Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

Afternoon, gentlemen.

Hot out there.

Beer, please.

German beer. Of course.

Yes, it's bitburger. You like it?

The best.

What brings you to Argentina?

The climate. I'm a pig farmer.

Tailor. Since I was a boy.

My father made the finest suits in Dusseldorf.

My parents were from Dusseldorf.


What was their name?

They didn't have a name.

It was taken away from them...

By pig farmers...

And tailors.

Blood and honor.

Which would you care to shed first?

We were under orders...

Blood then.

Freeze, asshole.

Come on, shoot.

Who... what are you?

Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster.

And I'm looking for my creator.

For more infomation >> Magneto Bar Scene | X-Men First Class (2011) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.


DIY | Tee se itse | Pillivalaisin - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> DIY | Tee se itse | Pillivalaisin - Duration: 9:01.


Cómo pintar calabazas con acuarelas - Duration: 7:52.

For more infomation >> Cómo pintar calabazas con acuarelas - Duration: 7:52.


Tudo sobre: O que é primer e como usar na maquiagem - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Tudo sobre: O que é primer e como usar na maquiagem - Duration: 2:46.


5 WWE Wrestlers Who Assaulted Vince McMahon In The Ring - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> 5 WWE Wrestlers Who Assaulted Vince McMahon In The Ring - Duration: 7:14.


Top 5 autómatas de ajedrez - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> Top 5 autómatas de ajedrez - Duration: 8:21.


Tendencia en botas para la temporada otoño-invierno 2017 - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Tendencia en botas para la temporada otoño-invierno 2017 - Duration: 4:00.


Les bienfaits magiques du CITRON - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Les bienfaits magiques du CITRON - Duration: 4:10.


Those Who Walk on All Fours | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 3:49.

(suspenseful music)


(phone beeps)

- Hey.

- Let me see it.

Let me see.

- Super fragile.

I have to be careful.

- [Caller] Oh, my god.

(muffled laughter)

You did it.

Now, tell me that you said the land prayer

after you dug the hole.


- [Camper] Of course, I did.

- Okay, because you know the last time.

(phone beeps)

(suspenseful music)

(high pitched yips and howls)


(heavy drum beats)

(barking, growling)

- Ahhhhh!!!

(tense music)

(heavy drum beat)

(spooky music)

(soft footsteps)


(spooky music)

For more infomation >> Those Who Walk on All Fours | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 3:49.



For more infomation >> YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE THIS IF IT WASN'T RECORDED - Duration: 5:03.


Foraging a Wild Lunch | The Salt | NPR - Duration: 3:36.

I've been foraging for as long as I can remember.

It's really amazing when you look around and see the variety of things that you can eat

and not just eat but enjoy, make a great meal out of.

This is a plant that has been equated to the supermarket in the woods.

These are cattails.

Pound for pound cattail has more protein than a lot of plants.

Oh that's a good one.

So when you pick these, it's this big, you're only going to eat this much out of the center,

the rest of it's real tough.

So this part right here

can be eaten raw and it's a very agreeable flavor.

Right here behind us is a black walnut tree.

If you look on this branch right here, you see those mushrooms?

They're wood ear mushrooms.

Kind of looks like an ear.

These things really come out after a good rain.

This is just one little branch full of wood ear.

This is garlic mustard and if you were to

take a young leaf and chew it,

immediately you would know why they call it garlic mustard.

There's a garlic flavor, mustard flavor.

This makes a great pesto.

You can basically strip the seed pods off in your hand and

kind of winnow the chaff away and you'll have these little black seeds.

Grind up, use it as a pretty good pepper substitute.

Have you guys ever tried these before?

This is black locust.

Black locust produces our No. 1 grade A honey.

This is what the bees collect the pollen from

but these blossoms have a phenomenal floral

fragrance, it's like perfume when they're in blossom and they taste great.

All right let's go have lunch.

And you ask how you know which plants to eat?

Sometimes if you listen real close,

the plants might tell ya.

So these are cattails.

We're only going to use the inner part of this, really tender part

almost like a palm heart.

It's quite good just like that

but we're going to cook this up.

We're going to take some garlic mustard.

So I'm just going to break this up and by bruising it

you're going to release a lot more flavor to it.

So these are wood ear mushrooms.

This is something that you find often in Chinese cuisine, sweet and sour soup.

Now these are good to eat by themselves as we experienced outside.

Black locust flowers.

They're great.

They really are.

It's going to give it a nice little floral twist to it.

So this was an area that was brand new to me

in terms of foraging.

And it just really goes to show that you can go almost anywhere

and find plants that you can eat.

And now it's time to eat.

Not bad.

For more infomation >> Foraging a Wild Lunch | The Salt | NPR - Duration: 3:36.


