Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

Hi Guardians welcome back for another destiny in-depth review where I review exotics and

legendary gear in order to give you a comprehensive understanding of the gear so you can play

this game as efficient and effective as possible.

Today we are going to review the Iron Banner Hand Cannon the Steady Hand.

This can be earned during the iron banner event by handing in your Iron Banner tokens

at Lord Saladin and you will have chance on getting the Steady Hand too.

The steady hand is an high impact low rate of fire hand cannon that sits in the 110 Rounds

per minute archetype like the Future War Cult True Prophecy , the Bad News and the exotic

hand cannon the sturm.

The Steady hand has the aggressive frame, Truesight, hitmark and the cross fire sight.

Flared Magwell optimized for fast reloading , alloy magazine faster reload when the mag

is empty and outlaw where precision kills greatly reduces the reload time.

As with any high impact hand cannon the strength of this gun is the high impact and high range,

this is compensated by a below average stability and handling when you compare this with the

the mid impact hand cannon like the better devils.

The high impact hand cannon also suffers from a slow reload and that is where the Steady

Hand shines, it has a wide variety of reload increasing perks.

You can opt for Flared Magwell for that base increase in reload speed or Alloy Magazine

where you get a faster reload when the mag is empty, I prefer consistency with a hand

cannon and thus I prefer to use Flared Magwell.

The final perk outlaw supplements this by giving you a fast reload when you have a precision


So as a result you can completely negate the weakness of a typical high impact hand cannon

which is the reload speed.

And thus you only have to worry about the stability and handling speed.

That is why I use Truesight to bump up the stability and handling, the stability is still

lower than average but with an high impact hand cannon the rate of fire is so slow that

your reticle will naturally fall back in place by the time you shoot another bullet.

So now you have an high risk high reward hand cannon with one of the fastest time to kill

in the game of 1.07 seconds with 3 headshots, however if you miss an headshot your optimum

time to kill is drastically lowered to 2.13 seconds with 5 body shots.

So you will need to hit all of your headshots in order to get to that magical 1.07 seconds

time to kill, so this gun will reward an high skilled guardian.

A downside of this gun is the low mag size , it only has 8 bullets in the mag, which

does not offer you a lot of room to go for multiple kill streak.

With one mag you will at most have two kills and then you will need to reload or switch

to another weapon to continue your fight.

That is where outlaw can help this gun a lot by giving you a fast reload when you have

a precision kill.

In Pve that is where outlaw shines even more, the high impact of this gun allows you to

easily one hit most of the enemies and it is quite easy to get outlaw proc most of the


Combine this with an auto rifle in your energy slot and your favorite power weapon and you

have a great PVE loadout.

However also here the low mag size of 8 is very frustrating since it interrupts your

kill streak and you will have to go through the long reload animation when you do not

proc outlaw.

And the ability to one hit most of the enemies does not only apply to high impact hand cannons,

but also the faster firing ones like the better devils or sunshot they all comes with an higher

mag size and have the ability to one hit lower level ads.

In Pvp the faster firing hand cannons are much more forgiving , the Steady hand's time

to kill is drastically lowered when you miss a headshot, whereas the optimum time to kill

of the faster firing hand cannon is only slightly lower at 1.2 seconds versus the steady hand

of 1.07 seconds, but they can do so with only 2 headshots and 2 body shots, whereas the

steady hand needs 3 headshots.

So whether you are using this hand cannon in Pvp or PVE in both cases the faster firing

hand cannons is the better choice in terms of efficiency, consistency and reliability.

Although the Steady Hand does has those reload speed increasing perks to make up for his

weakness it is not enough to choose this hand cannon over a Better Devil's, Dire Promise

or Annual Skate.

I am going to give the Steady Hand Hand Cannon a C.

Thank you so much for watching this review, I hope this review helps you out and make

you get the most out of this gun.

Subscribe to stay up to date on my future videos.

And while you are here have a look at my recommended or latest video in the end screen.

As always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 STEADY HAND In-Depth Review! Iron Banner Hand Cannon! - Duration: 4:35.


Sebastián Zurita aclara si Christian Bach padece de esclerosis - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Sebastián Zurita aclara si Christian Bach padece de esclerosis - Duration: 1:56.


Silvia Pinal nunca tuvo buena relación con Evangelina Elizondo - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Silvia Pinal nunca tuvo buena relación con Evangelina Elizondo - Duration: 3:29.


peru vs colombia rusia 2018 fecha - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> peru vs colombia rusia 2018 fecha - Duration: 9:20.


Where Did the Moon Come From? - Duration: 3:50.

Hey there, Squeaks!

What are you looking at?

