Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

Happy to be together on "Happy Together."

- Hello! / - Hello!

Last week was our biggest holiday, Chuseok.

You get to meet your relatives for the holidays.

You can sometimes get nervous

if you meet a scary relative.

That's what it feels like today.

We don't have a lot of guests today,

but as Myungsoo just mentioned...

There's one particular guest

whom Myungsoo finds to be difficult.

Like a scary older cousin.

A really successful one.

One you're compared to a lot.

We have some great guests for this holiday special.

I was shocked.

The greatest guests.

And they're all here.

Combined, they have 60 years of experience.

These amazing singers

are legends in the music industry.

Chuseok Special! Return of the legends!

Let's bring them in!

Legends, come on!


Whenever I'm around this guy, my brain...

♪ Goes out and away ♪


A true legend in the music industry

with countless hit songs. Lee Seungchul!

They've been discharged.

The Korean Wave star has returned as a man.



A face that makes the ladies swoon.


I always say I have a fear of top stars.

A few top stars scare Myungsoo, too.

- It's just one person for me. / - Really?


Seungchul, you haven't seen Myungsoo in a while.

It's been a long while.

First of all...

I've been busy, and he never calls me.

You don't keep in touch?

He sounds displeased with Myungsoo.

Do you call Cho Yongpil then?

You don't, either!

It's the same thing.

Don't your wives meet up?

Yes, they meet up with each other.

And your daughters...

Woni and Minseo are friends.

It's called Girls' Generation.

All the mothers have daughters as their firstborn.

- There are 14 members. / - That's a lot.

If you count both parents, that's 28 people.

And there are around 30 kids...

That's a huge group.

That's a great name.

- What's great? / - A great name for the gathering.

Girls' Generation. I'm in SM Entertainment.

That's why.

He suddenly butts in.

This is what you do on TV.

Better than staying silent.

I thought he was more of a veteran than you.

"That's a great name."

I thought he was Kim Heungguk.

We planned to get to him in a bit...

Yunho, your style of talking has changed.

I watched "Happy Together" a lot in the military.

This is the era of appeal.

I never know when I'll fade away...

The era of self-promotion.

I'm sorry, but nobody says "the era of appeal."

I've never heard that term.

It's my first time hearing that.

The era of appeal... That's a new one.

Congratulations on finishing military service.

Changmin and Yunho.

- Thank you. / - Congratulations.

It hasn't been that long, right?

It hasn't even been a month for me.

I was discharged on August 18.

And appearing on TV less than a month later

is a lot of pressure. I'm very nervous.

Yunho was discharged in April.

That's why you tried to be appealing.

I'm gradually getting used to the real world.

Isn't four months plenty of time?

What was the best part about being discharged?

When I was in the military,

it felt like time had stopped.

That's what it's like.

This isn't a huge deal,

but on base, we couldn't have

black bean noodles or soft drinks.

But now that I'm out, I can have as much as I want.

It's great. I can't stop myself.

I kept eating that stuff, and cup noodles.

I ended up gaining weight.

I burned off the weight recently by working out.

Changmin, how about for you?

Things feel a bit uncomfortable for me

now that I've been discharged.

What's so uncomfortable?

I like to be alone.

When I work, I have a manager and staff members.

But I was alone while serving in the military.

I took the subway alone, rode the bus alone...

I went out to eat alone.

So it's uncomfortable being around Yunho now?

You want to be alone?

It's so nice to see you here with Yunho.

But Changmin...

We haven't seen you two together in so long.

I sometimes miss those solitary days.

What did you want to do when you got out?

In my case, what I really wanted to do

was just stay at home by myself.

After being in the military.

We're so happy to see the two of you together...

But Changmin keeps saying he wants to be alone.

Should I go home now?

We're a bit flustered.

Yunho, just step out for about 30 minutes.

He keeps saying he wants to be alone.

I feel bad for Seungchul.

Let's do the shoot separately.

(He's so cool about it)

Our guests are legendary singers.

Seungchul has performed live over 2,000 times.

Is that for real?

That's incredible.

I do more than 30 concerts a year.

That's 300 concerts in 10 years.

Including small concerts, it adds up to 2,000.

He's so good to his fans during his shows.

I thought he'd sing like three songs...

But you sing seven if you're in a good mood.

You're talking about the encore?

Usually you do one or two songs for an encore.

But I end up singing around five.

What's more moving than that...

Most singers wave goodbye and leave at the end.

I don't leave until all the audience members do.

I stay on stage.

That could make the audience uncomfortable.

They might want to leave.

(They're killing the vibe)

I never thought they'd twist my words like that.

- That's how you interpret it? / - It's touching.

You're thankful,

but the show has to end for you to leave.

There's the feeling that it's over.

We take time to take photos.

I started doing that to prevent accidents.

The venue is big,

and it would be too chaotic if they all left at once.

