Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 14 2017

What is going on my fellow disciples?

It is Seiryu Majin here.

Welcome back to another video.

I'm gonna start yet another brand new series.

In this series, I am going to be discussing pretty much every fetish that I have.

I'm also going to be explaining why I think it is important for people to understand where we are coming from.

There is a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to a lot of these fetishes.

I'm going to be explaining each and everyone I like.

I'll be explaining why I like them for what they are.

In todays video, I am going to be starting this series with oversized tits.

Now, believe it or not, ever since I was 12 or 13,

I always liked tits.

I always liked tits that were pretty big. I've always been a tits guy no matter what.

When I was getting into doujins and hentai,

I started liking the huge and gigantic levels of oversized tits.

That's what I liked in general since then. Huge and Gigantic tits have always been my go to in doujins and hentai.

It wasn't until 2014/2015 when I stumbled across a fellow YouTuber known as OversizedTitLover.

Now, he's really good friends with me. It's really weird the more I think about it. (I mean that in the nicest possible way.)

Shoutouts to him! Link in the description.

He is the one that got me into oversized tits.

At first I was like: "Yeah. I appreciate oversized tits..."

I was never really against them even though I never hated them back then.

I never hated them. I always liked them and appreciated them for their artistic value.

It was different. It was unique. It appealed to many different people out there. I was thinking:

"Okay. I really appreciate it that they exist, but I never really cared for it."

So then, after a while, he started showing me even more oversized tit pics.

I then was like: "Okay. I really like this. Just a little bit."

Eventually, more and more pictures came in.

Then I went: "Okay. I think I kinda like it now."

Then it finally happened.

I got linked a doujin that had nothing but oversized tits.

I don't remember exactly which one it was. Maybe it was a hentai game CG compilation.

I can't remember the name, but I think I remember which hentai game CG pack it was.

It had nothing but oversized tits.

All their tits were to the floor. Then I said: "Okay. Fuck it."

"This is something I really like and I am happy that I do now."

Of course my preferred level of tits are still the huge and gigantic level.

More so massive to gigantic to be honest. I did a full video on cup sizes in hentai.

If you guys wanna see that video, that will be in the description as well.

If you've seen that video, you'll know where I am coming form.

I think massive to gigantic is probably my favorite.

When it comes to oversized tits,

I think it is not as bad as people make it out to be.

I hate hearing the constant argument of: "Oh! Too big! Blah blah blah!"

You guys realize it is fiction, right?

When it is fiction, you can do whatever you want to those tits.

Think of this way, no one in real life has oversized tits.

I've never seen anyone have oversized tits in real life.

The biggest tits I've seen were gigantic. They go over the belly button.

Which I have seen before. Oversized tits have never existed in real life.

No. I don't count photshops either.

Even if they did, I would probably like them just as much.

Some people just like different things. I may do a separate video series on why

I will never understand this certain fetish or that certain one.

I think at this point, all we can do is just accept that oversized tits exist.

We should enjoy it for what it is.

If you can enjoy it for what it is then people

will be less angry when they see oversized tits.

People for whatever reason hate oversized tits and think it's the stupidest thing in existence.

Let me tell you right now: There are way more stupid things Japan has come up with. This is NOT one of them.

But all I have to really say is

Tits are tits. Oversized tits are part of the spectrum of tits.

And... I really like them! That's all I really have to say in this video.

I do think they are highly underrated and I hope more people can like them and appreciate them a little bit more.

If you guys enjoyed the video, make sure to leave a like and subscribe to my friend OversizedTitLover.

He does nothing but tit related content. So if you are all about that

then go ahead and check him out.

Thank you guys so much for watching! I will see you all in the next one!

For more infomation >> Why I like Oversized Tits - Duration: 4:27.


Welcome To My Youtube Channel | Channel Trailer - Duration: 3:22.

