Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 14 2017

We're inside an old prison now in East Germany, pretty cool and oldskool.

A village prison. -Something like it.

"Der alte knast"

Curious what we will see.

Looking good.

Looks like it's renovated a few times.

Quickly inside Bob.

This is more like it. -Iron bars.

We gonna serve a sentence.

The lens is wet. Let's clean it.

We are now entering the jail deparment.

Where bad boys like Eelco are located.

I would put you in the cellar.

A pretty big window. -But you can't get out.

It's already a big step if you opened up this one.

Cool. -This is more like it.

Nice bed.

If you can call that a bed...

Creepy in here man.

It's the first time i see such a multi functional room

Normally you see bunk beds.

With a metal toilet.

I thought it were bad boys, but the liked train model construction.

Let's check upstairs.

Here's the inner court again.

It looks like a German castle. Same style, small rooms and narrow hallways. -Yes.

I see "conviction" written down. So burglar Eelco gets 6 months imprisonment.

Nice made beds here.

And a luxurious toilet.

I can't imagine having a sh*t there, next to you.

Everything is very small.

Can you look through?


Just a room with a bed.

Let's check if i can see something.

This one is exact the same.

Cool location !

Looking good !

A pretty luxurious room for 1 person.

Somebody staged some things here.

I really like this prison. -Yeah.

Looks like it was closed good for a long time and opened up recently.

Calendars i found were from 1982. I think it was abandoned after the fall of the wall in Germany..

Closed in the early 90's.

It's really oldskool.

I think there are padded cells aswell ! -You can go up 1 floor aswell.

So, they even had some privacy !

Let's check the toilet.

Somebody recently used the toilet.

It's better than the chair we saw before !

Hygienic rules.

Bob didn't behave again.

You don't expect this in a prison. They held high tea party's here.

Menu, week schedule: - What's on the menu?

Tuesday Schnitzel. Fried egg. Looks good.

It's a maze in here, you get lost easily.

It all looks the same.

We've been here too. ..

You can go up and down here aswell, jesus.

Check upstairs? -Yes.

It all looks the same, have we been here? -Could be, maybe not on this level.

Much bigger than expected.

Have we been here? No.

It's leaking here.

I expected more heavy doors.

It's collapsed here.

Back? -Maybe check that side.

Hope we can find another part.

I would become crazy when they locked me inside here.

Guard towers, on every corner.

It's a bit stripped here.

The easiest prison i've ever done !

Normally you need 8 meter ladders.

Or climb through razor wire.

And then you have an empty shell.

Let's photograph. Yeah, the boring part.

For more infomation >> A creepy, oldskool abandoned Prison - Duration: 10:21.


Ирландец пытается отгадать смысл русских идиом | Puzzle English - Duration: 13:31.

For more infomation >> Ирландец пытается отгадать смысл русских идиом | Puzzle English - Duration: 13:31.


GALATASARAY | Taner KARAMAN: "Ligde En Keyifli Oyunu Galatasaray Oynuyor" | Youtube - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Taner KARAMAN: "Ligde En Keyifli Oyunu Galatasaray Oynuyor" | Youtube - Duration: 10:15.



For more infomation >> LES 7 ARMES SECRÈTES 🔥 QUE LA CHINE NOUS CACHE 💀 - Duration: 7:08.


Small YouTubers | VEDO 14 - Duration: 4:34.

there is a man who lives across the road from me who looks like Luke from Gilmore

Girls which I appreciate but I don't appreciate that he is very into his car

maintenance and as such revs car engines just all weekend

I find the YouTube

homepage thing where it recommends videos to you to be so stale

there he goes again, rev rev rev

yes, drive away

it will either recommend me more videos by

somebody that I've already watched or just the same videos again I already

I already don't spend a huge amount of time on YouTube anymore because I've got a job

and things that I want to get done so when I do watch YouTube I want to watch

something that like makes me think and makes me want to stretch out those

creativity muscles rather than seeing the same thing over and over again and

making the same thing over and over again - it's just boring!

on the other hand I don't spend an enormous amount of time trying to find like small youtubers that

do different things to people that I might already watch

how to solve this is the question

I guess it's just word of mouth and like recommendations from friends and things

these are some small youtubers that I like. as I said I'm not

all that well-traveled in the world of smaller youtubers doing different things

so a lot of these people are my friends

so first on the list is my pal

Caroline who I think I met through booktube? the thing you have to

understand about Cardiff is that everyone knows everyone through like 12

different pathways so I know Caroline through booktube but I also know her

because she went to uni with my friend and then also she used to live with my

now housemate. basically she is lovely and does a lot of like nerdy stuff on

her channel so if you're into Doctor Who or Sherlock or Harry Potter or Disney stuff

that's the place to be because she's currently living in Florida working at

Disney World so a lot of her videos at the moment are just like Disney World

parks and I mean I love that stuff

next up is Lisa who I did definitely meet at a booktube gathering

lisa's videos always feel very personal to me like

very conversational she speaks very honestly and conversationally about

what's going on in her life and also she does a lot of booktube

videos but mixes it up and does like some music stuff sometimes so I really like

that variety aspect of the channel but also she's just nice

next up is somebody

who I met quite recently at leakycon and then discovered that he had a YouTube

channel and I was like yes excellent news and that is Fletcher his channel

has a lot of discussion and stuff on being trans because he is trans

as well as a lot of Harry Potter stuff obviously because we met at leakycon and

he's also involved with the HPA which is the Harry Potter Alliance which is a

charity / like social change organization I only found out that he

had a YouTube channel a couple of days ago so I'm excited to go back and like

go through some stuff

then we've got Colin, colinfilm who lives in Ireland

and is a pal

Colin's been making monthly vlogs and I really appreciate

the effort that goes into doing a monthly vlog because I do like a yearly

vlog and I can't even remember to film bits and pieces for a year's worth of a

video a lot of the time so the people that do it like for weekly or monthly

vlogs I'm just like I'm very impressed they're real fun to watch for me because

it's like seeing what everyone's up to in Ireland they're just real fun videos

and I always come away from them feeling better

the last person on my list is

someone that I don't know personally crazy I know

this is the channel of

Nicole I don't even remember how I ended up subscribing to Nicole because it was

that long ago I think I originally subscribed to her because she did vlogs

that were funny I honestly I can't remember where she came from and then

she stopped making videos for a long time and then she popped back up in my

feed and I was like who is that?

