Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017


To me, freedom is the opportunity to do

well; it's the opportunity to be prosperous.

It's the opportunity for government to get

out of the way, so that we can allow each

other to grow.

Freedom is the possibility to do well; to

invest in one another not only in our

community, but to allow ourselves to

become better entrepreneurs, about

becoming better residents.

And overall, freedom is just the

opportunity to do well.

You know, I think I am free to choose.

I would like to see more freedom in our

country though.

I think right now we're moving towards

more of a liberty-minded free market approach.

And I think that needs to be the national standard.

For more infomation >> What Does Freedom Mean To You? - Part 15 - Duration: 0:41.


Dirty Bomb: Terminal Rework - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Dirty Bomb: Terminal Rework - Duration: 3:35.


Atarian 28#: Mattel Intellivision - Duration: 18:46.

For more infomation >> Atarian 28#: Mattel Intellivision - Duration: 18:46.


SPEED SLALOM! - Duration: 4:16.

Hi guys!

How are you?

Welcome again to my channel

I´m Carito and today I want to talk you about Speed Slalom

If you don´t know what this discipline is about, I´m going to leave you a video clip here

So you can check out more or less what is all about

And this discipline is also included in the Freestyle Slalom

And so, lets start with the video

But before we do, dont´t forget to give a Like and suscribe to my channel

So I know you are liking this type of videos

Lets get started

To begin with, this discipline it´s call Speed Slalom and its also included in the Freestyle Slalom

Normally in a competition

You will find two lines of cones

with a separation of 80 cm between them

and a length of 12 meters

from the start line to the first cone

The competitors must go to full speed

In this line of cones, making a zig zag with a single feet

to get the best time and win the competition

For this discipline we have

two phases of competition

The first one is the Qualifying

and the second one is the final or the K.O.

In the Qualifying Phase, every skater will have

Two rounds, from which they´ll have some free starts

and this means you will have two indications

The first indication will be "On your Marks"

from which you need to take your start position

"Ready", which is your frozen position and you will not be allowed to move

as if you do so

It will be accounted as a fault start

and then you will have to wait 5 seconds after the start

to take the impulse you need to pass through the cone line

In the Finals or K.O.

You will have 3 indications

which will be done by a recorded voice

or by the person with the microphone

and these 3 indications are...

"On Your Marks", which is the same one as in the Qualifying Phase

"Ready", you will not move by anything

And then you´ll hear a "Beep" or a "Go"

from which you´ll start the race

For your Qualifying Phase,

from these two rounds that you´ll have

it will be taken the best lap with the best time

to pass to the next group

so your time will be compared with the one of the other competitors

to know if you can pass to the next round

and so on until you get to the finals

If you get to the finals,

It will only be taken into consideration

the time of every competitor

and the first skater to win with the two best times of the round

Will be the one that passes to the Final Phase

or the one that wins the competition

and the other competitor will be disqualified

A false start means that if you make any movement or

a position which the judges appears to be invalid within the

technical requirements, is taken as one false start and two false starts

are taken as a null round.

For penalties within this discipline

of course are based on the time, if you pull a cone or move it from its position

you are going to be added 2 seconds to your final time and if you

pull more cones, of course you will be added two seconds for each

cone that you throw and if you pull more than four cones

your round be taken as null

Well my friends this was all for the video of today

I hope this information serves you quite well

Give a Like and subscribe to the channel to know that you are liking this type of videos

You know that I leave in the description box the link of the page

where you can see the rules of the most recent version, which is the 2017

Put on the comments what you think of this discipline, if you like it

or if you already have participated on one

Or if you have any doubts put it on the comments section

and I will answer you.

See you next Thursday

A kiss

For more infomation >> SPEED SLALOM! - Duration: 4:16.


The Baseballs - 10 Years History: Episode 5 - Greatest Moments - Duration: 7:07.

Another thing that was super cool is that we were recognized at the Universal Studios once.

An employee approached us, going: "Hey, you're The Baseballs".

We were like: Dude, aren't there any places left for us to enjoy some privacy?

Stop. Stop! This is us in Australia!

Basti: Sydney, on top of the Harbour Bridge.

The look on my face suggests … let's say: a certain respect.

