Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

hello everyone, this is sebastiano. This is my 3rd attempt to make this video but let's home it looks better now

today we have a better camera, we are more relax and we can maybe make a better video in which we talk about chopsticks

all the things not to do with chopsticks

number one that you should never ever do in japan is

passing food with chopsticks

this it's an absolute taboo in japan since is connected to death

cos after cremation, the remaining bones are passed by one tools to another and you don't want this about that while you are eating, don't you?

2nd thing not to do, still connected to death is

picking up one food in two

3rd things still conntacted to this topic, i know it's not a happy one, but you should know these things

is stucking your chopsticks on your rise bowl

somethign like this, don't do it

many kids do that but you shouldn't

this is because in japan it's common to bring your dead relatives rise (and tea), similar to what we do in italy with flowers

and you put in the bowl the chopsticks in that way, so that they can serve themself

so don't do it in other occasions

other things you shouldn't do are: playing with chopsticks

don't feed other adults (unless there is a reason for it)

you shoudn't.....

lick them, bite them, etc

this is how you should use your chopsticks

if you place your chopsticks like this, japanese people might recall death too

because some japanese people believe that after dying the souls cross a river on a ship

and this remains them that

another thing you shouldn't do is

or actually let me look it up, since i've wrote so manyyyyy

for exaple if you pick something up with your chopstick you can put it back

maybe you aren't sure what to eat and you are like this

don't poit people with chopsticks

don't use different chopsticks cos it brings bad luck

also this is better not to do it, but i've seen it

knowing your bowl of rice asking for more

and don't eat your rise like this

i hope you had learn something today, and if you come to japan you wont do these things

i mean you wont do these things

you should use your chopstick like this

and don't do this either cos japanese people believe that souls cross a river on a ship and these remains them of this

thank you for watching

please subscribe if you like

and see you next time


For more infomation >> 10 THINGS YOU SHOUDN'T DO WITH CHOPSTICKS - Duration: 2:53.


Super Nintendo Classic Mini (SNES) - Come Aggiungere Nuovi Giochi! Hakchi2 Softmod HACK! - GUIDA ITA - Duration: 13:22.

For more infomation >> Super Nintendo Classic Mini (SNES) - Come Aggiungere Nuovi Giochi! Hakchi2 Softmod HACK! - GUIDA ITA - Duration: 13:22.


A Tale of Pirates Final Thoughts - Duration: 12:34.

For more infomation >> A Tale of Pirates Final Thoughts - Duration: 12:34.


Liberdade - Priscilla Alcantara (DJ AJ Remix) Web Clip - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Liberdade - Priscilla Alcantara (DJ AJ Remix) Web Clip - Duration: 3:24.


KOF XIV ANIME - Final do Iori - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> KOF XIV ANIME - Final do Iori - Duration: 3:43.


Jan Leyk - SOS [Official Video] - Duration: 2:52.

You give me all the reasons that I need to get down

You're the one that's making me turn my head around

Everythin' about you makes me call on my dudes

I got everythin' I want by what's missing is you

That's why i send these messages

'cause I wanna let you know

Every Whatsapp is an SOS

Come and save my soul

Come and save my soul

Come and save my soul

Come and save my soul

Waiting for your answer as I'm different in thoughts

Rescue me out of the ways before I get lost

Shooting all these rockets way up into the sky

I'm living on the 1st floor but you make me feel high

That's why I send these messages

'cause I wanna let you know

Every Whatsapp is an SOS

Come and save my soul

Come and save my soul

For more infomation >> Jan Leyk - SOS [Official Video] - Duration: 2:52.


திமிரு பட நடிகையின் உண்மையான கணவர் யார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Tamil News - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> திமிரு பட நடிகையின் உண்மையான கணவர் யார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Tamil News - Duration: 1:28.


Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника ✦ Amazing Homemade Inventions ✦ 99 ✦ LUCKY - Duration: 6:56.

The bike, which is parked just on the banks

And it is not just a bike, and Elektro 4WD ATV

Status this is electro trike special

And this cart is also special because she rides

Well, this serial Lada jeeps and not hold a candle

Thank you for watching!

And if you liked the video do not forget to put like,

and to not miss the new video click on the bell.

And of course if you are not subscribing to the channel yet!

For more infomation >> Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника ✦ Amazing Homemade Inventions ✦ 99 ✦ LUCKY - Duration: 6:56.


What Would You Do For Family? - "Severed Ties" - Full Free Movie - Duration: 1:23:02.

(upbeat jazz music)

(ominous music)

- [Woman] My Lord!

Who go what with the queen-- (laughing)

- The queen doth not quench the royal fires

that burn within my loins. (laughing)

- Then I am to be the water bearer?

- See, you went there, you went...

Oh yeah, got that, whoo hoo hoo!

- You so nasty. - No, bed wench.

Just thirsty.


- So,

when do I get upgraded?

- [Man] Upgraded?

- Yeah.


bed wench

to queen.

- Unhappy with your station?

We aren't playing anymore, are we?


- Brian, I should at least have a key.

I mean, I practically live here.

- It's not the key.

- Well, then, what is it?

The ring?

- We've been through with this, before.

I thought we had an understanding.

Oh, I understand.

We split restaurant bills.

I mean, we call each other on birthdays,


I love you.

Don't you love me? - I just

don't think

I'm ready for all of that, Angie.


I like the way things are.

Titles bring


Bullshit, Brian.

Bull shit. - Bullshit?

20% of my check going to a woman who once

had a title ain't bullshit.

(scoffs) - Oh, fuck this.

- I'm sorry, Angie, but I been through hell

because of some damn title, so

excuse me for being a little apprehensive.

- Oh, no, not apprehensive,

full of shit, chicken shit.

