Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

'The story so far..'

'Tathacharya takes advantage of Vamacharya's problem'

'and plans to get Varunmala lifetime imprisonment.'

'Tathacharya and Rama get affected by the herbs'

'given by Vamacharya.'

'Rama and Tathacharya get vexed seeing'

'Sharda and Varunmala's

unfaltering faith in Vamacharya.'

'The story continues..'

Had I known beforehand

I'd have got my house built near the lake.

An eminent scholar like me is carrying earthen pots

like the women. Oh, Lord!

I'd have to carry them again next morning!

These women have made my life impossible!

Pandit Ramakrishna, I wanted you to apologise to me.

But since I laughed at you, I must seek your forgiveness.

Your seat has been turned to the other side.

Acharya, look over there.

Even you will sit facing the wall.

What! What is this?

I, the revered Guru Tathacharya, will be seated facing the wall!

What's happening? - Pandit Ramakrishna.

Greetings, Minister. - Greetings.

Vamacharya, the 'Vastu Shastra' guru, has given instructions.

Queen Chinna Devi has ordered us to follow those.

But how will I converse if I face the other way?

That is exactly what I'm also wondering.

I have an idea. Let us take our seats.

I will clap if I want to say something.

Then you can turn around to listen.

Acharya, why are you looking to your left

when I'm sitting to your right?

Acharya, listen.

Look to the side where the sound is coming from.

If the sound seems to come from the left, look to your left

and if the sound comes from the right, look right.

Okay? - Okay, fine.

Pandit Ramakrishna, stop with your games now!

I don't see you in either direction! Why did you clap?


Pandit Ramakrishna.

Please come in front of me.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Are you both coming here? - Y-Yes, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, it's a serious situation.

Quite serious.

My wife has gone insane.

I can't tell when she is Varunmala and when Vamacharya.

Have you seen my sad face when I'm seated in my place?

I'm in a quandary.

How would I see your sad face, Acharya

when your wife has turned my throne to the other side?

Your Majesty I will instantly solve this issue.

I will be right back.

He will solve it, it seems!

A royal guru like me couldn't handle Vamacharya

but he thinks he can!

Your Majesty, you can converse with the assembly

by looking at their reflection.

Lo and behold! Pandit Ramakrishna's brilliance!

What a way to solve the problem!

Pandit Ramakrishna, this is not the solution

but a temporary alternative plan.

I need to solve this issue forever.

Acharya. - Yes?

Did you talk to your wife?

Your Majesty, I have crossed all limits in order to convince her.

For a royal priest like me

nothing is more important than the kingdom.

She is my wife, an integral part of my life.

But our personal relationship

cannot come in the way of my duties.

It's time to make a sacrifice, Your Majesty.

It's time for a sacrifice.

Acharya, w-what are you saying?

Your Majesty

Varunmala's, that is, Vamacharya's freedom

is detrimental to the kingdom.

I am ready

to make this sacrifice, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, I have made this plea with a heavy heart.

Acharya, I appreciate your thoughts.

But this is not possible.

She is my guru.

And for what crime should I punish her anyway?

She has committed the crime of obstructing the royal affairs.

Forgive me, Acharya

but Vamacharya has only given the instructions.

It's Chinna Devi who has given the orders, right?

Glory be to you, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, I have some good news.

This year, in our kingdom

there has been abundant production of rice.

Hence, our farmers are happy.

Also, the neighbouring kingdom's king

who resented us, has fallen ill.

He is not in a situation to attack or wage a war with us.

I have more great news.

Today, in our kingdom.. - Demolish it..

Change it..

The world should be cautious of the ignorant.

Demolish it! Change it!

Today, I will settle the problem once and for all.

I, Vamacharya, the 'Vastu' guru, greet you, Your Majesty.

Yes.. Greetings to you too.

His Majesty greets you.

You all witnessed the effects of 'Vastu Shastra'.

We have been receiving good news since morning.

Only good things are happening in our kingdom.

And this is the result of turning the throne around.

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her! - Why are you..

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Pandit Ramakrishna, you must know

that one shouldn't interfere in matters

which is beyond one's expertise.

And you, Tathacharya, the royal priest

I'm confident that you are stunned

seeing the effects of my 'Vastu Shastra'.

I hope you will not interfere in my work.

Your Majesty

I request you to gift me a token of appreciation.


Give a token of appreciation to Guru Vamacharya.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Hail Lord Shiva!

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Hail Lord Shiva!

Demolish it..

Change it..

It seems, my throne will always be like this.


Wonderful! So many gifts!

It seems, I have many new devotees in the kingdom.

No, Acharya! All these are meant for Guru Vamacharya.

