Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 14 2017

Hey all this is Eddy and today I'm going to show you a cool free screen capture

software with some simple editing options for those who miss the YouTube

editor and are looking for a replacement this software is called: "iSpring free cam"

and I'm so excited to tell you about it although I'm sure it's been there and I

just recently discovered it so let's get to their site yep you can the software

in this adress I will put the link in the description all you have to do is

enter any email address even a fake one :) and let me show you what this

software is capable of doing: record your screen - obviously, highlight your mouse

that's nice, too fast.. the editing options it's basically about trilmming

and audio fixing yep and the option that I love the most is share videos right

away you can share it instantly to your channel yeah

HD quality that's also great and two other great things that they don't say

in here is that you don't have to worry about a nasty watermark appearing

because they don't have this and the second thing is they don't have any time

limitation that's also great if you are looking for a bad thing or something

that is missing in here is that you can't activate another camera to capture you,

you know sometimes there is something rectangular here that shows yourself

while you're speaking they don't have it it's only a screen capture software so

go and get this software not before you subscribe to my channel I know where you

live and I know what you did last summer so till the next time peace!

For more infomation >> Free Screen Recorder and a Free Video Editor All in 1! ☑️ - Duration: 2:17.


Prayer of the day Sunday, October 15, 2017 - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> Prayer of the day Sunday, October 15, 2017 - Duration: 11:43.


American Idol Winners Who Can't Find Work Today - Duration: 5:06.

There was a time when people thought that making it onto American Idol would provide

a hopeful singer with their big break.

While that may have been true for some of the people who've appeared on the show over

the years, the majority of American Idol contestants and winners never really hit the big time.

What happened to these American Idols once the cameras turned off and the voting ended?

Candice Glover

Season 12's Candice Glover tried out twice for American Idol before finally making it

onto the show.

Her powerful pipes wowed audiences at the time, but she's since struggled to maintain

her momentum.

Her debut album, Music Speaks, only sold 65,000 copies, and things haven't improved much since

its release.

Glover is still making music, however, releasing songs on SoundCloud and YouTube, which is

your best bet for hearing her these days, because her performances are few and far between.

Caleb Johnson

Singer Caleb Johnson's American Idol career was a rocky one.

He auditioned for the show in 2011 and 2012 but failed to make it into the final rounds.

The rocker finally established himself as a contender in 2014, and won the Season 13


Johnson's success was short-lived, however.

Plagued by poor album sales, he parted ways with Interscope in 2015.

In an interview with Billboard, he blamed the label for a lack of support, saying,

"I want to find the right home and the right team of people that are going to get behind

my music and really do something.

What's the point of doing it if the [label] isn't going to do anything?"

After leaving Interscope, Johnson crowdfunded his EP, 'Born from Southern Ground', with

a second full album in the works.

Most recently, he performed in his native Asheville, North Carolina's BaconFest and

seems to be struggling to recapture the glory of his American Idol days.

Nick Fradiani

Season 14's Idol win came as a shock.

Nick Fradiani thought himself to be an "underdog," but despite his doubts, he beat Clark Beckham,

who was favored to win the competition.

His luck ended there, though, and Fradiani is still struggling to hit the big time.

Early in 2017, the singer left Big Machine Records after terrible album sales, telling


"It just wasn't the right fit.

I couldn't be more happy.

It needed to happen, and I was hoping for it."

These days, he's focused on recording his own songs and recently released an EP.

He told Digital Journal,

"I'm not obsessing over record sales anymore.

It's just getting the music to as many people, and hoping that the music turns them into

a fan."

David Cook

Season 7 of American Idol brought us the battle of the Davids.

Fans were shocked when David Cook beat the projected winner, 17-year-old David Archuleta.

Despite this stunning upset, Cook failed to achieve the level of fame that you'd think

such a victory would bring him.

Despite his first album after Idol reaching Platinum status, his follow-up albums sputtered.

The singer is still recording and touring, even a decade after his win, remaining humble

and hard-working.

He told the Del Mar Times,

"I believe in keeping your head down and doing your work for as well as you can, as hard

as you can, for as long as you can."

Phillip Phillips

Season 11 featured one of the biggest showdowns of all, as rivals Phillip Phillips and Jessica

Sanchez went head to head.

Phillips ultimately won the title after a record-breaking number of votes.

His coronation song "Home" went triple platinum and, for a time, it seemed that Phillips was


At the height of his success, Phillips tried to get out of an "oppressive" contract with

his label, 19 Entertainment, who then counter-sued him for breach of contract.

He's not letting his legal battles keep him from making music, though.