I am not your goddamn ex-wife.

Hell, I'm not even your girlfriend.

But that impose too much of a burden

due to the restrictions of bearing some fucking title.

- How the hell did we get here?

- We been here, Brian.

If I'm just somebody you're fucking,

at least have the courtesy

to leave some money on the nightstand.

- Angie.

(phone rings)

Aw shit!




It's three in the morning, man.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You're talking too fast.


What? Are you drunk?

Where are you?


(ominous music)


(knocking on door)

- [Victor] Oh, shit, man, shit, man!

What the fuck are we gonna do?

It was an accident, man.

I swear to God it was an accident.

- I prayed this was a joke. - We could go to jail.

Look at me, man!

I'm a lawyer!

Be somebody's fuck toy

in a week. - I prayed to God

this would be some sick, fucking--

- I know this place way out in the sticks, man.

We can go there,

but we gotta hurry.

- Jesus! - Brian!

Man, help me.

- [Brian] What you want me to do?

- Help me pull a Houdini, man,

Just a disappearing act. - Disappearing?

- I keep a shovel out in the car, man.

- I don't think I can-- - Brian, listen to me!

- Fuck, fuck, fuck. - I can't go to jail.

- Fuck, fuck, fuck.

- Help me, man, lift up your brother.

Goddammit, Brian, please.

Okay, okay, I got it.

I gotta clean this place up.

(dramatic music)

- [Brian] Are you sure she's dead?

- I think so.

You the paramedic, man, check her.

- [Brian] How did this happen?

- Like I said,

it was an accident.

I tried pressing my fingernails into my temples.

You ever done that?

See, the brain's amazing, but it can be tricked.

See, it can't concentrate on more than one

pain sensation at a time.

Headaches are dull pains.

Sharp pains like

digging your fingernails into your temples

overrides dull pains, so

the theory is that,

well, if you create a sharp pain,

then the brain has to ignore the dull one, the headache,

so the headache is supposed to go--

- Vic!

- What the hell happened?

- What happened, man, I still have the headache.

- Fuck your goddamn headache!

How can you be so calm.

There's a dead woman in the trunk of your car.

Dead, because you killed her.


Fuck! - Hey, hey, hey!

It's your natural tendency to be a pussy

that's gonna get us both fucked.

- Well, Vic, you right, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I should treat this like any other Friday

when I'm up at four o'clock in the morning

driving in the woods

to bury a dead fucking body! - Stop yelling at me!

- Fuck!


What the fuck am I...


You been fucking around on Charlotte?

- That is a separate issue, Brian.

We need to focus on the problem at hand.

- Oh, no, that is the problem at hand.

If you were home

like you were supposed to be...

Where does she think you are?

- [Victor] Exactly where I am,

with you. - With me?

I was with Angie all night.

If she had called-- - She wouldn't have called.

- How do you know? - Has she called before?

- [Brian] Before when, Vic?

How long has this been happening?

- Since before Charlotte.

- Jesus.

You couldn't stop whoring around

after you got married? - This ain't...

Look, don't take the moral high ground with me

and start preaching the virtues of marriage.

Look, I'm not the one paying alimony.

- You comparing this situation to a failed marriage?


There's a body in the goddamn trunk!

- It was a game,


Role playing.

We have code words, words other than stop or no,

because those words are part of the game.

I never heard the code word.

- Jesus, Vic. - She begged me to do more.

To hurt her more.

And I loved it.

I loved to hear her beg.

Have you ever heard a woman beg before,

I mean, really beg?

I mean, like she truly feels

that if she doesn't...

She wouldn't have died.

- Vic.

You killed your woman.

- It's a game, bro. - No!

No, man, it's no game.


- How was the game?

Did you win?

- I killed him.

- You're just now getting in?

- Yeah.

- Long game.

Well, I was gonna wait up for you.

It just got to late.

Glad I didn't.


Sweetie, you want some breakfast?

- Yeah, I could eat also.

- That's what I'm talking about.

- I'm tired.

- That's cool.

But just lay there.

I'll be back.

- I said

I'm tired.



- Okay. - Okay.

Charlotte, I'm sorry.

- It's okay.

(mellow hip hop music)

- Brian?

(Brian retching)


Baby, what's wrong?

Are you all right?

Brian, what the hell is going on?


- [Brian] Fuck.


- Brian.

You scaring me.

Baby, you scaring me.

Tell me what happened.

Is it Victor?

Oh my god, did something happen to Victor?

- Victor's fine.

- Then what's wrong, baby.

- It was an accident.

(stuttering) Accident.


hit somebody.

A car accident.

- Did anybody get hurt?

- It was bad.

It was bad.

- Then why did he call you?

- 'Cause I'm his brother.

- [Victor] Little early, aren't you?

Party's not till four.

Where's Brian?

- [Angie] The station.

Said he had to work a few hours.

Can we talk?

- [Victor] About what?

- [Angie] It won't take long.

- [Man On TV] Come to me.

Please, let me live, I'm too young to die.

(monster growls) (man screaming)

- Well, that was informative.

- Vic, wait. - Fuck do you want, Angie?

And I swear to God,

if you try to sell me on some new home business opportunity,

I'mma punch you in the goddamn face.

- motherfucker, I ain't Charlotte.

You swing on me, I'm swinging back.

- Well, I see don't much change.

- Vic, I did not come here to fight with you.

- Oh yeah?


Well, what did you come here for?

- I need to talk about Brian.

- Well, then, you need to be talking to Brian.

- I did. - Yeah?

And what did he say?

- He said you had a car accident.


- Well, then, that's what happened.

- Uh, your car looks okay to me.

- Okay.

