Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 14 2017

At present,

the Church Of Christ reached 139 countries and territories

with a membership consisting of 133 races of people.

People who after leaving behind their former false belief and works

have embraced the true faith and upheld the rightful manner of worship and service to our Lord God.

Parallel to the Church Of Christ's rapid growth and expansion all over the world

is the increase of its need for additional ministers and ministerial workers.

These new graduates

have been able to all the more strengthen

the faith of our fellow brethren.

These new graduates

have been able to

make the unity of the brethren with the Church Administration

more solid

and because of this

these new graduates

have now been able to encourage the fine young men

inside the Church Of Christ to also study in the School For Ministers.

The number of would-be ministers who graduate every year

is God's answer

to the prayers of the Church Of Christ members to send workers in his field or harvest.

"...therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." Luke 10:2 NKJV

The Executive Minister of the Church, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo

is the leading proponent in encouraging qualified men to join the Ministry.

Hopefully, even more young men will get interested in studying in the Ministry

because the Church Of Christ is not getting smaller.

It's getting larger.

Consider what was accomplished by our "My Countrymen, My Brethren" project:

the number of people who were able to listen to the preaching of God's words reached nearly 50 million,

not only there in the Philippines but also in many parts of the world.

That's because the activities we have conducted to share our faith have been large-scale.

And now, in the villages and smaller neighborhoods in the Philippines,

that is also what we are doing.

We are really combing through every part of the world.

What is the reason? Because this is our Lord God's work.

But what do we need?

Many ministerial workers to assist not only in spreading God's words

but also in strengthening our brethren in the faith.

Many young men were moved to respond to the call of the Church Administration.

At present, there are 5,844 students in the holy Ministry.

This is opposite of what is happening to other religions.

As the number of their church-goers nose-dives,

so is the diminishing number of those who become priests or pastors.

The religious recession happening in the religions of the world cannot be denied.

Another proof of the victorious work concerning the increase in number

of the Church Of Christ's ministerial students

is the establishment of the School's extensions.

In Baliwag, Bulacan

Imus, Cavite

Taytay, Rizal

San Fernando, Pampanga

and Calamba, Laguna

During the administration of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo,

The school also established extensions overseas.

Five in Luzon

two in the Visayas region

and two in the Mindanao region.

The school also established extensions overseas.

In Sacramento, California

Washington D.C., USA

Toronto, Canada

London, United Kingdom

Rome, Italy

and Ladybrand, South Africa.

I look at these development

of many extensions of the School For Ministers

not just here in the West coast but in the East coast and many other places of the world

as another proof of God's help to the Administration and to the Church as a whole.

Another so-called success that you may count

that God had fulfilled His promises to the Messenger and to the present Administration.

It can only be good as many as it would be establish more

can only be good for the Church that many more young members of the Church could be molded

to be of help to the Administration

in the on-going growth of the Church

and propagation of gospel prior to salvation.

We are aware that there is no school on earth

Like the School For Ministers in the Church Of Christ

because the alumni, the product of this school are ministers of God.

Where on earth can we find such school?

As we're of this, we promise to the Church Administration and most of all to God that

will give it everything we have got

We'll spend the last beat of our heart

last ounce of our strength

to help the Administration produce men that will help the Church Administration

take care of the Church and spread God's work of salvation in these last days.

The separation of the School For Ministers from the New Era University

is a manifestation of the school's progress and development.

This is no longer monitored by the Commission on Higher Education

like the other colleges under their supervision.

Like the College of Education,

College of Nursing,

College of Law, and others.

Instead this will be under the category theological school.

That is why the School Administration has the freedom to re-organize its curriculum

and CHED is not that strict in overseeing it

because this is not a course being offered in other universities.

Another reason is, because of the number of students that we have

at the School For Ministers, so the Church Administration

deemed it wise and necessary that we be separated totally from New Era University.

The number of professionals from different countries who join the holy ministry is also noticeable.

Well, indeed it's God's answer to all our prayer

and to the call of the Church Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo

and that is for the vast field of the Lord especially now that we are closing in to our nearing salvation.

