Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings for ...

another important Independent Media news ...

update and today is October 9th 2017 in this video we will ...

be talking about Republicans warning about World War 3 so ...

we're going to go over all the countries were going to win ...

the coveted prize of freedom and democracy on their ...

Homeland in this video we're also going to be talking about ...

the scary updates between the relationship between ...

power up figures media and of course the sex scandals that ...

been going around and of course more extreme ...

YouTube censoring crushing The Souls of independent ...

entrepreneurs who want to make a job telling you the ...

truth that the corporate media of course won't the World War ...

3 topic since you know it's trending and it's World War 3 ...

as right now Donald Trump is publicly sparring with his own ...

Republican us Senator Bob Corker in which by the way ...

many people are saying this public Feud will put an end ...

and a. To the tax reform that Donald ...

Trump is trying to push button this Feud Bob Corker sets.

Last night that made everyone go.

As he warned that Donald Trump is steering the United ...

States towards World War 3 about Corker is a part of the ...

Senate Foreign Relations Committee and its preview to ...

a lot of classified information and he said publicly that ...

Donald Trump's governing style is fit more for a reality ...

show than the White House with him further fuelling the ...

bitter public row between former allies the weather this ...

comment was made in the Heat of the Moment between ...

arguments between the two or whether it was an actual ...

warning to the American people we do have to admit ...

that Donald Trump is threatening war on a lot of ...

country recently it was cryptic Cliffhanger tell him to Media ...

with the full military brass behind him that this is the ...

Calm before the storm so I think it would be important to ...

examine which country will receive the distinct honor to ...

have freedom and democracy rained on them through Barrel ...

bombs which were going to take a look at right now could ...

it be Venezuela which Donald Trump threatened military ...

action. Just a few weeks ago at the ...

UN General Assembly work we're getting to get this he ...

said he wants to spread it freedom and democracy in ...

that country and I'm sorry to laugh but we all know the ...

United States is not in the business of creating freedom ...

and democracy all over the world it's really because ...

Venezuela declared war on the US petro-dollar but that's ...

a whole nother subject and even though there's a lot of ...

tough talk they're from both Maduro of Venezuela and ...

Donald Trump it seems very unlikely that something will ...

escalate to something more serious in South America what ...

could it be I ran the country that has an agreement with ...

the United States that was signed by Barack Obama ...

called the Iran nuclear deal which prevents Iran from ...

expanding their nuclear proliferation I can't say that ...

but that doesn't matter you know what I mean in ...

exchange for ending the sanctions against a country ...

which independent Auditors have said that Iran is ...

complying with this deal and holding up their end of the ...

bargain and this is according to European allies and the ...

United Nations watchdog. Cast with monitoring the ...

situation and even with all that information Donald Trump is ...

still saying that he will declare that Iran is not compliant even ...

though they are and possibly put more sanctions on the ...

Iranian country of course this is worrying a lot of people ...

because this would reinstitute economic Warfare between ...

the United States and Iran had to make the situation ...

worse the United States is planning to designate the ...

Revolutionary guards Iranian military forces as a terrorist ...

organization by the way this is the same Iranian military that ...

has been fighting against al-nusra and Isis inside of ...

Syria which diarrhea Indians responded by saying that they ...

would give a crushing response if the United States ...

does this and as you probably know from watching this ...

YouTube channel o war between Iran and Israel has ...

Newsweek puts it is not only very likely but it is only a ...

matter of time till it happens as we have already seen that ...

Israeli military attack Hezbollah.

Forces inside of Syria that were fighting against radical ...

Islamic terrorist groups and the rebels Iran of course ...

supports Hezbollah and the Syrian government which of ...

course don't have a very favorable view of Israel and ...

as the Syrian war ends we are seeing them or Iranian has ...

blood dominated presents right on Israel's border which ...

Israel says that they will not tolerate which of course would ...

bring I ran into the conflict in Israel would of course be ...

supported by the United States like they always have ...

been the likelihood of an Iranian us War I think are very ...

likely it's been the neoconservatives wet dreams ...

for decades now we're neoconservatives even openly ...

talked about false flagging an event to start a war with Iran ...

which of course coincides with a lot of the decisions Israel ...

Saudi Arabia and the United States have been making ...

inside of the Middle East so yeah that situation is likely but ...

also very unpredictable mainly because Russia and China or ...

major economic partners with Iran and have even said ...

recently that they hope.. Iran nuclear deal stays intact ...

and criticize Donald Trump for his hawkish comments against ...

