Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

Cover me, I'm reloading.

-Down the hallway.

Oh geez








Pool party...YEAH


Invite to party

Sausage Party

Sausage Party...

Yeah, we need to watch that movie.

Yeah man

Sausage Party...

...More like Sausage Fest

*clap* Ahh


I reckon that's gonna be the "parody".

If you know what I mean

*sus as laughter*

*robotic laughter*

Zero Alpha

This is Strawberry

Oh no



nah nah

-The fuck you on about -Banana...



I've got a massive dong right now

You have a massive dong right now?

Oh yeah


The map

Vote for Dry Canal

Dry Canal?


Hey, If you remove the "C" what does it say?

*whispers* Dry anal

Yeah, that's why I chose it mate.


Alright, Joey

We're playing on a map

Called "Dry Anal" checkpoint


The rules of engagement are

in this mission based

cooperative game mode.

You will team up with friends

to take on challenging...

hot women.

Nice mate.


Did you say chicken blood?

There's gonna be

Who cares

it's blood

I love blood.


Sorry...I meant

I like water

Excuse me, did you say you drink blood.

No- I- I- I-



Ah, this is automatic.

Pew pew pew pew pew pew



What was that?

The fuck was that?

What was that?

How come the other guys didn't die?

Y'all lookin' at

frickin' Dalena's tits man

Yeah man

She's pretty hot though

Who the fuck is this?


Did you watch Vietnamese vs Chinese?

*Idiot spelling it?*

No No

He doesn't even know who Dalena is?

Do you even know who she is?

Does he even know who...

Do you even know who MyChonny is?

Dude, he doesn't even know who Dalena is?


Do they write fan-fictions about...

Ah nah nah, that's from-


MyChonny *inaudible*

*Sudden realisation* Ohh, MyChonny's girlfriend.

Ohhhh wooow

Ohhh now you know.

Nah, I didn't know her name

I just referred to her as

MyChonny's girlfriend

Alright, where are you?

Lemme see

Oh, you're holding no guns.

Am I- Am I like...

Have my arms spread



Wait lemme

Press tab. Oh


All it says is error.

For me?

Yeah yeah

You just-

When I go into the third person.

I just says "error"

In 3D

-And it's blue -WTF


You're walking around

As an error sign

-This looks hilarious -Can I just die please?

Just end me.

Just go

Keep going that way

Just go to objective F


-And then just like- -Just me me please

What if the terrorists don't shoot you?

Because they don't recognise you as a person.

It says "error success"

What does that mean?

I don't know

I can only get a-

Go die yourself

Kill yourself in the fire



Ah shit

Quick, before it goes out.

It's out


I'm gonna-

I'm gonna


Ronn didn't load in properly or something

And he can't choose any guns

And when I go third-person spectating

It just says "error success"

That's what he looks like

He just looks like a bunch of words




Go on your console

and type in "kill"



-Ronn just go on- -Just jump off the building

Jump off and go there



-Listen- -There there there

Right in front of you

-Go, keep going -Ronn listen- just

Go on your console and type kill

*panic mumbling*






Ronn sacrifice yourself

Just go. Go right in front of him.


You're invincible

-They're shooting you and you're not dying -ALLAHU AKBAR

Ronn, you're not dying

What am I?

Write on your console "kill"

and then you're gonna die

Oh, you died. There we go.

Did you type kill?

Yeah he typed kill


Shane I finally loaded properly



What's wrong with you

Ronn's gonna wake up happy

Oh nah, I finally loaded properly

Oh, you finally loaded properly

I thought you said

-You still haven't loaded properly -*chuckles*

I wanna be a YouTuber

-I wanna have titties -You wanna be PewDiePie


Haven't you heard that song, Joey?

You want to have tits?

He's never heard that song

Have you heard that song, Ronn?

Ahh, sounds familiar but...

It sounded familiar

You- You know that song where it says

"I wanna be a star"

"I wanna be in the movies"

I thought it always said "I wanted to have boobies"

That's always what I thought that song said


If I get sued by the Kid's Bop people

My life would be complete


Like literally complete

I like one of the last people alive

Oi, did you know that they're touring

They're touring?