Sam: Right. And this is Mexico.

Basti: You guessed right.

Digger: Check how you're celebrating yourself every time you successfully finished another sentence!

Basti: No idea what I said there.

Sam: That was the Finland documentary.

Digger: Finland is a story of its own. I think they dubbed it "Baseballs Mania",

for the fact that – there really is no other way of putting it – we were real superstars over there.

Basti: It was the most successful album of the year 2009 and I think even today,

"Strike" is in the top 25 of the all-time charts in Finland.

Some record label executive once told me that, according to their calculations, every household

should theoretically own at least one of our CDs.

Sam: I think we all have to be extremely grateful for the fact that Finland existed, as without Finland as a country,

the whole thing probably wouldn't have …

Digger: … you know what? I think Finland exists to this very day!

Sam: … right! What I mean is that Finland existed for us, right from the beginning,

and started the whole hysteria about The Baseballs.

After that, the surrounding countries started noticing it as well and the whole thing really kicked off.

Basti: We beat Mumford & Sons there, didn't we?

Digger: Boy, were we successful once!

Sam: Russia, isn't it? Basti: Yeah.

Basti: Look how you're excelling in the Russian language!

Digger: If you're ever going to act in a Russian movie I want this man to dub your voice. Looks great.

Sam: "Let's Dance" in Poland.

They had the tiniest stage we ever stood on.

Digger: There's this star in Holland, he goes by the name of Guus Meeuwis.

We first met him in person when he pranked us for some candid camera show.

That was kind of funny, actually.

They had two Japanese interviewers, which got us thinking: now, the leap to Japan is imminent.

We were briefed that we were going to have an interview with two Japanese in Amsterdam, and at first,

all of us really did believe the whole thing, as we had two Japanese people in front of us

that had us struggling hard with their cultural customs.

They wouldn't shake our hand, asked all kinds of weird questions,

and we really had to pull ourselves together to not burst into laughter…

Basti: …which we ended up doing regardless.

Sam: What was her name again, "Uschi"? The part she was acting out?

She tricked all kinds of world famous stars before …

Basti: … she had the likes of Adele in her show …

Sam: … so the very fact that we were even considered for this show was pretty incredible.

Basti: He's been a huge star in Holland for more than 20 years now.

And once a year, he plays a series of four shows in his hometown Eindhoven.

He uses the soccer stadium of PSV Eindhoven for that, and he invited us as surprise guests.

I think this was a moment for us where even the soundcheck sent us in a fluster.

We played with his big band, I think two of our own songs and another one together with him, his hit song.

To even soundcheck in this 45k capacity venue was amazing.

I think two or three of these shows are always sold out a year in advance.

Digger: We often get asked in interviews: Looking back those ten years, what were the most memorable moments for you?

To which we often reply "Memphis", what with visiting Graceland and the birthplace of rock 'n' roll.

But if you look at that … really, what more can you expect?

Sorry, but who are you again, Justin Bieber?

Sam: If we can ever record an album in here, that'd be truly amazing.

And seven years later, it actually happened.

To get the opportunity to travel there with our band, that was quite something.

To really be standing in the very same room that's preserved in its original state, the walls,

the ceilings and the floor dating back all the way the 50's.

That was an experience I wouldn't want to do without.

Digger: The idea was to take our hit songs and record them acoustically,

the way it was done in the studios back in the days.

So, it's meant to be a best-of record like you know it, but with the twist that it sounds rougher,

much more natural and not as overproduced as you often find it these days.

Basti: Of course, we're also looking forward to coming on tour again soon.

We're currently working on something for spring 2018, hopefully we can announce soon.

And after that, we have to start thinking about what the next album, the next idea is going to be about.

That's all coming up, but just like in previous years, this is something we're always looking forward to.

Sam: Despite experiencing so many great things these past ten years, I'm far from having had enough.

Quite the contrary, it only whets the appetite for more.

Generally, one should never rest on one's laurels.

It's great that all of this happened and we all know how to appreciate it, and yet:

we all want to keep working hard on it so that in ten years' time, we can sit here again

and give interviews on the occasion of our 20th anniversary.