Hello, What's up Guys It's Me Hamza

First of all, My name is Hamza

And Welcome To My Youtube Channel

So as you can see Guys I've Decided To Create This new Youtube Channel

And I'm So Happy to talk to you guys today and i'm so happy to be here with you guys

So This is gonna be my FIRST FIRST VIDEO on my Youtube Channel

And i hope you all having a GREAT DAY TODAY by the way guys

And YEAAH !!!


So as you can see guys i'm really really happy

Do you Know WHY ?

First of all make sure giving a Thumbs UP for this VIDEO SUBSCRIBE for more Videos

make sure guys you know subscribe

SUBSCRIBE for more videos and stay updated with me

You know what i'm saying ?


I Speak English and ARABIC I was born here in Morocco i'm from morocco

I was born here because my first language is ARABIC and I speak ENGLISH Too


So this is gonna be my first first video on my youtube channel and subscribe for more videos to stay updated with me guys I love you so so much guys

I've decided to create this new youtube channel That aim to inspire people

I love Inspire people and make this world better place for humanity and show you know show the real message of positivity

And send a message of peace and hope Spread Love Spread Peace and YEAH That's it

Also guys i'm gonna be showing you THE BEST WAYS To start making MONEY ONLINE on the internet

i'm gonna be showing you ways to start making money online

And yeah That's it


you will find Motivational Videos Inspirational Videos and i just want to help people with my work

So Yeah make sure giving a thumbs up for this video

Smash that like button if you know what i'm saying

And SUBSCRIBE for more videos and stay updated with me guys thank you so so much guys for the love and support

And yeah may be i see you guys soon or next time


Everything it's done peace love unity and i see you guys later

Take care guys and PEACE


For more infomation >> Welcome To My Youtube Channel | Channel Trailer - Duration: 3:22.



Jim! Come on, Jim!

Just stay low!

The coast seems to be clear, Jim

Our uncle sneaky Jim would be really proud of us.

It's a wonderland of evidence in here!

Safari hunt gone wrong,

Colonel, Colonel, Colonel, Colonel- Ooh!

A picture!

We can only surmise that the evidence here portrays the portrayal of the death of whoever the hell died

in this manor.

Ah, See- R! I wonder what 'R' did to produce that much disdain

Who could've done this?

Who could've made this?

Ah. Now I have imprinted this all in my brain

I can recreate this to the best of my ability the body may be gone

But we have a dummy to reenact my assumption stands as thus

Dummy Jim here, will portray the murdered beloved


Dead from a fall maybe, or strangled, by his own cord

Or he was thrown into the bathtub and then stomped on, 'till his shins splintered!

Or mayhaps, a lover's embrace squoozed too deeply

In his orgasmic delight, did perish thusly! UH! And then, when he was trying to flee from

Whoever the murderer was,

Mayhaps, he took a loping gait to try to dissuage the attacker!

And that, OH No,


But, we can't stay here long, (smooch) we have to keep moving, stay low!

Sneaky Jim!

Sneaky Jim!!

Come with me!

Run, run!

Save yourself (smooch)



For more infomation >> DUMMY JIM REENACTS GRISLY SCENE! - Duration: 2:04.


DEMONS JIM, DEMONS!! - Duration: 1:53.

Jim, here, we managed to steal the secret seer's- mystical deviii-

Just going to the dark place, near where he was killed.

The man in the manor, ♪ whoever he was ♪...

We will find the answer to this puzzle, Jim

but be very Jim

we have to be (careful indeed)

there are unknown (sound trails off)

lurking amongst us- Look at that face!

on the wall

You see the demons within us

(very faintly)You see the demons without us

(Inaudible speaking)

I feel the spirits working up a storm in here, Jim


Come Jim

There's not much time

We have to lay out


what we need to be able to summon an answer

to this puh-zzle

SPIRITS! of this world

Speak through me!

I'm Jim! This is Jim!

Jim is our family name!

And Jim MUST get an answer!

Where is--






"C," "R," "I"

"B," "E"



"M," "A," "R," "K," "I," "P," "L," "I," "E," "R"


For more infomation >> DEMONS JIM, DEMONS!! - Duration: 1:53.


