Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

Pace and good!

from the Sanctuary of Fonte Colombo

Saint Francis came to this mountain to write the Rule.

This is the small pot.

This is the place where I discovered my faith.

friars talk about themselves

Many fundamental questions came to mind.

I had no wish to study.

God surprised me.

…they reveal the franciscan spirit

Saint Francis had a different concept of being poor.

The ideal must stay in future.

…and they make the Rule a living rule.

A franciscan pub.

We caused the loss of their faith and not only of their faith…

I cannot help engrossing myself into the beauty of nature.

With nothing of one's own Saint Francis' spirit revealed by the friars of Fonte Colombo

For more infomation >> With nothing of one's own - trailer - Duration: 1:23.


Vintage Typography Tutorial Adobe Illustrator | Satori Graphics - Duration: 10:07.

today I have a cool vintage typography tutorial in Adobe Illustrator brought to

you by Satori graphics before the vintage typography tutorial in the illustrator I

quickly want to tell you guys about ink for ChiCom you are sponsoring today's

video ink will th offer a super high quality footage of ink blots ink runs

and ink droplets and a perfect to use in your video projects as you can see here

but a demonstration edits the quality and professionalism is very high on

their downloads you have a wide range of choice to be able to edit in your

imagery text and audio right into English it downloads they have separate

downloads on the website but you can purchase the entire bundle that includes

over 15 gigabyte of Akko pink footage with a $20 discount if you use the code

Satori so if you're into video editing and video production here's your chance

to get a wider range of Co Inc footage for your future projects follow the

links in the description below the first thing we need to do is to generate a

dark background using the rectangle tool and then lock me in place

we now need to add a typography on to the design I'm using a font called


turn the typography into an actual vector shape go to type and curry

outlines you can then ungroup the lettering to

adjust the layout of your typography until you see fit the next step is to

unite everything in the path on the window

using the auto option key duplicate your text because we're going to need a copy


at this stage do not adjust the size or the layout of her biography as they need

to be both the same size open the appearance panel so we can add a stroke

that sits behind the fill add a cream kind of color stroke and interact the

stroke behind the fill

can then add a fill and I'm going to use a kind of washed out brown color for my

vintage typography bump up the stroke way and if your new texts have some

anomalies open up the stroke window and choose the round off stroke app on your

vinci topography

adjust a colour palette so you have the exact same cream stroke selected only

and then using the pencil and hold it down share to a perfectly straight line

lower the stroke to something like one and then duplicate it over and over

again using the adoption key don't worry about the distance in being equal at

this point because we're going to resolve that soon once you have a nice

selection of lines like I do here open up the align window and then align

everything with these two settings

the lines appeared different thickness on screen but if you zoom in you realize

though equal sizes

lucky vintage typography in place or doesn't move around on your list rate to


now we want to adjust the stroke way of each line so the thickest one is at the

top you can hold down shift to select multiple lines at once and change the

stroke way with just one click

so here is how your Vintage typography design should look in Adobe Illustrator

dragon place your lines able to typography and his next pie is gonna

take some time but I could not find a quicker way to go about it firstly

however make sure the lines are not rounded off in the stroke window

and I advise you to tackle three lines at a time using the scissor tool click

on the lines where you want to cut into them where the line will cover the text

so go along each line three at a time and make your cuts

once you've made the cars take the selection tool and remove the unwanted


then with the three line selected only outline the stroke

you can then use a direct selection tool to adjust the line into place for your

vegetable curry design like I said this is gonna take some time but be careful

and pay close attention to what you're doing

so here's my vintage typography design so far in Adobe Illustrator we have just

a few finishing touches to make our unlock everything and then relock the

background layer only

select your design and bring it to the front and then pulao with the typography

copy and place it behind in a way that's going to add like a shadow

change the color to a dark brown and then stay tuned for the finishing touch

I changed the background color my design to light brown you can use a direct

selection tool to change the shadow to the car with the background of the

design better this is going to help tie the vintage typography designed together a

whole lot more

lastly we can add a drop shadow in Illustrator to the typography

it may take a while for you to get the effect right by adjusting the settings

but use the preview option and change the settings until you're very happy

and here's my phone settings for the Job Shadow and there you have it a vintage

typography tutorial in Adobe Illustrator brought to you by cetera fix if you

enjoyed I found this tutorial useful Clemence in the comment section below

also remember to check out Inc footage via the link in description and use the

code Satori to get $20 off the 15 gigabyte bundle

subscribe to Satori graphics for for weekly graphic design uploads and until

next time there's only future today peers


For more infomation >> Vintage Typography Tutorial Adobe Illustrator | Satori Graphics - Duration: 10:07.