[Squeaks squeaks]

Oh, the Moon!

That's my favorite thing to look at through our telescope.

It's so big and bright, and you can see tons of craters — those dips on the surface!

Did you know that the Earth and the Moon are about the same age?

They're four and a half billion years old!

Earth's moon is pretty cool, but it's not the only moon in our solar system.

I kind of like Earth's moon best!

But have you ever wondered where it came from?

Lots of scientists have wondered about that, too!

And they think it had to do with a huge crash.

Since the Earth and the Moon are around the same age, that means they both formed around

the same time.

But Earth is a tiny bit older, so it formed first, and then we got our moon.

Astronomers, scientists who study things in space, have a few different ideas about how

exactly the Moon came to be.

And after a lot of research to learn more about the Moon, here's what they think happened:

Around the same time the Earth was forming, when our solar system was very new, a planet

about the size of Mars crashed into the Earth!

As that enormous rock, which astronomers sometimes call Theia, collided with the Earth, it would

have made a huge impact, way bigger than any meteor crater!

This crash was so powerful that rocks and other pieces of the Earth were launched up

into space.

Eventually, these rocks began to stick together and form what we know as the Moon.

What's that, Squeaks?

[Squeaks squeaks]


Squeaks wants to know if the animals and plants on Earth were okay after the impact, and that's

a great question.

Well, there actually weren't any animals or plants on Earth yet!

At the time the Moon was forming, the Earth was very new, and it didn't look at all

like the Earth we live on today.

Back then, Earth was rocky and full of active volcanoes.

It didn't have any liquid water, plants, animals, or robots.

So there was nothing around to get hurt by the crash … just a lot of broken rocks.

After the Moon formed, it also started to orbit, or go around the Earth, like how the

Earth goes around the Sun.

People on Earth have always been fascinated by the Moon, and scientists have been studying

it for a long time.

We've learned a lot by sending spaceships to the Moon, and when astronauts visited,

they even collected some rocks and brought them back to Earth to be studied.

One really cool thing astronomers have learned by studying them is that some rocks on the

Moon are a lot like rocks on Earth!

And that's exactly what you would expect if a lot of the Moon is made up of the Earth

rocks that got launched into space when Theia crashed into us.

We still aren't completely sure that the Moon formed from a huge crash.

But it's our best guess based on everything we know about Earth and the Moon.

Since we can't go back in time to see if a collision formed the Moon — as awesome

as that sounds — studying Earth and Moon rocks is the best way for us to figure out

what happened.

So, Earth and the Moon have some things in common!

But the Moon is still a very different place from our planet.

For one thing, the Moon is much smaller than Earth, and it doesn't have air you can breathe,

or oceans.

And it's covered in craters.

Those come from tons of giant asteroids hitting the Moon billions of years ago!

Today, the Moon is over 400,000 kilometers away from the Earth!

That's a very long trip.

It's about the same as going all the way around the Earth 10 times.

So the next time you see the Moon in the sky, you'll have an idea of how it got there!

Thanks for joining us!

If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!

For more infomation >> Where Did the Moon Come From? - Duration: 3:50.


STAR WARS Kinder Surprise Eggs - Duration: 9:39.

Oh, no he's bald ah

Star Wars Kinder Surprise eggs

Wow it's Star Wars Kinder Surprise eggs we have six Star Wars surprise eggs

I wonder what Kinder Surprise toys are in the Star Wars egg surprise

Hey, Dino, pals. This is toy rex here. Let's see what toy surprise we have today

Let's open up some eggs guys this first one has r2d2 on it super cute

Let's open it up and eat the chocolate and get the toy

Wow look at that chocolate shake here, we go guys

Yummy, yummy and here's the toy, and here's the toy inside shake shake

Cool we got a key shade and it's Yoda

And Yoda is driving a spaceship

He looks so cool

His spaceship is white and red and Yoda is a Jedi Master that train Luke Skywalker and the blast-off Yoda

And this is the collectors guide

Let's see all the awesome cheese chance we can get wow there's so many I see Darth Vader Chewbacca

There's Yoda Luke Skywalker c-3po han Solo and Leia

Awesome guys. Let's open up

Egg number 2 wow this one's a Yoda Hey, and he's holding his green light saber shake shake shake here, we go guys

Here's the yummy yummy chocolate Wow look at all that yummy chocolate and here's the toy shake shake shake here we go


We got another Yoda now. We have two Yoda's they're twins Oh


Boys for a spin uh-huh knocked over an egg

Time for egg number three guys, this is another yo tag with the green lightsaber. Are we gonna get another Yoda toy?