SUSPECT WITH A SHOOTY?! - Duration: 3:22.

Jim, we've managed to sneak into the premises of the house.

As we can see,

death, definitely

reigns supreme.

There's no sense of morals anywhere here, Jim. If there was, then surely

we would know that there was-- police, justice, crime in the city, oh--

*loud huffing, with slight background squeaking*


I've got eyes on the murderer!

Maybe not, though. But we can't be sure of anything after this point.


It is entirely possible, Jim, that this is the Detective who is gathering clues,

But little does he know, we have been doing some clue gathering of our own.

Take, for example:

The stray pattern of the fecal matter on this turret, hasn't been cleaned for a while.

The Butler may be neglecting his du-tees.

What is...

Ooh, not good...

That must be his firearm, right.

I can only imagine that her name is Sasha, named after his former lover that he lost 23 years ago to this day.

And that's the...

Look at the way he handles Sasha.

Only a man experienced as a lover could use such a thing!

But need we forget that we also found some stray hairs that may have been animal related.

But I suspect that they were part of this insidious plot to murder whoever the hell

lives in this goddamn home.

But WE will get to the bottom of it.

I swear that on you, Jim and Jim and Jim-back-at-home and our Mother, Jim.

Wait! A development!

I'm gonna get a better look!

What do you see, Jim?

Could it be the pictures of his victims?

Or mayhaps... something.. more sinister!

His family members' parents,

or even...


It's a portable DVD player.. filled with sad movies.

Oh, what a tragedy to do to yourself!

Remember our cousin Jim, Jim?

He would often flay himself alive to sad movies, such as "The Passion of the Christ".

Jim, some new development, Jim.

Something has changed in his...

I think he sees us, Jim!

We're losing him...we... we gotta go, Jim, we gotta go! C'mon!


[here we see jim in his natural habitat]

[watch as he dances]

Stay low!

(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

For more infomation >> SUSPECT WITH A SHOOTY?! - Duration: 3:22.


10 YouTubers who FAKED their *OWN* FIFA 18 Packs! - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> 10 YouTubers who FAKED their *OWN* FIFA 18 Packs! - Duration: 10:24.


Test Palio Hidden Dragon - Duration: 12:48.

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I played today Palio Hidden Dragon

in the new version upgrade

the Palio S4

Palio board universal board S4 + ALL

to which you can attach any kind of lining

while the soft pads type Palio Hidden Dragon a great exercise

and the whole set is very well balanced

performance as cladding for the price is

It stands at a very high level

which is facing

It is a lining which costs very little

and its quality is very high

My first taste of playing with this set

They are such that it is a very balanced set

with a very large control

rotation of the headset is very high

However, this is not such a rotation as the lining of the higher-end

tenergy or rakza

This rotation is slightly lower

But for the price, but probably hard to find something alternative

which will give similar parameters rotation

This rate is set

ALL + simply

ujmijy it if linings are backing MAX

the board is ALL +

It is for the person who begins to play table tennis

it will be really fast set

for a person who plays a little more professionally

it will be too slow

control of this set is definitely something

What distinguishes it from other

people who are starting to play table tennis will be

They will be from this set very satisfied

therefore, that the control is at a very high level

catapults from this lining is strong

I even said that very much resembles the lining tensor

with a very high Catapult

by which we can play everything is possible in table tennis

This lining is not hard

This is a very soft lining

who forgives a lot of mistakes

This lining is universal

we play with her scythe and strong and powerful topspin

It allows you to play longer racing parts

and above all the price is tempting

in fact the very strong game topspinowej

we feel too little power

But if we have made there a little tuning

that this power will be enough

This set was not tuned in any way

he was dressed only glue water

This lining will be dedicated to the people who are starting to play table tennis

for people who are looking for more control, you can wear it on the backhand

we'll get through it a lot more control

many more opportunities to play table block

or situational balls

because it slows down a little game

and gives a very strong hold balls on the table

This cladding is suitable for both the forehand and backhand

for people who are playing more professionally

more would be recommending to the backhand

while those who start playing table tennis

forehandzie and backhand, and will exercise

as I said at the beginning of this rubber it is not until such a strong rotation as cladding tensor