Battlefield 1 - Unlocking Guns - BFMS Livestream #36 - Duration: 1:42:38.

For more infomation >> Battlefield 1 - Unlocking Guns - BFMS Livestream #36 - Duration: 1:42:38.


Cyclopia: A Rare Birth Defect That Could Help Cure Cancer - Duration: 5:19.


When it comes to mythical one-eyed creatures,

the first thing you think of is probably the Cyclops.

There are also lots of other legendary creatures

to choose from, too, from the Irish god Balor, who only opens his eye to bring destruction,

to the mostly harmless Hitotsume-kozō of Japan.

In nature, on the other hand, eyes pretty much always come in twos, and there's no

vertebrate species that evolved to have one eye.

That said, if something goes wrong during

its development as an embryo, any vertebrate can develop what's known as cyclopia, a

condition named after those one-eyed creatures of legend.

It's a devastating complication, and generally fatal.

But studying it might help researchers discover new ways to treat certain types of cancers.

Most of the reports you'll find about real cyclopic animals were spread through the internet,

but news of cyclops lambs, goats, sharks, and humans is nothing new.

There's even a fairly accurate description of a pig born with cyclopia that dates back

to a Connecticut colony in 1642.

So how does an animal that normally has two eyes develop only one in the center of its


The New Haven colonists claimed that their stillborn piglet was the product of bestiality,

but they were wrong … very wrong.

It all has to do with how the brain develops.

In a developing vertebrate embryo, the brain consists of three regions: the hindbrain,

the midbrain, and the forebrain.

The forebrain eventually differentiates into

two parts: the diencephalon, which becomes inner parts of the brain like the thalamus

and the hypothalamus, and the telencephalon, which turns into the cerebrum.

In humans, this happens around week 4 or 5 of gestation.

But sometimes, the forebrain doesn't completely split, which hinders the development of a

lot of important brain structures, including the left and right hemispheres.

The condition is called holoprosencephaly,

or HPE, and it can vary in severity depending on how much of the brain's development is


Cyclopia is basically the rarest and most severe form of HPE, and it's named after

its most noticeable side effect: a single ocular tract in the center of the face.

Embryos also usually develop a proboscis positioned

above the eye, and they tend to have other severe physical defects that differ from case

to case.

In humans, cyclopia is rare: it's found in an estimated 1 in 100,000 births, although

unfortunately, it's always fatal.

But the less severe forms of HPE are more common.

Overall, HPE happens in about 1 in 250 conceptions and 1 in 16,000 live births, and it can

be survivable.

Part of the reason HPE is so common is that

it can be caused by a lot of different factors, from a single genetic mutation, to an extra

copy of a chromosome, to teratogens, which are substances that cause birth defects

when a developing embryo is exposed to them.

For researchers, learning more about those causes is important because it can help prevent

birth defects, but also because they have a lot in common with processes that lead to

certain kinds of cancer.

The main gene connected with HPE is called

Sonic hedgehog, or SHH for short.

It doesn't actually have anything to do with running really fast, but scientists named

it that because there's a related genetic mutation in fruit flies that makes them look

like they're covered in spines.

And because scientists are nerds.

The protein SHH codes for, which is also called Shh, plays a crucial role in embryonic

development, including telling the forebrain how to differentiate and form hemispheres.

But the Shh protein doesn't work alone — it's sort of a delegating boss, telling another

protein to instruct a third protein to bind to a cell's DNA to activate a gene, in what's

known as the Shh signaling pathway.

Since there are so many steps involved, there are a lot of ways things can go wrong.

If the embryo is exposed to any compound that interrupts this flow of instructions, Shh

can't tell cells in the forebrain to differentiate.

And if the cells don't know to differentiate, that leads to HPE.

Even though SHH is a really important gene in embryos, it's mostly dormant after birth.

But if it gets activated somehow, it can cause uncontrolled cell division that leads to all

kinds of cancers — from lung to pancreatic to skin cancer.

In an embryo, interfering with the Shh pathway can be devastating — it's what leads to


But to treat a cancer that's caused by the pathway activating when it isn't supposed

to, interfering with it is exactly what you want to do.

And in 1968, researchers discovered a compound that obstructs the Shh pathway, thanks to

a population of Idaho sheep that kept giving birth to cyclopic lambs.