*sarcastic* god, I'm their biggest fan

Damn, that choir in the background

*smokes blunt* Ooo

Aw see

Did they change the lyrics

Yeah cause it's Kid's bop

They're meant to make it kid friendly

I know, it sounds AIDs now

Wait, nvm. I'm already listening to AIDs.


You know, added cancer

With HIV is fun're not recording are you

Am I recording, I don't know.

Well shit

Now they know I've been diagnosed with AIDs


Now he's got a RPK


Laser sight

Let's look at his ass

I have something massive in my pants

Can you guess?


Get outta here

Massive dick

It's a- I have a PHD

In my pants

Yeah well, It's illegal

Cause you can't be carrying it around

Well you can be

But why would you carrying

A fucking PHD around

You can't print off another on, mate

Naw dude, I'm an error sign again

Ronn we're just-

You're error sign again?

Oh My




Look at me

I wanna see you in-game, hold up

Nah, look at me. Look to your left

Hold on, hold on

Wait, look to your right

Look to your right

You're a fucking error sign

You're a straight up error sign

I'm gonna kill myself

In the game, in the game. Not in real life.

For more infomation >> [Insurgency] Becoming An Error Sign - Duration: 7:33.


Qué pasaría si conectáramos una fase a tierra - Duration: 11:46.

For more infomation >> Qué pasaría si conectáramos una fase a tierra - Duration: 11:46.


🔥 FAIRY TAIL✓ PARODY | » TENTE RIR ► - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> 🔥 FAIRY TAIL✓ PARODY | » TENTE RIR ► - Duration: 6:10.


Wolverine vs Mystique | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.

- There's someone here. - Where?

- I don't know. Keep your eye open. - Logan...

Damn it!

- Anything? - There's someone here. I just can't see 'em.


Back up! Back up!

Logan, is that you?

The other one ain't far away.

- Come on. We have to regroup. - I know, but there's a problem.

You're not part of the group.

For more infomation >> Wolverine vs Mystique | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.


'Deadpool 2' Finishes Shooting, Ryan Reynolds Thanks the Cast and Crew - Duration: 1:17.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch,

Deadpool 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the 2016 box office hit, has officially

finished filming.

After a directorial swap of Tim Miller for David Leitch last year, and the tragic news

of stunt-woman Joi "S.J." Harris' unexpected death on set in August, news surrounding Deadpool's

filming has been incredibly turbulent.

Reynolds thanked everyone who had a hand in bringing Deadpool 2 to fruition, giving a

special shout out to the film's director David Leitch.

Reynolds wrote, "That's a wrap on DEADPOOL 2: A SONG OF FIRE AND ICE!

Thank you to our beloved Captain, Mr. [director David Leitch]...words are too clumsy to properly

acknowledge your giant heart and talent."

He went on to include, "I love my hometown of Vancouver and our obscenely gifted crew.

From our PA's, (who are first in and last out) to our set decorators and prop department,

riddling this film with Easter Eggs in almost every scene...

Thank you.

I already miss being on set.

Which is why I've decided to continue shooting the film in my underwear from Josh Brolin's

well appointed living room.


The 40-year-old actor gave fans a mini sneak peak into some of Deadpool 2's content, noting

how the set decorators riddled scenes with Easter Eggs.

Deadpool 2 is set to hit theaters on June 1, 2018.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> 'Deadpool 2' Finishes Shooting, Ryan Reynolds Thanks the Cast and Crew - Duration: 1:17.


The Secret To Hitting Your Pitch Shots More Solid - Duration: 4:21.


I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And today I am going to you you the secret to hitting a really good pitch shot.

Stay tuned.


So if this is your first time here.


This channel is all about helping you play better golf.

I've been a golf pro for 32 years and along the way I have found out about what works

and what doesn't.

And as every day goes by I try and simplify everything that I do.

Today is no exception.

Today I am going to simplify and give you the secret to hitting really good pitch shots.

Probably the most common mistake I see in my day to day coaching of normal people.

Normal everty day golfers that is and not elite players just normal every day players.

