Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

Happy to be together on "Happy Together."

- Hello! / - Hello!

Last week was our biggest holiday, Chuseok.

You get to meet your relatives for the holidays.

You can sometimes get nervous

if you meet a scary relative.

That's what it feels like today.

We don't have a lot of guests today,

but as Myungsoo just mentioned...

There's one particular guest

whom Myungsoo finds to be difficult.

Like a scary older cousin.

A really successful one.

One you're compared to a lot.

We have some great guests for this holiday special.

I was shocked.

The greatest guests.

And they're all here.

Combined, they have 60 years of experience.

These amazing singers

are legends in the music industry.

Chuseok Special! Return of the legends!

Let's bring them in!

Legends, come on!


Whenever I'm around this guy, my brain...

♪ Goes out and away ♪


A true legend in the music industry

with countless hit songs. Lee Seungchul!

They've been discharged.

The Korean Wave star has returned as a man.



A face that makes the ladies swoon.


I always say I have a fear of top stars.

A few top stars scare Myungsoo, too.

- It's just one person for me. / - Really?


Seungchul, you haven't seen Myungsoo in a while.

It's been a long while.

First of all...

I've been busy, and he never calls me.

You don't keep in touch?

He sounds displeased with Myungsoo.

Do you call Cho Yongpil then?

You don't, either!

It's the same thing.

Don't your wives meet up?

Yes, they meet up with each other.

And your daughters...

Woni and Minseo are friends.

It's called Girls' Generation.

All the mothers have daughters as their firstborn.

- There are 14 members. / - That's a lot.

If you count both parents, that's 28 people.

And there are around 30 kids...

That's a huge group.

That's a great name.

- What's great? / - A great name for the gathering.

Girls' Generation. I'm in SM Entertainment.

That's why.

He suddenly butts in.

This is what you do on TV.

Better than staying silent.

I thought he was more of a veteran than you.

"That's a great name."

I thought he was Kim Heungguk.

We planned to get to him in a bit...

Yunho, your style of talking has changed.

I watched "Happy Together" a lot in the military.

This is the era of appeal.

I never know when I'll fade away...

The era of self-promotion.

I'm sorry, but nobody says "the era of appeal."

I've never heard that term.

It's my first time hearing that.

The era of appeal... That's a new one.

Congratulations on finishing military service.

Changmin and Yunho.

- Thank you. / - Congratulations.

It hasn't been that long, right?

It hasn't even been a month for me.

I was discharged on August 18.

And appearing on TV less than a month later

is a lot of pressure. I'm very nervous.

Yunho was discharged in April.

That's why you tried to be appealing.

I'm gradually getting used to the real world.

Isn't four months plenty of time?

What was the best part about being discharged?

When I was in the military,

it felt like time had stopped.

That's what it's like.

This isn't a huge deal,

but on base, we couldn't have

black bean noodles or soft drinks.

But now that I'm out, I can have as much as I want.

It's great. I can't stop myself.

I kept eating that stuff, and cup noodles.

I ended up gaining weight.

I burned off the weight recently by working out.

Changmin, how about for you?

Things feel a bit uncomfortable for me

now that I've been discharged.

What's so uncomfortable?

I like to be alone.

When I work, I have a manager and staff members.

But I was alone while serving in the military.

I took the subway alone, rode the bus alone...

I went out to eat alone.

So it's uncomfortable being around Yunho now?

You want to be alone?

It's so nice to see you here with Yunho.

But Changmin...

We haven't seen you two together in so long.

I sometimes miss those solitary days.

What did you want to do when you got out?

In my case, what I really wanted to do

was just stay at home by myself.

After being in the military.

We're so happy to see the two of you together...

But Changmin keeps saying he wants to be alone.

Should I go home now?

We're a bit flustered.

Yunho, just step out for about 30 minutes.

He keeps saying he wants to be alone.

I feel bad for Seungchul.

Let's do the shoot separately.

(He's so cool about it)

Our guests are legendary singers.

Seungchul has performed live over 2,000 times.

Is that for real?

That's incredible.

I do more than 30 concerts a year.

That's 300 concerts in 10 years.

Including small concerts, it adds up to 2,000.

He's so good to his fans during his shows.

I thought he'd sing like three songs...

But you sing seven if you're in a good mood.

You're talking about the encore?

Usually you do one or two songs for an encore.

But I end up singing around five.