There's a $50,000 automobile fully paid for

with my name on the title,

and the best compliment you can give it is okay.

You got no class, Angie.

I mean, it doesn't look damaged.

- That's 'cause the car in the driveway ain't my car.

It's a loaner.

My car's in the shop.

I took it to the dealer this morning.

See, when you have a $50,000 car,

you just can't take it to Quickie Lube.

I took it to the dealer,

and the dealer gave me a loaner.

You thought Brian was lying to you, didn't you?

- I didn't know what to think.

I've never seen Brian like that.

- Huh.

You wanna know what I think?

I think trust is a road best left traveled

by those with sincere intentions.

Do you remember saying that shit to me?

Said it meant trusting others is easy when yourself,

you're trustworthy.

You feel trustworthy?

- Fuck does that mean? - It means why are you here?

To talk about Brian.

- You don't believe him, so you'd why believe me.

- I just want a confirmation.

This is what you wanted.

You still full of shit.

Now I remember why I stopped fucking you.

- Yeah?

Well, now remember why I started fucking your brother.

- Brian Charles. (chuckling)

I gotta admit, I was real surprised to hear from you.

- It's been a while. - Too long.

Now, it ain't quite Sunday,

so I won't start preaching at you.

Something wrong?

- My parents loved this place.

- Original members of my congregation.

Folks would say,

"Now what that young boy know about preaching?"

But your parents,

your mother in particular,

would tell me,

"God don't put no restrictions on the messenger."

- Yeah.

They loved this church.

Loved you.

- And I loved them too.

Like they was my own parents.

Hardest eulogy I've ever preached.

You and Victor?

You were like little brothers to me.

When they died,

I felt like I lost my own mother and father.

- Only time I ever had to

really deal with death.

- How is Victor?


- "Love the family as Jesus

"loved the church."

Does that mean unconditional?

- Well, now, you're paraphrasing, but

I don't quite remember a clause or subsection to that verse,

I would have to assume yes.

- Even if it means doing something you know to be


I mean, real wrong.

Wrong in the eyes of man and God?

What if

doing right for the family


turning your back on God and everything you believe?

- If you're doing what's right for the family,

how can that be wrong in the eyes of God?

- [Woman] You got it.

You got it. - Hell, you fine.

- Where you going? - Outside.

- See you later.

- Hey, Jas, hey Biz. - Hey.

- [Woman] Hey, what's up, Trina, Tina.

Come on back down and play.

- [Kids] Okay.

- [Man] Yo, Paul.

Come and go check this out. - Alright.

- [Charlotte] Hey ladies.

- Hey Charlotte. - Hot damn, how are you?

- When that movie gonna be on, girl?


- [Man] I like the big-breasted woman over there,

for real. - Hey, hey, boys.

- Hey, how you doing?

- Am I disturbing this male bonding moment?

Let me guess.

The topic is either what, sports, cars, or women?

- Actually, we just having a rather

philosophical discussion. - Yeah. Yeah, I bet.

Hey, there, Paul.

- Charlotte.

- Hey, guys, can we move this conversation towards those

Friday night poker games?


(train whistle blowing)

Do not stay out late all night,

okay? - Charlotte.

Shouldn't our guests be attended to?

- Like I was saying, dude,

yo, babe's titties are so big.

They get any bigger,

she gonna have to pay property taxes on them jokers,

you know what I'm saying.

- Vic, have you heard from Brian?

- What's up, man?


I didn't know Brian was hiding all that.

- Hey, hey.

That's rude, bro.

- Yo, man, I'm just fucking around, man.

- "I'm just fucking around," you always fucking around.

Go on, go on.

♪ Just hop inside I got the keys to the ride

♪ We stopped at Wentworth

♪ Picked up a sack and rolled with that

♪ You can get smashed in case you down with genuine draft

- Look, I'm sorry, alright.

- I should tell Brian.

Or maybe even Charlotte.

- That wouldn't be smart.

- Vic, you don't scare me.

- Have I heard from Brian?


- Asshole.

(door slams)

- You alright, honey?

- Your husband.

- What girl? Is he being an asshole?

(giggles) It's part of his charm.

But of course, you know that, right.

You been wondering if I knew.

Well, I do.

Hey girl, it doesn't bother me.

I wasn't a virgin when Vic met me.

It's okay.

- But awkward. - Yeah, at first.

As Vic says,

"Trust is a road best traveled

"by those with good intentions."

Some shit like that.

I mean, you gotta trust your husband, right?

May I ask you something?

- Sure.

- Why did you two break up?

Look girl, I'm not marked fragile.

Go ahead.

- I caught him cheating.


And I snapped.

I mean, I went off.

motherfucker this, motherfucker that.

By the time I got to the third mother,

I was looking up at the ceiling tasting blood in my mouth.

(scoffs) I don't even remember the second hit or third.

- Charlotte, we need some more meat for the grill.

You been running your mouth?

- Maybe.


(firecracker banging)

- Firecrackers. You like firecrackers?

- Ooh, firecrackers. How exciting.

- Shut up.

Damn kids.

- Brian?

- Vic.

- Hey, man,

everybody's been looking - We need to talk.

- In a minute. - Now, goddammit!

- Alright.

I need to get this shit off me anyway.

- Brian, I have been paging you all day.

Where have you been? - I'm sorry.

- Brian, what's going on?

- I need to talk to Vic,

then I promise I'll talk to you, okay?


- Wait, what's wrong?

- I don't know.

Something about Vic's accident's got Brian tied up in knots.

He won't tell me.

- What accident?

Angie, get your car, we're leaving.

- But I didn't drive-- - Then get whatever.

Let's go.

- [Charlotte] Brian, what's wrong?

- Ask your husband.

