Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 14 2017

Bottle Squad with a boom we are ready to zoom!

Bottle Squad!

Bottle Squad! Be strong,

Be brave,

Be smart,

Be kind

Solving problems we don't mind!

We are the closest friends you'll ever find.

Bottle Squad

Ba Ba Bottle Squad

Its Halloween night!

"It's finally here! Halloween Night!"

"I love the candy but all the monsters are out. It's scary"

"Don't worry, Ben! As long as we stick together, you'll be safe!"

"O-okay. If you say so."

It's Halloween Night Not a soul in sight I hear Footsteps Who's that coming?

I see a ghost!

Oh no!!!

I see a ghost! Run!!!

I see a ghost! Hahahahaha!

It's Halloween Night not a soul in sight I hear Footsteps who's that coming?

I see a zombie! Oh no!!!

I see a zombie! Look Out!

I see a zombie! Hahahahaha!

It's Halloween night not a soul in sight I hear Footsteps who's that coming?

I see a vampire! Oh no!!!

I see a vampire! Hahaha!

I see a vampire! Hahaha!

"Let's head to the next street!"

"Uhhm… I'm going to zip back home for a drink of water. I'll join you babies once I'm done!"

"Okay Ben!"

"Much better! …Now where did those babies go?"

It's Halloween night not a soul in sight I hear Footsteps who's that coming?

I see a werewolf! Oh no!!!

I see a werewolf! Run!!!

I see a werewolf! Hahahahaha!

It's Halloween night not a soul in sight

I hear Footsteps who's that coming?

I see a witch! Oh no!!!

I see a witch! save me!

I see a witch! Hahahahaha!

It's Halloween night not a soul in sight I hear footsteps who's that coming?

I see a skeleton! Oh no!!!

I see a skeleton! Hide!!!

I see a skeleton! Hahahahaha!

"Huh.. I guess I do see the fun in this!

Want to do a TRICK instead of treat, Bozzie?"

"What a great Halloween!"

"Yeah, but where's Ben?"

It's Halloween night,not a soul in sight. I hear footsteps.who's that coming?

I see a monster! Oooh noo!

I see a monster! Run and Hide!

I see a monster! Hahahahahaha!

"Trick or treaaat!"

"Wow, Ben! I'm impressed!"

"Nothing to be afraid of!

Monsters just aren't real… so I thought I'd be the best monster Halloween has ever seen!

"We power up and don't give up! that's our Ba-Ba-Promise to you!

Have a Happy Halloween!"

For more infomation >> Bottle Squad | Its Halloween Night Scary Videos Halloween Song Superhero Squad Kids Song - Duration: 1:06:29.


KARIK - Những Cảm Xúc Vô Thường [ Lyrics ] - Duration: 34:06.

For more infomation >> KARIK - Những Cảm Xúc Vô Thường [ Lyrics ] - Duration: 34:06.


I'M ON TV!?!?! l Basic Weekend Vlog pt. 1/2 - Duration: 6:30.


Hey guys

So I'm vlogging I feel like I start off every single vlog by saying that I'm vlogging

And I don't know what happened with my voice

Anyways, so it is Saturday morning?

And I'm starting the vlog off a little bit earlier

This because I'm gonna have to stop vlogging throughout the middle of the day. I do have ballet rehearsal

So I'm going to have to stop vlogging for a couple hours, but then I will resume the vlog afterward

So yeah, I'm trying to get as much footage as I can before I go off to ballet rehearsal

So yeah, I'm vlogging just for the heck of it

You know why not I do really like vlogging so I was like you know this Saturday

I'm gonna vlog and the lighting is really good. It's always really sunny on days

I don't film so I'm going to again I

Have no idea what's wrong with my voice, but I'm going to get my hair

And she's some sort of bun. It's really messy right now, so I'm gonna set you guys over here somewhere

And then I can put my hair up, and then I'll be right back

So hair is done

It honestly took way longer to do my hair, then it should have because so many weird things were happening

My door kept on opening by itself

It was like creaking and I would look back

And it would be wide open when I had just closed it like a minute ago, and plus I broke my nail

