Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

The bike, which is parked just on the banks

And it is not just a bike, and Elektro 4WD ATV

Status this is electro trike special

And this cart is also special because she rides

Well, this serial Lada jeeps and not hold a candle

Thank you for watching!

And if you liked the video do not forget to put like,

and to not miss the new video click on the bell.

And of course if you are not subscribing to the channel yet!

For more infomation >> Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника ✦ Amazing Homemade Inventions ✦ 99 ✦ LUCKY - Duration: 6:56.


5 Vũ Khí Nguy Hiểm Nhất của nhà Chế tạo Điên | #ChếTạo - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> 5 Vũ Khí Nguy Hiểm Nhất của nhà Chế tạo Điên | #ChếTạo - Duration: 6:16.


كروشيه بلوزة شتوي سهلة بغرزة الجرانى | قناة كروشيه كافيه Crochet Cafe Channel - Duration: 50:50.

Salam !

Today I will show you how to crochet a super easy sweater

This sweater is an up down technique

and it is all with granny stitch but with just a little edition

I made it with Large size , & I will explain how to make other sizes

You will need a worsted medium yarn , with 5 mm crochet hook

Also you may need a 4 mm or 4,5 mm hook if you want to tighten waist area (( Optional ))

Chain 88 for any size

This number of chains should be proper to entire easily into your head

if you find the chain is too tight make the same number but chain loosely or use a bigger size hook then back to 5 mm hook after finish the chain

Also if the chain is too large , you can chain more tightly or use a smaller hook size

after you finish 88 chains join with a slip stitch

work a round of dc in every chain for a total of 88 dc

Round 1

repeat till you have 5 groups

we formed first corner

Repeat the previous sequence till you have 6 groups

Now you should have 4 corners with 6 groups in between

Round 2

Repeat round 2

Now all we gonna do is repeating round 2 till you got your proper size

For size Large I worked 16 rounds (( round of dc is not counted ))

To know your size you should fold your work and entire your arm through armholes

You should make sure that armhole area is large enough for your arm

Or you can figure out your own size through number of rounds which I made

For example if your size is X.Large you can add one more round , & if your size is Medium you can decrease one round & so on....

Now work with me the following steps to form armholes

continue the same previous sequence till you got the desired length

I will make a border for the end of the sweater with Cluster stitch , but you can make any stitch you prefer

We will begin now making the arm

Just work with me the following :))

Repeat till you have 10 rounds

At round 11 we begin to decrease

work 9 rounds without decrease

Here I worked the same steps & now you should have 20 rounds in total

These numbers of rounds will be for any size you make

from now on we will decrease but every 5 rounds , till you got the proper size for your wrist

We finished & for me I chose to turn the sweater into wrong side

I think that wrong side looks better , but of course it is up to you :)) !

If you enjoyed my video , share my videos & subscribe to my channel for more Crochet tutorials :))

For more infomation >> كروشيه بلوزة شتوي سهلة بغرزة الجرانى | قناة كروشيه كافيه Crochet Cafe Channel - Duration: 50:50.



For more infomation >> 📺КАК СТАТЬ ПОПУЛЯРНЫМ ВИДЕОБЛОГЕРОМ НА YOUTUBE📹 - Duration: 4:35.


My Scariest Ride Ever - Featuring Nate Hills - Duration: 8:59.

Friday morning, we left Grand Junction CO, for Moab Utah.

Although Moab is only 2 hours away, it looks like a different planet.

The town is situated between massive cliffs, with the Las Sal mountains in the backdrop.

This rugged desert landscape is the perfect setting for some of the scariest mountain

bike trails in the world—trails like Portal.

Portal was supposed to be the scariest part of today's ride, but when you're following

Nate Hills even the most familiar trail can be terrifying.

Nate's a connoisseur of scary lines.

In his Followcam Friday series on YouTube, Nate chases fellow racers and card-carrying

legends, all the while giving you a front row seat.

Even with the GoPro effect (which makes everything 10 times smaller) Nate's videos manage to

scare us.

Indeed, Nate is qualified to hold the wheel of just about anyone, but there's one rider

he can't follow: himself.

