Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 14 2017

Why is Levi is so short? This Attack on Titan theory will definitely surprise

you! So what's up guys Foxen here! Today let's focus on humanity's strongest

soldier Levi. The guy comes in at five feet three inches or 160 centimeters.

Levi's supposed to be from the bloodline that directly used to serve the

king. Mikasa is included in that although at 15 she's much taller. Keep in mind

that both of them are half Ackerman and even if you look at Kenny

who should be full Ackerman, this guy towers over Annie at over six feet tall.

So what's the deal with Levi? Was he just unlucky about the gene lottery. I don't

think so there's gotta be more to this. Let's first look at the obvious possible

reason. You know about how Levi grew up in the underground. He was basically like

The Walking Dead when Kenny found him. There's a couple key takeaways from this.

The first has to do with Levi's situation growing up. He was living on

the ground with his prostitute mother. It's pretty easy to see that they were

hurting for money. A lack of nutritious food should have largely impacted Levi's

growing up. The second key thing was the living situation underground.

Notice that these guys are in constant darkness. Sure they got some sunlight but

it's very minimal. This could have lead Levi to have a possible lack of vitamin D. A

vitamin D deficiency has been linked to stunted growth and kids in general. This

plays a row in bone health overall. You even heard in Levi's no regret series

about how it's known that the lack of sunlight causes people's legs to go bad,

so there you have it! An unfortunate combo of a poor diet and lack of

sunlight prevent and Levi from reaching as otherwise full potential. Theory over

period, but wait. I actually think there's a third piece missing to this. This one

being the most important. If a poor diet a no sunlight were all that caused issues

for Levi why aren't there a lot more people like this in the underground? It's

hard to tell exactly by the anime series but if you do check out the manga

version of this no one else seems to be suffering from this in the underground.

In fact almost everyone is much bigger. Besides keep in mind that Levi's and his

group specifically were some of the few that were able to get some sunlight.

Anyway here's the real reason of why and Levi's is so small. This goes back to

Levi being an Ackerman, which you know are a sub product of

Titan science. What this fully means right now is unknown but this is where

the theory comes in. Ackerman like Mikasa and Levi could themselves be super

soldiers from being part Titan. The reason Levi so short is due to this and

there's actually some evidence for this. Let me explain as I've been rereading

the attack on Titan manga this stood out. It was a little interaction between

Mikasa and Eren as they were getting out of their cell. I'm sure they were

locked up for a short time maybe a week or at most a month. Out of the three

Mikasa looked totally like a zombie. Apparently she even lost some weight. You

do know that this is after finding out about Eren's eventual death but Eren

does point out about how Mikasa has had plenty to eat so why is Mikasa looking

so sick and even lost some weight? The reason is because she's part Titan.

Mikasa very much needs sunlight perhaps her Ackerman body is able to

turn sunlight into energy. Mikasa being out of the Sun for an

extended period of time just drained her, poor little flower. Now look back at Levi.

Imagine living under limited sunlight for all your childhood.

Levi isn't short because it was lacking proper food or simply having a normal

vitamin D deficiency. Levi is an Ackerman that is part Titan. The poor guy was

starving for some consistent sunlight. Unfortunately Levi had no way of knowing

about this that without some Sun juices he was depriving his body out of some

important substance but hey that's just an attack on Titan Theory! Now let me

hear from you! Let me know your own thoughts! What do you think about this Ackerman

Titan theory? Are the Ackerman really just human sized Titans?

Or maybe you got an even more crazier theory. Definitely let me know! Please be

sure get as a colossus thumbs up and subscribe! Especially we enjoy these

attack on Titan Theory videos. If you're looking for more stuff to watch check

out my past video on Annie and Mikasa and I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> The REAL Reason Why LEVI is SMALL!! Attack on Titan Theory - Duration: 4:13.


كسرت لأيفون لحضة وصولي 300 مشترك شوف وش صار - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> كسرت لأيفون لحضة وصولي 300 مشترك شوف وش صار - Duration: 2:15.


Top 10 People Who Survived DISASTERS - Duration: 9:13.

How's it going Youtube, I am Landon and welcome back to another most amazing top 10


Throughout history we have witnessed and experienced some pretty crazy disasters whether it is

natural disasters or disasters created by man.

