Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 11 2017

For like a whole class of people to be poor people need of money

We can't just let people or be around just be homeless

Less because as they can't get jobs

Money is important. So that's another reason we need Communism and

Secondly some people might say oh

We have welfare welfare just promotes lazy people

And I don't know I don't know but I'm pretty sure welfare especially done in the United States

costs a bit of

Moolah so yeah all those morons

Saying the tribune Ism. Is the same as

welfare you

Can go live because you are just an absolute Moron just

look up the

Definition of that

I'm sorry about a little heated, but when people say it's the same as welfare I get

really angry so some just told me to stop being stuck up -

Just because you're insecure little cow does not mean that I'm not enough to show that I'm comfortable in my own skin

Do you can get up just because you're a little

How doesn't mean I can't be coupling my skin? Yeah?

I born I put y'all behind other nice nipples


And I like that just because you are ugly doesn't mean I'm not as we comfortable in my gown

I am like

You know why?

I can't hit the pain no more


Guitar General Eleven seven eight has been disabled like I can't login

I can't upload any videos because

It's been disabled YouTube has disabled Guitar Johner

1174 two weeks, or we're back on Guitar don't know lm. The Sunday for

I'm 19. I mean then

Knowing I've genuinely a no way back

you honestly think

Pushed out her wonder Bra B-cups to get attention

But as she did not even notice her as he walked past her and her unsung last year

My name is Ashton. He declared cutely. What is yours?

Melis Geobella

retorted the girl and Spanish and Italian

Why are you lonely question to start careful on like a jug River? Why are you?

It's just about to kick off this party luis like the nigga better straight hip hop and start from scratch

I'm about to blend in this track up everybody get back

There's my opinions of packing my rump on a rush hag as I got to grew the dixon

I'm bout to kick it like a magician critics

I turn to crack it then I'm sitting on the fence whether to pick it real quick sitting impaled up, then I'm sticking

I'm looking pale with that's my pigment mine. Will have no bitch draw the kendrick. That's been an ass suit of into slim


Such a Kawaii morning

According to all isn't everything in video


campers the mystery vanish

Yeah, are you beautiful lays out there? I just wanna show you something yeah um oh


Yeah hmm. Oh yeah, there's a batch of sir

Looking these guns out for the only time

What if we hang out you can even feel them that's for sure you know that yes, I well so yeah

Are you beautiful baby's skin your car, and we're hanging out and then you can feel these beautiful things

Yes, is that


son Harry

Boy, Joe. I don't know something about you

You don't even know you don't want to believe and now you have for anything

That's not what you're looking for it. Just varies in a walk jump

It's all I don't even want you to stay ice what your job was my first trick you take care of Fedora?

obviously and you you put

Your phone right there

in the back and

Wait, what are you the king of again memes?


method of hiding three and hacking for

HtML. Faking my grade


Easy though I don't even have to like focus on it to do it. That's like

I have to make an ultra nerd God to be amusing

Yeah, you need me out like if we were like an argument would you just like destroy me with me? Yeah?

I'll do it right now by the way

Mary knows the Rito's loominatee Mountain dew confirm MlG

She wants a good set of axes. Oh, Jenna, Jenna

Hello dog I don't think dogs say hello. They go for me

No, why do you for such a good kid you?

Not know the popular culture of the internet. Yes, actually do you remember hello? Yes is a dog named


Some people are not addicted to mention you knew true internet culture you would know the battletoads me

If you knew internet culture you would know that every mean comes report. Those are know

Is also almost like me okay? So what yeah which is like the worst party Anna the model to phrase it was oddly

true never never Beyond around

Never be non honest. I'm a be pardon. I know I know a lot about I know what a musical iron bar on it

Oh wow real mature, but you could come out with that on the top of your head, right?

Here you can tell dirty jokes are obvious. Yeah, because I cheated

Give me a word. I have to have a word okay, and

You know what? I'm not going to do it. I came up with that one on top a and that's what your humors like

flashbacks to those


Are really do keep having flashbacks?