Is they actually have the ball in the wrong position.

Now if you don't have the ball in the right position.

It doesn't matter what swing you use you can't possibly hit good consistent pitch shots.

And I think there is a real misnomer about where you should be playing the ball.

So I have got my 2 alignment sticks down here.

This ones pointing at the target and this one here is pointing at the golf ball.

So if I position my feet so that they are the same distance from that alignment stick


That ball is now in the middle of my stance.

My left foot is turned out slightly which makes it look like my ball is back a bit further

in my stance but it's not.

It's actually in the middle.

So with the ball in the middle of my stance.

That's actually the bottom of the arc.

And if the ball is at the bottom of the arc.

That gives me the best chance of getting the club underneath the ball which will get the

ball in the air consistently.

Unfortunately lots of people have been given bad information and they have been given bad

information from their friends.

Now no friend is trying to help ruin their friends golf swing or golf score.

They believe this is true.

But a lot of people think that when you are hitting a wedge you have to hit the ball more

toward the front foot because it's going to go higher.

If you are an elite golfer and you know what you are doing.

That is true.

But for the average person that doesn't have a fantastic skill set it isn't going to work.

The reason why is the club will tend to ground at the bottom of the arc.

Now the bottom of the arc is as I have already said is half way between my feet.

So in moving the ball forward.

I am more likely to hit the ball fat.

And if I don't hit the ball fat I am going to hit the ball behind.

And I will hit the ground first.

And if it's in summer the club will bounce off that ground and it will belly the ball

and hit it skinny or thin.

So by far the best ball position we can get is to get that golf ball in the middle of

my stance.

The other thing I want is if I get a ball and if I drop the ball from my nose when I

take a set up.

I want my hands to be directly underneath or the shaft to be underneath my nose.

So that gives me the best opportunity of getting the club back and presenting itself to the

ball in the correct position.

You can be a little bit more to the left.

That encourages a slightly descending blow.

Which we do want when we chip.

But under no circumstances do we ever want our nose to be back behind where our hands


You do with a driver but that is a different concept.

We are using a golf tee we want to hit up.

With this one we want to hit down.

We want the nose to be directly underneath the shaft.

Ball in the middle.

And from there I just swing back.

The club gets under the ball just goes up in the air nice and straight.

So don't underestimate the value of hitting with really good ball position.

Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.

I am Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And if you like my videos you can click on the round avatar down on the bottom there.

You can get further information on my FaceBook page or my Twitter feed.

You can also sign up to my electronic newsletter at

For more infomation >> The Secret To Hitting Your Pitch Shots More Solid - Duration: 4:21.


How to Draw Shapes for Kids - Drawing and Painting Coloring Pages for Children - Art for Kids - Duration: 1:16.






Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> How to Draw Shapes for Kids - Drawing and Painting Coloring Pages for Children - Art for Kids - Duration: 1:16.


YouTube Edit Links Option Missing - SOLVED - Duration: 1:13.

it's your YouTube edit links option missing? Well in this short video I'm

gonna show you exactly how to fix it. If you stumble across this channel and

you've not yet subscribed go ahead and hit that subscribe button and you'll get

notified when I release new videos, I release videos like this one weekly to

help entrepreneurs, businesses and individuals just like yourself go online

with video. I'm gonna jump on a computer quickly and show you exactly how to fix

the YouTube edit links option which is missing. Right let's get started click on

my channel on the top left then click on the gear icon on the right next to the

subscribe button in the channel settings pop-up window you'll see customize the

layout toggle the button on and then click Save

then hover over the top right of your channel art you'll see a pencil icon

click the pencil then click Edit links from here you can add the links to your

YouTube channel that's it for this video hope you found it interesting and

informative if you liked the video consider giving it a thumbs up please

subscribe so I can deliver more videos just like this one to help entrepreneurs

businesses and individuals just like yourself get online with video thanks

for watching if you're new to the channel or you stumble across it how-to

For more infomation >> YouTube Edit Links Option Missing - SOLVED - Duration: 1:13.


What You Never Knew About This 'Castle' Star - Duration: 5:04.

