laws... Laws!

♪ Bubble, bubble, bubble, pop ♪

♪ Bubble, bubble, pop, pop ♪

♪ Make some laws ♪

So exciting, so exciting!

What are you two doing?

History class

doesn't have to be boring

and it can be fun.

Show us.

480 BC.

The Greco-Persian Wars.

For us, Sparta, to win,

all we should do is train.

This is too hard! I want to go home!

- You can't go back! / - I'm going back!

What the...

Stop it... I'm getting tired...

Stop... Stop!

You did that on purpose. I'm filing a lawsuit!

Go by the law.


♪ Bubble, bubble, bubble, pop ♪

♪ Bubble, bubble, pop, pop ♪

♪ Make some laws ♪

This has been the Fun Bros!

- So exciting, so exciting! / - Go sit down.


So chaotic.

Who wants to talk next?

Anyone there?

- So pretty. / - Pretty already!

- Hi. Hi! / - So beautiful.

Who are you?

I'm an elegant woman.

My name is Tina.

- Ssan Tina. / - I see.

Are you coming from somewhere?

Oh, I did wrong by my boss

so I have to treat him today.

But the thing is...

I exceeded my credit card limit.

- I felt like a straight-up fool. / - What?

It was publically humiliating.

So then what?

- So we decided to split the bill. / - What?

We went by the Kim Young-ran Act.

Why did you meet your boss?

During our last work party...

- I got all drunk and sloppy on him. / - What?

I discovered my inner beast.

But we talked it out over lunch and it's fine now.

I see.

Hold on. Did I forget something?

- I didn't have a post-meal cig. / - What?

- I didn't get to hit a jack. / - What?

- Fine! I'm a chimney! / - What?

I'm a faithful payer of the cigarette tax.

You shouldn't smoke. It's bad for you.

- You're right. / - Yes.

- Excuse me. / - Sure.

What's with him?

Sell me your face so I can quit smoking.

What'll you do with my face?

So I can stick your face on the cigarette package.

- That should be a proper warning. / - Right.

People, remember this face and quit smoking!

Let's go!

- Try to quit smoking. / - Okay, go sit down.

Who wants to talk next?

That's so weak for a man.

Everyone say it. Man!

- Man! / - Man!

- Man! / - Man!

I'm the strong man, Gangnam.

Kids these days are too weak like them.

I'm saying a man shouldn't be this weak.

Kids need to be strong and powerful!

Like that?

I'm a bit embarrassed, man!

It's embarrassing.

Kids these days like Smurfs.

How cute.

Kids become weak because

they grow up watching them!

- This Smurf is too weak! / - Weak!

This is why they keep getting caught by

Gargamel yet they sing...

Because they're so weak!

This face is too weak!


Make the face powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

This Smurf is a man that could

cut a steak with his nose!


Make his hat powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

This Smurf would say...

- ♪ I'm back, back, back, back ♪ / - Like that, man!


Make his small body powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

This Smurf is a man that would walk on a runway!

- Man! / - Alright...

Have a seat.

Who wants to talk next?

I will survive. I will survive.

I will survive in nature!

Why's the stage so dirty?

Who are you?


I moved to the mountains to escape the city.

My surname is Shin and my name is Dosi.

I'm Shin Dosi!

What's with those earrings?

Why are you wearing those?

- So people can tell I'm a woman. / - Oh, so you are.


Don't you get bored living on the mountain alone?


Nature is my playground.

I listen to the birds singing

as I stare into the night sky,

lying down on a field...

If I stare out into the night sky...

- Surprisingly... / - You see a shooting star?

Birds poop on me.

All over my face.

But that's okay.

It's my own natural facial mask out in nature.

I hear that you're married.

How do you educate your kids?

My kids are living apart from me.

They come visit me in the mountains during break.

I don't let them get stressed over their studies.

I let them do anything they want.

And I try to do everything they ask me to.

So that relieves stress for your kids?

It makes them disrespectful.

They become totally disrespectful

by the end of the break.

This is why they need to be educated.

There needs to be schools.

Alright. Go sit down.

Alright, before I do...

City folks have so much rage these days.

I made medicine from herbs

that calms down your anger.

Take this and calm down your anger.



- Two bags. / - You never get angry?

I can't even get angry if I tried.

- Even now? / - Yes.

You have a beard!

Sure, sure.

Wow, she didn't get angry.

I hope you all bring down your anger.

What are you looking at?



What's with this face? I can't even grab you.

What is this? You're really making me angry!