The people of Vijayanagar are her followers. - Are they?


This is a miracle!

I considered it a curse

but it turned out to be a blessing!

You are praiseworthy! You are great!

Please forgive me. - My lord, what are you doing?

Oh, no! I am your humble wife.

Don't bow down to me and make me a sinner, my lord!

These gifts denote your fame in the kingdom.

These gifts?

My lord, these are not for me but Guru Vamacharya.

Vamacharya is great! She is praiseworthy!

She is the greatest!

I believe in her 'Vastu Shastra'.

Please seek her advice for my sake.

So that I too will be benefitted by her expertise.

My lord, I have already done it. - Have you? - Yes.

So.. What are her orders for me?

My lord, she has advised you to climb the tallest tree

and hoist a saffron flag.

That will help you earn name and fame all over the world!

Vamacharya is great!

I.. I will instantly ask my servants to hoist the flag.

No, my lord! You yourself have to do it.

I? - Yes.

Do I have to climb the tree? - The tallest one!

The tallest one? - My lord, Vamacharya's disciples

Dhanacharya and Manacharya, will help you with this.

Good! It's good.

Tomorrow early morning, after fetching the water from the lake

I will surely go and raise the flag of my fame. Definitely!

Thank Vamacharya on my behalf. - Sure, my lord, I will.

Dhani, Mani! - Yes? - Yes, Acharya?

Find the tallest tree. - Yes, Acharya.

Here it is, Acharya! This is the tallest tree!

Yes, this tree.. Oh..

Dhani, Mani! - Yes? - Yes?

It's stuck. - What?

My neck. - I see.

But how will I climb it?

Acharya, just pray to God and climb it.

Set up the ladder!


Do not be afraid. Just climb up.

Shall we hold the ladder, Acharya? - Yes.

No! I'm the great royal priest, Tathacharya.

I don't need your help.

Give me the flag, come on!

Here you go, Acharya. Hold it.

Mani.. - Yes? - Look at that! Look..

What is it? - A mango! - Mango!

Before he descends, we'll pluck the mango!

Great idea! Let's go, Dhani. Come on..

Look, a ripe mango.. - A stone.. Here!

Bees! Let's run, Mani! - Run..

Dhani, Mani!

The ladder! Put it back.

Dhani, get up..

Acharya.. - Forget acharya..

You fools! How will I get down?

I am blessed! Please come in.

I wholeheartedly welcome you!

Great! I thought I was safe.

But she has invited this lady!

Here comes trouble.

Worship her.. Welcome her grandly!

For the first time, I'm seeing someone welcoming trouble.

Take it.

Wow! Mother-in-law, she's so wise!

I didn't even tell her what to pick up, yet she got it.


Mother-in-law says, dispel all our troubles with your holiness.

Please tell us a way to maintain the happiness

and prosperity of my family.

Hail Lord Shiva!

Wood doesn't suit this house.

Get rid of all the wood.

Did you hear that, Mother? Throw your stick in the river.

Not just this stick

but you have to remove all wooden items from the house.

What are you saying? In this house, all the items

like door, windows, bed, table, etc. are made of wood.

If we discard them all, nothing will be left.

Even if you keep them here, nothing will be left, Rama!

Your wealth, name, fame, glory, everything will be lost.

It was my duty to advise you.

It's your choice to follow or ignore it.

Hail Lord Shiva..

Hail Lord Shiva..

We must get rid of all the wooden items in the house.

Great! We are done for!

Mother-in-law, you must discard your stick.

Mother-in-law, won't you discard it?

But if we keep wooden items at home, there will be ruination.

If you don't discard your stick, we'll lose our happiness

fame, wealth and glory!

You are fool!

Oh! I am a fool!

I'm speaking such things, so I am a fool.

But Mother-in-law, you must discard your stick.

So, should we disobey Guru Vamacharya?

You won't leave your stick. Or else, how will you beat Rama up?

Mother-in-law, I will beat him

with my pair of tongs! - Hey!

You are fond of your stick, so you won't discard it.

Rama, what are you staring at? Ask her to discard the stick.

Yes. Mother, Sharda is right.

No matter if you discard other things or not

discard this stick.

Okay, don't discard it..

Okay.. Mother..

I won't say anything.. I won't..

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

The old man is looking like a bat.

Dhani, Mani! You fools!

Where did you go leaving

me dangling here like a mango?

Actually, guru had assigned us some important task

so we were busy with that.

Help me get down now. - Sure, I'll place the ladder.

It's done. - Come, Acharya, get down now.

Oh.. No.

Nothing will happen. You just have to reach the ladder.

It's very easy.