That incident if they really want to destroy me they really do I've learned a lot for the sake of the crossing the boundaries

Project, but I know and it's may be a lot of enemies in the progress a lot of enemies end up progress

I bet you as some of the people watching this video are my enemy is and they would want to see me under

Destroyed or Dead or locked up for the rest of my life?

locked up look

What up?

That's what you be one of it. You want to see me. Get locked up. You want to see me get locked up your

Loved it

Here's my thoughts all put into one single post

So I figured I might as well save my fingers the trouble of typing and just go ahead and slide out on saying I

Couldn't give two about anybody or anything on this planet

Now the reason for that is I find everybody's intellectual intelligence

far less superiors and that of my own

so I couldn't get to

About what happens to anybody or anything on this planet? My name is Matt crimes and today

I'm going to be doing a little bit of a rant blog


people who ate Parise

Why do you hate us?

okay, now you're probably wondering why the hell is he talking into

Whatever that is. It's a microphone. I made a makeshift pop protector

For more infomation >> stop calling me an alien!! - Duration: 10:40.


Can Elizabeth Warren Deliver for Progressive America? - Duration: 6:27.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has become a symbol of everything the Republican

party stands against.

Everyone gets a right to basic healthcare.

We need strong oversight of these banks.

A legal scholar, and a consumer advocate turned politician, Warren has branded herself

as a champion of the working class and made a career out of standing up to big business.

While rumors of a 2020 presidency bid remain just that...

I'm not running for President.

Her Senate seat is up for reelection in 2018, and Republicans are already pumping millions

into SuperPacs to defeat her.

This is the story of how a law professor and politician came to be seen as the biggest

threat to Republican values, and the greatest hope for progressive America.

Elizabeth Warren was born Elizabeth Anne Herrin, the youngest of three siblings on June 22,

1949, in Oklahoma City to middle class parents.

After waiting tables to help her family pay the bills, Warren became a star on the

high school debate team.

She landed a scholarship to George Washington University at the age of 16,

but two years later dropped out to marry her high school sweetheart, Jim Warren.

By 1980 Warren was a mother of two, divorced and remarried, had earned a bachelor's degree

from the University of Houston, a Juris Degree from Rutgers and was practicing law in New Jersey.

Warren then went on to become an influential law professor, teaching lecturing and publishing

highly cited work on bankruptcy and commercial law at seven universities around the country,

eventually settling at Harvard Law School.

But Warren wasn't always a liberal lion.

Elizabeth Warren used to be a Republican actually.

That's Steven Dennis.

I'm a Senate reporter for Bloomberg.

Around the time Elizabeth Warren switched parties she became a fierce opponent of a

Republican drive to make it much harder to file for bankruptcy.

She fought that for a decade, it ended up passing anyway.

While her efforts ultimately failed, her warning calls were heard in 2008.

We're in the midst of a serious financial crisis. Our entire economy is in danger.

Without immediate action by congress, America could slip into a financial panic

and a distressing scenario would unfold.

Professor Warren was tapped to help with oversight in the government bailout.

She would excoriate bankers and their bonuses and their practices.

Why should the US taxpayer alone carry Citi?

She proposed a series of tough regulations which became the basis for much of the

Dodd Frank financial law that we have today.

That sort of catapulted her to national stardom, particularly among the progressive left.

Encouraged by her newfound noteriaty, Warren declared her bid for the US Senate on on September 14, 2011.

During the race her opponent Scott Brown tried to derail Warren by accusing her of falsely

claiming Native American heritage, a controversy that earned her the nickname "Pocahontas".

Nevertheless she was victorious and won the senate seat by a comfortable margin.

She used her new tenure to challenge everyone from banking regulators and treasury officials,

to members of Wall Street and Congress.

I'm really concerned that 'too big to fail' has become 'too big for trial'.

We need tough new laws to hold corporate executives personally accountable.

No one should be above the law.

She called for Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf to resign for fraud, introduced the Bank on

Student Loans Fairness Act, and re-introduced the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act.

In 2016, after staying silent during the primary battle between Sanders and Clinton, Warren

finally endorsed Hillary Clinton, and had some harsh words for candidate Trump.