Take some medicine.


- Is everyone done talking? / - Yes.

Gosh, Mr. Principal.


People come first.

I am the 19th principal of Bongsunga School,

Moon Gyojang.

Thank you.

I'm sure you students

are all tired from class.


How about cooling your heads

by playing a game with me?

Let's start.

♪ Words that end in "da" ♪

- ♪ Canada ♪ / - ♪ Lemon soda ♪

- ♪ Veranda ♪ / - ♪ Radar ♪

♪ People come first ♪

I was nervous someone else might say it.

Very nice!

5 people were laughing their heads off!

I love you.

People, Korea has many

cultural assets we're very proud of.

- First... Sheokguram. / - Seokguram.



Our 3rd National Treasure.

Bukhanshan Monument.


Bukhansan Monument.

As my treasure, you come first.

I love you.

Do any of the students here have any concerns?

- Me! / - Me!

Hold it!

I have a question.

People come first.


So... Gosh... Obok.

Tell me your concern.

I really want to get married.

I have money and a home.

I even have a suit.

Yet I can't get married.

What is the problem?

The person is the problem.

Whoever wants to marry Obok,

call right away!

Luck, luck, luck, luck!

For more infomation >> Bongsunga School | 봉숭아학당 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 16:17.


We Need to Talk 1987 | 대화가 필요해 1987 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 8:16.

(We Need to Talk1987)

Why doesn't anything work out these days?

I was fooled by Eunyeong...

And Bongseon left me...

Daehui owes Bongseon $500.





Pay me back!

Daehui starts to work to pay back that $500.

(We Need to Talk1987)

This is where Daehui is working part-time.

I'm going to get my money back today.

Where is he? Where is he?

Let's eat something as we wait since we're here.

Are you out of your mind?

Don't you know?

I'm a ballet major.

I have a competition next month.

I'm really watching what I eat these days.

You can eat just a little.

It's my treat.

I'll have fritters then.

Alright, fritters...

And spicy rice cakes so I can dip them in the sauce.

That sounds too spicy. Order blood sausages too.

We should have soup too.

- Some instant noodles. / - Noodles...

And we'll need rice.

A rice roll.

Order those.

Sure... Alright.

What are you ordering?

We can just share this stuff.

I'm going home.

Sorry, sorry, I was just kidding.

I'll get noodles for myself.

Did you hear?

There's a new DJ here.

- I hear he's totally dreamy! / - Really?

- I totally want to see him! / - Me too.

He should be here by now.

There he is!


I'm your DJ.

Call me Hyeok.

- You're so dreamy! / - Yeah!

Why are they being so loud?

They're here again at

Forget-Me-Not Eatery,

those sweet high school girls.

Let's bring them

hard boiled eggs on the house.


Make the yolks runny.

Enjoy them with salt.

He's so funny!


(We love you, Hyeok)

(Pay me back my money!)

Seeing the girl in the yellow sweater

reminds me of this song.

This song is for that girl.

Shin Yeongwon's "Firefly."

Is she dog poop or a bug?

Looks like both.

What is he babbling about?

Why are you here?

I'm here for my $500.

I'm working hard as a DJ to pay you back.

DJ? Oh, please...

Let me give you a little pointer.

If you don't want to be fired as a DJ,

don't play the music so loudly.

I feel like my fallopian tube will burst.

Anyway, pay me back soon!

- Sejin, let's go. / - Alright.

I'd better work hard to pay her back.

Looks like...

We just got a sweet story.

So sticky sweet...

"She's as thin as a wild flower that could

be blown away by the wind.

She's bloomed in my heart.

My very own wild flower."

What a great story.

Who sent this story in?

I did.


You... You...

- Dad! / - You brat...

What's with this outfit?

And what's with this wig?

You brat!

What about you?

I sent you to school to study!

You brat! You think you're an artist?

What about you, dad?

What was with that story?


What did I do?

What? What?

I can't be in love?



This way.

Who are you?

We live together.

You live with him?

Yes, well...

He's... Well...

He had nowhere to go.

I'm letting him crash at my place.

He's a younger friend.


Sure, man.

You resemble each other though.


We get that often.

Some people even

mistake us for brothers.


Sure, man.


Your beauty today...

Is like a wild flower.

Gosh, stop it...


Just like Deulgukhwa's Jeon Inkwon.



Not Deulgukhwa.

Minkyoung, you remind me of...


You're just like a cosmos.

Oh, stop it...

Not a cosmos.

More like a mammoth.

