Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

Hi, my name is Iris and I am from the Netherlands.

I don't know who's watching this and why you are watching this or what your name is..

Welcome to my Youtube channel,

which is called For Finn.

I have a friend in New Zealand who really wants to move to Amsterdam-,

which is in The Netherlands.

And to motiva-

And to motivate him and make him save money...

I will be making videos to show him the beauty (of The Netherlands)...

The unique places and the non tourist spots...

Just everything you can imagine.

So if you're curious about finding out new spots in the Netherlands if you're living here or you're just a tourist..

It doesn't matter.

You can just subscribe, if you're curious for my adventures or my communication with Finn.

You can subsribe as well, but I don't want to force you! You don't you don't have to.

I am really excited to start making content again.

For more infomation >> Welcome to my brand new channel: For Finn! - Duration: 1:04.


A pior história sobre como o micro kernel funciona. - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> A pior história sobre como o micro kernel funciona. - Duration: 12:16.


Drink This Juice Weekly To Get Rid Of Bladder Infection | Urinary Tract Infection - Remedies One - Duration: 3:48.

did you know that cranberry juice packs even more antioxidant power than spinach

today's video will discuss the benefits of cranberry juice before you watch this

video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by clicking the

subscribe button then tap the Bell icon so you will be the first to know when we

post new videos daily in the last two or three years it's become more and more

common to find commercial juice brands selling cranberry juice in the

supermarket but is it a good idea to drink it or does it do the same damage

as soft drinks the number of antioxidants that this juice has is a

good addition to your diet in fact it has better nutrition than broccoli and

spinach because of this it's a good idea to give your children a small glass of

this juice will tell you about the benefits of drinking cranberry juice one

it has anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory true with lung breast

colon and prostate tumors at the same time because of its flavonoids this

juice is also a great inhibitor for harmful cell growth that's why natural

cranberry juice reduces the growth of tumors and slows the spread of cancer 2

it reduces the appearance of cavities prone to see an Ida and is a chemical

compound found in cranberries it s function is to slow harmful bacteria

that usually attach to your teeth it also reduces the production of acid

these jobs protect your teeth from periodontal diseases they also protect

against the accumulation of plaque 3 it strengthens your bones and teeth

cranberry juice has a high calcium content keep this in mind if you were

having problems with osteoporosis it's a good idea to drink a half of

glass of this juice everyday many of the companies that make this juice usually

add calcium in case you decide to drink these kinds we recommend that you choose

the version that has the smallest amount of sugar for it improves your heart

health cranberry juice can help to reduce your risk of suffering from heart

disease this is thanks to its high flavonoid content these carry out the

job of an antioxidant this reduces the probability of problems like

arteriosclerosis this is a disease where your arteries narrow due to the

accumulation of lipids calcium and cholesterol in your blood

5 it fights obesity if you drink cranberry juice you help your body to

remove and eliminate the fat accumulated by its organic acids however this

doesn't mean that if you drink this that you can stop exercising also you can't

stop eating a balanced diet it's just the opposite a balanced diet keeps you

from constantly eating unnecessary fats with exercise you get rid of the ones

you already have this juice simply helps with the shedding of fat accumulated in

your body by itself this drink won t make you lose the extra pounds that you

have have you ever know the benefits of cranberry juice let me know in our

comment section below if you like this video give it a thumbs up and share with

your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> Drink This Juice Weekly To Get Rid Of Bladder Infection | Urinary Tract Infection - Remedies One - Duration: 3:48.


BEST Action Movies Chinese Martial Arts ✩ Action Movies 2017 Full Movies English Hollywood - Duration: 1:41:39.

Thanks you for watching video!!!

For more infomation >> BEST Action Movies Chinese Martial Arts ✩ Action Movies 2017 Full Movies English Hollywood - Duration: 1:41:39.


Living in A Car: TOP 10 PLACES TO SHOWER! 🛀 | Hobo Ahle - Duration: 8:10.

So living in vehicles- super fun, really exciting, great lifestyle! But one of the

biggest obstacles to overcome or that you're gonna encounter when you first

start is: where to shower? So I'm just gonna go over like the top ten places to

shower or I guess really like places / ways to shower because they're not all

definitive places. Also these are in no particular order in terms of popularity,

I actually think the most popular one is number nine. And keep in mind that these

are not the ONLY places to shower this is just gonna be a list of ten of them

and if there's something that you really want to add to the list feel free to do

so and just leave a comment. So number one is just gonna be a baby wipe bath or

the usage of water bottles. Pretty self-explanatory.