He's got all the fucking answers.

- [Victor] Brian.

- [Charlotte] Victor, what is this about a car accident?

- [Victor] Brian, we cool, right?

Everything's cool, right?

- Get the fuck away from me, Vic.

Get the fuck away from me. - Brian!

- Brian!

Don't fuck with me, Brian.

Hear me?

- What the hell is going on? - Brian!

Will you keep your fucking mouth shut?

You hear me?

(dramatic music)

- Victor,

where were you last night?

Victor, what is this about a car accident?

Goddammit, don't walk away from me.

- I need

to go out.

- No, we need to talk--

- No, you need to keep your fucking hands off of me.

- Yo, yo, yo, chill man.

Hey, hey, chill.


- Charlotte.


- The fuck is going on with you, man?

- Stick around.

The party's just getting started.

(phone ringing)

- Hello?

Uh huh.

I'm glad.


this really is not the time.

If that's what you wanna do with it, fine.

I really don't care.

- I made you a plate.

Have you eaten anything at all today?

- No.

- Well, look, if you gonna drink,

I'm gonna have to insist on you eating something.

(microwave beeping)

So, who was that?

Title holder?

- Wanted to call and thank me for my new promotion.

Guess she bought a new

CD player with the extra money.

Wanted to know

if I had a CD player

in my car.

(glass breaks)

- Okay, this is the part where you cuss

and punch something, and tell me you need space, right?

- I love you.

- I know. - And

I wasn't

honest with you

about last night.

- I know.

And I know you.

And I know you must have had a good reason.


(microwave beeps)

- I never told you why we celebrate the 3rd

instead of the 4th, did I?

My parents died on the 4th, so

didn't seem right celebrating on that day.

- I'm sorry, baby. - No, no, that's cool.

It's cool.

It's been almost 10 years.

(sighs) But I've been thinking about it a lot today.

- You wanna talk about it?

- Well, you know how they died, right?

Car accident.

- Second time today you've had trouble saying that.

- My dad was driving us to get some

fireworks for the 4th, and

being my dad, he was drunk.

Not over the top, but impaired.

My dad was a lot like me.

You know, peaceful, didn't like any conflict.

My mom.

She was

high strung, and then she was just

laying into him.

- You okay?

- Yeah.

It's just that,

you know,

certain things,


play back in your mind so


I remember hearing the sound of my father's voice.

The reflection, the pitched tone.

18 years he had never raised his voice, and

that day he did.

Then it happened.

- Car accident?

- He had a stroke.

He passed out at the wheel,

the car flipped after it hit the guard rail.

When it stopped, the car was

upside down and on fire.

(sighs) I could

see my parents on the back seat.

They were already dead, and

Vic was gone.

He got thrown from the car.

I could smell

fuel and


but I couldn't move.

My legs weren't pinned, or anything like that, I just

just couldn't move.

And I heard the glass breaking.


pulled me out.

Car went up like a Roman candle

no more than 30 seconds later.

He saved my life.

- That doesn't mean he owns your life.


Whatever Vic's done,

don't let him take you with him.

- What did you ever see in him?

- I saw something through the eyes of a 20-year-old girl.

When I became a woman,

I was able to see you.

- [Victor] I need to apologize Charlotte.

- [Charlotte] Tired of your apologies, Victor.

You said you would never hit me again.

- I didn't hit you. - I'm tired, Victor.

I'm tired of you,

I'm tired of this situation,

and I want you out of this house.

- I've got some problems that I'm trying to work out.

Let me take the night to work through them,

and we'll talk tomorrow.

- [Charlotte] Well, I won't be here when you get back.

(mellow jazz music)

- You don't have any problems at all.

My wife doesn't understand me.

That irritates me.

I don't like to be irritated.

(woman vocalizing)

♪ What is this

♪ On and being bliss

♪ That has surfaced

♪ The tie I have for you

♪ And I dare

♪ Not give it a name

♪ So the law can try to claim

♪ They don't know

♪ What warms my soul

♪ When theirs is cold

♪ Like a person who has

♪ Surpassed a need

♪ So let that bring

♪ Must be true

♪ There's nothing I

♪ I would not do

♪ I would not do for you

♪ And when this

♪ Cold world takes its toll

♪ You speak directly to my soul

♪ You help me see

♪ Beyond this matter that is me

♪ Into an endless sea

♪ Of peace and prosperity

♪ These days it is a rarity to find

(woman vocalizing)

♪ Now I'm no longer afraid

♪ To exist in this day

♪ For your love I patiently wait

♪ Your sun, it smiles

♪ This moon reflects your light for miles

♪ Touching all who see

♪ Far be your lips looking past

♪ Into the wisdom of the past

♪ That I can see

(car door slams)

(dramatic music)

- Fuck me.

Oh, fuck me!

(dramatic music)

- Good morning. - Good morning.

- And where you going? - Church.

- Church?

Be careful not to burst into flames

when you walk in the door.

- That's why I need to go.

It's been too long.

- Well, you should have woke me up.

I could of went with you.

- No, I need to make some things right.

Some mistakes I've made.

Need to make them right for myself and God,

then I'll come back and make them right with you.

- You want me to stay? - Mmm-hmm.

For a very



- You look,

you look better.


Make sure you don't lock the top lock,

in case I have to leave.

- I won't. - Okay.

(phone ringing) - Hello.

- We got a problem.

- Not anymore, not me.

- [Victor] No, Brian, wait, listen to me.

- It's over, Vic.

Don't call here anymore.

- No. - Good bye.

- Brian, wait.



motherfucker, goddamn, son-of-a-bitch!

(gospel music) (rhythmic clapping)

- So, you have a choice.

That's what free will is, isn't it?