We are talking about Hurricanes, to Tsunamis, to the 9-1-1 attacks and the boston bombing.

We have had some amazing stories of people surviving these disasters.

So lets take a look at the top 10 people who survived disasters.

It's a triple threat in at number 10, we have Mason Wells who has survived 3 different

terrorist attacks let me explain.

Mason Wells has become one of the unluckiest and luckiest people ever.

He was present at the time of the Boston Bombings back in 2013, The Paris attack in 2015, and

last years 2016 Brussels bombing attack.

Mason wells is only 19 yrs old and he has seen way more than most people in their life


Although Mason Wells survived all of those attacks he was still injured.

He suffers a ruptured Achilles tendon, he also has shrapnel injuries as well as second-

and third degree burns on his face and hands after these bombings took place.

He is very lucky to be alive and it just seems like the odds are likely to place him at another

terrorist attack.

If I was Mason Wells I would stop travelling for a little bit.

We now have a 9/11 attack survivor who was also present at the time of the Paris Attack

at number 9.

This right here is 36 yr old Matthew who is an American survivor who was shot during the

Paris attack back in 2015, that attack is now being called the Bataclan massacre.

The attackers killed 89 people.

Matthew was shot right in the calf right on Friday the 13th to make matters worse.

It just wasn't his day at all.

Matthew also works at the world trade Centre and he was there during the 9/11 attacks that

happened back in 2001.

The perpetrator was Al-Qaeda and those events changed the world forever.

Matthew was able to escape the building and run for his life before the building fell

on top of him.

Its so crazy to go through such a traumatic event like the 9/11 event and then years later

getting shot by a crazy terrorist.

His life just keeps flashing before him.

It's time to get out your life jackets because there is a woman over board at number 8.

This right here is Irish nurse Violet Jessop who became a celebrity in the 1920s after

she survived three different shipwrecks in a span of 5 yrs.

The first shipwreck was in 1911 when she was a stewardess on the RMS Olympic when it collided

with the cruiser HMS Hawke.

This boat looks very similar to the Titanic.

The second shipwreck Violet was able to survive was the Titanic.

She was working on the Titanic when it hit an iceberg and sank we all know that story

because of the famous movie inspired by true events.

Violet was able to save a baby that was on board.

The baby on board we will get to in a bit.

So the third shipwreck was in 1916 when she was a nurse on the hospital ship Britannic.

A lot of people lost their lives that day but Violet was able to survive.

It's an Iceberg ahead at number 7.

We are talking about another Titanic survivor and perhaps that baby that was carried off

the by Violet Jessop in at number 8.

Well the baby was identified as Millvina Dean who was just 2 months old at the time she

was onboard the ship.

She was the youngest passenger aboard.

Millvina was the last remaining survivor from the shipwreck but unfortunately she passed

away back in 2009 at the age of 97 yrs old so she was still able to live a full life.

Blasting out way into number 6 we have Tsutomu Yamaguchi who was a survivor of the Hiroshima

and Nagasaki atomic bombing during world war 2.

The United States dropped these nuclear weapons on these two Japanese cities.

The Hiroshima blast killed around 126,000 people and the blast in Nagasaki killed about

80,000 thousand people.

This was a huge day in history.

Around a quarter of a million people died from these two bombings but Tsutomu was someone

who survived both blasts.

It is known to be just 69 people to survive both attacks.

Tsutomu was able to live out a long life until he died of stomach cancer in 2010, dying at

the age of 93 yrs old.

At number 5 its unprecedented but we have 1 former president of the united states of

America who survived not just 1 but 2 assignation attempts.

We are talking about President Gerald Ford.

Gerald Ford was the 38th President of the united states and the 40th Vice President

of the united States.

In 1975 someone tried to take his life using a Colt .45 caliber handgun.

The shooter was identified as a female.

Well a secret service agent Larry Buendorf was able to grab the gun before she was able

to pull the trigger.

The woman was convicted of attempted assassination of the President and she was sentenced to

life in prison.

But she was paroled in 2009 after serving around 34 yrs in prison.

The second attack was just 17 days later when someone actually got a shot of from a .38

caliber revolver.

It was another female trying to take down the president.

These woman be crazy.

Luckily she missed the president.

She was also caught and served 32 yrs behind bars.

Things are about to get really steamy and hot at number 4 at it's not what you think.