Recruiting Mutants / Wolverine Cameo | X-Men First Class (2011) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:59.

For that, daddy-o, you get a private dance.

You cats know it's double for both, right?


No, that won't be necessary. Although, I'm sure it'd be magical.

We were thinking more, we'll show you ours

if you show us yours.

Baby, that is not the way it works around here.

More tea, vicar?

Don't mind if I do.

My turn.

How would you like a job where you get to keep your clothes on?

Where to, fellas? Richmond, Virginia, please.

Right, so, you want the airport? The station? What?

No, we were rather hoping you would take us all the way.

That's a six-hour drive.

That will give us plenty of time to talk.

What does the government want with a guy like Alex Summers?

I hope you're not planning on putting him with others.

First guy I've ever met who actually prefers solitary confinement.

Crazy, huh?


You like fish. I like fish, too.

Maybe we should get a bite sometime, talk about it?

I'd rather go out with the fish.

These fish?

Excuse me, I'm Erik lensherr. Charles Xavier.

Go fuck yourself.

For more infomation >> Recruiting Mutants / Wolverine Cameo | X-Men First Class (2011) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:59.


Time-Worn Spire In-Depth Review! The BEST Pulse! - Duration: 3:59.

Hi Guardians welcome back for another destiny in-depth review where I review exotics and

legendary gear in order to give you a comprehensive understanding of the gear so you can play

this game as efficient and effective as possible.

Today we are going to review the Iron Banner Pulse Rifle the Time-Worn Spire.

This is a fast firing pulse rifle that sits in the 540 rounds per minute archetype similar

like the Lincoln Green, but then with much better stats, as you can see The Time Worn

Spire is better in terms of range, handling, reload speed, aim assistance and it also has

more bullets in the mag if you choose the Tactical Mag perk.

It only has a slightly lower stability of 1 point in comparison with the lincoln Green.

Let's go over the perks, it has the rapid fire frame which grants you a faster reload

when the mag is empty.

Hit mark, Red Dot, and the rifle scope.

I like to use the Red Dot sight.

Tactical mag, slightly increases stability, reload speed and mag size,

Accurized rounds, increase in range And Zen moment, causing damage with this weapon

increases its stability.

I like to run the red dot sight together with the tactical mag which bumps up the stability

and increases the mag size to a whopping 40 bullets in the mag.

The time worn spire is a great pulse rifle , it fires super fast and the stability on

this gun is great.

Zen moment really helps with keeping the recoil is at a minimum and this gun feels like the

Clever Dragon from Destiny 1 , it is that good.

Whereas the Clever Dragon suffered from a mag nerf, which only allows it to have 21

bullets, this gun with tactical mag has 40 bullets , which means that you have enough

bullets to engage with multiple opponents without the need to reload, you will rarely

run out of bullets with this gun and when you do, the reload of this gun is great so

you will be back in action in no time.

It is a pulse rifle so you will suffer from damage fall off when you engage on the long

range, definitely do not compete with a scout on those longer ranges.

Stick to the Short to Medium range that is where this gun is most effective.

Your main contenders are auto rifles which are very strong in the same short to medium


Especially the 450 rounds per minute auto rifles are still very dominant.

The Time Worn Spire time to kill is 1.13 seconds with 4 burst which is 9 headshots and 3 body

shots, and this will decrease to 1.67 seconds when you only hit body shots (5.33 burst or

16 body shots) Technically speaking auto rifles will still

outperform the Time Worn Spire in terms of time to kill.

I will show the time to kill numbers on the screen.

As you can see auto rifles are still 6 to 7 hundredths of a second faster to their optimum

time to kill , I would have loved to have the ttk of the time worn spire to be slightly

better than auto rifles giving the fact that pulse rifles are harder to manage than auto

rifles, which is a much more forgiving weapon when you miss a shot.

But the slight difference in time to kill should not take away the fact that this is

one of the best or in my opinion the best pulse rifle in the game.

This is basically the Clever Dragon from Destiny 1 with more bullets in the mag, it is very

stable and it is so easy to use.

You just have to stick to the short to medium range and this gun will do you good.

Out of all the Iron Banner weapons this is my favorite gun and if you haven't got it

yet, I highly recommend you to grind for this gun, it is that good!

I am going to give the TIme worn spire an A.

Thank you so much for watching this review, I hope this review convinced you to try out

this weapon and I am sure you will see more of these in the crucible soon.

If you have a Time Worn Spire let me know your thoughts on this gun in the description


I am almost finished with my Iron Banner Weapon reviews, there are only a couple left.

So subscribe to stay up to date on that.

And while you are here have a look at my recommended or latest video in the end screen.