After more than a decade of research, scientists were able to isolate the responsible compound

from the California corn lily.

They named it cyclopamine.

Pregnant ewes ate the plants while grazing, which caused their offspring to develop all

kinds of birth defects.

Lab tests showed that if they ate the cyclopamine on the 14th day of gestation, the lambs developed


So now, researchers are trying to take advantage of how cyclopamine disrupts the Shh pathway

to save lives.

It's taking a while because cyclopamine is a complicated molecule, and they've had

a tough time figuring out how to either make or extract enough of it to study it properly.

It's been even harder to make a version that's absorbed and used by the body in

a way that would make it an effective cancer treatment.

But they're working on it, and versions of cyclopamine and other compounds that disrupt

that pathway are being tested against things like pancreatic and skin cancer.

So, someday, the story of some lambs and a rare birth defect might save thousands of

lives every year.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow.

If you're interested in learning more about how cancer works, you can watch our video

about why we haven't cured it yet even though there's so much time and money being poured

into cancer research.


For more infomation >> Cyclopia: A Rare Birth Defect That Could Help Cure Cancer - Duration: 5:19.


kid pulls fire alarm for fun, goes very wrong.. - Duration: 11:36.


All right, the windows on it now. My sister's Gonna pull the fire huh? Yeah you nervous

Yeah, you can do inning in trouble getting

Probably, I'm Gonna get sick

Tellem tell me

Oh, don't you no more all right? We're really sorry

Why we show up? Oh therefore pogrom we show up and

University of Oregon got in

We're sorry

How do you train students and teachers to prepare for a school shooter?

Often by pretending there actually is one these drills may help

But the drama can be intense even if it's all an act, and it's not just the kids who say they're scared

Here's Abc's David wright. I'm Gonna Kill everybody

Nobody getting out of here if every parent's worst nightmare an active shooter on campus

Threatening to kill innocent kids in this case just a drill but a terrifyingly realistic drill

That's now an issue

How do you strike a balance between preparing kids and scaring the pants up it may be just a drill but the trauma is real

outside Tampa

Florida yesterday parent and students say Jewett Middle school got it wrong

The school there held a drill without warning in which police officers showed up on campus

weapons Drawn our faithful

had announced that we were going to have a

Walkout seventh Grader Lauren, Moreno, and her siblings frantically texted their mom police came in with guns

And I'm kind of scared

we actually saw only guys coming here until I their mom was scared to why I'm panicking because I'm thinking that you know a

Legitimate shooters coming xaviar tate was scared too his dad raced to the school

Unaware it was only a drill my husband almost got a ticket coming over here yesterday

He was doing 130 the school has now apologized to the parents and a local police Chief now says

officers won't use weapons in Future drills

But the school will continue to hold unannounced lockdowns

the fact is ever since columbine 15 years ago the us has had more than

160 active shooter incidents, that's about one a month and as we saw in Sandy hook even the youngest kids aren't safe

so in school districts across the country

Lockdown drills are now as common as fire drills some go as far as covering students in fake blood and recruiting volunteers

To play dead in the hallways all in an effort to make the drills more realistic

this is a drill we walk down the

Modern version of duck and cover, please go behind my dad

The teacher locks the door pulls down the shade

Everyone's told to keep quiet

it's kind of scary on the

Kids Huddle quietly under the teacher's desk. Do you know why they did this drought?

Do you worry that the scare students?

we do but we practice enough that we hope that students are as

Staff is you know getting used to the idea. We have to come onto this co-op or five minutes

I think is maybe the longest week of her head the teacher in one classroom

we visited in Colorado fully supports these drills holly carpenter is a graduate of

Columbine high school when you look at those kids are you always thinking?

somebody could

Come and take away their lives like that, no

when I look at those kids

I think how great they are

I think how lucky I am to teach them and I think about I wonder what they're going to be like when they grow up

That day changed her life

It's why she eventually went into teaching and it's why she takes these drills very personally. I always get the lump in my throat

Because it's not about the flashbacks of Columbine or any of that for me it is about the thought

Awesome. I get it now. It's about the thought of anyone even wanting to hurt the kids

The charter school where she teaches skyview Academy does the basic Lockdown drill, Most Colorado schools do?

And just last week the teachers got a new kind of trainer

How did you feel yeah way more empowered and lots of adrenaline?

Jogi Don is a former swat team member who responded to two active shootings in Colorado if you see a gun like this

Open what does that mean? He's teaching them how to recognize when the shooter is reloading his gun. He's out right?