and now she's making videos again and I super

like how eclectic her channel is it could be a discussion on music it could

be her doing something with her appearance it could be her talking to her friends, drunk

it could be her traveling somewhere it could be anything her whole

channel just treads this line between like silliness and in-depth discussion

about things it's real fun

honestly I just think I've been a bit bored with

what I've been watching on YouTube and also bored with what I've been making so

I am very much here for people that are making eclectic videos and different

things and being creative with stuff

I'm after either weird creative endeavors or

just really lovely human beings or preferably both together because that's the dream

thanks for watching let me know your thoughts

and I'll see you tomorrow

For more infomation >> Small YouTubers | VEDO 14 - Duration: 4:34.


IT/BLADE RUNNER 2049 *REVIEWS* - Duration: 8:24.

So, this week I'm going to be off in Scotland, which means I won't be able to make any


So if you some huge news comes out in the following days, sorry, won't talk about


But instead of just leaving and going without a video for two weeks, I thought why not review

two movies that I've gotten quite a few requests to talk about, It and Blade Runner


No spoilers here unless explicitly said, and if you came for my thoughts on just one of

these, there are timecodes down the description.

Alright, let's talk about them.

So let's start off with Blade Runner 2049.

I was pretty excited for this.

I watched the first one in preparation, and yeah, it's really good.

Visually great, most of the performances are good, I liked the world, and the story was

good if not a bit confusing at times.

What, I'll admit it.

And how does the sequel stack up to that?

I'd personally say its even better.

I know, that might be blasphemy to some die hard Blade Runner fans, but I was blown away

by this movie.

Really everything you can think of, this movie does well.

Or not well, but brilliantly.

I'll just say it, this might be the most visually beautiful film I've ever seen.

It is gorgeous, the cinematography, the colors, the effects, everything.

Most of the shots in this movie look like they could be printed off and put in some

art gallery, it is that genuinely stunning.

See this on the biggest screen you can.

The music as well is incredible.

The music from the first is so iconic, and this is just as good.

This unique very futuristic feeling score that you can feel resonate in your body, it's

just perfect.

The performances are also top notch, Ryan Gosling has been on a bit of a role recently,

his last three movies I'd all give between a 9 and a 10 out of 10, and he's fantastic


He has a lot of scenes where he has to convey tons of complex emotions just through his

face and he does it flawlessly.

That goes for a lot of the actors here as well.

Harrison Ford, after this and Star Wars I'm starting to think maybe he actually can pull

off Indiana Jones again, he's great.

I know people hate him now, I didn't mind Jared Leto at all, Bautista's great, Wright's

great, everyone's great.

Although, and this is a minor spoiler warning if you don't wanna know anything going in,

skip ahead just about 10 seconds, but if you're going into this expecting the Harrison Ford

Jared Leto show, it's not.

They were both not in it as much as I thought they'd be, but that didn't bother me,

cuz it all worked with the story.

Speaking of which, the story's also really good here, for most of it you can follow it

even though it has a lot of layers to it.

It's very clever and it has some good twists that I actually didn't see coming, which

was refreshing after seeing a lot of movies that were kind of predictable.

And even though it has potential to, at no point did it really feel pretentious to me.

And maybe the thing I loved the most about this movie is the world.

The first Blade Runner set up this really cool world, and this expands on it in such

an amazing way.

Not only the visuals, but just all the technology with all the attention to detail, it feels

so real and like such a natural progression from where the last movie left off.

This is how this tech would evolve, and just the tiniest little visual details or sound

effects make this world feel so alive.

A lot of that has to do with Ryan Gosling's girlfriend in this, who was amazing.

Also, if you're worried that you can't follow this if you haven't seen the first

film, I really wouldn't be.

This pretty much stands alone from the first movie, it gives you a little recap at the

start so you know what's up and then its really telling a different story in that world.

Sure it helps if you've seen the first one, it'll enhance your experience by quite a

bit, especially when Harrison Ford comes more into play, but if you're just going in fresh,

this still works as a great sci-fi movie.

And again, I think a lot of that has to do with this meticulously crafted phenomenal

world they've built.

If I had any complaints with this, I'd say, it is really really long.

But that's not really a bad thing because to me at least every scene felt purposeful

and was interesting, I'm just saying if you're expecting the brisk pace of a Marvel

movie or something, yeah no this is a slower ride.

Also, while it's still great, the third act was probably my least favorite.

I don't know, maybe it's cuz I saw this at like midnight and I was just a bit tired

at that point, but it started to get a little confusing.

No spoilers, but there's one scene in particular where I was like, oh so this person is...this

thing, not this other thing….ok...was I even supposed to think that original thing?

Maybe I need to watch it again to get the full effect.

So, Blade Runner 2049 is definitely one of the best films I've seen so far this year.