I hope not guys. Let's get something else how about Darth Vader geez here we go

Namie chocolate, let's squish it

I made such a big mess

What toy did we get Cara see no more yo guys?

Why don't we got a Chewbacca this time awesome guys Chewbacca looks so cool

Shabak has also got a spaceship with green missiles

Super awesome Chewbacca is Han Solo's best friend and together. They go on all sorts of mission. Let's go Chewie

Three more eggs left guys. Let's open them up

Wow, this one is our first Darth Vader Darth Vader looks so scary and you've got his red lightsaber here. Shake shake shake

Let's see what we did

So much chocolate, let's crack the egg crack Wow here's the toy I

Wonder what's in here guys shake shake shake. Let's open it up

Well we have to build this one so cool this looks like it's a spaceship and

Look at c-3po his head. Let's build c-3po

This must be the back part of the ship

How we build him

C-3po looks so cool wow he is in one of the biggest ship

It's a transportation Cruiser and look at all the engines on the back looks super awesome

Time to go for a spin Wow we only have two more eggs left guys Oh

Time to hunt it over. It's another Darth Vader egg. Let's see if we can get a Darth Vader toy

this time shake shake shake I

Can't wait to eat all this chocolate

Here we go

And here's the toy inside I wonder what time we got

Cool it looks like we got Han Solo let's build Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon

These go on the side

Let me connect it like that give it a good push

Awesome we built Han Solo, and he's riding the Millennium Falcon, which is one of the fastest spacious

Han Solo is Luke Skywalker's best friend and together with Chewbacca. They make an awesome team oh

And we have one more left guys

It's another Yoda egg does that mean - another Yoda toy? I hope not guys let's open it up

Shake shake shake here we go

Shake shake let's see what toy we got

We got another Han Solo now we have twin hands, let's peel Han Solo number 2 guys

Here we go

We have twin Han Solo's, that's so cool

Hahaha, and let's check out this super big Darth Vader Wow helos awesome. It's a mr.

Potato Head Darth Vader, and he's got a super powerful red lightsaber

Hahaha, there's his mask and it's super cool suit

Awesome, let's see what his helmet looks like oh

No, he's bald. Ah

The better give it back you turn it

Now we have four structure breaks. I wonder what's inside these structure race

Stormtroopers fighting for Darth Vader shake shake shake, and I hear a lot of toys inside here. We go

Whoa so many toys, what's this first one?

Awesome, it's a Minecraft toy. It's a yellow cheetah. He looks so cool. There's super fat

Cool guys, which one is your favorite minecraft toy. Tell me in the comment section below and what else do we have

Wow this one's a keychain what you gonna do woah?

It's the Batmobile that looks so cool using a flying best ship better rides it to protect Gotham City

Look so cool, and it's a keychain so you can put on your backpack Wow look at it spin

We are so many keychain Batman key, Jamie's Star Wars keychain

Whoa-ho and this guy awesome. It's the Hulkbuster. He looks so cool. There's his rifle

Hulkbuster is what Iron Man uses to fight the hall it's super powerful

And this is the green version Iron Man's real name is Tony Stark mr.

Powerful engineer that has many Iron Man suits this one is the Hulkbuster suit

Awesome and now let's see this egg. This is structure for egg number two shake shake shake what toy we're gonna get this time

Honey knocked over Hulk buster, and we got this toy. Well it's another minecraft toy awesome now

We have two minecraft toys

This one is diamond seed look at his diamond sword, and he's got a blue helmet and blue suit on and he's with the cheetah

Awesome minecraft toys are the best whoa

Who's this guy?

Well, it's dead shot dead shot is so cool. He's wearing his blue and orange suit

He's got this big staff as his weapon and a huge super sword

And there's it's carrying a bunch of ammo that shot uses all sorts of weapons. He does come clean. She destroyed any never misses

Their shots real name is Slade Wilson

Now we have two more structure bags I

Wonder what's inside this don't your bread shake shake shake. We already got a lot of cool toys. Let's keep it coming


Wow, this is a spaceship super cool?

It's a ship from Star Wars visit the transportation ship these wings can come down, and if you go super fast hyperspace

Awesome guys, and who's this well. It's a paw patrol paw

Patrol mashup, and they're super squishy Wow

Let's make it I really big

Oh, that's so gross. Hahaha. This super pup rocky is really good at recycling and his color is green

Perfectly good job, Rocky and down to the last storm to brag shake shake shake

I wonder how many toys are gonna be in here, okay guys


We got a My Little Pony mares and her Judy mark is a band-aid was four little hearts

How cute this nurse must be super nice that's good because if anyone gets hurt this Pony nurse can help them

And she's super cute all yellow with blue hair and a little cute nurse hat all right

Who's this guy whoa it's blue eggs so cool. Oh be nice is already in his red armor, and he's ready to do battle

And he's also a kitchen. Let's see baymax go for a super spin. Whoa good jump a max now

It's time to jump Wow he smashed everyone

Wow, that was so fun battle paws we got a bunch of awesome awesome toys. I'll see everyone in the next video

Thanks for watching Daniel Powell's you guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the Dino Club

For more infomation >> STAR WARS Kinder Surprise Eggs - Duration: 9:39.


