Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017


We've probably all done this at some point in our lives:

it's the night before a big exam, and … you haven't started studying yet.

You'll just have to cram as much information as possible into your brain

in one night and hope you remember it tomorrow.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could just go to sleep,

have a recording of everything you need to know playing in the background,

and wake up ready for the test?

Unfortunately for those of us who are chronic procrastinators,

that doesn't work.

You can't learn new information while you sleep.

But it turns out that you can boost your recall of what you studied while you were awake.

The idea that you can learn totally new information while you sleep

has been debunked for a long time.

Way back in 1955, researchers showed pretty conclusively that it doesn't work.

Earlier studies had suggested that people could learn new things

just by hearing them in their sleep,

but there were problems with the methods used in those studies,

so the team wanted to look into it more closely.

Using an EEG, which measures brain activity,

to monitor how deeply asleep the subjects were,

they found that people were only able to remember the information

played to them if they heard it when they were in the lighter stages of sleep.

The … really, really light stages.

So light, in fact, that the participants were actually mostly awake.

62 years later, that study's conclusions still stand:

there's no good evidence that you can learn totally new information in your sleep.

But scientists have found that there might be a way to boost

the part of the learning process that happens during sleep.

Sleep plays a vital role in how you create and store memories.

While you're awake, you learn all sorts of new stuff,

taking in facts and experiences just from going about your everyday life.

That's when your brain encodes memories,

making new connections between neurons so you can remember it all later.

Then, when you go to sleep,

your brain goes through the consolidation phase of memory formation.

Scientists aren't totally sure how that works,

but they think your brain turns all that stuff you just learned into solid,

long term memories by reactivating them and strengthening those new connections.

And recent research has found that there are ways to kind of hack that process.

In a 2007 study, for example, a group of neuroscientists had people

learn the locations of a bunch of different objects while it smelled like roses,

then made it smell like roses again while they were asleep.

When they woke up, the subjects were better at remembering where the objects were,

compared to when they did the same task without any smells.

The researchers proposed that when the subjects smelled roses while they slept,

that boosted the memory consolidation process

because their brains associated the smell with the memories of the object locations.

Basically, the smell acted as a cue to their brains to reactivate those memories,

strengthening the connections between the neurons that stored them.

And stronger connections meant they had an easier time

recalling the memories when they woke up.

That 2007 study was small, but later studies that tested the idea found similar results.

And other research has found that this works with more than just odor cues.

You can do it with sound, too.

For example, in a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience in 2013,

60 people were asked to place 72 images in different locations on a computer screen.

Each time they placed an item, a corresponding sound was played—

so for example, if they were placing down a picture of a cat, they'd hear a meow.

They were told that remembering each of these items later on

would earn them a certain number of points.

Half of the items had super high point values, and half were super low.

But to get the most points possible,

they had to remember where they placed absolutely everything.

And with 72 items, that wouldn't be easy.

After they'd made their placements, the subjects took a 90 minute nap—

just about enough for one full cycle of sleep.

While the people in the experimental group were sleeping,

they were played 18 of the sounds associated with low value items.

The people in the control group just slept with white noise playing instead.

Once they were wide awake and trying to remember the locations

of as many items as they could for those sweet, sweet science points,

the subjects mostly remembered the ones with high point values.

But the people in the experimental group also tended to remember

the low-value items—the ones they'd been reminded of while they slept.

The researchers concluded that, just like in the studies on odor cues,

the sounds cued the subjects' brains to reactivate the memories associated with them.

That strengthened those memories, so they were better at recalling them later.

And, again like with odor cues,

other studies have also found that sound cues can boost your recall.

For example, in a 2014 study that involved 68 subjects,

a group of researchers found that playing sound cues while people

were asleep helped them learn a new language.

They had people learn 120 new words and their translations,

then played some of those new words back to them while they slept.

The team found that people were able to remember about 10% more

of the cued words than the words they hadn't heard while they were asleep.

But, in a follow-up study published the next year,

the same group of researchers found that if they played the new words

and their translations, the memory boost went away.

So, it wasn't hearing the information while they slept that helped them remember it.

It was the sound they associated with the memory.

When they heard the word and its translation, it became more than a simple sound cue,

and the second word interfered with the memory consolidation process.

So the next time you're cramming for a test,

you might want to try connecting the new information with certain sounds or smells,

then letting yourself hear or smell those things again when you go to sleep.

You still might not do as well as you would have if you'd just studied properly,

but hacking your memory could help you get a few more questions right.

Good luck!

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!

If you want to learn more cool stuff like this about our weird human brains,

you can go to and subscribe.


For more infomation >> How to Learn While You Sleep - Duration: 5:21.


FIRST DAY IN LONDON - Duration: 11:20.

For more infomation >> FIRST DAY IN LONDON - Duration: 11:20.


3 Ways Technology Is Changing The Way We Shop - Duration: 2:00.

Retro announcer voice: "War or not one thing is for sure: A daily battle is being waged in supermarkets

all over this country. A battle for the customer's dollar."