If I stay on stage, the audience stays, too.

The people in the back start to leave.

And later on, they're all touched by this.

Stay behind today and clean up the set.

I have a concert.

You suddenly have a concert?

Why would Seungchul clean up the set?

He said he likes to stay behind...

You're very rude.

(They've ruined his touching story)

Seungchul was trying to hold back.

I think things aren't quite going his way.

It was supposed to be a touching story.

You've worked with the same staff a long time.

They're basically like government employees.

Once you hire them, they stay with you.

One guy has been with me for 23 years.

The youngest has been with me for eight years.

My stylist here has been with me for 19 years.

Shouldn't you let them go now?


(The legendary singer is troubled...)

We do concerts.

I sing 27 to 30 songs for two and a half hours.

Over the year, we change the concept three times.

Spring, fall, and Christmas.

If I used different people every time,

they'd have to be trained from the ground up.

My light and sound guys have been with me so long.

So we work very well together.

It's too hard to train new staff from the ground up.

So I pay my staff a lot.

So that's how you work.

So they get paid per concert?

You pay them a salary?

Not a salary.

Like he said... It's per concert...

(He spills the beans)

I didn't want to say it like that...

- Case by case. / - Right.

So you pay them per concert.

It's case by case.

Seungchul is great, but I find him a bit difficult.

TVXQ, how do you guys feel about Seungchul?

How do you guys feel?

TVXQ is a legendary group.

How is Seungchul?

If you don't know him well, he can be scary.

But we've run into each other so much.

I think he's a warm-hearted guy.

He has a lot of love to give.

He has a certain way of talking.

Like how? Show us.

If I go, "Hello, Seungchul."

He goes, "Oh, yeah, yeah."

For everything... "Oh, yeah, yeah."

"Did you eat?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

That seems kind to you?

It's like he doesn't care.

Seungchul keeps things short.

You called him once during the holidays.

I called him once during the holidays.

"Seungchul. Hello, this is Yu Jaeseok."

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

"Are you enjoying the holidays?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

"Have a great holiday, Seungchul."

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

Is that what I do?

I thought maybe I shouldn't call him again.

I felt the same way when I called him.

- My wife says that, too. / - Really?

And my daughter.

They always say I hang up too soon.

But I have nothing to say.

I ran into Seungchul at a restaurant once.

"Hello, Seungchul."

"Oh, yeah, yeah."

You make me sound so flippant.

"Oh, yeah, yeah." But then he picked up the bill.

(Quietly picked up the bill)

"Did you enjoy the food? It's on me today."

He doesn't say stuff like that.

He keeps his mouth shut and his wallet open.

You should be more like him.

I'm only saying this because

that's how Seungchul is.

It's not that he's uncaring. He's very caring.

I run into Yunho very often.

In strange places, too. Like the beauty parlor.

The beauty parlor?

We don't use that term anymore.

And that's not all.

I ran into him in the airport on my trip to Japan.

And another time when I was going to Gwangju.

I run into him on flights. Always by chance.

That means you two get out very often.

It actually brought us closer.

Of course.

Yunho's mom came to my concert in Gwangju.

My family attended.

Seungchul even invited me

to some gathering in Seoul.

I was so thankful,

but when I got to my seat,

I noticed I was sitting in the middle of the VVIPs.

I looked to my right and left.

I was with some older, important people.

You had no idea how they were important...

Like a chairman of an association...

That would be Kim Heungguk.

Isn't that right?

I tend to be a bit loud in my reactions.

Since I really like Seungchul.

Everyone else would react like...

And I'd be like, "You're awesome, Seungchul!"

Later on, the people there asked me.

What did they say?

"Who are you?"

That's pretty humiliating.

"Who exactly are you?"

Who's this guy sitting with the VVIPs?

Who's this bozo?

So they asked, and I said,

"I'm Yunho, the leader of TVXQ."

One guy is so passionate,

and one guy prefers being alone.

Still getting used to the real world.

So we're talking to Lee Seungchul and TVXQ...

For more infomation >> Congratulations TVXQ on getting off the military!!! [Happy Together / 2017.10.12] - Duration: 13:10.


Как влияет концентрация внимания на долги, кредиты, желания - Duration: 12:22.

For more infomation >> Как влияет концентрация внимания на долги, кредиты, желания - Duration: 12:22.


GALATASARAY | Haldun DOMAÇ: "Hücum Galatasaray'ın Genlerinde Var" | Youtube - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Haldun DOMAÇ: "Hücum Galatasaray'ın Genlerinde Var" | Youtube - Duration: 10:07.


Сельскохозяйственная техника для детей Развивающие ВИДЕО про сельхозтехнику для детей HD - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Сельскохозяйственная техника для детей Развивающие ВИДЕО про сельхозтехнику для детей HD - Duration: 4:00.