Just like in the country of India, in the District of Qatar

there are about 37 prospective Indian nationals, who will be in the ministry

if they get to be approved for admissions

they will pass the stringent admission requirements just like any other prospective student

they will be here in the School For Ministers in the main campus

and the proliferation of the foreign students in the School For Ministers

of course we firmly believe that is God's answer

to our prayer and to the call of our Executive Minister

and that is for the Church in general.

The Iglesia Ni Cristo School For Ministers

not only administers the increase in number of ministerial students

but also in teaching and molding them.

The role of the school is really so great

yes it is quite difficult but with God's help

with God's help

and through the guidance of the Church Administration

under the stewardship of Brother Eduardo V. Manalo

we are confident

that we can carry it out

we're confident that it will come into fruition

that ministers in the Church Of Christ are really fitted

fitted to be God's soldiers in these last days.

In order for the ministers and ministerial workers to cope with the fast growth of the Church and modernization of the times,

the Church Administration organized a comprehensive program for the ministerial students.

Here in the School For Ministers

we are training our students to speak various languages

so that they may be able to preach the gospel to various peoples of the world

They are also taught how to write.

They are also taught how to socialize.

They are also taught with leadership and management.

Would you believe that we also train our students photography?

because they need that also in making reports, recording, chronicling

because they also need that in the performance of their duties.

There are more,

there will be more programs that the school is implementing.

Comprehensive program which is embedded in our curriculum

so that our ministers would be able to cope with the demands all the time.

The Church Administration strives that the knowledge equipped to ministerial students

will prepare them in all kinds of challenges that they will encounter in their future place of assignments.

Although there are many different social problems that we could mention

like, drug addiction, alcoholism, teenage pregnancy, abortion

and many more are experienced not only in a single place in the world, not only in a single country but

those are problems not only in one country but in almost every part of the world.

And we know that these problems are what the concerned agencies are focusing on.

Above that, in those problems, there is a far greater problem.

The problem of gradual loss of man's belief in God especially among children.

Their lack of regard to religion.

That they treat religion as thing that will be a burden in their lives.

The thinking that worldly knowledge is much more important, the wisdom of men

than the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.

The youth's thinking that they are free to do what they want

and that they are not bounded by the regulations of the commandments of the scriptures.

Those are greater problems.

Now those are the things that our students at the School For Ministers

are being prepared to deal with because those are the dangers

that they would face whenever we send them or rather after their graduation.

So wether you are in a culture different from one country to another

but the culture that we have in the Church which is doctrinally based

and which is the culture that is instructed to us

recorded in the Bible that is the culture that we have to submit to.

And that is what we instill our students.

Wherever they may be, they will be teaching the same teachings that we have received.

And whatever culture they may be send to

they will be instructing the same teachings through and through.

Despite the development in the methodology of teaching and training of would-be ministers,

one thing remains and does not change

the mission of the school to instill in its students

the qualities taught by the Messenger of God in these last days.

All kinds of knowledge and skills they will acquire will become worthless if they will not become loyal.

If they will not become faithful.

If integrity is not in them.

If they will not be molded to be obedient and submissive.

All their qualities will be put to waste if they did not possess a high regard

to the authority of the Executive Minister,

if they do not recognize the commissioning of God to His Messenger, and this Church's election.

That is why it is always emphasized to the students of this school.

Now we see to it

that although we apply modern techniques in teaching our students.

But then, we will never deviate

Never, never deviate from inculcating those values unto our students.

Bacause those are the values that one need in order for him

to be accepted by God and to be worthy of our Lord Christ Jesus

as a minister in the Church Of Christ.

They are the young men who willingly offered themselves

without objections from their parents for this great and holy calling of God.

Before entering the holy ministry,

we graduated a Bachelor of Laws and International Studies at the University of Adelaide in Australia.

We passed our licensure exams which is the equivalent of the bar exams here in late 2015.

In the first year and a half, we worked at the Attorney General's Department as an associate.

After we passed our licensure exams,

we ended up working as a corporate lawyer

at Herbert's Smith Free Hills, a private law firm in Australia.

When I was still young, my dream was to be an engineer.

And with God's help and mercy,

I finished the course Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering.

Also through the mercy and help of God

I was honored to be the topnotcher in the October 2008 board examinations.