What's more moving than that...

Most singers wave goodbye and leave at the end.

I don't leave until all the audience members do.

I stay on stage.

That could make the audience uncomfortable.

They might want to leave.

(They're killing the vibe)

I never thought they'd twist my words like that.

- That's how you interpret it? / - It's touching.

You're thankful,

but the show has to end for you to leave.

There's the feeling that it's over.

We take time to take photos.

I started doing that to prevent accidents.

The venue is big,

and it would be too chaotic if they all left at once.

If I stay on stage, the audience stays, too.

The people in the back start to leave.

And later on, they're all touched by this.

Stay behind today and clean up the set.

I have a concert.

You suddenly have a concert?

Why would Seungchul clean up the set?

He said he likes to stay behind...

You're very rude.

(They've ruined his touching story)

Seungchul was trying to hold back.

I think things aren't quite going his way.

It was supposed to be a touching story.

You've worked with the same staff a long time.

They're basically like government employees.

Once you hire them, they stay with you.

One guy has been with me for 23 years.

The youngest has been with me for eight years.

My stylist here has been with me for 19 years.

Shouldn't you let them go now?


(The legendary singer is troubled...)

We do concerts.

I sing 27 to 30 songs for two and a half hours.

Over the year, we change the concept three times.

Spring, fall, and Christmas.

If I used different people every time,

they'd have to be trained from the ground up.

My light and sound guys have been with me so long.

So we work very well together.

It's too hard to train new staff from the ground up.

So I pay my staff a lot.

So that's how you work.

So they get paid per concert?

You pay them a salary?

Not a salary.

Like he said... It's per concert...

(He spills the beans)

I didn't want to say it like that...

- Case by case. / - Right.

So you pay them per concert.

It's case by case.

Seungchul is great, but I find him a bit difficult.

TVXQ, how do you guys feel about Seungchul?

How do you guys feel?

TVXQ is a legendary group.

How is Seungchul?

If you don't know him well, he can be scary.

But we've run into each other so much.

I think he's a warm-hearted guy.

He has a lot of love to give.

He has a certain way of talking.

Like how? Show us.

If I go, "Hello, Seungchul."

He goes, "Oh, yeah, yeah."

For everything... "Oh, yeah, yeah."

"Did you eat?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

That seems kind to you?

It's like he doesn't care.

Seungchul keeps things short.

You called him once during the holidays.

I called him once during the holidays.

"Seungchul. Hello, this is Yu Jaeseok."

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

"Are you enjoying the holidays?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

"Have a great holiday, Seungchul."

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

Is that what I do?

I thought maybe I shouldn't call him again.

I felt the same way when I called him.

- My wife says that, too. / - Really?

And my daughter.

They always say I hang up too soon.

But I have nothing to say.

I ran into Seungchul at a restaurant once.

"Hello, Seungchul."

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

You make me sound so flippant.

"Oh, yeah, yeah." But then he picked up the bill.

(Quietly picked up the bill)

"Did you enjoy the food? It's on me today."

He doesn't say stuff like that.

He keeps his mouth shut and his wallet open.

You should be more like him.

I'm only saying this because

that's how Seungchul is.

It's not that he's uncaring. He's very caring.

I run into Yunho very often.

In strange places, too. Like the beauty parlor.

The beauty parlor?

We don't use that term anymore.

And that's not all.

I ran into him in the airport on my trip to Japan.

And another time when I was going to Gwangju.

I run into him on flights. Always by chance.

That means you two get out very often.

It actually brought us closer.

Of course.

Yunho's mom came to my concert in Gwangju.

My family attended.

Seungchul even invited me

to some gathering in Seoul.

I was so thankful,

but when I got to my seat,

I noticed I was sitting in the middle of the VVIPs.

I looked to my right and left.

I was with some older, important people.

You had no idea how they were important...

Like a chairman of an association...

That would be Kim Heungguk.

Isn't that right?

I tend to be a bit loud in my reactions.

Since I really like Seungchul.

Everyone else would react like...

And I'd be like, "You're awesome, Seungchul!"

Later on, the people there asked me.

What did they say?

"Who are you?"

That's pretty humiliating.

"Who exactly are you?"

Who's this guy sitting with the VVIPs?

Who's this bozo?

So they asked, and I said,

"I'm Yunho, the leader of TVXQ."

One guy is so passionate,

and one guy prefers being alone.