A choice.

You have a variety of options

available to you.

- [Congregation] Yeah.

- Oh, it ain't like breathing.

You have no control over that.

Why, you couldn't stop yourself from breathing

if you tried.

The body is made so that

certain functions

continue to happen

in spite

of you choosing to make it not happen.

Oh, I wish somebody would help me out this morning.

(audience applauding)

But now,

but now God don't say

come unto me or I'll see to it

that you stop breathing.

God provides you with that option.

Now, the consequences of you choosing

not to exercise that option,

is directly correlated

with what happens when the body

does cease to breathe.

Aw, y'all don't hear me.

No, no, no, no, no, y'all don't hear me.

(audience applauding)


is giving you a choice in this life.

To save you. - Yes!

- To save you from what comes through

after this life.

Because then, there is no choice.

You've got to do what's right by God first.

And all others second.

God wants you to come to him freely,

without hesitation or reservation.

To spare you from damnation,

what he offers is salvation.

(audience cheering)

Yeah! Hallelujah!

The Book is clear.

It don't need no interpretation.

(alarm beeping)

- Brian.

(keys jangle)


(organ music playing)

(woman vocalizing)

♪ My Lord

♪ And savior

♪ Change my life

♪ Touch my soul

♪ Take my hand

♪ And bring me home

♪ That's how

♪ The Lord

♪ Touched me

- How did you get in here?


- Brian! Brian!

- I told you he's not here.

Would you please leave? - Where is he?

- None of your goddamn business.

- Oh, you wanna play?


Alright, let's play.

♪ Jesus

♪ He touched me

♪ Jesus

♪ He loves me

♪ I'm talking about Jesus

♪ He touched me

♪ Oh Jesus

♪ He loves me

♪ I'm talking about Jesus

♪ He touched my soul

♪ And then my Jesus

♪ He made me whole

♪ I'm talking about Jesus

♪ He touched my soul

♪ And then my Jesus

♪ He made me whole

♪ I love the Lord

♪ He heard my cries

♪ And pity, pity, pity, pity

♪ My every

(woman vocalizing)

(bottle breaks)

(dramatic music)

- I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have left you.

There's some things,

one thing, that happened,

and I should have told you

up front

I should have been honest with you.

And I,

I felt justified when I did what I did.

When I agreed to do it,

it was right,

'cause my brother needed me.

So I felt right.

But it's, oh baby,

baby, it's been eating me up.

It can also tear me up,


I could only,

could face what I could only see now.

And it

shouldn't have had to come

to this,

this, this,

what you going through

for me to see.

But it's all clear to me now.

It's all clear to me now, baby.

Victor didn't just become a snake,

he's a monster.

He's always


this way.

(crying) I protected him, 'cause I thought,

I thought it was right,

'cause he was my brother.

He was my--


Oh, baby.

Baby I swear to you,

I swear.

He will never hurt you again.

I swear.

(mellow piano music)

- Yeah, he just walked out.

Yes, I'm sure she said it was his brother.

- Victor?


(hip hop music)

(knocking on door)

- Who is it?

- [Brian] It's Brian.

- Who?

- [Brian] Brian Charles.

- [Paul] Hey, what's up man?

- [Brian] What's going on?

- You just caught me, man.

I was on my way down to Navy Pier, catch the fireworks.

You going down there? - No.

- No?

Let me get you a beer or something.

- No, no, I'm fine.

- You alright? Okay.

Like I said, man, I was on my way out.

- I need to borrow your gun.

- Borrow my gun?

Man, you asking like it was a cup of sugar, or something.

You alright man?

Somebody fucking with you? - No.

No, it's nothing like that.

It's Vic.

- [Paul] Vic?

- Yeah, Vic wants to borrow

your gun for the 4th.

- I figure Vic would have his own gun, man.

- Charlotte won't allow guns in the house.

- Well I don't blame her, man.

You know, I mean,

especially the way he be acting, man.

Like what was up with that nigga yesterday?

Pushing Charlotte all up against the wall and shit.

I mean, I know he your brother and everything, but man,

he got a way of pushing a brother to his limits.

You tell that nigga if my gun come back jammed,

unclean, or any way different than when he got it,

we gonna have some problems.

Matter fact, let me call this nigga, man.

- No, no, no. Don't tell him.

Don't do that, I'll tell him.

(phone rings)

- Hello?

What's up, Stan?

Yeah, he just left.

- Victor,

I'm leaving.

- So leave.

- That's it?

(crying) You son-of-a-bitch.

I put up with your shit

for six years.

Six fucking years.

And that's it?

(phone ringing)





I'm fine.



(gasps) Oh my god.

- What?

(dramatic music)

Who is it?

- It's my sister.

Her daughter's sick.

- Listen to me.

Is Vic near you?

- Yes. - Okay, get out of the house.

Get out of the--

- I don't know if I can.


I'll call you back later to check on her.


- You have to go.

There's some things that I have to finish tonight.

I want the opportunity to correct the things

that I done wrong between us.

Please be here when I get back.

I do love you, Charlotte.

I'm gonna spend the rest of my life proving that to you.

I guess you think I'm a fucking idiot.

(dramatic music)

(Charlotte screaming)

- [Charlotte] Please!


Please stop! - Vic!

- Please stop. - Vic!

(Charlotte crying)

- [Charlotte] Stop, stop, please, please.



- Vic?

Come on out, motherfucker, it's over.

Come on out!

(firecrackers crackling)

- [Brian] motherfucker.

- You know what your problem is, Brian?

Your problem is you don't know what it is you want.

And consequently, you have no idea how to get it.

See, you're content.

You're content with not knowing.

See, I'm not like that.

I know what it is I want,

and I know what it is I like.