- Why you... / - No, it was nothing.

How about we...

Minkyoung, take a look.

Eat something.

I just ate.

Oh, really?

But still. They have a lot of stuff.

Pick something.

Then this one.

- Should we order this? / - Everything but that.

If she didn't eat beforehand,

she'd eat this entire restaurant.


You've been really getting on my nerves.

If you work here,

I bet you barely get by.

How poor are you

to crash at my darling's place?

Geez... If you're broke, at least don't be a jerk.

You look like you'll be poor all your life.

What are you babbling about?


You just... What? What? What?

This boy has his whole life ahead of him!

I can take it when people badmouth me!

But I won't take anyone badmouthing my son.

What? Son?

Yeah! He's my son.

I don't need a woman like you.

Get out of my sight now!

You're going to regret this!

I'm sorry.

It was my fault.


Don't worry about it.


That woman...

She wasn't my type.

Don't lie, dad.

Anyone can see she's your type.

That's not true.

She's the prettiest girl I've seen you date, dad.

That's not true!

I don't think you'll ever get a woman like her.

- It's not like that... / - I'll bring her back.

What are you talking about, fool?

How about this, dad?

I'll set you up with a nice woman.

I've had my eyes on her.

How about her over there?

Isn't she pretty?

- I'm fine, boy. / - Go talk to her.

Come on!

This kid...

Excuse me.

I've had my eyes on you.

I think it's love at first sight.

What's your name?

I'm Oh Nami.

For more infomation >> We Need to Talk 1987 | 대화가 필요해 1987 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 8:16.


Acting Idols | 연기돌 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 6:28.

(Acting Idols)

Today's audition is for a movie

about a jobless uncle that's always

cooped in his room listening to music.

We'll start the audition for

"Sound of Unemployed."

First candidate, come on in.


I'm a rookie actor, Kim Hoegyeong.

I believe that the set-up is key in acting.

Yes, the set-up is very important.

What kind of acting did you prepare?

I'll play a man going on a vacation.

Great. Ready... Action!

Finally, I get to go on a vacation.

I'm so excited!

What are you doing?

The set-up is that I'm going on a maternity leave.

Why would a man need a maternity leave?

- Go on your trip. / - Yes.

This is eagle, this is eagle.

- I'm going on my trip now. / - What are you doing?

The set-up is that I'm taking a radio trip.

That's not the same thing!

- Enjoy your vacation properly. / - Yes.

Two dozen eggs please.

What the...

Hold on. What are you doing?

I'm having an eggciting vacation.

You're being ridiculous!

You're out! Go sit down.

Stop coming up with weird scenarios.

Next candidate, come on in.


I'm a Hollywood actress, Nami Oh.


You're out.

I'm wearing some new lipstick.

How do I look? Womanly?

It looks like mustard.

This is Hollywood!

If you do this, the guys go crazy!

They love it!

They say I look like Lee Hyori!

They're saying you look like this duck.

- I'll show you my acting. / - Don't.

Here I go.

A scene of me on a date with my boyfriend.

Just a moment.

Okay! Action!

Honey, why do you seem so tired?

I don't know. Maybe from working overtime.


Cheer up.

Let's go! Let's go!

Why do I feel like my energy is depleting?

Honey, how about we eat some healthy foods?

Great. Let's go eat duck.



What is all this?

Come on! I can't even eat what I want?

I'm going home.

Honey, why are you so sensitive?

You should exercise when you're stressed.

- What kind of exercise? / - Watch.

That's exercising?

Hold on.

- A duck goes... / - Quack, quack.

- Oh Nami goes... / - Stop it!

- You stop it! / - Stop it!

Why aren't you acting?

This is Hollywood!

If you do this, the guys go crazy!

They love it!

They call me cute!

You really have no ears.

You're out! Go sit down.

- Geez... Quack! / - Why are you quacking?

The last candidate, come on in.

What brings you here, ma'am?


I'm an actress of 40 years. I'm Kim Jeongja.

We're sorry but the only roles

we have left unrecognizable roles

like the woman going camping alone...

There are no unrecognizable roles in acting.

No matter how unrecognizable the role,

you give it your all to appeal to the audience.

This is the spirit of acting.

I am merely a shopping network host

that's all about appealing to the crowd.

Today's product is Kim Jeongja.

Just looking at her makes you laugh!

Those that buy today

will get a cuteness set as well.

Here comes Princess Jeongja!

You just got a call.

They're asking for a refund.

Refunds don't exist

so I'll act as the woman who's camping.