I'm so mad because I knew it was gonna break and of course of all days it broke today

Because I don't have time to fix it up. It's so far deep that

I can't actually like cut it because if I cut it then my like underneath

Part of my nail would be exposed, and it wouldn't hurt really really bad

I don't have time to like add some clear nail polish over top

I'm just gonna have to work with some tape so this is what we have going on with my finger

I probably could have used a band-aid, but I'm not sure if I have any band-aids that would really work, but either way

It's too late now, so we're going with a little tape thing here, so have my dance bag here

Let me show you guys

I'm the dance bag super cute, right

Would you guys want to see like a what's in my dance bag video because I was thinking about doing something like that

I'm gonna get some muffins

These are the Tastykake mini chocolate chip muffins, so good on someone to get some of those and then

I'm going to get some socks, and I'll be on my life

Hey guys, so it is much later. It's like almost

But it's a lot later dancing class is over and now I get to chill

No, I don't like any of you


It's really cranky

Every Friday

Looking at myself

Can we just talk about how cool? It was to have my youtube videos on the TV. That was so cool

Like that is so cool like you could literally watch my YouTube video. It's on your television right at home

Hey guys, so it is around

7:30 ish but I'm going to continue vlogging throughout the night, and I'll see what kind of footage

I get I'm most likely going to UM stretch this vlog out a little bit instead of condensing everything into two parts

So you'll end up seeing part 1 and part 2 hello. How can I help you? Yeah? Yeah? What do you need?

Okay um, but yeah, so I pop ring light on so this way it's not too crappy for lighting awesome

Yeah, my my gorgeous mom in the background. I feel like you've been showing off in so many of my videos lately

Sorry everyone's just like being blinded by my ring light right now, but it's making

For more infomation >> I'M ON TV!?!?! l Basic Weekend Vlog pt. 1/2 - Duration: 6:30.


Сонет 54 ( Шекспир / Маршак) - Николай Обабков - Мы в нежных розах ценим аромат - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Сонет 54 ( Шекспир / Маршак) - Николай Обабков - Мы в нежных розах ценим аромат - Duration: 1:44.


ROMA İMPARATORLUĞU, En Güçlü Haliyle Yeniden Kurulsaydı? - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> ROMA İMPARATORLUĞU, En Güçlü Haliyle Yeniden Kurulsaydı? - Duration: 4:06.


Bad Baby in GYM Strong kids Bodybuilder Funny Baby Prank! Family Fun Kids Pretend Play Вредные детки - Duration: 1:26.

Thank you for watching. Subscribe to the channel and put a video like this!

For more infomation >> Bad Baby in GYM Strong kids Bodybuilder Funny Baby Prank! Family Fun Kids Pretend Play Вредные детки - Duration: 1:26.


நடனம் ஆட தெரியாமல் சமாளிக்கும் தமிழ் நடிகர்கள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Gossips | Tamil News - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> நடனம் ஆட தெரியாமல் சமாளிக்கும் தமிழ் நடிகர்கள் | Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood Gossips | Tamil News - Duration: 2:07.


Çağan Şengül - Sen Diye - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Çağan Şengül - Sen Diye - Duration: 4:07.


Kwebbelkop on the Run - Jachtseizoen'17 #5 - Duration: 23:46.

Het Jachtseizoen is co-sponsored by Samsung.

We're heading for Drachten and Groningen? -What is he planning?

Doing good. -He is in a nature reserve.

We need a boat. -You came just in time.

Giel, Thomas and Stefan hunt down a new challenger each week.

There she is. -She's at the train.

Who can keep one step ahead of StukTV?

This is Het Jachtseizoen.

Sit down.

So, Kwebbelkop, you think you can win? -Yes, easily.

We'll open the doors to your cell after which you start your escape attempt.

You have a 20 minute head start after which we jump into action.

You're to wear this GPS tracker which relays your location, every ten minutes.

If you stay ahead of us for four hours

we'll call off the hunt and you're free to go.

But if you don't succeed, you go straight back to your cell.