He's still actively touring and recording, recently opening up for early-2000s mainstays

The Goo Goo Dolls, and hoping that his next album will make the Billboard charts.

Ruben Studdard

The 2003 rivalry between Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken was one for the books.

Studdard managed to clinch the title by a margin of less than one percent.

Studdard's first album, "Soulful," debuted at number one and sold more than a million

copies in pre-orders alone.

Despite his early success, Studdard's fame didn't last.

After dwindling record sales, he was dropped from his label in 2007.

In 2013, the singer appeared as a contestant on The Biggest Loser, telling TODAY that it

was time for a major life change.

The stint on the show meant taking time away from music and forced him to cancel some performances,

but he remarked that it didn't bother him too much, saying,

"Being here for four months isn't going to kill my career.

If four months kills my career, then I don't have a career."

It turns out those may have been famous last words.

Even though his fourth album was timed to be released with the season finale of Loser,

it only sold 6,000 copies in the US.

Studdard has been struggling to remain in the limelight since.

Taylor Hicks

Since Taylor Hicks' Season 5 victory, the singer has been pretty successful — just

not always in the music industry.

The singer-turned-restaurateur hosts a food show called State Plate on the INSP cable


While he's still touring intermittently, he hasn't released an album since 2009.

He's also got some strong opinions on the ABC reboot of American Idol.

In an interview with The Domenick Nati Show — after it was announced that his Season

5 rival Chris Daughtry would be on the panel — Hicks weighed in on who should be a judge,

"If anything, I think a winner should be.

Because, you know, what you go through to win the show is a lot different than what

you go through when you're third or fourth."

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> American Idol Winners Who Can't Find Work Today - Duration: 5:06.


Diving w/ Sharks, My Lyme Treatments, & Disability Benefits | 2017 Q&A [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 18:42.

[Intro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

Hey guys, so in today's video, I'm going to be doing a Q&A. This is my yearly Q&A.

I did a Q&A last year around this time so I will leave a link to that in the

description below for you guys to check out. So I asked you guys a bunch of

questions on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube - to ask me questions, and I

literally told you to ask me absolutely anything, it did not have to be health

related. So today I'm doing that Q&A, I actually surprisingly did get quite a

few questions which I'm pretty happy about. I'm going to answer them now. Okay so

first I'm going to start with the questions from Twitter. @chr0nicallycute

she asked me - what is your favorite self-care activity to do when feeling

low. Um, I honestly just relax [laughs] I like to sit on my bed, with my laptop. I will go

on YouTube, I'll watch some makeup tutorials, some vlogs. Um I watch a lot

of Australian youtubers, I will watch Shaaaanxo, she's from New Zealand,

I'll watch Nikki Joy, I'll watch Sharon Farrell. Those are like

my top 3 favorite youtubers, I love watching their videos. So yeah that's

pretty much what I do. And I'll also put on a face mask, I love doing face masks a

lot lately, so that's what I do, and I'll take a really hot bath too, baths always

makes me feel better. @Josh_CFSblog asks me - What message would

you have for yourself when symptoms first started - symptoms of your chronic

health conditions. I would tell myself that it's not the flu because when I

first got sick I thought it had the flu. I got sick all at once, it just bam, it

like, it just hit me, it was all at once and I

just thought I had a bad flu, and I went on thinking that for a month - not

knowing that it was very early stages of Lyme Disease. So obviously not very good,

so if I could go back in time and tell myself one thing - it would be to get my

butt to the doctor's because you are not experiencing the flu, you have Lyme

disease, and if you stay this way, you're gonna be very sick for the rest

of your life. So yeah I think I'd tell myself that.

Ok so questions from Instagram- @kimmy.grace16 asked me - Has anything good come from

being ill? There are some good things, like obviously, being sick sucks. You

can't enjoy life the way you want to enjoy it, you have to stay home all of time, we

can't really go anywhere, we can't really do much, and you're very limited

by what you can and can't do. But there are some things that I'm kind of I guess

grateful about being sick, or some good that has come from it. Probably meeting

people online with the same illness I have, or similar illnesses and conditions

is probably one of the best things, um yeah, I really like talking to people, seeing

their experiences and all that sort of stuff, that's probably one of the best.