Still getting used to the real world.

So we're talking to Lee Seungchul and TVXQ...

For more infomation >> Congratulations TVXQ on getting off the military!!! [Happy Together / 2017.10.12] - Duration: 13:10.


Utensílios e Acessórios Munchkin | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> Utensílios e Acessórios Munchkin | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 7:20.


Как влияет концентрация внимания на долги, кредиты, желания - Duration: 12:22.

For more infomation >> Как влияет концентрация внимания на долги, кредиты, желания - Duration: 12:22.


GALATASARAY | Haldun DOMAÇ: "Hücum Galatasaray'ın Genlerinde Var" | Youtube - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Haldun DOMAÇ: "Hücum Galatasaray'ın Genlerinde Var" | Youtube - Duration: 10:07.


Сельскохозяйственная техника для детей Развивающие ВИДЕО про сельхозтехнику для детей HD - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Сельскохозяйственная техника для детей Развивающие ВИДЕО про сельхозтехнику для детей HD - Duration: 4:00.


Колыбельная. За печкою сверчок. Лучшие русские песни для детей. Слушать онлайн. Красивое видео - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Колыбельная. За печкою сверчок. Лучшие русские песни для детей. Слушать онлайн. Красивое видео - Duration: 3:01.


Загадки Вселенной ЧТО БУДЕТ ЕСЛИ НЕ СТАНЕТ СОЛНЦА Документальный фильм про солнце - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Загадки Вселенной ЧТО БУДЕТ ЕСЛИ НЕ СТАНЕТ СОЛНЦА Документальный фильм про солнце - Duration: 2:38.


Elite Dangerous: Bark Spires - Material Forest in Pleiades - Duration: 8:28.

MATERIAL FOREST hello its Ricardo and I'm still playing

League dangerous I'm in the plating sector still and doing some additional

sightseeing before the nosis jumps to its next location in a couple of days

time close by in the sector that I've put in the comments and on just on the

screen is a tourist spot or lose they used to be I didn't have time to go and

see it during the beta but there are Burke spires it's a material forest

you're gonna get additional materials to stock up your material store on your

shit like vitriol and manganese and iron and cadmium stuff like that their

various pods and spores and sacks growing off these growths coming out of

the planet's surface quite easy to mine roll around in your SIV shoot them off

pick them up with the cargo scoop nice and easy so what I'll do I'll leave you

with the rest of the video and a bit of music check back for more videos in the

series and my adventures around this sector of space see you soon fly safe






if you haven't already done so please click the subscribe and the like button

also look for the notification icon which will let you know when I'm putting

more videos of leaked dangerous on YouTube thanks for watching


For more infomation >> Elite Dangerous: Bark Spires - Material Forest in Pleiades - Duration: 8:28.


Supernatural Season 13 Trailer (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Supernatural Season 13 Trailer (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:06.


Supernatural Season 13 Promo (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Supernatural Season 13 Promo (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


The Flash Is Back - The Flash Season 4 Episode 1 Breakdown!!! - Duration: 9:04.

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on the flash season 4 so the flash

