Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 11 2017

(instrumental music)

For more infomation >> Lily by Löie Fuller - Duration: 4:12.


Cut Onions Without Crying! - Duration: 9:23.

Hey! I'm Tara, I'm Natalie and this is Natalie and Tara Try Stuff

Today we are going to do an onion cry test. So basically we've taken all- a list of a bunch of the hacks

that are supposed to work to make it so you do not cry when you cut these things.

Actually I don't ever cut these things, so I don't know. I hate onions.

You never cut onions? Like you don't put onions in a dish?

Oh, no. Justin I both hate onions.

So it's very, very rare that onions go into anything.

I like a whole soup made of onions. Yeah, no.

So we've got sweet onions because sweet

onions and white onions are supposed to be the most like cry worthy. Really?

Like this is the Titanic. This is, you know, watching, bawling and yelling at Rose.

[Rose being selfish]

So, let's get going. Let's get chopping.

Chop. Chop.

So this is just gonna be a control. We're gonna go ahead and just cut this one

and make sure our testers are working, which are our eyeballs.

and our method for testing each time is going to be,

we've both put on non waterproof mascara and we'll just reset our testers in between each cutting.

So the first one is just a regular kitchen knife.

In case you didn't see, like, my cat is chillin. There ya go David Ray.

So it's already in my nose. I can feel it. I smell it. When you're cutting the onion

there's what I call it, sulfoxide and something else. Oh. Oh. Okay. Here we go Oh.

Are you going? Are you crying? It's, it's starting to sting. Is it bad?

Yeah, to the point, I don't know if I can cut. I'm gonna chop now. Yeah because I can't

I can't see. Now I'm not happy. Now I'm not. Oookay.

This is also a test to see which one of us is super...

Who is stronger against onions.

So what happens. Tears are happening.

I'm talking through closed eyes now. Okay. So what happens is when you cut them you

end up release- they combine together and you release them into the air, and the

fumes is what gets to your eyes. So this is just a regular kitchen knife, not my sharpest.

We're gonna reset our testers and then start with the things that are

supposed to help with this problem because I would be done. I mean like

am I supposed to cook now? I cant. I would definitely have lost a finger in this process.

Definitely. So control: onion wins. Onion the control. Oh my God.

Can you see? Can you see?

[terrible moaning]

All right. All right, reset.

Okay so that was our control we've reset our testers and

now the first one is that you use a sharp knife it's supposed to help.

I already am not as as. As effected. Like I'm starting to feel it now,

but we've already gone through like half a one and. Ooo, there it goes.

Well, yeah, so the thing is it's supposed to be that when you're, when you're not mushing it

when you cut them with a sharper knife and you're mushing it is what

releases those chemicals. Okay. Mmhmm. Supposedly. Yeah. But look we're gonna go through like an

entire onion and I can. Yeah, I mean, it's not as bad. I give a sharp knife uhhh

kinda works. I think it works. I give a sharp knife no. Onion won. Onion won.

[evil onion laughter]

So this next one is um ,

There are two that are very similar so we're each gonna do one. Having a piece of bread in your mouth,

I don't know. What could that possibly do?

And the other one is chewing gum while you do it. So Tara's going to chew gum.

She got, we got some pineapple gum.

I'm just going to eat this bread. K. Im cool. I, I, Okay.

[Mouth full mumbling]

I get to do all the talking right now because Natalie's mouth is full of bread.

[mouth full gibberish]

Tell you what, Trident pineapple gum, it's pretty good.

So far so good.

It might just be we're distracted. Maybe, and we don't think about it.

I'm starting to smell it. Uh-oh! I'm out of bread. Oh no!

I feel good. I mean, I got a little a little twinge.

S*** I'm out of bread! You're screwed.

Okay there... I can feel it. You're feeling it now? Mm-hmm

I'm not, just a tinny twinge. In my eyes. All right I'm gonna give it

Gum for the win. Bread for the win.

yeah, oh, cuz here, I've been out of bread

for about 30 seconds now, whatever, maybe that.

Starting to fell it. Starting to get upset. We beat an onion. Onion suck it.

Take that onion! Yeah! Next thing.

A frozen onion. How long has this been frozen?

Uhhh... I put in there this morning. Okay. So it's been a couple hours.

It's a little bit harder to cut, not like terribly, but I feel like I'm going to

slice my finger off. But I don't feel anything so far. Nothing. Yeah, so far nothing.

Yeah, I wonder like if whatever the

chemicals in there are then frozen, so they're not getting released

because I'm totally, I mean. I'm fine. Yeah, I don't I don't smell it at all. I don't even

have that smell tinge. Oh. and here's the cat. Here's the cat.

I'm calling it, I mean, yeah. I don't feel -smell anything.

Yeah, I think I think we, yeah. Yeah we just beat an onion again. Boom. Take that onion.

For the next experiment: It is an open flame. So you can either use like,

by your stove it says. Or, but just a candle is supposed to work.

I don't know what, why, how. It says keep away from children.

I don't know if that counts as us. Does that include us?

I can smell it. It's just not affecting me like it normally does.

