Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

Hi Guardians welcome back for another destiny in-depth review where I review exotics and

legendary gear in order to give you a comprehensive understanding of the gear so you can play

this game as efficient and effective as possible.

Today we are going to review the Iron Banner Pulse Rifle the Time-Worn Spire.

This is a fast firing pulse rifle that sits in the 540 rounds per minute archetype similar

like the Lincoln Green, but then with much better stats, as you can see The Time Worn

Spire is better in terms of range, handling, reload speed, aim assistance and it also has

more bullets in the mag if you choose the Tactical Mag perk.

It only has a slightly lower stability of 1 point in comparison with the lincoln Green.

Let's go over the perks, it has the rapid fire frame which grants you a faster reload

when the mag is empty.

Hit mark, Red Dot, and the rifle scope.

I like to use the Red Dot sight.

Tactical mag, slightly increases stability, reload speed and mag size,

Accurized rounds, increase in range And Zen moment, causing damage with this weapon

increases its stability.

I like to run the red dot sight together with the tactical mag which bumps up the stability

and increases the mag size to a whopping 40 bullets in the mag.

The time worn spire is a great pulse rifle , it fires super fast and the stability on

this gun is great.

Zen moment really helps with keeping the recoil is at a minimum and this gun feels like the

Clever Dragon from Destiny 1 , it is that good.

Whereas the Clever Dragon suffered from a mag nerf, which only allows it to have 21

bullets, this gun with tactical mag has 40 bullets , which means that you have enough

bullets to engage with multiple opponents without the need to reload, you will rarely

run out of bullets with this gun and when you do, the reload of this gun is great so

you will be back in action in no time.

It is a pulse rifle so you will suffer from damage fall off when you engage on the long

range, definitely do not compete with a scout on those longer ranges.

Stick to the Short to Medium range that is where this gun is most effective.

Your main contenders are auto rifles which are very strong in the same short to medium


Especially the 450 rounds per minute auto rifles are still very dominant.

The Time Worn Spire time to kill is 1.13 seconds with 4 burst which is 9 headshots and 3 body

shots, and this will decrease to 1.67 seconds when you only hit body shots (5.33 burst or

16 body shots) Technically speaking auto rifles will still

outperform the Time Worn Spire in terms of time to kill.

I will show the time to kill numbers on the screen.

As you can see auto rifles are still 6 to 7 hundredths of a second faster to their optimum

time to kill , I would have loved to have the ttk of the time worn spire to be slightly

better than auto rifles giving the fact that pulse rifles are harder to manage than auto

rifles, which is a much more forgiving weapon when you miss a shot.

But the slight difference in time to kill should not take away the fact that this is

one of the best or in my opinion the best pulse rifle in the game.

This is basically the Clever Dragon from Destiny 1 with more bullets in the mag, it is very

stable and it is so easy to use.

You just have to stick to the short to medium range and this gun will do you good.

Out of all the Iron Banner weapons this is my favorite gun and if you haven't got it

yet, I highly recommend you to grind for this gun, it is that good!

I am going to give the TIme worn spire an A.

Thank you so much for watching this review, I hope this review convinced you to try out

this weapon and I am sure you will see more of these in the crucible soon.

If you have a Time Worn Spire let me know your thoughts on this gun in the description


I am almost finished with my Iron Banner Weapon reviews, there are only a couple left.

So subscribe to stay up to date on that.

And while you are here have a look at my recommended or latest video in the end screen.

As always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Time-Worn Spire In-Depth Review! The BEST Pulse! - Duration: 3:59.


LIVE - DAY 7 !! Sankirtan Yatra Europe !! HOLLAND !! संकीर्तन यात्रा हॉलैंड #DeviChitralekhaji - Duration: 3:21:48.

For more infomation >> LIVE - DAY 7 !! Sankirtan Yatra Europe !! HOLLAND !! संकीर्तन यात्रा हॉलैंड #DeviChitralekhaji - Duration: 3:21:48.