is finally back our boy Barry Allen is back and so is the tumbler verse I mean

the our reverse videos are back on my channel so episode one was called the

flash reborn it's a happy flash week I guess you could say so the episode

started by recapping what happened Allie end of alas Susan that was Barry Allen

going into the Speed Force to save Central City and potentially save the

world so iris West is kind of in charge of the

team and I suppose they're calling it teen kid flash or something like that

similar to what they had in the flashpoint timeline and it's clear that

they've been struggling as we see from the star they're tracking peekapoo at

the start of the episode and she's all more skilled metahuman a lot more

skilled with abilities than when we last seen her during it season 1 they only

catch her due to iris West being able to work out the punch on pin pattern that

peekapoo is making so let me get this straight guys

iris West goes from journalists who we never actually see being a journalist

to being able to control the whole of STAR Labs technology and control Cisco

Kid Flash basically turn into Caitlin snow in six months I just find that a

little bit unrealistic guys so iris and Joe West talk about Barry being gone and

how HR had a funeral so Joe suggests to Iris maybe give him Barry Allen a

funeral and Ari shuts him that he'll down because she's like do you want me

to bury the suit should we bury an empty suit and it's a good point throughout

the whole episode there were major kind of comic book Easter eggs well I would

just quote a reference but people in the comic book world like to call it an

Easter Egg I mean I don't really believe that concept so Keystone City is a cyst

sister city of Central City essentially the home of Kid Flash like blood havens

at the home of Nightwing so the salmon rates or samurai attack

central city and he wants the real flash not the fake flash so Cisco wants to

bring Barry Allen the flash back he's been working

on a device secretly just stabilize the speedforce so Barry can come home

iris is against bringing Barry back because he told it to keep running and

never look back or something like that Cisco needs Caitlin help so we should go

so we rock up to a bar and she's there working there and it looks like she can

control her abilities we see some dodgy guy who's most likely linked to a

storyline that will develop later on so they go to Ferris air which is kind of

the Howard Jordan kind of reference or comic book Easter Egg that everyone

would say and no trying to bring Barry back and they fail at least we think

they found but they didn't Barry Allen actually turns of his CCPD Cecille cause

Joe and tells him that Barry's there he ended up 300 miles away from Central

City which is kind of funny so their plan did work but we knew this because

we've seen this previously in other traders as they kind of did tell us the

majority of what would happen in the episode so we see Barry Allen writing

some kind of speedforce code code language with on the walls which is kind

of he's speaking nonsense presume he can kind of understand we talked about what

he pretends to be the flash in the red suit but the summary destroys him and

knows not the real flash and he's like you got till midnight to the end the

night iris um Joseph Joe both tried to get back through to Barry but nothing

seems to work he's in a Speed Force trance you could say he gets locked up

in the dampening room which no one so far have been able to break out of

because Barry went a bit mentally super fast so he had to killer frost had to

use her powers to kind of get in there so iris comes up with a plan to give

herself to the Sun right in order for Barry to remember and it works just at

that so you know the scene from the trailer where he got a line in his eyes

that was just him waking up realizing where his lovers life is it's lightning

rod was - Barry chases the Sun right down into a field with loads a wind

turbines pretty cool scene and buried this is really sick trick where he runs

at one of the wind turbines and I don't know you like soccer kicks the summary

to the floor which is pretty good now this is early

bitter criticism I have buddy episode guide the CGI is getting really it's

getting bad I mean when he's running the CGI is awful now I understand the flash

budget isn't very high but they've been doing it for over three years now so

come on guys what is up for this CGI now as soon as we found out the summer I was

technological based it was basically a machine I was like yes okay we're going

to see mechanic we're going to see the thinker which we might do later on so

the odd guy at the bar turns out to work for blacksmith we know blacksmith is one

of the last rogues that were getting later in the season and killer frost

goes absolute killer frost nur does this pretty funny line do you want brain

freeze while she's freezing their brain so it appears that she can control

herself to not turn killer frost but if she gets angry she does turn killer

frost so it's pretty cool that she can't control her killer frost abilities so

it's like we're gonna get two characters from of this year and that's most likely

what the writers were inferring to when they said that so we get our first look

at the mechanic the person who makes all the devices and gadgets for the thinker

I'm only gonna call the thinker because he's not calling himself

Clifford Duvall we've not heard anything like so essentially the mechanic is like

Cisco is - team flash I guess you could say the mechanic it's not a reference to

the combo character because the comic characters version of the mechanic is is

pretty different so the thinker was behind bringing Barry

back which is interested in because I believe he wants the full knowledge of

the Speed Force and it's pretty strange because obviously we usually get the big

bad in Episode six array each season so I don't believe that the thinker is

actually the big band of the overall season because he's been introduced this

early so he's not trying to kill Barry Allen he wants to use Barry Allen this

is a very different kind of villain and I understand completely what Andrew

Kreisberg said when he said it's like a chess game that he's gonna have and the

think is always gonna be one step ahead of him he's after Barry were figuring

out kind of this beef what everything inside the Speed Force

if the thinker is that clever then surely he could just mind-control him

and kind of make him remember everything but I suppose in the context of juggling

a storyline out over 23 episodes we're gonna have to actually let Barry

naturally remember everything that in the speedforce but the only issue that

guys if he's lived his life infinitely times and like 10,000 years inside the

Speed Force or whatever then it's essentially gonna know everything is

coming up so the episode ended with the thinker saying I'm thinking and mechanic

goes what's neck and he says I'm thinking so to me guys I'm a bit

disappointed with how the thinker looks he looks like someone from Star Trek I

mean don't get me wrong guys the thinking cap I mean if it is stinking

capped we got the wires I mean it does look pretty cool but I'm getting the

Star Trek vibe Star Wars vibe Doctor Who vibe I'm not particularly getting

comic-book vibe so overall guys it was a pretty decent episode but I feel like it