- You like hurting women.


a sick


- Maybe.

I don't want to do this.

That bitch from the motel and the one in my trunk

is one thing, but you,

that's what I don't want to do.

But I will.

You understand me, I will.

But I would rather have your help,


I went out there to the burial spot.

I can't find the body. (crying)

- Go fuck yourself.

- What?

- I said go fuck yourself.

- Alright. (gun firing)

(dramatic music)

(Charlotte panting)


Give it to me.

Come on.

Baby, give me the gun.



- Call an ambulance.

- [Charlotte] No!

Don't. - Charlotte?

- No!

Let him die!

Let him die! - Not gonna let you die.

- [Charlotte] No, let him die!

Let him die,


- You hear me? - Let him die.

- Not

gonna let

you die.


Welcome back, little brother.

How you feeling?

- Throat hurts.

- They took that tube out today.

Yeah, it's gonna hurt for a while.

- Tired.

- That's the drugs.

They had to

pump you full of morphine

to keep your heart rate down so you wouldn't go into shock.

We didn't think you'd make it.

- Thanks.

- So we square now.

Well look.

I didn't come here to shoot the shit with you.

I wanted to tell you something.

I wanted to tell you

that I hate you,

that I am through with you and all your crazy bullshit.

But I,

I can't, 'cause

you're still my brother.

I love you.

Love you.

I also need to tell you about that woman

you killed.

You see, Vic, she wasn't unwanted and unnoticed.

She was somebody's daughter or sister,

and dammit, I noticed her.

That's why I moved the body.

That's why

you couldn't find it.

That same morning.

I went to work and requisitioned a van.

Picked the body up,

took her to the hospital.

Yeah, that's right.

I took care of it.

You didn't even have the decency to

accept what you had done.

I mean, Vic if you had offered

me a,

just a

ride on up,

it meant nothing.

No remorse.

Nothing what you did to Angie.




look, that's,

that's my cross.


Goodbye, Vic.

- Brian.

Don't leave me, Brian.

- I'm not leaving you, Vic.

I'll see you every Thursday,

on visitor's day.

Enjoy your cage.



I come bearing gifts.

- I love gifts.


Are you sure?

- Yeah.

(hip hop music)

♪ You crossed the line for the last time

♪ And even if its for the rest of our lives

♪ I gotta sever ties

♪ I was there for you

♪ But you was never concerned

♪ I had to suffer 'fore the lesson was learned

♪ You crossed the line for the last time

♪ And even if it's for the rest of our lives

♪ I gotta sever ties

♪ I was there for you

♪ But you was never concerned

♪ I had to suffer 'fore the lesson was learned

♪ When I think back, I shoulda seen the signs

♪ But love can be blind

♪ Betrayal and hurt can burn you from behind

♪ Now I'm at a point of no return

♪ The clock's ticking as the plot thickens

♪ Do I save myself

♪ Or ride with

♪ I can see the devil in his eyes

♪ No longer recognizing the person that I once knew

♪ When looking what it's come to

♪ I'm praying hard, kneeling in the church pew

♪ Asking the Lord to keep me close

♪ 'Cause I'm knowing what I must do

♪ Tension in the air

♪ Now I'm feeling despair

♪ It's like a living nightmare

♪ But who's giving a care

♪ It shouldn't be hard to do the right thing

♪ But cutting somebody you love

♪ Outta your life is frightening

♪ How many times do we let somebody take advantage

♪ 'Cause we feel we less without 'em

♪ And be taken for granted

♪ But you gotta have enough self love to know better

♪ 'Cause they can only hurt you if you let 'em

♪ You crossed the line for the last time

♪ And even if it's for the rest of our lives

♪ I gotta sever ties

♪ I was there for you

♪ But you was never concerned

♪ I had to suffer 'fore the lesson was learned

♪ You crossed the line for the last time

♪ And even if it's for the rest of our lives

♪ I gotta sever ties

♪ I was there for you

♪ But you was never concerned

♪ I had to suffer 'fore the lesson was learned

♪ How many times did I hear the words

♪ It won't happen again

♪ How many accidents I had to defend

♪ How many times did you promise to change

♪ How many times did I let you have your own way

♪ While I was in pain

♪ How many times did you blame me

♪ How many times did you claim we was on the same page

♪ The same team

♪ Because of you I realized the power and greed

♪ 'Cause you was never in my hour of need

♪ You crossed the line for the last time

♪ And even if it's for the rest of our lives

♪ I gotta sever ties

♪ I was there for you

♪ But you was never concerned

♪ I had to suffer 'fore the lesson was learned

♪ You crossed the line for the last time

♪ And even if it's for the rest of our lives

♪ I gotta sever ties

♪ I was there for you

♪ But you was never concerned

♪ I had to suffer 'fore the lesson was learned

For more infomation >> What Would You Do For Family? - "Severed Ties" - Full Free Movie - Duration: 1:23:02.


5 Vũ Khí Nguy Hiểm Nhất của nhà Chế tạo Điên | #ChếTạo - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> 5 Vũ Khí Nguy Hiểm Nhất của nhà Chế tạo Điên | #ChếTạo - Duration: 6:16.


كروشيه بلوزة شتوي سهلة بغرزة الجرانى | قناة كروشيه كافيه Crochet Cafe Channel - Duration: 50:50.

Salam !