And teaching them defense attack. We're all good good how and when to pouch?

Cowboy approach, sir

man stay the light at Sky View Academy

They're trying out the new active shooter training for teachers only held at night

No students involved in the gym Jody don and his trainers are teaching the teachers how to take down a shooter

the atmosphere

Boisterous would be an understatement

Yeah, the teachers including Holly Carpenter are loving it

They didn't realize you could do it

Doesn't matter

But not all teachers support the staging of active shooter drills at schools

Last month a pre-k teacher from Virginia wrote an op-ed that quickly went viral she writes

We are rounding up and silencing a generation of schoolchildren and terrifying those who care for them

It's time to stop rehearsing our deaths and start screaming of course the pretend gunman

We saw isn't really fighting back. I asked Jody don about that, but is that 105 teacher?

Or scooby really going to be able to take down the 200-pound Gunman

Let's try it out. You just saw what happening you guessed about me. If he was they got going back, right?

Let's get go over here in a minute. He is about 220

You picked anybody out in this crowd, and we'll see what happens all right

You know let's get high so we got holly carpenter in her columbine sweatshirt to do it again. I want you to do it

But this time the guys going to fight back

Ok this time the gunman resisting her efforts to disarm him

Okay, Jody Dawn also encourages the teachers to enlist their students to help they enlist the football team and let the kid

Yeah, let the guy you're asking a lot of people to be heroes

Who don't have the training or or even necessarily?

Adults you bet they don't have the training because we're not preparing them when they come to this program

We're giving them a little bit of fire knowledge backing the question is does this really?

Protect people or does it put them in greater danger?

How do matter there are a lot of law enforcement acts who would say look don't be a hero

You know we're not advocating the teacher to go out in the hall and go on a tooth understand

But we're advocating is here are some knowledge. Here's a little better option for you

We are talking at that split second when they know that they've done everything they could prior to making that choice whether it's evacuating

they're taking fortified in their location to where that's no longer working, and I've got five seconds to

Figure out if I'm going to try to do something to save myself or my kid if you're staring down the barrel of a gun

Right exactly for one final exercise the teachers do their normal duck-and-cover drill and see how they're sitting ducks

Then everyone gets something to throw in this case a tennis ball

But in real life it might well be a hole punch or a desk chair for a dictionary

This time when the active shooter comes in he suddenly finds. He's the sitting duck

Would it work like this if the bullets were real or if this were a class full of kids not teachers hard to really know?

To a kid a scene like this could feel terrifyingly real and leave behind a lasting impression

But one that might save a life when it matters most I'm David wright for nightline in Highlands, Ranch, Colorado

For more infomation >> kid pulls fire alarm for fun, goes very wrong.. - Duration: 11:36.





Celebrities Who Cant Stand Katy Perry - Duration: 5:17.

Katy Perry might be a teenage dream, but to some of her colleagues in Hollywood she's

become more of a nightmare.

In a world where Twitter feuds develop practically overnight, this pop star has certainly made

some enemies as she rose to the top.

These are just a few celebrities who can't stand this California girl.

Miley Cyrus

These frenemies smile for the cameras but are quick to trash one another in the media.

The friendship began in 2008 when Cyrus was just 15, and Perry, who is 8 years her senior,

claimed her hit song "I Kissed a Girl" was about the underage Hannah Montana star.

Cyrus confirmed it in a 2017 interview, saying:

"I heard her on the radio, they said who'd you write that about, and she said me."

But the pair have made controversial headlines ever since.

Recently, when Perry saw Cyrus in concert, Cyrus kissed her and slipped Perry the tongue.

Perry wasn't having it.

She said she pulled away, telling Australia's Sunrise:

"God knows where that tongue has been.

We don't know!

That tongue is so infamous."

Cyrus quickly took to Twitter to throw shade back at Perry and Perry's ex, John Mayer,


"Girl if you're worried about where tongues have been, good thing ur ex boo is ur EX BOO

cause we ALL know where THAT tongue's been."

Calvin Harris

Calvin Harris was set to open for Perry back in 2011 on her California Dreams Tour when

he dropped out at the last minute blaming the tour's production.

Harris took to Twitter to let his fans down, writing,

"… her team suddenly moved the goalposts, and I was to appear on stage with no production."

Perry took it personally and shot back at the DJ, tweeting names of all of the artists

opening up for her on her tour who apparently had no problem performing.

She ended one of her tweets with,

"It's fine, I'm used to you cancelling on me.

It's your staple."