Колыбельная. За печкою сверчок. Лучшие русские песни для детей. Слушать онлайн. Красивое видео - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Колыбельная. За печкою сверчок. Лучшие русские песни для детей. Слушать онлайн. Красивое видео - Duration: 3:01.


Загадки Вселенной ЧТО БУДЕТ ЕСЛИ НЕ СТАНЕТ СОЛНЦА Документальный фильм про солнце - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Загадки Вселенной ЧТО БУДЕТ ЕСЛИ НЕ СТАНЕТ СОЛНЦА Документальный фильм про солнце - Duration: 2:38.


Elite Dangerous: Bark Spires - Material Forest in Pleiades - Duration: 8:28.

MATERIAL FOREST hello its Ricardo and I'm still playing

League dangerous I'm in the plating sector still and doing some additional

sightseeing before the nosis jumps to its next location in a couple of days

time close by in the sector that I've put in the comments and on just on the

screen is a tourist spot or lose they used to be I didn't have time to go and

see it during the beta but there are Burke spires it's a material forest

you're gonna get additional materials to stock up your material store on your

shit like vitriol and manganese and iron and cadmium stuff like that their

various pods and spores and sacks growing off these growths coming out of

the planet's surface quite easy to mine roll around in your SIV shoot them off

pick them up with the cargo scoop nice and easy so what I'll do I'll leave you

with the rest of the video and a bit of music check back for more videos in the

series and my adventures around this sector of space see you soon fly safe






if you haven't already done so please click the subscribe and the like button

also look for the notification icon which will let you know when I'm putting

more videos of leaked dangerous on YouTube thanks for watching


For more infomation >> Elite Dangerous: Bark Spires - Material Forest in Pleiades - Duration: 8:28.


Keskejfé ? Ep4 - Parallel universes - Duration: 1:49.

What was your job before ?

To know how to build that kind of stuff.

Nothing special. I worked in an office. All days were the same.

And I read your announce.

And I decided to change a little bit my every day routine.

So, you know how to build this...

But you're earth conquest plan was to politely ask questions ?

Yes !

It's ready !

How does it work ?

here on your forehead, you can decide which dimension you want to go.

To choose...

You have this goggles to see what the dimensions look like.

Cool !


And this is the button to go...

But first...

You'll have to choose the number of passenger...

F**** !


Sorry !

That the end.

Not because the story is finished...

But because there no more main character in this dimension.


I should have known !

What was the probablility ?

One out of...

ONE ? That something goes wrong ?

In fact...

It's good she didn't choose time traveling.

She would be the kind of person who accidently blow up the fabric of space and time...

S*** !

For more infomation >> Keskejfé ? Ep4 - Parallel universes - Duration: 1:49.


Farming Simulator 17 OLD IRON TRACTORS + UNIA Culitivators - Duration: 9:57.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The OLD IRON AC 8000 SERIES 4WD TRACTOR And Two UNIA Cultivators.

ALLIS CHALMERS 8000 SERIES 8 Engine Setup 4 Wheel Setup 34Km/h Top Speed

OLD IRON AC 8000 SERIES 4WD TRACTOR 8 Engine Setup 4 Wheel Setup 34Km/h Top Speed

UNIA FAMAROL 3m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 120Hp

UNIA HERMES 4m Working Width 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 84Hp

Both tools have attacher to pull seeder at the rear

UNIA HERMES have not hire Worker Function I will use the Follow me Mod to test it

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 OLD IRON TRACTORS + UNIA Culitivators - Duration: 9:57.


Drawing From Imagination · Inktober Day #12 - Duration: 4:02.

Alright you lot, another day down.

Today I was in the mood for something a little different so I started by painting th page

with black ink, masking it off with washi tape.

It's just regular washi tape, I haven't done anything to it, please don't ask.

And then I got started with this white gel pen for the outlines.

So kind of a reverse effect from the rest of my drawings.

This house is being haunted by perpetual darkness.

And specifics on everything used will be listed below.

I also wanted to quickly add on to yesterday's video.

I can't believe I forgot to shout out Myriam, from the channel Myriam's Illustrations.

I've been following her for a while, I love her work with gouache, she has the kindest,

loveliest voice, and her inktober videos centred around the subject of mental health.

She's giving a percentage of the proceeds of any print sales to a mental health charity,

and overall her work is just really beautiful.

And a quick mention to someone else I've been following forever and can't believe

I forgot to say in the last one, Sketching Scarlet has a really cool style, great linework

and just great videos in general, including this inktober.

So as with yesterday, links to them will be below.

Go and show them some love.

Also thanks for the horror movie suggestions on the last one.

I'm writing them all down to watch when I'm not as busy as I am right now.

From the sounds of it, some of them will properly scare me as well.


Today's question came in from a few different commenters but the gist is wanting to draw

from imagination when you're used to drawing from reference.