We'll see what happens …

but you can all brace yourselves for when we take away the ECHO award in twenty years' time …

Basti: … for our lifetime achievement.

For more infomation >> The Baseballs - 10 Years History: Episode 5 - Greatest Moments - Duration: 7:07.


Jackie Chan nos da clases de chino mandarín - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Jackie Chan nos da clases de chino mandarín - Duration: 5:18.


СЕРАЯ СЛИЗЬ [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> СЕРАЯ СЛИЗЬ [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 10:47.


Tg Erve Marche? il peggio di ogni regione - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Tg Erve Marche? il peggio di ogni regione - Duration: 5:13.


GALATASARAY | Ilgaz ÇINAR: "Tolga Gomis'in Sayesinde..." | Youtube - Duration: 12:04.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Ilgaz ÇINAR: "Tolga Gomis'in Sayesinde..." | Youtube - Duration: 12:04.


Top 10 Insane Allergies That ACTUALLY Exist - Duration: 7:03.

I am allergic to grass and tree pollen.

In the UK its called Hay Fever.

It sucks.

I end up with swollen eyes, a runny nose and an itch in my throat where I have to do this

to scratch it …….. But that is nothing compared to the some allergies out there.

Youre not gonna believe some of these - my name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10

Insane Allergies That ACTUALLY Exist.

Starting off at number 10 we have All Food.

In 2009, a story emerged about 5 year Australian boy called Kaleb who was allergic to all food.

You think Im exaggerating?

Im really not.

Even a single particle of food will cause paiful ulcers to appear all over his stomach.

So how does he survive?

Well, he is fed 20 hours a day through a machine that pumps nutrients directly into his stomach.

Its so bad that he cant even share pencils with his classmates incase he accidentally

injects some food left on them.

Hes fine with water and, strangely, one specific brand of lemonade.

Doctors don't know why this particular type of lemonade is OK for Kaleb but hope that

it may contain the key to curing his debilitating allergy.

Coming in at number 9 we have Apples Grown Near Birch Trees.

You heard me right - Grace Morley is a girl from Ireland who will die if she eats an apple

near a birch tree.

The allergy developed after playing outside with friends.

Grace is not allergic to apples or birch trees but together, they cause her head to swell

and hives break out all over her body.

Doctors best theory is that the birch tree pollen has a subtle effect on Graces immune

system that causes it to go into overdrive when it comes into contact with apple juice.

Very strange.

Makes you wonder what other strange combinations can cause an allergic reaction ...

Next up at number 8 we have Sunlight.

There are a number of different types of Sun allergies but the most common one is called

Polymorphous Light Eruption.

It affects about 10-15% of the US population and I know what youre thinking - thats a pretty

high percentage.

It is, and many people have it, but to varying degrees.

For most people, exposure to the sun causes an itchy rash.

Most people mistake this for sunburn but really its a real allergic reaction.

Its more common for people in colder climates than tropical ones but can affect absolutely


Coming in at number 7 we have Wood.

Some people are allergic to wood, a material that is used everywhere for a million different


Different types of wood contain different chemicals inside the cells that cause the

allergic reactions.

People who are allergic to one type of wood might not be allergic to the next one - it


There was a story from 2008 about a man who quit his job to become a carpenter only to

find he was allergic to wood.

He almost gave up until he found out that he was not allergic to just one type of tree

- the Welsh Oak.

He made sure to only ever use that type of wood.

Coming in at number 6 we have Water.

You heard me - water.

The official name for this is Aquagenic urticaria and involves a person developing hives on

their skin after it comes into contact with water.

You might think this has something to do with temperature but it really doesnt - in fact,

scientists arent 100% sure what causes this.

Sometimes people can even have a reaction to the water in their own tears!

I even heard some cases of people struggling to breath after drinking water.

Considering you need water to live, this has to be one of the worst allergies imaginable

… Coming in at number 5 we have The Cold.

None of us like to be cold but there are some people who are allergic to cold temperatures.

Its known as Cold Urticaria and is caused by a sudden drop in temperature.

This could be coming into contact with cold water or stepping outside into the cold from

a warm building.

There have even been cases of people having allergic reactions from cold drinks.