The feud has since been put to rest, as Perry recently collaborated with Harris.

Perry cleared up these rumors via On Air With Ryan Seacrest, where she explained that she

and Harris simply bumped into each other and he invited her to listen to some songs he

was working on.

"We had a little falling out here and there.

Eight years or so had passed.

It was time to put all that behind us."

Lady Gaga

When Perry whipped out a mechanical horse and rocked green hair on her Prismatic World

Tour, Lady Gaga couldn't help but notice the similarities, tweeting,

"It looks like green hair and mechanical horses are the thing now"

— referring to the mechanical horse she rode on the AMA's red carpet a year prior

to Perry's tour.

It seems that Gaga was having hard time being compared to the pop star after the two released

singles on the same day, Gaga releasing "Applause" and Perry releasing "Roar."

She spoke out about the comparisons at South By Southwest that year, saying:

"I don't know what f---all I have to do with Katy Perry.

Our music is so completely different.

I couldn't be more different, really."

Lily Allen

British pop star Lily Allen was far from pleased when she heard that Perry described herself

as a skinnier version of Allen, calling their first meeting "frosty" on Capital FM. Allen

also shot back at Perry for fat shaming her by taking digs at her music claiming Perry

was discovered because of her, saying,

"She was signed by my label in America as, 'We need to find something controversial and

kooky like Lily Allen.'"

Allen went on to call Perry out for not writing her own music and called her lyrics "crass."

"The thing about Amy Winehouse is that we're both English and we both write our own songs."

Perry addressed the feud in an interview with Us Weekly, saying,

"I was just kind of joking and trying to be funny.

I didn't mean anything by it.

Comedians are not necessarily to be taken super seriously."

It may have been a joke to her, but it clearly wasn't taken that way by Allen.

Bo Burnham

Comedian Bo Burnham goes beyond typical stand up by using his musical talents to sing his

comedic acts.

In a recent Netflix special Burnham referred to Perry several times in his song titled

"Kill Yourself."

The comedian first referred to Perry's song "Roar" saying,

"Life's toughest problems don't have simple answers.

You shouldn't just be brave, you shouldn't just roar."

Perry then made her way into his lyrics again later in the song, when he sang:

"If you search for moral wisdom in Katy Perry's lyrics, then kill yourself."

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Burnham explains why celebs like Perry are often the

inspiration behind his comedy saying,

"It's me trying to advocate on behalf of the audience."

"These people that we deify to be better than human, and then we're so happy when they get

on late-night shows and act like human beings.

Like, who gives a f---?"

Travie McCoy

It's safe to say that Travie McCoy and Perry didn't exactly have an amicable breakup.

The rapper was smitten with Perry for two years, even buying her a promise ring back

in 2008.

But it seems that McCoy's drug addiction contributed to the couple's split, a problem he was open

about after going to rehab.

Perry made the reason behind their split even clearer in her song "Circle the Drain," which

is said to be about her ex.

McCoy claimed to not have heard the song when speaking to MTV News, but made sure to say,

"I'm just stoked that she finally has a song with some substance on her record.

Good job."

McCoy came clean on the details of their break up with Behind the Music, saying Perry

used him as a step-ladder for her career, and ended their relationship in an email.

"Someone that you are ready to spend the rest of your life with sends you a f---ing email

just s---ing on your whole parade."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Celebrities Who Cant Stand Katy Perry - Duration: 5:17.


Connecting objects for animation in Blender - Duration: 1:16.

Hello guys, Daan Miles here welcome to my new video

in this one I will show you how to connect objects

when you want to use them in animation

When I started using blender I connected object by parenting everything to the biggest part of the model

or to the empty.

his worked grate for me until I tried to animate that.

When you animate parented objects, everything separate

and behave like they are not connected, so, we need to fix this problem and to be honest it is easier than you think.

Select everything that you want to be connected and go to the physics tab on the left side of the screen

now click connect button.

Be sure that connect type in this drop down menu is set on Fixed.

Let's try our animation again.

As you can see, it works flawlessly.

Objects doesn't separate after hitting some obstacle like in the previous example.

If you come this far in to the video you probably find something interesting,

so I think you should join me on Instagram, twitter, facebook, patreon or just type in your browser.

On the end don't forget to subscribe, it really means a lot to me.

Until next time. Živjeli

For more infomation >> Connecting objects for animation in Blender - Duration: 1:16.


OLRIK & FLYNN - THE CATACOMBS - Duration: 6:00.

Hi friends!

