Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.



As The Young Bucks will tell you - unless your name's Matt Hardy (sorry Matt!), WWE

like to throw their intellectual property muscle around.

The company recently sent Matt and Nick Jackson a Cease and Desist letter over using the 'Too

Sweet' hand gesture on their merchandise, and now WWE's next legal battle could be…

over breakfast cereal.

A fan has pointed out to Big E on Twitter that Kellogg's have released a Unicorn Limited

Edition version of Froot Loops.

This, of course, raises many questions.

Like how can a breakfast cereal by 'Limited Edition'?

Where can I buy them in bulk?

And who really is Byron Saxton?

But Big E has his own question for WWE's legal department…

".@WWE, do you have any more cease and desists handy?"

Which brought up bad vibes for WWE's last cease and desist target The Young Bucks, who


But WWE aren't just in the business of snatching hand gestures from independent wrestlers.

They also like to snatch the independent wrestlers themselves.

Ricochet To WWE On New Japan's King of Pro-Wrestling show

last Sunday, Ricochet & Taguchi lost their IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships

to the debuting Roppongi 3K - meaning Ricochet no longer holds any titles in the major independent


After the show, he appeared to cut a farewell promo to fans.

"I just wanted to say thank you coach, thank you for having me at Taguchi Japan, one of

the best groups I've ever been in.

Thank you New Japan, thank you fans, thank you everybody."

Off the back of that, Wrestling News World are reporting Ricochet - who turned 29 yesterday

- will be finishing up dates with New Japan and various independent promotions over the

next few months (like the recently announced 'International Dream Match' against Austin

Aries in Australia), and he'll then be on his way to WWE.

Ricochet is not only the first-ever two-time winner of PWG's Battle of Los Angeles tournament

and the 2014 winner of New Japan's Best of the Super Juniors, he was also the inaugural

Lucha Underground Champion as Prince Puma.

But it's been contract issues with that last promotion that's found him stuck in

legal limbo.

He revealed to Sports Illustrated in July that his Lucha Underground contract actually

finished last June, but he's "on the no-compete for the rest of Lucha Underground's season

three, then…

90 days after that."

Their third season finishes next Wednesday on October 18th, meaning Ricochet can't

wrestle on American TV - like for WWE - until 90 days later, on January 17th, 2018.

The report adds that WWE is also planning on signing Ricochet's real-life girlfriend

Tessa Blanchard.

She wrestled in the Mae Young Classic, where she lost in the first round to eventual winner

Kairi Sane.

Ricochet actually teased a WWE move back in July, tweeting a photo of him and Triple H

from 2005, with the caption 'See ya soon!?'

WINKY FACE EMOJI Smackdown, Oct. 10, 2017 Rating

Sunday's Hell in a Cell cliffhanger with Sami Zayn's heel turn appeared to help this

week's episode of Smackdown, which was up 6% to 2.47 million viewers.

But far more important are your ratings.

52% thought the show was Smack Bang in the Middle, while 16% agreed with me at Ellsworthy.

Which WWE talent has been fired backstage?

And Conor McGregor is in talks to wrestle a match for WWE!

Click the videos to the left to find out more, press subscribe and support WrestleTalk on


I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

For more infomation >> MAJOR Star To WWE?! | WrestleTalk News Oct. 2017 - Duration: 3:58.


Présentation de l'UNA'AM - Union Nationale des Apprentis d'Arts et Métiers - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Présentation de l'UNA'AM - Union Nationale des Apprentis d'Arts et Métiers - Duration: 1:24.


How to Get Away with Murder 4x03 Sneak Peek "It's For the Greater Good" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> How to Get Away with Murder 4x03 Sneak Peek "It's For the Greater Good" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:05.


Guitar Solo With ONLY Triads - Jazz Blues - Duration: 11:45.

(jazz guitar music)

- Hi everybody, my name is Jens Larsen.

The triad is probably

one of the most powerful devices to create melodies.

If we just listen to songs like

("Darth Vader's Theme" from Star Wars by John Williams)

or ("Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" by Wolfgang Mozart)

they're all triad melodies, so it makes sense

that we wanna spend some time checking out the triads,

and figuring out which triads we can use over which chords,

and that's what I wanna talk about in this video.

If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar,

about improvising over chord changes,

or some interesting chord voicings,

then subscribe to my channel.

If you wanna make sure not to miss anything,

then click the little bell notification icon

next to the Subscribed button.

The chord progression that I'm using

is a 12-bar blues in the key of F,

and I'm gonna go over

how you can choose different triads for all the chords.

I also have a solo that I played and transcribed,

and I'm gonna analyze and talk about

how I'm using the triads,

because the solo is only using triads, in fact.

So really, what I'm doing here is, of course,

I'm just starting with the basic chord,

which is the F major triad (plays),

and then I'm also using the triad

that's from the third (plays),

and the one from the fifth (plays),

and then in this case we can also use the one

that's sort of the parallel minor of F7,

so that would be the one

that's actually like a minor third below,

and that would be D minor (plays).

If we do the same for Bb7,

the triads would be Bb (plays),

then D diminished (plays),

F minor (plays),

and G minor (plays).

In the fourth bar, before we go to Bb7,

I have an F7 with a flat 9,

so the scale that goes with that one

would be F7 Mixolydian with a flat 9 and a flat 13.

Arpeggios that we get in there is, again,

first (plays) one from the root, so just an F major triad,

then we get an A diminished (plays), again, still the same,

and now we start to get some different extensions on there,

so we get C diminished (plays),

and an Eb diminished (plays).

After the F7 flat 9, we get a Bb7 of course,

and then from there we go to a B diminished,

and the scale that I'm using

on a B diminished is C harmonic minor,

because I find that that's the scale

that's the closest to sort of an F7 sound,

and still has a B diminished in there,

and the triads I'm using on the B diminished

are really simple,

so it's just a B diminished triad (plays),

and then the D diminished triad (plays),

F diminished (plays),

and A flat diminished (plays).

The B diminished chord takes us back to F7,

and from the F7 we go to a D7 flat 9

that's taking us to the G minor in the final cadence,

and since there's a D7 that's resolving to a minor chord,

then the logical scale choice for that one

would be harmonic minor,

so in this case that's a G harmonic minor scale,

and the arpeggios of the triads would be (plays) D major,

(plays) F# diminished,

(plays) A diminished,

and (plays) C diminished.

The G minor 7 is part of a cadence to F major,

and that's a G minor Dorian sound.

The triads that you could have in here

would be the G minor triad (plays),

the Bb major triad (plays),

and the D minor triad (plays).

The final chord is the second chord in the cadence,

and it's a C7, and I'm playing it as a C7 altered,

and the triads, the first one is a Db minor (plays),

then we get an E augmented (plays),

Gb major (plays),

and then (plays) Bb diminished.

So now we have a few different triads

that we can use for each of the chords.

As you can see, mostly I'm just taking

really basic structures out of the chords,

so I'm just looking at the triads that I found on the root,

and on the third,

and on the fifth,

and then sometimes I'll take one or two other ones.

Let's look at the chorus that I played.

(Jazz Guitar Solo)

For the first chord, so the F7,

I'm really just stating the F7 blues sound,

and using an F major triad, but then in first inversion,

so that's (plays),

then we move to Bb7 (plays),

and here I'm using the arpeggio from the third,

so that's a D diminished triad,

and I'm also using that in first inversion (plays),

as a sort of answer (plays),

then we move back to (plays) the F7 in bar three,

and here I'm using a D minor triad,

which is kind of giving us (plays)

like an F7 with a 13 type sound


and here the melodic idea is (plays)

I'm kind of using voice leading

to take this on to the F7 flat 9 in bar four (plays),

so I'm turning the D minor triad (plays)

into an Eb diminished triad (plays),

and then on the Bb7 (plays)

I'm using the triad that's found on the fifth,

so it's an F minor triad (plays),

and I'm using that triad

and also kind of just changing that triad for the next chord

so the (plays) B diminished,

I'm using an F diminished triad (plays),

and then I'm actually continuing with that idea

also on the F7,

because now I just go back to an F major triad (plays),

so what I have here

is that I can use sort of F minor (plays),

and then (plays) F diminished,

and then (plays)

finally F major for those three bars (plays),

then we go to D7 (plays),

and here I'm using an F# diminished triad (plays),

and then in the cadence,

here I start to use more triads together in the same bar,

so on the G minor 7,

the first one is a Bb major (plays),

and then a G minor (plays),

and then on the C7 altered (plays),

I'm using first a Gb (plays),

and then an E augmented (plays),

and then I go to F on the (plays) F7 (plays),

and there's just a few chords (plays)

for the turnaround.

There are a few things

that are worth noticing about this solo,

and about the way you can use triads,

and one thing is, of course you can use the triads

as sort of an alternate progression that is easier to play,

but really emphasizes the chords in a nice way,

so that's the example I'm using on the Bb7,

B diminished, to F, where I'm using first (plays) F minor,

(plays) F diminished, and then

(plays) taking that up to an F major triad on the F7.

Another thing that works really well

is this idea of voice leading the triads together,

so if you can move from one chord to the next,

and then just change a few notes

in the triad that you're playing,

you have a really strong melodic idea.

So that could be something like using the D minor (plays),

and then going to Eb diminished

on the (plays) on the F7 flat 9 (plays),

and then you could of course

(plays) resolve that to the Bb7.

So that's a really strong idea to check out,

and those kind of things are worth looking for

if you're trying to come up with some nice ideas

with the triads.

I of course already made a lot of other videos

on using triads, and using triads pairs,

so if you wanna dig a little bit into that

and check out some more material on that,

I link to some videos in the description of this video.

A sort of bonus feature to this approach

is also that if you're working on it,

like I'm doing in the beginning of the chorus,

with only one triad per chord,

then you only have three notes that you can use in that bar,

and that means

you're not gonna be wanting too many eighth-notes,

because that gets predictable and quite boring to listen to,

so you have to be

a little bit more creative with the rhythms,

and this way of playing really opens up

and forces you to play some more interesting rhythms,

and focus a little bit more on that,

and that can be really healthy for your playing,

because in jazz we tend to play everything

full of eighth-notes

and be a little bit un-dynamic in that respect

most of the time.