was disheartened the fact that the TV show feels the need to advertise

literally the only thing they didn't tell us before going into this episode

was that the thinker was going to debut quite soon and this was pretty obvious

because we hadn't heard anything from behind the scenes I hadn't been told

anything I knew this thing was on set filming but I presume most of the

thinker's kind of a screen time will be in the studios so stuff like that cannot

get leaked out but overall guys it was a pretty solid episode so what I'm gonna

do next is I want your guys to please like subscribe and comment all your

ideas down below what did you think I'm gonna be doing a trailer breakdown and

later on for the episode and titled mixed signals which sounds pretty cool

it's going to be like the couples therapy episode which is cool then a

couple hours after that I will be dropping my daily Justice League video

because it's everyday bro or saying like that anyway guys let's let's try and get

a good positive response from the first tumblr verse I mean our less kind of

video so let's hope we can get some cool comment and hit that notification button

down below guys as that would be awesome and

we'll catch you in my next video which will be the mixed signals trade about

now a bit later on tonight anyway guys catch ya later

For more infomation >> The Flash Is Back - The Flash Season 4 Episode 1 Breakdown!!! - Duration: 9:04.


Egy Magyarország van - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Egy Magyarország van - Duration: 1:28.


Сорокоуст только для воцерковленных? Молитвы в монастыре. - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Сорокоуст только для воцерковленных? Молитвы в монастыре. - Duration: 2:55.


Farming Simulator 17 OLD IRON TRACTORS + UNIA Culitivators - Duration: 9:57.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The OLD IRON AC 8000 SERIES 4WD TRACTOR And Two UNIA Cultivators.

ALLIS CHALMERS 8000 SERIES 8 Engine Setup 4 Wheel Setup 34Km/h Top Speed

OLD IRON AC 8000 SERIES 4WD TRACTOR 8 Engine Setup 4 Wheel Setup 34Km/h Top Speed

UNIA FAMAROL 3m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 120Hp

UNIA HERMES 4m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 84Hp

Both tools have attacher to pull seeder at the rear

UNIA HERMES have not hire Worker Function I will use the Follow me Mod to test it

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 OLD IRON TRACTORS + UNIA Culitivators - Duration: 9:57.


Drawing From Imagination · Inktober Day #12 - Duration: 4:02.

Alright you lot, another day down.

Today I was in the mood for something a little different so I started by painting th page

with black ink, masking it off with washi tape.

It's just regular washi tape, I haven't done anything to it, please don't ask.

And then I got started with this white gel pen for the outlines.

So kind of a reverse effect from the rest of my drawings.

This house is being haunted by perpetual darkness.

And specifics on everything used will be listed below.

I also wanted to quickly add on to yesterday's video.

I can't believe I forgot to shout out Myriam, from the channel Myriam's Illustrations.

I've been following her for a while, I love her work with gouache, she has the kindest,

loveliest voice, and her inktober videos centred around the subject of mental health.

She's giving a percentage of the proceeds of any print sales to a mental health charity,

and overall her work is just really beautiful.

And a quick mention to someone else I've been following forever and can't believe

I forgot to say in the last one, Sketching Scarlet has a really cool style, great linework

and just great videos in general, including this inktober.

So as with yesterday, links to them will be below.

Go and show them some love.

Also thanks for the horror movie suggestions on the last one.

I'm writing them all down to watch when I'm not as busy as I am right now.

From the sounds of it, some of them will properly scare me as well.


Today's question came in from a few different commenters but the gist is wanting to draw

from imagination when you're used to drawing from reference.

I think that being able to draw from your imagination is a really invaluable skill for

an artist, but there's nothing wrong with drawing from reference either.

No-one just knows right of the bat how to draw something, everyone that draws started

by drawing from reference.

Drawing from imagination is something I struggle with sometimes too, but I kind of have a routine

now where; I come up with my idea, and with the image of it fresh in my imagination, I

sketch out two or three small thumbnail sketches, no bigger than a couple of inches.

At this point I just kind of do outlines in this little sketch, to get the placement of

things, the overall shape and size.