As always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Time-Worn Spire In-Depth Review! The BEST Pulse! - Duration: 3:59.


Scary Murders with Subs- Town of Salem | Facecam and Chat - Duration: 23:38.

For more infomation >> Scary Murders with Subs- Town of Salem | Facecam and Chat - Duration: 23:38.


Tough Truth to Admit - Duration: 9:41.

Hey everybody

Welcome to Rachel's room where whenever I want I answer your questions

It used to be every other Thursday answer questions, but I haven't done one of these in a really long time

But I thought I'd do a special fall autumn Halloweeny themed Rachel's room

Sponsored by Best Fiends

Ready, let's begin

Thanksgiving or Christmas

Definitely Christmas 100%, but...

I've learned to love Thanksgiving because the food is frickin delicious.

I'm not gonna lie to you guys

I decided to go off my vegan

Pescetarian diet for Thanksgiving, and I'm just gonna go vegetarian, so I'm not gonna eat a chunk of meat

But I will definitely eat things that involve things from an animal

Is fall just a prelude to Christmas for you?

I used to hate the fall slash

just wanted it to be over so I could get to Christmas but as an adult...

I'm so mature now.

I've learned to love fall. Just so good. You can start wearing

Sweaters. It's not too dark yet because of winter it's just like dark most of the time

It's not quite dark dark yet outside, but everyone starts feeling warm inside even though it's cold outside

Everyone gets warm in their souls.

It gets my juices flowing, if you will

Would you rather carve or paint a pumpkin?

Would someone ever actually choose paint over carve?


No! You gotta carve a pumpkin!

When someone hands you a pumpkin your first thought should be either

Carve it or eat it, not to paint it

when I see people do that, I'm just like

you lazy

Carving takes time and effort. There are carving pumpkin competitions

That my dad used to win at his work

there are no pumpkin painting competitions

I've seen some cool painted pumpkins, but like you could have just done that on a canvas

Carve it

I didn't know I would get so opinionated about a pumpkin carving

What's your favorite fall activity?

Sitting on the couch wrapped up in a blanket

Watching sports because fall and winter are the magical seasons in which both football and basketball are on

But get ready for this. I can't just sit and watch sports

I have to be doing something else as well, which is why I play best fiends

No but really while I'm watching TV or anything

I have to be playing something on my phone or doing something my phone you Twitter or Instagram but right now

I got re-addicted. If you know me you know I was super addicted the best fiends

And now I am re-addicted to best fiends. All right if you don't know best fiends is it's this puzzle game

Where you try and collect all these Fiends.

you try to get the best team of fiends you possibly can together for each level

to defeat the slug. To defeat the slugs you have to match the

Colors and stuff and achieve the goals for each level

And once you do that you get diamonds and little thingamabobs

And then you can get better fiends become more powerful to beat the slugs

but this month they're having their biggest holiday event ever

If you play the Halloween event you'll get massive rewards

Even a new character which I'm excited about

Because as I said you need to get new fiends to make your team stronger for certain levels defeat the slugs

But my favorite part about best fiends is that you can play without internet connection.

This is what got me re-addicted,

I played it on my flight to and from all my shows that I just did

it's my airplane game because you don't have to

Use internet connection whatsoever

so you can download the game for free using my link below in the description box

And if you use my link below

You'll get five dollars worth of free gold and diamonds

if you play the game you know how much that's worth

Let's see what level I'm on. I'm on level 706

Just so you know.

Next question.

Do you trick-or-treat?

Last year I definitely trick-or-treated

you get to a point where you're like

Oh, I'm too old for it and then a few years passes, and you're like oh

I know some kids I could go with

and then you go with the kids and you trick-or-treat with the kids

But really a trick-or-treating for yourself

That's what I did last year

Do Halloween decorations scare you? because I get freaked out and uncomfortable


I like to decorate for fall and autumn as you see by these wreaths

but yeah I don't like Halloween decorations because they're like

Skulls and dark and ghosts that just creepy. I don't like it

I like the autumn fall decorations. They're soothing

I don't like scary stuff.

Do you have a Halloween costume yet?


my family has always done it where you either figure out your costume the day of Halloween

or if you're lucky maybe two days before

We push that off. We didn't celebrate it until we were older we weren't allowed to do it as kids

So we never had like a tradition and never really got into it as kids

so as adults like oh yeah, Halloween

Let's do things!

Apple pie or pumpkin pie?

Apple pie 100%

I like pumpkin pie, but I'm an apple pie girl

I'm an American

My dog is sleeping here and just freaked out when I screamed I'm an American

So are you you're an American Pitbull Terrier. Did you know that? Americans in your little name

Yeah, I like apple pie.