To get better at playing these solos with triads,

because as you can tell in my solo also,

I'm not just playing the triad in the root position,

I'm using a lot of different patterns,

and a lot of different inversions as well,

and to check that out,

it's probably better to see them

in the context of the scale,

because that's sort of relating it

back to the chord that you're playing also,

and you kinda wanna have the relationship with the chord

and with the scale in there

when you're thinking about the triads,

because then they make more sense,

and you know where the notes are going

if you understand the progression.

So if we just take the F7, as an example,

of course you wanna do the basic exercise

of just playing the diatonic triads in that scale,

so that would be this (plays),

but you probably also wanna do

the different inversions in the scale,

and that could be something like this,

if I do the first inversion,

and that would be this, starting on D minor (plays),

or the second inversion (plays).

Another thing that could be useful is also just to,

when you're sort of thinking in this position (plays),

just to run all of the triad notes in that position,

so if I take the F major triad,

then that could be something like this (plays),

so that's just a basic sort of F major triad position,

but it's nice to just have it somehow (plays)

related to the scale, and when you're doing that,

it can also make sense to just do that in an inversion,

so that could be something like this (plays).

Another great exercise,

if you wanna gain some more flexibility

for improvising with triads,

is to play them in different patterns,

so if you think of a triad as being one, three, and five,

so (plays) one, three, five,

you can of course change the order of those notes.

So if I play three, one, five,

then that could be something like this,

if I take it through the scale (plays),

and of course

you can do all sorts of different things with that,

and the more you try,

again, this is not about really playing it fast,

it's just about trying out the different options,

and it's gonna help you have more options

once you try to improvise with the triads.

If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar,

and it's the first time you've seen one of my videos,

then subscribe to my channel.

I publish a new lesson every Monday and Thursday,

and I've been doing this for quite some time,

so there's already really a lot of material on my channel.

If you wanna help me keep making all these videos,

then check out my Patreon page.

I'm very grateful for the support

that I'm getting from my patrons,

and if you're supporting me over on Patreon,

I can give you something in return for your support.

That's about it for this week.

Thank you for watching, and until the next week.

For more infomation >> Guitar Solo With ONLY Triads - Jazz Blues - Duration: 11:45.


How to make beginner knit crochet candy cane PORTUGUESE subtitles Translation Original Video - Duration: 11:45.

For more infomation >> How to make beginner knit crochet candy cane PORTUGUESE subtitles Translation Original Video - Duration: 11:45.


DEI -NOCHE Y DIA (Vídeo oficial) - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> DEI -NOCHE Y DIA (Vídeo oficial) - Duration: 2:26.


Coerthas Central Lowlands & Caravan Escort | RoaR | Episode XXII - Duration: 10:45.

Hello Eorzeans!

I'm Lukile Bravestone, self proclaimed 1.0 archeologist extraordinaire.

Welcome to Remnants of a Realm!

In the previous episode we looked back at Guildleves and Behests, two key gameplay elements

of 1.0.

In this episode we're also covering a pretty major system as well, so stay tuned until

the end for that one.

First on our tour we're headed to Coerthas Central Lowlands.

This was its own region located right below the Central Highlands, connected via the Hall

of the Seven Echoes – a narrow loading tunnel.

The central lowlands was a fairly large region with its own camp, Camp Ever Lake, and its

Aetherial gates, Terrigan's Stand, Shepherd Peak, and Fellwood.

It was also where the instanced dungeon Aurum Vale was located.

So let's look at some specific areas, and we naturally start, with Camp Ever Lakes.

This camp was located in the Ever Lakes area, from which it drew its name.

This camp was mostly visited to unlock the region's main attraction – Aurum Vale,

which was located just a few malms from the camp.

The camp's 3 aetherial gates ensured the entire region could be explored quite quickly.

One of these Aetherial gates was Terrigan's Stand.

This Aetherial Gate's name's origin is unknown, we don't know who Terrigan is,

or what he did, but both the English and Japanese name suggests it was war-related.

The Gate was located in a very mountainous area close to Camp Ever Lakes.

Other than the massive mountains surrounding the area, there really wasn't much to look

at here, as the gate served as a faction levequest location.

It's worth mentioning that Coerthas never saw proper leves being implemented – only

Faction levequests would ever take place here.

Make sure you've watched the previous episode for a full explanation of that system.

And I just have to point out that this was the music that played during a faction levequest…

This theme was obviously reused in ARR for something entirely different.

Shepherd Peak was an Aetherial gate located in the middle of the map.

The name Sheperd Peak comes from the mountain of the same name, right here.

The mountain guarded Ewe Lake to the west and Ram Lake to the east.

Once again, this location was underdeveloped in 1.0, and saw no additions other than being

a faction levequest location.

So while it was a great place to explore and grind exp, there really wasn't much to look


But one thing that will always haunt me is the music that played in this zone while you

walked around aimlessly, terrified of being attacked by whatever lvl 70 monster, was lurking in one

of the many valleys.

Fellwood was the last and southernmost aetherial gate in the region.

It actually featured a landmark of its own – The Timberlord's Lodge.

Even though the name suggests but one lodge, it was actually a collection of shelters and

lean-tos and lodges for sheltering the wood that was being processed in the area, as well

as to shelter the craftsmen who worked with the wood.

The Timberlord's Lodge processed the timber and shipped it off

to Ishgard.

The really creepy fact about this area was that despite having loads of half-finished

timber lying around, there was never a single NPC in this location.

If you were to encounter a monster in this area though, this was the music you'd be


After the Calamity, the Central Lowlands were cut out of the map, and Hall of the Seven

Echoes now skips the Lowlands entirely, instead taking you straight to Mor Dhona.

There does seem to be life signs coming from the lowlands though, as the timber used to

construct Revenant's Toll most likely came from Fellwood – meaning that it survived

the Calamity.

Now for something entirely different.

We've covered the guildhests and behests.

Now we're looking back at – Caravan Escort.

Caravan Escort, or Chocobo Escort, as it was called as among FFXIV players, was an additional

activity in XIV.

This was introduced near the end of FFXIV's life, when the Grand Companies were implemented.

To unlock Caravan Escort, you'd first have to join a Grand Company of your choice.

So what was this Caravan Escort all about?

Basically, a maximum of 8 players could band together to join a Caravan on its journey

from one camp to another.

A Caravan would depart from each camp in Eorzea every 15 minutes, and its approach was indicated

by the Grand Company NPCs announcing it in Say chat.

At which point you had to approach the NPC and sign up.

Once signed up, you had to take your place near the caravan, the caravan leader and three

chocobos – which is where the nickname Chocobo Escort comes from.

When joining a Caravan Escort, this UI would appear on your screen, indicating what chocobos

are in the escort, the time limit, as well as a progress bar showing how far along the

route you are, with the camp of origin to the left, and the destination to the right.

Also worth pointing out that the chocobos had names.


Once the Caravan was in motion it was your job to protect the chocobos from monsters

that would appear here and there along the route.

The caravans had two difficulties – a normal and a harder one.

The harder difficulty one would appear at random.

Each Caravan would hold a maximum of 9 packs of cargo.

If a chocobo ran away, you would lose a pack.

A chocobo would run away if it sustained too much damage.

If a Chocobo started running away, you would have to run after it and use the various options

to return it to the caravan.

The options were to either calm it down and to feed it something.

The latter restoring the chocobo's HP by a certain amount.

And naturally, Caravan Escort had its own theme:

The caravan would come to a halt if a chocobo ran away, and would only resume when all the

chocobos were safely returned to the caravan.

If the chocobos did not return in time, the escort would fail.

Once the Caravan had reached its designated location, usually a hamlet, the duty was complete,

and you'd be given a reward as well as a chance to be teleported back to the camp where

the mission started.

The reward would be based on the amount of packs that made it to the hamlet, as well

as your participation in the fights.

If your participation was low, you would get warnings during the escort mission that you

weren't contributing enough – which meant you had to fight harder.

The rewards were all Company seals, again based on how many packs had survived the mission.

During a caravan mission, there would appear random bonus monsters, that when killed would

add bonus seals on top of your original reward.

When FFXIV transitioned over to 2.0, the system seemed to have been entirely removed.

There are no Caravan Escort missions every 15 minutes anymore, but that's not to say

it's all gone.

Elements of Caravan Escort lives on in the form of escort FATEs all over Eorzea.

Some of which looks very similar to the classic Caravan Escort missions from 1.0.

And with that we've reached the end of the episode my friends.

Thank you so much for watching!

I hope you enjoyed this episode!

Leave a like if you did and subscribe for more!

And let's discuss the Caravan Escort missions in the comments.

Did you enjoy this content in 1.0?

Is this a system you'd want back in the current game?

I'll be back next week with another episode of Remnants of a Realm!

See you then Eorzeans!

And may you ever walk in the light of the Crystal.

For more infomation >> Coerthas Central Lowlands & Caravan Escort | RoaR | Episode XXII - Duration: 10:45.


How to knit crochet doll amigurumi Tess: head - Duration: 14:27.


We continue the master class on knitting dolls Tess

Earlier we already knit completely the body

It remains to knit a head

YarnArt Iris 20 g 138 m

neck - 2 rows of 7 sc

knitting the neck finish on the side of the body

thanks to this, the head will be tilted forward, imitating the slope of the chin

1. Inc х 7 times (14)

2. (1 sc, inc) х 7 times (21)

3. (2 sc, inc) х 7 times (28)

4. (3 sc, inc) х 7 times (35)

5. (4 sc, inc) х 7 times (42)

6-16 rows - 42 sc

11 rows of 42 knitted

if you want, you can add 1-2 rows

now we are making dec

17. (5 sc, dec) х 6 times (36)

18. (4 sc, dec) х 6 times (30)

19. (3 sc, dec) х 6 times (24)

20. (2 sc, dec) х 6 times (18)

the hole was small

it's time to fill head with filler

21. (1 sc, dec) х 6 times (12)

it's time to fill head with filler again

22. (dec) х 6 times (6)

I will not do this yet

in the beginning I embroider the eyes of the doll

after that I will close the hole on head

For more infomation >> How to knit crochet doll amigurumi Tess: head - Duration: 14:27.


Tenali Rama - तेनाली रामा - Ep 67 - 10th October, 2017 - Duration: 22:00.

'The story so far..'