First of all thank's a lot !

Thank you for your messages and encouragement!

Thanks to

And thanks to McHorse who developed the Blockbuster mod that we use every day to make our machinimas

Sincerely thank you for everything that has happened in these last days.

And we hope that this episode will please you as much as we enjoyed doing it

I have a little fright now

Me too. If it does not work we'll say it's the pig's fault

In the previous video you were told that we had some trouble with a cat while shopping

This little cat is cute

Yes I love it very much!

Hey. What is this button ?

OK. We must go!


And we went down to the underground to get him

You are the king! I did not do it on purpose

Hey Flynn Listen! There is echo.

My name is Olrik!

My name is Olrik!

And my name is Flynn!

I don't care!

OK. To be honest, we had a little trouble on this mission

Because the underground, the catacombs, it's not our thing.

Yes, We meet bizarre people

The guy who got lost

Do you know where's the exit?

The guy who got very lost

The metro still lags behind!

The cataphil

We go down to see the tomb of Philibert, you come?

and the cata-cops

We go down to see the tomb of Philibert,

And we may also make a few arrests

The guy who visits

The guy who do the guide

It is in this corridor that the Queen ...

The guy who cleans

No. Do not go through here it is not dry!

The guy who's looking for loneliness

How many are there? Only 3!

It's too crowded here!

The guy who knows the way.

That way!

The guy who has nothing to do here.

Captain Butter to the base

I just found life on Mars.

I think he talks about us Yes it's moving

It does not look very intelligent

He's going to make a return trip with a sword in his teeth!

The guy who get in the wrong video


It's not dry, you're going to mess it up!

The guy who get in the wrong game

The guy who is always hungry

I'm hungry

The guy who's always right

I'm right

The guy who found a cat

Hey guys! I found a cat!

The guy who ...


Where is he?

There behind

Of course!

(French word game) We searched, in front, down, on, under, (Lao Tzu)

But not behind

And we finally found him!

It's good, it's just a cat, no need to do


But the cat had been bored for a long time

And when he saw us he said to himself, here are friends!

We will have fun!

It lasted 2H

He made us run for 2H!

Fortunately we met a guy who gave us a good tip

I've been watching you for a few minutes and your mission seems difficult.

Why don't go and ask for advice from the troglodyte druid.


Troglodyte.That means he lives in a cave.

And we went there

Welcome. What is your question?

Okay. I do not know if you ever consulted a druid, a mage or a soothsayer

But I do not know why

But, I do not know why they always manage to answer your question with another question.

And so, you never get an answer.

We would like to know how to catch a cat

Why do you want to catch this cat?

To bring it back to its owner!

Do you know his owner?

Sure, we went to his house

Why did you go to his house?

To buy carrots

Why did you buy carrots?

Or they give you an answer that has nothing to do with your question.

We would like to know how to catch a cat

When winter arrives, dig up your potatoes

This is not my question

I know, but at the druids school, I followed the vegetable garden option.

There are also some who take the opportunity to advertise

We would like to know how to catch a cat

Go and see on

But you advertise?


Or, that gives you a very simple but incomprehensible answer.



that it seems spiritual

To catch a cat you must think like a cat

Obviously! Thanks for the scoop

We did well to come!

And let me guess: to catch a dog you must think like a dog?

That's it!

It is incredible, this boy is so young and yet he already knows a lot!

Finally, the druid gave us a potion that we thrown on the cat to make him sleep

And we did not film it because...

Because we were lazy

That's it!

Because we were lazy!

And we brought the cat back to its owner

It's nice but it's not my cat.


My cat he knows how to go back on his own He had a GPS for Christmas

So who is that?

I do not know, but he seems to appreciate you

Why not take him with you?

Oh no!

A cat in a video can bring you subscribers

Oh yes!

There you go! We welcomed this cute thing!

And now we must find a name for him.

The pig had been found while he was lost in a forest next to a hazelnut tree

Then he was called hazel.

But the cat

We are not going to call him "Underground"!

Congratulations! You win the cutest cat contest of the year!

What is this little treasure called?

Sewer mouth!

That's all for today, we hope that this episode pleased you.

Please share and subscribe

And we will tell you the mystery name of our new cat next video called:

Moustik Adventure!

For more infomation >> OLRIK & FLYNN - THE CATACOMBS - Duration: 6:00.


The Corpse Bride Easter Eggs - Duration: 7:36.

>> Crazy Nate: We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a..

>> Nerdy Nate: No wrong holiday, it's Halloween!