As technology speeds up the way that we do business,

retailers are beginning to focus on using tech to raise the bar for convenience.

Here are just a few ways retailers are creating an innovative shopping experience.

Anyone with a computer or mobile device can

order groceries 24/7, thanks to e-commerce. A study by Nielsen

found that one-quarter of online respondents order grocery products

online, and 55 percent are willing to do so in the future. The Internet of Things

turns home appliances into assistants telling consumers when it's time to

restock. Some smart refrigerators even offer grocery shopping directly through

their interfaces. According to Gartner, there will be over 26 billion connected

devices by 2020, and the Internet of Things market will be worth

$151 billion. Retail giant Amazon wants to funnel digital sales.

Amazon Dash wands and buttons allow consumers to instantly order everyday products.

The Amazon Echo can also order items on command.

Amazon Go is an experimental grocery store in Seattle where consumers can

simply take what they want and go. Using the Amazon Go app, the store recognizes

when a customer has arrived, and tracks the items they take. When the customer

leaves, those items are then charged to their accounts. Cashless payments make

checkout a breeze or eliminate it altogether.

PriceWaterhouseCoopers predicts that by 2019, 85% of transactions will be paid for in this way.

Retailers are looking for ways to use the ubiquity of smartphones to

their advantage. Walmart partnered with GM to test Bluetooth beacons hidden

inside LED light bulbs in their stores.

Beacons are wireless devices that track

and respond to apps or items within their vicinity, such as the person's

smartphone. The lights in Walmart tracked customers and pinged their phones

with special offers as they shopped.

Retailers have a clear incentive to adopt new technologies.

After all, if it's easier to shop, it's easier to spend.

For more infomation >> 3 Ways Technology Is Changing The Way We Shop - Duration: 2:00.


Seizures led to retirement and an identity crisis - Duration: 4:39.

-My name is Jack.

I was in the United States Marine Corps

from 2006 to 2012,

served on the 11th MEU,

went to about six or seven countries around the world.

I served in Afghanistan -- was my most recent deployment.

I was an infantry officer.

Most of my day-to-day job was, you know,

obviously training marines,

managing expectations, setting up training plans,

ultimately preparing them for a deployment.

The first time I had a seizure was Thanksgiving 2010,

and I had an absent seizure,

which is you basically just lose all...

You have no idea where you are, what you're doing,

why you're there, who people are.

Following that, I had

three or four different absent seizures like that

and one where I kind of just dropped

like a sack of potatoes in my kitchen.

I couldn't deploy with folks, with my unit.

I was medically retired and kind of sent on my way.

I kind of felt like my identity was diminished,

and I didn't really know where to go.

I tried a bunch of different jobs.

I was a fit-camp instructor.

I was a real-estate agent.

I worked for a private developer.

I mean, you just name it. I was trying these things.

You kind of just start to change,

and you feel like you're unraveling, actually.

You feel like everything is just kind of falling apart.

For me, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease

after the Marine Corps,

and I thought that there was something going on,

but my health just started dropping and started going down,

and I started getting, like --

you know, it just wasn't working out,

which then put me into this downward spiral of,

you know, I then felt anxious about what I could do.

I felt like I wasn't as strong as I was before.

The people that I wanted to ask

were also the people that I was most unlikely to ask

because it was like I was perhaps a mentor to them,

or they were a mentor to me.

I started dealing with this anxiety and pressure,

and all of a sudden, I started going down,

and I felt like things were caving in,

and maybe I do have PTSD, or maybe this is TBI or some...

And it just manifested into this, you know, crazy...

It was like a hole, and I was just falling.

I knew I needed help, but I didn't know how to ask for help

because I'd never really felt comfortable doing it before.

I was hitting a critical point to where I was hiding too much.

Something almost was going to...

Something had to give.

I said, "Just go out. Do something. Talk to people."

And, for me, it was...

I talked to my parents, and that was hard,

to say the least,

but like parents do and family and friends,

they had incredible advice for me.

And it just relieved enough pressure

for me to say, "Okay, it'll be all right.

If I just keep doing that

and I keep this one line of communication open

with my parents,

then I'll allow myself to open up

to another line of communication."

I spoke with someone over at Mental Health.

They didn't judge me.

They didn't say, you know, "Oh, my gosh.

Like, you have PTSD, or you have this."

They just talked to me and allowed me to talk, too.

I became vulnerable,

and for anybody, that's never fun,

but it was necessary.

That was when, all of a sudden, I felt like,

"Okay, you know, I can not only do this,

but I can do it well.

I can get out of this, and I'll be better,

I'll be stronger, and I'll be more capable."

Once I talked to a couple dudes,

couple folks who had already been through it,

then all of a sudden, like, I started to regain some control,

and they were like, "Hey, Jack,

this isn't going to happen overnight.

It's where it is."

Keeping that network active and reaching out

is something that is so important, I really believe,

to the success of a transition.

Manage expectations.

Use friends and their experiences.

We're all around.

Use our experiences to give you some control.

For more infomation >> Seizures led to retirement and an identity crisis - Duration: 4:39.