So this afternoon I followed Nate so he could have some time in front of the lens.

As you could imagine, this was no easy task.

While I was running out of energy and water, Nate was jumping off and over everything.

Neither of us had ever ridden this boulder.

By taking the initiative on that boulder, I had given Nate the idea that he could tow

me into anything.

At first, he could.

But the field of rocks and slabs that came before the rim was just an intro.

Once we reached Goldbar rim, the features got bigger

and the stakes got much higher.

Now before you write this off as an average rock roll, I need to show you a screen grab

from Nate's Instagram story.

That's me.

The GoPro effect cannot be understated.

I don't have an outside shot of this next one, but it wasn't possible to

ride without gapping into it.


was starting to wish I had brought wipes, and diapers.

Goldbar rim was full of crazy lines, and hucks that seemed to come out of nowhere.

This part of the ride was a scenic but pedaly traverse that would eventually lead us to

our ticket to the bottom.


Portal is a steep exposed downhill trail that ends near the Colorado river.

It has a reputation for being really scary.

Naturally, Portal is one of Nate's favorite trails.

And I survived.

As a Pro Racer, Brand Ambassador for Yeti, and a YouTuber, it's no surprise that Nate's

vehicle of choice is a van.

Vans are secure, they can carry a lot of stuff, and you can sleep in them.

Nate had taken me on one of the scariest rides of my life.

If I had ridden there alone it would have been a scenic but uneventful ride.

Nate's lines were what made the difference.

If you've never seen Followcam Friday, subscribe to Nate's channel below.

I also left some links to some of Moab's most iconic trails shot from behind Nate's


Thanks for riding with me today, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> My Scariest Ride Ever - Featuring Nate Hills - Duration: 8:59.









DOING LAUNDRY WITH KIDS! | Twin Hacks - Duration: 2:19.

Hi everyone! Welcome back to Twin Hacks on BabyLeague. Let's talk about laundry!

Laundry can easily take over your day. Especially when you have kids. Between

stains, sorting, folding...It sometimes feels like a never-ending cycle. So we

came up with some tips to help make this never-ending chore a little bit easier.

Act number one: keep stain remover easily accessible. Let's face it, kids are messy.

Between food, poop, blowouts, and so many other things... They can ruin their little

clothes so easily. Keep stain remover in a common area like a hall closet or

under the bathroom sink. So this way, when those moments happen you can treat the

stain and keep their clothes stain free. Hack number two: Make a game out of

sorting the laundry. Kids always want to help and let's face it, usually, they

make it worse. So turn sorting into a little game. This way you keep your

little one entertained and you get your laundry sorted. Hooray! Nice and clean!

Hack number three: Set a timer. How many times have you put laundry in the washer

and forgot about it until the next day? Set a timer on your phone. So this way

you can remember when to put the laundry in the dryer.

How easy is that? Have any more laundry tips?

Be sure to leave them in the comments down below. Make sure you

give this video a thumbs up. Subscribe to BabyLeague and I'll see you next week

for some more Twin Hacks. Bye! That was good, thumbs up to me!!

For more infomation >> DOING LAUNDRY WITH KIDS! | Twin Hacks - Duration: 2:19.


A Tale of Pirates Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 35:51.

For more infomation >> A Tale of Pirates Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 35:51.


Baby learn Color ful sofia the first once upon a princess Finger Family Song nursery rhymes - Duration: 2:47.

Baby learn Color ful sofia the first once upon a princess Finger Family Song

For more infomation >> Baby learn Color ful sofia the first once upon a princess Finger Family Song nursery rhymes - Duration: 2:47.


How To Reverse Engineer Successful YouTube Channels - Duration: 8:40.