After I passed the board exam,

I worked as a network consultant in a telecommunications company for seven years.

Before I joined, I was in a military. The reserves in army reserves.

For eight and a half years,

the air guard for two years, so the total of ten and a half years.

I also was working for Hawaiian electric company in Hawaii

And I attained an Associates Degree in Electrical Station and Maintenance Technology.

They understood that being a minister is the greatest vocation.

Because I am a minister's son,

my parents taught me that this duty as a minister is from the Lord God Himself.

I regard being a minister inside the Church as a huge blessing

because I believe that this is God's calling

for us to help the Church Administration in the works inside the Church.

The duty of a minister is the highest calling in the Church that God can give

The Holy Ministry is the most important.

The most sacred duty that anybody can ever have in this world.

They also know that joining the holy Ministry is accompanied with great responsibility.

Inside the Holy Ministry, it isn't just to preach God's word.

It is instead to show that this Church, the Church Of Christ

is the one and true Church that will be saved on the day of judgment.

Now, I'm not really thinking for myself anymore

There's a bigger goal when you're a minister, it's for the Church Of Christ.

And you no longer belong to your parents, you no longer belong to anyone.

Your soul is property of our Lord God

How can I use myself to help the Church? How can I use what God has given me?

In order to be of benefit to the Church.

Joining the school for ministers, is the best decision that I made in my life.

Because I understand that everything I do here in the School For Ministers

I do for the glory of our Almighty Father

Like we always say, we are soldiers of God, soldiers of Christ.

So, just like in a military, we're not only defending a nation.

But here in the ministry, we're defending our faith, defending the Church and defending the nation of God.

They are the ministerial students inside the Church Of Christ.

They are taught and molded to fulfill the great mission

to help in God's last work of salvation.

I wanted to join the ministry to offer myself to God

not really in exchange for everything good He has done for me because you can't repay that

but rather as a way to say thank you God for everything You've given to me.

That's why I was inspired to join the holy ministry.

I promise that I will completely fulfill my duty in the holy ministry

despite the trials, problems, and temptations.

I will perform my duty wholeheartedly and faithfully.

What inspires me is the Church Administration because I can see

the work that they do, the sacrifices that they do for the brethren around the world.

And I want to be of help to them in taking care of the flock in these last days.

And to propagate God's words so that more people

may listen to the truth and more people may return to our Almighty God.

I promise my loyalty to the Church Administration

and I promise my loyalty to our Father in Heaven.

And I promise that I will obey and adhere to the commandments and the instructions of our Almighty God.

I will put all of my efforts and I will spend all the energy that I have, all the strength that I have,

to do well in my studies to the best that I can

so that I can be an effective instrument for the Church.

I promise to our Almighty God that I will whole-heartedly, bravely face all of the challenges that will come my way.

I know that it would be hard

during the time of trial, during the time of challenges, that's one is the hardest.

But I know that afterwards, after I have been able to overcome the challenge through the help of our Almighty God.

Then, that's when you really see the blessings in your life by our Almighty God.

During those challenges, I promise my loyalty to God

I promise that I will remain faithful to Him.

When you look at the big picture of what the goal of the Administration is for us, the students in the ministry

they want to see a bright future for the Church Of Christ.

They want to see ministers that are capable that can take care of the flock.

That can take care of brethren, that know how to advise, they know how to preach,

they know how to be a good leaders

which is what the Church needs now especially now that we are growing so fast.

We promise our Lord God and the Church Administration that we would devote all of our life in our studies now.

And in whatever tasks that they give us in the future,

we promise that we would remain loyal to the Church Administration.

We would obey all of their instructions and we would do all of the things that they tell us to do.

In terms of our studies and in terms of taking care of the brethren in the future,

we promise that we would remain in the calling that was gifted to us.

We would never betray the calling that was given to us, and most importantly,

we would carry this gift up until the day of judgment or the end of our life.

As the Church continues its journey and battle,

the Church Administration continually guides it

with the help of ministers and ministerial workers in defending and shepherding the brethren

towards perfection and in attaining the promised salvation.