TPB AFK - The Pirate Bay Away from Keyboard LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 1:22:08.

For more infomation >> TPB AFK - The Pirate Bay Away from Keyboard LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 1:22:08.


Garantem naší bezpečnosti je NATO - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Garantem naší bezpečnosti je NATO - Duration: 0:33.


Designated Survivor 2x04 Promo "Equilibrium" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Designated Survivor 2x04 Promo "Equilibrium" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.


The Good Place 2x05 Promo "Existential Crisis" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> The Good Place 2x05 Promo "Existential Crisis" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:16.


A Deeper Voice in 25-Seconds (The Secret That NO ONE Talks About) - Duration: 2:24.

25 seconds is all it takes to get stronger pipes, and a deeper voice and I'm gonna show

you how to do that in this short video.

It probably sounds too good to be true but the funny thing is, most people never talk

about this strategy even people doing vocal coaching and things like that.

Now I'm gonna keep this video short and stick to the one technique but if your serious

about getting a powerful voice that grabs people's attention - I put together a

Vocal Power Cheat Sheet that you can download, just click or touch up here and because you're

coming from this video you can get it for free.

Alright the good part - Have you ever heard someone talking with a dry voice, they sound

like they've been trekking through the Serengeti desert with no water.

No matter what kind of voice you have, if your dry or dehydrated its gonna sound weak.

On the other hand, if you are perfectly hydrated your voice will sound pure, deep and smooth.

And here's what people don't understand, When you take a drink of water, you're not

lubricating your voice.

Your vocal folds - what actually makes the sound, are basically the last priority within

your bodies hydration.

So all your major organs, your heart, your liver, they get hit up first.

So that means you gotta be fully hydrated, to the gills, for your voice to sound perfect.

This does two things for you: It lets your vocal folds stay limber, so they

can make a smoother sound.

But more importantly, it helps maintain what's called a "Protecting Mucosal Lining,"

which coats the vocal folds and protects them from the friction and allows you to make those

really smooth, strong resonances.

Now without moisture, the flexibility is hindered, and the vocal folds can get an unhealthy swelling

which can actually cause you to injure your voice as you continue to speak in a strong


Now if you haven't seen the videos "How to get a deep voice that intimidates men and

attracts women", click here to do so.

But if you didn't take advantage of that free "Vocal Power & Tonality Checklist,"

click here to do so.

I'm gonna walk you through 5 things that you can immediately implement to get a strong

voice so when you start speaking, people actually turn and listen to you.

And you can command attention and continue to keep people hooked, while your speaking.

I'll talk to you soon!

For more infomation >> A Deeper Voice in 25-Seconds (The Secret That NO ONE Talks About) - Duration: 2:24.





Something very big and it's larger than my big piece of paper yes

That's the word today. We've got to build a showdown here with Andy Andy say hello. Hello

I like a trained monkey or something Andy say hello. I'm Dean guess my formation

You're more than that Andy you're a human being

So today, we're doing squat build a showdown sbst the greatest series on

YouTube by Andy right Josh, just tryna get mr. Brooks

What do we got actual best series on youtubers


Like I just said man. It's a show then

Not gonna explain the rules cut feel like you guys already should know the rules by now, and if you don't then

Well then this is awkward

Do working outs as they go along? They'll be all right? Yeah, you'll be all right. You'll figure it out

I'll leave something in the description guys. This is my first score builder showdown a fee for a team the very first one

I only did one of people 17, and I did awful

I'll probably do awful again this time, but if you want to see me do another one

how many likes and a

25,000 that does literally what I was gonna say Wow chemistry is is a

Pretty roof between us we're both on tank M. So you come do you do you play paper often?

Did you come here often right AJ?

Twenty-five thousand likes, and we'll do another that's been put on the table now

into the

into the real thing

I'm gonna roll actually three videos in like six days, so just say it was putting that out there

mr., right

Andy Joshua want to watch Neymar I've got you've got a normal name as the same thing is

Who wants to go first you go first mate? It's your video. I would like the formation

You know what yeah, I'm up late. This is my formation four three two. This is my one. This is the daddy

Can you can you give me that can I have that I'll give it to you all right?

AJ I think I've got your sister here

Is what am I don't you know now you've said that I reckon you won't have written

I really want that formation, so I'm getting up and I reckon cuz you've said you're wonderfully down

So I'm gonna go for four three two one Oh

No, I've gone for four - okay smart move

Smartly you've outplayed me there

Right you're the guest on the channel today if you're serious

But you're still the kind of guest who do you want to go first - I go first?

I made you go first on the formation. I'll tell you all one okay. I mean your guess. I'll be here

I mean feel like that would be a little bit mean if I did that

Come on Avenue B, man, I'm a Navy come on don't be too. Don't be too nasty. You know I'm hovering over I

Should bear this in mind who you've got in your club you but think of members. I would figure who's the best Brazilian striker?