Donald Trump is a loud nasty thin skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone

and that is just one of the many reasons he will never be President of the United States.

But she was wrong.

The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.

Warren wasted no time resisting Trump's agenda.

Have you ever managed or overseen a trillion dollar loan program?

I have not.

How about a billion dollar loan program?

I have not.

In the Donald Trump era Elizabeth Warren has been playing defense, and trying to prevent

Donald Trump and his cabinet appointees from rolling back protections that she helped enact.

Warren actually found herself rebuked by Mitch McConnell for reading a letter by Coretta

Scott King about Jeff Session's record on racism during his confirmation.

She was warned.

She was given an explanation.

Nevertheless, she persisted…

That moment became something that's on T-shirts, bumper stickers, slogans, and that really

galvanized a lot of support for her.

It's been really hard for Republicans to get much of anything done this year, and that's

at least in part to this resistance movement that Elizabeth Warren has helped champion.

We are here to fight back!

Millions of dollars are being funneled to defeat Warren in the midterm elections in 2018.

But it's the rumors of 2020 presidential bid that has further prompted powerful donors

to fund her opposition often using the same playbook of constant and ruthless ad campaigns

that many believe helped Trump win in 2016.

It's anyone's guess if she will endure what Hillary could not.

You know the question for Elizabeth Warren is whether she can go from being a liberal

firebrand, to somebody who can regularly get 60 votes for initiatives in the Senate and

218 in the House and drive an agenda, and whether she can bring together

coalitions for political victories.

That's the challenge and we'll see what happens.

For more infomation >> Can Elizabeth Warren Deliver for Progressive America? - Duration: 6:27.




So today, we talk about how hack Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and etc accounts.

We talked about how hack Facebook accounts in a video.

If you don't watch it then please watch.

So, we describe how hack Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and etc accounts.

It is a website.

Click the link in description to signup.

You can hack a Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and etc accounts easy from this.

Click the link in description to signup.

After click SIGNUP.

Fill in the form to signup.

Create a username, password.

Enter an e-mail.

Choose your age and country.

After click to I AM NOT A ROBBOT.

And click to signup.

You can see more links to hacking.

Choose a social link to hack in link side.

You can see social network sites logos and description to hack in left side.

Firstly, we are going to show you how hack Facebook account.

Choose a Facebook link in website description.

So, choose a language to get a link.

Click to language and copy the link.

Log in your Facebook account.

Choose an account you want to hack.

Send a message using any fake information with the link.

If he or she clicks to the link,

He or she can see this fake Facebook interface.

I type a line of X to email.

I type a password.

Now, visit your z-shadow account.

After click MY VICTIMS.

So now, you can see my email in username

And you can see my password in password.

Secondly, we are going to show you how hack Gmail account.

Choose Gmail link in website description.

So, choose a language to get a link.

Click to language and copy the link.

Log in your Facebook account and choose an account you want to hack.

Send a message using any fake information with the link.

If he or she clicks to the link,

He or she can see this fake Gmail interface.

I type a line of q to email.

I type a password.

Now, visit your z-shadow account.

After click MY VICTIMS.

So now, you can see my email in username

And you can see my password in password.

So, follow this steps to hack Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and etc accounts in this website.

Try another links.

So, we will describe you how hack comments for your Facebook photos and status in next video.




We will meet in next video.


For more infomation >> HACK ANY SOCIAL ACCOUNTS - WITH PROOF - Duration: 4:46.


Ice Wyvern Egg Hunting & Baby Raising [Monkey Tribe Patron Server] [12] - Duration: 18:56.

Yeah, that's what I said totally different. We're gonna go on a wyv...

Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Turtle! What are you doing? What are you

doing? Who are you? [gasp] What? Oh my gosh! This is

my lost turtle!