Whatever the cause, the symptoms are usually the same - redness, itching, swelling and


Now that you know this, I don't want any of you using this as an excuse to not go outside

… Next up at number 4 we have The Smell of Fish.

We all know you can be allergic to types of food, but some people are allergic to even

the smell of it.

The proteins in shellfish and other seafood can trigger an allergic reaction - even a

severe one if the allergy is bad enough.

There have been stories of people having bad reactions simply by sitting in a restaurant

where shellfish is being cooked in the kitchen.

Thats actually pretty crazy if you think about it, shellfish are scary …

Next up at number 3 we have Vibrations.

The proper term for this is Vibratory Urticaria.

People who have it break out in rashes and hives whenever their skin is touched by a


This can be anything, the sound of a passing motorbike or even music from a loudspeaker

can cause the reaction.

Scientists found that people with this allergy have cells that break apart when face with

vibration, causing a chain reaction that results in the release of inflammatory molecules.

Apparently, its really painful.

Just imagine breaking out in a rash every time a bus drove past you or someone played

loud music.

Its sad but also fascinating.

Next up at number 2 we have Humans.

Alright for this one were actually gonna talk about dogs and one dog specifically - Adam.

He was a black labrador mix who was rescued from a local pound in Indianapolis.

He was covered in rashes, his skin was seeping fluid and he was losing patches of fur.

It looked like an allergic reaction but they couldnt find what was causing it.

After months of blood tests - they finally found the answer - Adam was allergic to humans.

In the same way that people can be allergic to cats and dogs.

Once this was understood, they could treat him with the proper medication and Adam made

a full recovery.

What a crazy story … And finally at number 1 we have Touch.

About 5% of people are allergic to tough.

The proper name for this condition is Dermatographia but its also known as skin writing - this

is why: putting enough pressure on the persons skin will cause swollen bumps and and itchy


As you can see from the pictures, some people get creative with this and shape their bumps

into all kinds of creative patterns.

Although it looks quite scary, the reaction usually only last for about 30 minutes.

As with many of the others on our list, scientists are still trying to figure out what exactly

causes this!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Insane Allergies That ACTUALLY Exist - Duration: 7:03.


THE 2 DANCING POSITIONS IN BACHATA | Learn to Dance Bachata - Bachata for Beginners #8 - Duration: 5:41.

Hi Bachateros!.

Welcome to a new tutorial of our Bachata Series for Beginners.

We are Carlos and Claudia, teachers at the Dance School ¡Deberías Estar Bailando!.

Well, well, well!,…

Two tutorials of Bachata in two weeks.

What happened?.

Very simple.

Previous tutorial received a lot of affection, and that encourages us to make a new one.

Really, thank you very much for your support.

And what do we have for today?.

Well, today we are going to teach you the Bachata Dance Positions.

Very easy!.

Right Position,…

Left Position,…


And up!.

Are you ready?.

As we explained in the tutorial #2 of the Series, there are two Dance Positions:

The Closed Position and the Open Position.

You must also know that according to the Position, we can do different techniques.

So we're going to teach you how to move from Closed to Open position, and Open to Closed position,

without losing your Basic Step.

The Closed Dance Position is the one we have used so far.

We begin the Basic Step to start dancing, we can turn in couple

and some more things that we will talk about soon.

And this is the Open Dance Position.

We are separated, some distance away, and holding hands.

And just like in the Closed Position, we can do the Basic Step.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

And what will this new position serve us?.

Well, we will be able to perform techniques like this,…

and this,…

and this one too.

Etc, etc, etc.

All right!, I want to do all those things,…


How do I move from Closed Position to Open Position?

Well, in a very simple way, separating us.

But not in any way.

From the Closed Position we will gradually separate from the woman,

at the same time that we move with the Basic Step.

Performing a total of 4 steps.


1, 2, 3 and 4.

1, 2, 3 and 4.

If you have seen well, when separating and doing our Basic Step, we walk diagonally.

During his movement, we will continue the same with our Basic Step.

We must not separate, or man will not be able control the separation distance.

What do we do with our hands?.

At the same time that we separate from the woman, we release her

and we lower our hands to this position.

Look that with the Basic Step,…

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

And now we will return to the Closed Dance Position. How?,…

Getting closer!.