That oh is it like a oh is it like a player. Let's change position. No, it's online or not other. Oh

God now look at that. That's really mean our Roberto Firmino

Okay professor Femina people right you've evolved to me when I was in you got 71 pick 17 nine paces 77 berries

We're get we'll get there yet, but I'm gonna go form anyway, and then right wing I'm gonna go Oh

Willian oh

Okay, okay, well I've got good news for you. AJ. You can keep ball for those players because I went for a diary's and

Carlos bayer

Disappointing for me I always paying is very very very

random kicks

Well from me or from here from you. Did you forget that name was not in the league la liga anymore?

It was at this moment Josh knew

What I did oh

My god

That's gonna be one of the biggest Scott Billy showed out chuckles ah

You know what that's so funny as well because he's like my player

I played this is like my top scorer at my team an option. They just forgot that

That's the biggest fail of a life he doesn't play

It doesn't play in Little League or any ball, what's wrong with me?

Wow I could upload this as its sole video the biggest score builder showdown caucus ever I

Hate myself I hate you and I hate me

I hate you and I hate me

I hate you and I hate me I

Hate you and I hate me

You for laughing at me. No I got here myself my first player. I would like I got the league right this time

Gabrielle hey Zeus

Very nice

okay, put a right forward I

Would like ready for this one. You haven't got this one. You haven't got this one. I mean

I'm telling you you haven't got this Lucas Paul

How'd you like that? I would you mean? Oh my god? I heard that I heard that I?


You've not got both with them home. No. No no stop it stop it, please


You haven't you haven't got them you haven't got them

You've got Hayes's having you you I can see that slightly. Do you want the good news or the bad news Josh?

The bad news I want the bad news bad news

Is I guess Lucas ah


No, there is no good news. I uh suggest Tasers

No, you didn't know you didn't

Don't worry make a pug named

Jenna Phillip tarnished in the video you've been recording for 15 minutes. You can just upload the whole thing. There's a 15 minute video

I've got no strike boss. I've got no strike force. I'm screwed. I'm just contemplating life right now

Hmm, what kind of headstone do I want for my grave?

What a life

What in your life?

So now who you gonna. Give me Andy. What bronze players are you gonna smoke that with?

the thing is like I was I

Personally thought now. He's not gonna go for these these are too obvious there are tree all these bright phones are all right

Let's have a look at the strikers. Okay now. We're talking

58 rated at Rodriguez with his 50 paces can be your striker

50-page striker I am NOT scoring a goal

58 released after a nun I've trained what's his first play of 59 rated Rodrigo with his

47 pay streak map instead boys, I don't deserve this life. I

Don't deserve why I have and then right forward you can have a out

Because that's what you'll be saying to your name are at the end of this

Don't you dare

Don't you dare say that don't even bring that up that name. I stay right there. I paid 1.7 million for him 1.6 million

He's staying there. He is

Rodrigo right forward who are you giving me for right forward again shall make the adjustments

And I'm ready ok I will I can still do this with this Rodrigo up top ok who's going first this time

so to makes your video

liusia play is finished or

I'll lose my players first ok


I'm sure I've probably lost to play a hare, but I'm gonna go for it first stop less than admit

I have gone with Castro ok that

You weren't expecting that were you


Met in the middle in the middle of the pitch I've gone for four be near

That I feel you might have got that one right center, mid. I've gone with a lovely lad

never been before

Don't know it is Alan. He doesn't look too happy because I'm racking you've got it

Realistically that should have been a deity double, but it was any a single you got one. I got one you got one

Who'd you get who'd you get Pavini? Oh no Alan Alan? You got Alan Holland? You've got Alan man. Good ol doll

Okay, whoever a place in Alan with it's got to be a Brazilian sentiment

low-to-high continue to search I

Give you that peddling

Yeah, I take the Renaldo possible lover Renaldo

Can I have Renaldo yeah stiffer and Alden? You've got me gosh. Yes. It's such a nice guy since three Ronaldo's on this game

All right, okay, so I've got two of my guesses up to now mmm-hmm. It's going golfing

Buddy he'll right okay, AJ. I'm gonna guess yours. Okay? Who do you want? Who you are fella?

I'm gonna be nice to you light me up

Mmm-hmm you're gonna be nice in that. No you know you're never gonna. You're never nice to me. You're horrible

I'm just gonna build a Brazilian team because you've never gets to play on scholar showed on our field pot

So I'm gonna give you all a chance in the world to do it left sentiment. I would like

Fred I'm on the right sentiment where it doesn't really matter. I'm gonna Fred

Looks very good open down sentiment feel the high attacking. We're high highway Craig. It's good pace. Good dribbling install a player

In the middle I'm gonna go for a CDM and I was gonna go further beam yure


Everyone raves of ultimate ease I owe

25 kt versus 2k and puts him next the back of your coat

But I feel like cuz you said them you might have written him down some

Question and myself I can be wrong so I think maybe loose Gustavo. I'm gonna go for that one

And then you guys for being written down didn't ya I

Cannot confirm nor deny

The finals percent amid it can be any there's not actually that many good resilient sentiments that aren't really really really guessable

Doesn't have to be Brazilian doesn't have to be Brazilian

But I want to give you every chance in the world to get a player Josh

I'm gonna give you a

Go on rafinha. Did you put rafinha ah?