Iran I think the most likely disastrous situation would of ...

course be with North Korea just moments ago Russia and ...

China declared and called for restraint on Donald Trump ...

with his latest comments on North Korea as we know ...

Donald Trump has been hinting at a military action in ...

North Korea on his Twitter and just moments ago ...

defense secretary James Mathis told the US Army to be ...

ready on North Korean military options the United ...

Kingdom is also preparing for a possible war with North ...

Korea right now as we're speaking of the North Korean ...

situation is very confusing and I definitely recommend you ...

watch some of our previous videos just on that country ...

alone but I think after examining all these countries ...

North Korea is the most likely country that the United States ...

will engage in Warren will it happen we don't know we ...

also have China and Russia who really don't want that to ...

happen. And would engage with the ...

United States and buttheads on the world stage a scenario ...

of War would happen to be honest with you guys what will happen.

I don't know I don't think anyone else knows but I think ...

it's important to lay out the situation for you let me know ...

what you think in the comments section below and ...

now moving forward and other short fat ugly disgusting ...

despotic political leaders news no we're not talking about Kim ...

Jong on we're talking about Sir Edward Heath the ...

now-deceased former prime minister of the United ...

Kingdom would have very important news update about ...

the child sex abuse ring that this former prime minister of ...

the United Kingdom was involved in the police chief ...

who investigated the former prime minister and wrote a ...

report talking about how he abused little children when he ...

was in power just came out moments ago and said that he ...

could have spent 2 or 3 more years investigating the sex ...

child pedophilia rings but he was stopped from doing so ...

and he was prevented from digging deeper on this ...

extremely important matter of course.

Government and now this Brave police chief is calling for ...

a new investigation into the most powerful politicians in ...

the United Kingdom who were caught being pedophiles this ...

police chief was lambasted by cabinet ministers and peas ...

Piers members of the judicial and media Moguls for ...

investigating Ted he said he was being stupid leading a ...

Witch Hunt see all the people covering up actual child abuse ...

by the rich and Powerful which of course ran a ...

Relentless campaign by The Establishment to undermine ...

him and yet still under all that pressure you still able to file ...

the report that proved that the former prime minister of the ...

United Kingdom was an outright child abuser and ...

pedophile now in a related story about the media ...

cover-up of sex abuse were also finding out that media ...

Mogul Harvey Weinstein has been exposed for sexually ...

abusing women for over three decades that this latest ...

information that just coming out right now.

This latest abuse Scandal was actually known to the ...

New York Times 13 years ago and the New York Times ...

decided to sit on the story the editors killed the story ...

according to a reporter within the New York Times because ...

of alleged pressure this of course I allowed this abusive ...

monster to continue his attacks against women even ...

as recently trapping a reporter in a hallway and committing ...

really lewd disgusting acts in front of her and the reporter ...

that was originally investigating Weinstein in ...

2004 said that the story was killed.

After pressure from a list celebrities like Matt Damon ...

and Russell Crowe as of course puts the New York ...

Times in a very tough spot which initially broke the story ...

a few days ago which shows you not only how the rich and ...

Powerful could commit really horrible horrendous Acts.

Just the evil ways that they are able to get away with it ...

because of their power and money and now the Weinstein ...

Company that was started by this abuser is set to not only ...

changed their name but have also fired the their founder ...

Harvey Weinstein amid all these sexual harassment ...

accusations we covered the store yesterday so if you want ...

a full perspective just watch yesterday's video and we ...

have to understand this is not just a single case of abuse ...

this happens in Hollywood and Elite circles more than you ...

think as Corey Feldman a former actor came out and ...

said the number one problem was and is and always will be pedophilia.

That's the biggest problem vultures who Feldman says ...

abused him and his best friend the late child actor ...

Corey Haim his co-star in The Lost Boys.

There's one person to blame in the death of Corey Haim ...

and that person happens to be a Hollywood Mogul and ...

that person needs to be exposed but unfortunately I ...

can't be the one to do it but the person that knows who ...

did it and those who he is as far as we learn from the ...