So far so good. I mean, so far.

Starting to feel it. Okay. I mean it's no Field of Dreams. Cry levels.

This is uh... Oh! We're getting there. Getting to like almost like maybe a little Brave Little Toaster.

Brave Little Toaster cry?

I'm, I'm, I'm starting to feel it.

Yeah I'm crying so. Can you still see?

I, I can see but I like I want to close my eyes for the chopping.

Okay I'm, Okay. Candle failing me. But it took a long time. It did.

If we weren't just sitting here just mashing an onion, we would be done by now.

Damn you candle. Damn you candle.

We found these on Amazon.

They're called cycling glasses. Goggles, or whatever, but it also lists that they're for onion cutting.

Now you're probably going like "What? But why are they wearing their glasses over it, as well?"

Well we'll get to that in a minute. But let's go ahead and see if these work.

I can't see. Can you see to cut?

I would do better, actually, without my glasses. Okay. Like I this is just blurry but.

I'd love the idea of like, like a date scenario where you have the person over and you're

cooking the dinner and you're like "hold on, I gotta cut the onions."

Then you put on these. Lemme put on my goggles. You got that nice ring around your eye.

I'm doing okay. My, nose is feeling a little burn but my eyes are not going nuts.

Oh! I'm starting to cry. Yeah, no. I'm, it's like, somehow, somehow it's getting in under the gap.

Yeah, I'm doing fine. I mean it's still happening. It's not so bad but it's still happening.

Again, we would have gotten finished and not had any real issues.

True, true. But who's gonna keep goggles around their house just for cutting onions?

I'm calling this one a, callin' this one a success. Yeah. I mean, I can't see anything.

Okay, so here's, here's the thing, "You silly girls, why are you wearing

your glasses?" or "Why are you blind? Why haven't you put your contacts in yet?"

Because contacts are supposed to be one of them, and that's where we're going next.

We're gonna try: our contacts.

So this last one is that your contacts are supposed to help.

Wearing contacts creates a shield between your eyes and whatever.

I decided to be a little bit more of a control. We both got our contacts in,

this eye does'nt. If this eyes okay and if this eye is going crazy then we'll know it works.

Tara's got them both eyes.

So far so good. So far so good. Oh, Oh. Here we go.

Are you feeling it? Starting to feel it in my left eye. My right eye is doing okay.

My left eye is. Your'e there? It's, It's, yeah. You're full on, it's full uh. It's pain now. You're full Lion King right now?


My left eye is watering and my right eye is fine. So this works. I mean, I'm kind of feeling it

but like we've definitely gone longer.

She's really, I mean you're really going for this.

I'm gonna give, I'm gonna give a contact a big "You win contact."

Take that onion! Souldn't of done that. Why did you do that?

This hasn't, this has all worked too well.

This is the least fail we've had. We're finally not failing at something don't push it!

Oh, there we go. Oh geez. Why did you do that?

So we're saying contacts, bread, gum. Those are all the best ones.

And a sharp knife helps. Oh the sharp knife does help. So there you go [distant meow] we just-

Winchester I'm trying to outro right now. Winchester don't care about your outro.

Anyways, so there you go. we tested it so that you don't have to.

If you test one of these out and you find it works, or doesn't work, or you hate us for even suggesting it,

comment in the comment box below.

Maybe it's my superpower! Is I can withstand onions.

If I don't want to make a comic book of that, for us, go for it. Dadada-Daaa!

umm and I'm gonna say again, Hey if you

like this video give us a big, a, a big a like and if you haven't yet; Subscribe...

for. more. fun. I still feel a little exposed.

Anyway, I'm still Natalie and I'm still Tara

and this was Natalie and Tara Try Stuff

You know what, We did something right for once. For one time we didn't have a disaster of a video.

For more infomation >> Cut Onions Without Crying! - Duration: 9:23.


Seiryu-ji Temple - Aomori - 全佛山 青龍寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:09.

Just 30 minutes away from Aomori City, in Aomori prefecture (Tohoku) north of Japan you will find the beautiful Seiryu-Ji temple.

Founded just recently, in 1928, Seiryu-ji offers some of Japan's and Tohoku's tallest constructions with:

Tohoku tallest five-storey pagoda (39m) and Japan's largest bronze seated Daibutsu (Big Buddha)

at a height of 21.35m and a width of 15m, its bigger than the Kamakura or Nara Bronze Seated Buddha.

For more infomation >> Seiryu-ji Temple - Aomori - 全佛山 青龍寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:09.


NFL Just Made Unbelievable Verdict About Every Kneeling Player Who Almost Cost League Their HUGE Tax - Duration: 4:11.

The NFL has a literal nightmare on their hands after their protesting athletes' antics

have taken a startling racist turn over the past month.

It's now a common occurrence to witness black players celebrating the tackling of

white players with a black power salute, and racist-inspired injuries are now occurring

where it appears as though black players are now refusing to block for their white quarterbacks.

The NFL made things even worse in recent weeks by slapping outraged fans across the face

by siding with these athletes, where the NFL commissioner recently blasted fans for not

being understanding of these athletes' protests.