We could, but we like to do it in another way.

If to open our Position we have separated from the woman,

now to close it, we will approach the woman.

We pull her during counts 1, 2, 3 and 4, at the same time we open her arms.

We will advance towards the man, while continuing to move with our Basic Step.

Diagonally and without haste.


1, 2, 3 and 4.

1, 2, 3 and 4.

Why do we open her arms?.

Because that way we can clear her side

and be able to put our hand on her back easily.

We show you it with the Basic Step.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

The most common mistake is to separate or approach too fast, without doing all the steps.

This can lead you to miss the Basic Step.

So no hurry.

You should also know that these Position changes can be made in the other direction of the Basic.

We did it during counts 1, 2, 3 and 4.

But you can also do it during counts 5, 6, 7 and 8.

The result will be the same.

With the Open Dance Position you are ready to make the individual turns,

of both Woman and Man.

But,… Which one do we start?, men or women?, women or men?.

Leave us a comment and we will make the most voted.

So far today's tutorial, if we have taught you something,

a Like is the easiest way to prove it.

And share this tutorial with someone who needs to learn to dance.

And you,…

If you have not subscribed yet, subscribe to join this incredible Community.

Dancing will change your life,…

You should be dancing!.

See you in the next tutorial. A hug.

For more infomation >> THE 2 DANCING POSITIONS IN BACHATA | Learn to Dance Bachata - Bachata for Beginners #8 - Duration: 5:41.


Keskejfé ? Ep4 - Parallel universes - Duration: 1:49.

What was your job before ?

To know how to build that kind of stuff.

Nothing special. I worked in an office. All days were the same.

And I read your announce.

And I decided to change a little bit my every day routine.

So, you know how to build this...

But you're earth conquest plan was to politely ask questions ?

Yes !

It's ready !

How does it work ?

here on your forehead, you can decide which dimension you want to go.

To choose...

You have this goggles to see what the dimensions look like.

Cool !


And this is the button to go...

But first...

You'll have to choose the number of passenger...

F**** !


Sorry !

That the end.

Not because the story is finished...

But because there no more main character in this dimension.


I should have known !

What was the probablility ?

One out of...

ONE ? That something goes wrong ?

In fact...

It's good she didn't choose time traveling.

She would be the kind of person who accidently blow up the fabric of space and time...

S*** !

For more infomation >> Keskejfé ? Ep4 - Parallel universes - Duration: 1:49.


"AFRO TRAP 10" Afro Trap Beat Instrumental | Doghen (FREE) - Duration: 2:21.

"AFRO TRAP 10" Afro Trap Beat Instrumental (FREE)

For more infomation >> "AFRO TRAP 10" Afro Trap Beat Instrumental | Doghen (FREE) - Duration: 2:21.


Coolights & Holly - Go Live (feat. K A I I) - Duration: 3:20.

Coolights & Holly - Go Live (feat. K A I I)

For more infomation >> Coolights & Holly - Go Live (feat. K A I I) - Duration: 3:20.


Garum: The Fermented Fish Guts That Took the Roman World by Storm - Duration: 6:01.

Humankind has called some crazy stuff food over the years.

Different continents, cultures, and eras have a different set of things we consider regular

old food.

Food history is one of the big new areas of history research.

Today, let's talk about Garum, a strange fish sauce that took the Roman world by storm.

How was it made, how popular was it, why did we stopped eating it, and why it might just

come back.

And I teamed up with Professor Elliot who actually made and ate the stuff…


I'm Tristan Johnson, and this is Step Back History.

Garum is a food that has origins all the way back to ancient Greece.

However, the first document we have about the process of making garum comes from an

astrology book of all things that dates to the first century CE.

Fishermen would process their fish and place the blood and guts in a container with some


This concoction needed to ferment in the sun for several months.

Simple as that, you have garum.

While garum worked as an umbrella term, there were a variety of byproducts and qualities

to the stuff.

The sediment left behind in the fermentation process goes by the name allec, a sort-of

fish paste.

And the brine left behind was muria.

Garum itself was pretty pricey at its peak, and was often diluted with wine, honey, vinegar,

water, and or herbs.

There was even a cheat method to make it by boiling fish in a strong brine and straining

the liquid.