Take a couple baby wipes, you know, get the key spots to try to not stink and

feel as clean as you possibly can. With the water bottles kind of like- I've done

things where I just pulled over on the side of a road and used the water bottle

to wet my hair, shampoo it inside the vehicle, and then rinse it. As long as

I was using biodegradable soap and it wasn't in an area that was like super

populated and you know midday- when people are out walking around- kind of

keep a still factor to it. That really worked for me. The baby wipes I think

it's pretty convenient just because you can pretty much like- you can do that

inside your vehicle. So you know you can again- the stealth factor. You can keep

that super low key. And you can always do things like freshen up in public

restrooms, I promise you it gets less awkward each time you do it. But at the

end of the day like you cannot do that all the time otherwise

yeah.... you just- well, I mean I guess you could... I guess you could. But you gon'

smell. And so I wouldn't recommend it for the long-term lol kind of just as

like an in-between type of thing. Number two would just be campgrounds. And the

thing with campgrounds is that some of them have showers and some of them don't,

and then some of them are free and some of them are not. So just be mindful of

that whenever you're looking for a campground shower. Number three is gonna

be a makeshift shower or a solar shower. So what I mean by makeshift shower is

like I have one that I made out of a weed pressurizer. I have a video showing

how I did it if you guys want to check that out. And then solar showers or other

types of kind of makeshift showers... they sell those at almost any outdoor store.

In order to get like a comfortable warm shower I just boil some water and mix it

with room temperature water and it works really great. For solar showers they are

typically black so then you leave them outside and they heat up with the Sun so...

I don't know, I think it's a pretty convenient way of staying clean. I personally really

like this one just because the shower that I have is portable so sometimes I

can shower outside like if the weather's nice and there's not anyone around or if

I have to I can always shower inside the van. Moving on to number four is gonna be

the houses of your friends and family. So I like to keep this pretty minimal just

because of the fact that I feel if I am choosing this lifestyle I don't kind of

want to infringe upon others. I want to be able to take responsibility for

myself, for my choices, and since this is something that I have willingly decided

to do I feel like I I want to remain as self-sufficient as possible. But you know,

in the case that I'm visiting a family member and they're like "yeah, just

shower at my house." and that's kind of what I'm talking about.

Rather than consistently seeking them

out and depending on them in order to get your daily shower or your every

other day shower whatever you know. So kind of alongside that number five is

going to be strangers' houses. And I know a lot of people are gonna

freak out, but here's the thing I'm mainly talking about like websites- two

websites in particular. It's gonna be like the couchsurfing website and warm

showers. And so for couchsurfing that's kind of more geared towards people with

the intent to stay the night so they're willing to host you a lot of

times. They're even they're willing to you know give you meals, and drive you

around, or show you around, hang out with you, and stuff like that. So in the past I

found it very easy to just communicate with them and tell them like

"I'm not looking for a place to stay the night, but I am looking for a shower. Is

that something, you know, that would be okay with you?" But it's even also worked

out that I've gotten a shower out of it and then I've been able to park in

someone's driveway for the night. And then the warm showers website... that's a

little more specifically for cyclists. But again same deal, like if you get on

there and just talk to the person and let them know like "hey I'm- this is what

I'm doing: I live in a car, I'm looking for a shower..." I've found that they're

usually totally fine with it. And of course there's a whole safety factor

that goes with it like you don't know this person so just be really careful,

take the time to be sure that you're comfortable with the situation and you

feel that you can handle what you're getting into. But I mean that kind of

goes with all of these. But at the same time I think it's- it's definitely not

the same as just walking out on a random street and finding the first person you

see and saying "hey can I shower at your house?"There's a little bit more

of a verification process that goes through with people registering for

these things and you communicating with them. But always always always keep your

safety your number one priority. Number six is outside in nature. So lakes, rivers,

waterfalls, I guess the ocean if you really wanted to.

Just anywhere that there is a large body of water that you can use to your

advantage. The 7th thing is gonna be hotels. And i know

that that's not gonna be super popular because a lot of us live in our vehicles

for the entire reason to not spend money on hotels especially when

traveling and everything. In my case I've done this I think twice and

unfortunately both times it was because I got really sick. But even if you find

yourself like just so stressed out because you cannot find a place to park

or the area is maybe just a little too sketchy or you're just really- like you

need a break... I don't think there's anything wrong with- if you can

afford it budget wise- just check yourself into a hotel get a nice hot

shower and then figure out what to do from there. Next is gonna be rest areas

or truck stops. And I think it's Flying J or no no no no it's Loves. They have

showers for $12 and that's really not that expensive. I mean if you do it every

single day yeah, that's definitely gonna add up. But for a good shower every once

in a while it's really not that much and they keep their facilities very clean

just because they constantly have people going in and out of there like truckers

who are showering. At least from what I've seen, all the places that I've

stopped have been very very clean. And it's always a possibility that while

you're there you could run into a trucker, they could have an extra shower

or something on their card, and let you use it you know. Number nine is probably

the most frequently used and that's gonna be gyms. So I think the most

common gym that people use is Planet Fitness. It's ten dollars per month for a

membership and they've got Planet Fitness's everywhere.

So if you're thinking about moving into a car or a van and trying to

figure out where to shower that uh that might be the winner. I personally use

gyms a lot too however, I don't have a membership to Planet Fitness. I usually

end up at climbing gyms so they've got showers there and that works for me just fine.

And lastly number ten is just going to be other public showers. So for

instance like when I was in school I would shower at the locker room, I used

to have a job that had showers- it was a lab and the types of materials that we

used to deal with anyways- at the beach they have showers, or rec centers, or

swimming pools, anything like that. Pretty much any public place where you can find

a shower. So one more time the safety thing for all of these is going to be

the same you know, just be mindful of it, take it into consideration, do your best

and try not to put yourself in harm's way. I know that some of these might

sound a little bit iffy and that's totally understandable. Just always go

with what's right for you personally because it's not gonna be the same for all of us.