So say I wanted to draw a werewolf, i've need drawn a werewolf before, I don't know

what they look like really, not in detail, so I just sketch out an idea of what I think

it looks like, in the position that I first imagined it would be in the final piece.

I might have to re-sketch it a few times to figure it out but that's the good thing

about working so small, it's really no commitment or time taken up at all.

I don't bother with shading or colour at this stage.

Thumbnailling is great for getting an idea of how tonal values will work within a piece

or how well your colours will harmonise, but you can do all that once you've got an idea

of the structure of your drawing.

So with your initial little sketches done, probably still not really looking like a werewolf,

it's time to go and look at references.

Draw were wolves in different positions, draw different details on the wolf; it's eyes,

it's claws.

Draw it as many times as you can in as many different ways as you can.

Then go back to your initial sketch and try to draw it out again with the knowledge you

gained from your studies.

And next time you go to draw a werewolf, you might b able to dive straight in, draw it

from imagination without looking at references at all.

That's how you build up a mental library of things that you can draw from imagination.

It's not a case of imagining better, there's no quick fix solution, you have to feed your

brain with information so that your imagination has something grounded in reality to work


We're all done for today, thanks so much for watching.

I will see you tomorrow for the next one.


For more infomation >> Drawing From Imagination · Inktober Day #12 - Duration: 4:02.



For more infomation >> IMPRACTICAL JOKERS PRANK MAN CITY PRESENTER - Duration: 6:13.


🔴BUMBUM PERFEITO, DURINHO E EMPINADO! 👉Veja o SEGREDO! Exercicios Para Aumentar Gluteos Em Casa - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> 🔴BUMBUM PERFEITO, DURINHO E EMPINADO! 👉Veja o SEGREDO! Exercicios Para Aumentar Gluteos Em Casa - Duration: 3:36.


Bayern squad nearly complete - Duration: 2:20.

The Bayern squad is nearly complete, with Arjen Robben and the French players

Corentin Tolisso and Kingsley Coman the last Europeans have returned to Munich from their

international fixtures and are now back in training at Säbener Street.

Now it's up to the players.

Starting on Saturday we have to deliver on the pitch.

We're trailing Dortmund by five points and of course we can't afford to let this gap increase any further.

We have to establish a series now,

we have to work on certain things and improve. We need to elevate our game

and I am certain we will achieve that.

As a team we have to show character now.

While James was still missing from training as he is expected to return to Munich

later in the day, Arturo Vidal had to sit out once more due to a minor injury. However, most of the players

in Bayern Munich's professional squad are fit and ready for the extremely busy month of October, including Bayern's

player of the month September, Joshua Kimmich.

We played Freiburg in the last match of the past season so it's not too long ago.

They had a relatively bad start to the season and so did we.

Obviously it's a really important game specifically for us.

We want to start a winning series with our new manager and we want our games to be more positive again.

We want to record good results

and we want to start doing that on Saturday.

Starting with Saturday's Bundesliga home match against Freiburg Bayern are facing several important games in October.

The Bayern women's team already played an extremely important game last night and unfortunately

suffered a tremendously bitter Champions League exit at the hands of Chelsea.

After having already suffered an unlucky 1:0 defeat in the first leg, the Bayern team

showed yet another convincing performance but failed to win by more than 2:1

due in part to several controversial referee's calls.

Understandably, the team is completely crestfallen.

They showed a great fight in both games.

There's nothing much we can blame ourselves for except maybe that we didn't score more goals.

Now we have to try and lift our players off the ground again.

For more infomation >> Bayern squad nearly complete - Duration: 2:20.


3-Ingredient Slow Cooker Healthy Recipes - Mind Over Munch - Duration: 6:33.

Bye, family!

Have a great day at work and school!

I'll have dinner ready when you get home.

Dinner's ready!

Hey munchies!

I'm Alyssia if you're new to the channel, welcome!

Today we are covering a highly requested topic:


I've got 5 recipes coming your way,

and after the excitement of my 3 ingredient recipes a few weeks ago,

these all ALSO only have 3 main ingredients, not including the spices,

and they can use any protein you prefer, so that could be chicken, beef,

or even tofu for a vegan variation.

These are great for this time of year as it's about to get chilly outside for some of us,

and they make staying on track so easy!

First up is our MAPLE DIJON CHICKEN!

I add cubed chicken breast to the slow cooker,

along with a bottle of Dijon mustard and some maple syrup.