but the service is performed in a point

and the rotation with which we usually

this is not such a rotation inflated

that flies do not know what

but you can play in every service point

so you can surprise the opponent

Game passive block

two distribute the ball on the table

utrati there without any control

therefore passive in the game it is good exercise

worse in the second zone in the passive play

but at the table it is very cool

active in the game sometimes lacks a little power

if we only the aqueous adhesive

It is for the person who goes with FEATURE

it will be a stunning stunning power catapults

for a person who plays some Rakza Gold ARC

This no longer will be too little power

This game topsinowej lining behaves very well

with the board and with the combination

everything on the table with maximum control

We repeat a lot of balls at the

tąokładzine can be described as a technical game

for people who want to improve their technique

strangely enough, even playing with a player who plays hard attacking topspinowe

we are able to counter

assuming proper technique suitable rate

lining is not able to replace tenergy

However, the price is tempting

and players who want a little to spare and want a cheaper set niec

a little lighter because the lining is very light

it can be pokombinowaÄ

fun to this game because we can distribute the ball all over the table

with a very large control

without loss of offensive plays

and it really can play with it all

everything is possible in table tennis

subskrybujcie remember, komentujcie

please add feet up

channel service fired patronite

You can help test

You can choose what is to be tested

so it is very cool to help this channel to continue to grow

patronite will find a link to the description

wszysycy and who will support us

They will receive additional materials which do not normally publish

a link in the description to cover

patronite in U.S.

subscribe to remember

He helped test Krystian Grzelak

Dariusz tested Wycichowski

Edited Dariusz Wycichowski

For more infomation >> Test Palio Hidden Dragon - Duration: 12:48.


Ls 17 /Jahresrückblick auf Lossberg 2017 - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Ls 17 /Jahresrückblick auf Lossberg 2017 - Duration: 2:45.


Turnout Or Switch - Gauge Or Scale - Model Railroading For Beginners Ep017 - Duration: 15:21.