Goodness, young man.

Would you like to have dinner with me?

What? A boar?

You just called me a boar?

What? A real boar?


Don't you glare at me!

Hey, if we go by weight, I outclass you!

You're not even that big!

Looks like we have something to barbecue.

Shall we eat?

Ma'am, your acting was too ridiculous.

There is no ridiculous in acting.

I was clearly expressing this old spinster's

hopes of being hit on at the camp site

as she wore high heels to go camping.

This is the spirit of camping!


The scene of the woman enjoying camping.

Please show us that right now!

Acting doesn't come out just because you beg!

Acting comes out when you give it your all

and you dominate the audience

with your performance.

I am Sunmi

who dominates the stage with her sexiness.

Put it away! Put it away!

Why are you taking that out?

Calm down.

Now that I've dominated the stage with sexiness,

I'll act as the old spinster who's camping.

Let's see... Got to pitch my tent.

There's a man passing by...

I have to pick up a hammer

but it's too heavy.


You'll do it for me

so I should stay inside?

Thank you.

Such a kind man.

Are you finished?

I think he's finished.

Excuse me. You've blocked off the exit.

Gosh! Why are you mixing concrete?

There's someone in here!

- Please... / - Ma'am...

You're out!

Please open this!

For more infomation >> Acting Idols | 연기돌 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 6:28.


Quiz Cafe | 퀴즈 카페 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 5:23.

(Quiz Cafe)

An intense game of wits with a prize of $1 million

on the line.

I'm the host of the quiz show Quiz Cafe,

Seo Taehun.

Will someone win the $1 million today?

Today's contestant is comedian Yoo Minsang!


- Hello. / - Hello, Minsang.


Before the actual quiz...

- We'll have a warm-up quiz. / - What is this?

Look at the screen and find

the incorrectly spelled words.

Here we go!

Minsang is doing the dishes.

"Dishes" is spelled wrong there.


- Nice! / - Next.

Minsang just ate.

"Just" is spelled incorrectly.

- That's correct! / - Yeah!

- Good. / - Next.

There's a smell coming from somewhere.

That doesn't look wrong.

- You can't tell? / - No.

The answer is, "There's a smell coming from here."

- Excuse me... / - That one was very easy.

What is this referring to?

Let's start the quiz now.

- Excuse me. / - The first question...

Is about celebrities.

Let's see the options.

No. 1.

Kim Gunmo.

No. 2.

Park Soohong.

No. 3.

Tony An.

They're old bachelors.

Here's your question.

Among the following...

Who will never get married in this life?

Pick that person!

What kind of quiz is this personal?

You seem to be having trouble.

Just relax and pick...

- The person that will live his life like you. / - Hey!

That's the person you should pick.

What do you mean by that?

What's with this question?

- Gunmo? / - Huh?

The answer is Kim Gunmo? No. 1?

Geez, what's with you?

What's with that boy?

Was that an impression of Park Soohong's mom?

- No! / - You're saying the answer is no. 2?


Tony An?

That's the answer?

- No! / - No. 3?

I didn't say Tony An!

He's older than me.


I was an H.O.T. fan in high school.

Don't lie on TV.

- I'm not! / - You're such a liar.

It's not a lie! It's for real!

Minsang, unfortunately, you are out of time.

Then what's the answer?

- We'll move on to the next question. / - Hey!

The next question will be given by

KBS announcer Park Sora.

Hello, everyone. I'm KBS announcer Park Sora.

- Minsang, good to see you. / - Hello.

Here's your question.

Many people are interested in VR these days.

It lets you experience an imaginary world

that would be impossible in reality.

I have a VR headset right here.

I'll try putting it on.

It's a monster!

It looks so real!

So scary!

- Hey, let me try... / - This is so scary! Geez...

Reality is scarier!

- Oh, geez! / - Excuse me! Excuse me!

- That's better. / - Hey!

- I can't believe this... / - Just give me the questions!

I want to stay like this.

- Give me the questions! / - Sora, please calm down.

Minsang, you stop it too.

What did I do?

For this next question,

you two have to work well together.

You think that's possible?

Minsang will sing a song

and Sora will guess the song title.

- Alright. / - Start!

This one's easy.

♪ Our meeting ♪

"Wrongful Meeting."

- Correct. / - How is that the answer?

- Next. / - Hey...

♪ Can I? ♪

- No. / - Correct!

- Hey! Why... / - Next.

This one doesn't matter.