No, I didn't put any of them I didn't but Eddie. I put food on Daniel casimiro and Yaya touré

Where will I ever guess a player just make sure you write down some Brazilian fullbacks?

unless some table with Mia

You could be you could be

okay, I've got my players writing down I

Know I made the adjustments to my team okay

I'm gonna take a guess at yours first AJ. Okay. I

Think I've got feeling this is the one this is the one's the one where I might have guessed this is it

Let's me this will be my first correct. Guess who's got Billie Jean the history of my life. Please. I'm holding it up now ball

Did you write that I

Brazilian fullbacks, there's the question I

Don't know did I it's a known teacher? I'm gonna go left back

For I

Think you've written down Dalbert

So I'm gonna go for Wendell

And right back, I think you have written down


Think your lane, and you're not writing down the best one each time

so I'm gonna go for Danny Elvis and

Go the opposite way. Ah

You probably would danton's on luck oh, I did ride home tomato

Right AJ

Mr.. Andika still

Very posh second name Spanish you reckon. I've got for my fall backs

You keep telling yourself this Spanish. I'm drawing an angry face on this paper because this is how I feel about you

Actually looks quite angry guys doesn't it which two players, would you like me to a place of bronzers this time?

all right AJ

Left by this is quite an obscure

Quite a different one his name is

Bastian ox ox ox feet

Bastian hug see God

Probably got that completely wrong very sorry guys and it right back. I've got bought a blinder

Yeah, you know I know that's no bueno Oh buy on oh


Sorry boy, no. It's looking that doesn't like bueno is good in Spanish. It's not even in the transfer market

No, I mean the concept. You know it's not in the concert players really

The game is back on Joshua, how about Raquel Macedo?

I put vanilla


Who you feelin who do you want in your team?

I'm gonna go have you written Duncanson question. I don't know

Everybody else knows but me gonna go sent back

Jesus okay J soos

German are you sick on fever one even like FIFA 14 was him and then they made him

And now he's sick on fever again. It's great. He was based back to be abased bigger


Philippe Philippe Philip

Okay, Philippe anything gold. Okay. We won't have

Family song well it seems I have yet again

fail I

Went with marquinhos David Luiz and Edison

You're cured

Have I never guessed the player I would like a right-center back. This is a friendly geezer

He's called Wallace and he plays for Lazio. I think at centre-back this one. You might have I feel

He goes rider named Nicholas

Sous-sous a oh

Okay, yeah, I know I think you know because you've got it. The really annoying guy who's a ball player? And you think it's


I'll think it's gonna be boating right big whomp

Goalkeeper I've done for Allison as well. Yep. I love ya

I really don't know you're talking okay, Andy tell me did you get any of my players on no is it on yes?

Oh, I did all right. You know you started well

You nailed me on the beginning you took out my Shrike as I'm I'm a bit screwed

oh, I need took out my midfielder, but my defense is intact I

Did well you only got my strikers other midfielders? This is good

Yeah, I mean, but the fences are very good

I mean me was sent the back has over 70 bass could be a problem sod it


Into the game people doubt me, but they shouldn't

my strikers will score

And I will be the reigning victor wow. That's a nice team. No bronze is no silvers

Game time baby. I just want to let you know this is my formation Andy. This is your formation Oh

See you scoop turning huh oh?

I've been rubbed. I'm not ah

Like a child you in the business come on lads ah

Let me down. Why am I so bad at this game, Josh? I don't know Andy. I don't know

You know I

I've only got one player up front to work with so whenever he gets the ball

It's kind of like it's a makeup brainwallet like it's like art. Maybe one's got a ball. Do what you can't vote Oh

surely not

Three guns got a gun oh boy

Unbelievable, I honestly can't I just want to confirm that that Rodrigo that you picked for me to have instead of Gabriel

Hey, Zeus hex just made it 100

It's not what I want to say


No other water fred was doing I think he kicked the floor oh


come on boys

Puppet of West Clarence ever oh my god. Oh my god. How's this happen no?

I'm pathetic let me see if I can land this ball flippin massager


Right now. I'm on the ropes come on come on boys were better than this

It's a gamer too after me

Don't you doubt Rodrigue are the boys?

Was that is what I'll get you in a sticky position AJ

Plus Renault on the edge of the box into the chute oh

Gosh oh come, please

I've got her this team's got heart. We may have bronze players, but we've got the passion for the game. We call football

Could have let me play on let's get a red yellow

Lovely lovely intertwining playboys

Rodrigo the Brawn sensation and comes out nowhere with a

Beautiful finish I all see touched up and slaughtered and ones are the keeper like that I

Know boys spice spice spice spice and all no no no no oh no. Are you you filthy boy?