'Tathacharya takes advantage of Vamacharya's problem'

'and plans to get Varunmala lifetime imprisonment.'

'Tathacharya and Rama get affected by the herbs'

'given by Vamacharya.'

'Rama and Tathacharya get vexed seeing'

'Sharda and Varunmala's

unfaltering faith in Vamacharya.'

'The story continues..'

Had I known beforehand

I'd have got my house built near the lake.

An eminent scholar like me is carrying earthen pots

like the women. Oh, Lord!

I'd have to carry them again next morning!

These women have made my life impossible!

Pandit Ramakrishna, I wanted you to apologise to me.

But since I laughed at you, I must seek your forgiveness.

Your seat has been turned to the other side.

Acharya, look over there.

Even you will sit facing the wall.

What! What is this?

I, the revered Guru Tathacharya, will be seated facing the wall!

What's happening? - Pandit Ramakrishna.

Greetings, Minister. - Greetings.

Vamacharya, the 'Vastu Shastra' guru, has given instructions.

Queen Chinna Devi has ordered us to follow those.

But how will I converse if I face the other way?

That is exactly what I'm also wondering.

I have an idea. Let us take our seats.

I will clap if I want to say something.

Then you can turn around to listen.

Acharya, why are you looking to your left

when I'm sitting to your right?

Acharya, listen.

Look to the side where the sound is coming from.

If the sound seems to come from the left, look to your left

and if the sound comes from the right, look right.

Okay? - Okay, fine.

Pandit Ramakrishna, stop with your games now!

I don't see you in either direction! Why did you clap?


Pandit Ramakrishna.

Please come in front of me.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Are you both coming here? - Y-Yes, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, it's a serious situation.

Quite serious.

My wife has gone insane.

I can't tell when she is Varunmala and when Vamacharya.

Have you seen my sad face when I'm seated in my place?

I'm in a quandary.

How would I see your sad face, Acharya

when your wife has turned my throne to the other side?

Your Majesty I will instantly solve this issue.

I will be right back.

He will solve it, it seems!

A royal guru like me couldn't handle Vamacharya

but he thinks he can!

Your Majesty, you can converse with the assembly

by looking at their reflection.

Lo and behold! Pandit Ramakrishna's brilliance!

What a way to solve the problem!

Pandit Ramakrishna, this is not the solution

but a temporary alternative plan.

I need to solve this issue forever.

Acharya. - Yes?

Did you talk to your wife?

Your Majesty, I have crossed all limits in order to convince her.

For a royal priest like me

nothing is more important than the kingdom.

She is my wife, an integral part of my life.

But our personal relationship

cannot come in the way of my duties.

It's time to make a sacrifice, Your Majesty.

It's time for a sacrifice.

Acharya, w-what are you saying?

Your Majesty

Varunmala's, that is, Vamacharya's freedom

is detrimental to the kingdom.

I am ready

to make this sacrifice, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, I have made this plea with a heavy heart.

Acharya, I appreciate your thoughts.

But this is not possible.

She is my guru.

And for what crime should I punish her anyway?

She has committed the crime of obstructing the royal affairs.

Forgive me, Acharya

but Vamacharya has only given the instructions.

It's Chinna Devi who has given the orders, right?

Glory be to you, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, I have some good news.

This year, in our kingdom

there has been abundant production of rice.

Hence, our farmers are happy.

Also, the neighbouring kingdom's king

who resented us, has fallen ill.

He is not in a situation to attack or wage a war with us.

I have more great news.

Today, in our kingdom.. - Demolish it..

Change it..

The world should be cautious of the ignorant.

Demolish it! Change it!

Today, I will settle the problem once and for all.

I, Vamacharya, the 'Vastu' guru, greet you, Your Majesty.

Yes.. Greetings to you too.

His Majesty greets you.

You all witnessed the effects of 'Vastu Shastra'.

We have been receiving good news since morning.

Only good things are happening in our kingdom.

And this is the result of turning the throne around.

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her! - Why are you..

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Pandit Ramakrishna, you must know

that one shouldn't interfere in matters

which is beyond one's expertise.

And you, Tathacharya, the royal priest

I'm confident that you are stunned

seeing the effects of my 'Vastu Shastra'.

I hope you will not interfere in my work.

Your Majesty

I request you to gift me a token of appreciation.


Give a token of appreciation to Guru Vamacharya.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Hail Lord Shiva!

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

Hail Lord Shiva!

Demolish it..

Change it..

It seems, my throne will always be like this.


Wonderful! So many gifts!

It seems, I have many new devotees in the kingdom.

No, Acharya! All these are meant for Guru Vamacharya.

The people of Vijayanagar are her followers. - Are they?


This is a miracle!

I considered it a curse

but it turned out to be a blessing!

You are praiseworthy! You are great!

Please forgive me. - My lord, what are you doing?

Oh, no! I am your humble wife.

Don't bow down to me and make me a sinner, my lord!

These gifts denote your fame in the kingdom.

These gifts?

My lord, these are not for me but Guru Vamacharya.

Vamacharya is great! She is praiseworthy!

She is the greatest!

I believe in her 'Vastu Shastra'.

Please seek her advice for my sake.

So that I too will be benefitted by her expertise.

My lord, I have already done it. - Have you? - Yes.

So.. What are her orders for me?

My lord, she has advised you to climb the tallest tree

and hoist a saffron flag.

That will help you earn name and fame all over the world!

Vamacharya is great!

I.. I will instantly ask my servants to hoist the flag.

No, my lord! You yourself have to do it.

I? - Yes.

Do I have to climb the tree? - The tallest one!

The tallest one? - My lord, Vamacharya's disciples

Dhanacharya and Manacharya, will help you with this.

Good! It's good.

Tomorrow early morning, after fetching the water from the lake

I will surely go and raise the flag of my fame. Definitely!

Thank Vamacharya on my behalf. - Sure, my lord, I will.

Dhani, Mani! - Yes? - Yes, Acharya?

Find the tallest tree. - Yes, Acharya.

Here it is, Acharya! This is the tallest tree!

Yes, this tree.. Oh..

Dhani, Mani! - Yes? - Yes?

It's stuck. - What?

My neck. - I see.

But how will I climb it?

Acharya, just pray to God and climb it.

Set up the ladder!


Do not be afraid. Just climb up.

Shall we hold the ladder, Acharya? - Yes.

No! I'm the great royal priest, Tathacharya.

I don't need your help.

Give me the flag, come on!

Here you go, Acharya. Hold it.

Mani.. - Yes? - Look at that! Look..

What is it? - A mango! - Mango!

Before he descends, we'll pluck the mango!

Great idea! Let's go, Dhani. Come on..

Look, a ripe mango.. - A stone.. Here!

Bees! Let's run, Mani! - Run..

Dhani, Mani!

The ladder! Put it back.

Dhani, get up..

Acharya.. - Forget acharya..

You fools! How will I get down?

I am blessed! Please come in.

I wholeheartedly welcome you!

Great! I thought I was safe.

But she has invited this lady!

Here comes trouble.

Worship her.. Welcome her grandly!

For the first time, I'm seeing someone welcoming trouble.

Take it.

Wow! Mother-in-law, she's so wise!

I didn't even tell her what to pick up, yet she got it.


Mother-in-law says, dispel all our troubles with your holiness.

Please tell us a way to maintain the happiness

and prosperity of my family.

Hail Lord Shiva!

Wood doesn't suit this house.

Get rid of all the wood.

Did you hear that, Mother? Throw your stick in the river.

Not just this stick

but you have to remove all wooden items from the house.

What are you saying? In this house, all the items

like door, windows, bed, table, etc. are made of wood.

If we discard them all, nothing will be left.

Even if you keep them here, nothing will be left, Rama!

Your wealth, name, fame, glory, everything will be lost.

It was my duty to advise you.

It's your choice to follow or ignore it.

Hail Lord Shiva..

Hail Lord Shiva..

We must get rid of all the wooden items in the house.

Great! We are done for!

Mother-in-law, you must discard your stick.

Mother-in-law, won't you discard it?

But if we keep wooden items at home, there will be ruination.

If you don't discard your stick, we'll lose our happiness

fame, wealth and glory!

You are fool!

Oh! I am a fool!

I'm speaking such things, so I am a fool.

But Mother-in-law, you must discard your stick.

So, should we disobey Guru Vamacharya?

You won't leave your stick. Or else, how will you beat Rama up?

Mother-in-law, I will beat him

with my pair of tongs! - Hey!

You are fond of your stick, so you won't discard it.

Rama, what are you staring at? Ask her to discard the stick.

Yes. Mother, Sharda is right.

No matter if you discard other things or not

discard this stick.

Okay, don't discard it..

Okay.. Mother..

I won't say anything.. I won't..

Praise Vamacharya! - Praise her!

The old man is looking like a bat.

Dhani, Mani! You fools!

Where did you go leaving

me dangling here like a mango?

Actually, guru had assigned us some important task

so we were busy with that.

Help me get down now. - Sure, I'll place the ladder.

It's done. - Come, Acharya, get down now.

Oh.. No.

Nothing will happen. You just have to reach the ladder.

It's very easy.

Acharya, the flag fell down. - You are worried about the flag

when my life is at stake here!

I need to descend. - I have placed the ladder.

Just put your foot down, a little to the right. - Okay.

Place the ladder..

Not right, put your foot to the left, Acharya.

Not left but right. - Not right but left.

Why are you confusing me?

Are you trying to help me or increase my problems?

Acharya, we can't help you with this problem.

We will inform the king. He will save you now.

Let's go. - Stop..

Don't inform the king. What will I tell him

as to why I climbed the tree?

Dhani, Mani!

Your Majesty, I have some good news.

Our neighbouring kingdom has agreed to become our ally.

We have demolished the anti-state elements

on the occasion of Diwali. - Enough, Minister.

Be quiet.

I do not want to hear anymore good news.

Only the news that Tathacharya has handled Vamacharya

will please me now.

Has he arrived? - No, Your Majesty.

I will go and find out. - That will be useless.

I had given him two days' time. One day has already passed.

I think he cannot solve it now.

'Rama, get ready. Now, you will face this trouble.'

Pandit Ramakrishna! - Yes, Y-Your Majesty?

You will take up this responsibility now.

You will solve this problem.