But just 24 hours after President Trump threatened to get rid of their cushy tax breaks, the

NFL has suddenly changed their tune and made an unbelievable decision that has Colin Kaepernick

and every other kneeling athlete completely livid today.

According to breaking reports, frantic NFL owners held an emergency meeting where they

are now considering a rule change that will force all players to stand while the national

anthem plays.

This new policy will be potentially finalized at a meeting next week according to a report

from Dow Jones.

The sudden decision appears to be in response to what President Trump tweeted several days

ago, announcing that he wants to cut NFL tax breaks, a threat that NFL owners are apparently

taking extremely seriously.

"Why is the NFL getting massive tax breaks while at the same time disrespecting our Anthem,

Flag and Country?

Change tax law!" Trump tweeted out on Tuesday.

Predictably, protesting athletes are losing their minds over the news, as they likely

felt they were invincible to do whatever the heck they wanted on the football field.

Liberal rag website Vox blasted the President, accusing him of intentionally missing the

point of NFL protests and spinning the narrative to single out black people.

Here's a little of the whining that was going on over on Vox this morning:

"Trump's spin on the protests is, again, completely detached from reality.

As Fox Sports 1 and First Things First host Nick Wright pointed out, 'When people march,

they are not protesting traffic.

The players have been uniform that they are using the anthem as a vehicle to protest inequality,

police brutality, and racial injustice.'"

Despite what these athletes or liberals claim about these protests, most Americans agree

with Trump's assertion that taking a knee is an extreme act of disrespect towards our

military and police.

Subsequently, NFL ratings have continued to go into the crapper, as Americans are proving

they have much better things to do with their time other than being bombarded with the racist

sentiments of spoiled millionaire football players.

It's unclear what the breaking point was that caused NFL fans to stop watching the

game and cause NFL ratings to take such a drastic nose-dive.

Perhaps it was Americans being disgusted over the increasing number of racist black athletes

rendering black power salutes when they tackle white players, a trend that "oppressed"

millionaire Seahawks player Michael Bennett started last month.

Or maybe the breaking point for NFL fans was learning of the massive scandal surrounding

white Raiders quarterback Derek Carr, who appears to have had his back broken by his

black teammates after they refused to block for him as a savage punishment for standing

for the anthem.

Or perhaps the final straw for NFL fans was witnessing Kansas City Chiefs cornerback Marcus

Peters sitting on his butt after the Las Vegas massacre, and then screaming "F*** you,

b****!" at fans in the stadium who were upset over his callous actions.

This story just proves that no matter how brazen these NFL felons try and be with their

outlandish anti-American antics, hit them in their pocketbook where it hurts, and suddenly

they're running scared like little mama's boys.

For anyone who has been disgusted in recent weeks with the disgusting racist overtones

the NFL taking on, it should put a huge smile on your face to realize that your voice…through

your boycott…is actually starting to work.

For more infomation >> NFL Just Made Unbelievable Verdict About Every Kneeling Player Who Almost Cost League Their HUGE Tax - Duration: 4:11.



what's going on everybody on YouTube this Tony tornado if you follow me on

Twitter you would know that I've been bitching all morning about this crap

with YouTube and I'm pissed guys let me tell you I'm pissed and it doesn't it

takes a lot for me to get pissed so let me just start off by saying that I just

counted them all up and I received a hundred and thirty nine videos being

demonetised from YouTube absolutely no fucking excuse for that okay I'm gonna

try to make this videos I'm netted as possible I don't want to really edit

this I just want to put it up and get my fucking feelings out I need to voice my

opinion this has been going on since the ad pocalypse in March on my channel and

a lot of other people's channels but I'm telling you I've been hit extremely

extremely hard so let me tell you what's been going on in the channel okay I'm

gonna start there we can start there in March everyone knows about the ad

pocalypse okay since the month of March most of my videos had advertisements and

we're doing pretty good actually I wasn't really complaining too much about

it but then it went like this my revenue was cut by about 75% okay and as all the

bigger youtubers that watch this will will find out and they'll know because

you know compare my paycheck to theirs how much do you really think I'm not

going to say but how much do you really think I'm gonna I'm getting paid before

all this happened and then they took 75% of that so I don't know what the fuck's

their problem so and then I thought oh then they said okay well we're gonna

start fixing the issues we're gonna start we're gonna start fixing all this

stuff that happened because you know all the main advertisers left and I just

couldn't help but think to myself I just wondered if this was like all

premeditated by YouTube to kind of clean house and I really just feel like to a

degree that's kind of true because they've been telling us month after

month after month or they're gonna fix it and they don't fix it and then this

whole crap with the Las Vegas shooting for everyone who doesn't know what's

happening about that Jimmy Kimmel got all these ads on his videos when he was

he's not even a fucking youtuber like all these all these TV companies they

have YouTube channels and they're not being

he'll accountable for the same fucking rules that we have to apply to all the

youtubers all the youtubers have a different set of rules and it's not like

every youtuber but it's most of them like for example Jake Paul and Luke and

Paul you you know all the violent shit that they do on their vlog videos do you

think that they're gonna get advertisement pulled off their videos no

because of the hardest training thing on YouTube right now like I'm so sick of it