I hope that this list of ten places are ways to shower was helpful and I'll see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> Living in A Car: TOP 10 PLACES TO SHOWER! 🛀 | Hobo Ahle - Duration: 8:10.


'Tell Me What You Want' Ep. 201 Official Clip | The Shannara Chronicles (Season 2) - Duration: 1:56.





I'm right here.

Hey, that's not gonna buy us much time.

We have to hurry before that thing comes back.


You have magic?

Not much gets by you.

Let's go. (GASPS)

Not until you tell me what you want.

The Druid.


I need your help to find him.


Because he's my father.

For more infomation >> 'Tell Me What You Want' Ep. 201 Official Clip | The Shannara Chronicles (Season 2) - Duration: 1:56.


A Robot That Helps Sick Kids Go To School - Duration: 5:56.

Do you want me to turn you so you can be looking outwards?

Yes please

How about… there?

First time we came out with Bee, Jade said:

"It feels like I've been released from prison"

Do you want these Mrs?



Right Yeah

And she could say hello to everybody, people she hasn't seen for months

That's Jade

So you can talk to Jade through this

Hi Katy!

She's there


Every time anyone has seen her, they want to know why she's there

And it's kind of the opposite when you're in a wheelchair and people see you and they

kind of go "Oh, should I look?

I don't know.

I don't know what the right protocol is"

When there is a tiny robot with these bright little eyes going around just looking happy

everywhere, it really opens you up for conversation

You've got some friends here, look


When I saw her for the first time, I remember thinking, this is gonna change things, this

is one of those points where if this was a book, this would be a cliffhanger

I have a condition called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which means that I have a lot of dislocations,

there's a lot of pain and a lot of seizures and what not

So I can end up on my own in my room for long periods of time

Here my love

A lot of the time with a condition like my own of course there is the pain

And the pain is bad, and the dislocations are bad, and the seizures and being in paralysis

and never knowing whether you're going to be able to wake up properly tomorrow,

that's bad

But what's worse still is being able to count the number of people you see a day on

one hand

Are you ready?

Sure am, I'm just hoping the connection is gonna stay

Yeah, me too

Alright, here we go

When you're used to just the same little metre by metre and a half window everyday

and you've been there for months,

being able to just see the sky from somewhere else, or the tops of trees or a sign is incredible

Or being able to have that kind of chat in the car that most people

probably take for granted

We're gonna go pass grandma and granddad so you can give them a wave

Now with Jade being particularly "seizury", she can still take part

And that's brilliant really 'cause before she would just be left in the bed or in the

house with just her carers

It's quite a small world that

Right, so there is one of her.

Here, this costume I'm busy making at the moment.

When I'm not on bed rest and I'm not just wearing pyjamas all the time, I enjoy being

able to dress as different characters and go to Comic Cons and that kind of thing

Because it just lets me show different side of myself and it's a bit o fun

If you can't go out that often, you've gotta enjoy it when you do


How's that?


It's one of those weird things where I want to not have to use Bee because I want to be

well enough to be able to go to those places myself

Like it really makes a big difference to me to be able to go into school, but the thing

is with my condition fluctuating all of the time, I can't go into school reliably

He's written it out bigger on the board, thank you…

Today is the first day that I've been in school via Bee and so far it's interesting

Still there's few little things that we need to work out but for the most part I think

it's going fairly well

And it's brilliant because I can really tell the difference between today and yesterday

How yesterday I forced myself to go into school when I wasn't very well and I was really tired

afterwards and ended up having lots of seizures

Whereas today I've been able to do all of the work, I've been able to keep a clear

head and not be ill, which means I'm able to be more focused on my schoolwork

So there is my first step of working, it's to simplify root eight

The algebra test is next week

Now I'm trying to make friendships which I'll be able to maintain with Bee

Before that I've ended letting people down quite often

Bee gives me hope, yeah

She's just always there and if I can't do something, she can

And if I need sort of assistance to be able to make commitments then she's there

And she means that I feel like a more valuable person because I'm more reliable

For more infomation >> A Robot That Helps Sick Kids Go To School - Duration: 5:56.


Alcohol & Marketing - Game Over Podcast EP. 2 - Duration: 28:45.

For more infomation >> Alcohol & Marketing - Game Over Podcast EP. 2 - Duration: 28:45.



For more infomation >> FIFA 18-CARRIERA ALLENATORE #1-OMAR AL SOMA È DEL PESCARA! - Duration: 28:03.


ELECTRONIC MUSIC To exercise 2017 Ed Sheeran - Shape of You !!! [TO DOWNLOAD] - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> ELECTRONIC MUSIC To exercise 2017 Ed Sheeran - Shape of You !!! [TO DOWNLOAD] - Duration: 2:00.


Os perigos dos maus-tratos infantis - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Os perigos dos maus-tratos infantis - Duration: 6:07.



For more infomation >> NOSSO VÍDEO DE CASAMENTO 💕 JACKIE e FELIPE | COISA MAIS LINDA DO MUNDO | DRelacionamentos - Duration: 9:30.