We are talking about Michael Benson who survived a helicopter crash.

Michael Benson was shooting aerial footage of Hawaii for a movie when their helicopter

crashed over the world's most active volcano.

Michael had to live inside a volcano crater for a couple of days.

He narrowly missed crashing into a boiling pool of Lava.

Well after a few days of living in such extreme conditions he was rescued.

This has to be a one of a kind experience.

I really hope you guys aren't to squeamish with this next one at number 3.

Well this is no magic trick but we have 38 yr old Truman Duncan who was cut in half when

he was ran over by a train.

Let me tell you guys what happened.

Truman back in 2006 was working at his job in the rail yards in Texas when he slipped

and fell onto the tracks.

He was pulled under the train and his lower body not to get to graphic but it was mangled


So he has to be fully cut into two losing his legs.

Well one of his legs was attached by a single muscle.

This is a traumatic shock to the body and a lot to endure.

Any other person in this situation would have died but miraculously enough Truman did not.

His body was dragged for 75 ft. Truman had the incredible power and the will to live

to tell his story.

He said that day was a miracle.

Moving into number 2, I know most of you guys know this story because this horrible situation

was turned into a movie.

Well I am talking about the Aron Ralston story do you guys know who he is?

Well let me give you guys a hint.

James Franco played the character Aron Ralston who was the real man behind that movie.

Aron feel in Blue John Canyon and on the way down he got his right forearm stuck in the


Aron was left to fight for his life for 127 hours which is 5 days and 7 hours.

He was finally able to get free after he amputated his own arm with a dull pocketknife.

Its such a remarkable story and its amazing that Aron is still alive today.

Finally at number 1 we have a remarkable story that I don't even believe but everything

I am about to tell you is real.

This right here is Frane Selak who is the worlds unluckiest lucky man.

He is a music teacher that has come close to death many times.

It all started back in 1962 when he was riding on a train on a cold rainy day when the train

crashed and flipped off the tracks.

The train fell in a river.

Someone was able to pull Frane out of the train wreck alive.

Many people lost their lives that day and he just suffered from a broken arm and hypothermia.

The next year during his first and only plane ride he was blown out of a malfunctioning

plane door and he landed on a haystack just moments before the plane crashed killing everyone


3 yrs later he was on a bus when the bus skidded of the road and went in yet again another


But some how Frane survived that.

In 1970 he was in a car where the car caught fire and it blew up but again he escaped.

I am starting to think that death is trying to kill him just like in the final destination

movies but this guy just wont die.

He went on to out live multiple more accidents that's are unbelievable.

He cheated death 7 times.

Well in 2003 2 days after his 73rd birthday he was the lottery.

He bought two houses and a boat, and then he gave his remaining money away to relatives

and friends.

For more infomation >> Top 10 People Who Survived DISASTERS - Duration: 9:13.


THE WORST TIME TO PACK AN ICON... !!!! - Duration: 14:26.

For more infomation >> THE WORST TIME TO PACK AN ICON... !!!! - Duration: 14:26.


HERO Messi in the GREATEST FIFA 18 SNIPING EVER😱 - Duration: 10:08.


For more infomation >> HERO Messi in the GREATEST FIFA 18 SNIPING EVER😱 - Duration: 10:08.


DIRECTO SUBIENDO A GLOBAL #3 - Duration: 2:11:19.

For more infomation >> DIRECTO SUBIENDO A GLOBAL #3 - Duration: 2:11:19.


[Pattern/Tutorial] Cellini Spiral - DIY (Beads) - Duration: 7:31.

Welcome to a new pattern with Grays Schmuckwerkstatt

You can buy this and other tutorials in my Etsy-shop. I need much time and effort to create one tutorial - please show me that you like my work by giving me a positiv rating for this video or by buying one of my tutorials on Etsy. You can find the link to my shop in the description.

Todays project

The combination of the pearls is only a suggestion. It is possible to change the size of the different pearls, but this could change the size of the spiral. But please do not replace the 0,15 mm pearls, because they are important for the flexibility of the jewelry.

Materials (Translated list below)

Pick up:

Fix the work with two simple knots.

Sew through the two R15.

Pick up:

Skip the next R15 and sew through the following R15.

Pick up:

Skip the next Ra and sew through the following Ra.