I think that being able to draw from your imagination is a really invaluable skill for

an artist, but there's nothing wrong with drawing from reference either.

No-one just knows right of the bat how to draw something, everyone that draws started

by drawing from reference.

Drawing from imagination is something I struggle with sometimes too, but I kind of have a routine

now where; I come up with my idea, and with the image of it fresh in my imagination, I

sketch out two or three small thumbnail sketches, no bigger than a couple of inches.

At this point I just kind of do outlines in this little sketch, to get the placement of

things, the overall shape and size.

So say I wanted to draw a werewolf, i've need drawn a werewolf before, I don't know

what they look like really, not in detail, so I just sketch out an idea of what I think

it looks like, in the position that I first imagined it would be in the final piece.

I might have to re-sketch it a few times to figure it out but that's the good thing

about working so small, it's really no commitment or time taken up at all.

I don't bother with shading or colour at this stage.

Thumbnailling is great for getting an idea of how tonal values will work within a piece

or how well your colours will harmonise, but you can do all that once you've got an idea

of the structure of your drawing.

So with your initial little sketches done, probably still not really looking like a werewolf,

it's time to go and look at references.

Draw were wolves in different positions, draw different details on the wolf; it's eyes,

it's claws.

Draw it as many times as you can in as many different ways as you can.

Then go back to your initial sketch and try to draw it out again with the knowledge you

gained from your studies.

And next time you go to draw a werewolf, you might b able to dive straight in, draw it

from imagination without looking at references at all.

That's how you build up a mental library of things that you can draw from imagination.

It's not a case of imagining better, there's no quick fix solution, you have to feed your

brain with information so that your imagination has something grounded in reality to work


We're all done for today, thanks so much for watching.

I will see you tomorrow for the next one.


For more infomation >> Drawing From Imagination · Inktober Day #12 - Duration: 4:02.


🔴BUMBUM PERFEITO, DURINHO E EMPINADO! 👉Veja o SEGREDO! Exercicios Para Aumentar Gluteos Em Casa - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> 🔴BUMBUM PERFEITO, DURINHO E EMPINADO! 👉Veja o SEGREDO! Exercicios Para Aumentar Gluteos Em Casa - Duration: 3:36.


Yunho's pants ripped & he continued to dance on stage! [Happy Together / 2017.10.12] - Duration: 11:22.

So we're talking to Lee Seungchul and TVXQ...

TVXQ really are legends.

And of course, so is Seungchul.

But these younger singers are quite remarkable.

They won the rookie award upon their debut in 2004.

The first Asian male group on the Oricon Chart.

They even placed first on the weekly chart.

- That's incredible. / - They're the first.

I thought TVXQ was really cool.

Not when they debuted.

But once they got to their 10th year...

They seemed so manly.

They came to an awards show dressed in suits.

They looked so cool.

I hope you guys never disband.

But it's just the leader and one member now.

Very nice.

If one more member leaves, it'll be a solo act.

Please stay together.

Seungchul, you've done over 2,000 live shows.

Who comes to your shows? Everyone's seen them.

Right. Everyone has probably seen you perform.

Among those 2,000 shows, there were concerts

as well as other performances...

4 million people have paid to see me perform.

- 4 million... / - Goodness...

Yet I always ask at all my concerts.

"Who's here at my concert for the first time?"

So many people raise their hands. Over 90%.

Last year, I did my 30-year anniversary tour.

And we're doing a new concept this year.

One comment online really moved me.

"Why don't you appear on TV, Seungchul?

I want to see you sing on TV.

We can't afford to attend your concerts."

That's possible.

They wanted to see me sing on TV. I was touched.

I felt bad and moved at the same time.

I was thinking of something new to do this year.

So I decided to sell all my tickets at half price.

- Really? / - Wow.

We'll start doing that at the end of this year.

My show is called "Money Back."

"Take your money back."

Money back.

So that many people can attend.

I hear you do free shows, too.

- Yes, I do. / - Really?

All those concerts have been for me.

It was time for me

to repay that love.

I want to do more volunteer work

so that I can repay all that love I've received.

So many people can see him perform...

I heard you'll go to the Ulleungdo squid festival.

I wanted to go to somewhere underrepresented.

We decided on Ulleungdo.

They never have concerts in Ulleungdo.

So I planned on doing a show in Ulleungdo,

and their district office went nuts.

They were thrilled I'd be performing in Ulleungdo.

So I met up with them,

and they wanted me to perform at their festival.

They went a bit too far there.

I wanted to perform at a local school

in front of the residents there.

I wanted a small concert with an acoustic guitar.

But I they wanted me at the squid festival.

For all the festival attendees...

You'll wear a squid head?

They wanted me to perform for the squid festival.

How about the pumpkin taffy festival?

That's pretty new, though.

Lee Seungchul performing at the squid festival.

With a squid-shaped guitar.

That's a good idea!

- Right? / - I like it.