>> Crazy Nate: OK, yeah yeah yeah.

Welcome back Gents and Gentlets.

Halloween is another week closer!

So today I have another scary movie lined up for you.

Today you're going to look at everything you missed in the movie the Corpse Bride!

[intro music plays]

>> Crazy Nate: Do you want to win a $25 Amazon gift card?

I'll tell you how you can win in just a moment, but first

often people think that the Corpse Bride was an animated story, kind of like Toy Story

with all the computers,

but it was actually a stop motion film, like Wallace and Gromit or something like that.

That's why the images are sometimes a little bit jerky.

In case you don't know, stop motion is where they take a picture...

>> Pee Wee Herman: Why don't you take a picture?

It'll last longer.

>> Crazy Nate: move everything just a little bit, and then take another picture and then

move it again and take another picture.

Because this is such a time consuming way to make a movie, they made duplicates of the


There are a few scenes we see here that are mistakes, however I'm not going to point

them all out here,

one that I will point out though is where Victor stabs Barkis with the fork and then

he cuts his little shirt,

then in the very next scene it magically fixed itself and it's not torn anymore.

So one of the reasons why we see "mistakes" like this is because of the reason why, it

was stop motion and it takes so long to make a scene, they would often be making multiple

scenes at the same times with different groups.

Also one cool little fact is that these puppets here were controlled with little screws and

wires inside the costumes.

If you look closely, in some scenes you can actually see the screw inside the ear that

adjusted one of the levers.

Also the eye lids in order to make them look like they're blinking, they just put the eyelids

right on top of the actual eyes.

Kinda cool, slash creepy.

One thing though that we can see that clearly looks like a mess up, is that they're all

eating chicken at the wedding dinner after party,

but then when the cool little dancing skeleton shows up and drops his eyeball, it falls into

a bowl of soup.

Where'd the chicken go?

>> Finis Everglot: There's an eye in me soup.

>> Crazy Nate: But since they have no money, and every plate literally only has three peas,

the chicken is actually probably just wild crows that they caught from outside.


Now for this next one I'm going to be doing some stretching here because in case you don't

know there isn't any sort of cheat sheet to all these easter eggs, so follow me here

and you might agree.

>> Elder Gutknecht: Where were we?

>> Crazy Nate: Now this guy here is named Scissorhead, and later on we find out he's

a grandpa…

Now we know Tim Burton made the Corpse Bride, he also made another movie called Edward Scissor


So how do I think grandpa died?

By getting a haircut from Edward Scissor hands.

Why would Edward Scissor hands be a barber.

You know our favorite pirate Johnny Depp?

>> Jack Sparrow: But you have heard of me.

>> Crazy Nate: Well he played the roll of Edward Scissor hands, and later on he played

the roll of the BARBER in Sweeney Todd.

And all three of these films were created by Tim Burton.

HAHA connections.

>> Nerdy Nate: Actually Sweeny Todd was released 2 years after the corpse bride.

>> Crazy Nate: True, true, that is true but it was only two years and it's very possible

that he was already working on making that movie or at least planning it.

>> Nerdy Nate: Yeah I guess that's a possibily, carry on.

>> Maudeline Everglot: uh hu, smile darling, smile.

>> Crazy Nate: once clear point that they were trying to get across in the movie that

most of you probably noticed is the living acted more dead, and the dead acted more living.

>> Maudeline Everglot: Why go up there, when people are dying to get down here?

>> Crazy Nate: If you're a Star Wars fan you might of thought that this priest voice

sounds a little bit familiar.

>> Pastor Galswells: For I will be your wife.

>> Crazy Nate: That's because it's voiced by Christopher Lee, or should I say Count


>> Victor van Dort: I will cup your...

>> Crazy Nate: As a kid you might of missed this reference, but of course we have to put

adult humor in these movies.

One of the ways that they're getting the brides veil to float like that even though it's stop

motion and nothing's moving is they have a hidden wire inside the vale all around the

edges, you can see it there.

Survey time!

This one's a little easier today.

What did you think of the movie the Corpse Bride?

Did you watch it?

Did you not like it, did you like it?

Did you love it?

Now this is probably one of the most liked songs of the movie.

But I think the Piano Player is an easter egg to the late Ray Charles.

A blind piano player that always wore dark sunglasses just like that.

>> Ray Charles: Listen.

>> Crazy Nate: We all love dogs here, so we have to talk about Victor's dog Scraps.

It seems like that's a random key point in the movie that wasn't explained right?