Hipnose Corporativa - Como funciona? | oHipnólogo (Ft. Anthony Galie) - Duration: 8:35.

For more infomation >> Hipnose Corporativa - Como funciona? | oHipnólogo (Ft. Anthony Galie) - Duration: 8:35.


Ronald De Boer: Dutch football is like my mother! - Duration: 1:27.

The top players are getting older,

the young players are basically too young

to fill in that gap.

Hopefully in a couple of years, probably Doha [World Cup 2022],

something which I said two years ago, our aim has to be Doha.

I think then we can have an excellent team.

We have a lot of talent but it is talent,

they have not arrived yet,

and hopefully they can do it in the following World Cup.

I think the problem is that a lot of young players

are leaving [Holland] at an early age to go to different leagues.

Then you have the big leagues,

who are taking all the players away, decent players.

Before we could attract decent players too, towards Amsterdam...

…towards Holland's good teams.

They're not coming anymore. So basically you're stuck with

players [in Eredivisie] who, in my eyes, are not good enough.

If you want to develop yourself, you have to play against the best,

I always make the example: If I play against my mother, I win easily.

So I am not tested and I think that is good enough.

But suddenly, I then play against Marcel Desailly...

and it is a different ball game. Then if I lose,

then next time I think: 'oh, I have to step up.'

For more infomation >> Ronald De Boer: Dutch football is like my mother! - Duration: 1:27.


Crazy Celeb Prison Stories You Have To Hear To Believe - Duration: 4:11.

No matter how you slice it, going to jail is a humbling experience, especially when

your every move is splashed across the tabloids.

These celebs did some time in the slammer and have since been sprung to tell their tales.

From frightening food to odd moments of clarity, here's how these famous folks passed the time

while incarcerated.

Lindsay Lohan

Lohan's seemingly never-ending legal drama was a PR nightmare for the Mean Girls star.

So much so that brutal solitary confinement actually provided her some much-needed solace.

In 2014, on The Jonathan Ross Show, Lohan recalled the 14 days she spent alone in prison

— a move meant to protect her from the other inmates.

"The weirdest part was, for me, is that I finally had silence in my life…

I finally felt like I didn't have to answer to anyone.

I didn't have to do anything for anyone.

That was the weirdest part of it."

Still, Lohan confesses that two long weeks of solitary was too much, telling Ross "two

days would have been enough."

Teresa Giudice

Life inside federal prison was gross beyond words, according to a 2016 prison memoir released

by The Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice.

She served 11 months for conspiracy and bankruptcy fraud charges, and says she dealt with everything

from demeaning strip searches to maggot-infested rice.

But Giudice took it all in stride.

She told People, quote, "I was grossed-out and never wanted to eat rice again, but at

the same time I was starting to cut out the carbs, so it kind of worked anyway."

Lil Wayne

Rapper Lil Wayne spent eight months in prison for a gun-possession charge in 2010.

During his stint, he kept a journal of his life behind bars, which he later turned into

a memoir called Gone 'Til November.

In the book, Wayne discusses everything from visits with psychiatrists to fights with inmates

and the time he recorded a rap for Drake over the phone.

He was thrilled to be working again, and the unorthodox recording session became a turning


He wrote in his journal, quote, "Nothing else that happened today mattered.

Nothing can touch how happy I am.

My creativity is at an all-time high right now!

I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow."

Lil' Kim

Despite spending almost a year in jail for federal perjury charges, rapper Lil' Kim also

managed to find the sunny side of a rather dark situation.

She told MTV News in 2011, quote, "When I first got to prison, I slept so good for the

first three weeks … I was working that whole two months before, nonstop, trying to finish

an album … When I got there, I kind of just collapsed."

She said she was "greeted with open arms by a lot of wonderful, wonderful girls" at the

prison, and said she received support from none other than talk show icon Oprah Winfrey,

who sent three of her favorite books.

Winfrey also included a letter to Lil' Kim in each book, one that read, in part, "Kim,

you have so much potential.

You're a very bright young girl."

Kiefer Sutherland

In December 2007, 24 actor Kiefer Sutherland was sentenced to 48 days in prison following

a DUI arrest.