The Terrifying Real-Life Story Behind Scream - Duration: 5:52.

Scream was a spine-chilling parable on the dangers of horror movie desensitization.

But beneath all the cinematic commentary, there actually was a real-life murder spree

that inspired the slasher flick.

Screenwriter Kevin Williamson was first moved to write the film after seeing news coverage

of a murderer known as the Gainesville Ripper.

He was so spooked by the story that he armed himself with a butcher knife and called a

friend, who started laying it on thick about horror genre tropes.

Sound familiar?

"You know the one with the guy in the white mask who walks around and stalks babysitters?"

After enduring terrible nightmares that night, he woke up and started writing the screenplay

for Scream.

So, what was it about the murders that had such an impact on Williamson?

Here are the horrifying details about the true story that inspired Scream.

The body count

It all started on August 24, 1990, when 18-year-old Sonja Larson and 17-year-old Christina Powell

were attacked in their own apartment.

Larson died first after being bound and stabbed, and Powell was sexually assaulted before suffering

the same treatment.

The entire thing seemed straight out of a horror movie, as their killer mutilated mutilated

and posed the bodies.

The killings continued the very next night, with the murder of Christa Hoyt.

She, too, was attacked, bound, raped, and stabbed in the back.

Her body was also hacked and repositioned.

Law enforcement eventually found her head on a bookshelf.

Three days later, a maintenance man was asked to check on a pair of roommates named Manny

Taboada and Tracy Paules.

He walked into their apartment and saw that Taboada was dead, and Paules — like previous

victims — had been bound, raped, and stabbed.

The maintenance worker had seen her body when he opened the door, and later said she was

laying next to a black bag.

By the time police got there, the bag was gone.

The media dubbed the killer The Gainesville Ripper.

The first suspect

It wasn't long before authorities made their first arrest.

University of Florida student Edward Lee Humphrey was taken into custody on August 30 on completely

unrelated charges of assaulting his 79-year-old grandmother.

Humphrey had stopped taking his medications for bipolar disorder and started carrying

a knife with him on supposed secret missions.

On the same days as the murders, Humphrey was reportedly acting bizarrely, making serious

threats, and brandishing knives he'd hidden under his clothes.

Another college student even told police they'd talked about what it would be like to dissect


And the killings stopped while he was in custody.

However, Humphrey's DNA didn't match what was found at the scene of the crimes, and

Humphrey was released, free to reclaim his life.

Another suspect surfaces

In May of 1990, a man named Danny Rolling shot his father twice before fleeing the state

of Louisiana.

He was later implicated in a grocery store robbery in Florida, and when police located

his forest campsite, they were alarmed at what they discovered.

Among his possessions were bloody clothing items, weapons, dye-stained cash, and a tape

where he recorded his dark thoughts.

"I know I have to run the rest of my life.

But I'm gettin' pretty good at it, if that means anything."

On the tapes, he was recorded detailing the most effective way to kill deer — and also

claimed to possess other personalities named Ynnad and Gemini, a claim which he'd later

present to the authorities.

"One personality is a gentleman named Ynnad who is a Jesse James type."

Perhaps most eerily, the tape also included him singing songs with lines like "little

girls are not all sugar and spice" and "You're a killer, a drifter gone insane".

He was tried for robbery in 1991, but wouldn't face trial for the murders until 1994.

The confessions

A month before Rolling was due to go on trial, he buddied up with another inmate named Bobby


Rolling spilled all the details of the Gainesville murders to Lewis, and when it came time to

talk to investigators, he would only do so through his new friend.

Through Lewis, Rolling not only confessed to the murders, but he also claimed he hadn't

finished his mission before being apprehended.

He had wanted to kill a total of eight people, rather than five.

He then pled guilty to the murders in court.

"I've been running from first one thing and then another all my life…

There are some things that you just can't run from and this being one of those."

A few years later, however, Rolling said that he had reached his desired kill count and

confessed to yet another set of killings: a triple murder that had taken place in Louisiana

in 1989.

Rolling said he had been the one who'd killed 55-year-old Tom Grissom, his 24-year-old daughter

Julie, and her 8-year-old nephew, Sean in their home, while they were in the middle

of making dinner.

The mind set

One of the most frightening things about Scream was how cavalier the killers were about claiming

people's' lives.

"See, it's a lot scarier when there's no motive, Sid."

That, too, was drawn from these real life slayings.

In 1998, a reporter from The Hillsdale Daily News spoke to Rolling while he sat on death


And while he refused to comment directly on his own actions, he did share some of his

opinions on the role serial killers play in society.

He said society was filled with hypocrisy, giving medals to soldiers who killed, while

condemning the serial killer who took matters into his own hands.

He went on to suggest that society should start a "hunting season" where serial killers

were allowed to "thin the herd" as a means of satisfying their natural instincts to harm

other humans.

The execution

Rolling was executed on October 25th, 2006 and sang a hymn he had composed himself as

he was administered the lethal injection.

He never asked for forgiveness or expressed any remorse for what he'd done.

"I let the evil in and the evil just took over."

And while the shock of the murders he committed has since subsided since his execution, the

community of Gainesville hasn't forgotten what happened.