won't believe whose account I'm on for this black ops 3 Supply Drop opening

stay tuned 200 this month's $50 Xbox PSN or steam card giveaway all you have to

do is drop a like leave a comment and be subscribed if you want to win yourself a

brand new triple play bribe guaranteeing free DLC weapons bo3 all you gotta

do is drop a like in the video subscribe to the channel turn on notifications and

leave a comment down below on why you want the triple play look at this guy

stats 4.28 KD almost a 100 win-loss and over 600 score per minute nuke doubts

nuclear's kill chains diamond weapons the whole nine if we hit 10,000 likes on

this video I will reset his account if you want to see it hit that light goal

let's go so a subscriber of mine hit me up and he

wanted me to open his triple play supply drops the free DLC weapon bribe in black

ops 3 but plot twist this guy is a pretty good player 4.3 KD 99 win-loss

almost a hundred win-loss 600 score per minute and this guy's account is insane

he has 24 kill chains over 202 unstoppable medals if you take a look at

his calling card show keys he got a nuke dope so I'm like okay he's a

free-for-all player let me go check out his screenshot is a quad feed and free

fries he's a pretty good player let me go check out his free-for-all stats in

BAM 1,700 wins 8 losses which I'm sure the majority of them are from like the

game kicking him because he has a 405 win streak one of the best subscriber

accounts I've ever been on to open the brand-new free DLC weapon bribed the 10

rare supply drops and the free ranged weapon so taking a look at the DLC

weapons he has unlocked on his class I'm pretty sure he has diamond SMGs as well

taking a look right here he's missing quite a few SMGs he has the PPSh and the

1840 vias so rifles he is missing a couple as well he has the kvk the m16

and the MX garand shotguns missing both the Banshee and the Olympia missing the

r78 jack see as the DBS are but he's missing the RS a interdiction he has all

three of the DLC pistols he's missing the L 4 C's for the melee weapons he has

quite a few missing but he already opened his melee weapon bribing the

specials he is missing the D 13 sector so quite a few weapons unlocks but quite

a few weapons still up for grabs in the opening these ten

rare supply drops off the bat smash that like button boys

gimme that like luck for today's opening because we need all the luck we can get

a new glitch trade the crypto keys for The Daily Double give me the rare supply

drops okay is if the ten rare Supply Drop bundle is glitched there's no way

the rares a glitch as well okay there it is thank you keep it going I'm liking it

okay glitch fix drop a like down below boys give me that like like for today's

opening because we need all the luck we can get on this boys insane account an

absolute banger account trust me this guy deserves a good DLC weapon if you

guys are hunting for any speech Oh pull the braid which I what we pull the

Ravens hat in the first rare Supply Drop Ravens I please tell me it's brand new

please tell me it's brand new you boys it's brand new we pull the freaking

Ravens either lethal melee weapon a versatile blade for a highly skilled

fighter there it is a brand new Ravens I melee weapon the actual final melee

weapon in black ops 3 supply drops which I'm pretty happy about boys let's keep

the ball rolling if you already smash it like button down below you gave me that

like look as we get the August contraband

I appreciate you but if you haven't already you still got time smash that

like button boys let's get it going we got a ton of supply drops to open in a

ranged weapon bribe a free DLC lift and bribe to open as well I'm looking

forward to it boys cuz this guy's account he asked quite a few weapons but

he's missing quite a few as well some good ones and bad ones I'm hoping

fingers crossed we can pull a good ones as you saw by his stats this guy is no

joke okay he has quite via of the account the combat record here on bo3

and not seeing much we're flying through these rare supply drops so let me know

in the comment section down below which DLC weapons you guys are currently

missing in bo3 that you want I know a lot of you guys probably missing the new

ones you know the Olympia and the xmc but whatever weapon you're missing and

whatever weapon you want to see on your account you want to open from a Supply

Drop whether it's a bribe a rare or common whatever the case may be comment

down below which weapons of those are cuz I have all the weapons and bo3 I'm

waiting for when they update the game for with new you know DLC weapons so I'm

praying that that comes soon cuz I have quite the bribes

saved up the Grand Slams free DLC weapon range weapons melee weapons supply drops