♪ I have a woman ♪

- Liar. / - Correct!

Excuse me!

How is that "Liar?"

So you have a woman?


You're laughing at me!

- She's laughing at me! / - Minsang.

You just need to get one more right...

- To win the $1 million. / - I'm not playing.

The last question is a speed quiz.

Look at the choices

and choose the correct answer.

Let's start!

Which is a better place to travel to?

Loud and bustling Apgujeong.

Quiet Sinsa.

I don't like loud places. Quiet Sinsa.

- Quiet Sinsa. / - Yes.

- Minsang has chosen Yasukuni Shrine... / - What?

As the place he'd travel to.

That's not the same as Sinsa!

- That's not true. / - Alright.

Let's see the next question.

Pick the color that warms your heart more.

Blue is cold so red looks warmer.

You've chosen no. 1.

The Japanese flag warms Minsang's heart.

No! I never said that!

That's ridiculous... Forget it. Forget it.

Desu? Hai.

- Here's the next question. / - No!

Here's the next question.

Of the following, pick the one you'd throw out.

This looks tasty.

Throw no. 2 out. I want this.

- Throw no. 2 out? / - Yes.

Minsang has chosen a convenience store lunch

and wishes to throw out Yun Bonggil's

lunch box bomb.

No, everyone!

Minsang, we see your true colors now.

What colors? What are you saying?

You have one last question left.

- Next. / - Geez...

Minsang, choose your ideal type.

- I like the girl with long hair. / - Long hair?

- Minsang's ideal type is Jang Moonvok. / - Gosh!

No, no! Hold on!

I chose the wrong one. I like the girl with the bob.

- The bob? / - Yes.

- You start to resemble the one you love. / - What?

So you like women like this.

How horrifying.

Why would you post my photo there?

Minsang, unfortunately, you are incorrect.

You fail, Miss. Minsang.

Miss. Minsang?

Will someone win the $1 million next episode?

Next episode,

we'll have Minsang who would

eat a lunch box dressed in drag

at Yasukuni Shrine.

Get over here.

For more infomation >> Quiz Cafe | 퀴즈 카페 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 5:23.



For more infomation >> RECETTE DU LAIT D'OR CETTE BOISSON PEUT CHANGER VOTRE VIE - Duration: 2:19.


КАК не бояться говорить на английском. Советы YouTube блогера Liza Koshy || Skyeng - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> КАК не бояться говорить на английском. Советы YouTube блогера Liza Koshy || Skyeng - Duration: 9:00.


Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun | 명훈아, 명훈아, 명훈아 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 4:14.

(Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun)

- Myeonghun. / - Myeonghun.

- Myeonghun. / - Yeah.

We're friends, right?

- Right? / - Right?

Can only you talk as the representative?


- Okay. / - Okay.

Why are you so depressed?

- Fall depression? / - Fall depression?

Is your meat burning?

No. It's fall now.

And we're all single.

- I feel so lonely. / - I feel so lonely.

I don't like you guys.


Nice job.

You can get up a lot faster now.

Myeonghun, want to get in trouble?

- Why are you crying? / - Why are you crying?

He keeps lusting after me!

- Chills! / - Chills!


You kept

staring at me with your mouth open

when I wore that tight outfit.

What were you thinking of?

Tell me your dirty and impure thoughts!

- Wow, she's glamorous. / - Wow, she's glamorous.

Wow, she's a hot mess.

Minkyoung, a hot mess is not a type of food.

I mean she looked awful. Got it?

Why are you sitting on me?

Congratulate me, guys.

I think I'll get a boyfriend with a hot body.

- I bet you're all smiles. / - I bet you're all smiles.

I bet you'll get sued.

Who is it?

Nobody asked.

Julien Kang.

We were doing a sexy photo shoot together.


I made a pose like this.

Know what he said to me?

- You look so pretty. / - You look so pretty.

You look like an iguana.

You do look like one though.

What the...

My dad came to the show today.

He's leaving now.

This has never happened before.

- What happened? / - What happened?

Someone stole your food?


I had my birthday party recently.

Then my crush put some

whipped cream on my nose.

When I pretended to be sulky, guess what he said.

Minkyoung, are you angry?

Minkyoung, are you angry?

Minkyoung, are you a rhino?

An iguana and a rhino. I feel like I'm at a zoo.

Put it down.


Let's take a trip overseas

to celebrate our turning 20.

We should've went 15 years ago then.

But if we go overseas,

the foreign guys will hit on us like this.

- Oh, cutie. / - Oh, cutie.