Is that clear? -Certainly, crystal clear.

Good. Thomas will take you back to your cell

and when we press this button, the game commences.

Stand up.

Today, the StukTV boys take on YouTuber Jordi van den Bussche

better known as Kwebbelkop.

Jordi is very passionate English-speaking gamer.

On his channel Kwebbelkop, 7 million subscribers follow his adventures

in the games GTA and Minecraft.

We start in the former Blokhuispoort prison in Leeuwarden.

After escaping, Kwebbelkop has four hours to steer clear of Giel, Thomas and Stefan.

And Jordi is ready to go.

I can't wait to wreck StukTV.

Kwebbelkop, 22, from Amsterdam. What should we expect?

He's good at playing games, particularly online

but I wonder how good he is at playing games in real-life.

Kwebbelkop must wear a GPS tracker relaying his location to Team Stuk every 10 minutes.

Will this guy get help and from whom should we expect it?

I would say mainly from gamers. -But they're usually indoors.

I'm afraid nobody will help me and that I get locked up again.

Jordi will need all the help he can get.

After his escape, he has a 20 minute head start before Team Stuk opens the hunt.

They have a van full of high-tech equipment, communication devices and a drone.

Kwebbelkop has nothing, not even any money or a phone.

He plays GTA a lot and he is a maximum cheat.

He's a total psycho, but I wonder whether he can lay low in real life?

In Het Jachtseizoen there aren't any cheats. Jordi must stick to the rules:

he can't go inside anywhere except for public buildings.

He can only stay in the same vehicle for 20 minutes at a time.

But this gamer is in top physical condition.

I work out three times a week and I've run a half marathon.

So, piece of cake.

I say: let the game commence. -Hit the button.

Kwebbelkop has escaped. Now he needs to get away as fast as he can.

But on this road, nobody fancies giving an escaped criminal a ride.

This isn't going to work. -Until some of his fans cycle passed.

Can you give me a lift? -Jump on the back of his bike.

Where are we going? -To his house.

Despite his ride, Jordi is bursting with self-confidence.

I'm going to wreck you, StukTV.

The boys take Kwebbelkop to their home where their mom will help him get away.

My mother. -Hello, I'm Jordi.

Are you taking us from here? That's great, I've hitched my first ride.

We're not allowed to stay in the same vehicle for more than 20 minutes.

So let's hop into the car and get as far away from here as possible.

I think we're going to Groningen.

Groningen is more than 20 minutes away but a ride is a ride.

What a great start.

After ten minutes, the first GPS location is sent to Team Stuk.

Is that the beep? -Yes.

The boys rush to the van to check out Kwebbelkop's strategy on their tablets.

Who's driving? -Stefan.

Okay, guys, check out the first location.

He's at a railway station. -Is he at a railway station already?

Leeuwarden Achter De Hoven, it's a tiny station so he's not going far.

Groningen or Zwolle. South is his best option, he won't head for the Afsluitdijk.

In three minutes, there is a train to Groningen.

Jordi might not be on a train, but his destination is the same.

We're heading for Drachten and Groningen? -Yes.

The GPS signal just gave the route away.

We're on the highway and if I'm right they can start hunting. Good luck, ladies.

Indeed, Kwebbelkop's head start is over.

Team Stuk is getting ready to open the hunt.

His 20 minutes are over. We can drive. -Go, guys.

Damn, I need to say where we're going. -Yes, I need to know now.

Yes, I'll enter that he's taken the train.

We're rolling. -Yes? Head for Groningen, in that case.

The boys want to leave Leeuwarden fast and head for Groningen

but the new GPS location is confusing.

He was just at a railway station, but he didn't get on the train?

No, he didn't. -He wants us to think he did take a train.

That's weird, he knows we haven't left yet. -Perhaps he wants to mindfuck us.

He's playing games. -Yes, Jordi enjoys the occasional game.

I can't imagine they've realised that we have left the motorway.

So what we need to do, is keep them thinking we're going somewhere

but we don't go there, after all. We're doing good.