There was a wide variety of the stuff.

The fish used for garum mattered a lot in what it's quality would be.

The Romans considered tuna the top fish, the grey poupon of fish guts.

Though mackerel was also considered a top-notch garum fish.

There was also a variant where tiny fish they would normally just throw out would go in

the garum pot whole.

It seems in different places, different fish and parts of fish made up the garum, and scholars

aren't sure what was the proper way to make it if there even was one.

The stuff apparently had quite a smell to it, but there was no rotten fish in garum.

They fermented it like sauerkraut or beer.

Because there's so much salt, there's no bacteria or other microbes putrefying the

fish parts.

Garum needed fish guts because the fermentation occurred with the help of enzymes that come

from them.

The sun then adds energy and helps the process along, and the salt pickles everything.

This fermentation process released a lot of the protein from the fish, and so garum was

quite nutritious.

Because of this process, you wanted as little bacteria in there as possible from fish handling.

So often the places where garum was made would be close to the sea.

Garum was an integral part of Roman cuisine.

One surviving Roman recipe book had garum as an ingredient in nearly 350 of its dishes.

Scholars and journalists refer to it as the ketchup of its day, and the Roman poet Martial

wrote an epigraph about the stuff.

It was also pretty expensive.

It cost about 500 US dollars today, but was found in pretty much any Roman kitchen.

There was fancy garum only the super wealthy could afford.

The champagne of garum if you will.

And if there's a champagne of garum, you can bet there was the box of pink zinfandel

garum even slaves could budget.

The stuff even had medical applications.

They considered it an ungulate in healing for both humans and animals.

They used it for scabies in their sheep, as an antidote for dog AND crocodile bites, a

salve for burns and ulcers, or as a laxative.

Massive installations for making garum were found all around the Iberian coast, especially

near the strait of gibraltar where huge schools of tuna cross from the Mediterranean to the


Other factories have turned up around southern Europe and north Africa.

Another place famous for its garum was Pompeii.

Yeah, the place where a volcano buried the city, and the 12th Doctor got his face.

Bones discovered in a garum factory in pompeii helped find a more precise date for the eruption

that buried them.

So, why isn't garum a staple of every kitchen today?

Well it has to do with salt.

Salt was cheap in the Roman empire, but once it collapsed, different rulers started to

tax it.

The price increase made garum difficult to produce.

In the wake of the Roman collapse you also had a surge in mediterranean pirates.

These pirates often raided coastal cities, where all the garum was made.

So, after the Roman empire, it pretty much disappeared.

But not entirely!

A few pockets in southwest italy continued making it.

Today they make a sauce called colatura di alici, which traces its origins to garum.

It was super obscure.

Most Italians didn't even know about it, but it's slowly coming back.

Many high end restaurants are starting to buy it as a secret ingredient for their dishes.

It's apparently really really good, and has a powerful umami flavour every testimonial

about it online says is remarkable.

Chefs are considering it a long lost missing link in Italian cuisine.

Some even call it the great grandfather of worcestershire sauce, one of my favourites.

A fish sauce which comes from southeast asia is also rather common, and is becoming popular

around the world.

Their sauce is made in a similar fashion to garum, and can be found in most asian grocery


So the long lost Roman ketchup might be due for a comeback.

Leave a comment below if you would want to try this stuff.

If you want to see someone eat the fermented fish, Professor Elliot actually made and tried

this stuff over on his channel.

It's part of an amusing series called Fanstastic Feasts and where to Find them in which they

try all sorts of strange foods from around the world and back in time.

I should have a clicky thing to go watch him give Roman style garum a try.

If you liked this video, maybe you should stick around for a few more.

That subscribe button will keep you up to date on the newest Step Back videos, and with

the bell you can get a notification when a video comes out.

And if you liked this, do me a favour and share this with some of your friends on social


The channel grows with word of mouth!

Speaking of people who are making Step Back possible, I'd like to thank these wonderful

people as well as Don and Kerry Johnson for their support on Patreon.

Also thank you Professor Elliot for eating garum so I didn't have to.

Thanks for watching and come back next week for another Step Back.

For more infomation >> Garum: The Fermented Fish Guts That Took the Roman World by Storm - Duration: 6:01.