Also I think becoming sick has made me more aware of chronic illness and

different types of disabilities, different types of illnesses, that sort of thing. It

definitely made me more kind, compassionate, and I've also started my

youtube channel because I was sick. And also there is some good within myself

that has come from it. I've kind of learned to just be myself and

not really care what other people think, which I think is a great thing, so I'm

much more comfortable being myself than I ever was, when I was in a school

environment. @chronically.discussable asked - What do you feel is the most important

thing you've learned since becoming ill? Probably that doctors don't know

everything, they don't. And there are many doctors that are complete A-holes out

there, and there are doctors who aren't kind and compassionate, there are doctors who

are lazy, who really couldn't give, you know, they couldn't give two cents about

you. So that's probably one of the other things that I definitely learned, and

that the medical system is super corrupt, it's very corrupt, especially when it

comes to Lyme Disease. @fibrofairy asked me - If you could be healthy again for one

day what would you do? First of all, that would be amazing!

Um, I would definitely enjoy it, that is for sure. I would go for a walk in the

woods, I would run. Like I haven't full-on ran since really becoming sick, I would

do cartwheels - I haven't done that since becoming sick. And if I was somewhere

tropical I would definitely go snorkelling on a coral reef, and I would

100 and thousand percent go diving sharks. I've always wanted to go diving

with sharks, um, I've been swimming with sharks, but not actually diving with them

so, that's on like the top bucket list of things to do. If I could be healthy for

one day, no medical problems at all, no pain, no nothing - I would go diving with

sharks. @surviving.hope asked me - Do you follow any special diets for Lyme

disease? Currently I don't but there have been many times where I've tried diet

after, diet after, diet after, diet and none of them helped me. Um I been on the Paleo

diet multiple times, I've been on the GAPS diet multiple times - both for more

than six months, and I didn't have any improvement at all, in any of my symptoms,

nothing improved. So now I eat what I want, when I want, and if and when I'm

able to eat. I mean I do have, I guess a healthy balance of healthy foods and bad

foods, like it's not all bad and it's not all healthy, it's just kind of even. So

that's kind of what I do. Okay next for the questions on YouTube. I posted a

short video, asking you guys, to ask me questions, and you did not disappoint, I

have a lot of questions from YouTube, and a lot of great ones. Bill Thompson asked

me - What treatments have you tried or been through? Western medicine, aka antibiotics

etc. Herbal protocols such as Cowden, Buhner, White. Other treatments such as

Rife, Ozone, hyperbaric, hyperthermal? I had to make a list for this. I made a

video about all of the treatments I have tried for Lyme disease, so I'll leave

that in the description below if you want to check it out Bill, because that

has, like everything in it. Like I talked about pretty much everything that I

could talk about, and that I could remember. I will say there are a lot of

things, and a lot of treatments - for a lot of things I've tried, that I actually

don't remember trying because I have - I've tried so many things over the years,

so it's really hard to remember everything, but um these are the main

things that I've tried, and remember trying. So at first I was on (oral) antibiotics

for two years. It wasn't just one antibiotic,

I worked up in stages, there were lower antibiotics - like you know the classic

doxycycline, I was on minocycline, there was a few other antibiotics. I was, I

think on at least eight different antibiotics in total I would say. I was

also on different medications, or drugs I think it's fluconazole you take, I was on

that for Candida. And I went to a Naturopath or Herbal doctor, I think

he might have been a homeopathic guy, I can't even remember. We did some sort of

stuff with vitamins, and he gave me a whole bunch of vitamins to try, which I was

on so many different vitamins, and supplements, and none of them were working,

because I later discovered I had malabsorbtion. I tried Rifing, which I actually do own

a Rife machine. But before we owned the Rife machine, I went to a guy for about

a year Rifing. The Rife machine, you know, it did help me some but it didn't

help me significantly, and going to the guy was super expensive so my mother

just figured why not buy a Rife Machine, and so my mom bought a Rife Machine, and we have one

one and we use it. I know I should be using it so much more and I was using it a lot

during the summer, but with the new protocol I'm on with my naturopath, I

really haven't doing much Rifing. But it is a very handy machine. Like if you have

a cold or flu and you use that machine, then it really helps to stop the bugs,

like it is amazing, and it totally does work. Like I mentioned earlier I tried

various herbals, like I've been on Red Root, Resveratrol, the basic Lyme stuff

that's supposed to help Lyme, I've been on that and again it made me Herx,

which it's a good thing, but I wasn't really doing any detoxing at the time, so it

really didn't help me in that aspect. I've also tried, you know, to help with

pain and stuff, like I tried a chiropractor. I went to my chiropractor for years, and

years, but for $40 and needing to be adjusted monthly, and it

didn't make a big difference. I also went to the osteopath, which actually did help

me, but it was very expensive, and I really I can't afford it. Acupuncture,

it's the same story with acupuncture. I don't know if it helped me because I

wasn't doing it long enough, and if I did it long enough it might have helped me, I

don't know because I didn't continue with it, because again it was expensive. I

did IVs of myers cocktails for three years, and that actually did help me. That

was one of the few things actually did help me, it helped me to have some energy.