Jimmy Savile case in the United Kingdom sexual abuse ...

doesn't only happen in the entertainment business but as ...

well connected with the political sphere that of course ...

the forties and mainstream media will cover up for and lie ...

to you about as Corey Feldman explained it here ...

corrupt people in this industry and there are people in this ...

industry who I've gotten away with it for so long that they ...

feel they're Above the Law and that's got to change that's ...

got to stop at as we reported to you yesterday this is the ...

same entertainment industry that YouTube is laying out the ...

red carpet for monetizing Las Vegas shooting videos for wild ...

demonetizing the incentivizing censoring and deleting real ...

Independent Media who are not caught up.

This massive corruption fear of money and influence like ...

the mainstream media and days ago when YouTube ...

announce algorithm changes because of the Las Vegas ...

shooting I told you it would be used against everyone and it ...

is it's not just crazy conspiracy theorist that ...

they're going after they're going after people like prageru ...

which Google is not even allowing them to promote their ...

videos saying that it is dangerous and they are good ...

Tori content to talk about two genders they have censored ...

Mike cernovich is documentary on Sweden ...

made it restricted even though they're zero nudity in that ...

documentary The even deleted a recent video that ...

Mark Dice made on his YouTube channel while ...

demonetizing our content and other independent journalists ...

content as well while at the same time making sure that ...

ABC and other corporate giant media Mogul companies ...

have the list and the priority when it comes to search ...

results recommended videos and if.

Major monetization no face value that's a lot to worry ...

about but it gets more Sinister and I'm worried about this ...

because I know for a fact that this corrupt a big powerful ...

influence the media institutions that YouTube is ...

pushing is not only harboring sexual predators but they're ...

also working hand-in-hand with the Deep State and ...

intelligence agencies of the United States as the FBI and ...

CIA play a very large part when it comes to making ...

producing and promoting influential movies and TV ...

series and just from the CIA alone we recently learned that ...

over 1,800 movies and TV shows have been directly ...

influenced by the CIA in which most of the situations they ...

pushed for more war propaganda and censorship of ...

anti-war messages playing an active role sometimes even ...

changing the scripts of TV shows and movies to fit the ...

line to work as Government. Gineering propaganda ...

information Warfare against you and even though some of ...

these documents came out.

What is still unknown the extent of the shadowy ...

involvement of the CIA and the entertainment media ...

business and that's why we all have to share this video and ...

all their Alternatives like D2 and bit shoot which we started ...

uploading our videos on because unlike the ABC ...

Network we're not influenced by any corporate or ...

government influence the same ABC which is being ...

pushed and promoted on everyone through YouTube ...

while our channels and everyone else questioning the ...

narrative or the status quo is censored pushed off the ...

platform or just delete it and yeah and now the corrupt ...

government involved CIA propaganda information War ...

media corporate Empire has now taken over YouTube it is ...

very clear people who are waking up to their propaganda ...

going to YouTube for real news Independent News not ...

biased by any government or Corporation going to a ...

platform those supposed to be for everyone and a Bastion of ...

free speech has been officially.

Asteroid it's critically important for everyone to understand ...

this the next time they decide to vote with their cliques so ...

yeah that's the news for today another not so optimistic news ...

update but critically important information that needs to get ...

out there to the American public I appreciate everyone ...

who goes to we are Ford /

donate because obviously with the demonetization it's ...

only you and your donations through this website that allow ...

us to still be here I love you guys thank you again so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Who Will The U.S Rain "FREEdom" On Next? - Duration: 14:45.


Lincoln - Single Again "2018 Soca" (Trinidad) - Duration: 3:46.

Lincoln - Single Again "2018 Soca" (Trinidad)

For more infomation >> Lincoln - Single Again "2018 Soca" (Trinidad) - Duration: 3:46.


Obama Suddenly Silent On Protests After What Just Surfaced Amid Outrage Over Pence Leaving Game - Duration: 5:10.

All it took was a very capable and patriotic Vice President of the United States to flip

the script on entitled football players and send every liberal into an uproar.

Turnabout is fair play, but the left doesn't see it that way.

They hoped that former president Barack Obama would come out of the shadows to defend their

anti-Trump/Pence cause as he always has, but is suddenly silent and nowhere to be found.

Now we know that this probably isn't coincidental after what just surfaced in place of Obama's


As long as statements are going to be made, Vice President Mike Pence decided he's been

silent enough on the disrespect within the National Football League that's gone unchecked

and decided to send his own message.

It was appreciated by Americans who have been waiting for someone to take action and being

perpetually disappointed each week as more overpaid athletes take a knee or raise a fist

to our country.