Well actually in the beginning of the movie we see Scraps in a picture with Victor as

a boy.

Scraps is also the key to a deeper story in other movies, that of course we're going to

have to cover on another scary video through another scary day.

Now one easter egg that for sure was an easter egg and no one can dispute was the piano in

the beginning of the movie.

It was made by a company called Harryhausen.

If you remember in monsters inc, Pixar paid tribute to Ray Harryhausen by naming the restaurant

after him.

Here we can see that Tim Burton is also giving credit to the guy.

He was a legend in the stop motion industry.

In the beginning of the movie, Victor is fascinated with a butterfly,

then later on at the end of our movie.

The dead bride turns into a bunch of butterflies.

If he didn't take that extra step this entire story may have never happened.

>> Pastor Galswells: Three steps!


>> Crazy Nate: That's basically the concept of the butterfly effect, which is what I think

was being implied here.

So basically the theory is that a butterfly flapping it's wings can trigger a series

of events that would of never taken place causing a domino effect till eventually a

hurricane or something like that happens on the other side of the world, all starting

from a butterfly flapping it's little wings.

Alrighty so there's going to be 5 hidden easter eggs in this video.

Try to find out where they are and include #Boo for your chance to win a free item from

my store.

>> Mr. Incredible: So what are you waiting for?

>> Kid: I don't know?

Something amazing I guess.

>> Crazy Nate: Right, so now you want to know how to win this $25 Amazon gift card right?

Well if you followed me on snapchat, twitter, instagram, or facebook, you would of already

gotten a head start on entering to win for this contest.

That's right people have already started.

Simply go to and enter to win.

A little tip though.

If you see zero right here, that means you aren't doing something right.

If you need help figuring out how to enter and it's a little bit confusing for you go

to my second channel, I'll put a link in the description and I have a more laid out description

of how this little concept works.

But the system is completely random and it will randomly pick a winner.

The more times you enter, the better your chances to win, and yes you can enter in again,

every single day.

So that sounds awesome.

Now I'm going to be announcing the winner on facebook, so if you actually want to be

notified when you win if you did win, you probably want to be following me on facebook.

Thanks for destroying that like button, and click that little bell so you are the first

to find out about more contest in the future, and let me know what movie you want to see

next in the comments bellow.

Remember share a smile, they are contagious.

>> Black Oxelot: Hey there guys, this is Black Ocelot, and you're watching Crazy Nate.

Make sure to share a smile, as they are contagious.

For more infomation >> The Corpse Bride Easter Eggs - Duration: 7:36.


AquaVolta Elégance pH Wert Einstellung, wichtig zur perfekten Einstellung jedes Wasserionisierers - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> AquaVolta Elégance pH Wert Einstellung, wichtig zur perfekten Einstellung jedes Wasserionisierers - Duration: 2:26.


Karwa Chauth latest Mehndi Designs 2017 | trendy Mehndi designs for hand | design4hobby - Duration: 7:08.

please subscribe

please subscribe to my channel & like my videos, if you like my designs

please subscribe to my channel

For more infomation >> Karwa Chauth latest Mehndi Designs 2017 | trendy Mehndi designs for hand | design4hobby - Duration: 7:08.


[MMDxNyo!Animators] Comforting - Duration: 1:14.

*Crying, having a breakdown*


"Why the hell are you crying for..?"

"You can't be fucking serious, you're the damn reason I'm like this!"

"You can't even open your eyes and see what you did fucking wrong..! A-And I just-" *Cries once more*

"..That's enough."

(Credit to SquealyAnimations for helping with the CC UwU)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

*Seme huff* "Feeling better..?

*Uke huff*

"I-I'm sorry.."

"..For everthing..."


"It's alright, I can't stay mad at'chu..I forgive you."


"..This doesn't mean we're together..."

For more infomation >> [MMDxNyo!Animators] Comforting - Duration: 1:14.


FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 35-¿Un día más? - Duration: 16:53.

Episode 35 One more day?

Good morning to all. Today the boys will mow field 20 to make silage in the BGA.

I will prepare the fields for the next harvest, but first I will pick the straw bales from the field 23.

In this rotation we will sow wheat in the fields of group 1 and soybeans in field 23.

As I said, I will cultivate and plant corn in the fields of group 2.

The straw bales left in the field will be taken to the pigs.

Take a seat and enjoy, while I get to work.

Well, everything sown and just spreading fertilizer :-)

As usual, I will have dinner and rest. Good night and see you tomorrow.

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