Thomas is struggling. -I have so much to do at the same time.

It's tough. -Shall I sit in the back with you?

Keeping track of his location. No, it's relaxed but it's a lot.

Jordi must change vehicles and looks for a suitable location.

I think we can find something here. A boat would be awesome.

Suddenly Stefan hits the brakes.

After you. Sorry, but ladies go first. -Hello.

Is she a good-looker? -And another one.

We can't go wrong here.

Why am I in the back? -Too bad, dude.

Come on, boys, focus on Kwebbelkop.

I think this is the most fanatical contestant we've had so far.

I want to catch him quickly. - But Jordi isn't hanging about.

We're shooting off. Yes, thank you so much.

We're in the middle of nowhere, I have no idea where we are,

but we're going to try and arrange a boat.

Team Stuk leaves Leeuwarden and hits the motorway

as Jordi swaps the tarmac for open water.

Kwebbelkop, Kwebbelkop. -Hey.

Are you with the canoe school? -Yes, we are.

Can I ask you something? Let's hope they can help us.

Our crook enjoys the GPS tracker going off.

That was the beep and if I'm not mistaken they'll have the shock of their lives

that we're on the water and in a minute we will be on the water.

He's on the water. -He is on the water?

He's on the water. -Don't bullshit us.

He's only just on the water, man.

On the water? -He's on the water.

Have the boys twigged he's on the water? -We're aboard the boat.

Kwebbelkop wants to outsmart Team Stuk by taking to the water.

How big is it? -It's a lot of lakes with islands.

If he hops islands, I'll go nuts. -The van can't traverse water.

We have to split up, one of us must swim and the rest goes round.

King's hat.

King's hat. -Too late.

I don't have my swimming trunks on me. -Me neither.

Jordi is enjoying the peace and quiet of nature.

Gee whizz, look where we are.

Thomas wants to outsmart Kwebbelkop so he tries to arrange a boat from the van.

This is Thomas of The Jachtseizoen. Do you have a boat that's available?

Okay, we can be there in ten minutes. Could you have a boat ready for us?

Is it that easy? -Yes, it's too easy.

Great and preferably a fast boat if that's possible. Okay, bye.

Have you just arranged a boat? -Does it get any easier?

No wonder Kwebbelkop has a boat if it's that easy.

Arranging a boat on the Frisian lakes isn't hard

but after 20 minutes Jordi has to change vessels again.

He's in the middle of the lake. He's sailing. Take a left.

Listen, he has to land somewhere after 20 minutes so we shouldn't take a boat.

So shall we drive around it? -I must see it, I need a picture.

I must see where he is and where we are.

It's a nature reserve, it's huge. There is a forest we can't access by car, either.

It's a lake and a forest. -What is he planning?

We can't do a thing. -If he's on a lake, we're up the creek.

He could hop from boat to boat.

For the time being, Jordi reckons he's safe on the lake.

They might be close. Wouldn't it be great if we see them along the water's edge?

We'll wave to them. Bye-bye, StukTV, bye.

Indeed, Team Stuk is nearby.

They decide to go round in the hope of intercepting Jordi.

If one of us hits the water... -Taking to the water is a smart move.

We don't have to change boats every 20 minutes, we can keep sailing.

I think taking a boat is dangerous. I don't mind one of us getting on a boat

but then we're one man down. -We can always pick him up, no problem.

Giel, Thomas and Stefan have a long way to the other side of the lake.

Jordi has been on this boat for 20 minutes, so he has to get off in the nature reserve.

Our plan is to moor up here and wait for the next beep.

And then we'll run to find the next lift.

But I don't see anyone at all and I don't think they can get here either.

What did we get into in the middle of nowhere?

There aren't many roads here so we're at a disadvantage

if he heads into the reserve. -We can hardly get there.

Thank you very much, we're off to the next one.

It's 150 meter to the bridge. -Look. Boats, dude.

Yes, boats.

The boys think Kwebbelkop headed for this little marina.

He's here, he's here. There are a lot of people here and round the back.

He's coming from over there. Boats aren't fast.