I need to voice my fucking opinion guys okay I'm sorry I was being so nice all

along I just had the utmost faith in YouTube I said you know what they're

gonna fix this they're gonna just fix it and everything's gonna be okay in a few

months well guess what guys it's October how many months it went by six seven

months and nothing has changed and then I wake up this morning and I could not

believe it a hundred and thirty nine videos all demonetised all at the same

time all at the same time not one one after the other after the other over a

couple days I had 139 videos demonetised of 290 uploads all at one fucking time

okay now I sent the screenshots over to Twitter I'll show them here and I'll

also show you guys a screenshot I show you the street the screenshots that were

posted on Twitter and there was a response I got actually got a response

from YouTube team YouTube when they fucking responded to me after they

didn't respond to me until I posted I tweeted them three times and I was only

expecting a response from Team YouTube because I kind of expect that from them

you know what I mean because you know they're the ones creating this mess in

my opinion they should at least respond to the people they're affecting and they

finally responded I think it was like the third or fourth tweet I sent at them

because I put the screenshots in it and I just you know I'm gonna show it in the

video but I'm just trying to make this video real quick so I apologize if it

looks really bad it says hey Tony this is a new system and we know it's per

it's not perfect please review every appeal helps us make it better you know

what fuck you why the fuck should I have to stay here and spend my time why

should I have to spend my time appeal and everyone

videos when most of these videos have been up for almost two years now

and now all the site you're telling me that they're not advertiser friendly

fuck that this is bullshit you know what you you know what the youtubers need to

do to start fixing you know what all the youtubers need to do start fixing this

shit I'm gonna tell you what all the youtubers need you start fixing this

shit you know all the small advertisers you know the ones that they're paying us

like pennies pennies like the shit that doesn't even matter that the small

companies all that really small shit the stuff that when I post a video I might

get 10 cents on because it's only receiving it's only receiving ads from

these small last companies well if they have a right if all these companies have

a right to pick and choose what they're at what they want to advertise on well

then guess what I should have a right to choose if I

don't want those small YouTube the small advertisers beat advertising my videos

who thinks that that should be a thing I do because why the hell should they be

allowed to advertise on my videos and they're not paying me dick and then all

the big companies pull out and then they're you know it's bullshit that I

don't you know if the if it really was an option if it was an option for

creators to pick and choose what ads they wanted on their videos this shit

wouldn't be happening because you wouldn't have all these people being

nitpicky because they would be there be in their position it'd be in their

position to make it better okay they'd be like oh well you know we

got to get advertising put on these videos because now they have the power

no we got to stop giving the power back to them I'm so sick of this shit I'm so

fucking sick of this shit you guys have no idea I'm so fucking tired of this

fucking shit like I said guys I'm really fucking mad okay I'm just pissed because

this is coming from someone that worked very very hard and spent a lot of time

and a lot of money and a lot of effort into YouTube I fucking did everything I

was supposed to do now one copyright strike not one Community Guidelines on

my channel in two years so tell me YouTube what have I done

that's so wrong what have I done now I'll tell you what it is

is always for everyone on in the fucking YouTube community to cut fucking corners