But Your Majesty, I.. - Or else, be ready to get punished.


For more infomation >> Tenali Rama - तेनाली रामा - Ep 67 - 10th October, 2017 - Duration: 22:00.


Ty no nie wiem - Jak wytresować smoka - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Ty no nie wiem - Jak wytresować smoka - Duration: 0:33.


The Giant's Causeway and its Legend for Kids: Famous Landmarks for Children - FreeSchool - Duration: 3:24.

You're Watching FreeSchool!

On the northeast coast of Ireland lies an area filled with thousands of massive stone


The product of an ancient volcanic eruption, the Giant's Causeway is one of the greatest

natural wonders in the United Kingdom.

Early visitors to the site, however, noticed something suspicious.

The tops of the columns were near-perfect hexagons, and appeared to form huge stepping

stones down from the cliffs into the sea.

This observation sparked the legend that gave the area its name.

According to the legend, the stones are the remains of a causeway, or raised pathway across

the water, built by an ancient giant - Finn McCool.

Finn was challenged to a fight by a Scottish giant, Benandonner, and he grabbed chunks

of the Irish coastline and threw them into the sea to bridge the gap to Scotland.

As he approached and saw how huge Benandonner was, Finn became frightened and ran back home.

On the way, he lost one of his boots, which can still be seen today.

Benandonner chased after him, and Finn asked his wife, Oona, for help.

Oona dressed Finn as a baby, and put him in a huge cradle.

When Benandonner arrived and saw how big the sleeping 'baby' was, he assumed the father

must be even more gigantic and ran in terror, ripping up the Causeway as he went so he couldn't

be followed.

That is why you will find identical columns across the sea in Scotland - it's the other

end of the Causeway.

Scientists have another explanation for the rock formations, however.

They say that the causeway formed 50 to 60 million years ago when molten rock was forced

up through fissures in chalk beds, forming a plateau of lava.

As the lava cooled, it contracted, creating the splits.

Today the Giant's Causeway contains about 40,000 basalt columns.

The tallest of the columns are 39 feet or 12 meters high, and the cooled lava in the

cliffs is 92 feet or 28 meters thick in some places.

Today, the Giant's Causeway is a World Heritage Site and the most popular tourist attraction

in Northern Ireland.

Whether visitors come for the legend of ancient giants, or for massive age-old basalt columns,

the Giant's Causeway is an awe-inspiring sight.

I hope you enjoyed learning about the Giant's Causeway today.

Goodbye till next time!

For more infomation >> The Giant's Causeway and its Legend for Kids: Famous Landmarks for Children - FreeSchool - Duration: 3:24.


3 Ways Technology Is Changing The Way We Shop - Duration: 2:00.

Retro announcer voice: "War or not one thing is for sure: A daily battle is being waged in supermarkets

all over this country. A battle for the customer's dollar."

As technology speeds up the way that we do business,

retailers are beginning to focus on using tech to raise the bar for convenience.

Here are just a few ways retailers are creating an innovative shopping experience.

Anyone with a computer or mobile device can

order groceries 24/7, thanks to e-commerce. A study by Nielsen

found that one-quarter of online respondents order grocery products

online, and 55 percent are willing to do so in the future. The Internet of Things

turns home appliances into assistants telling consumers when it's time to

restock. Some smart refrigerators even offer grocery shopping directly through

their interfaces. According to Gartner, there will be over 26 billion connected

devices by 2020, and the Internet of Things market will be worth

$151 billion. Retail giant Amazon wants to funnel digital sales.

Amazon Dash wands and buttons allow consumers to instantly order everyday products.

The Amazon Echo can also order items on command.

Amazon Go is an experimental grocery store in Seattle where consumers can

simply take what they want and go. Using the Amazon Go app, the store recognizes

when a customer has arrived, and tracks the items they take. When the customer

leaves, those items are then charged to their accounts. Cashless payments make

checkout a breeze or eliminate it altogether.

PriceWaterhouseCoopers predicts that by 2019, 85% of transactions will be paid for in this way.

Retailers are looking for ways to use the ubiquity of smartphones to

their advantage. Walmart partnered with GM to test Bluetooth beacons hidden

inside LED light bulbs in their stores.

Beacons are wireless devices that track

and respond to apps or items within their vicinity, such as the person's

smartphone. The lights in Walmart tracked customers and pinged their phones

with special offers as they shopped.

Retailers have a clear incentive to adopt new technologies.

After all, if it's easier to shop, it's easier to spend.

For more infomation >> 3 Ways Technology Is Changing The Way We Shop - Duration: 2:00.


Become A Shred Speed Demon | High Velocity Guitar!! - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Become A Shred Speed Demon | High Velocity Guitar!! - Duration: 3:33.


Ep. 125: The Hundred Dollar Start Up with Chris Guillebeau - Duration: 45:35.

- Okay, welcome to today's episode,

the Tai Lopez Podcast radio program.

I have a very fascinating guest

who's on a how many city road tour?

- One hundred cities.

- One hundred cities.

Okay. - Only one hundred.

- Only a hundred.

We're talking about "The $100 Startup."

I have with me Chris Gulliebeau,

and he's the author of quite a few interesting books.

One of the ones you might've seen me

post on my Snapchat recently was "Side Hustle."

What I wanna talk about,

we're doing a 18-minute TED Talk style,

get right to the point.

Let's go through three ways.

- Okay. - We only have time for three.

- Great.

- For the average person to go from

the job they don't like,

Okay, full-time,

the average person has a nine to five

they don't particularly care for,

to either a side hustle,

which is like a part-time income or $100 startup.

If you had to distill it down,

I always say last day on the planet Earth,

you have to leave a manual for your children,

and you only have time to write three things.

So they're not gonna wanna be too general.

- Of course, of course. - What are the three

most important principles to creating

either a side hustle or $100 startup?

Number one.

- Yes, awesome, I like it.

Number one I would say look at the skills

you already have, as opposed to trying

to go out and get a bunch of new skills

because when it comes to starting

an income-generating project,

whether you want it to be your side hustle,

like you said, or whether you want it to be

your full-time income, your behind full-time income,

your thing that makes you a lot of money,

I think a lot of people have the wrong idea.

They're like, "Oh, I should look and see

"what's happening out in the world.

"People are making apps.

"I should make an app."

I'm like, "Okay, do you know how to code?"

They're like, "Nope."

Like, "Are you a web developer?"

They're like, "Nope."

So look at the skills you already have,

and it's very likely that those are the skills,

the life experience, if you went to college,

whatever schooling you had, that's what we can use

to essentially develop your side hustle

or your income-generating project.

You need to learn some business skills

but those are really simple,

like the business skills are what

I talk about in the books.

You learn those, you apply them to what you already know,

and that's where you're gonna see your success.

- Basically, Peter Drucker in his book "Managing Oneself,"

which I consider one of the great books,

he says, build on strength.

So would you agree?

That is very similar to what you're saying,

because obviously if you've never done something,

it's not gonna be a strength.

So you're saying build on something.

Basically, you already have something up your sleeve

that you probably don't realize you have.

Do you find that most people listening

actually have something up their sleeve

that's a marketable skill that can be

turned into a side hustle part-time business

or a full-time startup.

- I think everyone's an expert at something,

and I think sometimes they don't know what it is.

Sometimes they kinda look and they're like,

"Well, I did this, I did this.

"This is what I do for my job.

"I know how to do my job but I don't

"necessarily know how to apply it."

So I think they have to pull it out sometimes

or tease it out, but I do think everyone has it.

I'll give you an example.

I wrote about this in the new book.

There's a guy named Tanner,

who goes on a cruise with his wife,

never been on a cruise before,

wasn't sure what to expect,

and he came back and he was like,

"It was actually a pretty good experience.

"It would've been better if I'd had

"some information before I left."

Like he was wondering, can I watch Netflix on a cruise?

How does internet access work?

All that kind of stuff.

So he was a copywriter for his day job,

so he's using the skill he already had.

He created a really simple WordPress blog,

like anybody can make, you know,

design's pretty bad by his own admission.

On that blog, he's basically answering

questions about cruises like,

"Can I watch Netflix on a cruise?"

Writes a whole post about it.

Can I watch HBO?

Blah blah blah.

He connects that really simple blog

with the bad design to Google's AdSense program,

where people come and they read the posts,

they click a link, he gets paid a little commission.

We go about six months into the story,

six months of him posting like an article or two a day,

and he's making $3,000 a month.

- Wow. - From this little blog.

- And just part-time probably.

- Part-time, yeah.

He's just doing it, I mean,

he's got his job still, right?

So now it's nine months and he's making like $4,000 a month.

It's been about a year now.

I need to go back and talk to him

'cause it's been three months,

but three months ago he's doing $4,000 a month.

So that's real money, right?

This is not like a few hundred bucks a month.

This is very significant income for lots of folks,

and he's using a skill that he already had.

So yes, I do think everyone has a skill like that.

It may not be copywriting.

It may be something totally different,

but that's what I try to pull out from people.

- Yeah, so that's part of, for those of you listening,

I recommend you checkout his books.

I'm not being paid to say that

but I like books like you've written

that are pretty straight to the point,

have practical action plans.

This is one of those.

I have a buddy who is one of the great

marketers of all time, in my opinion,

internet guys, and he makes probably,

nets probably about five million bucks a month,

and he always tells me, "Whenever you're trying

"to do something, don't forget to sit in a chair

"with a notepad and just brainstorm."

Lot of people go, "What am I good at?"

Just start brainstorming.

He said inevitably you write down 20 things.

You cross off 18 of them.

You have two solid starts.

- I like it.

- Okay, but before we go to number two,

we're already live here.

- [Man] Yeah, we're live.

- For those of you watching,

I'm here with Chris Gulliebeau.

Did I get it right?

- No, but that's okay. - Gulliebeau.

Gulliebeau. (Chris laughs)

- That's great.

- We're talking about "The $100 Startup."

How can you start with nothing

or a hundred bucks or less,

or how can you create what's called a side hustle?

He's a best-selling author of multiple books,

and for those of you listening,

one of the most common questions is,

"How the heck do I start?"

Well, one of the ways you start is he's given three tips.

We've already done one.

You've missed some of it.

Number one is don't build off a skill you don't yet have.

Don't start your first business

on something you're not yet good at.