the whole night I got everything stocked up but there it is the no supply drops

remaining in the bundle we pulled a DLC weapon in

the first trap which I'm very happy about let's open some keys some 30 key

rares supply drops real quick as we close off the just regular rare supply

job openings here got a little you know rainbow camo jump okay I'm digging it

not too bad but I want the good stuff okay be at the Ravens eye but I need

something more okay we need something more from this 30 more Keys give it to

me boys come on let's go what's he gonna be I'm seeing nothing I'm seeing not

what is that I don't want to see that anymore please come on

leave your last-second predictions in the comments section down below for

which DLC weapon working to be pulling like I said we are missing quite a few

okay nail gun HL x4 aks-74u MSMC for the assault rifles we are missing

peacekeeper the lv a basilisk and the Eagle leo

we're missing the Banshee the olympia the r7 t the RS a we're missing the out

for siege and we're missing quite a few mailings I'm hoping nothing pops up and

that will actually a bonus melee in a range Bob would be pretty cool and we're

missing the D 13 sector so out of all those weapons let me know in the comment

section down below which do you think we're going to pull the black market

when he pokes his pistol down when he puts his cup down I'm gonna open it BAM

let's go let's go let's go man that's that that's the theory that's the

conspiracy give it to me boys come on blow we got the LVS basileus let's

friggin go I'm so happy we didn't pull the L for siege the RS a interdiction to

the Banshee weapons that I know he probably does not want hunters account

we told another DLC weapon the LV a basileus the epic assault rifle very

underrated weapon I'm sure he's gonna pull some out of the sleeve and get a

nuked out with this thing cuz he is an absolute beast actually with how many

bonuses we got from that supply job we actually have one final rare to go okay

okay oh my god random August car trip into the last I'm done with that okay

okay I know this is a little bit weird but I thought because he has such an

insane account I don't want to mess up his win-loss or his KD and also I'm just

gonna be testing out this lvf a solace in custom games and I want to try to get

a kill chain cuz this guy has so many other on his account so I want to you

know give him some justice and you know not really mess up his stats in public

match so hopefully you guys understand as I finish off this video with a little

custom game extravaganza I'm like whoa calm down

Elvia Basilisk is a super underrated weapon I always was

not really drawn to it in the beginning of the game when it first came out I

would just I wasn't a fan but as you start to play with it more you realize

it's not that bad of a weapon it's kind of cool actually because it's like the

assault rifle version of the HL x4 which is obviously another weapon that I kind

of hated on but now I've come to realize how good it actually is because the fire

rate on this thing is insane it's like an SMG err all right we got a ultra kill

wait if I can't even get a kill chin and box man how hard is it to get a kill

chain in regular games what and he plays in free-for-all what's I'm just

realizing that right now he's a little bit too good for me damn look at that

game 32 whoa like 31 woah 30 kitty oh look at that score 30 Katie 32 1 yo whoo

you went up I'm just joking playing but that wraps up today's video thank you so

much for watching smash a like down below if you guys enjoyed it subscribe

to the channel by pressing that red subscribe button underneath the video

and press that Bell button as well to join the notification squad if you want

to see me 1v1 this guy or reset his account on black ops 3 smash a like the

more likes the more leverage I have in a conversation with him so smash that like

button support his channel I'll leave a link in the description down below go

subscribe to him as well thank you so much for watching have an awesome day

stay safe and I catch you guys in the next one

at our gym oh no no no nope oh my god anything is up for grabs but hopefully

the three-of-a-kind comes clutch with a super solid pull maybe one maybe two

good range weapons fingers crossed smash that like button down below let's go for

3000 lights on this thing and let's go three of a kind man what's it gonna be

what's it gonna be okay I see okay not too bad yep

iron Jim oh no no no no oh my god guys it happened guys it happened path of

Sorrows iron Jim and DL for seizure I can't believe it no no I got a DMM I got

a DMM bro I just pulled the l4 and the three of a kind do I reset or no oh no

no no no no boys boys this was the worst Grand Slam three of a kind I've ever

seen I've ever pulled path of Sorrows iron Jim I mean decent melees but every

time you have to legendaries you got to have a banger ranged and unfortunately

we pulled that out four C's one of three weapons that were just they were no no's

okay there were no no's I'm waiting confirmation in the DM I did he tell my

god he just said a deal is a deal man oh my gosh

we got a I got a reset him we pulled the oh no I feel so bad but he said go ahead

I mean everyone I'm gonna leave a link in the description down below please go

subscribe to this guy okay cuz he deserves it he's a savage for letting me

do this so I'll leave a link to his channel in the description go subscribe

to him up please okay cuz we are fresh starting we are resetting this guy's

account oh we did we did we did no we did

oh my gosh I feel so bad I feel sick he still keeps his DLC weapons which I

mean it's it's whatever you know he keeps them but gosh no are you broke

with no Cup points man I found a solution I'm gonna say this quick so

there isn't any come from Jeffrey Cup points and pokey toys no scam hence

quick boy there's a link in the description all you gotta do is click it

click the link down below a download hey do you have any reliable and easy way to

get points in that packs



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Bill Warner PhD: What I Admire about Islam - Duration: 5:00.