Damn it

Need Rodriguez to save me with a hat trick hair, otherwise this could be the end boys

Poor defending poor defending as well

Surely this is it

that's it that's it a

Luster oh I had it all their brands for a draw, and I lost it

Rodrigo the Brazilian sensation my mother batch performance from him today, but the mother elephant

De mal that was down

He didn't show when he needed to couldn't carry his teammates when he oh he got nine points are overrated

But Rodrigo got 99.5 whoo, I'm feeling very emotional right now, AJ ah

And a you beat me by one goal

I did I know there's one player that you're looking for in my team, and you really want to get it

Do you get what you get to this guy won playing? I know who you want it costs 1.6 million

My heart is in my mouth right now. This is like my this is my most expensive player

I saw my glare on my inform ago. I packed to be able to afford him. I'm hoping he getting informed

I want to keep this guy

I've mixed up my team already

Go ahead

Left wing or left forum


Yes, I'll take that all day that was that's Castro, that's that's three thousand coins, but he's gone


Thank you. God. There is a God whose name other intimate

He's he's cent of it well sometimes when you get two guesses like if either guests go for your name up

And you said Castro's left ring

My next guest will be less intimate because that's where Castro was that's probably move Neymar - did you get me so?


You've got this. You know how it all works. You're very good at this

I mean, I mean it's your series right guys the Neymar has survived if you want to see Scott build a shoulder again

We're between me and Andy please leave a like. Thank you so much watching Andy. Thank you for nothing. Okay. Thanks

Thanks up. Nothing guys. Thank you a vote and see you laugh

For more infomation >> FIFA 18 SQUAD BUILDER SHOWDOWN!!! - OTW NEYMAR!! - Duration: 21:18.


Bacta Tanks and Carbonite | Science and Star Wars - Duration: 5:03.

On this week's episode of Science and Star Wars!

I have built a tank that will probably be my demise.

Bacta tanks and Carbonite

(Intro music theme)

Hello and welcome to Science and Star Wars where we explore how close real world sciences

come to our favorite Star Wars technology.

I'm Anthony Carboni, and as always to my right…


My name is Watson.

He's my best friend in the whole wide world is all.

Today we will find out how close we can get to healing in a Bacta tank and getting frozen

in Carbonite.

Hopefully without an extended stay in Jabba's Palace.

You get hurt in Star Wars, you get a vacation in the Bacta tank while science heals your


And guess what, that's starting to really happen.

On a decidedly much smaller scale.

You looks strong enough to pull the ears off a Gundark.

Science is working towards enhancing and advancing our ability to heal.

Doctors can now use artificial skin to protect and regrow damaged areas.

Or, lets say you get involved in a Wampa attack…

(Wampa roar) Scientists are now working on ways to use

certain types of skin bacteria to speed recovery.

It's even possible one day we could have a Bacta tank filled with bacteria.

A sort of…Bacta-teria-tank!

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Scientists at Cedar Sinai in Los Angeles have also discovered a way to use tiny bubbles

filled with genetic material to speed up bone healing.

And if you think being frozen in Carbonite is bad…well it is.

I can't see.

New techniques are using extremely cold temperatures to help accelerate healing.

And these aren't the only exciting developments happening in the world of medicine.

Some new discoveries feel like they're still science fiction.

IBM scientists are developing what they're calling lab on a chip technology that could

make it faster and easier for doctors to diagnose diseases.

This technology allows us to isolate biomarkers relevant to a number of diseases.

What this enables us to do is get out ahead of a disease.

If you have the technology that's convenient enough, you can test daily, you can test weekly,

so that you can get results immediately instead of having to wait.

So right now you're probably thinking, Anthony these are medical marvels that will change


Fine, jackals.


Give the people what they want!

Hi Andi Gutierrez!

Hi Anthony Carboni!

You are are my co-host on The Star Wars Show.

That I am.

Watson you know Andi, right?


You and Andi began working together in April 2015.

We have worked together since July 2017.


That's awkward.

Yeah, if I didn't know any better I'd say Watson was a little jealous.

On with the science.

So, as someone who hangs out with me quite a bit…you have probably always dreamed of

seeing me trapped in Carbonite.


Yeah, I thought so.

Well, Carbonite is not real so we can't do exactly that but let's get as close as

we can.

This is sodium polyachlorade.

It's a polymer, so just chains of the same molecule essentially, right?

Exactly it's repeating polyacrylate compounds together.

So why don't you add some water and see what happens.


So sodium polyacrylate is a super absorber.

It will absorb 200-300 times it's own mass in water.

So it's like the stuff that's inside diapers and freezer packs?

Yeah, there are 1,000 uses for this stuff including Carbonite today.

Give it a stir and see what happens.

Ooh it's thick.

This is difficult to stir.

In this case, I will be the stirrer.

Oh great!

And as I move around it will absorb more water around me and will basically turn into a hydrogel.

I'm barely going to be able to move if I will be able to move at all.


Hello, welcome to the smartest thing I've ever done.

This is going to be amazing.

I cannot believe I am giving you control over this.

I'm so thankful.

As I'm mixing it.

It's definitely starting to expand and resist a bit more.

It's neat because when I pour it in I can actually see it expanding really quickly.

This stuff absorbs a ton of water.