It takes awhile to acquire a skill.

Chris said just because you see somebody

building an app and your buddy made

a million bucks on an app

doesn't mean you have to build an app.

You can do something else.

So what's number two?

- All right, so you mentioned in the little intro

don't be general, be specific.

I think that's great because the tip is gonna be

don't just have an idea.

Probably everybody out there has a business idea.

You talk to everybody in the world,

they're like, "I got this idea."

So I wanna help people do is go from idea to income,

which is the subtitle of the book,

but, to be specific, idea to offer.

If you think about it, as consumers, we don't buy ideas.

We don't go in the store and buy ideas.

We go and buy products.

We buy services.

I wanna help people when they start to think,

oh, what am I good at?

What is that skill that I'm gonna build off of?

Then they get an idea.

They understand the power of observation,

which is something I teach them about in the book.

Then I want them to say, "Okay, here's my idea,

"but very specifically, here is an offer."

An offer includes a promise.

It's like how's it gonna change your life?

How is this thing gonna make your life

so much better, relieve stress,

make you more money, whatever it is.

What's the pitch?

How are you gonna tell a story about it?

What's the price?

How are people gonna give you money?

How are they gonna make that exchange of value?

I'm trying to help people go really quickly

from not just a general idea,

but here's something that I'm actually making.

Here's how I deliver it to people,

and here's how I get paid for it.

- Yeah, too many people are, I mean,

I think the best analogy of business idea

versus execution, the idea is the seed,

and everybody knows...

This Twitter needs to be...

You can't even see me on the Twitter.

Everybody knows that a seed in and of itself,

unless it's watered, planted, and cultivated,

fertilized, does nothing, but the problem is

people are enamored and then they go,

"I can't start 'cause I don't have a seed."

For the average person trying to make

less than $10,000 a month, you,

I totally agree with Chris,

you already have a good enough seed

to make one to $10,000 a month.

It's rare that you meet somebody.

The reason why because everybody has a problem,

and one of the old sayings that's so true

is that to make a million dollars,

help a million people solve a problem.

If you wanna make a billion dollars,

you solve a billion people's problems.

Facebook created billionaires.

A billion people use Facebook.

Google created billionaires.

A billion people or more use Google.

To make $10,000, you only have to

imagine a world where 10,000 people

have the same problems as you,

which there's more than that.

- Probably so, or you could make ten bucks

on each person and only help 1,000 people.

- There you go.

Yeah. (Chris laughs)

So what's number three, the third thing

someone needs to know to either start

a side hustle or to do $100 startup?

- Great, so we started with that idea of

building on the skills you already have,

maybe taking an inventory of yourself,

your life experience, your education,

all that kind of stuff,

maybe questions your friends ask you.

Then we talked about going from idea to offer,

and I'm gonna say number three is

I've got this 27-day plan,

like 27-days from idea to income,

and I'm trying to encourage busy people to follow.

Probably a lot of people listening or watching are busy.

So I'm gonna say that the third thing is

to launch before you're ready,

and I had a lot of stories about that,

I'm sure you do too, of people who are like,

man, I wasn't sure that I was ready to go

with this thing, and actually I really wasn't ready.

There were some features that were missing.

There was some problem with it or whatever

but I decided finally if I don't

just put this out in the world, it's never gonna happen.

I'm gonna find another reason to delay.

When they actually put it out in the world,

maybe it's a huge success,

maybe it's just a small success,

but whatever it is, right away they get more confidence.

Then they actually can then go back

and fix the features or improve it however,

but it's out in the world.

I've heard from so many people that

are just like, "Man, if I had never done it,

"I can't imagine what my life would be like now.

"I'm so glad I put it out into the world."

So I'm trying to get people to do it

before they feel ready because

they're probably never gonna feel ready.

They're never gonna feel it's perfect,

so let's just push that a little bit.

Then also because a lot of what I teach people about is,

you know, in the startup world,

you hear all this talk about validation,

about how you have to validate your idea.

I actually think a lot of ideas

can't be validated until you actually do them.

- Right.

- Like the guy with the cruise thing.

We began this conversation by talking about

a guy who makes $4,000 a month

writing about cruise questions.

I mean, maybe there was some way

he could've gone through some market research

or something to go through a validation exercise

before he started it, but probably not.

He just did it and saw what happened, right?

So don't worry about the validation thing.

Your validation is how the market responds.

- Yeah, I just had, yesterday I did a

little mastermind war room at my house,

for those of you who watched,

and I flew in the top crypto guys in the world.

Bitcoin people and VCs, and I had some of

the top private equity guys,

and there was a guy there named Gil Penchina,

he's a pretty well-known guy.

He's the largest AngelList.

You familiar with AngelList?

- Yep. - Which is basically

angel investors, kind of like VCs,

but they invest in startups.

He had 40 syndicates at once.

It's the most in history.

So this guy's one of the top investors in Silicon Valley.

If you look at his overall strategy,

you can't just be a perfectionist.

If he was a perfectionist, he wouldn't be...

So, he was in 40 syndicates.

A syndicate let's say on average could have

40 investments inside of a syndicate.

So he could have 160 things going at once.

The reason he does that is,

going back to the analogy of your idea being a seed,

when you a plant a garden

and you plant corn in your garden,

one of the things you learn is that you plant more seeds,

you plant them closer together than can actually grow.

What you do, let's say in one inch

you're supposed to plant one corn seed,

or you're supposed to grow one stalk of corn,

you would plant three seeds,

and then you come back like a month later,

and you thin out the weak ones.

- Mm, interesting.

- So for you as an entrepreneur,

what Chris is trying to say is that

you're trying to find the perfect seed,

but he's saying until you put it in the ground,

water it a little bit, you don't know which one's the good.

All seeds look the same.

- Right, right.

- You know?

- So I feel like a lot of people are focused on

before the seed's even in the ground.

- Yeah. - Which seed has

the most potential? - They're judging the seeds.

- What seed's gonna take off?

You really don't know.

So later, absolutely, I totally agree

about the pruning thing, you know?

Let's go through and get through

the things that aren't working and maximize the ones,

give them the space they need to grow, et cetera.

But first up, get them in the ground.

- Of the people who have contacted you,

'cause you've got bestselling books,

what's one of the standout stories?

You told the one about the cruise.

What's another?

People need to be encouraged.

They need to hear that this stuff actually works.

What's another great testimonial from people using your

27-day steps? - Absolutely.

Sure, sure, yeah.

So I told you an online story,

which is great, got lots of online ones,

but I also got people doing offline stuff.

Here's a kind of combination of the two,

like offline, online.

A dude from South Carolina goes into this

upscale men's shop in Austin, Texas,

and he sees a candle for sale for $80.

- Yeah. - And he's like,

"Whoa, 80 bucks for a candle."

You know, like, "That's crazy.

"Who does that?"

Then of course the second thing he thinks

is how can I sell those, you know,

because $80 a candle, right?

- Right. - So he's like I'm gonna

go home and learn how to make candles,

and so he doesn't go back to candle school.

He doesn't get a candle degree.

(Tai laughs) He goes to YouTube, right?

First of all, he's watching the Tai Lopez videos,

but then he types in how to make candles.

He's like, let me learn how to make candles on YouTube,

just like our ancestors did 100 years ago.

Over a couple months, he starts up this little brand.

The reason why I like this story,

well, for lots of reasons,

but one is he's selling using Amazon's

Fulfilled by Amazon program. - Right.

- Are you familiar with that?

- Yeah, so you guys don't have to

store candles in your house.

You can send them directly to the warehouse

in Amazon. - And not only that,

that's a great benefit, but not only that,

you have to access to Amazon's 200 million customers.

- Yeah. - Right?

- So you can actually focus on the product,

and he's just like one dude out there.

He doesn't have a huge social presence,

but he's built this product.

He's found something that connects for people.

So Amazon is basically giving him access to their customers.

I forgot exactly what he's doing

in terms of numbers, you know, these days.

I don't wanna overstate it,

but when he started it very quickly went to

something like a couple thousand dollars a month

working part-time, and that was awhile back,

so I'm sure there's an update since then.

I love stories of people just exploring curiosity

and asking, "Huh, why not?

"If someone else is selling an $80 candle,

"why can't I figure out how to make a candle?

"It can't cost $80 to make it.

"So what can I do that's interesting like that?"

In the book and in all the other stuff I do,

I've got story after story of people

that are doing this.

I'm trying not to just tell the stories and say

those are great but to dissect them a little bit,

and say how did that person get their idea?

How did they go through the process?

What steps did they take along the way?

What mistakes did they make?

What challenges did they encounter?

What were their successes, but also their failures,

and then how can you the listener, the reader,

the viewer, how can you do this in your own way?

My hope is that people will read the book

and not just say, "Oh, cool book."

I hope that they'll read it,

I know you appreciate this too,

that they'll read it and be like,

"Okay, now I'm gonna apply this

"in some way in my life."

That's what makes me happy.

- Yeah, at the end of the day,

I think we live in a world where

you have millions of people who had seeds

that would've turned into something,

but they freaked out.

They had a heart attack.

They couldn't quit their job.

One of the things that I like,

for those of you watching who have big responsibilities,

so maybe you have kids and you have this,

he has two books, okay?

One of them is "The $100 Startup,"

which is much more how to start your thing,

maybe quit your job, but for those of you

who that's not a possibility right now,

look at "Side Hustle" because I love that kind of phrase.

Did you come up with that?

- I didn't come up with that. - I mean, obviously

it's a phrase, people, but the first book

with that as a title.

- It is the first book with that title.

I've been writing about it for eight years,

but I didn't originate it.

- Yeah, yeah, well, I mean, side hustle

is somewhat of a colloquial term,

but to make that into a step-by-step...

In your books are, one thing,

how did you decide how long to write

in terms of length?

Did you come in consciously to writing your books

and go, "I'm gonna make it 250 pages."

- X words or something?

I don't think so.

I think I tried to figure out what do I wanna say.

- Right.

- And what is then required to say that?

So it's not so much about filling the space.

I actually want, you said something very kind earlier

about how the books are practical,

that for me is the goal.

I actually want people to not go more than

a page or two without being like, "Huh.

"That's an interesting thing.

"I can apply that in my life."

I try to just think about what's the most important,

what's essential, and let's put that in.