- My point of view.

I stand for opening questioning

of authorities, I stand for honesty,

fact-based reasoning, and debate.

I oppose all censorship including hate speech

laws, name-calling, and insults.

I want to talk to you about what I admire about Islam.

Now this may seem like a strange topic for me because

I'm a notorious critic of Islam, but studying it I

understand its strengths and I think

we need to learn from those strengths.

Don't denigrate your enemy if he's

strong enough to oppose you.

Let's start with family, family is the basis

of Islamic society, not the individual.

This has an overwhelming advantage.

Why, it provides for a next generation,

whereas individuals don't necessarily provide that.

I'm an old man, and one of the things I like

about Islam is it teaches respect for your elders.

Call it a personal whim, but I like that.

Then, Islam has a concept of civilizational war

that beats all other doctrines of war.

It certainly beats our doctrine of war,

which usually just considers it kinetic

warfare, that is, bullets and bombs.

Now if you want to oppose us on the battlefield,

we do great, but unfortunately this war is being

fought in ways other than bullets and bombs.

Islam has an ability to work in groups.

This is wonderful, because they get more done.

We, on the other hand, have an individual

and we don't get as much work done.

Muslims meet frequently, locally, and across the nation.

Why, to plan their civilizational war.

You see, they're here to win.

They believe in long range strategic planning.

The Muslim brotherhood explanatory memo

is a work of extraordinary genius.

It covers generational planning, and a breadth

of war that we don't even know how to comprehend.

Take this as an example, General Stanley

McChrystal's battle plans in Afghanistan.

There's no mention of Islam, no mention

of jihad, and no mention of Muslims.

Well, good luck on making that work

in a country like Afghanistan.

Now let's talk about textbooks.

They are also used in civilizational war.

In the seventh grade in Tennessee, you will

learn that Islam was the golden age,

was the high point of civilization.

That women were given their rights first

by Islam, the first constitution came from Islam,

and that Islam cares for the Jew and

the Christian and takes care of them.

These things are only at best half-true but

the little Tennesseans will grow up believing this.

Then we have Sharia finance, a brilliant plan

where money is taken from our civilization

and put into the civilization of war to tear us down.

If you're an individual and want to do what I do,

good luck on getting any money.

But if you're a Muslim and want to do

what I do, money will be there.

If I were a Muslim and I decided to run

for Congress of the United States

I would have all the money I needed.

I sat in a mosque in Southern California

and watched as $20,000

was raised from about 50 people,

and it was for the stated purpose of

civilizational war, lawfare.

They were generous, they were quite generous.

You see, Muslims want to win, and we just want to tie.

We want everybody to like us.

Go to a bridge building event inside

the religious community, and you'll discover

that the rabbis and the Christian clergy,

they're there just to be nice and pleasant,

whereas the imam is there to score points.

He knows Christianity, and he knows Judaism.

And he uses that knowledge well.

They teach their young da'wah,

that is how to preach the gospel of Islam

to the young Christians and others they meet in school.

I don't know of any church that prepares its young people

to try to convert Muslims.

There's no opposition within the church or the synagogue

to what I call the love jihad,

which is when Muslims seek out Christians

and Jewish girls to marry them and have Muslim babies.

Muslims have courage, and optimism.

I gave a talk to 400 people in Chattanooga,

and one Muslim showed up

to try to ask me difficult questions.

Find a caffra who will attend a meeting

of 400 Muslims to try to ask the tough questions.

Muslims know their history of victory and losses.

Here in Nashville, Tennessee, the buckle of the Bible Belt,

you won't be able to find a minister

who knows that Turkey used to be a Christian nation.

They just don't care.

Because the university they went to

didn't teach the history of conquest.

They didn't teach the status of the demi.

They're winning.

They've proudly proclaimed

at a Muslim Student Association Meeting

at Vanderbilt University that everything was in place,

and that Islam had won in Nashville, Tennessee,

because even the fundamentalist churches

consider Islam to be a valid religion.

Look at the refugees who come in.

Vastly over proportioned it be Muslims.

What about all the Christian refugees?

Nah, mostly Muslim.

We need to study the winners,

so that we don't become losers.

We need to know the enemy,

and Islam is the enemy of our civilization.

It has some good things,

and we need to learn them so that we can be winners too.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Bill Warner PhD: What I Admire about Islam - Duration: 5:00.


Cancer : The Most Important Thing to Do After a Cancer Diagnosis - Duration: 6:27.

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