Are you struggling to grow your YouTube channel? Whether you're just starting out

or have an established channel it makes sense to study successful channels which

are killing it. In this video you'll learn 7 ways to reverse engineer

successful channels so you can improve your own channel. Hello my name is Herman

Drost from if you want to grow your audience on YouTube and

generate traffic leads and subscribers on autopilot hit the subscribe button or

hit the bell notification icon. Here are 7 ways to reverse engineer

successful YouTube channels number one create a list of the top channels in

your niche Enter your main keyword and YouTube search box so take the example

dog training and click search we're gonna look at the top 10 videos that

have got the most views in a very short time so the first video here has got 10,293

views that's one day ago here's another video

from the same channel that received twenty four thousand two hundred thirty

seven views five days ago here's another one from the same channel over

two million views here's another one from the same channel which received

almost half a million views within eight months that's definitely good

channel to check out other successful channels would be this one almost half a

million views ten months ago and this one's got 40,000 views from seven months ago

so we're gonna take a look at the top channel we're gonna copy the title "dog

training" is a keyword from here we can see the channel has received over a

million subscribers put that in there label this top 10 channels so we know that

this channel is very active and growing fast

2. Review the channel homepage so here's the channel homepage you can

see it's got a great channel banner because it's about dogs it has a great name

for the channel Zack George's dog training rEvolution here's the links on

the page click on patreon so it's got a patreon page he's got 453

patreons from which he gets $3,384

per month that's how he's supporting his channel and he's got

channel links here besides the patreon link he's got a Facebook page and a

Twitter page here's a channel trailer which is thanking everybody for 1

million subscribers let's take a quick look at it

"this is the blog where we have surpassed 1 million subscribers"

ok that looks pretty good let's see if he's got a call to action at the end ok he's

got a great call to action at the end so that's a great channel trailer let's

take a look at the sections so the first section has got his main uploads got the

first playlist here which is a step-by-step guide to teaching your

puppy or dog so this actually introduces people to training your dog then he's

got another playlist "stop leash pulling" various examples with different types of

dogs and here's another playlist "everything you ever wanted to know about

teaching fetch" and how to train dog tricks easy to most difficult and an

example of Jacob the rescue dog this helps viewers to go more deeply

into the channel content from the channel home page let's take a look at

the about page ok he's got a good description here this is the official

YouTube channel I'll be the dog trainers act George in order to get the most out

of my videos I recommend that your one of my book if you want me to definitely

see and answer your dog training question go here traditional videos and

interaction join me on Facebook thank you for subscribing follow me on

Facebook and Twitter and here's the email address. That's a great description

because it explains exactly what the channel is about and how to get more

training from the patreon page and also how to get in contact with the author

here you've got the channel links patreon link Twitter Google+ Facebook

and the website let's have a look at the featured video so if I subscribe then

refresh it see what kind of featured videos done ok over here is go what to

watch next it's like you show on the same video to the subscribers as non

subscribers then he's got some other videos here which related to this

featured video 3. Study thumbnail design here's the 1 million

video which clearly shows on his thumbnail 1 million how to teach your

puppy to actually listen to you what's it like to make your dog training videos

I choose the best dog how to choose a dog so it looks like all his thumbnails

are pretty descriptive it clearly states what the

video is going to be about based upon the thumbnail and the title he uses a lot of

contrasting colors bold text and great expressions on his dog's the only

improvement I would make is to make sure that all the thumbnails are congruent so

it's obvious it belongs to this channel 4. View the most popular videos

So if you click on videos I'm going to drop down list and select most popular now

you can see his first video has received over two million views within

one year and also this video has received two million within three years two

million over four years two million within just a year so his top videos are

receiving over two million views within one to four years Let's have a look at his top

performing I've talking about the new puppy okay he's going into the

meat of the content let's take a look at the call to action at the end notice

he's added the number of cards click on the card icon he's got a poll here "will you

be buying the book?" Yes...No...maybe and he's promoting his related video how

to stop your puppy biting and here's another related video puppy leash

training and another related video potty training made easy so these are all

related to his main video at the end of the video he's promoting his book

inviting people to his patron page, inviting people to subscribe and to

check out the related videos 5. Study the playlists. His first playlist is

called Puppies it could have a better description than that he's got thirty

six videos in there so here's all the videos in the playlist here's a playlist

on how to train dog tricks it says this one has almost a million views and then he's