Oh, dirty.

Since we're going overseas,

let's wear revealing outfits.

Alright. I'll...

Wear this to the airport.


Wear this to the airport.


About to have a panic attack.

Get away!

Get away from me!

You get away too!

Are you stuck to the floor?

For more infomation >> Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun | 명훈아, 명훈아, 명훈아 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 4:14.


iPhone 8 faces battery swelling problem - Duration: 0:37.

At least seven iPhone 8 and 8 plus models have been reported to have been split due

to swollen batteries, rendering the phones unusable.

Reports of such cases have come out of Taiwan, China, Japan, Canada, and other nations, indicating

the issue is not isolated to a specific region that may have received faulty handsets.

In a statement, Apple said it was aware of the reports and was looking into what might

have caused the defect.

It is yet to be seen if the problem could mirror that of rival Samsung's Note 7 debacle,

which led to the phones being recalled and discontinued.

For more infomation >> iPhone 8 faces battery swelling problem - Duration: 0:37.


MapleStory 2 Introduction Video [EN/ZHCN Subtitles] - Duration: 3:13.

Have you ever heard the story of Heroes?

The Goddess of Light and Darkness created many worlds together

one of world is - Maple World -

In order for light to exist, there has to be darkness and viceversa

due to the favoritism of the Goddess of Light broke the balance,

The favoritism made the Goddess of Darkness furious.

The war between Gods begun,

The war finally ended after a long struggle, the triumph of the Goddess of Light, assisted by the Sages and the monsters of Maple World.

With her last breath, the Goddess of Darkness spreads her evil to Maple World.

The Goddess of Light who had deep affection for Maple World, sacrificed herself to prevent Maple World from being covered in darkness.

The last brink of light gave birth to Empress Ereb

Empress Ereb and the 7 heroes gathered to fight against the darkness.

Despite their efforts, the darkness gradually eroded the Maple World

With her knowledge, Empress Ereb created cubes that can control Life, Space and Time

With the fusion of these 3 cubes, created a space that could purify the whole Maple World.

With this space, the Sages held a ritual, a ritual to wipe out all the darkness in Maple World,

but they could not bear the darkness, the Sages who took part in the ritual were swallowed by darkness..

In despair, Empress Ereb knew that she needs to win and there's no backing down,

Instead of letting darkness prevail, Empress Ereb use the cube's power to seal the Maple World,

but the leader of the 7 heroes, Killian, the Mage of Light don't want to give up hope

He went to the ritual location with hero Baron to find a way to save everyone

Killian channeled all his power to restart the purification ritual, but ended up being another victim swallowed by darkness

Killian together with the darkness that threatens Maple World has been sealed

The peace that came with the noble sacrifices of heroes and many.

Peace will not last long, darkness will eventually rise again.

Maple World needs new heroes...

Dear Maplers, this is your...

new story

For more infomation >> MapleStory 2 Introduction Video [EN/ZHCN Subtitles] - Duration: 3:13.


সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর একাত্তর টিভি সংবাদ 10 অক্টোবর ২০১৭ Bangladesh News Today - Duration: 16:17.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর একাত্তর টিভি সংবাদ 10 অক্টোবর ২০১৭ Bangladesh News Today - Duration: 16:17.


Can We Become Strangers? | 남이 될 수 있을까 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 3:40.

(Can We Become Strangers?)

- Hello. / - Hello.

You're not with your boyfriend today.

We broke up.

- Oh, I'm sorry. / - No.

It's okay.

One Americano, a slice of cake

with two forks...

Oh... I'm by myself now.

- Just one fork. / - Sure.


Hello. One Americano please.

Sure. Your girlfriend came by alone yesterday.

Oh, right. You broke up.

- I'm sorry. / - That's okay.

Being here reminds me of Sora.

Sora was such a good girl.

She could never be mean or

get angry at anyone.

Here's your coffee and cake...

Geez, dang it!

Watch where you're going, bozo!

- I'm sorry. / - Man...


Sora's such a nice girl, isn't she?

- Yes. / - Yes.

Jonghyeok and I have a lot of memories.

Whenever we went on dates,

he'd walk me back to my place.

We'd talk at the playground in front of my place.

We even had our first kiss there.

Boy... He was a horrible kisser.

The absolute worst!

How is that possible?

What's wrong?

I'll try harder from now on.

- In what? / - What? What do you mean?

It's nothing.

I wish I could just run into him by chance.

If I could only run into Sora just once...


No... I don't think I should see her.

