Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 14 2017

haven't been riding here since spring!

they changed a lot on the other side

ok cool

what's this? mud hole...

feels like I unlearned riding my bike

that's because I've been riding so many different places without a proper homespot

always have to learn new tracks

rolling resistance sucks today

he jumps so high I have to look up!

this time with a bigger gap so I don't have to look up

he jumps so high

that was a sick shot I guess

lets see

For more infomation >> WHIPS, SCRUBS & THE NEW MAINLINE @ BIKEPARK TRIPPSTADT -subtitled- - Duration: 4:18.


Cosa sono gli stereotipi di genere e come possono influenzare i bambini - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Cosa sono gli stereotipi di genere e come possono influenzare i bambini - Duration: 3:38.


Kman夾娃娃 左右甩幅小,利用捏薄也能輕易甩出。性感索尼子公仔。UFOキャッチャー#136 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 左右甩幅小,利用捏薄也能輕易甩出。性感索尼子公仔。UFOキャッチャー#136 - Duration: 2:44.


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The Lego Movie EXCEPT there's no lego - Duration: 0:57.

Lego My Eggo

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Страшные Тайны: ПОРГИ [Звездные Войны: Эпизод VIII - Последние Джедаи] - Duration: 6:29.

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COWBOYS AND SHERIFFS! ROBLOX the game as a cartoon about the WILD WEST in a children's game GET - Duration: 5:03.

COWBOYS AND SHERIFFS! ROBLOX the game as a cartoon about the WILD WEST in a children's game GET

For more infomation >> COWBOYS AND SHERIFFS! ROBLOX the game as a cartoon about the WILD WEST in a children's game GET - Duration: 5:03.


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Wudang Taijiquan Mirror Round Long Form: 1st Section, Front View - Duration: 5:01.

[Intro: music]

[Soundtrack: Passing Time by Kevin MacLeod]

For more infomation >> Wudang Taijiquan Mirror Round Long Form: 1st Section, Front View - Duration: 5:01.


Ask Us Anything with Dr Magdoline Awad - All About Pet Insurance - Duration: 17:05.

Hey everyone Dr. Leigh here from Your Vet Online and today we have got Ask Us

Anything with Dr. Magdoline Awad. Now Dr. Mags is a veterinarian with a

very keen interest in all things animal welfare and luckily for us because today

we're going to be talking a bit about pet insurance, she actually is the chief

veterinary officer for the largest pet insurance company in Australia so she

knows everything there is to know about pet insurance, so if you have any

questions that you want to ask pop them in the link down in the comments section

down below and we'll see if we can answer them during this Facebook live

otherwise we'll try and answer them later on our page, just either on the

Facebook page or we'll pop a link through to the our website we will put

this whole post over there. Alright then well welcome Dr. Mags! Thanks Leigh

Well let's get right to it, now pet insurance is a really emotive subject

for a lot of people because they consider it quite expensive and they

worry is it really worth it can you tell us a little bit about it and what

exactly is pet insurance? Well pet insurance, like any other insurance is insurance

and so I guess the most important thing to understand is that when people buy

insurance it's to actually mitigate against unknown risk and of course we

know that when we buy a pet we've got to make sure it's vaccinated that it's worm that

it's fed properly you know that we do the right things by it, you microchip it, you

go to the vet and get it checked out so we'd have an understanding of what is

required yeah for our pets but what we don't know is what disease is it going

to get and what accidents or illnesses might come about for that animal during

it's lifetime so yeah those are the unknown risks and that's why we buy pet

insurance we buy it for our car we don't know if we're going to have an accident we buy it

for our home we don't know if it's going to burn down all those sorts of things

but for our pets I guess it's one of those things that we know it exists but

actually pet insurance is really really important because it's one way of making

sure that your pet is happy and healthy and it's something that you can do quite

easily and make a big difference in the welfare of your pet. I guess the big

thing for many people is that they get their pets and they're really young and

they don't can't foresee what might happen in the future and I mean I've had

clients who bought only, you know bought a new puppy and it's not even you know six

weeks and it's been run over or it's had really bad gastro

intestinal problems and things like that so yeah as you say you don't know what's

necessarily going to happen and whether it's going to happen when they young or

whether it's gonna wait until they're old so I guess that brings us to the

next question When is the best time to get pet insurance yeah and that's a

really good question Leigh because one of the things that we always say to people

about pet insurance is get it when they're young literally when you adopt

an animal when you purchase it from a breeder or a pet shop or whatever other

means a shelter purchase that animal get that animal home go online purchase

pet insurance. Okay. And the reason that's so important is because we know that

puppies and kittens are prone to getting a lot of things that are unforeseen you

know dogs are most likely to get into garbage they're likely to eat things you

know including their own poo yeah and we know that they're likely to be

boisterous and and and and sort of inquisitive so those sorts of things are

more likely to happen to puppies so the other thing that's really important is

that people don't know what underlying diseases an animal has what you call you

know hereditary and congenital conditions and pet insurance our pet

insurance company does pay for those conditions I guess the important thing

is to get insurance early because what we don't pay for and what no insurance

company pays for, pet insurance company pays

for these pre-existing conditions so if you were... because everyone's really into buying