on fucking on youtubers you know because it's different if you have a rule in

place okay if you have a rule in place everyone's supposed to abide by it it's

just that simple and yeah I know we live it on planet Earth and that doesn't

happen but at the same time you have to understand that if all the bigger

channels like I'm not saying bigger youtubers I'm saying bigger channel as

in like the TV channels TV network channels and like Logan Paul and Jake

Paul maybe a couple others if they're the only ones that are getting full

blown-out CPM and good advertisements every single time someone clicks on a

fucking video there's a problem they're like how does someone how does someone

go from making a good living on YouTube to not even getting a paycheck

consistently every single month I want to know I want to know you too how is

that possible how is that possible I want to know anyway guys I don't know if

I'm gonna make another video about this or not I don't know I'm gonna keep you

guys advised of the situation as it continues if you want to keep up to date

on this story follow me on twitter stony tornado 24 links down below in the

description follow me on twitter follow me on instagram follow me on everything

else but fucking youtube okay because let me tell you something i'm starting

to get really pissed and i have a big audience and I'll take my audience

elsewhere everyone needs to start everyone needs to start standing up to

this bullshit because I won't tolerate it I won't tolerate it okay I am NOT

gonna sit here and allow myself to get so upset every single day over something

I'm trying to fuckin work on and their asses are over there in San Bruno

California wherever it's called manipulating the algorithm and that's

exactly what it is it's manipulation of an algorithm to try to make it to where

videos don't show up in search and you know they try to say that you know

people you know we've hacked the system they bought views

baan subscribers and you know what that stuff does happen I'm not faulting them

for that okay there's nothing wrong with going after

those kind of people okay but let me tell you something okay right here okay

I've seen people do that stuff I've seen people do that stuff and they get away

with it and nothing happens to them you can't be punishing people that had

nothing to do with that okay and this whole system is bullshit it's an

automated learning algorithm it is bullshit it's intelligent learning

algorithm and it basically it doesn't do anything it doesn't it doesn't it

doesn't know anything it's like artificial intelligence it's

stupid it's stupid you're trying to tell me with all those people working over

there that not one person can go in there and you know say oh hey you know

let's change up the keywords so it doesn't pull back so many videos and

pull back ads like come on don't bullshit me

I'm just I'm sorry guys this is this is turning to a big ass rambling video but

I appreciate the support that I have from all of you guys I appreciate

everyone's everyone's opinion that you guys give me everything you said on

Twitter Instagram leave comments down below tell me what you think about this

mess I'm gonna keep like I said I'm gonna keep you guys up to date on this

situation as it continues I guess I have to spend the rest of my day fucking

filling out reviews for each and every one hundred thirty nine videos that were

all flag all at once this morning so I'm gonna try to enjoy the rest of my day

with what I can my name is Tony tornado ladies and gentleman don't forget follow

on Twitter and Instagram links are all down below twitch everything my name is

Tony tornado no matter what I love my subscriberss

For more infomation >> YOUTUBE DEMONITIZED 139 OF MY VIDEOS AT ONCE! - Duration: 10:41.


Lindsay Lohan Inexplicably Defends Harvey Weinstein: 'Everyone Needs to Stop' - Duration: 2:22.

What's up guys?!

Beija here for Complex.

Over the last week, some very dark things have been coming to light in regards to media

mogul Harvey Weinstein allegedly sexually assaulting and harassing numerous amounts

of women that vary from interns to A-list actresses.

A lot of people have been questioning how in the WORLD has such disgusting and predatory

behavior been kept secret over the course of so many decades.

There have been a lot of top-tier celebrities in the game that have been on hush mode due

to the fact that Weinstein is such a prominent figure in the film industry and they didn't

want to potentially risk their careers and what the repercussions would be.

So many women have been coming out talking about how afraid they were to break the story

on how they were victimized because when you're up against such an influential person like

Weinstein, it becomes this play where the predator is using their power and stature

to manipulate and take advantage of those beneath them who aren't empowered to come


The New York Times and The New Yorker were the ones to release the reports of this heinous

scandal, (show headline) and since then Weinstein has been fired from his company that he started

(show headline).

In addition, his wife Georgina Chapman came forward yesterday that she decided to file

divorce from him after three women accused her husband of rape and more stars including

Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow said he had sexually harassed them.

Many renowned faces—like former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle—are

condemning these degrading acts towards women.

And you would think people wouldn't be at Mr. Weinstein's defense after numerous highly

acclaimed people started addressing these predatory actions…but unfortunately that's

not the case.

The world has turned against Harvey Weinstein, but Lindsay Lohan has stepped to the plate

to defend the Hollywood producer.

The 31-year-old actress took to Instagram Tuesday night to express how she felt about

Harvey's situation

"I feel very bad for Harvey Weinstein right now.

I don't think it's right what's going on."

Lohan also addressed Georgina Chapman wanting to divorce Weinstein and believes that Champan

should "take a stand and be there for her husband" while all of these allegations are

flooding the media.

Lindsay Lohan ended her message by telling everyone that all of the times that she worked

with Harvey she never experienced any form of sexual harassment that the other women

have been claiming they've encountered while working with him.

"He's never harmed me or did anything to me.

We've done several movies together.

I think everyone needs to stop.

I think it's wrong.

So stand up."

Shortly after Lohan deleted the video off of Instagram of her defending Weinstein, it

slowly began to resurface on social media this morning and now Lindsay Lohan has been

trending on Twitter ever since.

[play video with my VO]

We'll just have to wait and see if Lindsay Lohan ever provides an explanation as to why

she thought it was okay to defend Harvey Weinstein when victims are speaking out about this traumatic


That's all the news for now, but for more, be sure to subscribe to Complex on Youtube


For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez.

For more infomation >> Lindsay Lohan Inexplicably Defends Harvey Weinstein: 'Everyone Needs to Stop' - Duration: 2:22.


Undecided | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:28.


I wish someone told me how undecided I might be

And that it's likely To cause me

To have a break down.

Wish someone had told me that around The time of leaving high school you will make

huge decisions Based on the provisions

You have, maybe you go to college.

Decide to gather all the knowledge You can,

But you planned To major in one thing but got accepted to

another, Or you had a pre-program and your grades didn't

cover You getting in.

Now you have to take extra classes so when You reapply your GPA will be high enough,

Then after going through all this stuff You don't use your degree.

Or maybe You decide to go straight to work.

Do whatever job you can find but wonder if it's worth

It to leave, undecided once again.

Or maybe you decide to be an entrepreneur, a businessman,

But can't decide to keep on or give up, To strive for better or live up

To the standard American plan.

Work so many years under another man Just to get out the game.

You'll have some days the choices make you think you'll go insane

Because each decision weighs a thousand pounds, And just when you think you found

The direction you want to go, you second guess, Because it was your initial decision that

got you into the mess In the first place.

The End.

For more infomation >> Undecided | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:28.