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Centro do furacão Ophelia a 240 quilómetros da ilha de Santa Maria nos Açores - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> Centro do furacão Ophelia a 240 quilómetros da ilha de Santa Maria nos Açores - Duration: 6:12.


Horror Movies That Made People Sick In The Theaters - Duration: 4:16.

Horror films are supposed to get your adrenaline pumping.

But for some, these thrills are just too much to handle.

It may sound like a clever bit of marketing, but physical reactions to these movies have

indeed required medical professionals to treat moviegoers at the hospital, or the scene of

the scare.

Here are a few films with fictional frights intense enough to cause real-life physical


The Exorcist

Let's start with a classic: If you've never seen The Exorcist, then you've probably never

known true cinematic horror.

Still shocking by even today's sensibilities, the film had quite an effect on people who

first saw it in 1973.

Local news reports from the time mention people crying, throwing up, and even fainting …

"We have a lot of people throwing up and a lot of people shuddering, but the thing that

really surprises me is people faint.

I mean, I've never in my life known a movie where people would faint."

The Exorcist may have been the first, but it certainly wasn't the last.

For example ...

Goodnight Mommy

An Austrian film about 10-year-old twin boys whose mother has just had facial reconstructive

surgery doesn't sound all that scary.

But once Mommy comes home, all bandaged up, she seems to be a wholly different person,

and exudes a cold, severe aura.

While 2015's Goodnight Mommy is mostly a psychological horror, the latter half of the film is full

of violence — and some people can't handle it.

In an interview with IndieWire, the director says early screenings proved the filmmakers

were onto something, saying, quote, "Two people fainted.

That's the best compliment we've had so far."


Have you ever heard the one about the woman who turned into an insect after getting bit

by one?

Well, that's the premise of the 2015 body-horror movie Bite, and the impact it had on movie-goers

is no joke.

At the Fantasia International Film Festival premiere, audience members were given barf

bags as a gag — but some people reportedly had to make use of them.

That's not all: First to Know reports a few people even passed out in the theater, and

at least one ambulance was called to the scene.


By the time we got around to the third Saw in 2006, you'd have thought fans would have

built up a tolerance to all of the gross, violent images from the first two films.

Obviously this was not the case, as the BBC reported that moviegoers in a few UK theaters

fainted and emergency services were called out three times in one night because of the


A woman in her 20s even needed to be hospitalized after apparently fainting with fright, while

others were treated at the scene.


The 2016 film Raw premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, and wasted

no time in making filmgoers faint and vomit.

The Guardian reported that paramedics had to be called in because the realistic biting

and chewing of human flesh, plus all the gory lacerations and wounds, were all too much

for some audience members, who fainted in their seats.

So ... not a good choice for "dinner and a movie."

The Green Inferno

Another gross movie capable of getting folks to faint is Eli Roth's The Green Inferno,

which features a group of activists who crash land in a jungle and have to survive captivity

at the hands of a hungry tribe.

Par for the course for an Eli Roth movie, The Green Inferno is full of graphic images,

gratuitous gore, and body mutilation.

Oh, and of course all the people-eating.

Can't forget about the people-eating!

An article on New Zealand's Newshub said a woman fainted during a screening in France,

and Roth shared the news on Instagram, clearly thrilled by the glowing review.

The Human Centipede 2

Movieline's Jen Yamato wrote about her experience at the premiere of The Human Centipede 2 at

Fantastic Fest in 2011 and how festival founder Tim League joked about there being EMTs on

hand in case people got sick.

Like the barf bag gag at the Bite premiere, this joke ended up being less funny when it

came true: the person sitting next to Yamato filled two barf bags and eventually fainted,

and two ambulances were called to the scene to tend to audience members.


An anthology of scary stories that debuted at Sundance, 2012's V/H/S certainly had an

effect on viewers at the festival.

The first night, a woman left the theater in tears because she reportedly couldn't stand

the tension and suspense.

And according to co-writer Simon Barrett, paramedics had to treat two audience members

at a midnight screening who suffered seizures and started vomiting.

That sounds awful, but the good news is that these two troopers decided to go back and

finish the film anyway, which is just about the best review a horror flick can get.