He admitted to David Letterman that finding the humor in his ordeal helped him move past

the embarrassing nightmare.

"I remember in the second day, third day, I was in the showers, and, very conscious,

I was looking around.

And I actually...

I dropped the soap…

And I remember looking down at the soap and looking around and went, 'Soap is overrated.'"

Martha Stewart

The domestic diva spent part of her five months in federal prison exactly as you might expect:

making arts and crafts.

Stewart, who was imprisoned for her alleged involvement in an insider trading scandal,

revealed in 2016 that she passed the time by doing everything from making jam to ceramic

nativity sets.

To satisfy her crafting fix, Stewart convinced officials that a full nativity scene with

15 ceramic figures counted as one project.

She sent it home to her family with her prison number on it, so we don't know how fabulous

it really was, but we're guessing it probably looked like this gingerbread nativity from

her website, except inedible.

Inmates were technically limited to only three craft projects per year, meaning Stewart only

had time for one, so she made the most of it.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Crazy Celeb Prison Stories You Have To Hear To Believe - Duration: 4:11.


Could You Run on Water? - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Could You Run on Water? - Duration: 4:29.


i hate cheetos so much!! - Duration: 10:37.

The boys got smeared over eversole. Oh yeah. I'm gonna teach you smooth light is yes

This is this is fish




very associative



been a very long time since I made a video and

Like such Nick wouldn't make many people even no no watch it. Wasn't me okay?



I've been practicing and I think I'm


Like it was positive carpets of you. I'll see you later. Goodbye be peace out much

I'm not arresting. No you are. I'm not either call security you gives a lot the form just like everybody else does okay?

I'm just waiting to talk to phone a lot harassing no window

Sitting here until somebody's available its harassing them. Yes, it is would you like for me to call Campus security?

I will do this okay. She wishes she wishes. I was her boyfriend dude

There we go trailer right now for fallout 4 give me a second

My God, I'm them graphics though

Hey, Lad

Ha I'm giggles people's marriages today fucking blew up

today lads guess what's today pistol day, but

Keep it on dear. See ya

Mom give me some good rank

Wow, there's a lot of cheese on here nice little pepperoni up to the edges like it said in the description

All right, so I actually bought a cool off a little bit

It was really hot so go ahead and grab the first slice. So here we have the pizza. It's still actually pretty damn hot

I'm just trying not to like burn my fingers overall it looks

Actually it like right now. It doesn't look too. Good almost in the box

It did look actually really good, but uh like doesn't look appetizing, but it looked really be ready a lot of a red-blooded oh

So let's go and try it

It's not it's a little more okay Modern warfare 2 just a little game

I said I hated it good. I started playing it again. Okay. I i liked it a little bit

It was a little bit fun the campaign cuz I play one recruit difficulty and it was okay

then I went on to the online mode I was on with me online multiplayer, paint Deathmatch uh

And lonex skin skin row. Okay? My first match. Okay in like a month

I shot a shy guy three times

Anything friggin, please it is freaking diary

How hard is it to get a chill in this freaking game? No matter? How long do you shoot your gun?

Yeah, taste well good. Yo get on my way. Are you seriously in an amateur and drinking ketchup?

Daddy can do all right?

What you need to do?

pick your lazy ass up go to the store and get hot cheetos and then buy six of these and just

Forget it. I

Like five of these and then this is my last one

and I think


In addition HMM

damn, let's sit with so me so good so good for and give him a lot this won't taste good a

Little bit, but how do I open it though? That's a problem, so

What do you laugh? Oh?

let's do a quick place what you need to do hot cheeto first and then


Era and Welcome to another episode of Noah's DVD today. We're be reviewing

Gatorade thirst



You Mainline flavor?

So I have made us up some of this in a cup

it says on the back how much they put but I just put a whole spoonful because you know why not and

You know this impatient one see I'll show you the spoon

show it's So pretty so

This is the screen

Rick you're big, so put your shoulder Spin foil in there, and we're gonna mix it up with a fork

Now we're going to cross them so just looking at it. It looks like pee

But I'm open to new sites, so let's try


May appeal I look too much powder in it, but it's very strong

Very very very strong one I've been told by the sciencefun

To stand here and stop people unlike you doing what you're doing. We're doing people like that

taking the men

being school rules

Being a pain in my behind

Got my thing now by fucking drop. You down instead I

Just step back there

Hi, everyone on YouTube, so this is me devon and right now you have click on my reality TV show

So yeah, I got beef with this mud. I need at this corner soy in


see I

asked for a student bus ticket and she told me it was

190 and I told no no line. It's only

175 you can pick it up and

do tiny

Go back to your own country. Oh sally. Why don't you and I walk out and

yeah, I took a chocolate but -

Yeah, that what I did and now I don't even want to go back down

But I kind of have to if I wanted it to cool Thai laundry soap

Hey guys kristen Turner here and for with you people out there who are posting?