Grab the binoculars. On my screen, I can see there is a boat out there.

There really is a boat out there.

Kwebbelkop is trying to leave the island. -Hello.

We're looking for someone who'll give us a 20 minute lift.

It doesn't matter where to. Can we please go with you?

Preferably that way. -We're going that way.

Could you take a left? Where are you going? -Towards Drachten.

We've just come from Drachten. Too bad, we need to go the other way.

I see a sailing boat. Thanks anyway. -Okay, bye.

Help, we need help. We're stranded here.

Kwebbelkop. -Kwebbelkop, yes.

Could you please help us? Be careful.

We can help you, but we have no idea where we're going.

Okay, that's totally awesome.

Team Stuk also sees where our skipper is. -He's on an island.

Don't bullshit me. -Don't bullshit.

He's in the nature reserve. We'll never get there by car. Never.

It's just for 20 minutes and then we have to get off.

Yes, fine. -Yes? Great. Thanks, gentlemen.

We can also ask someone with a boat to help us.

Ask these people, Stop, stop now.

Good day, gentlemen. We have somebody on the run.

It's a guy in orange jumpsuit and we've just found out that he's on an island.

So we need a boat. -You need a boat?

Can you give us a lift to the island or the nature reserve? Do you have a boat?

Yes, we have a big boat.

It's an adventure. -But the island is that way.

No, there. You go under the bridge.

Yes, the Kop van Jacobi. -Yes, that's it.

They just approached two random Frisians in the hope of borrowing their boat.

How soon can we leave? -Let's go now.

Are you going with him? -I'll go with him.

We're both going with him. Thank you.

Kwebbelkop has survived the first hour and receives Team Stuk's distance on his watch.

They're two kilometres away from us.

And I see a boat following us but that's not two kilometres.

So, we're good.

Team Stuk has a boat. Thomas and Stefan will get on it and Giel will drive the van.

Let's get him. -Great, I'm all alone in the van.

I hope that this will work. -Jordi thinks he won't be alone for long.

I think StukTV has arranged a boat, but when we disembark in a minute

they won't have a car. You can hardly get here by car.

We're doing good, so far.

Yes, so far. But Jordi doesn't know what kind of boat is waiting for Team Stuk.

That one? That's a wicked boat, dude.

I'm launching the drone.

Giel provides a bird's-eye view while Thomas and Stefan prepare to set sail.

Oh yes, that sounds good.

That's the sound of victory, mate. -Hold your horses.

We don't know what to expect. -No, that's true.

He's a psycho.

Guys, I have a sweetie.

Oh, lovely jubbly, a bear.

But then disaster strikes.

We're out of fuel. -There is some fuel in here.

Yes, but it's less than half. -Oh, no.

We'll have to swim, peddle. This isn't good.

We need to get behind that white boat, but that's going to take a while.

They need to hurry up because Thomas and Stefan have just cast off.

Giel, get in the van! -Good luck, guys.

Here we come, Kwebbelkop.

Just on time, Jordi's helpers manage to start the boat.

It works. No, not yet. -Not yet.

Team Stuk's boat has more than enough fuel

and after leaving the marina it will open up its V8 engines.

See you later.

We're coming to get you.

If he sails passed us, I'll go crazy. -So will I.

He can be on any boat. -Yes, behind the curtains.

Fortunately Kwebbelkop he didn't get on this boat to Drachten.

We're off again.

Beautiful, this is wonderful. I'm having another sweet. I love them.

Jordi, do you have a plan or what?

I have no idea where we are. I have no idea where StukTV is.

But we're going to try and jump onto the next boat.

But even on the water, Team Stuk can pinpoint our crook.

He was just on an island, but not anymore. -Where is he now?

He's on the water again, but that's close to us.

He's nearby. -It's the canal to the right.

Jordi has to change boats. -Can you hear me?

I don't understand. Do you speak German? -A little bit.

Let's hope we succeed.

What he's doing, I think, is what other crooks do with cars, hitching a ride.

But he's doing it with boats. -From boat to boat to boat.