You could use honey if you prefer honey mustard!

Add the lid, and cook low and slow, I generally do about 6-8 hours on low,

if you're in a time crunch you could do 3 hours on high,

but it's going to be MUCH more tender if it's cooked for longer.

It just falls apart when you eat it and it has so much flavor!

Sweet, tangy and totally satisfying!

Enjoy all of these meals as is, or with rice, a side salad, or whatever other sides you prefer!

Next up: Hawaiian BBQ Chicken!

This time, I add larger pieces of chicken breast to the slow cooker,

a can of drained pineapple chunks,

(if you can find pineapple chunks in water over juice, that's preferred,

but if not just drain the juice)

and lastly, some of your favorite low sugar bbq sauce,

and I do have a homemade variation in my UnJunk your Foods ebook,

if you prefer a cleaner option.

Cook it low and slow, and it's ready to go!

I like to shred the chicken using 2 forks and return to the sauce to mix thoroughly.

The slow cooker makes the protein SUPER moist

and infuses the flavors deep into the meat rather than it just being on the surface.

Thumbs up for easy weeknight dinners!

Time to check out my Buffalo Tofu!

I add cubed superfirm tofu to the slow cooker—you could use chicken—

along with buffalo wing sauce and EITHER a packet of ranch seasoning,

OR, I'm using my ranch seasoning mixture which is from my Meal Prep eBook.

The superfirm tofu has less moisture, so it holds together really well when it's cooked

and doesn't just crumble apart after the process is over.

This one definitely has a kick, so get those taste buds ready!

If you're enjoying these recipes, don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell,

that way you can get notified of new videos every single week!

I've got a Beef Chili to show you next.

Now again, you could use any protein you prefer, but I went with beef to switch it up.

I also add beans—I went with pinto but any would work—and diced tomatoes.

For chili spices, I'm adding chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, onion powder,

oregano and salt and pep.

Mix it up and let it do it's thing!

Chili is such an easy way to get In a healthy balance of macronutrients, and it's SO versatile!

There's no right or wrong way to do chili

and it always ends up tasting great if it's made in a slow cooker!

I do want you to know that, for all of these recipes I've shown you so far,

you totally don't have to use a slow cooker and can just make them in a pot over the stove.

Simply add the ingredients the exact same way,

and let it cook over low heat for the same amount of time.

Of course, I don't recommend leaving the house if you use this method,

but the food will cook just the same!

I've got one more recipe to share and it is a WHOLE roast chicken.

This is pretty cool.

First I mix together my dry rub of spices.

I used paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, thyme, and salt and pep,

but you can use your favorite mix.

I take a whole chicken that has the insides removed and is washed and patted dry

and add the rub on top, covering thoroughly.

I then add a chopped onion to the slow cooker

This is going to both raise my chicken up so it cooks throughout AND provide added flavor.

My rubbed down chicken goes right on top, and that is literally IT!

Because we have the whole chicken here, we don't need to add any liquid or oil.

It's going to release it's own moisture and fat throughout the process

to keep it soft and tender.

It cooks for 6-8 hours on low or 4 hours on high,

but be sure to check for this one because the size of your chicken can vary.

When you remove the lid you'll be able to see all of the natural liquid that's accumulated,

and it's ready to serve!

If you're someone who enjoys a rotisserie chicken because of the convenience,

I'm telling you this is going to be cheaper

because whole chickens are the least expensive way to buy protein,

easy, because you literally just throw it in the cooker,

and most importantly, be MORE flavorful

because those ingredients are able to infuse deep down into the chicken

rather than just stay on the skin.

Such a win!

I hope you guys enjoyed these easy slow cooker meals,

if you want more, don't forget to give this video a thumbs up,

and would you mind doing me a favor

and share it with a person that you think would like these recipes?

Remember, they can ALL be made with tofu, chicken or ANY protein you prefer

to accommodate your lifestyle.

If you were interested in those eBooks I mentioned earlier,

they are all at

and you can use the code "SLOWCOOK" for 10% off any eBook or package of your choice,

this week only.

If you want to see me eat unhealthy food, check out my second channel, Eat The Pizza!

If you want more 3 ingredient recipes, check out my video from a few weeks ago!

That's all for now, folks, I'll see you next week for a brand new episode,

and remember, it's all a matter of Mind Over Munch!!

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