Bad comments about Maddie beef please stop it and get a life because you're all pretty much stupid


One day if you hate Maddie be

You have no idea

Oh, you would not want to meet me if you hate mataji because I believe try you like and I will mess you up

Because guess what Maddie B. Can actually do here's the heart of show other inputs here with stretches hairs off. Oh

Yeah, uh-huh?

So I better not hate Maddie

Right now mister Serbia's I've she is actually bossed me around a few hundred times

Why yeah, I will mess you up

Your answers on the floor in snow

Beautifully just at Sunday, whoo? Oh, and I'm actually

Going to show you something. This was actually an hd. I hope you know

What you just say, this is actually in high definition


For more infomation >> i hate cheetos so much!! - Duration: 10:37.


What Movies Get Wrong About Space - Duration: 4:23.

Are regularly told that you're being silly and pedantic when you point out gross violations

of the laws of physics in movies, because 'it's just a movie'?

Well, you're about to feel totally validated, because we are about to get real silly and pedantic.

Hollywood can be pretty negligent about physics and astronomy, even in really good movies,

but there are a few specific misconceptions that pop up again and again.

So let's set the record straight on a few of these once and for all.

Also, spoilers ahoy!

All movies mentioned are listed in the description, so check to make sure you don't want any

of these movies spoiled before you keep watching!

One of the really common areas where movies take some creative liberties with science

is with asteroids and comets.

Like how the asteroid belt is commonly depicted as a dense minefield of death rocks, while

the reality of the situation is much less exciting.

Asteroids are typically 1-3 million kilometers apart; for comparison, the Death Star is about

160 kilometers in diameter.

So, you're gonna be pretty safe.

And speaking of safety, if you were to ask a screenwriter how prepared we are to handle

any impactor, they would probably say "not at all, we're all doomed".

In the cinematic masterpiece Armageddon, for instance, NASA detects an asteroid the size

of Texas only 18 days before it's going to kill us all, and then sends out Bruce Willis

and his ragtag team of oil-rig roughnecks to blow the thing up.

I don't know why Hollywood so vastly underestimates NASA's ability to detect potentially dangerous

impactors, because NASA would definitely have known about Texas In Space way in advance

and had everything under control.

NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies is constantly scanning the sky for space rocks

trying to get too friendly with us, and they're pretty good at it.

They keep track of thousands of objects and assess the likelihood of any of them impacting us.

When they find an undiscovered near-earth object, they calculate its orbit and its potential

as a threat; then, if it could be a problem, they add it to the set of known objects that

are tracked and have their orbits periodically reviewed.

Orbits are calculated out to 100 years, so we would know way in advance if an extinction-level

collision were going to happen, which would give us enough time to plan to deflect or

destroy the thing heading for us.

It is true that sometimes we don't detect objects that buzz close to Earth until they're

almost here, but the reason it takes us so long to spot them is that they're so small

they're hard to detect.

And since they're so small, they're not really much of a threat.

Definitely not an extinction-level threat.

But I could talk about all the good things and bad things about Armageddon all day, so

let's move on to black holes.

In the Star Trek reboot, when Spock Prime and Nero are consumed by a black hole, it

sends them back in time, whole and alive.

But once you enter a black hole, you're not getting spat out at any point.

You're getting spaghettified.

Seriously, that's what astronomers call it.

You start to get stretched and extruded like toothpaste through a tube, ripped down to

your constituent atoms and subatomic particles.

And then the particles that used to be you are stuck in there.


There are all kinds of other problems with the way black holes are portrayed in that movie.

Like, it should've been impossible for Nero to create a black hole in the center of the

planet Vulcan, and even if he had, there's no way it would've been big enough to swallow

the planet that quickly.

But he shouldn't have lived long enough to try it in the first place.

And finally, on the subject of space deaths, did you know that you won't actually explode in space?

Not even in the diminished atmospheric pressure of Mars!

So, awesome as it is, that scene in the original Total Recall is where Cohaagen is blown out

of a building on Mars and balloons up as his eyeballs pop out, isn't really plausible.

Not that much of the movie is.

It's a common misconception that the difference in pressures inside your body and outside

in space would equalize so quickly that your head would just pop, but actually, your body

will keep everything in place, kind of like a pair of Spanx.

Your skin, muscles, and blood vessels have a lot of tension to them.