Visually fantastic, compelling story and characters, interesting themes, basically everything you

could want out of a Blade Runner movie or even just a movie.

It's probably incredibly difficult for a movie about android philosophy and whatnot

to maintain my attention for almost 3 hour's hours, but I was super engaged in this.

I'll give it a 9.8/10.

So now, onto the film that I've been getting non stop requests to talk about.


And yes, I know I'm super late on this, but hey because of that I got to see it on

Friday the 13th.

So that's worth something...I guess.

So let's cut right to it.

Is It a great movie?


It is.

Just saying though, I feel like I'm probably not the best guy to talk about this because

as most of you, not a big horror fan.

I'll only really see a horror movie if its a huge event like this one, or if it's gotten

amazing reviews and really intrigues me.

But stuff like Conjuring and Insidious and all that, yeah I'll pass.

So with this, I think this was a step below those in terms of horror-ness, but I still

watched quite a bit of the film through the gaps between my fingers.

What, I'll admit it.

What I did see and hear of it though, I really liked.

In terms of the non-horror stuff, that was actually fantastic.

All the child acting for nearly the entire film was spot on, especially the main kid,

the Stranger Things kid, and Beverly.

The performances otherwise are good but might be just a little over-the-top for my taste.

The movie's also fun, it does that 80s Goonies type vibe really well, it's just a good

time even if you took out all the clowns and murder.

Also, this movie does not feel at all 2 hours and 15 minutes long.

Maybe that's what happens when your heart is constantly racing, but it went by must

faster than I thought it would.

Now, for what the main focus of this film is, the horror.

Yeah, it's plenty scary.

I did appreciate that beyond the jumpscares there were just creepy scenes that are unsettling

not just because sudden noise and visual.

Although, there are a lot of jump scares in this film.

Jumpscares are easily my least favorite part of horror movies, I much prefer you know just

creepy stuff that is horrifying by what it makes you think about.

But I understand you can't really have a horror movie without jumpscares, and they

weren't too egregious here.

I have to say though, and this is not me trying to make it look like I'm so brave and nothing

scares me, cuz I just said how much of this I was scared by, but Pennywise in the form

of the actual clown was easily the least scary part of the film to me.

Maybe that's just cuz clowns don't really scare me that much, and I don't think he

was necessarily supposed to be super scary at some points.

But like, the Pennywise scenes were the ones where I was actually able to watch it without

a hand covering my eyes.

Sure I wouldn't wanna run into him on the streets but just like, he was the least frightening

thing in the film to me.

I thought the other forms he took, like especially for Stanley with that weird painting woman,

I found that to be much creepier.

But hey I guess fear is subjective.

And again, don't take this as me being like oh yeah movie wasn't scary cuz the clown

wasn't that scary.

The movie was certainly scary.

I also appreciate how it didn't really hold back a lot.

I mean when it did hold back I think it was for the better, like with that ending and

how it ends in the book, but other times, like with Georgie and Pennywise, it just went

all out.

So overall, It is a really good horror film, and it's much more well made than some of

the other run-of-the-mill horror films that come out.

It's got a good story, characters you care about, and genuinely scary moments.

I'll give It an 8.7/10.

So those were my thoughts on the new Blade Runner and It movies.

What did you think of these?

Let me know all of your thoughts down below in the comments.

While you're at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter

@bhl_hudson, check out this podcast about movies and TV and whatnot I do every other

week with a friend of mine, it's called The Poorly Planned Podcast (link down below),

and subscribe for more videos like the one you just watched.

Thanks for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> IT/BLADE RUNNER 2049 *REVIEWS* - Duration: 8:24.


Go from idea to educational video w/5 tips from Nurse Bass - Duration: 2:55.

Are you ready to turn your ideas into an awesome educational channel?

Hi, I'm Brad and my channel is Nurse Bass, where I motivate, uplift and inspire nursing


I'm going to teach you five things you should keep in mind when making learning videos on

YouTube--whether your audience is looking for answers to a specific question or tuning

in to learn more about a skill or occupation, like mine.

Number 1.

Let's start with accuracy.

When you're making videos that teach a concept or offer instructions on how to do something,

you want to be sure the information you're communicating is accurate.

I do as much research as I need to master the topic before I make my video.

Sometimes that can be a couple of hours to a couple of days , it really just depends.

And this is what causes vasoconstriction.

Consult a couple of sources and, if you don't have all of the answers, collaborate with

someone who does.

You can build credibility this way and it can be fun to work with other creators.

Be sure to write your sources or give credit to your collaboration partners in the video


Number 2, authenticity.

YouTube audiences respond to authenticity, they can tell when you're not being real.

When you're passionate about a topic, it really does come out in your videos.

I'm a nurse, I've been there and I've done that and I know what these students are

going through and these are the future nurses that i'm speaking to.

The third strategy is finding a video format or a few formats you can be consistent with.

This will create recognition for your brand and give you a template to follow.

There are lots of successful learning video formats on YouTube to choose from, or just

make up your own.

On my channel I have a lot of different formats like Studying with Nurse Bass, Nursing School

Discussions and Advice, and #Askbass.

I've also seen channels where creators sing songs or make raps, use animation or a "Draw

my life" format to teach a concept.

The sky really is the limit!

The fourth characteristic you should keep in mind is how useful your videos are.

If your content is incorrect or unhelpful it may not go far.

Consider exactly what you want to convey in each video and what your audience will take


Timing is also another consideration for some channels.

As you've probably seen, there are seasonal trends when it comes to YouTube content and

this can be true for educational creators too.

For example, for academic content, the demand for videos on certain subject areas tend to

peak around exams.