So I'm hearing some cracks…

Yeah…but we should be good.


I do wish that my legs had frozen in a slightly straighter position at this point

My knees are locked in like a slight bend.

This stuff is expanding so much now and there's a little air down there now.

The cracking is getting disconcerting…yeah, I'll say that!

That is 25lbs of powder and the tank is holding.

I mean, we have immobilized my thighs.

That's cool.

Don't lean back.


Because it's just going to crack (cracking sounds)


This wall is coming down It's cracking!

(screaming) NO CAGE CAN HOLD ME

Andi Gutierrez were mistakes made in terms of water pressure calculations.



Did it work out anyway in a strange way?

Better than expected.

I would say so.

Thank you so much for coming by.

Thank you this was fun!

And remember we also have more science videos at

For more infomation >> Bacta Tanks and Carbonite | Science and Star Wars - Duration: 5:03.


Strange Rebel Gaming Merchandise is FINALLY HERE! Giveaways & Discounts! - Duration: 7:25.

hey there friends welcome back to strange rebel gaming I'm Briana today

is a very special day today I'm announcing and launching my merchandise

I am so excited you guys know I have been working on this for so long because

quality is the utmost importance to me you guys deserve nothing but the best

and finally finally it's here finally we're ready merchandise strange rebel

gaming takey take take alright enough singing let me show you

the amazing beautiful perfect things that you guys can get on my merchandise

store at teespring you can get shirts like this you can get

shirts like this you can get shirts like this the creme de la creme of design

this is takey take bri she's a hoarder but she'll never stop taking you

can get items like this this is an srg phone case legit and you can even get

items like this you can get this pillow you can hug it and squeeze it and hold

it tight at night it will keep you warm and safe it's amazing okay so real quick let me show

you how it works you're gonna click the link in the description below

awesome you're gonna see the first three designs right in the top row awesome all

of these designs are available in many different styles and many different

colors t-shirts hoodies v-necks stickers whatever your little heart desires with

the exception of the pillow and the phone case that those are only available in

pillow and phone case but there are lots of different colors so if you see a

design you like make sure you click on it you'll be taken to the next screen so

you can choose every amazing variation you could ever desire guys I am so

excited to finally be announcing my merch store on I searched

for so long to find the right company to do this with I was even almost ready to

launch on a different company but I received some samples that I just wasn't

happy with because you guys deserve the best the

best quality the best softness the best prices the best everything you guys are

my family you guys know that you have given me so

much and I just want to give back to you look at what I had to go through to make

sure that you guys get nothing but the best

this is sample one sample two I'm wearing sample three sample four sample five sample six sample seven sample eight sample nine sample ten

and all of these took two to three weeks to ship to me and after

every one I had to decide if it was my design that was the problem

or if it was the printing that was the problem and then I had to get more

samples and you guys it was a real process but now I can guarantee that you

are getting nothing less than the best or else

seriously you guys are set the heck up but for all that effort that I've done

you guys have put in so much more work into making this channel what it is with

your likes shares comments views showing up to live streams tweeting at me

following me on Instagram being patrons it just the list goes on and on and on

of what you guys have done for me and for this channel and to make all of this

possible and I'm so grateful to you so to show my gratitude I will be giving

away all of the merch that you saw in this video with the exception of the

crappy samples which we'll never look at again so I'll be giving away a pillow a

phone case a take shirt and everybody's a little strange shirt and and I'll be

giving away a strange rebel gaming shirt here's the thing guys I love you guys

you guys deserve this all you need to do to be eligible for the giveaway is to

complete the four-fecta as I like to call it make sure you like

the video comment below share the video and make sure you're subscribed

four-fecta right there and you're eligible for the giveaway that's all I

ask I appreciate you guys so much and I hope

you always know that but let's be honest you guys I have you know 66,000 and some

change subscribers but I only have five items to give away and that's not really

enough for me so the amazing thing about teespring is that I get to do promotions