Nuevo vídeo- (Michel Becerra) - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Nuevo vídeo- (Michel Becerra) - Duration: 6:21.


Camera Inspection Garden Grove CA 800-538-4537 Garden Grove Camera Inspection - Duration: 1:09.

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For more infomation >> Camera Inspection Garden Grove CA 800-538-4537 Garden Grove Camera Inspection - Duration: 1:09.


3 Simple Life Hacks & Creative Ideas - Duration: 2:58.

Simple Life Hacks & Creative Ideas

For more infomation >> 3 Simple Life Hacks & Creative Ideas - Duration: 2:58.


News 8's Barbara Barr recaps Trump speech at HIA - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> News 8's Barbara Barr recaps Trump speech at HIA - Duration: 1:53.


7 Awesome BCAA Benefits (You Should Know About!) - Duration: 2:55.

Hey guys, Paul from Ultimate Fat here, and today I've 7 benefits of BCAAs for


If you're interested in experimenting with branched chain amino

acids, you're definitely going to want to stick around for this.

Right back atcha in just a couple of seconds, stick around, don't go anywhere.



You're still here.

Thanks for sticking around.

Two real quick things before I get into this video...

The first; I've provided the links to the clinical studies that support the statements

I make in this video in the description field underneath this video.

You'll also find a link to the full BCAA article on

I invite to check it out if you like.

Number 2... real quick, while you're here, why not subscribe to this channel?

I'd really appreciate it and would be great to

have your support.

Alright, so we got the housekeeping and shameless pitch out of the way, let's move on the the 7 BCAA


Benefit #1

BCAA supplementation prior to exercise seems to reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness (also

known as DOMS) and muscle fatigue.

Benefit #2

Taking BCAAs during restrictive diets, cutting phases or intermittent fasting appears to

reduce the risk of muscle loss.

Benefit #3

Supplementing with BCAAs during a workout may reduce fatigue.

Benefit #4

Supplementing with BCAAs can reduce the breakdown of skeletal muscle during exercise.

Benefit #5

The branched amino acid Leucine serves an important function as an initiator of muscle

protein synthesis.

This underscores the need for an adequate supply of leucine and other essential amino

acids to capitalize on the effects of exercise on muscle growth.

Benefit #6

It's been estimated that BCAAs account for 35%-40% of the essential amino acids in

body proteins and make up about 14% of skeletal muscle.

In addition, BCAAs are needed for the synthesis of the non-essential amino acids.

As a result an adequate supply of dietary BCAAs is necessary to maintain basic physiological

processes essential to general health and well-being.

Benefit #7

BCAAs can even be used to treat some illnesses.

Some examples are anorexia, poor brain function related to liver disease and a movement disorder

called tardive dyskinesia.

Alright guys there you have it; 7 benefits of BCAAs.

If you liked this video, a thumbs up or share would be awesome...

I'd really appreciate it!

If you've taken branched chain amino acids, and want to share your experiences that would

be very cool, please a comment below letting me and the viewers know what

you think, if you have a question, you can also post it below.

Before I go, just a quick to reminder to subscribe to receive updates from this channel, it would

be awesome to have as part of this growing community, and I for one would really appreciate it.

Thanks for watching, I'll see you soon.

For more infomation >> 7 Awesome BCAA Benefits (You Should Know About!) - Duration: 2:55.


Martina from Chipman, AB | Ten Dollar Oil Change - Duration: 0:09.

Hi my name is Martina

and I came from Chipman Alberta

to get the $10 Redwater Oil Change!

For more infomation >> Martina from Chipman, AB | Ten Dollar Oil Change - Duration: 0:09.


Hooman Melamed, MD #1 US Spine Surgeon Dr Travis Stork - Duration: 8:12.

As doctors, we do all we can to stay healthy

But we can't control everything and for the past two years our own Doctor Travis has been

living with debilitating pain both on the camera and off the camera

I've been active as long as I can remember a year ago, I started to notice back spasms

and neck spasms

And I had a big trip to Europe plan to ride through the Alps

And I rode, I rode and I got in great shape but I was wrecking my back.

The second week of season eight I woke up in the middle of the night and my arm was


I would go lay down during briefings, massage all day long with rollers.

I was doing

acupuncture chiropractic massage and rehab exercises three times a week.


No, I

couldn't fly in a plane and that's when I knew something wasn't right.

Doctor Melamed was on the show, and I just said look, I don't want to be an alarmist, but

my arm has been numb so Travis don't be stupid you need to get an MRI.

Just ignoring this isn't gonna heal it.

It's all blocking here.

There was impingement on my right c7 nerve root and that's the nerve that of course right

where I was feeling all the numbness

Then there's a little fragments that's basically looks like it pushed out.

And that's explains the tricep weakness.

We can do in microsurgery, clean up that area, you know it takes about an hour to do it.

Not necessarily what I wanted to hear today.

Hopefully, conservative treatments work.

If not I'll be going under the knife.

It's nice having you on as a guest.

Well, thank you, Sir.

Thank you, Sir

You know, you and I are connected at the hip we've been doing this for 10 years, and I've

been with you every step of the way through this.