However, one specific scathing point criticism that liberals used to try to take Pence down

just came back to bite them.

The left is accustomed to Obama swooping in and saving their talking point by adding his

two cents to keep himself relevant.

Although he's known for making his own exceptionally misguided claims, even this one was too much

of a stretch for him to come out and lie about, since the proof beat him to any statement

he may have tried to make on the matter.

Since the moment that Mike Pence and his wife walked out and publicly condemned the disrespectful

protests, liberals jumped on his case about the VP being at the game in the first place.

The criticism is that he shouldn't have even been at the game he walked out of since

it was an abuse of taxpayer funds – despite turning a blind eye to the Obama's egregious

overuse that continues well into their post-presidential life.

"A top government watchdog blasted Vice President Mike Pence for using government

travel to go to an Indianapolis Colts game Sunday that he quickly left," The Hill reported.


DOLLARS WITH JET TRAVEL!?, watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

(CREW) tweeted Sunday."

As the Daily Caller pointed out, Obama has spent millions more than Pence and Trump combined.

So, with that, Obama can't chime in without being ripped apart for being a hypocrite,

but his minions are doing his dirty work for him.

According to The Daily Caller,

Former heads of the Department of the Interior spent $971,643 chartering non-commercial flights

over a six year period, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Former Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar spent $586,196 on non-commercial flights over

three years.

Salazar took 48 such trips from 2010 to 2012 on Interior Department-owned and chartered

aircraft, according to travel records.

Salazar's successor, former Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, took 33 trips on

non-commercial flights from 2013 to 2016.

Jewell's flights cost $385,438, according to Interior Department records prepared for

congressional investigators.

The news comes as top Trump administration officials take heat for chartering flights

at taxpayer expense.

Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is one of those officials under fire.

Zinke has spent $72,849 on non-commercial flights so far in 2017, including one $8,066

trip on an Interior Department-owned aircraft, according to records.

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned in September after it came to light

he spent $400,000 on non-commercial flights since May.

Facts aren't for liberals which is why it's a lot of fun to point them out when they think

they have a "smoking gun" on the Trump administration and end proving unfortunate

realities about their own party.

It's pretty much proven at this point that they are either deflecting or must actually

despise Democrats since they are guilty of overspending and protesting – both of which

were their biggest issues with Pence on Sunday.

He's guilty of neither, but they're guilty of both.

The truth is, that liberals just don't like it when they are beat at their own "game."

They have insisted that players' divisive statements are not divisive, and just their

right to exercising free speech.

Perhaps, the same goes for spending and if they have a problem with it, they need to

look no further than how the Obama's massive budget could be cut down.

The timing of this spending talk couldn't have been better as well since it came up

just one week after President Trump essentially forced his Health and Human Services Secretary

Tom Price into resignation after calling his excessive travel expenses into question.

Like many presidents before him, Trump didn't have to say a word about the travel which

is probably commonplace and far greater in other administrations but did and proved he's

a president of the people and concerned about excessive spending.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Obama Suddenly Silent On Protests After What Just Surfaced Amid Outrage Over Pence Leaving Game - Duration: 5:10.


DIRECTO SUBIENDO A GLOBAL #2 - Duration: 2:26:37.

For more infomation >> DIRECTO SUBIENDO A GLOBAL #2 - Duration: 2:26:37.


SKINCARE ROUTINE + TIPS ♡ - Duration: 15:01.

hi guys welcome back to my channel today I am going to be sharing with you my

skincare routine. hey guys it's Claudia from the future and I just wanted to

jump on here before the rest of this video and acknowledge that yes there is

a pimple very visible pimple right there and it kind of contradicts the rest of

this video but yeah lady days come and go but the pimples

that they bring with them often linger around so you know just letting you guys

know now enjoy the rest of this video

let me just start with a disclaimer and say that maybe some things that work for

me might not necessarily work for you. I do think that a big cause for my clear

skin is genetics. my parents both have really smooth skin so it might be that

but I do take some precautions to take care of my skin and I'm going to be

sharing those with you. someone commented in my shop miss a video the one where I

was doing my first impressions and they made a comment on my skin and wanted me

to share my skincare routine so I'm gonna be doing that today. I am going to

be completely honest, I don't really have a solid skincare routine I kind of like

to switch it up a little bit my skincare routine is very very simple I'm going to