Why not?

I haven't paid her back the money I borrowed.

I even changed my phone number.

Don't tell her that you saw me, okay?


I'm working out my arms.

I wish I had a use for this...


I bought this thinking it would look good on him.

Don't you think he'd look great in this?




I bought this as a gift for you.

It looks great.

You look great already!

- Gosh... / - This is so annoying!

We'll be going now. Keep up the good work.

Yes, good-bye.

How do I look?

Be honest. Looks pretty nice, right?

- Hello. / - Hello.

It doesn't seem so nice.

You look great. You're my first love!

For more infomation >> Can We Become Strangers? | 남이 될 수 있을까 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 3:40.


ఫిల్లింగ్స్ కొంతకాలం తరువాత ఎందుకు ఊడిపోతాయి | Tooth Filling | Cement Filling In Teeth | Filling | - Duration: 4:03.


For more infomation >> ఫిల్లింగ్స్ కొంతకాలం తరువాత ఎందుకు ఊడిపోతాయి | Tooth Filling | Cement Filling In Teeth | Filling | - Duration: 4:03.


Find subarray with given sum | Set 2 (Handles Negative Numbers) | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Find subarray with given sum | Set 2 (Handles Negative Numbers) | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 2:40.


Bad Bunny, Farruko, Rvssian - Krippy Kush (Official Video) | Reaction Subtitled - Duration: 6:11.

How are you

hope you're well


the channel is already for all of you

by recommendation

because a long time ago also wanted to make this channel

and finally

I already have the time to upload videos responsibly

so let's get started

to upload reaction videos and blogs that have to do with music

the subscribers who come here

those who want to come

to me

you have to know that this will be a music channel

So today I'm going to start with a video


it is ringing a lot


I'm stopping listening

because I do not want to "burn" the song (as we say in Colombia when you listen to a song a lot)

and I love it

but since I have more time now

I want to see the video in detail

I want to see the video with you

Wait, I sit in the chair well.

Wait wait wait

I love farruko I love it


is versatile

has style

and his voice is amazing

Life is one and I have to take advantage of it ♫

This song is super good, I recommend it

for anyone who wants to listen to Trap en Español

comment and interact together

and recommend me more songs

For more infomation >> Bad Bunny, Farruko, Rvssian - Krippy Kush (Official Video) | Reaction Subtitled - Duration: 6:11.


Decades-old AN-2 described by U.S. media as N. Korea's most dangerous weapons - Duration: 1:50.

Amid growing tensions over North Korea's nuclear and missile provocations,... a new point of

interest,... this time focused on the regime's ancient,.. yet one of the most dangerous weapons.

The more than seventy-year old Antonov biplanes,... displayed in Pyongyang's annual military drill,...

are especially dangerous as they have a low radar profile.

Our Kim Hyo-sun tells us more.

Images released by North Korean state media show... its modernized commando units participating

in recent exercises.

They drop off from AN-2 biplanes at low altitudes.

(KOREAN) "The biplanes fly at low altitudes while paratroopers

jump off the planes like hailstones."

The AN-2 transport aircraft, developed by the former Soviet Union in 1947 for crop-dusting

purposes, have also been on display in Pyongyang's annual military drills.

The decades-old AN-2 have been described by a U.S. media outlet as the North's most dangerous

weapons,... as they have an incredibly low radar profile.

They are made largely of wood and canvas... making them difficult to detect using conventional

radar,... effectively giving them a limited degree of stealth.

While it's crucial for South Korea,... to be able to detect enemy movements at an early

stage,... Seoul's military does not yet have a clear strategy to counter low-altitude infilitration

by these biplanes.

(KOREAN) "While the South Korean military is devising

plans to deal with planes flying at low altitudes, it's impossible to monitor the nation as a


So, there are still loopholes."

Pyongyang is known to have over 300 AN-2 aircrafts that can carry a dozen of soldiers each.

Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Decades-old AN-2 described by U.S. media as N. Korea's most dangerous weapons - Duration: 1:50.


Barbara Schöneberger über... Upcycling - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Barbara Schöneberger über... Upcycling - Duration: 0:30.


Come back, Yumi | 돌아와윰 [Gag Concert / 2017.10.07] - Duration: 5:31.

(Come Back, Yumi)

Alright, alright!

Halibut for sale! $30 for 1kg!

Everyone loves gizzard shad! 4kg!

- What would you like? / - Excuse me.

- Yes. / - I'd like one live octopus.

This octopus came in today. Super fresh. Here it is.