Lastly, let's talk about making sure your channel is easy to navigate.

Usually, YouTube creators make more than one video in a series and this is especially true

for learning channels.

You want to make it easy for your audience to find the videos that belong together.

You can do this by putting them in a playlist and titling videos in a series with consecutive


You can bundle videos up into playlists by topic, by video format or even audience level

like beginner or intermediate.

So to recap, try to keep your videos accurate, authentic, useful, find a repeatable format,

and make sure it's easy to navigate.

Thanks for watching and let us know what tips you have to make a great educational content.

Make sure to check out my channel, Nurse Bass and don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Go from idea to educational video w/5 tips from Nurse Bass - Duration: 2:55.


Mercedes-Benz: Alex Thomson and Valtteri Bottas – Hugo Boss Event in Helsinki - Duration: 2:33.

So we've just arrived in Helsinki, Finland,

and I'm here to meet Valtteri Bottas

who I've never met before.

He actually lives here in Helsinki,

so he's given me an address to go and meet him.

I don't know what we're doing, I don't know where we're going –

let's go find out.

-Hey Alex, nice to meet you. -Yeah, nice to meet you, too.

So, where are we here?

So, Kart'in Club, Helsinki, I've been here a few times.

-Karting! We're going Karting! -Yeah.

Oh fantastic.

I'm already ahead.

You probably need the help.

Since the first time I tried a go-kart, I was six years old,

I always wanted to be a Formula 1 driver,

so for me the ultimate goal obviously is to be the champion.

Everything I do for this sport, why I work so hard for it,

is just because of that one goal,

and I just want to be the best one day.

Oh man, I enjoyed that.

Good covering on the corners.

Thanks for the tips, sorry about the crash.

That's okay.

Man, that was great fun, I love it.

You're not even breaking a sweat, look at the state of me!

Do you come here shopping yourself?

Actually, I got some berries from here today, this morning.

Is it hard to remain focused at that kind of intensity

for such a long race?

I think being at your best and having a good race,

focus is one of the key things,

but if you lose your focus for a bit, that's when the mistakes happen.

For me, it's always been quite natural.

-Cool location. -Yeah, nice.

-Do you get nervous? -I don't say nervous. I love it,

I love the feeling of waking up on Sunday morning as a race day.

The moment that I'm going to the grid –

you do have this excitement but I'm not thinking much, you know,

just focused on the moment.

For me, I've found that whenever I'm enjoying it,

I'm at my best.

I always tell myself before the race: trust yourself, that's the main thing.

I think we should give a hand for both of them:

Valtteri Bottas and Alex Thomson.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz: Alex Thomson and Valtteri Bottas – Hugo Boss Event in Helsinki - Duration: 2:33.


Why Does the Nintendo 3DS Exist in 2017? - Duration: 4:58.

- Hey guys, this is Austin.

The 3DS originally came out in 2011,

but in a world with the Nintendo Switch,

should the 3DS still exist?

So, if you want to buy a 3DS in 2017,

you're going to be picking from one of these three options.

To start with, we have the Nintendo 2DS,

which came out in 2013.

Now, as you might be able to imagine, this has a little bit

of a different design.

I remember when Nintendo originally announced the 2DS.

I totally thought it was a joke.

So, in the transition from the standard DS to the 3DS,

one of the major advantages was the idea

that it did support 3D.

However, the 2DS, not only does it look weird,

but it doesn't support 3D at all.

That doesn't really bother me though,

as I very rarely use that 3D feature to begin with.

So, there are a couple of other trade-offs here.

Most notably that it has a couple of fairly small displays

and the actual speaker itself is kind of quiet.

But, when you consider that this only costs $80

and comes with a copy of Mario Kart 7,

it starts to look like a pretty good deal.

Take a closer look at the 2DS

and it is a little bit odd looking.

So, this is the only DS or 3DS that doesn't have

a folding clamshell design,

which means that it is definitely not as pocketable.

But, on the flip side, if you're someone with larger hands,

this is actually one of the more comfortable

consoles to play on.

Next in the lineup, we have the new Nintendo 2DS XL.

Now this actually only came out a couple months ago

and I did do a full video on it,

but if you guys missed that,

there's actually a lot of interesting stuff with this guy.

Because this is a newer console, Nintendo are still

rolling out some new colors, including this white

and orange, which I actually think looks pretty nice.

But what I really wanna get my hands on

is the Poke Ball Edition, which comes out next month.

Unlike the original, the new 2DS XL doesn't give up

a lot over a 3DS.

So, you're getting those larger displays,

you're getting the upgraded speakers,

and of course, it'll actually fit in your pocket.

There are also some nice upgrades like faster internals,

which help with load times

as well as give you a couple of exclusive titles.

And, you do have Amiibo support.

Long story short, this is actually one

of my favorite 3DSs you can buy today.

Which brings us to the only actual 3DS here,

the new 3DS XL.

Open this guy up, and we'll see the same

quick start information and AR cards,

as well as the console itself.

What you don't get is an A/C adapter in the box,

which is weird considering that this is

the most expensive 3DS you can buy.

I will say though that some of the limited editions,

such as the Samus edition 3DS XL, look really nice.

So, this originally came out in 2015,

at least for the non-special edition version.

What you got here was very similar to the 2DS XL,

except with facetracking 3D.

I do have to admit, this looks really cool.

But, the problem is, is that for only an extra $100

you can go all the way up to the Nintendo Switch,

which makes the 3DS XL kind of a hard sell.

If you've never owned a 3DS or just haven't played

in the last few years,

then there are a lot of great games for it.