be sharing with you my top 5 tips and then a few little additional tips oh and

I have a few products that I want to share with you that I have used and I

feel really work my tip number one is everybody's skin is different we all

have different skin textures different skin types you know there's oily skin

there's dry skin there's combination skin for me I have combination skin my

cheeks tend to be a little more dry than my t-zone so I make sure I buy products

that suit my skin type. it is okay to look at other people's skin routines and

take from it but you should make it your own

you don't want to incorporate a dry skin routine into your skincare routine if

your skin is oily or if your skin is combination because everybody's is

different. I think it's totally fine and completely valid to look at people's

skin routines that match with your own skin but it's also important to note

that not every single product works the same for everybody. listen to your skin

if you see that your skin is changing textures if you see that it's getting a

lot more oily change up your routine don't keep it the same. I feel like this

is common sense I don't know if I am letting you know things that you already

know it's really important some people kind of just keep using the same

products because they're the products that they buy and want to finish those products

but if your skin is changing you need to change your skincare routine as well. tip

number two your diet. there are a lot of things that you put into your body

that affect your skin believe it or not again I feel like this is all common

sense and I feel like these are all things that you guys have probably heard.

water water is a huge thing you need to stay hydrated to feel good in the inside

and to look good on the outside hydrating snacks such as watermelon

cucumbers those are all great as well as fatty acids such as salmon very good for

you I'm a vegetarian an alternative for that are almonds any fruit is good in

moderation whether it be apples strawberries

bananas anything like that will be good here are a few things that you should

probably exclude from your diet if you want to have healthier skin caffeine is

a no-no such as coffee sodas or teeth teas if you're gonna have a tea have a

tea that's non-caffeinated I'm very guilty of that I love Starbucks I'm not

a coffee person but I have other caffeinated drinks. excessive sodium, so if you're

eating very salty foods that can affect your skin. if you're eating fatty and

sugary foods that can also affect your skin and this is my biggest struggle I

love chips. oftentimes when I'm eating the most junk food I get the most

blemishes. keep these things in mind. tip number three your bedtime routine

sleep is very important not getting enough sleep can cause stress which can

lead to blemishes and trust me I've been there again this is something that I

struggle with as well there's so many hours in the day you just kind of take

them for granted and then everything is left to do at the end of the day you'd

fall behind on sleep. definitely try to get your 8 hours remove your makeup

before you go to sleep. this is a tip I live by I will never go to sleep with my

makeup on. even if I am tired if I've been out and I come back super late I

will take off my makeup. I can't sleep with my makeup on. first of all it's

uncomfortable how can people sleep with layers of

foundation on their face? no. second of all it's not sanitary any makeup

residue is left on your pillow and can develop into bacteria and you sleep on

those pillows every night so no ma'am I will not. wash your face even if you are

not using a scrub or any type of thing to actually wash your face just rinse it

you'll feel refreshed. your skin will feel good. so you know just wash your

face before you go to sleep number four face masks and I guess this kind of ties

in with tip number five so I'm gonna cut it from five to four tips.

I love face masks. I love face masks I think that they are a great way to relax

but to also take care of your skin you could do your face mask and be taking a

shower and then wash your face after you're done with your little shower

routine. they're very easy to do and they're very effective and I live by

face masks. like I said at the beginning of the

video I don't really have a set skincare routine but I will do at least two face

masks per week. for my fifth tip I was going to talk about downtime if you have

a little bit of downtime you can do these and multitask like I said I'm

going to share with you some of my favorite face masks. personally for me my

favorite brand is this one. very inexpensive you can

find these at Target it's about two dollars two dollars something with

tax and I get at least 2 uses out of this. considering they are about two

dollars and you get two uses I mean I think that's great and I have a pretty

big face so you know they all serve different purposes

this one is perfecting and they also carry these that are like a double

whammy they have two face masks in one and usually it's like a peel off in and

mud mask like you saw with this one which that perfecting this is for toning

and relaxing like I said I usually get two wears out of this so this probably

cost me about three or four dollars and I'm getting four uses out of it which i

think is a great deal definitely recommend these. this is a sheet mask I'm

not a huge fan of sheet masks just because it's a little harder to

multitask when you are doing a sheet mask this one is from shopmissa if you

guys saw my haul you saw me mention this but I just

wanted to include it in here so you guys can see that this is a hydrating face

mask so they all have different purposes another face masks that I really like is