I know difficult

God bless you

Well you have been a pain in the...

But, legitimately I mean you had a real issue

And it really was taking over your life.

The last three months, I couldn't even lay down to sleep at night

I couldn't get through a day hosting the show without being in pain

And that's what made me realize earlier this season when we started taping

I just couldn't do it anymore because it just I was at the point where I call it my dagger

The pain would just go down through my back, and then weakness,numbness and the arm, and

it just

I mean every time I look at you you were trying to work it out some way either

stretching or turning a certain way or trying to open things up.

What what was the final breaking point for you because it seems like you tried everything

I did not want to have surgery because the truth is I don't think anyone wants to

be put to sleep, to have surgery, to go with through the recovery but it was on this stage

I remember sitting here, and the pain was there just like it'd been there two years


I'm thinking you know what I'm 45.

I don't want to live like this anymore and so when I made that decision there was no

turning back.

I guess it was pretty easy because Doctor Melamed has become such a close colleague and friend

of ours.

We know the kind of work he did.

I got to tell you when I went back to see Doctor Melamed and

finally made the decision, what's interesting is the surgery I wanted was the least invasive

one possible and when he opened up the book where he wrote a chapter on this

particular surgery, I knew I had my guy.

Yeah, he's written a chapter.

It's a good thing.

While clearly our own Doctor Travis was experiencing intense pain

and we taped our first shows of the season he had to head into surgery

almost immediately, so we're gonna take you inside the operating room with Doctor Travis

We are back and joining us now is board-certified orthopedic spine surgeon our friend colleague,

Doctor Hooman Melamed.

And before you find out how Doctor Travis did

Doctor Melamed, you're gonna

take us through the operation right here, and show us exactly what you did for Travis.

We're looking at the spine model,this is the head here, the pelvis here

and there's seven vertebrae in the neck.

Number one two three four five six seven, the problem was on the right side

between the sixth and seventh vertebrae where the seventh nerve root was getting trapped

in here and you can see how the nerve

comes from the spinal cord starts going out and there was a little piece of a bone spur

that was growing and I was digging

into the nerve and that's the area that needed to be cleaned up

and you had the disc from the bottom pushing a little bit

and the nerve was getting sandwiched so we basically want to clean up the spur, allow

more room for the nerve to go through.

You're in there with your loops doing this under microscope, and so I haven't seen any

of this

But what I'm amazed by is how small the incision was to get in there and then open it up, and

do what you did

So here's the surgery we started the incision the whole thing is done under the microscope

so we were carefully

separating the soft tissue.

We're getting down basically finding to the bone to the area

I was talking about and now we're identifying the area, and we put a little retractor there

which is very small, it's less than half an inch and now we're going to take extra

you can see the size of the incision

it's about a 3/4 of an inch

Yes, under the microscope and now we

identify you have to know you're at the right level so we have the instruments in we're

at the right level we took the x-rays

Oh you make it sound so simple and I got a tell you

Look we're drilling.

We're drilling basically you can see the drill is a tip of a pen

It's very small, so we're drilling getting down to the spur right there

And we identify and now I'm biting where I was showing the little biting

This is what you're really happy that your doctor knows what he or she is doing

So now we're removing the pieces of the bone there you can see I'm removing the little

remaining of the fleck of the bone and now we're going underneath

Identifying where the disc is so we're identifying the plane the spinal cord is right there,

and the nerve root is right there

We were working in about a two millimeter area, so I'm sweeping under the nerve looking

at the disc right now making sure nothing is pressing

So you're basically freeing up that nerve

I have to say even though that's my neck and my spinal cord

it's fascinating to watch and the one thing I

So, we're just putting in, stopping the bleeding and we're done

Do you have some of that left?

Can I put it on a necklace or something?

So, these are the instruments, how small it is basically

this is what we're doing

The term bone spurs, it's for the viewers out there

just really means an overgrowth of bone

Is that related to wear and tear?

Yes, it's an overgrowth of the bone.

Why does that happen and he was talking about it

I mean nobody knows why.

Why didn't happen at the level above?

Why did it happen here?

It was my five years before I came on the doctors as a Chippendales dancer.

They had me doing all these.

Alright the truth comes out.

How are you feeling?

Look, I am just a few weeks out from this and obviously post-op you dissect those neck

muscles a lot of spasms

But I got to tell you it's amazing I can actually lay down with my head on a pillow at night

and not be in

the pre-op pain, and it is a remarkable feeling.

I'm so full of hope again.

Obviously, I can't get back to doing the things I want to do yet

You've told me I got a you know

recover and then get back to biking and hopefully all the things

Three weeks away, three more weeks you're done

Because for me the hardest part of this has been I

can't do the things I love to do so beyond the numbness, the pain

You not being able to do the things you love to do in life there comes a point

where enough is enough so thank you, Sir

Thank you.

Congrats to both of the you.

For more infomation >> Hooman Melamed, MD #1 US Spine Surgeon Dr Travis Stork - Duration: 8:12.


Dr Hooman Melamed US Spine Surgeon on Fox & Friends - CALL (310) 340-2024 - Duration: 3:40.