Mario Kart 7 is one of the earlier 3DS games,

but it still holds up surprisingly well,

especially considering that it comes for free on the 2DS.

So, I will say that I'm typically a fan of a little bit more

simulation-style games, like Forza and Gran Turismo,

but it is really hard to argue with just how much fun

Mario Kart is, even though 150cc is not my strong suit.

It is hard to talk about a Nintendo handheld

without mentioning Pokemon.

This is the series that keeps me coming back,

and there are so many great games available,

including the upcoming Ultra Sun and Moon.

But, the original Sun and Moon are also not too bad.

This is a game that I've actually put

a fair bit of time into,

and one of the things that's actually nice

about playing it on the 2DS is that,

even though it does have a smaller display,

it's the same resolution as the bigger ones,

which means that, this actually looks a little bit sharper

than playing on the 3DS XL or 2DS XL.

On top of playing pretty much all of the Pokemon games

for the last 10 years or so on the 2DS and 3DS,

you'll also have a couple in the Virtual Console,

including Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, and Silver.

I grew up playing the original Pokemon games,

so they definitely have a special place in my heart.

But, I've gotta say it is really nice to be able to play

them on a backlit display with a headphone jack,

having a battery.

It's a lot nicer than the old-school Game Boys,

I've gotta admit.

All 3DSs can also play original Nintendo DS games.

So, the only issues is, is that because the screen

is slightly higher resolution than the DS screen,

you're either dealing with a little bit of blurry upscaling

or you just can't use the entire display for the games.

But, in return, you're getting one of the best handheld

libraries of all time.

The games really are why you should consider

picking up a 3DS in 2017.

Sure, Nintendo is slowly bringing a lot of these franchises

over to the smartphone, but at the end of the day,

there are a lot of games that you just cannot play

anywhere else besides the 3DS.

I think it's only a matter of time before the Switch

totally replaces the 3DS.

But, for now, I think it makes sense

why this exists in 2017.

There are still new games coming out for it.

If you just wanna play through a few DS or 3DS games,

then the original 2DS is not a bad pick up.

For $80, you're only a single pair of headphones away

from having a pretty solid gaming experience.

My favorite 3DS isn't actually a 3DS at all.

It's the new 2DS XL.

So, if you're okay with giving up the 3D display,

which personally I just don't find all that useful,

you're pretty much getting the full experience here,

and it's cheaper.

To be fair, the new 3DS XL isn't exactly a terrible pick up,

but at $200 it is so hard to justify picking this up

when the Nintendo Switch is only $100 more.

Unless you're a hardcore fan who really likes

these special editions, I would go with the 2DS or 2DS XL.

So, what do you guys think?

Should the Nintendo 3DS still exist in 2017?

Let me know in the comments below,

and I will catch you on the next one.

For more infomation >> Why Does the Nintendo 3DS Exist in 2017? - Duration: 4:58.


Why Is It Called a 'Nerf'? [A Trip Down Meme-ory Lane] - Duration: 5:40.

Josh: Balance in video games is always a contentious issue and players are quick

to voice their opinions on any changes developers make especially when it

affects them personally. When something is made weaker in a video game we call

it a "nerf", but where did that expression come from and why has the term gained

such massive popularity? To find out we have to travel back in time to 1997.

The easiest just got easier.

Instant messages.

I can customize my e-mail.

My niece sent me a picture.

If you have a phone line, you can be online.

It's the easiest way to keep up with old friends.

Everyone I know is on it.

Josh: It's hard to overstate how

different the internet was back then.

About 37% of American households had

home computers and only 18 percent of them had internet access.

Along with the first cloned sheep,

Starfox 64, and 56k modems, 1997 saw the release of

Ultima Online, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game or MMORPG.

It was a new breed of game,

one that offered possibilities unlike its predecessors

and because of the persistent world, it also had to adapt to its players.

Richard Garriott: It was very broken upon launch and

one of the first things is we're here

scrambling to get to catch-up with stuff we realized that people are both really

upset and really passionate about being there.

You know, if they were

upset enough they could just quit and go away and go somewhere else.

But these people weren't quitting and going away.

They cared. They cared, they were in the game

protesting in the game.

At one point in Ultima Online, swords were toned down

be a little less effective.

The response from some players was that they felt

like Nerf weapons instead of actual blades.

The term "nerf" soon became

shorthand for anything that was rendered less effective due to a game update and

it makes a lot of sense.

It's easier to say it was "nerfed" instead of saying

"Balance changes made my character weaker," or something like that.

But it's easy to forget that there was a time when nerfs

were a lot more difficult to implement.

Titles like Street Fighter 3 which had long-lived competitive scenes

had to release completely new versions of the game to change anything.

Even so, the last version of the game Third Strike had two extremely overpowered

characters in Ken and Chun-Li.

Had Capcom been able to patch the game, would we

have seen the ever iconic EVO Moment 37?

Ken and Chun-Li would have been obvious

targets for nerfs, so who knows?

Today the Internet

has made patching games easier than ever.

That means games can be updated more

frequently, but it also means that nerfs are inescapable.

Jay: Well, f**k that!

The fact that balance changes are not always explained and that developers often have

differing views of the game's balance than players has also led to the term's

development as a meme.

In early League of Legends,

the champion Irelia was nerfed over and over.

While other champions perceived as stronger

weren't changed as quickly.

This gave rise to the meme,

"Better Nerf Irelia", a sarcastic response

to basically anything.

Implying that Riot would nerf the champion for

illogical reasons,

or even no reason at all.

Rather than nerfing the champions that needed it.

Sometimes though memes don't represent reality.