How about you host the show?

At the Ulleungdo squid festival?

With a squid-shaped mic.

His face is the squid.

Then we should all go.

Ugly guys for the squid festival.

You can skewer us together.

Like this...

You should join me. Let's go to Ulleungdo.

(Lee Seungchul and special guests)

Your friendship is amazing.

Changmin took leave when you were discharged.


Everyone is with their families for Chuseok.

After serving in the military,

I could feel how precious it is to be with family.

And I missed Yunho, too.

I wanted to really congratulate him.

So I took leave to see him.

In the drama "Guardian: The Lonely and Great God,"

Lee Dongwook and Gong Yoo are so cool.

They're older than we are,

but they're such handsome guys.

I told him that we should try to age like them.

And I told him to lose weight.

I heard he told you to lose weight all the time.

I think Gong Yoo and Lee Dongwook are cool guys.

But we should try to surpass them.

We might as well do that, since we're men.

Changmin, you look like you're being scolded.

It's not necessary to surpass them.


We might as well...

Changmin likes everything about Yunho

except his excessive passion.

He doesn't think it's necessary to surpass them.

I wish he'd tone it down a notch.

You make a good team.

It wouldn't work if you had the same personalities.

Changmin, you gave Yunho a nickname.

He's so passionate.

Even the way he's talking to you all.

He sounds so passionate.

He's this passionate off-camera, too.

Like there's a flame in his heart.

The staff and I say he's rich in passion.

We call him Passion Mansour.

Passion Mansour. That's a good one.

Have you seen him act excessively passionate?

Excessively passionate... This happened recently.

A time you wished he wasn't so passionate.

I was sincerely rooting for him.

It was his first performance after being discharged.

He didn't lose enough weight at the time.

If an outfit is spandex,

it usually won't tear.

If an outfit is uncomfortable when you dance,

most people would tone it down a bit.

But he really gave it his all.

Really big movements.

He ended up splitting his pants.

A disaster occurred due to his passion.

Changmin, you think he went a bit overboard

during his dancing?

It was unnecessary.

(A disaster caused by passion)

(His passion explodes)

(Oh, dear...)

(He keeps dancing in his split pants)

(I really went all out...)

That's all I can see now.

But you kept dancing.

The reason I danced until the end was because

if I panicked, that would ruin it for the audience.

- You noticed when it happened, right? / - Yes.

I felt a breeze here.

I bet it was refreshing.

You feel a gust of wind.

It's true.

And the stage lights are hot.

I felt hot, and suddenly something felt cool.

That's when I knew.

But I couldn't stop my performance.

The right thing to do was to finish the song.

Was it in the middle of the song, or the beginning?

The beginning.

Did you see the crowd react?

They did seem a bit shocked,

but I played it off like nothing happened.

They sensed that something was off,

but they clapped for me at the end.

Such amazing passion.

When you're performing for a lot of people...

You just let it slide.

If you start to panic, they'll get more nervous.

It would kill the vibe to stop there.

Then after that song, I said nonchalantly,

"I haven't performed in so long. I got excited,

and I split my pants."

You made it look so natural, like a magic show.

(Pants splitting to the beat)

It seemed more natural that way.

That was professional.

Bad luck brings good luck.

Things work out in the end.

He's such a good speaker.

I read a lot of books in the military.

He read a lot.

(Nice one, Yunho)

Which book was particularly memorable?

I read "How to be a True Leader."

Even with one other member.

All you have is him...

(Trying his best to be a great leader)

"All you have is him."


Have you ever wanted to be the leader?

He's really hung up on being the leader.

It sure is hard to be a true member.

That's really important to him.

It's been so long since Yunho and Changmin

have been on TV together.

But you're doing all the talking.

We're not hearing much from Changmin.

The true leader is speaking.

As long as Yunho is able to have fun,

I'm happy with that.

(The path of a true member)

I'm satisfied with this.

You seem so dispirited.

There's just one other member...

(Sorry, Changmin)

They're like a married couple.

(A married idol couple)

He's like the wife.

People actually call them CoupleXQ.

- This team will last a long time. / - Why?

They just seem like they will.

I bet you guys never fight then.

We never fight.

- Why not? / - Because I'd lose.

(You can't beat the leader)

Nice. That was a good one from Changmin.

It's best to be submissive.

Yunho is so spirited that it's tough for Changmin.

I have to see things to the end.

But I don't think that's necessary.

(They're so different)

If a man starts something, he should finish it.

Again, I don't think that's necessary.

He doesn't want to go overboard.

He's a fellow member, but we're so different.

One time I told him,

"Hey, we should discuss this like men."

And he says this to me often.

"People feel things at different speeds."

- He says that. / - He's so calm.

I understand that we're different,

but I wanted us to get to know each other better.

I suggested we try to stay in touch more often,

especially on our birthdays and so on.