What's up Monkey Tribe! Thank you for joining me in another episode of Ark

Survival Evolved here on the monkey tribe patron server. And I just noticed

how creepy that gallimimus is staring over my shoulder. He's staring right at

me he's looking into my soul. Hello, how's it going buddy? Uh, okay anyways. Welcome

back to another episode. As you can see I've made a few changes around base

since our last episode like I said that I was going to do. I am a monkey of my

word. So the first thing that you might have noticed is we got rid of this

little pin area that used to be here. We used to have a behemoth, not a behemoth

but a stone gate here and it walled off some of our dinos and we didn't really

need it anymore because we built our ginormous wall a long long time ago. So

we got rid of that which made some more room for... I don't know just walking

around and stuff. We put our turtles, we put almost everything at hitching posts

now. We have one here which has got our turtles and our horsies and over here we

put another one that has all of our kentros that are able to be mated and

we put our three brontos here at one as well and we made one for all of our

sabers. What's up guys? And we made one for our trikes and our raptors over here

hiding in the corner and we made of course ones for all of our parasaurs.

What's up guys? I think these are all the ones that can't be mated. Yeah these are

all the children parasaurs over here and then these are all the children

kentros. And don't tell... don't ask me I said, don't ask me how long it took to

line all of these guys up like this cuz you have to put each one on follow and

then yeah, it was a whole big deal but those are there. We got our carnos

over here and our bear and whenever I want to mate these guys I just hook

them up to this hitching post and then do that otherwise they're on guard duty

for all the parasaurs and stuff over here.

These are all the parent parasaurs. That's hard to say, all the parent...

Whoa whoa whoa! I need to disable looking on all you

guys cuz you guys are kind of creepy when I come over here. All the parent

parasaurs that I can breed there and we moved... we still got some work to do like

we haven't messed with our terror birds yet or our pachy. We put all of our rexes

up at, whoa, this looks amazing. This looks weird. Is the textures for

these ropes wood? They look like a wood texture like this texture. Anyways um

after we hooked them all up to hitching post we've been doing a lot a lot of

mating too and I put all of the fertilized eggs in our bulk a thingy

mah-doodler in here. Let me go take a look. These are all the eggs we got going on. I

got some rex eggs, I got some raptor eggs, some kentro eggs, and argy eggs, all

that good stuff. Oh, by the way our argies and stuff are over here around the

corner. We have our ptera there and then we got all of our our argies back here and

we got our griffins and everything is right with the world again. So our base

is a little bit more organized to get stuff done. We tamed up a new bear and we

also put homing pigeon rings on all of the birds and put our homing pigeon flag

up there so they can get back home a lot easier. I think that's about it, you guys

are all caught up now to where I am but today we're gonna do something totally

different. Yeah, that's what I said totally different. We're gonna go on a

wyv... whoa whoa whoa whoa! Turtle! What are you doing? What are you doing? Who are

you? [gasp] What? Oh my gosh this is my lost turtle!

What? My lost turtle stop! Disable, disable, disable. Where have you been? I

mated my turtles like a week ago. Where have you been? I haven't seen him in a

week. I mated these two turtles the other day or last week whatever it was

and they had a baby and I didn't want them to have a baby because I mated

them and then I forgot about the egg and then it hatched and then I was like well

I'll just tie it up to the hitching post because you can hitch babies to the

hitching post and then I went about my business and then came back to imprint

it and it was gone and I thought well maybe it just died because it didn't

have enough food or something and then there it was just wandering around! It's

alive, apparently, but not imprinted because it wandered off before I could

do so. Let's put you on passive. You can just stay here and heal up I guess

throughout this episode but as I was saying we're gonna go on a wyvern hunt

today you guys. Everyone's been offering us like wyvern

eggs and stuff and I've been like no no no cuz I want to go get our own wyvern

egg and I want to get a high level ice wyvern egg. I want to thank... I want to

thank Myndmelt because I was watching his ice wyvern video and he gave all the

locations of the wyvern nests which are gonna be in the description below if you

guys are interested in finding your own ice wyvern eggs. We have, one, two, three,

four different ice wyvern egg locations that we're gonna go check out and see

what the highest level one we can get is and then we're gonna imprint said wyvern

and then we're gonna be an amazing monkey flying around on our ice wyvern

deal and we'll be unstoppable isn't that right? Yeah! So I'm gonna go ahead

and get on one of my griffins, we're gonna head out immediately because it's

gonna take a very long time to get around the map to all these different

locations. I'll bring you guys back at each location so we can see what level

egg that I pick up and then I'll keep doing so until we've hit all the

locations and see what level egg we get and we'll come back here and we'll hatch

it and we'll imprint it and love it and hug it and squish it until its eyes pop out!