Though Better Nerf Irelia stuck around,

the champion didn't actually suffer that many nerfs after

the early years of LoL – a fact that TSM's TheOddOne discovered on stream.

TheOddOne: You always nerf us!

When was the last time Irelia has even been nerfed?

I'm gonna look it up.

Let's go look it up right now...



She wasn't even f**king – hasn't even been f**king nerfed!

Holy shit. Irelia players are geniuses.

Like, she doesn't even get f**kin' nerfed.

It's all been buffs...

Some game developers like Blizzard Entertainment

haven't shied away from community sensitivity around character balancing.

In Overwatch, they've even gone as far as acknowledging it in game

with self-referential humor.

I reached out to Hasbro to find out how they felt about

the Nerf trademark being used to describe things that were made worse.

Unsurprisingly, they didn't respond.

Although, I did find a Nerf dart

in my driveway the other day.

So there you have it.

Nerfs – now an inescapable fact of gaming life.

Here's to hoping none are headed your way

– unless you're a Jayce player... which case,

f**k you.


Okay. How was that?

???: Pretty good, but...

[Nerf gun being loaded]

Hasbro send their regards.

Announcer: You got Nerfed!

Miles: Do you want to see it?

Nav: I have eyedrops...

[Josh laughs]

Josh: Do I want to see it?! Yes, I want to see it!

Nav: Once his vision comes back he'll see it.


It really hurt!

It really hurt!

Nav: Are you okay?

Josh: Yeah, I'm fine...

For more infomation >> Why Is It Called a 'Nerf'? [A Trip Down Meme-ory Lane] - Duration: 5:40.


Top 10 Coolest Tech Under $50 ! - Duration: 11:25.

Welcome back people, I'm ThioJoe, and I've got a great list of awesome tech you guys

will want to hear about, and all of these things are under $50.

Some of these you may have heard of, some maybe not, but I'm sure you'll at least find

a few of these interesting.

Plus I'll throw in some honorbale mentions at the end, like those that are just a little

bit over $50.

Of course I'll put links to all these in the description.

And yes, I am going to shout out my instagram again, I try to post cool stuff on there it's

just @ThioJoe, that link is also in the description.

So let's not wait any longer and jump right in.

First up, this is one I'm sure you're gonna be skeptical about at first, but hear me out.

It's an HDTV Antenna.

I know what you're thinking, dude are you kidding, a TV antenna?

What year is it?

Listen, you might not have known this, but if you're someone who doesn't want to pay

for cable TV, you can get all the major network TV channels like NBC, CBS, ABC, and others,

for free, in High Definition, with an atenna.

These aren't the old days where you have the big bunny ear antennas with crap quality that

you have to adjust.

I've made a video about this before, and the thing that surprises most people, is the HD

picture you get over the air for free, is actually BETTER than what you get with cable,

because it's not compressed.

Now the one I got is called the Winegard Flatwave, it's a 50 mile antenna, and it's actually

$53, but they have a ton on Amazon that are cheaper.

Definitely something to look into, just be sure to look up how far away your nearest

TV broadcast tower is so you know what range to get, there are websites that can tell you


Ok moving on, we have the Avantek Wireless Doorbell for $28.

This one is great for people like me who might live in an apartment that doesn't have a doorbell.

Before, if I was in another room with my headphones on and someone knocked on the door, I might

not hear them.

There are plenty of other brands you can get, but I liked the design on this one.

With it, you get two receiver modules that actually ring, and the doorbell button that

you can just stick anywhere.

I just used some command strips and stuck it outside my door.

I like that it has a bell symbol on it, so it's very obvious that it's a doorbell, and

then when you press it, it rings both the receivers at the same time.

And you can also choose from a bunch of tones and change the volume as well.

Alright number 3 is one I've mentioned in other videos, which is the "Promixx 2.0" blender

/ mixer for $30.

I guess it's not really a true blender, because it doesn't use metal blades, but this thing

is great for stuff like protein shakes.

It's really straight forward, you just put in water, whatever powder and stuff, and then

turn it on, and it starts spinning really fast.

The first time I turned it on I was actually surprised how much power this thing can deliver,

when you're holding it you can tell it's not messing around.

One thing to note is they're apparently releasing a new version in November that's only in pre-order

right now.

So if you're on the fence or don't need one right now, I might just wait till the new

improved version comes out and get that.

Still, the current version is great and I've used it for years.

Number 4, you probably HAVE heard of this, it's the Google Home Mini, just announced

recently, coming in at $49.

The mini is to the Google Home what the Amazon Echo Dot is to the regular Echo.

As far as the software goes, it has all the same features as the regular Google home,

because it uses the same assistant.

Unfortunately I haven't gotten one of these yet, but I do have the regular Google Home

which I like a lot.

I think this would be great for someone who doesn't necessarily want to listen to music

on it, because the smaller speaker obviously won't sound as good.

Another difference is the mute button, which is now a switch, and you change volume by

tapping on the sides of it instead of a circular touch interface.

But I rarely ever physically interact with my Google Home anyway, that's not really the

point, so I think the Google Home Mini is a perfect entry point.

And yes, it can FINALLY do reminders.

Ok number 5 is tech related so it still counts, which are this pack of microfiber cloths for


This particular pack seems to just be generic, there's not really any brand name for them,

but they are really high quality for the price, and you get 8 of them, it's actually a great


Each cloth comes in an individual cardboard package, the clothes themselves are thick

and sturdy with seamed edges.

And yes, they're proper smooth microfiber material, not like that other crap that's

more like a roided up paper towel, you know what I'm talking about.