A mural is still painted on a wall on Southwest 34th Street to commemorate the names of the


In 2015, the city held a memorial service for the slain students on the 25th anniversary

of their deaths.

The surviving families of the students sat with the law enforcement officers who put

an end to Rolling's murder spree.

And, because of the enduring presence of Scream, people won't soon forget the true tragedy

that inspired it.

For more infomation >> The Terrifying Real-Life Story Behind Scream - Duration: 5:52.


I've Never Told Anyone This Before - Duration: 3:50.

Guys, I want to share something with you today that I'm honestly very hesitant to share, and the fact that

I'm even sharing this…

My heart is kind of beating out of my chest because I've only ever shared this story

with my family and some close friends.

In March of last year, I was driving home from work. It was about 5:30

and at the time I was working as an Accountant in Washington DC.

And I tried to take my jacket off, and my arm got pinned behind me

and I accidentally turned my steering wheel on the highway.

And I went across the median and got into a severe car accident.

And I remember crossing the median... and everything was happening so fast, yet it was so slow at the same time.

I remember everything as clear as day.

And I remember two 18-wheeler trucks coming up the highway and there were several cars around them

and I just remember closing my eyes and bracing and just thinking, "This is probably my time."

And there was a bang, and I opened my eyes only to realize I had crashed into a grass

embankment on the other side of the road.


I was just looking around

and I was looking for something. I didn't know what I was looking for.

But I was in a state of shock.

And I just remember looking around the car just not knowing what had happened...

The hood flew up. The airbag was deployed.

And the police showed up.

And there was a man wearing black that was standing behind the police, and...

He approached me and said that he was a preacher, and he was there to read me my final rights

because the station had received several calls from the road that there was a severe car accident

and the man who was in the car likely had died.

And I didn't have a scratch on me.

And it was at that moment in my life on the side of the highway that I asked myself,

"Am I passionately living my life?"

And "Am I living my life on my purpose?"

And I realized that I wasn't.

I literally could have died that day, and I was building my life doing something that I'm not passionate about.

And, on the side of the highway, fitness was thee passion that came to mind

and helping people transform their minds and bodies.

You see, one thing that helped me throughout my entire life was going to the gym,

and although I've had my ups and downs with eating issues,

I found that fitness was always the thing that kept me grounded, and it transformed my life.

So after the accident, I hired a coach and I dedicated myself to a structured program in the gym,

as well as a nutrition program that I could follow with my busy schedule,

And from April until December 2016, I gained 25 pounds of muscle, and completely transformed

my confidence, my self-image, and attained the body I always wanted.


Maybe you're struggling with a CRAZY busy schedule and you just don't have the time, maybe

you're working a desk job you hate, maybe you just don't know where to find the right information,

you can't stick to a structured program...

Trust me...

I've been there and I know this struggle.

Let me tell you this, guys...

You don't have time NOT to take care of your body.

You don't have time to have no energy during the day.

Every second that you take not working towards the body of your dreams, your wasting your potential

in life.

You are literally wasting your potential.

I want you to feel alive, you should feel confident in your body

You should feel confident in the clothes that you wear, you should feel confident walking around,

walking into the meeting, going out to eat, going out to dinner, going out with your friends.

You should have these feelings, and I know what it feels like to not have these feelings.

My passion is showing busy working professionals how to attain the body of their dreams.

because I see more in you than you see in yourself.

I've done it for myself, I've done it for hundreds of others,

and now, I'll do it for you.

Take action.

For more infomation >> I've Never Told Anyone This Before - Duration: 3:50.


Dumb Ways to Die - Overwatch - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Dumb Ways to Die - Overwatch - Duration: 4:23.


Dota 2 Tricks: Glimpse Dodge! - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Dota 2 Tricks: Glimpse Dodge! - Duration: 2:28.


Long Haired Businessmen - All Hands Meeting - Duration: 19:36.

(phone rings) - Here we go.


- [Seth] Val?

- [Val] Hello?

- [Kevin] Hey, Val.

- [Val] Hey. - Hey, Val.

What's up, Val.

- We, as you know, we got the big meeting coming up,

and we just wanted to circle the wagons.

Make sure we're all on the same page.

- Yeah, we wanted to talk turkey,

and that turkey is Torrence.

Mainly the Torrence group, and they, as you know

more than anybody, they are a real bear.

A real den of bears.

So we just wanna circle the wagons and kinda get

on the, get everyone looped in.

- You know this is where we really make our hay

is this Torrence group.

Everything else has been minor leagues.

We are in the major leagues now folks.

- Have we had a dialog about getting

our ducks in a row here or...

- We haven't had a chance to get that dialog

sort of underway, so we kind of wanted to draw,

today use this meeting as a chance to sort of draw

a roadmap toward that dialog and just sort of

figure out what that dialog might look like

or even sound like.

- And Dale's sort of our representative from Calvin's team.

He's kind of working in tandem with us on this.

So Dale, I don't know if Calvin gave any sort of

heads up on, you know, how to get ducks in a row

for Torrence, but if you, you know,

anything on that.

- Well, basically, he told me that he

considers this his swan song.

- [Kevin] Okay.

- So we can get our ducks lined up.