we've talked a lot about different items in Model Railroading For Beginners but

the one thing that I'd haven't done so far is terminology terminology in a

railroad terminology and model railroading today I'm going to talk

about the difference between gauge and scale the difference between turnout and

switch and a few more things so let's get started with it right now

I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was

created to help other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their

dream of building a model railroad and when we're building that model railroad

we need to know the proper terminology of what we're talking about and what

we're using and that's what we're going to discuss today some people call

HO gauge some people call HO scale some people call the turnouts

turnouts and some people call them switches now there is a legitimate

reason for every one of those and we're gonna discuss those and we're going to

go over a little bit of a history of history of railroads and what the gauge

is where that came from let's start this off by talking about the difference

between scale and gauge scale is the proportion of real size to the size of

the model railroad that we're using say like 1:48th 1:87th 1:160 for O HO

and N scale now gauge is the distance between the rail now what we use today

is four foot eight and a half inches but it wasn't always like that it started

out at a larger scale of five foot scale now back in 1825 George Stevenson was a

civil engineer and a mechanical engineer with and him and his son created the

first passenger railroad that was called Stockton and Darlington Railroad now he

used four foot eight and a half inches as this the gauge between the rails now

this was in England in 1825 this is long before in the United States that they

used that dimension for the rail back in 1886 the Pennsylvania Railroad used 4

foot 9 inches and the Southern Railways used 5 foot and I think it was in May of

May the end of May in 1886 they just the the Southern Railways decided to move

their rail in three inches so it would be closer to

what the the northern railroads were they did this in 36 hours and what they

did was they took the inside spike of the Western rail and moved it in three

inches and did that all the way up and then over a 36 hour period

moved the rail over that three inches although all through the rails in the

Southern Railway so that became four foot nine inch and then later on it came

down to four foot eight and a half inches and that's where we are today

where did that four foot eight and a half inches come from there was a

program on PBS a long time ago that discussed this same question of how

we got the gauge for the railroad and it goes back all the way to the Roman

chariots and that they found when they when they dug up I think it was in

Pompeii they measured the ruts and from Center to Center and it came out to four

foot eight and a half inches of four foot nine inches now they did this big

old long story about that that you know it came from there and it you know just

through the years it just came and and everything that was built was built with

those dimensions on there and what they said was that the horses were more

accustomed to that distance that measurement for the wheels if it was any

skinnier or any wider it would pose a problem with that also in in 1870

Matthias NACE Forney was a editor for the Railroad Journal and he had a

discussion with a lot of the engineers for the railroads and this is when they

were it doing the narrow gauge at the time and it was discussed and he

published this that you know that these engineers said that five foot was a

better gauge because the four foot eight and a half inches was sub-optimal but

that never took on you know since everything was

already four foot eight and a half inches it just stayed that way and if

you ever out in Colorado Denver Colorado there's a Forney Transportation Museum

there that you would that I suggest you go see we went there about four years

ago and it has everything in transportation as far as bicycles

motorcycles carriages automobiles locomotives and other rolling stock from

the railroads so if you're ever in Denver go take a look at it I'll put a

link to their web page down here now if you want to refer to a chose scale that

is the proper way of doing it it's not a choke gauge now like I told you gauges

the distance between the tracks and a lot of model railroaders use that term a

choke gauge you know that's fine that's the way they want to do it but you know

so gauge is actually the distance between the tracks now if you got 25

model railroaders I said this before you're gonna have 25 different answers

so however you do it is fine but you know I just wanted to let you know that

scale is the proportion of real life to whatever size that you're using and

gauges at a distance between the tracks now let's move on to turnouts and

switches now a turnout is what the engineers refer to on the railroad now

model railroaders also refer to the same item turn out as a switch now I'm not

going to say that they're wrong that's the way that they say it that's the way

they refer to it and also there's a single slip switch and a double slip

switch which is also a turnout so you know even when you're referring to the

turnouts like a conventional turnout why turn out a 3-way turnout at a double

crossover double double slip switch and double or a single slip switch you see

the difference in there some of them are called switches and some of them are

called turnouts but the actual nomenclature for the device is a turnout

and the switch is a section of the turn which I'm gonna show you on some

pictures over here in a few minutes now there are parts of the turnout that I'm

going to show you on the computer here and we're going to go over that and also

on the code for the rail now there's different codes on different scales I'm

gonna and basically I'm just going to talk about n scale and a chose scale now

in a Cho scale you have seventy eighty three and a hundred now most of the

manufacturer tracks like from the Atlas tracks the Bachmann easy track those are

all code 100 now when you get into the Flex track you can get code 83 and you

can get code 70 now an N scale it's a little bit smaller and it goes down to

code 55 now I'm not sure if the the larger one is 70 I have a couple of

pieces of flex track now as far as the numbers on the turnout the turnout

number is referring to the distance a ratio of the distance of the straight

track and the curve so like one in four and I'll show you a picture of it and

explain that a little bit further now you may be wondering why am I even

bothering to go through this well you know I didn't realize it that you know

since most of us are familiar with a lot of things in model railroading and you

know we've done it since we were a kid and you know we've gone back to it or

we're starting out we already been reading up on it

but there are model railroaders who are starting from scratch and what brought

my attention to this is a couple of viewers we're asking what watching them

some of my videos and they're saying what's this what's that I you know and I

was doing the video on an NMRA gauge and he says what's that used for and you

know as far as the turnout what's the number on a turnout because they had no

idea because they never heard it before so this is basically the reason that I'm

going over the terminology and I'm gonna continue with a few more videos after

this one to expand on some of the discussions now I'm going to show you

the a no more a gauge but I'm going to do another video on the NMR

Gate showing you what all the different items on that gauge is now as far as the

turnout goes I'm going to show you the parts of the turnout and I'm going to

show you the relationship of the numbers on the turnout now if you have a number

for turnout and a number eight turnout a number eight turnout is a skinnier

turnout and a number for turn-up is a little bit steeper and I'll show you why

that is here I have a series of why turnouts this is a number two and these

two are a number four now you can see the difference these are different

manufacturers and even though both of them are number fours you can see that

from the thrown rod all the way up to the Frog it's a little bit different and

the angle is a little bit different so nothing is quite precise between the

manufacturers so whenever you're working on something you have to really check to