It did not help my pain at all, um but it did give me a bit more energy I would

say, um and it did actually help me sleep, so it gave me some vitamins but, it

didn't help me as much I would hope it too. I've also tried some various

homeopathic things like tinctures and stuff with my naturopath, the current

naturopath I'm seeing. So yeah I'm actually back on some homeopathic stuff

at the moment too. So yeah, there's so many stuff to try with Homeopathy, and

allopathy, and all the type of stuff, so yeah there's a lot of stuff to try.

I also did glutathione, um that really did not help me. I took it at a time when I

was also killing bugs, like doing ozone, so I really can't tell if that helped me

or not. I did GcMAF. Again, I don't know if

that helped me or not. It was extremely hard for me to determine what and

wasn't helping me, when I was doing so many things at once and constantly

experiencing herx reactions. Bioresonance Therapy. This did not help me

one bit. I did this weekly for about three years,

saw no improvement at all. It's supposed to help with your pain and inflammation,

but for me it didn't. I also had Hydrogen Peroxide injected into it bag of saline

to help kill off some of the Lyme Disease, and yeah, gave me a bad Herx Reaction, a really

bad one. I also did a Low Dose Naltrexone which is also supposed to help with pain,

again that did not help. I also did IVs of Ozone,

which I did a lot of them, and I did them week, after week, and I made myself

extremely sick with those Ozone IVs. Like at the time, I was like, I just want to get

better okay, just, I don't care how sick I get, just try to get some of those bugs

out of me and make me better, which, it didn't make me better.

I had the worst Herx reaction. I also did LDA and LDI which is Low Dose Allergens. I did

that for I think about two years, that did actually help me some, it improved my

immune system, but it didn't improve any of my Lyme Symptoms. And like I said

earlier I also went on the Paleo diet and the GAPS diet both did not help me.

Those are just the ones that I can remember. There are so many other things

that I tried that I'm pretty sure that I forget. So yeah, it's a very long list of

things I've tried ,and a very short list of things that've actually helped me.

Dyllan asks - Is there anything that you wish academic or scientific thought

around Disability, Chronic Illness would handle better. I'm currently in my second

semester of a social science program and thinking of entering a research group so

I can study persons with Disabilities and Chronic Illness. Although I don't

consider myself Disabled I do have two or more Chronic Illnesses. I would love

to better our knowledge about what it's like to be Chronically Ill. Do you think

that is a valid pursuit are social sciences not the best way to go about

it. This is a bit of a difficult question for me to be answer, but I guess I wish

that scientific and academic taught would just put more thought into how whatever

illness that they have, you know, how it affects people, and I wish able-bodied

people would put more effort into trying to understand Disability and Chronic

Illness, I think that is very important. You usually think of Chronically Ill or

Disabled people - first of all most people haven't heard the word really

Chronically Ill referred to people. If you are Disabled, but they only think the

stereotypical blind, deaf, or person in wheelchair, which it's so much more than

that, so I think our overall understanding and

thought, and the way that we view Chronic Illness and Disability definitely needs

to change. And do I think Social Sciences is a valid pursuit. I think if it's

something that you feel is right for you to do, and if you feel that you are

interested in that sort of thing, and you think that this is, you know, the best way

to learn about persons with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses then go ahead and

do it, because you know what, there are some research groups, and research that

really could help persons with disabilities and Chronic Illnesses.

So yeah, I - this is a difficult question to answer, but I mean, I think if

it feels right for you, and if it's something you want to be apart of,

you know what, do it. Um, hopefully it helps to create change overall. Vivianne Merr, she

wants to know - What were your major symptoms? I wrote down my main symptoms

because they have changed from now, you know, from then to now. So when I first

got sick I had severe nausea, and the nausea was so severe that I carried

around a puke bucket with me everywhere it went because I felt like I was going

to puke at every minute. Fun story, I actually had to get my braces put on

when I was severely nauseated. Um, I also had a lot of dizziness, I had a lot

of weakness, I had a lot of aches and pains, I felt like I had the flu. I was

very fatigued, I had absolutely no appetite, I had a lot of stomach pain, I

had a lot of constipation, and I slept a lot. What I have now is widespread pain

all over my body, muscle pain, joint pain, bone pain, you name it, nerve pain, um, now I have

a lot of fatigue, weakness, exhaustion, insomnia, migraines, poor sleep, constipation.