"Yunho, we shouldn't try to force things.

Let things happen naturally."

And that really makes me feel like

we're a good team. So I think he's great.

Yunho said he read a lot of books.

But I feel like Changmin is the one who's read more.

You guys will last 100 years.

Seungchul mentioned this.

You guys seem like you'll last a long time.

I can see them maturing.

He's a legend in the music industry,

For more infomation >> Yunho's pants ripped & he continued to dance on stage! [Happy Together / 2017.10.12] - Duration: 11:22.


Jimmy Carter Offers To Jimmy Carter Offers To Meet With Kim Jong Un To Prevent War With North KoreaW - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Carter Offers To Jimmy Carter Offers To Meet With Kim Jong Un To Prevent War With North KoreaW - Duration: 3:22.


GOD uses a chance & FINALLY gets off work! [Happy Together / 2017.10.12] - Duration: 10:23.

(Is this thing broken?)



What did you do?

I didn't do anything!

"One Candle" is playing again!

Sing "One Candle."

Why does this song keep playing?

They turned it off again.


We were better off.

Did you press start?

I told you! The machine is weird.

Should we put it on in a different room?

How about Room 4?

- How about Room 1? All guys. / - Yeah.

("A Daily Song" by Hwang Chiyeol)

(Room 1 is so soulful)


(Forcing "Lie" onto the playlist?)


But make it say Big Bang

and play our song.

He's really desperate.

He's anxious, so his tone got higher.

You'd be relaxed if you used our chance.

Look at how relaxed they are.

Put in "Lie." Is that okay?

We'll do "Lie."

("Lie" is added to the Room 1 playlist)

This is the last chance.

This is a good song, They'll sing it.

Lie" has been added in Room 1.

(Please sing it)

It's the next song.

They're going to sing it in Room 4.

It's a g.o.d. song!

- That's our song. / - That's our song!

It's our song!

("To My Mother")

(What luck!)

That's our song!

Hold on, hold on.

They canceled it!

(They canceled it...)

They canceled it!

(They must've entered the wrong song...)

- Oh, no... / - They canceled it.

You can see these real reactions from the singers.

"Lie." "Lie."

- Room 1. / - They're singing it, right?




(After Lee Juck's "Run on the Sky")

What the... Did you put in "Lie"?

Who added this?

Let's just sing it.

Is it an old song? The old one?

I know this song!

(They're singing it!)

They're singing it!

(They're so happy)

(Like scoring the winning goal)

They're singing it!

(The singers have all united)

Go and sing it!

(They march out)

(So moving)

- Today is truly... / - That was nuts.


It's like they scored a goal

by forcing the ball in.

They stuffed it in.

They barely forced it in.


This is just like when Taewoo was here.

It's Taewoo.


Picking their room was the right move.

They're singing "Ordinary Day" by g.o.d.

- Room 4. / - Room 4 is singing "Ordinary Day."

It's "Ordinary Day."

Suddenly g.o.d. is playing in two rooms.

(These two canceled "One Candle")

All the video clips are g.o.d.

Is it just my imagination?

(They end up picking "Ordinary Day" by g.o.d.)

Let's sing it well.

(They would've met g.o.d. had they picked it sooner)

(Songs by g.o.d. in two different rooms)




(Hello, we're g.o.d.!)

What's going on? What's going on?


(Now Hoyoung can finally smile)

(Being at karaoke with g.o.d.)

Sing, sing!

(They start singing together)

(Sings as Taewoo, main vocalist of g.o.d.)

♪ Don't forget me ♪

♪ I am, that's right I am ♪

They're so happy now.

It's really over if you don't make the chance work.

Look at them.

That's what happens if your chance doesn't work.

Look at how they're sitting.

A miracle could happen.

♪ Please don't go ♪


(Try harder, buddy)

(Giving it his all)


(The main vocalist is running out of steam...)

They look so energetic in their music video.

They should be singing the song from the video.

Why would you say that?

We should analyze the music video.

I feel like you guys will be back on the show.

Get rid of that chance where you sing next door.

It's a total bust. It's no good.

Make an example of us and get rid of it.

Nobody listens.

- You left the door ajar. / - It distracted them.

(The "room next door" chance doesn't work)

You don't even try that hard on stage.

It's pointless because if they sing loud next door,

they won't hear our song.

I'm sure you two feel...

This guy is on our team. Why is he picking on us?

Don't worry. They're in trouble, too.

- We have a chance. / - We haven't used ours yet.

We still have a lot of potential.

We'll put up our posters in that empty room.

Yeah? Alright.

(Soon g.o.d. will get to go home)


That was thrilling.

I was shocked.

Come on in.

I want to see Jaeseok.

Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow...



(The heroes who saved g.o.d.)

These guys who sang "Lie."

I'm so thankful that they sang it perfectly.

Why did you sing the song when you didn't pick it?

I thought he entered the song, so I sang it.