this one I don't know I got this from CVS it's dead sea minerals anti stress

clean facial mask I really like this because it comes in a big bottle and I

think this was only about four dollars so that's saving you a lot of money but

I do like to use a different face mask for different things on different days

it's a pretty big bottle though for four dollars I use that and then I have bought

this face mask when I bought this one I just never used it. it's the charcoal and

black sugar face mask it's the same brand dual action scrub a facial mask

purifies and exfoliate skin for all skin types

I didn't know if I wanted to try it out but I did

and quick review of this product when I first applied it it was really hot on my

skin like so warm and that was really bad because the date that I put it on

was a really warm day and I was looking for a refreshing face mask but I ended

up using this because I just wanted to test it out before I made this video but

then once I washed it off and I did the scrub my face felt so smooth guys. I have

footage of the morning after and I will insert it right now. hey guys I wanted to

do a little live update on the charcoal and black sugar face mask I tried it

last night and I really liked it. I think that my

face feels really soft it looks very smooth I mean I love every face mask

that I've tried before but I think that this one for sure definitely exfoliated

like it claims to do so I definitely recommend it I think it's great. I have

no makeup at all whatsoever on my face right now. if you have a really big day

coming and you want to exfoliate your skin so that your makeup looks really

smooth this is definitely your face mask.

there is a plane I don't even have you heard what I was saying but yeah I

really like this I definitely recommend this your skin will definitely be smooth.

here a few short tips that you guys can follow in your skincare routine or

can incorporate. hot showers can be drying lukewarm is fine if anything

lukewarm creates steam which you know makes your skin feel better

but do not have hot showers. that is not good. sunscreen is important make sure

you're using a foundation if you're not wearing a moisturizer or something that

has sunscreen in it make sure you're using a foundation that does I wear a

lot of BB creams and BB creams usually have some protection. clean your

brushes. okay I am guilty of not cleaning my brushes as much as I should. pretty

self-explanatory you don't want bacteria to build up on

your brushes you don't want old product on clean face so wash your brushes.

now I'm going to be sharing with you guys some of the products that I use. in

the morning I use the clean and clear morning burst facial scrub and it's oil

free. yeah this definitely works you definitely feel a lot more refreshed

after you wash your face in the morning and it just feels so nice. I also use the

nighttime version of this, sometimes they come packaged together and this is the

morning and then there's the night one. I don't have the night one because I used

it all up and I haven't restocked. I also use the Neutrogena pore refining

exfoliating cleanser I use this for a couple weeks I felt like it did make a

difference in the appearance of my pores. obviously after you wash your face you

want to use a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and silky smooth I used to

use the ponds cold cream cleanser just because it doubled as what's it called a

makeup remover if there was a little bit of makeup left this takes that off the

only thing I don't like about this is that it's very oily so if you have oily

skin you probably don't want to wear this and as a very very heavy heavy

scent kind of reminds me of a grandma. I love the scent but it's probably not

everybody's cup of tea. once I got tired of using the ponds cold cream I started to

look for something else that I didn't have to remove because for the pond's I

have to apply it and then gently wipe it off with a damp towel.

I wanted a moisturizer that I didn't have to take off because I'm lazy and I

got the Neutrogena oil-free moisture this is for combination skin. this is

only the box because I can't find the moisturizer right now that's for

combination skin which I said is my skin type so definitely look for products

that suit you. I really like the moisturizer I mean it

does its purpose. this is just a bonus um this is carezone deep clean peeling

gel. so what you do what this is you apply this to your skin gently start

to peel it off and I think this is great before you're going to apply your makeup

so that your makeup goes on smooth. if I can find this product online I will link

it for you it's very neat um personally I had never heard of a peeling gel

before. I forgot to include that the way you wash your face is just as important

as the product that you use to wash your face. for me personally I really enjoy

this little silicone face scrub it's not too harsh you slip it into your fingers

like this wash your face there's a little demo for

you. I really like this just because it's not harsh on my skin I don't like to use

brushes that are scraping into my skin that can cause breakouts and stuff. at

least I haven't found one that I really like so I just stick with this little

silicone thing. so that's pretty much it for this video I hope that you guys

enjoyed the tips that I gave you and the products that I shared and like I said

not every skin type is the same and maybe the things that I use are not

gonna work for your skin. if you have combination skin like I do these

products work for me and if you take anything away from this video let it be

this I love face masks and I think from everything that I use face mask is

always gonna be my favorite thing to take care of my skin I mean they're

great. yeah I hope that you guys enjoy this and stay hydrated stay putting on

the face masks and yeah that's pretty much it.