So yea if you've been looking for something to clean your phone or glasses with, these

are great.

Number 6, for those of you who have too many home network devices, there's the Netgear

8 Port gigabit switch, at $47.

Or, they have a 5 port version for $35.

If you don't know what a switch is, that's OK no judgement, you can just think of it

like an ethernet splitter.

Maybe I'm old fashion, but I still prefer the reliability of a hardwired ethernet cable

over WiFi when I have the choice.

If you either don't have a switch, or you have a basic 100 megabit one...


This is one to consider.

Obviously there are other brands out there, but I like this one because it just feels

like a quality product, and I've found them to be reliable.

They're all metal construction, not cheapo plastic that you typically see, and they look

pretty slick.

It's a simple, straight edge design, that just looks like a proper piece of networking


Oh and I should point out they do make managed versions as well, but for those of you who

don't know what that means, you don't have to worry about that.

Seven, this is actually two tech related accessories that I'm going to count as one because they're

pretty similar.

First, is this pack of 50 velcro cable ties by a company called Pasow for about $7.

These things always come in handy, and they're so cheap you should just get some to have

on hand when you want to wrap up a single cable or multiple.

Also, related to that, is this really clever cable management sleeve for $15.

It's basically a two sided cloth material with velcrow, and you just wrap it around

a cluster of cables to keep them together and looking nice.

One side is black and one is white, so you can choose either color as the outside, and

you just cut it to whatever length you need.

They also come with these cord label clips you can use if you have a lot of similar looking

cables I guess.

So this is something I like, I used it to put behind my TV stand with the white outside

so it's just less messy than a bunch of black cables bundle together.

Number 8, it's a shame that we need something like this because so many companies are removing

headphone jacks, but anyway here it is, the TaoTronics Bluetooth Receiver for $15.

It's just a little bluetooth module with a 3.5mm output plug that you can plug into anything

and then stream to it.

For example, you might keep this in your car so when you're riding with friends and want

to listen to their music, they can do so even if their phones don't have a headphone jack.

Or maybe you have it hooked up to your speakers at home so you or your friends can easily

put on music that way if you don't want to bother with a cable or adapter.

Of course bluetooth still isn't really up to par with a proper cable, but hey, this

is cheap enough where it's easy to justify.

Coming near the end of our main list, number 9, is the Anker USB charging Hub with USB-C

port, which costs $50.

I think it's pretty obvious why a USB power hub is useful.

It's good for if you have a lot of devices of your own, or you could put it in a common

room where a lot of people might want to use it.

But with so many phones and devices using USB-C now, that just makes this even better.

You see this supports USB Power Delivery, which is the new standard for delivering extra

power through USB.

This means if you have one of the new iPhones, you can use this to fast charge your device

instead of using Apple's expensive charger.

It will also charge any other devices that need USB-C with power delivery, like the latest


So if you're looking for a hub that can deliver a lot of power and will be pretty future proof,

this is one to look at.

Ok finally we have number 10, and after we can get into honorable mentions.

So for this we have the Yubico Security Key for $18.

This is also something I've talked about in other videos, and I think it is an awesome

device for the price, especially for people who are security conscious.

Basically, this is a physical usb device that you plug in and use as a method of Two-factor

authentication, and it's supported by a ton of major websites.

If you're not familiar with two factor authentication, this is how it works.

On websites that support it, you can make it so to log in, you not only need your password,

but also a special one-time code that is either sent to your phone through a text message,

or is generated through an app on your phone.

That way, if someone steals your password, they still can't log in.

But in some cases, you may fall victim to a "man in the middle attack", that I won't

really get into, but put simply, someone else gets your code instead of you, like they set

up a fake website, or steal your sim card.

A physical security key uses some more advanced encryption techniques that I'm not qualified

to explain, so to log in, you simply press the button on the key, and it does a secure

handshake with the service that can't be intercepted.

So it's much more secure than just using a regular code, and worth it especially for

services like Google, where you might have all your accounts tied to a single email.

Definitely worth it.

Alright so now onto a few quick honorable mentions.

First, is the Lutron Casetta Wireless dimmer plug and remote, which is $60, so a bit over


I've got a couple of these and find them really useful for some lights that I wanted to put

where there are no light-switch controlled outlets.

With this, you can plug it in anywhere, and now the lights you plug into it can be controlled

with the little remote you stick anywhere on the wall.

The next honorable mention are these super cool spiral edison type bulbs.

They come in a pack of 4 for $16.

I know they're just light bulbs but I thought they were super cool looking and wanted to

mention them.

And there are also other cool designs you can find all over Amazon that might be worth

looking through.

Finally, this one is kind of tech related I guess, but SO useful.

And that is a pair of long needle nose pliers, which go for around $15.

You might have a regular pair of needle nose pliers, but I doubt you have these.

They have come in handy so many times, like when I'm working on the inside of my computer

and drop a tiny screw at the bottom of the case.

But obviously this would be useful any time you need to get to something small in a hard

to reach place.

Next time that happens you'll be glad you had them.

So, that is it, hopefully you guys found a bunch of these pretty awesome and useful.

If you have any super cool gadgets you think I should talk about next time, feel free to

let me know down in the comments or on Twitter as well.

If you want to keep watching, I'll put some other videos right here, you can just click

on those, and if you want to subscribe, I make a few new videos every week.

And consider enabling notifications by clicking the bell, or else YouTube probably won't show

you any of my new videos anyway.

Again, I'm looking forward to hearing from you, so thanks for watching I'll see you next

time, have a good one.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Coolest Tech Under $50 ! - Duration: 11:25.