Let's see...

I got an octopus here!

Take it quickly.

- What the... / - It's moving.

What's going on? What the...

Hold on...

Gosh! Geez!

Take this.

Help me! Help me!

What are you doing to me?

Comedian Kang Yumi?


So guys are class 31 comedians.

- Yumi. / - What brings you here?

Why are you selling fish at a fish market

instead of doing comedy?

I'm a lot happier here.

You were screaming earlier for help...

I'm treated much more

like a princess here.

I'm called the mermaid of Noryangjin.

The men here love me.

And look at this.

Spoon worm, sea squirt, sea cucumber, me.

What looks the prettiest?

- The sea cucumber. / - Shut it.

You're not even fish but you stink.

- What? / - Go.

- Goodness... / - I have a business to run. Go.

Go if you're not buying any fish.

We'll buy some fish, Yumi.

- Yeah? / - Yes.

We got lots of fresh seafood today!

Fresh red sea-bream! $90 for 1kg!

We'll buy halibut.

Black sea-bream? $100 for 1kg!

Give us halibut.

Halibut is $15 for 1kg.

That's cheap.

Let's weigh this.

Let's see...

- How much does it weigh? / - No...

Yumi, you have your arm on the scale!


Stop trying to weigh fish here.

You should be performing on Gag Concert.

Right. Come back to Gag Concert, Yumi.

No. I quit comedy.

- What? / - You two should quit comedy too.


What's the point of doing comedy?

You don't get anything out of it.

What does the past Kang Yumi bring to mind?

Your face before surgery.

Shut it. Not what I wanted to hear.

That's not what I was expecting at all.

I'm sorry.

The queen of comedy that ruled Korea.

The empress of comedy.

That's me.

I should've been more well-off then.

Don't you think?

I won't even say to make me a comedy

intangible cultural asset like Namdaemun.

Just build a small statue of me in front of KBS.


I made the people laugh so much,

I should get a presidential award.

And a little money

for me to live off of. Don't I deserve that?

What's the point of having comedic diversity

like this assorted raw fish?

All I get in return

is stinging pain like how wasabi burns your nose.

This is where the current comedy superstar lives!

Superstar, my foot!

You're making me angry!

Hang in there, Yumi!

Yes, Yumi.

Forget about a statue.

You're the worst.

Get it together, Yumi!

Yumi, why don't you

tell us what's the most important thing in comedy.

We're curious.

You seem ambitious.

The most important thing in comedy

is the taste.

Oh... It should be...


What are you doing?

- Salt? / - Stop doing bland comedy.

- Make tasty comedy! / - Hold on...

- You need some flavor! / - Flavor?

Disappear from my sight!

- Please disappear! / - Yumi!

Don't wrestle with the fish here.

Come back to Gag Concert

and be like a fish in water.

Yes, come back to Gag Concert, Yumi.



Even if I work on TV...

I can't come up with jokes for comedy.

I'll just use my looks.

- What? / - What?


- Think about it. / - Looks?

What if I made a reality variety show

like "Hyori's Bed and Breakfast?"

Nobody would watch it.

Shut it. You don't know that yet.

If Yumi's Bed and Breakfast becomes a show,

my brand image would sky-rocket

in an instant.


I'll show my face without makeup in the morning.

I'll have fun with a junior

that considers me a role model.

I'd counsel people on plastic surgery

instead of having yoga classes.

- Gosh... / - Living like that...

My house will get visitors all the time

and become a tourist attraction.

I want to make the Kang Yumi syndrome

just like the Lee Hyori syndrome!

Syndrome, my foot!

It's like you've committed a sin-drome!

What are you doing?

Where did you learn such nonsense?

He learned it from you.

- Hang in there, Yumi. / - Yes.

Come here.

- What is it? / - She's going to show us something.

- Hurry. / - Okay.

1, 2...

Electric eels?

Hold on!

- Save me, Yumi! / - Stop it, you punks!

- No, Yumi! / - Get over here!

- Put your hand in! / - Yumi.

Hello, Suji.



What are you doing here?

What brings you here?


What is it?

You're my role-model.

But look at you...

What is this, Yumi?


I'm happy here. Come on.


You have to go do comedy.

I'm sorry but that's for sale.

Let go!

What are you doing here?

- Come back with... / - Hey! Stop eating.

Stop eating.

Be honest.

You just came here to eat, didn't you?

Tell me the truth!

Was it that obvious?

Giggle, giggle!

- Giggle, giggle! / - Alright then...

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