Pick up:

Skip the next Rb and sew through the following Rb.

Pick up:

Skip the next R8 and sew through the following R8.

Pick up:

Skip the next P and sew through the following P.

Pick up:

Skip the next R8 and sew through the following R8.

Pick up:

Skip the next Rb and sew through the following Rb.

Pick up:

Skip the next Ra and sew through the following Ra.

Pick up:

Skip the next R15 and sew through the following R15.

Sew through the next, outer R15, which was picked up in step 4.

Pick up:

Sew through the next, outer R15.

Pick up:

Sew through the next, outer Ra.

Pick up:

Sew through the next, outer Rb.

Pick up:

Sew through the next, outer R8.

Pick up:

Sew through the next, outer P.

Pick up:

Sew through the next, outer R8.

Pick up:

Sew through the next, outer Rb.

Pick up:

Sew through the next, outer Ra.

Pick up:

Sew through the next, outer R15.

Sew through the next, outer R15, which was picked up in step 23.

Your work should look like this picture. From now on keep a tension at the thread.

Repeat steps 23-42 until the desired length of your jewelry is achieved. The cellini spiral can be used for a bracelet or a necklace.

I want to show you two different variations for completing your jewelry. After learning this technique I looked for different variations to finish a cellini spiral and I think, that these two are the easiest possibilities. Before you start with completing your jewelry, you have to finish the current row.

For this variation is no material necessary. You will sew both ends of your jewelry together. First you can finish the thread from the beginning of your work. Afterwards put both ends together as shown in the following picture.

Beide Seiten wie am Bild zu sehen zu einander legen. Um leichter der Anleitung folgen zu können, sollte der Arbeitsfaden wie am Bild zu sehen aus dem linken Teil des Schmuckstückes kommen.

Sew through the nearest Ra on the right side.

Sew through the nearest Rb on the left side.

Sew through the nearest Rb on the right side.

Sew through the nearest R8 on the left side.

Sew through the nearest R8 on the right side.

Sew through the nearest P on the left side.

Sew through the nearest P on the right side.

Sew through the nearest R8 on the left side.

Sew through the nearest R8 on the right side.

Sew through the nearest Rb on the left side.

Sew through the nearest Rb on the right side.

Sew through the nearest Ra on the left side.

Sew through the nearest Ra on the right side.

Sew through the nearest R15 on the left side.

Sew through the nearest R15 on the right side.

Sew through the nearest R15 on the left side.

Sew through the nearest R15 on the right side.

Sew through the nearest Ra on the left side. This Ra is the Ra from step 1.

For this variation you need a intermediate element. On the following picture you will see two possible intermediate elements.

[V] Lock; [R8] Seed beads 8/0 (3,1 mm); [Z] Intermediate element

Pick up:

Ignore the last R8 and sew back through the intermediate element Z and the R8.

Sew again through the Ra, the thread is coming out.

Sew through the next Rb.

Sew again through the next Rb.

Sew through the next R8.

Sew again through the next R8.

Sew through the R8 and the intermediate element Z.

Sew through the R8.

Sew back through the intermediate element Z and the R8.

Sew again through the R8 from step 7.

Repeat the previously steps for the whole row. Make a connection to the lock at the next R8 and Ra (steps V02_09-V02_12).

Important: At the Ra work only steps V02_09 and V02_10. Afterward work steps V02_13-V02_15. Then you can work the steps V02_11 and V02_12. Now you can finish the thread and repeat the steps 1-14 on the other side of your jewelry.

Pick up:

Sew again through the P8, the thread is coming out.

Sew again through the 5 P8 and the V for 2 or 3 times.

Afterwards finish all threads.

I hope you enjoyed this pattern :-)

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

For more infomation >> [Pattern/Tutorial] Cellini Spiral - DIY (Beads) - Duration: 7:31.


The First Time I Read a Queer Book - Duration: 5:18.