The Funniest Tennis Moments [ Funny Pictures ] - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> The Funniest Tennis Moments [ Funny Pictures ] - Duration: 3:31.


Conan meets Skarsgård EXCEPT it gets awkward - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Conan meets Skarsgård EXCEPT it gets awkward - Duration: 1:01.


Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #22: A New Type of Multiplayer Game - Duration: 6:44.

So obviously our New York Comic Con panel was a really important topic to us

super close to our hearts as a studio and as a game Sea of Thieves

is that ever since the start of Sea of Thieves we've always had this vision

of creating this type of multiplayer experience that takes the best thing

about shared world games and those encounters with other players

but maybe reduces some of the barriers to entry for players

We wanted to make it more welcoming and friendly

and we wanted to bring people into this nice environment

and hopefully turn around some of those expectations

or preconceptions that they've got about multiplayer

Early on we learned when we were prototyping

experimenting with lots of different ways to do this

because we wanted to give as much freedom to players as possible

Yeah we wanted to let you do anything initially

Yeah and we soon learned that that wasn't the path to crew harmony

so like when you could first get the treasure chest and it was individual

pieces of treasure that you could take out or you could share

And we had friendly fire and you could kill people on

your own crew and it became kind of the done thing

that you were always waiting for the knife in your back

unfortunately it wasn't the rare thing that we thought it would be

it happened all the time and then as soon as we

Not a Rare thing that was good

Yeah as soon as we made the


as soon as we made the design choice to switch to basically

an ethos where the crew bond is absolutely sacred

and everything between you and your crew is this shared

cooperative thing but then other people and other crews

that's where you get all that part that's where you get the pirating

that's where you can put the knife in the back but within your crew it's sacred

as soon as we switched to that it made it the game that we wanted it to be

Yeah I think that's what makes it a multiplayer game that

I think if you've not played multiplayer games before or if you've been put off

by toxic or competitive games or experiences

that there's much more of a chance you're going to come in to Sea of Thieves

and have a really fun experience where your crew

will welcome you with open arms because you can contribute equally

Absolutely that was really important to us that it's not a traditional game where

you need to have a certain amount of skill or a certain amount of experience

you could come in day one and go up in the crow's nest

and you end up being the most valuable person on that crew

because you spotted something that no-one else did

and I think we're really unique in that sense

Yeah and so some of the new features we showed off at New York Comic Con

there was the small ship which for us that's not just

a different way to play but it's an avenue into multiplayer

Definitely we know that there are people out there who might look at

Sea of Thieves and think that's the type of game that I want to play

but I'm not really sure about playing with other people

and although you're always in a shared world you can go on the small ship

on your own and come and get a taster and see what's going on

but you can also matchmake with just one other person and we hope that

that's a way that you can maybe build a bond with just one other person

and then maybe you graduate to a large ship together you become friends

Yeah I would love to see that and I think with that small ship

we're going to be putting that into our Alpha fairly soon

and testing it with all of our Insiders that are playing

and it's going to be fascinating to see how many start playing with the small ship