Not to knock the pumpkin pie but apple pie with some vanilla ice cream

I can't wait to break my diet.

Please tell me you're getting your dog a costume

Oh, yes his costume will be figured out before my costume is figured out

I didn't think he'd like wearing clothes, but since he got a dog bite on his back, and he has to stay clean

so I've been putting t-shirts on him when he goes to the park so that dirt doesn't get in his wound

he doesn't mind the T-shirt which means I get to put him in all the costumes I want

I think he should have a new costume every day

for seven days leading up to Halloween and then just one grand one on Halloween.

That's a lot of money

Let me tell you dog clothes aren't cheap you think like Oh little t-shirt. That should be cheap

They're like 20 30 bucks


still gonna buy em.

What is the best fall theme candle?

This one.

Oh, No. Oh wait

Oh, why haven't I lit this yet?

I thought this was my favorite, but it's my second favorite

This is spiced pumpkin. My other one. Oh, what is it? It's like apple pumpkin spiced something

This should just stay here the rest of the video

Ask slash tell Siri happy Halloween

time for ask Siri

Happy Halloween

not speaking to me Siri

Siri: "I could be wrong, but I believe Halloween is on October 31st"

She is such a smart alec!

See this is why Christmas is better

Because all of December you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to people

it's not the actual holiday

freakin Siri come on. Just rude.

Merry Christmas!

Thank you, Merry Christmas to you, too

Does Blaze react to leaves all over the ground?

If there were leaves on the ground

He probably would but I live in Southern California where fall doesn't actually happened

theoretically the season exists

But it's still 90 degrees 80 degrees here. The leaves don't really change color here.

We have palm trees

It's very rare to see a tree that changes color and the leaves fall off and stuff in Southern California

Especially this early in fall

Opinion on the pumpkin spice hype

I'm gonna tell you the truth. I'm gonna be open and honest. I'm going to say something. That's gonna

get me a lot of hate cuz when I tweeted that I don't like Donuts the other day

I was offended by the rude comments

I got in response,

And I know this is gonna get me even more hate because this is something everybody loves

I don't like pumpkin spiced things

Dog did you fart?

Oh geeze!

I'm over here trying to be all dramatic and you let one rip!


He's a Ballinger

Yeah, I don't like pumpkin spice things. I tried pumpkin spice lattes and things like that

I don't think they taste that good. I know I'm a minority thinking that but my taste buds

Just don't agree with it, and I'm not gonna fight my taste buds on it

I'm gonna be like "no you're wrong tastebuds," and I respect that people like it

I'm not like "why do people like this?" everyone has different taste buds. I'm okay with that

Do you enjoy running through leaves?

You know you see those pictures of these videos of people like running into a pile leaves jumping in them.


That's disgusting!

It might just be because I've never had the ability to do that because again, I'm from Southern, California

and leaves don't really do that here

but all I think about when I see that is

"oh my gosh, that's full of dirt and spiders."

There's gotta be bugs and dirt in those piles of leaves and you're just covering your body with them

I enjoy a crunchy leaf. When you're walking and you step on a leaf and it crunches. You're like

"Oh yes"

and then you try and find more on your walk, and your walk stops becoming a walk and starts becoming play

That's that's what I enjoy stepping on crunchy leaves.

I don't want to run through a pile of them

I don't want to jump into a pile of them

I don't want them to come out of a pile of them and go "ahhhh" and scare my friends cuz that's gross

I mean you can do it if you want if you have joy doing that not gonna stop you from your joy

Just know I will never partake in that

Are you excited for season 2 of haters back of?

You may be wondering,

"Rachel, That's not a fall autumn Halloween based question,"

Yes it is because season 2 of haters back off comes out October 20th

Which is in autumn fall Halloween territory

when season 1 came out

I had already seen all the episodes

Because Colleen show them to me illegally

But this season I tried really hard to not

See them because I want to be happy and surprised and delighted and just see it for the first time on October 20th

I don't even know what to expect, I'm just filled with joy

Can this be the part when you throw your phone behind you?

Yes it can be!

Except I answered these questions on my laptop, but I do have my oh...

My dog is sleeping behind me, alright ready

All right, that's all the questions we have for today, please leave your questions for the next Rachel's room I do

Who knows when, I'll do a winter themed one in a couple months, a Christmas themed one if you will

I had fun doing this, I just haven't done it in awhile

Subscribe to see videos every Tuesday and Thursday

On this channel

like this video if you liked it, and remember guys all weekend

And I'm responding to comments on both this and my last video so if you are late to the game, you're like:

"I'm late, Rachel's never gonna talk to me"


Leave your comment. I'll be on all weekend looking at you guys alright

I love you and remember above all else, stay awesome possums

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