Hi! My name is Danika, and I will skip the excuses for why I've been gone for a

little while, because who likes watching that part of a video? Instead I'm going to

talk about some of the first queer books that I discovered, and that's because

when I made the LGBTQIA+ Booktuber Tag Jessie from Cup of Books suggested this

as one of the questions, and because it was after I already made my initial

video I didn't get a chance to answer it in my video, but I've really been

enjoying watching other people's and what they've said to this question. So I

thought I had enough to say that I could probably make a video on its own

about it. "What was the first time I encountered an LGBTQIA+ character in

fiction?" I have a terrible memory, so for most questions like this I don't

remember, but this one I think I do. I was about 7, and at the time my mom was

principal of this school for a deaf and hard-of-hearing kids, so it was its own

private school, I guess, and when there were Pro-D days at the public school

that I went to, I would often go along with my mom to this other school. And I

remember being there in their little library nook—there were only a few

bookcases, from what I remember—and pulling out this book and reading it. And

I have to assume it was Heather Has Two Mommies by Leslie Newman. I know it was a

picture book and that it was about a family where this kid had two moms. And I

clearly remember closing the book and thinking, "Huh. So that's a thing." It

didn't seem surprising. It also didn't feel like there was a sense of community

or belonging: I didn't really relate to that at all. It was just a small moment

that seems larger in retrospect. It was, as far as I can remember, my first

glimpse of queerness, and it was also really an example of how queer lit can

normalize things, because it just seemed like this sort of minor thing that I had

learned about the world. It was new, but it was also everyday and not really

remarkable. Like, "Oh, okay. Some families have two moms. Fine." I wouldn't recognize

my own romantic feelings for a girl until years later, when I was 14, but I

still think that book made the world a better place for me to come out in.

I think encountering that book helps me a reach a "Huh.

So that's a thing." conclusion about my own sexuality. So that's the first time that

I can remember that I encountered a queer

book, but as for the first queer book I've read after I knew I was queer, I'm

pretty sure I've read some young adult lesbian books. I've had a LibraryThing

account for almost 10 years, I think? So I have a bit of a record of what I was

reading at the time, but I didn't keep it completely updated. So I'm pretty sure

the first ones I read were young adult, but I don't remember those. What I do

remember is this conversation I had with my mom, and it was at least a year after

I came out, and she asked me if I had ever read Rubyfruit jungle by Rita Mae

Brown and I said no. I don't think I'd even heard of it at the time. And she

said, "And you call yourself a lesbian!" and of course after that I had to find the

book and read it and I loved it, but more than that, that conversation made me

realize that lesbian literature was a thing. This was a body of work. And it

made me realize that my queerness and my love of books—which has always been the

passion of my life—could be combined. And that set me on the path that I really

haven't left since. It's what helped me to create the Lesbrary, and then later

Fuck Yeah Lesbian Literature, and later this booktube channel, and all the other

things that have sprung up around those. I think those were significant first in

my life and in my reading life, but I think more significant were the books that

came after it. Not the first good queer book I read, but the second, and the fifth,

and the hundredth, and the ones that made me realize: there are way more out there!

I have a lot more to read. This wasn't a fluke, and I have a lot to look forward

to. When I first started the Lesbrary and when I first started reading lesbian

literature, when I discovered it as a genre, I was surprised and happy that

they existed, but I still thought of it as something very small. I thought of the

list of books that I've seen that were the same ten, maybe twenty, maybe fifty books? They

seemed like something I would eventually read my way through. So at the time, when

I started the Lesbrary, I kind of tongue-in-cheek, but kind of seriously,

called it "the quest read everything lesbian."

And now I'm very happy to know

that there is no way that I can read of the queer books in the world, or all of

the queer women books in the world, or even all of the ones that I want to read

I will probably not get around to before I die.

And that's a great feeling, because as much as I want there to be more, as much

as we're lacking in certain genres and tropes, and obviously if there's a lot of

different representation that we need more of, it's a relief to see how much is

out there already. Part of what I do online is really try

to make other people aware of that, and try to help people find the books that

are gonna blow their minds, and are going to make them feel like

they have a place in the world. That's sort of what I've been doing ever since

that conversation is just trying to help other people find the books that they need.

So if you're queer and you haven't done the LGBTQIA+ Booktuber tag: first of

all, you should. But second of all, if you don't make videos or if you're not on

booktube, please leave me a comment and let me know what the first queer

characters you saw in fiction were, and what that experience was like,

and thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> The First Time I Read a Queer Book - Duration: 5:18.