Our nation in the grips of a deadly opioid obsession in recent numbers from the CDC revealing

just how deadly it can be.

In 2015 alone, more than 33,000 people died from opioid overdoses.

But, how do we stop this growing epidemic which is clearly a problem.

Well, a new DNA test explores the genetics of addiction and it actually might hold the

key to figure out if you and your family members have problems.

Here to tell us more about it is Dr Hooman Melamed.

He is a spinal surgeon with Marina Del Rey Hospital which is in California

Thank you so much for being with us.

Sure, absolutely.

So tell us about this DNA test.

DNA test is a proof opioid test which assesses a patient's risk of developing an addiction,

abuse to narcotic medications and there is cross reactivity with pshyciatric disorders

such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia.

And there's a test in genetic area in the brain called brain reward cascade system which

helps to show if the patients can become addicted or have substance abuse issues.

How do you administer the task?

It's very easy, just a swab in your mouth.

Just put a little swab in your mouth and then the test goes off and it goes about 2-3 weeks

later you get the results back.

And you can tell based on the results whether or not someone is going to be proned to an

addiction and you test your patients for narcotics.

Absolutely, the proof opioid test shows basically that what medication works for them.

Wouldnt you want to know if you have like surgery or pain like rather than trying different

medication if this works or doesn't.

You directly go to the medication that actually works for you and the optimum dose and minimizing

side effects.

So, lets say you have a patient and you do the swab and you determine that they're predisposed

to addiction problems.

Do you give them medications?

Because if they are prone to addiction wouldn't they have a higher chance of being addicted?

Absolutely, so exactly what you just talked about.

In the beginning like this is an epidemic problem, we've spent hundreds of million of

dollars and the number one culprit for giving out the opiates is the doctors so knowing

that knowledge that I have, I'm very careful at how much narcotic and I tell the patients

you know Im not here, the narcotics are not here for a man for the pain it's just for

very very short term .

and I don't try to give it more than that and knowing that results yet I'm very careful

become very basically frugal in terms of how much I prescribe medications.

So you operate on people's backs you're a spine doctor but before you administer surgery

you're going to do that swab to determine whether

or not your patients going to be addicted to their pain medicines

Absolutely and receive what the side effects are as far as how much what's the optimum

dosing is and not to give.

It has been amazing some of the patients when you're given the test are like oh my god I

knew I know why this never worked I always knew this medication doesn't work for me.

So why don't all doctors use this?

It seems simple because then you could prevent people from getting addicted.

Well there's multiple reasons for that, I don't think we get the education in medical


I never learn about it in medical school or residency.

We just learned this is the pain, this is the protocol it was a protocol to do, you're

not educated on that so somehow I was like always like to think outside the

box and I somehow I came across this the proof genetic test and the other problem, I hate

to say this but doctors sometimes want a patient to be addicted because the patient keeps coming

back so they can keep writing the medication that's another huge problem that hasn't been

looked into

All right, well thank you so much for being here.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Dr Hooman Melamed US Spine Surgeon on Fox & Friends - CALL (310) 340-2024 - Duration: 3:40.


wrong dress disney princess | moana Anna Finger Family | Song And Learn Colors|Today Kids TV - Duration: 2:08.

wrong dress disney princess | moana Anna Finger Family | Song And Learn Colors

For more infomation >> wrong dress disney princess | moana Anna Finger Family | Song And Learn Colors|Today Kids TV - Duration: 2:08.


Salisbury wedding skinny dippers arraigned - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Salisbury wedding skinny dippers arraigned - Duration: 1:47.


The most decorated woman in the US military - Duration: 1:52.

December 7th, 1941 was a day that lives in infamy.

Americans still remember what happened at Pearl Harbor

almost 80 years later.

But we usually overlook the bombing of the Philippines

on that very same day.

Ruby Bradley was a combat nurse working

at a hospital on the island of Luzon that day,

where she treated the wounded from the Japanese

bombing and invasion.

This didn't go well for the Americans in the Philippines.

And as the army fell back, Bradley evacuated the

hospital and fled to the woods, where she lived

with two other medical personnel before a local

gave her away to the Japanese occupiers.

She spent the rest of the war as a POW.

In the camps, the trained nurse made daring break-ins

to hospitals to steal drugs and other equipment,

to help with surgeries, and even help feed babies

with her own rice ration.

Not one person ever suffered from infection under her care.

When the war ended, her life went back to normal

until the Korean War broke out.

Bradley found herself on the front lines yet again

and often refused to leave until her wounded

were evac'd first.

She was the last person on a plane as Pyongyang fell,

even as artillery blew up her ambulance.

Bradley once said, "You've gotta get out in a hurry

"when you have somebody behind you with a gun."

The lifelong nurse retired in 1963, possibly

the most decorated woman in American military history

to that point.

She did in 2003

and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Like, comment, and share this video,

and remember to hug a nurse today.

For more infomation >> The most decorated woman in the US military - Duration: 1:52.


The Academic Word List from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Part 3 - Duration: 7:11.





















































































































































































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