He's gonna leave.

- So Calvin might be (overlapping talk).


And I think with Torrence, we're gonna be kind of

breadcrumbing this situation.

It's gonna be a Hansel and Gretel type thing.

We don't want them to know that they're eating

the sweet candy, but we wanna get them a taste for it.

Just so that the next thing you know,

they're in the cabin and, you know,

we're feeding them sweet treats.

But we gotta kinda coax them.

- [Val] You know, you gotta punch the puppy here.

You can't be precious about this,

and that's why we're gonna show 'em

we can think outside the box, and you know,

get them, you know, move the goal post a little.

- That's a good point.

When we're talking resources, let's make sure

we're saying lean and mean.

We don't need any extra resources.

Let's not put any expenses on the books

that aren't absolutely necessary.

- You know, speaking of keeping it lean

and keeping it linear, I think keeping it linear

is key, and I did wanna throw the ball,

I'm sorry.

I know you're new.

I forgot your name down there.

- Bradley.

- [Seth] Bradley.

So Bradley.

- You can't be doing that with Tor.

Seth, we can't be doing that.


We gotta know names.

- If they smell blood in the water,

these guys are gonna pounce.

These sharks are.

- [Val] And Bradley is, you know, Bradley's crucial.

He is a stakeholder here.

So, you know, that's just eating your own dog food.

- Sure.

Of course, of course.

- Know names.

We can't stress it enough.

- Maybe a high sign that we could use

to indicate, "Okay, you got my name wrong.

"Try a different name."

- What if we come in with name tags,

and thereby sort of throw out the signal to them,

"Hey, we're making our names easy for you.

"What are you gonna do for us?"

- [Val] What are you gonna do for us?

I love that.

Put the record on.

(overlapping talk)

- We could do dry erase name tags.

- It might be good for...

It might be, for Torrence, it might be,

I know it's a holiday weekend, guys,

but if you could learn just some

basic American Sign Language,

just so we can kind of sign to each other.

If there's an important name of a senior team leader

on their end, it might be good

to just kinda have the basics.

(overlapping talk)

- Now do you have any experience with Graham

over in Torrence because he-

- [Val] With Graham?

- Graham. - Yes.


And I'll tell you the secret with Graham.

You gotta drill down.

'Cause Graham, he's about the brick and mortar.

He's about best practices.

And he's about B-to-B.

- He is sort of queen of the pigs over there.

He is down in the slop, and the other pigs

sort of fall in line.

When he goes to the trough, then and only then

do the other pigs get their meal.

- He will get first dibs on the slop.

The others will take his seconds.

- Yeah, he is a nasty queen and you gotta watch out for him.

Oh, I didn't say it.

Yeah, if you've ever taken a meeting with him

at the Golden Corral, you know exactly

what we're talking about.

- [Val] Sorry, guys, Janice has come.

She's at my door.

- Oh.

- [Val] What's that?

Oh great.

She wants to know, Jason,

you coming to sales conference this year?

(overlapping talk)

- I just saw Jason's eyes light up when you mentioned

the name Janice.

- You ever see the old wolf in the old cartoons

where his eyes pop out?

(overlapping talk)

- Remember those cartoons where the car is like a person,

the headlights are the eyes, and they make a A-ooh-ga

with the horn?

That's basically Jason right now.

- [Val] That's the same thing.

I'll tell ya, I haven't seen a smile on Janice's face

that big since she came back from one of those,

she did a bodybuilding conference at the conference center

right by the mall where the 305 and the seven meet.

(overlapping talk)

Yeah, she did one out there right next to,

there's an O'Charley's there.

And she did it right next to that.

- Yeah, we've had many of after work libations.

- Yeah.

- Shall we say, my liege.

- [Val] Many after work drink.

- Or three.

- Yeah, I had one or two or three too many there

a couple nights ago.

They had to peel me off the curb.

- Tea too many mar-too-nies por favor.

- When I get to the bar, I generally go way hard.

- I got HAM when I get to that bar

as you guys know about.

- That's the only way I do business

is you know go hard or go home.

I take that to the bar.

I take that to the board room,

and I think we've built a team that reflects that principle.

- [Gino] Yes, absolutely.

- We want to bring up Bradley.

We brought you on because you are a

a whiz with the new computers,

and I've been having all sorts of issues with mine.

We need to be-

- [Seth] Is Tolliver on that?

- We need to be-

- [Seth] No, let me speak to Tolliver.

- Streamlined.

- [Seth] I wanna know if Tolliver's on that

because I gave that to Tolliver.

Bull shit!

Let me speak to Tolliver.

- Yeah.

- [Val] I'm sorry I'm hearing something in the background?

(overlapping talk)

- No, that's Seth.

(overlapping talk)

- [Val] Yeah it's pretty loud in the...

- Let's just soldier forward.

- [Val] Sure.

- Let me take this one.

I'll take the bull here by the horns.

Bradley, you're just gonna need to

get on all our computers and update it.

(indistinct talk)

- [Bradley] I'm working on it.

- Cool.

- [Bradley] Try and get done with that.

And also the shared drives.

It'll be up and running in the soonest time possible.

- Thank you.

- Yeah, that's a great point.