Acharya, the flag fell down. - You are worried about the flag

when my life is at stake here!

I need to descend. - I have placed the ladder.

Just put your foot down, a little to the right. - Okay.

Place the ladder..

Not right, put your foot to the left, Acharya.

Not left but right. - Not right but left.

Why are you confusing me?

Are you trying to help me or increase my problems?

Acharya, we can't help you with this problem.

We will inform the king. He will save you now.

Let's go. - Stop..

Don't inform the king. What will I tell him

as to why I climbed the tree?

Dhani, Mani!

Your Majesty, I have some good news.

Our neighbouring kingdom has agreed to become our ally.

We have demolished the anti-state elements

on the occasion of Diwali. - Enough, Minister.

Be quiet.

I do not want to hear anymore good news.

Only the news that Tathacharya has handled Vamacharya

will please me now.

Has he arrived? - No, Your Majesty.

I will go and find out. - That will be useless.

I had given him two days' time. One day has already passed.

I think he cannot solve it now.

'Rama, get ready. Now, you will face this trouble.'

Pandit Ramakrishna! - Yes, Y-Your Majesty?

You will take up this responsibility now.

You will solve this problem.

But Your Majesty, I.. - Or else, be ready to get punished.


For more infomation >> Tenali Rama - तेनाली रामा - Ep 67 - 10th October, 2017 - Duration: 22:00.


Ty no nie wiem - Jak wytresować smoka - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Ty no nie wiem - Jak wytresować smoka - Duration: 0:33.


The Giant's Causeway and its Legend for Kids: Famous Landmarks for Children - FreeSchool - Duration: 3:24.

You're Watching FreeSchool!

On the northeast coast of Ireland lies an area filled with thousands of massive stone


The product of an ancient volcanic eruption, the Giant's Causeway is one of the greatest

natural wonders in the United Kingdom.

Early visitors to the site, however, noticed something suspicious.

The tops of the columns were near-perfect hexagons, and appeared to form huge stepping

stones down from the cliffs into the sea.

This observation sparked the legend that gave the area its name.

According to the legend, the stones are the remains of a causeway, or raised pathway across

the water, built by an ancient giant - Finn McCool.

Finn was challenged to a fight by a Scottish giant, Benandonner, and he grabbed chunks

of the Irish coastline and threw them into the sea to bridge the gap to Scotland.

As he approached and saw how huge Benandonner was, Finn became frightened and ran back home.

On the way, he lost one of his boots, which can still be seen today.

Benandonner chased after him, and Finn asked his wife, Oona, for help.

Oona dressed Finn as a baby, and put him in a huge cradle.

When Benandonner arrived and saw how big the sleeping 'baby' was, he assumed the father

must be even more gigantic and ran in terror, ripping up the Causeway as he went so he couldn't

be followed.

That is why you will find identical columns across the sea in Scotland - it's the other

end of the Causeway.

Scientists have another explanation for the rock formations, however.

They say that the causeway formed 50 to 60 million years ago when molten rock was forced

up through fissures in chalk beds, forming a plateau of lava.

As the lava cooled, it contracted, creating the splits.

Today the Giant's Causeway contains about 40,000 basalt columns.

The tallest of the columns are 39 feet or 12 meters high, and the cooled lava in the

cliffs is 92 feet or 28 meters thick in some places.

Today, the Giant's Causeway is a World Heritage Site and the most popular tourist attraction

in Northern Ireland.

Whether visitors come for the legend of ancient giants, or for massive age-old basalt columns,

the Giant's Causeway is an awe-inspiring sight.

I hope you enjoyed learning about the Giant's Causeway today.

Goodbye till next time!

For more infomation >> The Giant's Causeway and its Legend for Kids: Famous Landmarks for Children - FreeSchool - Duration: 3:24.


Naâman - Love is Allowed (Lyrics CC) - Duration: 3:31.

Carry on, carry on

They say they know that world and every corner But they can't know themselves

my brother don't get trap by their manners and the words they say

They say they'll chase out war from your borders

But war is in themselves Water we should not beg to the fire starter

No my friend, no my friend

If you wanna live a life where love is allowed Jump over the trap them ah go put on your road

Only we alone gonna save our souls

I'm begging you carry on and on brothers You carry on and on sisters

Give me back the reins of my life I'm gonna make it

we don't need no politicians that waffle in the pit

everyone together we got all the solutions so please

Let's not press the detonator good people will make it better

let's stick to the roots of mother nature so change the rules and fuck the ruler

let's do it, we go do it, we go do it I see this time coming

Do it we go do it we go do it I see this time coming

Do it we go do it we go do it I see this time coming

If you wanna live a life where love is allowed Jump over the trap them ah go put on your road