Today I will show you how to crochet a super easy sweater

This sweater is an up down technique

and it is all with granny stitch but with just a little edition

I made it with Large size , & I will explain how to make other sizes

You will need a worsted medium yarn , with 5 mm crochet hook

Also you may need a 4 mm or 4,5 mm hook if you want to tighten waist area (( Optional ))

Chain 88 for any size

This number of chains should be proper to entire easily into your head

if you find the chain is too tight make the same number but chain loosely or use a bigger size hook then back to 5 mm hook after finish the chain

Also if the chain is too large , you can chain more tightly or use a smaller hook size

after you finish 88 chains join with a slip stitch

work a round of dc in every chain for a total of 88 dc

Round 1

repeat till you have 5 groups

we formed first corner

Repeat the previous sequence till you have 6 groups

Now you should have 4 corners with 6 groups in between

Round 2

Repeat round 2

Now all we gonna do is repeating round 2 till you got your proper size

For size Large I worked 16 rounds (( round of dc is not counted ))

To know your size you should fold your work and entire your arm through armholes

You should make sure that armhole area is large enough for your arm

Or you can figure out your own size through number of rounds which I made

For example if your size is X.Large you can add one more round , & if your size is Medium you can decrease one round & so on....

Now work with me the following steps to form armholes

continue the same previous sequence till you got the desired length

I will make a border for the end of the sweater with Cluster stitch , but you can make any stitch you prefer

We will begin now making the arm

Just work with me the following :))

Repeat till you have 10 rounds

At round 11 we begin to decrease

work 9 rounds without decrease

Here I worked the same steps & now you should have 20 rounds in total

These numbers of rounds will be for any size you make

from now on we will decrease but every 5 rounds , till you got the proper size for your wrist

We finished & for me I chose to turn the sweater into wrong side

I think that wrong side looks better , but of course it is up to you :)) !

If you enjoyed my video , share my videos & subscribe to my channel for more Crochet tutorials :))

For more infomation >> كروشيه بلوزة شتوي سهلة بغرزة الجرانى | قناة كروشيه كافيه Crochet Cafe Channel - Duration: 50:50.


DIA DAS CRIANÇAS - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> DIA DAS CRIANÇAS - Duration: 1:19.


My Scariest Ride Ever - Featuring Nate Hills - Duration: 8:59.

Friday morning, we left Grand Junction CO, for Moab Utah.

Although Moab is only 2 hours away, it looks like a different planet.

The town is situated between massive cliffs, with the Las Sal mountains in the backdrop.

This rugged desert landscape is the perfect setting for some of the scariest mountain

bike trails in the world—trails like Portal.

Portal was supposed to be the scariest part of today's ride, but when you're following

Nate Hills even the most familiar trail can be terrifying.

Nate's a connoisseur of scary lines.

In his Followcam Friday series on YouTube, Nate chases fellow racers and card-carrying

legends, all the while giving you a front row seat.

Even with the GoPro effect (which makes everything 10 times smaller) Nate's videos manage to

scare us.

Indeed, Nate is qualified to hold the wheel of just about anyone, but there's one rider

he can't follow: himself.

So this afternoon I followed Nate so he could have some time in front of the lens.

As you could imagine, this was no easy task.

While I was running out of energy and water, Nate was jumping off and over everything.

Neither of us had ever ridden this boulder.

By taking the initiative on that boulder, I had given Nate the idea that he could tow

me into anything.

At first, he could.

But the field of rocks and slabs that came before the rim was just an intro.

Once we reached Goldbar rim, the features got bigger

and the stakes got much higher.

Now before you write this off as an average rock roll, I need to show you a screen grab

from Nate's Instagram story.

That's me.

The GoPro effect cannot be understated.

I don't have an outside shot of this next one, but it wasn't possible to

ride without gapping into it.


was starting to wish I had brought wipes, and diapers.

Goldbar rim was full of crazy lines, and hucks that seemed to come out of nowhere.

This part of the ride was a scenic but pedaly traverse that would eventually lead us to

our ticket to the bottom.


Portal is a steep exposed downhill trail that ends near the Colorado river.

It has a reputation for being really scary.

Naturally, Portal is one of Nate's favorite trails.

And I survived.

As a Pro Racer, Brand Ambassador for Yeti, and a YouTuber, it's no surprise that Nate's

vehicle of choice is a van.

Vans are secure, they can carry a lot of stuff, and you can sleep in them.

Nate had taken me on one of the scariest rides of my life.

If I had ridden there alone it would have been a scenic but uneventful ride.

Nate's lines were what made the difference.

If you've never seen Followcam Friday, subscribe to Nate's channel below.

I also left some links to some of Moab's most iconic trails shot from behind Nate's


Thanks for riding with me today, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> My Scariest Ride Ever - Featuring Nate Hills - Duration: 8:59.









How We Lie to Ourselves - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> How We Lie to Ourselves - Duration: 5:46.


Driving Through Huge Potholes in 4K Slow Motion - See through Car ( E.1 P.1 ) - Duration: 12:46.

Welcome back to Warped Perception.

I got the idea to do this from the previous videos I've done.

See through engine.

And the see-through model rocket engine.

I had the idea to get a car.

And remove as much of the exterior as possible.

To reveal the suspension.


And Chassis.

Then I'm going to put the car through a few extreme tests.

And see what we get.

I think it's going to be really cool.

And I think we're going to learn something.

First thing I need is a car.

My friends at Mercedes-Benz of Chicago.

For this episode were nice enough.

To give me this car right here.

But not everything is perfect with this car.

Apparently it has already seen its day.

I have to make any necessary repairs.


This car is about to take a beating.

According to the repair order.

This car has two broken front Springs.

And ironically 4 bad shock absorbers.

Got to make sure we have enough windshield washer fluid in here for the road.

This car has been sitting here for two years.

Looks like we have an episode to make.

Are you ready to strip down a Mercedes?.


No we got the car all cleaned up.

Ready to take it to the garage.

Aright so it looks like I didn't make it all the way.

This thing started overheating.