You gotta share the drives, okay?

We only have so many to go around.

I know everyone would like their own drive,

but let's try and really share these hard drives, okay?

- [Val] And where are we, Elijah, on the dog and pony show?

- Val, I don't wanna interrupt you right now.

The momentum is moving forward,

but just an update real quick.

I just spoke to Tolliver from the Toledo office.

- [Val] Okay.

- Who Jason was the point man, or supposedly

the point man for.

They might want to push the meeting back.

Jason, do you have anything to say about that?

- Well, they have to honor their word.

Where they say they are supposed to meet us

in a couple of days now.

- [Kevin] So you're saying we had

a handshake agreement with them,

and now they're reneging on that.

- Just to jump in, these guys are snakes,

and you never take a handshake from a snake

because they don't have hands, so you're gonna get bit.

And I think we just got bit, and the venom's

starting to sink.

Either I'm crazy or the venom's starting to sink.

(overlapping talk)

- This is a problem.

This is a big problem, gang.

- You know we're-

- [Val] I think we're gonna just have to figure out

where the onus is on here and in our process review

who we can finger and say this, you know,

this is where the quality control ran off the rails.

- And I think that's a great instinct, Val.

I'm just gonna go ahead and say, I think it's Jason's fault.

- Yeah, Jason really dropped the ball on this.

And Val, we want to let you know how we are

very serious about the Torrence group deal.

It means more to us than anything,

including our own families.

- [Val] What I'm seeing here is that Seth is the team leader

who's on point with Tolliver.

So Seth is managing Jason.

So I'm a little confused here as to, you know,

in terms of who's skillset is being deployed in which way.

- [Kyle] Val, I couldn't agree more.

- [Val] Is this a management problem or a personnel problem?

- Just to jump in, Jason is a great guy,

and I respect the hell out of him.

- I don't wanna step on the duck here,

but I also wanted to get in and say Jason's been great

when I've dealt with him, but this is

a horse of a different color

in terms of what I've seen from Jason, Val.

I haven't seen this before.

- And Val, you know that I honor you

and that I respect every word that comes out of your mouth.

I fall on the sword before for you and for this company,

and I will do it again.

But with your blessing, I would like to put this on Jason.

- Val, I just wanna jump in and say

I'll defer to you.

Whoever you want to put it on, I'll help

carry that out.

- Well, I'd like some headlights on this.

Jason, let's break through the clutter

and figure out what's going on here.

- I guess I made a big mistake,

and I should be responsible for it.

So I'm just gonna have to say

I would love to resign right now.

(overlapping talk)

- I think we can respect that decision, Jason.

- And Jason before you head out,

we are gonna need you to kind of, this Torrence meeting

is still pending, so we are kind of dot the Ts

and cross the, sign the checks.

So we are gonna need you to kind of finish up some work.

We know it's a holiday weekend.

We'd love for you to kind of stick it through,

and then take the rest of the week

and really the rest of your life off.

- We have key cards, temporary key cards

that you can exchange for your permanent key card.

- Yeah, we're gonna need the plastic one back.

We'll give you a paper one.

It's sort of a single ride, single swipe.

- And we'll put your name down to security

and they'll know that you can come up until

the Torrence group deal is done.

But after that you won't be able, permitted

to get into the building again.

- I'd also encourage you, once you have officially

been let go, don't, do not attempt to contact anyone.

This office or Val's office, that includes Janice.

- And just to reiterate that point,

if you are not all hands on deck,

100 percent on board with our mission

when it comes to Torrence,

hit the showers.

And I'm looking at you, Jason.

- Yup, there's the doorway to the showers.

- [Val] I think Jason is really,

I mean, he's gonna be the one

having face time.

- Jason's gonna be an asset here.

- You are the logistics man,

and I hate to lose you.

(overlapping talk)

- That's a great point.

Just to loop in, just to double back

on what Gino just said.

Jason's a smooth talker.

- He knows to go around and how to make sense of it.

I'm brutal.

So I'm just...

- So Jason, we'd like to offer your job back.

(overlapping talk)

- [Val] That resignation was putting us

between a rock and a hard place.

I'll say it now, but we've sort of been through the fire

on that one.

(overlapping talk)

- Hey, Val, just wanted to let you know

that Seth did shake Jason's hand.

And I know, there are, this has been like

a simmering bad blood happening throughout this call.

And Seth was the bigger man, and he did shake Jason's hand.

So I just want to let you know.

- [Val] Well, that's why.

Look, the intellectual capital we have in that room,

I would say is what is going to keep us in the loop,

make us able to implement.

I just wanna say the number one things is do not

let the grass grow too long on Torrence.

- Everyone, I just want everyone to kinda

actually say that back to us if you could.

(overlapping talk)

- On three.

- [Both] One, two, three.

- [All] Do not let the grass grow too long on Torrence.

- The last part is key.

(overlapping talk)

- Close it and hose it.

- [Val] Close it and hose it.

That's exactly.

That's it.

- That's great.

I know that, what am I gonna be bringing to the table?

I'm gonna be bringing the relationships I have, okay.

So they know that I know that they know

that I'm a relationships guy.

That's what Seth does.