got how to teach a dog to do things in minutes three ways to teach your dog

to shake these videos in the playlist are all closely related to each other and

that's a good thing 6. Study the comments it says "I don't

have a dog but I watch all the videos that's the weirdest coolest looking dog

I've ever seen" "Jack I absolutely love your videos i love

your videos so much anddon't have a dog but would love one" ... so you can see

that these comments all come from dog lovers if you scroll through the

comments then you'll probably find some questions too that you can make for

future videos such as this one from Tyler "what kind of dog treats would you

recommend" and "how many treats can you give your

dog before you have to worry about over feeding" here's a suggestion from Chris

"can you please make a basic obedience training feature Rottweiler"

so here's even a suggestion for another video

7. Use Channel analysis tools Let's take a look at Enter the YouTube channel

username and here's a summary this particular channel has got a b-grade

subscriber rank of 4648 a video view rank of 26,504 and it's got two and a half

million views in the last 30 days and it's got thirty thousand subscribers in

the last 30 days here it shows the stat summary by days the date subscribers

video views and estimated earnings it also shows the monthly views over the last

six months and it monthly subs over the last six months

both these graphs shows that it's increasing which is great you can also

look at future projections The projection in the next 30 days is that they'll have 1

million thirty-five thousand subscribers and in 3 months time they'll have a million

ninety-eight thousand subscribers six months 1 million 192 thousand subscribers

2020 they'll have two million so you got subscriber milestones and viewer

milestones you also got detailed statistics and it also shows similar

channels about 50 of the latest videos 50 of the most viewed videos 50 of the highest

rated videos and 50 of the most relevant you also have the live subscriber count

so social blade is a great tool to compare the statistics of your channel

with related channels here's a bonus tip repeat this process for the other

successful channels and videos in your niche keep in mind there are other

factors that make channels successful such as the personality and mindset of

the creator people tend to gravitate to someone they know like and trust let me

ask you an important question...What factors

motivate you to subscribe to a YouTube channel? Post your answer in the comments

below I'd love to read them and I'm sure others would too if you want to learn

how to grow your audience on YouTube and generate views and

subscribers on autopilot click the subscribe button below and check out the

related videos I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How To Reverse Engineer Successful YouTube Channels - Duration: 8:40.


KOSPI closes on record high for two days in a row - Duration: 1:41.

Korean stocks post record numbers for the second day in a row... buoyed by strong foreign

purchases and improvements in the nation's exports.

Samsung electronics, a market bellweather, also closed at an all-time high.

Won Jung-hwan breaks down the uplifting digits for us.

The benchmark KOSPI continued where it left off, rising zero-point-six-eight percent from

the previous day, before closing with another record high of just under two-thousand-four-hundred-75

on Thursday.

This follows the record closing high of two-thousand-four-hundred-58 that was set yesterday.

Positive sentiment surrounding Samsung Electronics ahead of its upcoming quarterly earnings report

has played a big role in the recent gains.


Semiconductor exports, which had been strong during the third-quarter period, have improved,

and exports of other main items have also shown improvement.

Also, as the global economy shows signs of improved recovery, and the nation's stock

market continued to show strong momentum after the Chuseok holiday season, the KOSPI continues

its record strength.

Local analysts have forecast that if these trends continue as expected,...the KOSPI will

keep notching fresh records... and could top 26-hundred before the end of the year,...

but they also cited potential risks... including the geopolitical risks stemming from North

Korean missile and nuclear provocations,... trade protectionist measures toward Korean

products by the U.S. International Trade Commission,... and uncertainty over the possible amendment

of the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> KOSPI closes on record high for two days in a row - Duration: 1:41.


Focus. You Can Do This - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:09.