And on bad days I will get palpitations, chest pain, severe nausea, and spells of

near passing out. Okay this is last question. Jennifer S asks, I would like to

know your experience with applying for Disability Benefits here in Canada.

This is a bit of a hard one to explain, um, because I really don't know much about

the whole Disability Benefit System here in Canada, um even though I should. Like

my mom, she handles all that for me. But from what I understand, because I got

sick at the age of 13, and I have never worked a day in my life, I cannot get any

Disability Benefits at all, none, like- I can't get anything that's

Disability-related. I had to go to social services or

Welfare to get any sort of money. It does suck a bit, it feels very weird to have

to go on Welfare as a Disabled person especially someone who's been Disabled

since they were a child, and then, you know, kind of not be on the Disability

Benefits Program because I haven't worked. So yeah, it's not the greatest

feeling. And I actually don't get a whole lot of money as well, so I do have to try

to be careful the way I spend my money, and it's nearly impossible to save up

for anything. I'm not eligible so Welfare is my only option. That's my experience,

um, we did try to send in things so I could receive it, but I couldn't because

I hadn't worked, so that's kind of how it played out. I'm sorry I couldn't have

been of more help, but that is my experience with this. I wanted to thank you

all so much for asking me questions, I'm so happy I got to make this video. Um, I will

be doing these yearly, maybe I'll do them more often if you guys request a Q&A.

Thank you for watching this video. Please be sure to give it a thumbs up. Please be

sure to hit the notification button down below to get notified when I upload new

videos. All my social media links will be in the description below, and I hope to

see you guys next time, bye!

[Outro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

For more infomation >> Diving w/ Sharks, My Lyme Treatments, & Disability Benefits | 2017 Q&A [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 18:42.


S01.03 The best of temples, rice terrace and volcanoes in north and east Bali. - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> S01.03 The best of temples, rice terrace and volcanoes in north and east Bali. - Duration: 6:51.


Cara Live Streaming Youtube By Xsplit Broadcaster - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Cara Live Streaming Youtube By Xsplit Broadcaster - Duration: 3:29.


How to Draw Rainbow with a Treasure for Kids - Painting and Drawing Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 1:50.







Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> How to Draw Rainbow with a Treasure for Kids - Painting and Drawing Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 1:50.


Minecraft with Gadget - Duration: 2:49.

I don't know what the block does, do you?

I don't know...

I dunno...

Hey everybody, I'm here with my good friend Inspector Gadget.

Uh, how ya doin' Inspector Gadget?

I'm having a lot of fun!

So you wanna do some reviews, Inspector Gadget?

I'm better than you are so I should do the review.

Huh huh... Okay, alright, well... Inspector Gadget's gonna do the review.

You can shut up now.

I'm always on duty!

Hmm... do you have that game 'Mineycrafta'?

Penny was telling me she was playing it on her computer book.

Let's play Mineycrafta!

Uhhm.. Well, I have... 'Minecraft'.

Eeh, that, I think that's probably what you're talking about.

Uh, let's... try that...

Hmm... Oh yes, this is it! Mineycrafta!

No, no, no Inspector Gadget, it's called MINECRAFT.

Oh, Minecrap!

I cannot wait to play Minecrap!

Do you know what my favorite thing to do is, in Minecrap?

I love building bricks with Minecrap.

Building bricks with Minecrap is the best, thing,

and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app!

I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days--

it's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecrap!

I also like to build brown bricks with Minecrap.

It's the most fun... you can possibly have!

What is the point of Minecrap?

Well there really is no point, it's a sandbox game.

Oh good, I love building sand castles!

Nah, that just means you can do anything you want, like explore, build stuff, and mess around.

What kind of stuff, can you build?

Well, anything, really. Like there's one guy who built a, uh, scale model of the Starship Enterprise.

My deduction skills as a detective tell me he has, quite possibly,

never had sex.

Come on Inspector Gadget, it's about expressing your creativity.

BUT he is just copying a fake rocket ship blue print designed by someone else.

Seems more like monkey see monkey do then using creative energy if you ask me!

Oh, you think you can do better, huh?

I have a robotic implant in my brain that lets me perform twelve, quadrillion calculations per second.

I could rewrite the entire game's code while helping Penny with her homework

and cleaning up Brain's doody, all at the same time.

He's a nerd, and I hate nerds more than I hate... M.A.D. Agents!

What an asshole!

He might not have a powerful cybernetic brain like yours, but...

I think that the kid used Minecraft in...

a unique... and complex, yet beautiful way, making an adaptation of—

I told you to shut up, but you didn't listen.

Oh look, a free iPad!

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