Bradley, what's something that you think

you're gonna bring to the table

that no one else on our team can bring?

- I'm gonna make sure that all the

means of communication are gonna be up and running.

And I'm gonna be issuing key file for everyone.

Virtual token, so everyone is gonna be able to work

even outside the office.

- Love that.

- Man, that's great.

That's great forward thinking from you.

Thanks a lot.

And Elijah what is it that you were gonna bring

to the table?

- The competitive advantages that I bring to the table

are top tier.

- [Kevin] Top tier.

- Top tier competitive advantage.

All the way.

- I've seen you on the.

In the room and at the bar,

you know how to get the job done.

- And on the links.

Let's not forget on the links.

- I don't know if you know, but we actually

promoted Elijah recently from tier two to tier three

team leader, so he is now a T three.

- [Kevin] He's reached T three.


- [Val] Janice is cheering.

You can't hear her, but she's cheering.

- Tell her I said what's up.

Tell her I said what's up.

- Uh oh.

(overlapping talk)

- [Val] Jason, Janice is now, she's pressed a note

to my glass door 'cause she knows not to interrupt me

when I'm on the phone.

I'll bite her head off.

But she is saying tell Jason to please call me.

- [Kevin] Looks like we closed at least one deal

during this meeting.

- Close it and hose it.

(overlapping talk)

- [Val] That deal is closed.

- Well, Val, I tell you what.

I think we're all feeling aces right now.

We're hoping that we don't get the two of hearts

when it comes down to it.

So Val, we'll keep in touch with any new deliverables.

We'll circle back before the meeting happens.

- [Val] There'll be a mind share here.

- Right.

We'll do a quick B-storm, and then, you know

we'll head out to meeting and we'll see what happens.

Guys, I don't know how else to say it.

- [Val] Great.

Okay well I'm gonna hop off because you know

the clock has ticked right over.

- The cabin awaits.

- [Val] Yeah, exactly.

The cabin awaits, and let me tell you

there's a nice cold one or two.

- How about three?

How about three, Val?

- I tell you does anything move slower

than that minute hand on the way to the cabin?

- [Val] I'll tell you this.

These days I'm having as many coffees

as I have during the day, let's just say I'm matching that

with my evening beverages.

- That's only fair, one to one ratio.

- Not once, not twice, but thrice.

- So nice, you do it thrice.

- [Val] It's the only way I can fall asleep.

Well, good talking with you all,

and we'll loop back and we'll touch base.

- Yeah, we'll circle back.

- [Val] All of you individually.

(overlapping talk)

- We'll be in touch, and we'll kind of

circle the wagons and...

- We'll be back in touch, Val.

We'll circle back.

Have a good time there.

Have a good time.

(overlapping talk)

- [Val] Have a great time at the cabin.

Remember real time updates as we.

- Of course.

- It's gonna be Real Time with Bill Maher up there.

New rule.

What happens at the cabin, stays in Vegas.

(overlapping talk)

- Get jiggy with it.

(overlapping talk)

- All right, Val, we'll see you later.

It was great talking to you.

(overlapping talk)

- [Val] Good talking.

And push the envelope and we'll talk.

And just again, yeah, keep it, you know.

We'll keep it in mind.

- Okay.

- Sounds great.

- We're gonna kind of unbundle

and do a postmortem here, Val.

We'll circle back with you after that.

- [Val] I think I actually am going to hop off

and I'm gonna hop off.

(overlapping talk)

- And just kinda debrief the situation over here

and we'll give you the 411.

- [Val] Great.

And yeah, and that's great 'cause I,

yeah, and I'm gonna hop off and sort of pow wow

with my folks here.

- Okay. - Okay.

- That sounds great, Val.

Thanks, Val.

(overlapping talk)

- [Val] Bye.

- All right, thanks Val.

- All right, Val.

Take care.

As you guys can tell, she's pissed.

So we got a lot of work to do.

We got our work cut out for us.

And it's definitely gonna be a work over the long weekend

situation, I'm afraid.

- So get back to your desks.

Let's pound the pavement.

And we'll see you back here.

We'll loop you back into communication

when we need you again.

- We'll circle back with you guys.

Thanks a lot.

Thank you for your time.

(overlapping talk)

- We'll set it straight.

We'll set the ship.

We'll right this ship.

(overlapping talk)

We gotta do a postmortem here because.

- Thanks guys.

- Thanks guy. - Thank you guys.

- Yeah, thank you guys. - Thank you.

- Just go ahead and close the door.

- Good job.

Close the door behind you.

- Yeah, thanks a lot.

- All right.

- Take care Dale.

- Yeah, if you could close the door.

- Close it up.

Thanks, Dale.

I think Dale is actually one of the huge problems

that we're gonna be facing.

- He's one of many we've gotta work on.

- I don't trust any of these guys.

- Yeah, when I was in their shoes, I had a size 13.

They're size nine tops.

- In women's.

- Yeah.

- Not in men's.

I mean, nine men's, there's nothing wrong with that.

It's perfect.

That's probably national average.

- You wear nine men's?

- I don't know.

I'll have to get back to you on that,

but there abouts.

Nine to ten.

Sometimes 11 for...

Sneakers are anyone's guess.

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