They've got all kinds of nice, springy proteins in them, like collagen and fibrillin, and

their cumulative tension provides enough force to keep your blood from evaporating and your

eyes from popping out.

And your head definitely won't explode.

So that scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey where Dave has to break into his own spaceship from

outside is actually pretty accurate!

His head doesn't blow up or anything; it's just really windy for a second as the air

rushes out of the escape hatch.

As long as you keep your exposure to a vacuum under 10-15 seconds, you'll be fine.

You probably won't even lose consciousness.

So that's just a tiny sampling of some of the terrible science we see in movies.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't watch them.

Bad movies can still be super fun.

Just don't believe everything you see!

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

If you want more bad science, you should check out our videos on the main SciShow channel

about just how impossible Sharknado would be.

For more infomation >> What Movies Get Wrong About Space - Duration: 4:23.


Coconut slices (Brazilian Cocada) • Healthy treats #2 - Duration: 1:03.

COCONUT SLICES (Cocada) • Healthy treats •

In a bowl mix together:

1/3 cup of softened coconut butter

and 1/3 cup of unsweetened coconut flakes.

You can also make it sweeter.

Just add 1 tablespoon of honey or any other sweetener you like more.

Here I'm not using anything because I feel it's already sweet enough for my taste.

Spread the mixture on a baking sheet.

Creating a square/rectangular shape.

It should be about 1cm tall.

Refrigerate for 15 minutes and...


Slice it into small square shapes to serve.

There is something very similar in the Brazilian cuisine called COCADA.

It's so delicious!

I got 9 slices out of this recipe, with 1.2g of net carbs per slice.


For more infomation >> Coconut slices (Brazilian Cocada) • Healthy treats #2 - Duration: 1:03.


How Rich Is Rae Sremmurd? | The Real Net Worth - Duration: 4:43.

With an estimated net worth of $8 Million it's no wonder Rae Sremmurd, has 3 platinum

certified singles, has created their own shrem lifestyle, and is considered one of the greatest

rags to riches stories in hip hop history.

With that being said, welcome to The Real Net Worth, where we explore your favorite

celebrities, businesses, properties and all other assets in between, so let's begin

and take a closer look at, Rae Sremmurd's Real Net Worth.

First off, who is Rae Sremmurd Khalif Malik Ibin shaman, aka Swae Lee Born

June 7, 1993, and Aaquil Ibin shaman Brown, aka Slim Jimmi born December 21 1991, in Tupelo


The two brothers started practicing, dancing and writing music together at an early age.

Their father left the family behind, and the boys grew up poor as fuck.

As they struggled through their childhood, they caught a break when DJ Jemarcus Jackson

put the brother group in touch with EarDrummers' producer Pierre "P-Nazty" Slaughter – a

cousin of his who had grown up in Tupelo, but moved to Atlanta to work with Mike Will


P-Nazty appreciated the teenagers' music and decided to work with them.

After that, the three rappers left Tupelo and spent a few months with P-Nazty and other

EarDrummers producer Marz in Georgia.

They released their first project "Three Stooges Mixtape" on an online mixtape distribution

platform, DatPiff, in early 2012.

In 2013, the brothers signed a record deal with Mike Will Made-It's EarDrummers label.

Dem Outta St8 Boyz signed with EarDrummers Entertainment on Jan. 1, 2014, changing their

name to "Rae Sremmurd," drummers ear backwards.

Rae Sremmurd released their debut album, SremmLife, on January 6, 2015.

They released their debut album, SremmLife, in January 2015, which sold more than 1 million

copies in the United States.

They are best known for their single, "Black Beatles," which peaked at No. 1 on the US

Billboard Hot 100 list.y SremmLife debuted at No. 5 on the US Billboard

200, and was supported and spawned by four singles.

Its lead single, "No Flex Zone", was released on May 18, 2014.

The song gained considerable attention, after it was officially remixed featuring rappers

Nicki Minaj and Pusha T. The single peaked at No. 36 on the US Billboard Hot 100.

On Sept. 15, 2014, they released their second single, "No Type", which climbed to No. 16

– both of which were certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America


The third single from the album, "Throw Sum Mo", which features guest vocals from American

rappers, Nicki Minaj and Young Thug, was released on Dec. 9, 2014.

The song peaked at No. 30 on the Billboard Hot 100.

In June 2016, Rae Sremmurd announced SremmLife2 would be released in August.

The song, "Black Beatles," topped the charts on Nov. 26.

The brothers are currently working on solo albums.

Lee working on his album, Swaecation, while Jxmmi works on his "Uncle Jxm" project.

Swae Lee has released the single 'Unforgettable' with French Montana

Lee and Jxmmi live in a luxury 6 bedroom house in Mississippi worth $800,000.