Only we alone gonna save our souls

I'm begging you carry on and on brothers You carry on and on sisters

They would like to see the people fighting again

in the name of nationalism, oh god knows but I know you didn't forget your past I say

wake up humanism wake up humanism

If you wanna live a life where love is allowed Jump over the trap them ah go put on your road

Only we alone gonna save our souls

I'm begging you carry on and on brothers You carry on and on sisters

If you wanna live a life where love is allowed Jump over the trap them ah go put on your road

Only we alone gonna save our souls

I'm begging you carry on and on brothers You carry on and on sisters

For more infomation >> Naâman - Love is Allowed (Lyrics CC) - Duration: 3:31.


Inflatable Love - Foursome Season 3 Teaser - Duration: 0:58.









I love this vacation.



For more infomation >> Inflatable Love - Foursome Season 3 Teaser - Duration: 0:58.



For more infomation >> LES 7 ARMES SECRÈTES 💀 QUE LES ÉTATS UNIS NOUS CACHENT - Duration: 7:00.


Erneut massive US-Truppenverlagerungen nach Europa [Medienkommentar] | 12.10.2017 | - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Erneut massive US-Truppenverlagerungen nach Europa [Medienkommentar] | 12.10.2017 | - Duration: 5:36.


Small Details In Blade Runner 2049 That Only True Fans Noticed - Duration: 4:16.

Blade Runner 2049 is filled with stunning visuals and massive world-building shots.

With so much information packed into every frame, it's hard to catch everything in Blade

Runner 2049.

Here are some of the small details and Easter eggs you might have missed.

Major spoilers ahead!

Master Blaster

Between the more obvious holdovers from the first movie, like the spinners and Tyrell's

tower, eagle-eyed fans may have noticed one particular artifact that made the leap from

the original film — Deckard's blaster pistol.

And the new version isn't just close to its lethal ancestor — it's an exact replica

of the actual prop used by Harrison Ford in Blade Runner.

Surprisingly, it isn't locked in a Hollywood warehouse somewhere — it was purchased by

a private collector, who was gracious enough to lend it to the filmmakers.

According to Vice's Inside the Making of Blade Runner 2049, the prop team used it to build

Deckard's blaster all over again.

"We took a really close look at it, and basically we recreated the blaster again bolt by bolt."


There are a bunch of different replicant models in the Blade Runner universe.

In the original film, Harrison Ford's Deckard was hunting Nexus-6 models.

In 2049, Dave Bautista's character is a Nexus-8, and Ryan Gosling's K is a Nexus-9.

Each new model marks a design evolution.

Nexus 6s had a four-year lifespan.

Nexus-8s, like Bautista's Sapper Morton, can live much longer, and can apparently visibly


So what about the the Nexus-7s?

As far as we know, neither film explicitly mentions a Nexus-7 model, but 2049 left an

Easter egg that reveals Rachael from the original film to be possibly one of the only Nexus-7s.

When K hunts down the serial number from Rachael's bones he found buried under that tree, the

serial number begins with N7, most likely short for Nexus-7.

Which leaves the question: was Rachel the one and only Nexus-7, or was she a special

version that could reproduce?

And if Deckard really is a replicant, is he a Nexus-7 too?

A real goat

While K and Joi are tracking down Deckard, they stop at a shop owned by a guy named Doc

Badger to get K's toy horse analyzed.

Badger realizes it's made of real wood and offers K a "real horse or goat" as a trade.

Surprisingly, that line was actually a callback to Blade Runner's source novel, Do Androids

Dream of Electric Sheep.

In it, Deckard is always looking for animals.

For example, one line reads:

"'Ever thought of selling your horse?'

Rick asked.

He wished to God he had a horse."

Later, Deckard drops his entire bounty of $3,000 as a down payment on a goat.

Deckard obviously loves his animals, which is hinted at in Blade Runner 2049, when we

see that his Vegas hideaway is filled with animal sculptures, not to mention a pet dog.

Opening homage

Blade Runner is notorious for the number of different cuts it has.

And even before Ridley Scott's endless tinkering, some scenes from the script got the chop.

The original opening scene was one of those early casualties, but decades later, it was

reimagined as the opening scene for 2049.

Basically, the original script involved Deckard breaking into a replicant's house on a farm

and waiting in the kitchen for the replicant to come home.

Eventually, the replicant arrives, sees Deckard, and walks over to stir a pot that's bubbling

on the stove.

He asks Deckard if he wants some soup, and then Deckard kills him.

Scott, executive producer for 2049, must have loved the original opening, because he's been

talking about putting it in the sequel for years now.