I was playing a game against the 49 it was a Monday night game and I had to

sacks that game and I had ten sacks on the year which is great by football terms

and I was on my way going to another Pro Bowl which mean I've won the

best in the NFL but I felt horrible I felt like I was one of the worst players

didn't feel good about myself and and I went to somebody in Arizona who you

know just reinforced that you have to speak kindly to yourself you have to

talk nicely to yourself treat yourself and say to yourself what you would say

to somebody else to encourage them and that's what I started to do and the next

week had a big game against the Cardinals and it was in my opinion in 15 years in

the NFL the best and greatest football game I've ever played and I think it was

because I truly told myself you can do this you know how to play this game you

belong in this game and I've had to use that to do live I had to do you do use

it to do Fox because I wasn't so sure I could be a sports commentator which a

lot of people think is natural for an athlete to be able to do but it's not

and then come to morning television I've had to tell myself that to do GMA

I've had to tell myself that because I'm as scared and as fearful as anybody else

to tackle something new but I've learned that sometimes I got to get over the

fear of not doing it because I'm scared instead of not doing it because I can't

do it and I found that I was more just worried about being scared and what with

the repercussions were actually more than really feeling like I couldn't do

something and now by taking these chances I feel like I can do anything I

think once you get to the point of where you don't really care about anyone elses

opinion and you really truly trust in yourself and you're willing to put

yourself in an uncomfortable position you'll find that you'll get comfortable

real quick and you can do things that you never in a million years thought

that you'd be able to accomplish and I'm a true believer that it's all what you

think of it it's all what you think of yourself it's

all what you apply to it it's all about the work that you put into it

and if you put all those things and you apply and you really

interested in something then you can do it I have no doubt in anybody every

thing is possible people say you you have to have a lot of passion for what

you're doing and it's totally true and the reason is is because it's so hard

that if you don't any rational person would give up it's really hard and you

have to do it over a sustained period of time so if you don't love it if you're

not having fun doing it you don't really love it you're gonna give up and that's

what happens to most people actually if you really look at that the ones that

ended up you know being successful unquote the eyes of society and the ones

that didn't oftentimes it's the ones that are successful loved what they did

so they could persevere well you know when it got really tough and and the

ones that didn't love it quit because they're saying right who would want to

put up with this stuff if you don't love it so it's a lot of hard work and and

it's a lot of worrying constantly and if you don't love it you're gonna fail so

you got to love it you got to have passion keep trying different things

it's okay to not know a hundred percent what you're passionate about it's not a

crime to being a job that you're not a hundred percent in love with but there

are things that you can do alright don't be a victim that's the thing that drives

me crazy when I talk to people and they like you but like yo if you really want

if you get to the point where it's more uncomfortable being where you are you

will figure it out but a lot of times we get stuck in these ruts we let other

people's perception of what they think we should do for ourselves sort of

decide what we do and this is crazy it's absolutely nuts guys life is way too

short to be living without passion and for a career if you're in the place

where your does not 100% happy there is absolutely no better time than

right now to try and figure it out because you're amazing and you deserve

it the fifth one is about mindset and the mindset shift is to appreciation

because the truth is oftentimes everything what we're trying to get get

get we're focused on what we don't have and if you can shift your mindset simply

from not focusing on what I lack but what I

and shift it from not focusing on the bottom of that ladder of the stuff but

to the connection and the growth that is the shift that will lead to the most

lasting happiness we have access to this at all times of our life even in the

annoying moments when we're standing in line it's 20 minutes to get out of the

food store you can focus on the fact that you're 20 minutes late what you

don't have is your time or you can focus on the fact that you have food

surrounding you from all kinds of the world and you live literally better than

Kings did 100 years ago because they couldn't get grapes right if you were on

the other side of the planet so depending on what you compare yourself

to if you're alive today if you're watching YouTube if you're on the

internet you literally live better then Kings did not very long ago you are in

the top point one percent of lucky people who have ever lived so no matter

what's going on in your life I know that there will be things that knock you down

things that suck reasons to be unhappy or there's always a reason to bounce

back if you shift your focus to what you have compared to what you don't so I

hope you find that helpful I hope that you can focus on what you appreciate and

if you take one thing from this right now write down or say in your head one

thing that is common to your life that is little that maybe you don't notice

all the time that you appreciate right now and I think that that I'll make you

have a much better day and if you can keep it up that habit will give you a

much happier life

your destiny your

future is not predicated on the decision of someone else you've wasted too much

of your life trying to change other people's mind about you

it doesn't matter what they think about you

God is not going to bless you by their opinion God is going to bless you on how you see yourself

touch somebody and say I believe I'm coming out

I don't know how long it's going to take

I don't know what I'm going to have to go through

I don't know what I'm going to lose along the way but I still believe that I'm coming out