And yes, they got all the bad bitches on lockdown in Tupelo.

Lee and Jxmmi drive limited edition luxury cars, a Lamborghini aventador costing $399,000,

and a Mercedes G Wagon costing $140,000, and Yes, they got these hoes riding in the wagon.

Rae Sremmurd received most of their earnings from record label, SremmLife Crew Records,

founded in 2016.

Its first mixtape, Trail Mix, was released in March 2016, and they have been turning

it up ever since.

If you enjoyed this video make sure to drop us a like, and If there's someone you'd

like us to cover next, let us know in the comment section below, because money isn't

everything, it's the only thing, so check out another one of our videos, and then go

out n get that money, because your self-worth is your net worth.

For more infomation >> How Rich Is Rae Sremmurd? | The Real Net Worth - Duration: 4:43.


9 oct. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> 9 oct. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 8:15.


CBC NL Here & Now Tuesday October 10 2017 - Duration: 1:04:46.

For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now Tuesday October 10 2017 - Duration: 1:04:46.


dr Geier & dr Spitzer over oa 'de Deense studie' (Madsen) - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> dr Geier & dr Spitzer over oa 'de Deense studie' (Madsen) - Duration: 6:33.


How to Deal With Being Overwhelmed? - Duration: 1:18.

- Sometimes you're gonna get overwhelmed in life.

Not a big deal, welcome to planet Earth, relax.

In fact, I was reading an interesting book which talked

about what are the predictors of success

and they went back to high school, you know?

And they basically found,

you know how you say the word the cool kid in class?

It's not cool what you think about that's envious,

that's an enviable trait, it's not like cool like who wears

the best clothes, it's cool under pressure.

So like I said, sometimes people, we get messed up 'cause we

have this expectation that life's supposed to go smoothly,

you wanna build a business, you wanna make money?

Some people think as if it's just a sequence,

like a simple puzzle you put together, this piece,

this piece, it all falls together. That's not planet Earth.

Planet Earth is a world where, if you can stay cool

under pressure, things eventually fall into place

but never quite as expected, so you know,

don't forget what planet you're on.

You're in a world where Physics is at play,

a world of diseases and sicknesses and bad people and so,

it's just par for the course, par for the course.

Stay cool, stay cool under pressure.

For more infomation >> How to Deal With Being Overwhelmed? - Duration: 1:18.


Surprise Toys Learn Colors With Nursery Rhymes for Kids Squishy Balls Kids Toys - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Surprise Toys Learn Colors With Nursery Rhymes for Kids Squishy Balls Kids Toys - Duration: 4:23.


La Noche de las Estrellas at Lick Observatory - Duration: 2:48.

- [Getsemani] Well I'm interested in it

because I'm mostly curious

as to what's out there.

What's not on land.

- [Jasmine] Like space is so huge

and we don't know what's out there.

It's so vast.

- Yeah well you can try look it (mumbles)

- Oh yeah I got it oh I'm looking right at it!

- [Enrico] Yeah so we thought it was very important for us

at UC Santa Cruz to reach out to

the Hispanic community in the nearby area.

- [Sandra] Since the goal is to encourage students

going into science and technical careers,

you want to reach them

right at the age where they're just beginning

to think about the rest of their lives.

So it seemed as though high school students

who were just old enough to think about their futures

would be the ideal targets.

That's why we picked them.

- So we're going to start off with this demonstration

so why don't you all.

- [Ariadna] So Asher and I

and a lot of other people went to different high schools

and we talked about this project and I want people to see

that you can be a woman and latino in science

and be successful.

So I try to show them that I'm excited about science

and that science is exciting.

- [Sandra] We had eight buses and vans

that took students here from as far away as Soledad.

That's a three hour trip to get to the observatory

and we're gonna be taking them home afterwards.

- We're gonna look through the sun telescope.

- [Man] Do you see the disk of the sun

and the sunspots on it?

- [Getsemani] It felt so high in technology yet

antique in a certain way

cause it was built in the late 1800's.

Yet it's still one of the most advanced places

to research astronomy.

(speaking Spanish)

- [Enrico] We of course as you know

we are a Hispanic serving institution here in UC Santa Cruz

and a lot of our students come from

primarily Spanish speaking families.

- [Getsemani] Well it's like

of course you can go on the internet

and look at those pictures of the moon

or take them yourselves,

but through the telescopes,

like through the Terminator you can see it

and you can see so close and how clear

the moon looks like through those telescopes.

So it was an amazing experience to be able to do that.

I feel like I can still close my eyes

and I can still see the brightness of the moon.

I'm never gonna forget this experience.

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