Every book I write is usually twice as long

before it actually gets published.

So I cut out a whole bunch of stuff.

Yeah, cut out a bunch of stuff,

anything that I think is not really

actually valuable to people, we're gonna cut it.

- Yeah, okay, so he's gotta go.

We got one minute left.

We got a 60-second little speed bonus question.

- Sounds good. - Speed bonus question.

Biggest pitfall that you've seen people do.

Biggest mistake.

- Biggest mistake?

Let's see, we talked about maybe waiting too long.

Biggest mistake?

I mean, you highlighted like people had these ideas,

they had seeds but they didn't plant them.

That's probably gonna be the biggest thing,

but maybe also just not following up,

maybe actually having the idea, and being like,

"Well, that's not really gonna do anything.

"Nobody's gonna wanna pay me to

"have a blog about the cruises.

"Nobody else wants a candle, you know, $80 candle out there.

"Nobody else wants a whatever the thing is."

- Yeah.

- So maybe just inability to take that next step.

I've been there at different points in my life too.

I can think of times that I had an idea

that probably would've been good,

but I walked away from it.

So I'm trying to do less walking away,

and I'm hoping to encourage other people in the same way.

- I will tell you this.

Procrastination is the killer of hopes and dreams.

Most hopes and dreams don't die because of the economy.

They don't die because of Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

They die because you just put too many things ahead of them.

So, Chris, thanks so much for being here.

- Sure, thank you. - He's on a big tour.

(Chris laughs) I highly recommend you go out

and get "Side Hustle" or "$100 Startup,"

and he's got a couple other books,

but those are the two that I've read,

so I only recommend books I've read,

but I'm sure the other ones are good too.

- Thank you, sir.

That's kind.

- I hope to catch up with you in person one of these days.

- I would love that.

I'm going a bunch of places, so maybe you'll be there.

- Sounds great.

All right, I'll keep going here on the podcast.

- Okay. - Chris is gonna drop off.

Thanks so much.

- Cheers, man.

Thank you so much. - Thank you.

- Take it easy, bro.

- Yeah.

So let's keep talking on this subject about $100 startup

because my story, if you know anything about my story,

I basically started with under 100 bucks.

Figured out how to take $100,

make $100,000 a year was my first real step,

and then I figured out how to make $100,000 a month.

Then I figured out how to make $100,000 a week.

I remember that stage.

That was when I was, about 2008 or 9,

I figured out how to make 100 grand a week,

which was good for me then,

and then I finally, I remember when

I figured out how to make 100 grand a day,

and now I'm working on the next stage,

which is much harder, which is 100 grand an hour,

which is 835 million dollars a year.

I haven't gotten to that stage yet. (laughs)

But I'm working on it.

You just keep going.

Someone says, "Tai, you don't make 100 grand a day."

Well, some people don't believe it.

Some people do.

The people that don't,

they're always broke people, by the way.

Broke people, unfortunately, because of

the societal effects, they don't realize

that me making 100 grand a day is still chump change.

It's chump change, and I make more than

100 grand a day now with my businesses.

Yeah, I think that if we only knew.

I didn't grow up with money.

I didn't grow up with a mom or a dad

making 100 grand a year.

So, I couldn't imagine.

If somebody would've told me 100 grand a day,

I would've not believed it either.

So for all of you that are cynical,

I know where you're coming from.

You come from a place of ignorance

that I was once in, and most of the world is in,

and life's tough when you're in a state of ignorance.

I mean, most of the world...

Do you know there's mothers that

give their kids Coca-Cola, their babies?

There's thousands or tens of thousands

of people, mothers, and parents

that don't know that junk food is bad

and contributing to childhood obesity.

They don't know.

It's ignorance.

It's not like they're trying.

No one tries to kill their own kids,

or 99.99% of people don't do that.

It's the same with money.

People don't know, so do you blame an ignorant person?

Do I get mad at the person who was here on Twitter

saying I don't believe you make 100 grand?

I don't get mad because at the end of the day,

remember this, the goal of life is to enjoy your life.

Imagine that you're this ball and around you...

You know, like a hamster in a little plastic ball

that runs around your house.

You ever seen those?

You put a hamster in it and let it run around the house.

My friend used to have a hamster, Joe,

he used to let it run around the house,

and it was funny to watch.

That's how you have to become because

you have external forces, okay?

And the way those external forces,

they're always trying to penetrate your bubble.

They penetrate it in many ways, with their doubts,

with their own projections of their own fears,

with their own projects of their own ignorance,

and they will come at you,

and it will often be your own family.

For those of you who start a $100 startup,

for those of you who try to make money, mark my words.

Those closest to you, not all of them,

but some of those closest to you,

will become the people messing with your world

more than anyone else, in a negative way, and remember why.

It is simply because they are

externalizing their own paranoia.

I mean, look at the news.

The news right now is full of people

that are externalizing their own paranoia.

You see it on Twitter a lot.

People get butthurt over anything, like today actually.

This girl, I don't know how she got my number,

she WhatsApp me from the UK,

and she sent me some pictures, just regular pictures,

not like nude pictures or anything, right?

I'll read you her thing.

I'm not gonna call her out and show you her thing.

So I didn't reply because yesterday I had 40,

I think 33, sorry, 33 of the biggest

crypto people came over to my house,

Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, blockchain people.

So I was literally, from 5:00 p.m.

'til five in the morning, I was with them.

We were talking.

We were doing planning, right?

So she wrote this morning when I woke up,

"Oh, I'm not your type?"

which is bizarre because I hadn't said that.

So I just wrote, "lol."

I laughed 'cause I thought it was funny.

I didn't say you're not my type.

I didn't say anything.

I just literally was busy.

I said, "lol," and she goes, she wrote right back,

"Oh, I thought your whole brand

"was based on building people up."

Like she thought I was tearing her down

'cause I said, "lol."

I was laughing because I thought it was funny

that somebody...

If I write somebody and they're busy

and they don't write me back,

I don't write back, "Oh, I'm not your type?"

So she was projecting insecurities

that have nothing to do with me,

fears that, she must, I don't know this girl.

She must've had a tough life that she projected

anybody not responding in the way

that she wanted to be responded to

is an affront to her self-esteem.

Trust me, that's how the world is.

The second each of you begins,

let's say you do $100 startup,

and you take 100 bucks and you figure out

how to make 1,000 bucks a month

or 5,000 or $10,000 a month.

Somebody who's insecure about their financial situation

is gonna start saying, "Oh, you've changed.

"Oh, you've changed."

Well, yeah you've changed.

You're making more money.

It changes the name of the game.

I mean, who doesn't wanna change in some way?

Is there any person here who if they could

snap their fingers and had a genie

give 'em a wish wouldn't want any change?

Would your one wish be like,

"My wish is that nothing changes."

The definition of a wish is you want

something new in your life.

So when people say to you,

whether they be your own family or a friend,

"You've changed," say, "Thank you.

"That was the whole damn goal."

So I'm accomplishing my goal, and you're confirming it.

That's very important around money because nothing...

I was on H3H3 Podcast a couple days ago,

Ethan and Hila Klein, and one of the things

that I see, and we were talking about this,

is that nothing makes people more freaked out than money.

If I talk about money, people have,

it's literally like I'm trying to

destroy society to some people.

Some people go, "Oh, who is this guy

"trying to give people financial hope?

"Oh, how dare he."

I'm going, "Well, what world do you wanna live in?

"No hope?"

Whatever you are, the poor will just

continue to get poorer and the rich

will just continue to get richer?

Did you know the top ten wealthiest people

in the world have more money than the bottom 50%?

So you're satisfied with the bottom 50%,

3.5 billion people, billion,

having less money than the top ten?

Uh, so if I try to shake that up a little bit

by talking to the bottom 3.5 billion people,

poor people, that I'm somehow taking advantage of people?

I mean, it's so stupid.

The logic is one of the... (laughs)

I was talking to somebody yesterday.

I'm like, "Who wants to have a live debate with me?"

Because I will shred you.

If you think that in some way

I'm giving false hope to the poor

or the middle class, you are an idiot,

and you deserve to be treated like an idiot.

I mean, it's like, oh yeah, this is bad.

You know what's gonna mess up the world?

Somebody trying to help bring income equality.

People go, "Well Tai, but you charge for your programs."

First of all, I just passed one billion minutes

of free videos watched on YouTube, one billion.

Did anybody pay for that?

No, and I don't run any ads on my videos,

meaning I didn't make one penny

from those billion dollars directly.

People might buy my stuff indirectly

when they watch a video,

but literally a billion minutes watched,

not a million, a billion minutes watched

for free and I made not a penny.

So, you're right.

I have some stuff that I charge money.

Why not?

People pay fucking five dollars for bullshit

hamburger at McDonald's that gives you diabetes.

(laughs) So?

You can pay me something too.

It ain't gonna give you diabetes.

It might help you create a diabetes

pharmaceutical startup or medical startup

that helps people cure diabetes.

Yeah, so, get over it.

Stop being butthurt hater.

Stop projecting.

Stop shooting out your insecurities

about your own financial situation

onto other people that are trying to do their thing.

Am I perfect?

Of course not.

I purposely post stuff on my Snapchat and Instagram

that some people consider not angelic

because I don't want people to think I'm an angel.

I never projected myself as a religious leader.

I'm not Joel Osteen.

I'm not saying I'm some moral compass for the world.

I am what I am, and I am just a regular human

sharing their life experience,

and my life experience is that each of you watching,

if you can come up with 100 bucks,

you can change your life financially, okay?

You can change your life financially.

If you get butthurt about that

and you're a conspiracy theorist that the rich

will always hold down the poor, then good.

Go to your grave with your cynicism.

It's fine.

At the end of the day, we're all going to our grave.

The cynics, the optimists, the realists,

you're all going to a grave. (laughs)

You're all going to the grave with me.

There ain't nobody getting out,

even if there's anti-aging medicine.

Everybody's going to the grave at

basically the same damn pace.

Some people do it an enjoyable way,

and some people do it in a depressed,

anxious, butthurt, triggered way continually.

You choose your own prison, you know?

Some people are their own prison, the prison of the mind.

At the end of the day, all go with

the way of being a realist,

and realists understand that you can't be

an optimist and you can't be a pessimist.