Isn't that right? mmm-hmm bring you guys back. And we're back and I just came up

with a new name for the murder murder snow. I now call it the no no snow. I

didn't like the murder murder snow it didn't

like it didn't roll off the tongue as much as no no snow but I named it no no

snow because it's a big no-no to come into the snow without your fur armor cuz

I forgot it. What level are you bic boi? A hundred! Meh. not worth

it. I got to get out of the no no snow I'm at half health but we're heading to

our first location which we almost passed it's back here at thirty three

sixty eight. Duh, hello? Where are you bic wyvern boiii?! Thirty-three... Oh my gosh

hopefully there's no actual wyverns in here.

We got to get out of here. We got to find it toot sweet. 33 I passed it 33.5

33.5 almost there and sixty eight point eight is that up on this little cliff? I

think this is it. Yeah we got it okay, get off. Oh come on Owen Wowlson, here we go.

What level? 85. Eh, we need at least over 100. Okay please don't be any ice wyverns

chasing me today. All right let's get out of here head to our second location

hopefully we get one that's over level a hundred. And we're back!

Oh there it is we found it straight away it's at forty four point four fifty

eight point nine in the "oh hell no" snow. Let's get some. 25! Argh, I'm gonna eat this

25 for breakfast. Stupid. Okay the third one is located not too far away at forty

two fifty five so that's just like right over here.

Should be right here. There it is hahaha it was hiding behind the rock. Stop it

yuty. What do we got? 20? Ugh!

Ridiculous. Okay let's get out of here.

I'll bring you guys back when we're at our fourth and final location and it

better be an amazing level. And we're back at the final location. I think it's

gonna be right up here on top of this hill.

Hello another yuty what's going on. We need a... we're at 40 we need to go to 47 point

1 51 so that's right here. Where is you? Should be right here, but there's

nothing. So for our final nest we don't even get jack. Okay all right I guess

we're gonna wait a little bit and then we're gonna come back to all the nest

locations and see what the best wyvern egg we get is. So I'm just gonna rinse

and repeat till I get over level hundred and then I'll bring you guys back. Oh my

gosh you guys look at this! We only got the level 25. I was just

looking... I was gonna compare all of our eggs in my inventory and it looks like

the other two expired when we picked them up. So I guess we're gonna have to

go back to all four locations and get like re respawned eggs if that makes

sense. I totally forgot that that was still like a bug.

That if the things spoil in the nest and you pick them up it just doesn't give

them to you. That's bull crap. And we're back and on my second journey for the eggs I

decided to go get my fur armor that I've been upgrading which is now full-blown

grown updated... updated? Upgraded, I said, and I just wanted to show you guys that

we are in the heart of the no no snow negative 68 degrees Fahrenheit in our

fur armor and we are not even ice cubed even a little bit let's see if we can

get even higher. Let's see, this tip should be the tip top negative 90

something or a hundred-and-something Let's see if we can survive that. I know this has

nothing to do with the ice wyvern but still... for science. Negative 68 negative

86 negative yep snow-peak negative 86 we are not even icicle so we can go

anywhere we want pretty much. Actually yeah we can go anywhere we want except

for the desert. I'm still working on getting a set of desert clothes ready

for when they unleash the mega heat probably that's over there but until

then we can go anywhere we want in here and not die anymore.

And we're back and we finally did it you guys after about an hour and a half of

searching we finally found a level 155 ice wyvern egg and instead of pushing

our luck for an even better one we decided to just come back home, call it

a day and hatch this thing up. Isn't that right Owen Wowlson? As soon as we

found the egg he was like wow! So we headed back home. That was the worst wow

I've done. Okay redo. Wow! Okay that's better.

Now where can we place this guy where it would be incubating. Are you gonna

incubate? I don't have my hud turned on so I don't know. Too cold.