5 Ways To Eat More Vegetables On Keto - Duration: 4:17.

Hello and welcome back to my channel today I am going to talk to you about

how to eat more vegetables on keto 5 ways to help you eat vegetables on keto

just so you know, even though most of us are grownups, it can be really difficult to

eat as much enough vegetables especially, when you're low carb keto and what I've

done I've put together all my tips and tricks and I popped together a blog post

which I'll leave the link to down below which I talk through these five ways and

more, there's loads of things that I do to make sure that myself and my husband

and my children get enough vegetables in our diet every day and if you're new to

my channel make sure that you subscribe for more yummy inspirations just like

this and leave a like and a comment I always appreciate your interaction on

my videos, so let's get straight into number one and that is having more

vegetables with breakfasts, so I'll make sure I start my day with a big portion

or two of vegetables it just gets me off to a good start and makes sure that I'm

already ahead of the game, especially now that I've been intermittent fasting

lately and having just two meals, I make sure that with breakfast, with my

first meal of the day, there's always a couple of vegetables, at least one veggie

or two featuring on my breakfast plate the next way is to make sure that you

prep your vegetables as soon as you get them, so as soon as my spinach hits

my kitchen I will open it up, give it a good wash, pop it in a container, I'll

chop up celery, you know getting celery can be quite overwhelming when you have an

enormous bunch in your fridge and you don't know what

to do with it so trim it chop it into bite-size pieces, same goes for cucumber,

any other vegetables, peppers, that you can prep as soon as you get them and if

you know you're gonna use it for a certain recipe and you've got if you do

your shopping on the weekend and you've got a little more time on the weekend do

as much prep as you can try and do everything that you can so when it comes

to cooking with them there's no hassle it makes it so easy and there is no

excuse and next keep it simple yet exciting so what I mean by that is keep

it simple you don't have to cook every single low-carb keto vegetable recipe

that you find pick one or two vegetables that you like the sound

of one or two recipes using those vegetables and keep it simple but you

know, keep it exciting as well you don't want to be having the same one or two

vegetables every single day for every single week for 12 weeks so pick a

couple, challenge yourself to try a different vegetable, a different recipe

every week or two just to keep it a bit exciting but as I said keep it simple

when you make it easy and simple you're more likely to stick with it and next

number four try and go meatless more often, you'd be surprised how much you can save

and how much more vegetables you have if you go for a meat-free Monday which I do,

look I definitely have meat heaps through my diet but I try and balance it

out and I find on meat-free Mondays I will have a lot more vegetables than I

do through the week and also you save money, it's one less, a lot of meat that

you have to have, so going meatless more often is definitely a

really easy way to get more vegetables because you'll kind of be forced to have

more veg maybe a nice big cauliflower mac and cheese something like that and

finally if veggies are just not your thing

think about concealing it, look for ways to hide vegetables in smoothies,

you can throw a few handfuls of spinach and you won't even notice the taste when

my kids were little I used to hide heaps of vegetables, so go on websites

looking for ways to hide vegetables, puree some vegetables into

Bolognese, you can grate all kinds of grated broccoli into Bolognese for my

kids and they haven't noticed, so definitely find ways to conceal if you

want to have more vegetables in your diet but you're not a huge veggie

fan find ways to conceal it, so there you go those are my five ways to get more

vegetables when you're keto, make sure that you check down below for blog post

with these ideas and more and leave a comment as well check down below for

comments from those of you I'd like to hear from you how you get more veggies,

what's your favorite way to get veggies on keto I look forward to reading your

comments and remember to like and subscribe for more yummy inspirations

just like this and we'll see you again soon bye.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways To Eat More Vegetables On Keto - Duration: 4:17.


Deprived of Sleep! All for a Balloon! 4K - Duration: 8:53.

Christian Valles. What group?

With Powercouplecritics

They go so quickly.

I think ill be done

by the end of May

Good morning guys. Super excited

We are here at the media tent, waiting to see if we actually going to fly a balloon

a lot of exciting things

So we are super excited, hopefully

we get to go up,

A lot of exciting things are happening

Im Nicolas.

Nice to meet you. We are here with Powercouplecritics

we are doing

a little preview of what's out here.

For everybody

Excellent! So i see you guys do coffee right?

We do. We are Just Brew, and just squeezed we got, our just brewed coffee

We got

Our just brewed Which is one of our great business

on a lot on in the mornings

we focus on a lot in the mornings.