"If you're watching this, don't come here!"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Horror Movies That Made People Sick In The Theaters - Duration: 4:16.


Crorepati Game Show 14th October 2017 | With Aamir Liaquat Hussain | PAK News - Duration: 48:19.

For more infomation >> Crorepati Game Show 14th October 2017 | With Aamir Liaquat Hussain | PAK News - Duration: 48:19.


The Academic Word List from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Part 6 - Duration: 5:46.

























































































































































For more infomation >> The Academic Word List from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Part 6 - Duration: 5:46.


motu patlu cartoon in hindi - Motu patlu and people go to the park - Duration: 2:38.

motu patlu cartoon in hindi - Motu patlu and people go to the park

For more infomation >> motu patlu cartoon in hindi - Motu patlu and people go to the park - Duration: 2:38.


American Life Texas Version Part 2 - Duration: 12:28.

this is the second part of American Life Texas Version

she has a new haircut

yeah I have a new haircut

can you sing?

say goodbye

hello darlings

you look so pretty with your new haircut

don't lie

your hair is so long

100 pesos and I shave it

100 dollars?

cut this already

you look so much better

we're at the locker room

give a tour please

we're at the gym

we're done with cardio

I did 20 min and look at me, i'm sweating a lot

I look gross

but look

and now we're going downstairs

we're leaving now

we're going home


after so many hours

just kidding

it was like one hour or one hour and a half

I didn't record my rutine

if I'm skinny I might record it

not yet

I almost dropped my phone

so we're going home

and I don't have any homework

I barely have homework

i'm enjoying this last year of high school without homework

because next year I will have a lot of homework


i'm going home


we're at the mall

why are you laughing?

we came to a mall

look at my shirt

I want to see people's reaction

but now that i'm here i'm realizing there's a lot of Mexicans

so I don't think they're going to be surprised

so today was a total fail

the mall was full of Mexicans

there wasn't a reaction like

no reactions

no one looked at me in a wrong way

nothing happened

some people stared but that was it

but there wasn't any Americans

because there were a lot of Mexicans

I don't remember the name of the mall

it was not Galleria

it was another one

and I don't remember the name

but no one looked at me in a wrong way

that's why I didn't record anything

so today was a total fail


we're here because I need to take a picture


I need to take the picture

it's 8 am

8:34 am

we're supposed to be in class

but I need to take the picture so it's fine

I need to be in class but I came with her

she came with me

but we have 9 absences left

so we're good



look what i'm wearing

i'm proud to say i'm graduating from this school

just kidding

I've been in this school for months


it's me again

how are you?

I don't know if you remember me

i'm the one from Zacatecas

we're in Biology

and then we have different classes

what do you wanna say?

my phone is dying

is not working since yesterday

say your name, where are you from etc etc

let me look good first

my name is Anna Gonzalez

i'm from El Salvador

you're going to be in the military?


that's so cool

everyone subscribe to her

so she can have more followers

Friday the 13th


so today is friday the 13th


yes, you didn't know?

today is friday the 13th

and they decorated the school like this

because also tomorrow is homecoming and the theme is about halloween

homecoming is a dance the school organizes at the beginning of the year

and the theme this year is about halloween

so they decorated the school

it's so cool

it looked better in the morning

right now it's falling apart

but it looks so cool

a lot of people is asking me to record halloween here

i'm going to try

I don't know what my plans are for that day

because it is Tuesday

so I don't know what i'm going to do

but this is a little bit of what they do in here

back at Ohio I never experienced this, the school being decorated like this

but this looks so cool

so I wanted to show this to you

goodbye my friends

we're at another game

3rd game together

they are losing 40-3

but the effort is appreciated

hello, i'm the only one from Venezuela

my name is Valentina

i'm 20 years old

just kidding

i'm 15

i'm a junior

just kidding

i'm a sophomore

I moved here 8 months ago

so you're new too

technically yes

i'm going to be on YouTube!!

so this is it for today's video

I hope you liked it

i'm going to keep uploading videos about American Life

i'm going to try and record for halloween

I don't know if i'm going out, since it's going to be Tuesday

but if I do, I will record it

so you all can watch it

I hope you really liked it and I'll see you on the next video

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