I've been broke I've been busted and disgusted but I still believe that I'm coming out I'm locked up

in prison they say I'll never get out

but I still believe that I'm coming out

I'm coming out if I don't have nowhere to stay I'm coming out if my husband marries somebody else

I'm coming out if I don't have no job I'm coming out

and I want you really right now once again start thinking about your goals

and about your dreams and as you begin to envision them one of the things that

I think that's very important that we have to always go back to as you look at

your goals and dreams and and I want you to expand them and it's very important

to realize that I found that most people fail in life not because they aim too

high and miss most people fail in life because it did just like I did for so

many years they aim too low and hit they didn't believe in themselves

so I want you right now as we begin to think about the lessons and all the

things that you've experienced and all of the comments and stories and

strategies and lessons that you've had I think it's time to revisit and look at

your goals and dreams and let's raise the bar I remember as a kid we would be

in the backyard and we would play jumpin somebody would

get on one side of the stick my sister and then my brother

we were running we'd jump over it and then they'd say raise it a little bit

higher we have to back up if we run a wig jump over to get it and then we say

raise it up a little higher and higher it got we have to begin to change our

approach and how are we going to get over the bar and that's the same thing

in life and so right now I want you to think about your goals and dreams as you

begin to raise them a little higher and I want you to stay with me it's possible

it's possible you know the easiest thing that I do is speak and trade people how

to speak go into prisons and juvenile detention centers into high schools and

colleges speak before thousands of people I can do that in my sleep

let me share with you that the most difficult thing I've ever done in my

life it took me years to do and that was to believe that it was possible to

believe that I can do it given my circumstances born and abandoned

building on a floor being adopted being labeled educable mentally retarded

failing twice and school no college training never worked for major

corporation to believe that I had something of value to say

somebody would want to listen to me to believe that that somebody would pay me

to talk to them have you ever thought about something you wanted to do and you

talked yourself out of it I remember going to see Zig Ziglar who I consider

the number one motivational speaker in the planet and dr. norman vincent peale

when he was alive in robert schuller i used to see them and i would be so pumped up

and inspired after hearing Jim Ron who recently passed one of the great

motivational speakers of all time and and Charlie tremendous Jones it and I

would go to my car pumped up saying yes yes yes I can and then after a While my

mental conditioning would kick in unless a less fun you can't do that you don't

have a college education that's wrong you can't do that

sir do you know your parents are this from you can't do that you failed twice in school

good ever thought about something you wanted to do and you talked yourself out

of it there's a proverb that says if there's no enemy within the enemy

outside can do us no harm

For more infomation >> Focus. You Can Do This - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:09.


Что подарить женщине на Новый год 2018: 11 интересных идей - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Что подарить женщине на Новый год 2018: 11 интересных идей - Duration: 4:55.


National Assembly kicks off parliamentary audit of government bodies - Duration: 2:56.

The first annual government audit under the Moon administration begins.

For 20 days, sixteen parliamentary committees will review the activities of more than 700

government bodies. Kim Min-ji starts us off by zooming in on

the key issues tackled on day one. Twelve of the standing committees at the National

Assembly kicked off audits of government agencies on Thursday, each committee tasked with different

areas of the bureaucracy. With North Korea continuing its provocations

and exchanging harsh words with Washington, the spotlight was on the ministries of foreign

affairs and defense.

Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha reiterated that the government will work to solve North

Korea's nuclear issue through sanctions and pressure,... as well as dialogue.

Although she noted that the North appears unwilling,... she said Seoul will closely

cooperate with regional powers, such as China and Russia -- and use their leverage over

Pyongyang to bring it back to talks. The ruling party agreed with the government,

saying it's important to establish a dialogue channel,... but the opposition said talks

are not enough and that strategic assets need to be redeployed to the peninsula.

( ...' ' vs ' ') "We can only put an end to North Korea's provocations

if we deploy strategic nuclear weapons and punish the regime. You have to admit this."