Okay we'll take you over... oh we could use the hatchery. We need

refertilizer. Can we make refertilizer? I don't know that we know

refertilizer. Ree, no not red, REE REE REE there it is and what if we just do one

of these and then pull one. Make one of those. Oh my gosh my base is so laggy.

And then we'll start this bad boy up. Activate. I hope one refertilizer is

enough and then we stick the egg in here. Right? Or is it still starting up? Can I

not use it for ice wyvern eggs?

This is the hatchery maybe I can't use it for wyvern eggs. What if I just drop

it nearby. Are you good? No, gotta be in here I'm pretty sure. Okay

apparently we can't use the hatchery for ice wyvern eggs. Okay... now drop. Are you good?

Incubating three seconds two seconds one seconds! Tada! We have an amazing

fire wyvern! Not a fire wyvern, an ice wyvern I said! Disable wandering.

Follow me out of the fire oh wait wait don't follow me!

Oh, I had a problem with this before that the wyverns will kill themselves on

these torches. This guy wants care in 12 minutos I don't know how long it's gonna

take to get him fully grown up but we need to get him some milk so let's go

ahead and see how much milk costs over at our kibble table. If I want milk... eat

it to... it won't let me build it? Why? Why can I not make the milk? And place a new

one. Now can I make milk? Yes I can okay that's weird.

250 metal.

Okay so we can make milk and we'll stick one in his inventory. His or her? I

think it's always a him right? Wyverns are always hims.

Let me see. Are you a he? Its a he yeah and then we'll plop that in there. Are you good?

Is you good? You like your milky? Okay he's not eating but he'll like it

I bet. Whoa he's glowing he's amazing he's got purple oh he looks like a

lightning wyvern because he's got the purple you know what I mean? And he's got

blue eyes, you're a cute little guy. I was putting more eggs into the incubator and

we had a little bit of an accident. We accidentally hatched the three rexes

that we got from Crote. So we got three level 281 rexes that we're also trying

to raise at the same time so it's gonna be a pretty busy day just caring for

babies... that's great. Cue Game of Thrones music! We have done it! We have finally

got our own wyvern you guys and not just any wyvern, an ice wyvern! And a level 155

at that. We got 10,000 health base 282 melee and some of these stats won't be

updated from the imprinting until either a server restart or I upload it into

an obelisk because that's just how it works. I probably will need to pump some

stamina I would think but I want to see if we can get up to... there 300 that's

a lot from one pump into melee hmm. Maybe it just updated that stat? Interesting.

Let's see if it does that again. 330 yeah yeah I must have got some damage

from imprinting. But that was a long... big long process. We got one ice wyvern and

we accidentally got three new t-rexes which two of them got a hundred percent

imprinted and one of them is at 83 percent or 87 percent something like

that because it had to go on a big long walk and we didn't have time to do a

final imprint on it. But that's gonna be a for today's episode you guys. Oh baby!

If you enjoyed hit that like button with those opposable thumbs and subscribe to

join the tribe and I'll catch you guys in the next one. Peace out!

For more infomation >> Ice Wyvern Egg Hunting & Baby Raising [Monkey Tribe Patron Server] [12] - Duration: 18:56.


Breast Cancer Awareness - Sharing Courage & Advice │VIDEO │Kroger - Duration: 0:27.

The best advice that I could give to anyone

is find a support group of any kind that you can.

My friends and coworkers were absolutely great.

And my husband; Oh God love him.

My 4 year old son giving me a hug and saying

"It's going to be okay mommy."

For more infomation >> Breast Cancer Awareness - Sharing Courage & Advice │VIDEO │Kroger - Duration: 0:27.