We have a full expresso bar.really delicious coffee

we use local roaster.

and deliver a great product. Coffee is always good in the morning.

absolutely. Today was really cold. I really like

if I would've know about this. I really like the the pallet design. Who's idea was that?

uhm, its something we have been working on, for the last few years.

We a step up

From everyone else.

kinda set ourselves apart.

and were are you guys located at?

so we just do events, we are based out of Alburquerque.Just Queeze, been around for

Since 1998.Just Queeze, been around fo

So over 20 years now.

So coffee in the morning

and lemonades in the afternoons

Its a lot of fun

Well thank you so much! Absolutely!

We focus

For more infomation >> Deprived of Sleep! All for a Balloon! 4K - Duration: 8:53.


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For more infomation >> new henna mehndi design 2017 | Step by Step beginners mehndi design for hand | design4hobby - Duration: 6:20.


عــــــــاجل: روسيا "تطرد" البوليساريو "أشد" "طردة" وهذا ما "وقع"..!! - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: روسيا "تطرد" البوليساريو "أشد" "طردة" وهذا ما "وقع"..!! - Duration: 1:36.


Syringe-Injected Doughnut Holes | Food Network - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Syringe-Injected Doughnut Holes | Food Network - Duration: 1:01.


ESRB & PEGI Won't Class Loot Boxes As Gambling | CG News - Duration: 3:18.

There's been a lot of controversy lately over video game loot boxes - a monetization mechanic

that allows players to pay cash for a chance to obtain virtual items.

Middle Earth Shadow of War is one of the latest games to include a loot box mechanic and this

is something that's been widely panned by the video game community.

Some players have described the loot boxes as exploitative and have called the game extremely

grindy, especially the post game which is needed to see the 2nd ending, unless you spend

real money on the boxes.

It's not just Shadow of War though - an increasing number of big games are including this controversial

mechanic, including Destiny 2 and the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront II.

People have also argued that these loot boxes are the same as gambling and should be treated

as such.

The ESRB, however, does not view them as gambling and won't be classifying them in this way.

This is a big deal as, if the ESRB did view loot boxes as real money gambling, it would

force the games to be rated Adults Only and Adults Only games are something that all 3

console manufacturers do not allow on their systems.

Speaking to Kotaku, an ESRB spokesperson explained: "While there's an element of chance in

these mechanics, the player is always guaranteed to receive in-game content (even if the player

unfortunately receives something they don't want).

We think of it as a similar principle to collectible card games: Sometimes you'll open a pack

and get a brand new holographic card you've had your eye on for a while.

But other times you'll end up with a pack of cards you already have."

The European rating system PEGI has also said they will not rate loot boxes as real money

gambling - something that would guarantee a game an 18+ rating.

Speaking to Eurogamer, a PEGI spokesperson stated:

"It's not up to PEGI to decide whether something is considered gambling or not - this is defined

by national gambling laws" "If something is considered gambling, it needs

to follow a very specific set of legislation, which has all kinds of practical consequences

for the company that runs it.

Therefore, the games that get a PEGI gambling content descriptor either contain content

that simulates what is considered gambling or they contain actual gambling with cash


"If PEGI would label something as gambling while it is not considered as such from a

legal point of view, it would mostly create confusion."

What PEGI says here is exactly right, loot boxes are *not* seen as the same as gambling

in most parts of the world.

A few regions do actually have some forms of restrictions in place though.

China, for example, made the news earlier in the year when they passed a law that required

all games to display the probability for obtaining each item in loot boxes.

China has also banned the direct sale of loot boxes and this led to the Chinese version

of Overwatch being updated to take advantage of a loophole, where boxes could be given

as a 'free gift' when players purchased other items.

In the Western world, however, there are no rules when it comes to this kind of mechanic.

What is clear from these statements though, is that both PEGI and the ESRB will not be

stepping in when it comes to the increasing prevalence of loot box mechanics and, with

the ESRB's comparisons to card games' booster packs and PEGI's mentions of first needing

government regulation, it is likely that things will stay this way for the foreseeable future.

For more infomation >> ESRB & PEGI Won't Class Loot Boxes As Gambling | CG News - Duration: 3:18.


Computer Repair Brooklyn Park MN 763-324-9560 Computer Repair Brooklyn Park MN - Duration: 1:05.

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