see what the angles really are this is a picot insulated frog this is an Atlas

electric electro frog I'm not sure exactly what their terminal terminology

is the Atlas is a number four and the picot is a number five this isn't it

this one's an Atlas and this one's a picot and I'll put these together like

this and number four and the number five this one's an Atlas but I think this is

code 100 I'm gonna put these three together right here and you can see I

have three different numbered curves this one's a picot I know this one and

these two right here is Shinohara this is a code 83 regular track and this is a

code 83 Bridge track this one's made by pika this one's made by

micro-engineering now you can see the difference in the ties for the bridge

track their closer together and they're a different dimension now this

is n scale track this one here is code 70 this one here is code 55 now both of

these are manufactured by Atlas but you can see the difference in the height of

the of the rail on there and also you'll notice the different colors in there

that's true with most manufacturers I don't have any code 100 H 0 scale that

there's a code 83 a chose scale right there and you can see that in the

difference between the h o' and the n scale you could pause your video here to

take a look at this diagram of the turnout it gives you all the names of

the parts of the turnout now whether it's a left hand or right hand a curved

turnout or a wide turn on it's all the same the terminology is the same on

every one of them also I'm going to scratch the surface on steam locomotives

and diesel locomotives and how we identify between the two on steam

locomotives that identification comes from the the trucks on there as an

example you might have a 210 Aloka motive I'm going to show you the

difference I'm going to put a display up here and to show you some of the

different ones not all of them I mean there are so many different ones and I'm

gonna do the same thing with the diesels now the the letters on the Diesel's all

have a meaning on it that you know they have S SW they have RS they have F they

have E they have GP and that list goes on and there are so many different ones

that you could look it up and I'm gonna give you a link for on the Wikipedia

where it will cover every possible diesel locomotive and every possible

steam locomotive and we'll put all those graphics up here on the on the page so

you could see that go take a look at Tom's trains and things dot-com where I

have a bunch of other stuff on here that I don't have on YouTube videos and I'm

always putting more on there check out Tom's trains and

things and help support this channel by going there I have some affiliate links

on there I have patreon and also PayPal me Tom's

trains and things so take a look at the web page in some future episodes I'm

going to continue with the the topic of terminology and try to cover as much as

possible that I can going back and and trying to think what it was like from

the very beginning it's kind of hard so if any of you out there have any ideas

of you know you know what do you want to know about what's this or what's that

write it down in the comments section and let me know because you know I

started out a list of the terms that I want to use and I'm going to continue

with a few more videos as many as I need to make it clear what everything is in

model railroading and in railroading I've had a couple of questions since

IRMA came through they want to see my trains running well I got I got a lot my

electronics part packed up in and toads and stuff that I wanted to keep it away

just in case we had a failure in the roof and so I got to stick to all that

stuff back up and get everything back run and plus I was sick for a while so

we'll get that we'll get the get the trains running on there and I'll show

you a video on that so keep watching I got more stuff coming up and we'll see Ya

For more infomation >> Turnout Or Switch - Gauge Or Scale - Model Railroading For Beginners Ep017 - Duration: 15:21.


GOT7 - You Are MV Reaction - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> GOT7 - You Are MV Reaction - Duration: 5:08.


How 2 D.Va | Overwatch Funny Epic Highlights and Plays | 2017 | How to D. VA | Overwatch Montage - Duration: 5:23.

How 2 D.VA | How to D. Va

Get them off me

Surprise Mother F*@k#


Here we go!

That's a lot of damage

Hot, hot , hot , hot, hot..

No, God please, No


Tactical Nuke Incoming!!


Oh my god!!

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