Koch vs. Wissenschaft: Geheimtrick "Ultraschall" | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> Koch vs. Wissenschaft: Geheimtrick "Ultraschall" | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 10:18.


How To Make a PAPER CANNON That Shoots - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> How To Make a PAPER CANNON That Shoots - Duration: 4:07.


10 TRUCOS PARA SER MAS FEMENINA | Doralys Britto - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> 10 TRUCOS PARA SER MAS FEMENINA | Doralys Britto - Duration: 4:45.


Paula Echevarría tras la tristeza pasa al ataque por lo de Ares y Bustamante - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Paula Echevarría tras la tristeza pasa al ataque por lo de Ares y Bustamante - Duration: 3:36.


PJ Masks Toys Go To Jail - Duration: 8:39.

PJ Masks Toys Go to Jail

Oh No why are the PJ Mask in Jail? What happened?

Hey Dino Pals, this is Toy Rex here. Let's see what Toy surprise we have today.

I am going to play a prank on the PJ Masks.

Watch this Guys

Ha Ha it worked I changed the flower in the big pile of poop.

Hahaha, nows lets blame it on the PJ Mask guys.

Good job Romeo. They are going to be in big trouble this time.

For more infomation >> PJ Masks Toys Go To Jail - Duration: 8:39.


GALATASARAY | Taner KARAMAN: "Galatasaray Konyaspor Maçında Avantajlı Çünkü..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Taner KARAMAN: "Galatasaray Konyaspor Maçında Avantajlı Çünkü..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:42.


5 Moto con Ottimo Rapporto Qualità/Prezzo | 5 Bikes You Should Buy (Quality/Price) [ENG SUBTITLES] - Duration: 7:14.

Did You ever wished

a brand new bike, straight out of the dealership?

but You're so broke to have collected debts

with Ahmed the Kebab Guy?

You're in the right place ;)

Hello Riders! Welcome from Your MadHorse :)

as You can see from the "Intro" and the video's title

Today I'll talk about some different kind of Motorbikes with a good Price to buy and with some qualities

All these bikes are good for A2 License (+18 Y and -35KW)

I'll speak about many kind of categories

We'll have to see an Enduro Bike

a Supermoto

a Naked Bike

a Sportbike

and last but not least, for the "Vintage" Lovers

a Retro Cafè Racer

Let's start from the Off Road/Enduro

with the Betamotor which give us a good bike

an agile bike

with a light weight

it doesn't have many HP

and with a very cheap prize

makes this bike perfect for newbie riders

It's not a specialistic bike

so don't do Hard Off Road/Enduro

specially because the engine power is not elevated

on the other side it has a very solid engine

and with street tyres is pretty good to ride on asphalt too

without going so far from the Enduro bikes design

Let's Head to Supermoto Bike

and here We have a bike

which probably on future will be on this channel

because I'm really interested about it

it comes from the revenant SWM

a real Supermoto

agile, light and with a sharp design with high performance

it's a "Spartan" Bike

focused only on prestations

Extreme Light Weight

Like a 125cc

related to this weight We find a very good engine

able to unleash

Suspensions by Kayaba

and Braking System comes from Brembo

Very good details and components

offered at a very competitive price

and it can be "Depowered" for A2 License riders

a Very very interesting bike

keep talking about bikes without so much "Covers"

Like these two

Let's head to the Naked Bike

Here I suggest

an extremely fun to ride bike

Price is not so bad

Engine is 689cc

and it has a good engine power

on a not so heavy weight bike

this bike obviously goes beyond the A2 license limits

but it has the opportunity to be depowered too

so it remains possible for newbie riders

with a gorgeous design

ande Here I make a little Ad

if You want to see it in action

Give a check to Noisy Boy on YouTube, Link is in Description ;)

and now let's go to a bike

most desirable for Young riders

a Super Sport Bike

in this case is better say only Sport Bike

almost twin sister of the Honda CB 500 F

a naked from Honda, pretty good too for Quality/Price

and the Honda CB 500 X

this one too offered at a good price and it's a crossover

but without distractions, let's go back to this sport version for everyone

infact it has a good HP but not so elevated

hitting the engine power limit for A2 License

and here obviously the price is pretty good

It perfectly fits with this aggressive price and with the Market Target which this bike is focused on

like who starts riding

or who wants to have a Sport bike

but without too much stress

with too many power

and wants more comfort for urban ambient

and that's because despite Supersports it doesn't have semi handles

but a raised handlebar for a better comfort

with a good weight the "Package" is ready to be sold

let's close with a bike simply perfect for Vintage/Retro lovers

and this time We go back again to the Manifacturer Coming from Varese


a great bike, compact and light

easy to ride with good components and an interesting price

Classic and New solutions for a nice fusion

Monobeam Frame

One cylinder engine 440cc

with air-oil cooling system and electronic injection

Daisy disk and anterior Radial brake

so like i said it's a perfect fusion with past and present

and this one too with a low hp: 30

it's rideable with A2 License

for more infos I suggest to You to check

another Blogger

it has a YouTube Channel too (Link in Description)

another motorbikes lover which shares his passion

and He's pretty close to the SWM

included this bike and others which I didn't talk about

We're in The End of this video

as You can see, I didn't talk about 125cc like previouses Top 5

because I wanted to talk about bigger bikes

and because if We focus on 125 probably We'll find ridiculous prices

so I preferred avoid this category

but if You want a video like this about 125

I'll be happy to do it ;)

Leave a comment and feel free to ask about these bikes

let me know if You own one of this bikes

remember to follow me on Socials

feel free to share this video and Subscribe ;)

I'll see You soon in the next video

Lamps :D

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