That could happen.

What about you?

I thought he entered the song...

That's funny.

They each thought the other entered the song.

Adding it to the playlist worked perfectly.

I'm sorry, but did you not hear Fly to the Sky sing?

You two closed the door.

Did you not hear Fly to the Sky sing?

They sang "Although My Heart Aches."

It was so loud that I shut the door.

(Oh... So it was Fly to the Sky)

He sang too loudly.

After g.o.d. leaves,

Shinhwa and Fly to the Sky will be left.

Who do you think will be the ones to stay behind?

Who will be the last group left?

(They both look at the same group)

(It looks like Shinhwa will be the ending singers)

They keep staring that way.

We don't know yet.

These two guys are funny.

As they were running down,

they were so happy. How did you feel?

I just felt really happy.

I didn't think it would work, but it did.

Honestly, I had given up.

I didn't think it would work.

They're my saviors. They're like heroes.

These guys are great.

Now g.o.d. and Seokjin get to go home!

So g.o.d. is second to leave.

Second is good.

They're so lucky.

(The second team to go home is g.o.d.)

I'd like to mention this.

This isn't exactly

the best area for people to sing

the songs of our guests.

This is a tough area.

I used to live near Konkuk University.

Right around Gwangjin-gu Office.

I'm sure many thoughts are crossing your mind.

Let's check on Room 1 now.

We might be in last place.

I think we'll be in last place.

There are three people.

Three guys?

In Room 4.

Yumi's "Star."

It's time for you two to use your chance.

Which would be best?

Which one would you prefer?

I think adding a song to the playlist is good.

They sang g.o.d. songs. They should sing ours now.

I hope so. Let's see.

One, two, three.

Let's go!

(The idol theme room chance)

The idol theme room chance!

Here are the rules.

The customers must sing your song

within 10 minutes of entering the theme room.

Then we have to intrude

and take down all the photos and posters.

Only 10 minutes?

Can Fly to the Sky sing as they decorate the room?

They get to sing in the theme room?

Give us the chance to add a song to the playlist.

No, no. He was just joking.

It's really become intense, since it's down to two.

It feels so wrong.

For more infomation >> GOD uses a chance & FINALLY gets off work! [Happy Together / 2017.10.12] - Duration: 10:23.


Games for Kids Temple Run OZ learn colors nursery rhymes - Duration: 9:58.

Games for Kids Temple Run OZ learn colors nursery rhymes

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Temple Run OZ learn colors nursery rhymes - Duration: 9:58.


Mebears | Kids Cartoon | Video for Kids | Kids Tv - Duration: 1:11.

Me Bears!

For more infomation >> Mebears | Kids Cartoon | Video for Kids | Kids Tv - Duration: 1:11.


Youtube Takes Down Our Channel Over Tagging - - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Youtube Takes Down Our Channel Over Tagging - - Duration: 1:21.


Eating comes first!Even Red Velvet can't resist Tteok-bokki's Red Flavor![Happy Together/2017.10.12] - Duration: 10:18.

He took a look outside.

He took a look and closed the door tight.

It was too loud.

(This thing won't close)

(They need better soundproofing here)

(Who's being so loud?)

It was too loud.

See that? They slammed the door shut.

They closed the door. This isn't good.

It was too loud for them.

(Funny yet sad...)

They closed the door shut.

But they sure are good at singing.

(They have no idea what's going on)

(He tries to open the door...)

(But it doesn't work...)

(Starts singing out of frustration)

He's belting out the notes.

Oh, no...

None of the rooms are reacting!

(Giving up)

(Look at these great singers in this room...)

What's the point of singing well?

This isn't a singing contest.

- They have to sing your song. / - Right.

They have to sing it normally.

They'd win first if this was a singing contest.

(How unfortunate...)

This chance didn't work out so well today.

Can they sing one more song?

It's over.

We'll let them sing another song.

Will singing another song

really help Fly to the Sky?

It's still daytime.

This reminds me of Kim Kyungho.

Let them sing one more, since they're in there.

I think we'll get to see a funny moment.

I don't think being loud will help them.

(They pick "You You You" for their second song)

More like "Sigh Sigh Sigh."

It's not looking good.

It really isn't.

(The ballad duo sings a second song!)

(Showing off his explosive vocals again)

(He gives his all for the second song)

(Please sing my song)

Sing it!

(Sing my song!)

Why is he trying so hard?

(Thank you for the amazing show)

(Fly to the Sky fail at their chance)

That was the best performance you've ever put on.

Hwanhee tried harder than on "I am a Singer."

Their greatest performance was at karaoke.

He has a powerful voice.

I wasn't going to try that hard...

I kept telling him to sing louder.

I never sing loud when I'm not performing.

But I gave it my all today.

In our previous episodes,

someone always sang a Fly to the Sky song.

A lot of people did.