RollerCoaster Tycoon Review - Duration: 10:27.

that's right we're taking a trip down memory lane with rollercoaster tycoon

I remember being addicted to this game as a kid spending hours on the computer

beating as many of the scenarios as possible always somehow losing my save

file I'm going to restart all over again we're not giving a shit

roller coaster tycoon wasn't the first type of game out there but it definitely spawned a series

of successors trying to capture the same type of gameplay in different settings

all tycoon Airport tycoon all sorts of them but none of them really able to

capture the same type of feel it began with roller coaster tycoon what

makes this game so special is the amount of pure creativity that you can engage

in when playing this game everything is up for grabs you can customize every

aspect of your part to the rise the different scenery types the past how all

things move you can customise people name your employees man you can do

almost whatever you want many of the scenarios have a blank Park and you can

completely lay out the park in any way that you want building rides here over

there scenery things having super-crazy intricate paths all sorts of shit in

these customization options it's really where the fun of rollercoaster tycoon

comes in managing your park and creating all sorts of different things the way

you want to Fields grayton is a lot of fun

now having too many customization options can be overwhelming for some

players them but in roller coaster tycoon they managed to keep things

somewhat simple given the amount of options that you had you only have a

select amount of options for ride and in the roller coaster builder they take you

step by step through building the ride and it makes so much sense that you

never feel overwhelmed with all the different options that you can go

through this roller coaster building mechanic that it made where you can

create custom made rollercoasters the way you want it working at weaving them

in and out through your path and other rides around the park is so much fun

this in my opinion is by far the best party of the game making different

roller coasters different types of roller coasters with loops and twists

and turns and making sure that the guests actually like them once they get

on and make you lots of money that is so fun to me and definitely worth looking

at and spending a lot of time on in game it's really easy to jump right into

this game and start playing right away and messing around and have some success

it's built for that but there is a learning curve as well and the more you

play the better you get at it you learn what the guests like and what's going to

make the most amount of money so when you're building your rides and building

your park you can maximize it to make it a cash making machine roller coaster

queuing is a management sim and what that does come of the managing your

money and the whole business side of the park some people may like these aspects

some people may dislike them in my opinion they're done really well so

people who do like the management style sim type games will appreciate this part

of the game it's fairly simple but again there are options use do you can hire

staff you can specify where you want them to patrol you can take out

advertisements to bring a new guest to your Park there are a ton of options to

really try to maximize the amount of money your Park is making and please

your guests as much as possible the perk guests can be pretty fickle and to me

this is the part of the game that kind of holds it back a little bit the AI

just has trouble dealing with certain things the park guests say I will have

it just wander around the park aimlessly with no kind of intent and deciding when

it reaches rides or stores whether or not it wants to engage with those rather

than searching out its needs specifically which can cause a few

problems if the guests are hungry or thirsty they won't go and seek out the

drink stalls or the burger stalls to feed themselves they'll just they just

have to get lucky in half an aparment so that force you'd have to do is you can't

have a food court I parry if that's what you're looking for you kind of have to

spread out your your drink stalls your bathrooms and your food shops all over

the all over the park so that guess will happen to come across them and nobody

will really get hungry or thirsty and get upset with you anyway guest gets

really upset who cares yeah they want to go home

but if they're deep in the park and they don't just happen to find the park exit

they'll have trouble making their way to leave the park lowering your first

rating because they hate it and you get a bunch of notification saying oh park

guest is lost like big your hell you have a park map just

but hey I just can't handle that in the sink when I said earlier that you can

build your parking in whatever way you want that is true that the grid system

allows you to put paths on top of each other and rides and weed them in and out

through each other if there's space but if you don't do this correctly sometimes

what can happen is the parking it a little bit too complicated with

squeezing too many things in it becomes hard to see you get certain paths that

don't make sense and you can't reach them without deleting everything on top

because you can't be underneath and things you get quite complicated in that

way if you don't build your part properly the staffs have some minor

issues as well the mechanics seem to wander around and are all over the place

sometimes three of them all packed into one area like dudes come on spread out

the security guards don't really seem to do much and the entertainer's it's hard

to see their value and the handyman what is with you guys want to mow every piece