For more infomation >> SKINCARE ROUTINE + TIPS ♡ - Duration: 15:01.


Detro & Jeebz - Foreign Boyz - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Detro & Jeebz - Foreign Boyz - Duration: 3:56.


Vegas Shooting, Puerto Rico, & Netflix Price Hike | What a Cunt with Colton Coate - Duration: 2:08.

hi I'm Colton Coate and I'm back with another week of alternative facts so

president Trump visited Puerto Rico this week thanks mr. president

Trump also compared hurricane Maria to Hurricane Katrina and belittled the

tragedy with really a storm that was just totally overpowering nobody's ever

seen anything like this now what is your what is your death count as at this

moment seventeen sixteen sixteen people before the court on Sunday Stephen

paddock opened fire on the route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas Nevada

killing 58 people and wounding four hundred and eighty nine others proving

yet again that guns don't kill people do hunt on Wednesday popular Glee actor

Mark Salling pled guilty to possession of child pornography looks like he'll

have to pedophile for divorce actually I don't think he's married no

conjugal good in other news Netflix is raising its

prices for new and existing customers guess I'll still have to use my sister's

log in to watch stranger things over Equifax CEO richard smith got trolled

hard when answering senators questions about the recent data breach

commander werner from the Americans for financial reform donned a new look in

protest kind of cool shits been weird but at least there's dollar margaritas

at Applebee's on length and drunk already thanks for watching your pens

and make sure to share it with your Canty grandma and until next week

stick hunting America here's a cunt for the road

and regard what the hell click away this channels fishing snowflakes don't

subscribe but don't my get the fuck out of here get the SH out of here

what it cut

For more infomation >> Vegas Shooting, Puerto Rico, & Netflix Price Hike | What a Cunt with Colton Coate - Duration: 2:08.


Big City Life: Simulator - LICENSE B - Android Gameplay FHD - Duration: 10:09.

big city life simulator

For more infomation >> Big City Life: Simulator - LICENSE B - Android Gameplay FHD - Duration: 10:09.


BTS blood sweat & tears [gangster au!] | fanfiction trailer - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> BTS blood sweat & tears [gangster au!] | fanfiction trailer - Duration: 3:03.


The R70 AJAX SLAPS in THIS GAME MODE on BO3 ... - Duration: 8:54.


They are all going inside, this is the easiest kill ever come on, baby

Look at that that's what I'm talking about I told you easiest kill ever bro watch this

You don't matter it don't matter

Alright yo what's going on guys who bought the fuse Jay back again tonight with another gameplay

And I'm on the map Metro on hardcore team deathmatch for the double cryptokey week and man

I wouldn't dropped a clutch nuke with my sister man

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this video man makes it a subscribe 10 on the post with the kitchens and all that other good shit

Man, I'm out peace

They're each Alex


God ain't met on and you should've told that God was drunk that 50 bombing in

Wow yeah, and we had them niggas traps

Yeah, I know right got your way

Watch houses you won't I got him about to have a century

Okay, we got a century turn around other side. Oh this morning

Okay about to have a hater. Hey turn around. Oh this other side check both sides

Okay, I got a century watch another salon, okay. I got a hater there we go and game

That's game, baby

Come on they better not shoot that shit out of the sky, man

Get the teams at the enemy leave most of them niggas left, bro

Sitting over in a back crouch literally

That's all good bitch-ass kid okay, I got another heart

Okay, I'm about to put another century on the other side oh

Shit okay, this will have us on

Okay, we got another no I'm not have another here no no

He'll watch the back soon and this we need to try to get a spawner

You know Peter bottom get teammate good shit, okay the niggas coming up to the back side, right

There we go

Yeah, make sure this don't worry about us. It's no just concentrate on getting that done

Now straight on getting it done about to get that nuke dough boy drop that -

Yeah, okay there - sure my Center

Got that hater boys


Fuck did I hit that did I hit that nuke?

Probably, not I miss the new nuke fail

No he's on me they destroyed my hater, bro, how did they destroy my hater, bro?

I'm just saying like is

About to drop a fish

Well I got a seafood I should have use a

My bad it might be out too far

They just camped up in the back oh shit now


I don't know what that was

Okay, well I want off from a 50 Bob again




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