Either way, it's a fantastic tribute to the first film.

Eyes on the sky

In one of the scenes of K flying above the city in his spinner, several fans apparently

noticed an airborne craft that resembles the USS Sulaco from 1986's Aliens — the ship

carrying Ripley and the crew of Marines.

It's hard to tell for sure — just about every vehicle in future Los Angeles is big,

gray, and blocky, and even if the design was inspired by the Sulaco, that probably doesn't

mean anything as exciting as a confirmed crossover.

However, there is a bit of backstory that makes this possible Easter egg a little more


The Sulaco in Aliens was designed by conceptual artist Syd Mead, a longtime powerhouse in

Hollywood sci-fi visuals.

Mead also worked on the design of the original Blade Runner as well as 2049.

Could that mysterious ship fans say they saw be an homage to one of the pioneers of modern


Now that's something worth thinking about.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Small Details In Blade Runner 2049 That Only True Fans Noticed - Duration: 4:16.


Machafuko Mabomu Yazuka, Watu Wapigwa Bila Huruma - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Machafuko Mabomu Yazuka, Watu Wapigwa Bila Huruma - Duration: 5:42.


María Patiño hace que Chelo García-Cortés se rompa en directo - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> María Patiño hace que Chelo García-Cortés se rompa en directo - Duration: 5:10.


Sonidos de Animales para Niños - ZOO Animales para niños l Bonbi Channel - Duration: 7:39.

Sonidos de Animales para Niños - ZOO Animales para niños l Bonbi Channel

For more infomation >> Sonidos de Animales para Niños - ZOO Animales para niños l Bonbi Channel - Duration: 7:39.


Elektronomia Limitless NCS Release Vubey ||Nhạc Điện tử hay || Best EDM, - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Elektronomia Limitless NCS Release Vubey ||Nhạc Điện tử hay || Best EDM, - Duration: 4:05.


Muere el piloto al estrellarse el avión Eurofighter con el que participó el 12 de octubre - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Muere el piloto al estrellarse el avión Eurofighter con el que participó el 12 de octubre - Duration: 4:38.


El chocante mensaje que Ares le mandó a Paula a través de Bustamante - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> El chocante mensaje que Ares le mandó a Paula a través de Bustamante - Duration: 3:16.


BF4 Ace 23 Best Attachments Que Config Maravilhosa BlacknightBR - Duration: 24:14.

For more infomation >> BF4 Ace 23 Best Attachments Que Config Maravilhosa BlacknightBR - Duration: 24:14.


إعادة تدوير الملابس 👗 طرق سهلة لتحويل الملابس القديمة إلى ملابس عصرية رائعة - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> إعادة تدوير الملابس 👗 طرق سهلة لتحويل الملابس القديمة إلى ملابس عصرية رائعة - Duration: 10:31.


** Jenna Bates (edited Youtube) - Duration: 2:56.

My name is Jenna Bates and I am a RN here in the Obstetrical Unit at HGH. I

work here as a part-time nurse. We've been in the department for about four

months. There's been a large impact on both our work and also the patients

that do come in to deliver and they find that the environment is more comfortable,

more clean, more inviting. They have more room for their family to be there during

the delivery and for us, it makes it a lot easier for us as well because we have a

lot more room for us to be able to perform our tasks and to make sure that

our patients feel at home. So with the donations that the donors have donated,

we were able to purchase quite a few new equipments for instance, quite a few

more pandas for our units, for our rooms and the isolette behind me.

I don't know what year we received it but we do use it for infants that we

need to give a little bit more health care to, depending on temperature, if they

happened to be jaundiced, difficulties throughout delivery but yeah, it makes

our jobs a lot easier being that there are a lot more high tech and the

technology is much easier to use. So if people wanted to donate to the HGH,

I'm a firm believer in being that we are able to support our local hospital, not

to mention our local businesses because we all use this institution.

It's great if we were able to keep it up and keep receiving nice new equipment

like this. There has been a large impact with the redevelopment at HGH. A lot of

the families locally have had to go to larger institutions to receive certain

cares. Being that we are able to have a lot of the stuff in-house, it saves them

money, it saves their families the burden of having to drive them to further

institutions to receive these cares and spend more time with them. I'd like to

sincerely thank all the donors that were able to donate to HGH and

to the Foundation. We are very grateful for all these new things that we are

getting here at HGH so I'd like to encourage everybody that is willing to

donate, to donate to the hospital. You can call the number one eight four four

eight eight eight three four four four. It will improve the quality of

care that we are able to provide. I'm just looking at the new equipment that

they have provided us and it has made our jobs and our lives a lot easier.

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