of grass on the park come on get it together guys in each of the scenarios

there's a victory condition that you'll need to meet to after a certain amount

of years to win the scenario and as lot other scenarios in the game these are

often fairly easy to accomplish and in some cases you meet them after the first

year then what ends up happening is if you just in its abusive scenario once

you get the required amount of people in your park and the park rating you just

kind of sit there in a way just making the small changes here and there until

you get to the end of the time which doesn't force players to keep building

and making great stuff to meet the scenario needs by the end of the time

one of the coolest parts of the game is being able to build ride underground and

having them come underground through tunnels and pop pop or go through

mountains and come out the other side cool stuff like that but the landscaping

manipulation mechanic in the game is so tough to deal with you'll often be

raising and lowering accidentally trying to figure it out you can't really see

what you need to do and it costs so much money that if you accidentally do

something you might spend a thousand dollars just raising your land I hope

sorry I didn't mean to do that then to Lord again you got to spend

another thousand dollars so I just wish it was a little bit tighter controls and

not just there's plenty of variety in the

scenarios and settings for each of these parts there's something forests deserts

mountains lakes they're all over the place offering a variety of challenges

and unique opportunities to build rides which is great as you work your way

towards the end of the game there are some significant challenging scenarios

towards the end one in particular dinky Park you start

with a tiny park enough to build a sweet Park in a tiny area is a bit of a

challenge thank you for including this thing it forces players to really

improve their skills rather than just kind of fool around but for those of you

do want to just mess around there are scenarios for that as well

as you work your way through the scenarios as you get towards into the

game there isn't that many different rides that you end up seeing and many of

these starting rides are all the same go find yourself using the same rides over

and over again merry-go-round Ferris wheel scrambled eggs the ship whatever

the roller coaster like they're all the same so the more you play you might

start to get sick of the same types of rides over and over again for being

released over 15 years ago roller coaster tycoon still looks pretty decent

I mean the graphics aren't the greatest because they are so old but the

aesthetic is still kind of holds up after so many years the grid format

makes so much sense for a game like this putting the rides and each thing taking

up one tile and you have so many tiles to work with on various levels just

makes a ton of sense it makes it so much more fun to be able to weave things in

and out together using this great system but nowadays games trying to use the 3d

system for this Park creators I mean it's a good progression but it just

makes it a little bit over complicated I mean not quite enough state the roller

coaster tycoon it's quite clear how much space each thing takes up 1 2 3 however

many tiles so it makes it so much easier people just jump right in and know how

to play this game right away the sound effects like the money to

Ching or the people screaming or people laughing the music it all kind of

contributes to this now theme park amusement park deal which makes sense

but the longer you play it's the same sound effect over and over again but

can't start to get a little bit annoying well I'm sure there are still a few

original copies of rollercoaster tycoon floating around out there on Steam they

released the roller-coaster tycoon deluxe edition which is basically just

the same basic game with its two expansion these two expansions add in a

bunch of new customization options ride a whole new bevy of scenarios for you to

try out and play through it's just there's so much more content added in

with those two expansions in the scheme deluxe edition overall roller coaster

tycoon is a game for me that I look back on with such nostalgic feelings I

remember thinking back and playing this game when I was younger really enjoying

it when I was a kid but since I've returned this game as an adult with the

steam deluxe edition it's again a great game to play even now even with the date

with all the new games out there roller coaster tycoon is still a game that

matches up well with any other game out there for that reason my final verdict

for rollercoaster tycoon is a 9 out of 10 an excellent game whether you found a

copy the original rollercoaster tycoon or you just want to settle grab the

steam deluxe version this game is well worth your time if you played it before

when you're younger give it a shot and return to a play through all its Narrows

again it's loads of fun or if you've never tried playing this game before I

highly highly recommend it well that'll do it for rollercoaster tech soon I got

to thank you guys so much for watching if you used to play roller coaster

tycoon when your kids let me know share with your friends spread the love of

this awesome game but again thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you

guys next time ah yes guy gaming


For more infomation >> RollerCoaster Tycoon Review - Duration: 10:27.


Grings - Limites Laterais de Funções Definidas por Partes - ( Aula 3 ) - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> Grings - Limites Laterais de Funções Definidas por Partes - ( Aula 3 ) - Duration: 12:26.


YES! You Can Monetize BB Ki Vines Videos | But Its Not Legal - Duration: 30:48.

YES! You Can Monetize BB Ki Vines Videos | But Its Not Legal

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