whenever I want and I decide that I'm going to be doing a special launch day

promotion for 15% off your order times are tough right now and you

deserve treat yo'self and I love you guys and I want to appreciate and thank

and and give back to every single person who wants to order a takey-takey-take

shirt because I know you guys have been waiting for that for a long time and

trust me so have I let's take a look at that design again because oh my god it's

beautiful this is little chibi Briana as we call

her this design was commissioned by Jerika over at game tavern she's

amazing and you should definitely check her out I have nothing but love and

amazement for this design this is a little chibi Bri and as you can see her

backpack is very very over burdened but she doesn't care her love for taking

knows no limits and so she's going to continue taking and taking even if she

randomly grabs a stray cat or a bicycle and tries to fit that in her backpack

she will never be over burdened thank you again to Jerika for this amazing

design I hope you all love it this is my pride and joy and it took a lot of work

to get to you so I hope you enjoy it here's the cool thing about the merch

store because it's a store even though I already have three four three to four

beautiful designs up already I'm already working on more stuff you guys have

already given me so many amazing ideas for what I should put in merch and I

have been working on pages and pages of ideas I'm gonna be reaching out to

Jerika soon to get another design commission so we'll just be adding new

cool stuff all the time so always feel free to check back I do want to mention

that the only way to get to my merchandise store is by clicking the

link in the description below and of course I'll always make it available in

the about section of my channel as well it will

not be searchable on teespring due to some crazy weird settings but the best

way to do it is via direct link so anytime I you know post a picture of it

on Instagram I'll make sure I link it as well they make it really easy on you

guys thank you guys so much for watching this video and thank you in advance for

helping me officially launch my shiny new beautiful merchandise store at

teespring I appreciate you guys so much don't forget to complete the four-fecta

like comment share and subscribe to be eligible for the giveaway because I'm so

excited to send those things out to you hmm

that's all I love you guys byeeeeeeeeeeee

For more infomation >> Strange Rebel Gaming Merchandise is FINALLY HERE! Giveaways & Discounts! - Duration: 7:25.



For more infomation >> YOU NEED TO DO THIS IN FIFA 18 SQUAD BATTLES! (EASIEST COINS IN FIFA) - Duration: 10:19.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ 13 অক্টোবর ২০১৭ Channel 24 Live News Today - Duration: 19:15.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ 13 অক্টোবর ২০১৭ Channel 24 Live News Today - Duration: 19:15.


11 oct. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> 11 oct. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 7:58.


Harvey Weinstein was the butt of Hollywood jokes for decades. Now nobody's laughing. - Duration: 1:30.

Harvey, right?


I'm not afraid of anyone in show business.

I turned down intercourse with Harvey Weinstein on no less than three occasions, out of five.

Don't listen to a word this dog says.

Fuck off, Harvey.

I just want to thank my agent, Kevin Huvane, and god, Harvey Weinstein, the punisher,

Old Testament I guess.

It ain't easy making a movie.

You come to gloat, Harvey.

The 2012 nominees for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role are

Sally Field in Lincoln

Anne Hathaway in Les Miserables

Jackie Weaver in Silver Linings Playbook

Helen Hunt in The Sessions

and Amy Adams in The Master.

Congratulations, you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey


Are you here of your own free will?

Has someone coerced you into being here?

Do you count Harvey Weinstein as a coercer?

Well, I, I'm kind of fed up with Harvey's behavior.

In some ways, I'm still pinned under a passed out Harvey Weinstein and it's Thanksgiving.

That was a big mistake, Harvey.

It was a mistake?

That was some mistake.

For more infomation >> Harvey Weinstein was the butt of Hollywood jokes for decades. Now nobody's laughing. - Duration: 1:30.


DOES ANYBODY GET MAD FROM THIS ? (Try Not To Get Mad Challenge) - MeowGina - Duration: 8:25.

What? I gotta say something different than what I always say.

What`s that thing?

I don`t know.

I think that`s what`s supposed to make you mad and it`s working.

He cuts that tomato in a weird way.

Does it make you mad?

No, I find that funny.

But how can you do it like that...?

That nice tomato tho...

Look, it`s not even straight.

How can you fold it like that?

Are you getting mad?

No. An Onion. How disgusting!

So disgusting!

Why do I find this funny?

That`s probably supposed to make Justin Bieber fans mad.

Are we done?

Can you imagine...

Maybe we should have started the video from the beginning.


If the previous one was hard...what`s gonna be easy then?

Well...I find..

I find it more funny than that it makes me mad.

What`s up with that drill?

Which language is that?

I don`t know.

I have to admit that this is annoying tho.

But it doesn`t make me mad.

I find it funny.

I know that it`s gonna stop some time.

This makes me laugh.

Why do I find this funny again?

Now it`s gonna get hard.

Are they gonna show that blurred thing now?



Oh yeah, there it is.

If my mom would see that she`d flip out.

She`d totally flip out.

But I mean you can still eat it.

But I mean the poor cake. That nice piece of cake which is just laying there now.

But he is cutting it in a creative way tho.

Why do we have the same plates tho?

How can you be that evil?

Skittles and M&M´s.

As if that would make me he is... he is drawing that line.

Does this make you mad?

I find this funny.

From here on we`ve already watched it, right?


There is tomato again.

Watching this a second time makes me even more mad.

I find this funny.

But look, they are probably gonna throw it away because no one wants to eat a tomato that looks like this.

I don`t mind, I don`t like tomatos.

My brother cuts tomatoes exactly like this.


I find it funny how he folds the paper.

There is the onion again.

That`s disgusting.

I don`t wanna shake that hand after this.

And that`s even a female person.

How do you know?

Did those hands not look female to you?

Now it`s gonna get extra hard.


We`ll see.

Why would that make me mad?

Does that make sense to you?

That makes me mad.

Why? What`s that?

Because he doesn`t pop it and I wanna see it pop.

How can you be that stupid and not let it pop...

Why was that funny?

That`s what I do when I`m bored.

Why do I find this funny again? That`s stupid.

Why would that make you mad?

I don`t know.

He missed it.

That`s so bad.

It annoyed me that there was no sound.

I find it interesting how I can laugh about this.


That`s really interesting.

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