Thomas for Giel, over. We have a new location.

He's on the water, we 're heading there and checking all boats. Where are you?

I'll go back to the position from where he left.

Yes, good idea. Stay in touch. If he lands somewhere, go there as fast as you can.

Yes, over.

I'm driving the van that way in the hope of seeing them.

As Giel tries to cut off Jordi with the van, our crook climbs onto the next boat.

Yes, thank you, gentlemen.

With hands and feet he tries to tell our Eastern neighbours what's going on.

They need to shift it because Thomas and Stefan are one the water too.

I saw him. He's on that boat over there. I think he's on that boat.

Full throttle. -I see an orange jumpsuit on that boat.

Really? -The one flying the Dutch flag.

That's him. -It's him, isn't it?


Thomas for Giel, over. We've seen him on a boat in front of us.

He's on the boat in front of you? No. -Really.

Stefan climbs on the bow to take a better look.

It's not him. -You're fucking kidding me.

It's not him, damn it.

Kwebbelkop plots the route but once again his position is shared with his hunters.

Giel thinks Thomas and Stefan have him in their sights and calls for an update.

Yo, Giel. -Yo, Stefan. Where are you?

On the lake. Why? -Okay, but can you still see him?

No, false alarm. We thought it was him, but it was someone in an orange coat.

You're kidding me. -He's...

What? -Another orange coat, damn it. Hello?

What hello? -No, I thought I saw him again.

Everyone wears orange on the water because it stands out.

We'll wait for the next location and then we'll know more.

That location came in a few minutes ago and Kwebbelkop is keeping his eyes peeled.

I see something over there. Can you see it?

Damn, I'm on a white boat in a bright orange jumpsuit. They can easily spot me.

We think we're sailing behind him

and we're closing in on his latest location, over.

He has to be here.

I can see something behind us. There is something behind us.

I see someone in an orange... Yes, that's him, dude.

I swear to God, I saw him walking. I swear to God.

Jordi thinks Team Stuk is behind him and quickly tries to hide.

We're inside the boat now, but we'll have to run. Is that them?

As Jordi is out of sight indoors

Thomas and Stefan think they've made a mistake.

No, it's just someone in an orange jumper. -Get lost.

But Jordi wants to jump ship. -It is him!

It's him, after all. How do we get close to that ship?

It's them.

We've got you, you dirty rat. We've got you.

He's going on land. -We're going to catch you.

We need to moor up, he'll sprint off. -Kwebbelkop, we've got you.

We're going to catch you, we've got you.

Without cheats, Kwebbelkop is afraid to jump.

He's going to jump off. Kwebbelkop, stay there.

Stand still, there is nowhere to run to.

There he is, that's our hero.

It's over, dude. It's all over. -Go away.

We've got you, it's all over, dude.

It's over, there is nowhere to go.

Come on, I'll jump on board. -No.

You have to set foot on land sooner later. It's over, come here.

Come here.

Yes, we've got you. -Wicked.

Wicked, wicked, wicked. -What do you have to say now?

You did really good but in the end, we did even better.

You're going back to your cell. -Damn.

Come with us to the police boat. -I've been on sailing boats.

Almost rubber boats and you show up in a 3 million euro yacht.

We've got him.

He's on the boat and we're bringing him back to the marina.

co-sponsored by Samsung Netherlands

Where did it go wrong? That the gents of StukTV had a speedboat.

I didn't count on that.

This feels great.

I fought for my life, I did my best and I tried to do what nobody else has done.

I underestimated these guys.

Even on the water, we're awesome. -Fucking cool.

I'm going back to my cell where it's nice and warm. It was cold out there.

Unfortunately, Kwebbelkop couldn't stay ahead of Team Stuk for 4 hours.

Thanks to the powerboat, the boys boarded his boat after one hour and 33 minutes

putting him in fourth position on the Jachtseizoen ranking.

Would you like us to hunt you down?

Download the Jachtseizoen app now.

And who knows? We might hunt you next.

Play Jachtseizoen on our app and win handy Jachtseizoen gear.

Will you escape us?

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