how many do a mix between both how many may be bonded with

another small ship player in the world and team up against the bigger ship

I think that's the idea you get two small ships with a two-people crew on

and then they they go on to a big ship together that would be awesome

At the start of the project we've been

well since the start we've been using verbal communication

to communicate within the game but we've always known

that there needs to be an alternate way to communicate

and whether that's because as a player you don't feel comfortable

identifying yourself or talking in an online environment

because in some online games that can be a problem

and people can use that to attack you or to try and harass you

and we know that that can be a problem

but also maybe you don't like to talk or you maybe

have a speech disability or a hearing disability

Or maybe it's even situational

maybe you've got kids asleep and you can't

you normally do but you can't this time

there are a ton of reasons why people might not be able to use their mic

Yeah yeah absolutely and so

the non-verbal communication system has been requested by our players

for some people it might be an avenue for them again like that small ship

is an avenue come in to a multiplayer game this could be an avenue

to start communicating with others start building a bond

start making friends and then maybe you'll feel comfortable enough

if you're able to transition across to voice chat

So as much as we endeavour to build everything with this social bonding

and the crew bond being sacred we know there are still occasions

where you might get someone on your crew who's not

partaking in the cooperative nature

and we wanted to find a way of dealing with that

so that you could deal with these people but

it was crucial to us that it had to be in-world

and it had to feel like it fit Sea of Thieves

so our solution to that which we talked about at Comic Con

was that we allowed the crew to vote an un-cooperative player into the brig

The way the brig works is you vote as a crew to put someone who's being unruly

or not cooperative or is constantly dropping the anchor or whichever

pick whichever of your favourite feedback topics about

unhelpful players in the Alpha

and so you can put them into the brig and you can go and

laugh at them and vomit on them do whatever

but if they're sorry and you want to give them another try

then you can actually vote them out as a crew

That was really really important to us that it wasn't like a

black and white this is a done deal

somebody's done something and that's it they're out of the game

we wanted to give people an opportunity to learn from their mistakes

so if they come into Sea of Thieves maybe they are upsetting the crew

but maybe they don't really realise the boundaries

and then they're put into the brig they have a little bit of time to think about it

they get let back out and then hopefully they'll modify their behaviour

and it gives them the chance to do that

So one of the things we were really excited to reveal to everyone

at the New York Comic Con was the Pirates' Code

that we've been working on with our community

so we've had a Hot Topic in the Forums where we were discussing

what are the things that are really important to you in a multiplayer game

in Sea of Thieves about how people behave about how they shouldn't behave

and so we've worked really hard to craft that code in a way that's clear to players

and we're hoping that because us and our community have created this together

when it comes to reinforcing it it's not just down to us

it's not just down to our customer service team

it's down to the players in the game

it's this Pirates' Code that you're signing up to

and you're almost role-playing as pirates in Sea of Thieves

but you should be doing it in a way that is respectful of other players

and sure be a pirate there's a set of behaviours that you expect to be able to do as a pirate

but you have to do it respectfully and you shouldn't be being abusive

or being discriminatory or whatever

Be a cool pirate

There you go be a cool pirate yeah

Hey thanks for watching

if you enjoyed for you just saw then please like and subscribe to our channel

and check out some more of our weekly videos

and if you're interested in the game's development then click the link down here

and join our Insider Programme for a chance to play the game early

don't worry I'll just wait here

For more infomation >> Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #22: A New Type of Multiplayer Game - Duration: 6:44.


Pusnakts šovs septiņos - Markus Riva - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Pusnakts šovs septiņos - Markus Riva - Duration: 4:14.


Incentives for Regulators? [Fourth Branch] - Duration: 2:44.

The question of the incentives of bureaucrats that are created by the regulatory structure

in agencies is a really interesting one, because part of the answer is human nature.

By human nature I mean: power abhors a vacuum.

So, if there's something an agency can do, people tend to go ahead and do it.

One of the reasons agencies were created was to provide a reservoir of expertise on a given

subject matter, and use that expertise to regulate a certain kind of activity in our

society, or an industry, the energy industry, the finance industry, healthcare, environment.

An agency itself is kind of defined by its objectives.

So, the Environmental Protection Agency exists to help assure clean air and water, but what

actually is done to try to achieve that objective is done through people, and the people are

incentivized to pursue, really, their own policy goals rather than policy goals that

are laid out by Congress to achieve those objectives in the way they think best.

Regulators are not necessarily bad people who don't realize the consequences of their

action, but if what they're told to do when they come to work everyday is regulate and

apply these standards, then they're going to do their jobs.

They're stewards of an institution.

The problem isn't really with the people in the regulatory bureaucracy,

the power is in the institution themselves.

Our whole government is set up with checks and balances.

Well, the regulatory agencies in the administrative state don't have much of a check.

The power of the political check that would typically exist isn't really there, because

there's very few people in Congress who would be willing to take on

a whole administrative structure and program.

The only thing a company or an individual can do, really, is go to court.

Those agencies have accreted so much power in that expertise that the courts go,

"Well, you know, I'm just a District Judge with two law clerks.

I can't figure out these scientific questions the EPA has to deal with, so I'm going to

defer to their expertise on this particular question."

And the Supreme Court, rightly or wrongly, has now enshrined that notion in our jurisprudence.

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