We thought Fly to the Sky would be

the second to go, right after Red Velvet.

How strange...

It's past 4 p.m. now.

You never know. They could still sing your song.

Let's eat some snacks.

Is the food here?

(It's snack time!)

We'll eat some snacks for some energy.

We should eat.

Yeah. Spicy rice cakes!

This is like a picnic.

(Everyone chows down)

We have to keep watching, though.

- Keep watching. / - Stay focused.

It's okay. Just relax today.

Should we do the next chance as we eat?

Let's see it.

Now g.o.d. will pick.

One, two, three.

Right here.

Which one do you want?

Giving out coffee.

- I made that one work. / - Really?

(Will g.o.d. get what they want?)

One, two, three.

Putting your own song in their counter.

This is a good one.

This might be a better one now.

This chance hurt Kim Kyungho's feelings.

This one is better today.

I feel like I'll get my feelings hurt.

What is this one? What is it?

We'll put one of our songs

into their counter.

The song you pick is important.

A slow one or a fast one?

"The Place You Should Be" or "Friday Night."

"To My Mother."

- "To My Mother." / - That's the best bet.

Red Velvet!

The last room picked Red Velvet.


They're singing our song!

That's our song!

Where? Where?

Here! Here!

Next to that.

Wow! Right while we were talking!

(They must enter the room before the song ends!)

- Where do we go? / - Room 4.

(Room 4 loves "Red Flavor")


(It's a celebration here)


(Some relief after two hours and 20 minutes!)

(They sing and do the dance moves)

(They head towards their song!)

Where is it?

Where is it? Where is it?

(We're coming to meet you)


(It's Red Velvet, the singers of "Red Flavor"!)

(What's going on?)


(They try to accept the reality)

(Is Red Velvet really next to me?)

It's really Red Velvet!


(She still doesn't want to accept reality)

(Oh, whatever!)


(She sings for Red Velvet)

(Thank you for saving us)

We were eating something red...

Right! "Red Flavor."

So that's how it tastes.

I feel so much better that one team made it.

Let's keep lying. They might start singing "Lie."


They won't sing "Lie" if you lie.

(This place has united through "Red Flavor")

(A nice meeting between singers and fans)

(So cute)

How cute.


Red Velvet!

(They return to home base to see Jaeseok)



(More surprised at seeing Shinhwa)

Come this way.

Hello, hello.

Yes, it's Shinhwa.

Sit over here.

This is "Sing My Song."

These two girls sang "Red Flavor" by Red Velvet!

(Yu Jihye, 22 / Tak Ayeong, 22)

This is a rare case.

You sang "Red Flavor" as soon as you came in.

What song should we sing?

Nucksal's song.

(They went straight to "Red Flavor")

Why is that?

We like Red Velvet.

We've always liked them a lot.

This is a segment on "Happy Together."

Have you seen it yet?

I have. With Lee Hongki.

That was the first episode.

That's what we're doing now. "Sing My Song."

Far out!

You actually said that out loud.

You just sang Red Velvet's song.

Did you plan on singing any songs by Shinhwa,

Fly to the Sky, or g.o.d.?

I really love Shinhwa's songs.

You're a Shinhwa fan?

My older sister is in the fan club.

Minwoo is my favorite.

(I love you, Shinhwa fans - from Minwoo)

If your sister is a Shinhwa fan...

She would've sung their song right away.

My sister will cry, since I got to meet them.

For real...

They sang "Red Flavor."

Thank you.

(Thank you for joining us)

Suyong always gets to leave early.

He gets to go home first again today.

Yeri and Joy get to go home!

See you again.

Get going.

Bye, Suyong.

As expected of Red Velvet.

Let's keep it rolling.

Red Velvet's departure has gotten me pumped up.

So g.o.d., let's put your song in.

We should put in "One Candle."

Because people can sing it easily.

When the title comes up, "What's this?"

They have to want to sing it.

If we put in "Lie,"

they'll be disappointed it's not the Big Bang song.

Because they're younger.

So avoid "Lie."

Taewoo got this to work, so it'll work for us, too.

We'll force your song in now.

We're all in this together!

I can't believe it's coming to this!

(They have no idea)

(Singing "1,000-Year Love")

They put in "One Candle."

- Where? / - "One Candle" has been added.

Room 4. Please, please.

(Forcing a song on their playlist from the counter)


(What will happen?)

I didn't cancel it. I was holding this part.

Then what happened?

I don't know.

I'll just sing a different one.

What is this?

("One Candle")

(If we hope for it enough, they'll sing it)

(For those who are anxious)

(Sing my song!)

For more infomation >> Eating comes first!Even Red Velvet can't resist Tteok-bokki's Red Flavor![Happy Together/2017.10.12] - Duration: 10:18.


KNAUS SUN I 700 SERIES 2018 - Fully Integrated Design Highlight - Duration: 1:16.














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