It's not realistic to say that everybody

is going to find financial security,

that everybody's gonna break out of poverty.

It ain't gonna happen.

Poverty is deep.

It's deep at many levels.

It goes beyond just a few videos of mine

going to solve the whole problem,

but if it solves it for one person,

then it ain't that bad.

If it solves it for two people,

I've had hundreds of thousands of people

go through my paid training programs.

You don't think I have testimonials?

Shit, if I bring together all the people

that have been helped by my programs,

I'm going to do this, I just haven't had time.

I'd do it once in awhile.

If I put 'em all in a damn room

and just sent that video to anybody who hates on me,

you would shut the fuck up. (laughs)

I promise you because you would see people

who are from the inner city.

You'd see people who were homeless

who now are living a badass life.

I post so many...

Put it this way, I have so many testimonials

pouring in, I have one to two full-time people

sorting through testimonials.

The day you have to hire a full-time employee,

I probably got 70 full-time employees

or contractors for my main brand,,

not counting my other companies,

but just my personal brand, Tai Lopez.

You know, I gotta hire one person

and pay 'em 70 grand a year just to

manage the testimonials coming through,

that manage the videos.

Some people go, "Oh, how do you know they're all real?"

Well, probably a fake one slips in here and there,

but we look into 'em, and that's, I mean,

go to your community college.

Try to assemble all the amazing testimonials

of people who go, "You know what I learned

"in my community college history of Mesopotamia class?

"Boy, this changed my life."

Show me those testimonials.

I'm not saying nobody's ever been helped

by community college, but I can tell you this.

A lot of damn people spend money

on community college and get nothing for it,

and some people spend money on my stuff

and they get nothing for it too.

It's the name of the game.

It's how life goes.

Sometimes stuff works for people and sometimes it doesn't.

Sometimes Cipro, which is one of

the most prescribed drugs by doctors,

on 80, 90% of people it helps,

and the other 10% get crazy allergies

and die and get paralyzed.

There's huge side effects to everything

but it doesn't mean you never prescribe antibiotics.

You know?

Some antibiotics work, and on certain people

they have massive reactions and they actually kill 'em.

Welcome to planet Earth, the world of some uncertainty.

One of the problems in the world

and one of the problems for those of you listening

who are trying to start a business,

trying to change your life,

trying to make more money,

trying to invest in the stock market,

maybe you want to get in Bitcoin and crypto,

is your goal is to remove all uncertainty

from your life, as if this is remotely possible.

Explain how you would remove all uncertainty for your life.

People go, "Well, is this guaranteed

"that I'll go from broke to making money?"

Well, it ain't even guaranteed

that you're gonna make it to the end of this day.

Good chance because a lot of people

watch my livestreams and listen to the podcast,

and watch my videos.

Let's say 100,000 people are gonna watch this

or listen to this in the next week.

One person can get run over by a car today,

so I can't remove uncertainty,

and the second you try to remove all uncertainty,

you're a moron or you forgot the name of the game.

You don't understand physics.

You don't understand biology.

You don't understand the natural rhythms of life,

which is spring, summer, fall, and winter.

There's a winter cycle to your own life,

to your own entrepreneurial adventures.

There will be a spring,

and when you're planting new seeds

and trying new things, they'll be the summer

where you have to work hard on accomplishing what you want.

The summer on a farm is where you work the hardest.

There will be a fall where you reap,

where you get all the good stuff,

where you cash in and you make the money,

but there will also be a winter.

The winter is a dark time,

and it's a time for introspection.

It's a time for planning and regrouping,

and sometimes it's a time of retreat.

There's also a cycle to society like that.

We're probably currently in the summer

or the autumn if you live in the United States

and even globally in the world's economy.

There will be a winter.

The last winter was 2008.

It's a little bit like Game of Thrones.

The winter is always coming,

and 2008 to probably 2012 was a winter in the world.

Six million people lost their homes in the United States.

People around the world, of course the poor

usually are hit in a worse way than the wealthy

because they don't have as much cash on hand,

so when the winter comes it's like

not having a tee shirt or not having a sweater.

You get a lot colder.

So people lost money and then they regroup.

In 2012, 13, 14, was spring and maybe some summer.

Right now, things are at an all-time high for people.

People are making a lot of money.

Bitcoin is up.

Had you put $100 in Bitcoin in 2010,

today you'd have other 75 million dollars.

This is a time of summer and spring

and possibly of the harvest time.

Mark my words, the winter will come.

Some of you who are unprepared...

See, if you're prepared for the winter it isn't so bad.

That's like the whole point of Game of Thrones.

The whole point of Game of Thrones is

one dude is trying to really prepare the world, right?

Jon Snow is trying to prepare the world for the winter.

He's kind of a realist that's like, "Yo,

"get your act together or else

"you're gonna be surprised by the White Walkers."

The White Walkers in the modern world are poverty.

They're economic recession or

what economists call contraction.

Contraction in the world is a time of

where your bank account contracts.

You thought you had $10,000, and now you have $1,000.

That's a contraction of the bank account.

The way you fight that is the same way you fight anything.

You fight it actively.

You fight it through education,

through knowing what the hell it is you're fighting.

Most people, if you're listening,

we're talking about "The $100 Startup."

We're talking about the philosophy of "The $100 Startup."

What people don't understand is that

the reason you don't have as much money

as you should coming in per month,

it's always rooted in not knowing what you're doing.

The problem with the education system is

it's pumping out at a continual rate

people based on Bismarck in the 1800s,

his idea of the educational system,

which was to create soldiers for Prussia.

The modern education system is oppression,

which is before there was Germany,

Bismarck is the guy who really created Germany,

the modern conception of a unified Germany.

It used to be a whole bunch of provinces.

You used to have, you know, Prussia was a big one,

and you had Bavaria and you had all these different places.

This one dude brought it all together,

and he was a big soldier.

His name was Bismarck, late 1870s or 80s,

and he brought it together,

and he created an education system

that would spit out soldiers.

You want soldiers to be a little bit like robots.

Somebody said, "Prussia in Russia?"

No, Prussia and Russia are unrelated.

Russia is much more to the east.

Prussia was where Berlin is now in Germany.

So you have, you and I, spit out

a robotic human being in terms of

what we understand about money.

So we're spit out with this basic core premise,

which is you work hard, you get a job,

you get a college degree, financial security,

removal of uncertainty.

Well, that worked in the 40s and the 50s and the 60s.

It began to crumble a bit in the 1970s.

In the 1970s, you had weird things happen in the economy.

You had stagflation.

In the 1980s you started to have things

like the savings and loan crisis.

You had in 1987 another crash in the stock market.

Then the 1990s came along and a new era came,

which was the internet, 1994.

Amazon started in 1994, and remember,

that was like the spring.

Everything was being planted, 1994,

Amazon starting, the internet as

we know it was really starting.

Then 1999, 2000, all of the sudden

the winter came. (exhales loudly)

I was speaking last weekend with Naveen Jain.

Naveen Jain made 8.2 billion dollars

before the year 2000, and then it crashed

and his company was only worth 200 million dollars,

from eight billion to 200 million.

It crashed.

That was a contraction period,

but he stuck through it, and now he's

a billionaire again, and he said he would be

because he understood the cycles.

So a lot of you, your problem is

you don't understand the philosophy

of "The $100 Startup," the philosophy

of going from nothing to something.

For those of you listening, it'll be,

as I said, some of you, about 30% of you,

are fear-based, so you're tying to

remove all uncertainty before you try

to change how much money's in your bank account.

So, "Tai, what's the guaranteed way

"I can make more money?"

Well, there is no guaranteed way,

but there's some ways that are

a hell of a lot better than others.

Trust me.

There's no guaranteed way.

Working as a barista at Starbucks,

is pretty much guaranteed you're

never gonna prosper financially.

You might be able to pay the bills,

but you ain't gonna prosper.

But there is a chance theoretically

that you could somehow get promoted

to become the CEO of Starbucks

having started as a barista.

It's not great odds.

If you were a poker player and you played

those odds, you'd be an idiot.

You're playing Texas hold 'em,

and you have a two and a three and no face cards.

You would be an idiot to bet a lot of money on that.

Some things have a high chance of winning.

One of the things we talked about earlier

is like with Chris Gulliebeau

was you have a high chance of making money

from something you already know how to do

but you didn't realize it could be turned into a business.

That's they key thing.

You didn't realize it could be turned into

a full-time business or a side hustle.

One of the things that can become a side hustle,

for example, let's say you worked at Starbucks

because you're, I don't know, a single mom

or a single dad or something like that,

and it's tough.

Being a single parent is tough.

One of the things you could do is take your own problem.

So your problem, let's say, is being a single parent

and not making much money.

You could create a WordPress blog

where you talk about 100 ideas

for single parents in the world

to make money on the side,

and you start collecting ideas

and you start posting videos.

The next thing you know,

you create a little course online

or you do personal life coaching

and you're making one, two, three, four,

$5,000 a month off solving a problem

that's relevant to your life.

That's why I said everybody has a business

they could start because unless you're perfect,

everybody has a problem.

Some of you watching are overweight

and you can't shed the weight.

Well, that's a problem that you share

with 100-plus million people in the United States

and hundreds of millions of people globally

are out of shape, so you create an Instagram

where you start to post your journey

of overweight to ideal weight.

People start to tune in.

Maybe you don't have 500,000 followers,

but maybe you have 10,000 followers.

That's enough.

Maybe you start doing some public speaking,

and you get paid to do public speaking.

You're getting paid 1,000 bucks to speak here,

1,000 bucks to speak here.

You're doing some private Facetime coaching

with people that are struggling,

and even if you're not an actual personal trainer,

people need more than personal trainers.

Personal trainers are important

but you know what else people need?

People need encouragement,

so you become an accountability

encouragement coach to help people

who struggle with being overweight

eat right and workout, and they pay you

50 bucks a month for you to check in on them

once a week how they're doing.

You get 100 people out there.

It's not hard to find 100 people

who are overweight paying you $50 a month,

and you're making $5,000 a month.

That's a problem that you have.

The problems in this world are immense.

I have a friend who's really into politics.

I'm not so into politics.

He actually likes Donald Trump,

so he created a pro-Republican Facebook page

and he posts a lot of political stuff,

and then he occasionally does a sponsored post

for a business, and he's making I think

$7,000 a month posting on Facebook getting sponsorships.