well buying or the rescue dogs you know they they are getting these dogs from

something that someone like the RSPCA or another shelter and they might be a

little bit older can you get pet insurance for those dogs and cats

absolutely Leigh, our insurance products are there for cats and dogs of any age

any age! when they sign up for pet insurance all our products are able to

sign up animals under the age of nine mm-hm when they first get pet insurance

and if they continue with their pet insurance will cover them for life we do

have some new policies so if you happen to go to a rescue or a shelter and adopt a

senior animal that's over nine years old we do have some new policies that

actually cover them even if it's their first time purchasing pet insurance That's

really good because a lot of people really like to give those older pets a

chance at life yes so now they can be insured yes those senior pets they're

great companions yeah but at the same time they are prone to getting diseases

and ailments at all just like any other pet okay all right so can you give us a

little bit of a rundown on all the different sort of types of insurance so

I mean I guess I'm familiar with things like there's accident only we might have

accident and illness but there's a few words sometimes you see in these

brochures and you're just like what does it mean it's it's not that hard actually

to talk about the types of products that we have because there's a couple of

things that are a few things that you should know about pet insurance before

you purchase it is that number one make sure that the pet insurance that you

that you get you know covers chronic diseases because a lot of animals suffer

from chronic diseases and covers them for life and all our products do that

and also covers for congenital hereditary conditions and all our products

cover for that I see and I guess I see we have a comment here from Sarah and she

is talking about hip dysplasia there so that hip dysplasia is that something

that's like a congenital known as congenital condition? Yes so I guess when it

comes to conditions that are what we call hereditary conditions a lot of

these conditions don't show up no until the animals a little bit older

and that's why it's so important to get pet insurance as soon as you can we cover

pets cats and keep kittens and puppies from the age of eight weeks on Wow

so you know a lot of these conditions say for example you know elbow dysplasia

or things I mean they're actually you know as you know as a vet yeah you don't

see them that young you know they might come about when the animal's

four or five months old yeah you know yeah nice yeah that's

right and so that's it that's why it's really important to purchase pet insurance

when they're young, going back to the information about the products yes so make

sure they are covered for chronic disease and their life long covers which is what our..

Are all of them like long or because I know sometimes when you read some of these

things some companies are not life long Okay so just to just to be very very

clear our accident illness policy which covers animals for accidents and

illnesses those particular policies are all life long

okay so what that means is: say your dog was covered it was a dog, the dog had

diabetes and it was eligible for cover for diabetes then every year that you

continue your cover it would be covered for diabetes okay and so all our

accident illness products and like that. Accident Only is a cheap product and it

covers for very specific conditions there are about nine or ten conditions

that it covers for things like snake bites and burns and things like that and

that that covers obviously covers a cheaper cover it doesn't cover your illnesses but at

the same time some people just want to be covered for certain conditions but

the main cover that we have is accident illness and most of our clients

purchase that and again they're all life long cover. Yeah okay so that's a

life long cover is really that that is so good because if you, I mean I guess

this brings us to another point if you suddenly decide that you're going

to stop cover for a year because maybe you've had some financial stress or you

think it's not worth it that cover goes back you don't have that cover again if

you continue do you so pretty much or you can't swap you can't swap policies

or companies yeah and you must continually keep that cover

mustn't you? Yes so I guess it the thing is that once a condition is been ahh, has come

about if you stop your cover and then you say get it later on then that

condition then is is deemed to be pre-existing and that's how pet

insurance works I guess pet insurance acts and seems like health insurance

then but by law it's actually classified under general insurance like car and

home so as you know you can't insure your car after you have had an accident and

expect it to be fixed and that's the same with pet insurance so if there is a

pre-existing condition then that condition won't be covered but it

doesn't mean that any other condition won't be covered afterwards so I guess

that's where most people think 'oh well, you know it's it's um it's got diabetes

hence I won't get pet insurance', but what if your dog then got a cruciate rupture or

you know had cancer I mean those things will still be covered so I guess at the

end of the day you know most people in Australia are pretty good at continuing

their cover for their home and their car I guess we kind of forget our pets,

because we have this great Medicare system in Australia yes that really

removes any kind of understanding about the true costs of medical care and

veterinary care isn't cheap, I mean vets have access to CTs, MRIs they're highly

trained professionals it costs a lot to keep a veterinary practice open and people

don't understand what it costs for their own medical treatment so absolutely

they're there they're completely aghast when they hear veterinary fees are a certain