"I think the reason we're hearing calls such as these is because of doubts about the Korea-U.S.

alliance. What we need instead is a a public promise that we will be protected under the

U.S. nuclear umbrella."

And as part of efforts to step up defense capabilities,... Defense Minister Song Young-moo

said that South Korea is seeking to regain wartime operational control over its forces

at an early date by discussing the timing and conditions with Washington.

Seoul was supposed to regain control at the end of 2015 -- but that was postponed with

no new deadline... due to Pyongyang's growing threats.

Song said the opcon transfer will be an opportunity to boost South Korea's military capabilities...

and pledged that Seoul will maintain complementary relations with the U.S.

He added that his ministry will speed up completion of the so-called three key defense pillars

-- which include programs designed to carry out preemptive strikes when a threat is imminent,...

as well as plans for retaliation.

Also under the microscope were the labor, industry and agriculture ministries,... with

rival lawmakers again clashing... over issues including possible amendments to the Korea-U.S.

free trade deal... as well as the government's decision to suspend the construction of new

nuclear plants.

"During the audit period, rival parties are expected to ramp up their political offensives

against each other, especially this being the first audit since a change in government.

The ruling party has vowed to root out corruption of the previous conservative administrations,...

while the opposition has promised to shed light on the missteps of the new one... and

scrutinize its economic and security policies.Kim Min-ji, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> National Assembly kicks off parliamentary audit of government bodies - Duration: 2:56.


Farming Simulator 17 McLoude Slurry Spreader - Duration: 11:07.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You McLoude Slurry Spreader.

McLoude Slurry Spreader 8.650l Capacity 36m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed

I it same as new Holland SP 400F But it now can spread Slurry and Digestate

I will fill it will Slurry From FERMENTER SILO

I don't know why it is cannot work at this field Below in this video I change field and it works fine

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 McLoude Slurry Spreader - Duration: 11:07.


Essence of Murli 13-10-2017 - Duration: 7:48.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 13th October 2017

( Shiv Baba is the innocent lord, because he takes from us dirt (vices) & in return makes us ruler for many births)

Essence: Sweet children, the Father, the Innocent Lord, is the only One who fills your aprons with jewels of knowledge.

He alone is the Seed of the kalpa tree. He cannot be compared to anyone else.

Question: How and why do many children try to deceive the Father ? ( Do answer for self...... could i also be deceiving father ? )

Answer: Because of not recognising the Father accurately, they make mistakes and then hide them.

( The one who does not hide will reveal mistakes to father made by self, and also ammend those mistakes )

They don't tell Baba the truth. They secretly sit in the gathering.

They don't realize that Dharamraj Baba knows everything.

To tell the true Baba the truth is also a way to reduce punishment.

To tell the true Baba the truth is also a way to reduce punishment. ( Baba being extremely merciful on we children, is revealing above point )

Song: No one is unique like the Innocent Lord.

Essence for dharna: 1. Surrender everything you have to the Father and follow shrimat fully.

Do not perform any bad action and then hide it. By telling the truth to the judge, your punishment is reduced.

2. Never sulk with the Father. Become serviceable. You yourself have to cut your bondages of karma.

( The way to cut bondages of karma is by being powerful. Taking powers through rememberance and not repeating such Karmas)

Blessing: May you be an embodiment of awareness and power and experience transformation, happiness and lightness by having powerful remembrance.

Powerful remembrance gives you double the experience at the same time.

On the one hand, remembrance becomes a fire and does the work of burning everything

and transforming everything and, on the other hand, it also gives the experience of happiness and lightness.

Only such powerful remembrance performed in the right way is called accurate remembrance.

The children who are embodiments of awareness and have such accurate remembrance are powerful.

This awareness and power enables you to claim a right to a number one prize.

Slogan: Someone whose heart is strong and mature is said to be experienced.

( Elderly people will not cry easily, because their experiences in life have made them strong from within )

( While those who are not experienced or strong from within will cry often at even the slightest provocation, think of weaknesses, feel guilty )

( Hence Baba says become embodiment of knowledge imparted by me . Now how to become embodiment ? )

( By applying points of knowledge imparted through Murli in real life and learning from those experiences )

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 13-10-2017 - Duration: 7:48.