He built a following of people who are Republicans,

and you could do the same thing if you're a Democrat.

You love Bernie Sanders, you love Hillary,

you could create that and you could monetize the list.

So a problem in your life maybe is

you don't like the politics in the world

or you like 'em and that becomes your problem

you solve with your $100 startup or your side hustle,

and you're starting to make money off of it.

I've also said, "Hello, Maya."

- Hello, I was just saying Brad's here,

and he can talk about how to grow your business

from nothing to something.

- Yeah, well, let's do a new...

We'll restart the live calls.

You wanna come in here?

- Yeah, come on in.

- Okay, so I'm gonna wrap up this episode.

We're moving to the next episode.

Somebody said Maya's prettier than Tai.

Well, that's good. - Weird compliment.

- I don't wanna be called pretty.

We're gonna reset the cameras.

We'll be back in a few minutes,

next episode, hour number two,

or we didn't quite do an hour

but we'll call this hour number two.

- [Maya] Real fast.

- Of my podcast.

For those of you, you can listen in two ways,

by the way, for those of you listening to me

on the livestream, if you didn't catch the whole thing,

or if you can't watch it on your phone

because you need to make some phone calls,

download iTunes and subscribe to my podcast,

The Tai Lopez Show.

Also, for those of you who like Spotify,

I'm now on Spotify.

I got approved on Spotify.

So they don't have, in most places,

they haven't fully rolled podcast out everywhere.

So download this.

We'll be back in just a minute.

There we go.

Madero said, "The real Bradley."

Awesome, you got your fans showing up.

So I will...

Let me Snap.

I forgot to.

It's okay.

All right, talk to you guys.

We'll be back in five minutes.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Ep. 125: The Hundred Dollar Start Up with Chris Guillebeau - Duration: 45:35.


Judy Blume Teaches Writing | Official Trailer - Duration: 2:18.

If you ask me, are you a writer Judy?

I'll say no, but I'm a great rewriter.

I hope that in sharing with you what

I've learned over 50 years of writing,

that it will help you find your way as a writer.

When you're writing for kids, we're

not an adult telling a story about being a kid.

We are that kid.

As a 12-year-old, I was obsessed by the idea of growing

breasts and getting my period.

But there was no place that I could read about it.

When I started to write, I was determined to be honest.

So I'm going to share with you the practical side of writing.

Process, story, voice, editing, dialogue, and character.

There's nothing more important than character.

You're living with these people for years.

You had better feel for them.

Do some exercises.

Have your character write a letter to you.

The first draft is pure torture for me.

I hate every second of it.

I have a messy mind, and my writing

is a process of cleaning up the mess.

Then slowly, making a story.

I will be able to show that to you.

I got a particularly nasty review once.

And it got to me.

And I took my typewriter, and I held it over this arroyo,

and I was going to throw it in.

I thought, I cannot do this anymore.

And then this little voice went off in my head.


You're going to let this one review stop you from writing?

That's crazy.

That's one opinion.

I enjoy finding and supporting new writers.

And this is a chance for me to reach more of you.

I always ask myself, why would anyone

write if they didn't have to?

I mean it's so hard.

So this is for all of you who feel that you have to.

I'm Judy Blume

and this is my MasterClass.

For more infomation >> Judy Blume Teaches Writing | Official Trailer - Duration: 2:18.


Alive - Ikson [1 Hour Version] - Duration: 1:00:53.

Alive - Ikson [1 Hour Version]

For more infomation >> Alive - Ikson [1 Hour Version] - Duration: 1:00:53.


Frozen Starfall ft. Saku & Shisuka - Regentanz (MV) - Duration: 5:11.

I want to show you a place worth staying

I'll take you with me to this dream

I want to prove that only this journey

is enough to dare to do bigger things.

I want to understand if my misdemeanors

will really haunt me for the rest of my life.

And which pain do I have to endure

to be with you eventually

Even if rain is everything we have left,

Please don't give us up.

Because soon enough a bright light will fill your heart,

Take my hand get set and run!

♪ ♫

If you only look at the dark clouds,

you're unable to see the stars

but if you believe in it, a glow will fill you,

No, I won't ever go.

♪ ♫

Those thoughts that entwine endlessly

they won't let go of you.

You can change, you just have to act,

but it's difficult, without a doubt.

I don't want to keep anything, I want to recreate myself,

I am much more different than before.

Can you hold me and not withhold anything,

because there's still so much ahead of us.

Can you hear the voice inside you?

It's whispering to you, just don't lose yourself.

That's why I reach out my hand and want you to dance with me

through all this heavy rain tonight.

Believe me, if you only look at the dark clouds,

you're unable to see the stars.

but if you believe in it, a glow will fill you,

Let's never leave this place!

♪ ♫

Do you belive that the cold devours everything?

Freezing, wet, shivering of fear.

See how this rain can perform miracles

And that you can do the same.

For more infomation >> Frozen Starfall ft. Saku & Shisuka - Regentanz (MV) - Duration: 5:11.


Armor of God: Shield and Sword | Creation Station | Lifetree Kids - Duration: 4:06.

Thanks for watching Lifetree Kids!

Hey kids!

Welcome to Creation Station.

My name is Gunnar and today we will be making two pieces of the armor of God: the sword

and the shield.

Let's get started!

Today's craft comes from Cuttable Cardboard Creations.

What you'll be needing today is cardboard, more cardboard, a hot glue gun (watch out,

it can be very hot), also glue, a marker, scissors and a box cutter.

Make sure you have parent's permission for a box cutter.

Today we are going to be making a shield of faith.

What I have hear is a giant piece of cardboard with floppy parts.

So since it has floppy parts, I'm going to use this giant support piece of cardboard.

I'll just put this right there.

Make sure you have a tiny strip of cardboard and bend it so it can make a handle.

we're going to be hot glueing all of this together.

Make sure you're going quick with the hot glue gun because it cools off pretty fast.

Now we're just going to wait for it to dry.

Now we're going to be doing the handle.

What you're going to want to do is put two drops of glue on each side.

Place it like so.

If you want to reinforce the handle, use some duct tape.

And I'll put that right there.

And there you have it!

Shield of Faith.

You can decorate the front by using tin foil, stickers, Bible verses or tennis balls.

Next, we're going to be making the Sword of the Spirit.

The pattern can be found in Cuttable Cardboard Creations.

If you want super straight lines, you can use a ruler.

Or just wing it.

The sword!

As you can see in Cuttable Cardboard Creations, you see this little square thing.

It's called a hilt.

We'll be making that next.

Now, I'm going to cut it out.

This cardboard is super strong so I'm going to ask an adult to come help me with the box cutter.


Did a pretty good job.

Well, this is a hilt.

Whatcha you're going to want to do is finagle it on the sword.

Right there.

And you might be asking me, "Gunnar--the swords not shiny!"

Well, that's what we're going to do next.

We're going to make it shiny with aluminum foil.



Now that we have the Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit, we are suited up in the

Armor of God.

For more fun stuff to do with cardboard, check out Cuttable Cardboard Creations.

Make sure you like and subscribe for more videos like this.

See you guys later!

For more infomation >> Armor of God: Shield and Sword | Creation Station | Lifetree Kids - Duration: 4:06.


Naâman - Love is Allowed (Lyrics CC) - Duration: 3:31.

Carry on, carry on

They say they know that world and every corner But they can't know themselves

my brother don't get trap by their manners and the words they say

They say they'll chase out war from your borders

But war is in themselves Water we should not beg to the fire starter

No my friend, no my friend

If you wanna live a life where love is allowed Jump over the trap them ah go put on your road

Only we alone gonna save our souls

I'm begging you carry on and on brothers You carry on and on sisters

Give me back the reins of my life I'm gonna make it

we don't need no politicians that waffle in the pit

everyone together we got all the solutions so please

Let's not press the detonator good people will make it better

let's stick to the roots of mother nature so change the rules and fuck the ruler

let's do it, we go do it, we go do it I see this time coming

Do it we go do it we go do it I see this time coming

Do it we go do it we go do it I see this time coming

If you wanna live a life where love is allowed Jump over the trap them ah go put on your road

Only we alone gonna save our souls

I'm begging you carry on and on brothers You carry on and on sisters

They would like to see the people fighting again

in the name of nationalism, oh god knows but I know you didn't forget your past I say

wake up humanism wake up humanism

If you wanna live a life where love is allowed Jump over the trap them ah go put on your road

Only we alone gonna save our souls

I'm begging you carry on and on brothers You carry on and on sisters

If you wanna live a life where love is allowed Jump over the trap them ah go put on your road

Only we alone gonna save our souls

I'm begging you carry on and on brothers You carry on and on sisters

For more infomation >> Naâman - Love is Allowed (Lyrics CC) - Duration: 3:31.


The Science of the World's Spiciest Chip - Duration: 1:55.

Billy is biting into the world's hottest tortilla chip.


As he bites into it, he releases capsaicin— the chemical that makes chili peppers spicy.

When the capsaicin touches his tongue, it excites the pain receptors in his mouth.

These receptors are normally triggered in response to heat.

This is why we describe the spice of chili peppers as "hot."

The more capsaicin, the more those receptors are excited, the more we feel pain.

It's like sticking our hand closer and closer to a fire.

And Paqui's 'Carolina Reaper Madness' is one very hot tortilla chip.

Sold only one chip at a time, it is coated with not one—but two—of the hottest peppers on Earth:

the bhut jolokia (or ghost pepper)

and the Carolina reaper.

This should be torture—Billy is clearly in pain.

But we didn't bully Billy into doing this.

He volunteered.

It's not—[painful breath]— it's not for the faint of heart.

Paul Rozin, a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, has a theory as to why some of us like chili peppers.

He calls it "benign masochism," or "glad to be sad."

It's a kind of pleasure that comes from an hedonic reversal,

the conversion of an initially negative experience into a positive one.

Rozin says it's also why we like sad music,

scary movies,

and rollercoasters.

Benign masochism seems to be unique to humans.

Other mammals—mice, squirrels and dogs—will eat chili peppers in a pinch,

but they don't seem to seek them out or enjoy them.

It could be that humans are weird.

Or it could just be that chili peppers are delicious.

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