Somebody took the radiator hose off of it.

Oh well let's go get some antifreeze.

Good thing we're really close to Fletcher Jones.

Let's get this radiator hose plugged up.

We got the antifreeze.

Get this antifreeze in there.

Temperature looks good it's going down.

Alrighty we got the car up.

Let's do our preliminary inspection.

yeah something's not right in there.

Yeah so that spring is definitely broken.

The piece is still in there.

All we have to do is take this apart.

And get some new Springs in there.

And We're ready to go.

Alright there's our Springs.

I just want to make sure all of these covers are fastened down properly.

Before this thing hits the road.

And ready.

Oh yeah ready to hit the road.

Now that we got that all fixed.

Before I strip it down.

I'm going to take the car to our location.

See how it likes the terrain.

And the get a couple shots of it in its complete form.

We are here at the location.

And we're going to see just how much.

This Mercedes-Benz E-class likes this street.

Alright so it looks like after that one puny run.

Our car is overheating.

I think this has something to do with it here.

im thinking this Tube that goes between here and here.

Must be part of the cooling system.

Because it's overheating.

so What I did is.

I went to Home Depot.

And got this.

And a few fittings.

And I'm just going to outfit this with a.

A piece of tubing.

This brass nipple.

This hose right here.

I'm going to put a brass nipple right in here in this water neck.

And a brass nipple in this cooling Reservoir.

Then I'm just going to connect the hose in between the two.

And yeah I think we're set we're ready to go.

We have now arrived at one of the most exciting parts of our episode.

It's time to expose the inner workings of the Beast.

This is got to be one of the top three craziest ideas.

I've had yet.

Most of these things I do on my own.

But in this case.

I need some help.

Alright the whole thing comes off.

Go carry it Let's go.

Ready go all right.

Now for this next test.

I'm not going to run the length of the street.

I'm just going to hit one pothole.

And one particular pothole.

This one right here.

I saw this one a mile away.

This one is about eight or nine inches deep.

I'm going to try to hit this at about 20 miles per hour.

I think this is going to give us a great demonstration.

Of how the suspension components work in unison.

I don't think that at first we're going to get in the upward Force.

We're going to kind of get some lateral force in there.

And see how the suspension components deal.

With all of that shock.

And what they do with that energy.

So that's what we're going to do so let's go.

Okay so that was a little slow for my preference.

I got a little scared.

I thought the tire might pop.

And then I realized that this is a Mercedes.

That being said that last run was at about 10 miles an hour.

I'm going to jack this one up to about 20 or 25 miles per hour.

I think we're going to see some serious.

Some type of movement or something cool happening.

Now that I got that pothole run all done.

I'm just going to have fun with it.

I'm thinking I'm going to try to get this car airborne.

And the way I'm going to do that Is.

After looking at the street.

I realize that there's like a ramp right here.

If I drive in the opposite direction that I've been driving.

Which is going to be South instead of North.

I think I'll be able to catch some air.

I'm just a little bit worried because.

I don't want to bust up our air conditioning condenser.

Or bust up our radiator.

Because our air conditioning condenser is in such good condition as it is.

And yeah that's what I'm going to do.

Keep your fingers crossed.

And hope that I get air.

Alright so I shut it off right away.

I have some really crazy engine vibration.

I'm going to take a look and inspect the damage.

Let's look inside there.

And it looks like I bent the whole subframe.

Up about 4 to 5 about 4 inches.

Our whole radiator support has moved inward.

So our radiator is kind of tilted now.

I don't know over here.

I don't know if you can see that line right there.

Busted line hopefully that's not a power steering line.

Oh no you know what.

That's our AC line okay that's fine.

Well the good news is that our radiator isn't leaking.

The radiator is still intact.

Which means that the car is still in good.

Decent running condition.

But I think that's all of this street that this car is going to see.

I don't think it will take another run.

Since we really bent that subframe badly.

And yeah that's about it.

That concludes episode 1 of our See through Car Series.

But don't you worry episode 2 is coming up right after this one.

I am excited to see what the limit of this car is.

And just how much I can take before it breaks.

I'm going to be pushing this car harder and faster in every episode.

So make sure you subscribe.

And look out for those episodes.

Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Thanks for watching.

Chao Chao.

For more infomation >> Driving Through Huge Potholes in 4K Slow Motion - See through Car ( E.1 P.1 ) - Duration: 12:46.


DOING LAUNDRY WITH KIDS! | Twin Hacks - Duration: 2:19.

Hi everyone! Welcome back to Twin Hacks on BabyLeague. Let's talk about laundry!

Laundry can easily take over your day. Especially when you have kids. Between

stains, sorting, folding...It sometimes feels like a never-ending cycle. So we

came up with some tips to help make this never-ending chore a little bit easier.

Act number one: keep stain remover easily accessible. Let's face it, kids are messy.

Between food, poop, blowouts, and so many other things... They can ruin their little

clothes so easily. Keep stain remover in a common area like a hall closet or

under the bathroom sink. So this way, when those moments happen you can treat the

stain and keep their clothes stain free. Hack number two: Make a game out of

sorting the laundry. Kids always want to help and let's face it, usually, they

make it worse. So turn sorting into a little game. This way you keep your

little one entertained and you get your laundry sorted. Hooray! Nice and clean!

Hack number three: Set a timer. How many times have you put laundry in the washer

and forgot about it until the next day? Set a timer on your phone. So this way

you can remember when to put the laundry in the dryer.

How easy is that? Have any more laundry tips?

Be sure to leave them in the comments down below. Make sure you

give this video a thumbs up. Subscribe to BabyLeague and I'll see you next week

for some more Twin Hacks. Bye! That was good, thumbs up to me!!

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