COKETV'S ROAD TRIP - SP4ZIE & ATHENA KÖR RODEL! | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:03.


There we go.

Yes! Now the car is packed.

And why have we done that? Because this is a special episode!

Or it will actually be more than just one episode.

-We're going on a road trip! -Road trip!!

I drive!

Yes, I still don't have a licens.

Hit the road, and new adventures!


-Are you excited Athena? -Yes!

Are you excited in the backseat?

Eh, we need to pick up the camera team.

-Go back, go back, go back... -Yes, yes, yes. I'm on my way.

Sorry gang.

Are you going with us?

-Sorry. -Go, go, go, go...

Let's go!

We're doomed.

Ooh... So cold.

-Should we maybe pick our first challenge for the road tripp? -Yes.

First stop...

"Try luge in Rättvik"

Let's go to Rättvik.

-Hi! -Hey!

-Athena. -Hey, Jonas.

-Okay, so I just get on it? -Yes.

-Help, I'm so nervous. -I shouldn't have chosen jeans this morning.


-Okay, I think I'm ready. -Nice.


Oh my god it's so fast!

Jonas, I am here.

This is my stop.

I guess that I'm stepping off here.

It feels like it will start moving.

-Just go when you're ready. -Let's go!

Last one down is a fart!


Oh my god...

I made it.

I'm crying...

That was so fun.

Sometimes you can't hit the break.

Then it becomes pretty scary.

How do you do it Jonas?

I don't get it!

I did it!

-There you go. -Yes!

-Okay Athena. -Yes.

-I won. -Yes you did.

-But it's no competition. -No

"It's no competition". In Jonas world it's "no competition".

No, no, no... No competition. And in that non-competition I won. What did you say?

The thing that happened was that I didn't get that I should have leaned forward in the beginning.

So that's why I didn't get the push that you got.

I thinkt that the more we're standing here talking, the less luge we're riding.

Good one.

This is so harmoniously.

Nice view...

I'm talking with myself... Going backwards.

Completely natural.

-Ready? -Yes

I managed to stop! The slide is getting dry.

Oh, now Jonas is getting first again.

How do you always manage to get down first? I don't get it.

Fastest in luge! Swedish master!

No, next time I'm going to win. I'll win.

Ready, set, go!

No... No!!



I won!

-Smooth. -Yes!!

That was thrilling.

-Boom! -Nicely done.

-It was very equal, but I won. -Rematch.

What happened? I think it was the pressure...

When it's not for real I can just go but as soon as a competition starts... the nerves come.

Oh, look at that! Hello.

-Oh, hello there... -Hello there little darlings.

Oh god I've got the biggest rush now.

I never thought that I could win but...

-Didn't think so. -I beat your ass.

I did win those test rounds... a glove.


This is on the top 10 list of the funniest things I've done.

Yes, it was great.

But Athena, I think that you need to do some interviews... i'm doing this again.

I'm done.

Im so tired but I've just been sitting down.

-Cheers guys. -Cheers.

-What a day. -That was...

...much faster than I could imagine. -Over the expectations.

How fast do you go on this track?

I go pretty fast.

What's your trick?

I'm sitting further ahead over the wheels.

Then I lean forward.

Then I speed up.

-Then it goes fast! -Without break.

Like you said, then you fly all the way to Siljan when you get down.

This was super fun. Thank you so much Jamshid for having us.

That was nothing, and I like that you had so fun.

-Yes! -Yes, definitely.

I'm happy.

But the road trip continues.

It does, and where do we get next week, I've no idea. But the adventure...

-...continues... -on the road.

Click here to watch more videos with me and Spuzie.

Yes, and don't forget to subscribe guys, that's great.

You get notifications when we release new videos, you can join our competitions.

And you get to be in the cool club "The subscribers".

Yes, you get it.

How straight is my helmet hair now?

-Like this. -Yes, let's fix it.

Thanks for watching!

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