amount money but you know that's why the pet insurance is so invaluable exactly and

so can you explain to us maybe how a premium is actually formulated and why

you have to pay the amount that you have to pay okay so um pet insurance like any

other insurance is a you know you can pay by the month or pay by the year and

the way premiums are calculated in pet insurance is based on breed and age and

where you live. Okay so I guess the most important thing is to understand that

you know certain breeds as you know Leigh are going to develop certain conditions

and therefore their premiums might be higher

then another breed that is you know for example you know a crossbred dog you

know cross breeds generally don't suffer from some of the conditions that we know

purebreds suffer from and you know we've got years of data to help us with

our pricing I guess the important thing to know is that we don't actually you

know have breeds subsidise other breeds so for example, Oh that's so good to know, if you've got a high risk breed that we

know is going to be expensive we don't actually make other breeds pay

more for their cover so it's very very fair for the clients yeah no that's

excellent and I know Mags, Dr. Mags you had a

situation yourself where you actually needed to have a lot of veterinary care

for your dog yeah and insurance came in really handy

for that didn't it. Yes and when I talk about insurance and and and talk about

unforeseen risk, mine was very unforeseen in fact I had a because I work for

PetSure we're very lucky in that um you know part of working here means that

we get to experience pet insurance and so I have three dogs yeah and my nine year

old dog actually this year she almost collapsed at home and um we rushed it off to the

emergency hospital and he in fact had a grass seed in his lung and that grass

seed had migrated and caused a massive infection in his chest he had had major

surgery with a specialist yeah and it had the CT scan, I was going to say did he have a CT scan He had

a CT scan, he had a surgery with this wonderful specialist and it would have

been on a ventilator probably um no he actually very lucky in

that um he recovered quite well he was in hospital for a week in

intensive care, which all adds up, and you know what

Leigh? within two months I thought everything was going great but

then he ruptured a disc in his neck and again there we go risk I never know what

happened. As a veterinarian with over 20 years experience even I was shocked that

this would happen yeah my dog would have to major procedures all needing

specialist veterinary care within two months so when you look at something like that

how does it work with your with your policy though because you might have the

one condition it might cost say six thousand dollars and then are their limits

so did you did you run into troubles with limits with this one

Well Leigh, as you know there are limits to any policy and just with any policy

there are going to be general exclusions you cannot cover everything yeah all the

conditions my dog had were absolutely covered by insurance the only the only

limitation was my yearly annual limit and yes that was maxed out but it took a

major chunk out of what I had and so you know everybody would do everything for

their pets yeah you know especially a pet that's been with with us since you

know since I got married and had my kids so my kids were absolutely love this dog

so Rex is doing really well now, Oh that's awesome

and thanks to pet insurance and I guess at the end of the day even vets you know

find themselves in these situations I mean I'm a vet but I certainly am NOT a

specialist and I my dog needed specialist care yeah you can't afford to

actually well when I say can't afford your your own skills can't necessarily

be utilized for treating those problems because you've needed a specialist Both

conditions needed a CT scan yeah and both conditions needed specialists

to do the surgery so I'm very grateful I had pet insurance and when I tell my

story I tell it from you know somebody who worked in practice for 20 years and

saw a lot of people that couldn't even afford to have their pets vaccinated and

I guess one of the things that we know about pets

is that they bring us so much joy and yeah good for us yeah they certainly are

and the people that benefit the most from pet insurance are probably those people

also that really do need so the people benefit most from pet ownership are the

people that do need pet insurance. Exactly. Yeah so we have designed some

new products that are actually a lot cheaper yeah and you know there limits a

little bit different but at the same time it helps to take the brunt out of

some of the um yes you know some of the angst

you know so I guess the key things for people to do when they're looking at

trying to find a policy that fits them is to consider the breed of dog that

they're going to purchase consider it how old the dog is look where they are

like I mean that's a constant like you're not gonna be moving around much

and then I what other things I mean I guess we talk quickly about accident verse

accident and illness and I mean I guess the thing is accident illness we all

know that there's more illness than accident so yeah I have to say it's

probably 70% more illness than accident yeah and really Leigh you're right and that's

reflected in the fact that most of our policies that we sell are accident and

illness we we can't per foresee what's going to happen to our animals and most people

just want peace of mind and that's what pet insurance is, it's actually just

piece of mind it's you know you hope you never have to use it I hoped I'd

never have to use my pet insurance and it's there when you need it and so it

just takes a lot of the angst away and then you can concentrate on looking

after your pet right rather than worrying about veterinary fees. Exactly all right then guys

well if you have any questions that you want to ask us we we pop them in the

comment section below because we can do that later and I'll pop this up on the

website as well so check out and I hope that has

been beneficial for some of you. Alright catch you guys later and thank you so much

Mags! That's alright Leigh, anytime. Alright see you guys

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