She's a dancer, musician, environmentalist, and, of course, the ultimate detective.

Well known as Kate Beckett on ABC's Castle, Stana Katic expertly balances her showbiz

career with real life, about which she's notoriously private.

Let's dish up some things you probably don't know about this stunning TV star!

Jet-set kid

Katic was born to parents from the original Yugoslavia.

They came to North America with very little, and found their way to Hamilton, Ontario,

before officially settling in Chicago, where they established the family furniture business.

Katic described her parents' focus on their children's education, saying, "They got my

five siblings and me educated — piano, ballet, karate — well travelled and excited about

the world."

Acting bug

While some stars find their calling later in life, others seem born for Hollywood.

Along with dancing and playing musical instruments, acting was always in the cards for Katic.

She knew she wanted to be an actress when she was just four years old, telling Female

First, "I remember being actually asked by a family friend of the time, who was suggesting

'doctor, dentist' and I just went 'actress!'"

And she was right.

Big break

Katic may be well known for her role of Detective Beckett on Castle, but the story of how she

landed the part is lesser known.

The actress told The TV Addict about the unusual audition, saying, "I didn't have time to shop

for the right blouse so I just grabbed this blouse that I had and thought I'll make it


When I got to the testing area, they were doing the makeup, hair, fiddling with my clothing

and of course it wasn't working."

Future co-star Nathan Fillion — and a pair of scissors — ended up being a huge help

in the sticky situation.

She said, "He cut my shirt, removed the lower tunic part and it's funny because the producers

kind of walked in on the two of us being co-criminals and I thought that was just a real wonderful

kind of taste of what the camaraderie would be in the future on the show."

Future heroine

When it comes to her acting career, Katic doesn't shy away from the tough roles — she

actually seeks them out, specifically.

Katic told Collider, "I want to do action films.

I want to go and hang off of wires, and jump off of bridges, and hang on bungee chords.

I've always really loved it."

On the heels of Wonder Woman's blockbuster success, Katic looks to serve up that female

superheroism, with her eyes on a variety of possible roles, saying, "There is a big list

of killer chicks that are just rockin'."


Katic was raised to care about the planet:

"You know, I've been interested in the environment ever since I was little."

Speaking with the Environmental Media Association, of which she's a board member, Katic shared,

"People in my family have always had gardens and fruit trees; a lot of my family had household


So, the importance of chemical-free food sources and 'nothing goes to waste' mentality was

something I was raised with.

I suspect caring for the environment was a natural outcropping from that foundation."

And when it comes to the planet, Katic doesn't just talk the talk.


Katic has taken notable action to preserve the environment.

In 2010, she created the Alternative Travel Project, which encourages people to find different

modes of transportation besides driving their own cars.

"I thought it was really neat that we could do something on a microcosmic level to better

our environment and better our experience in our own city."

As Katic described to People, she found inspiration when she went to Europe and saw that "walking

and cycling to go about your day was more normal than having a car to run chores….[The

Project] makes sense to me.

It is a fun lifestyle choice that has a valuable positive effect on health and the environment."

And as she told Google's Brendon Harrington, she thinks it's about time for this type of


"We're in the 21st century.

This stuff should be kind of like a no-brainer at this point…

It makes spaces safer."

Private party

There's very little privacy for any celeb in the public eye.

But, for Katic, there is one thing she's not sharing, no matter what.

She told Chatelaine, "I love to kiss, but I don't tell...Romance is difficult for some


If the media finds out you're dating Robert Pattinson, you're screwed."

Even though the actress keeps many details of her private life quiet, she did admit,

"I like the concept that if you're with someone, it's for the long term."

Ultimate celebration

Katic put her words into practice, when, in April 2015, she celebrated her birthday by

also getting married to business consultant Kris Brkljac.

As People reported, Katic married her beau "in a private family monastery on the Dalmatian


Katic and her new hubby dated for quite some time before tying the knot, and since he's

not in the entertainment biz, it might be a little easier for the couple to stay out

of the public eye.

Next up

Katic has become a fan-favorite TV detective thanks to Castle, but what's next for the


"Anything's possible."

As reported by Deadline in July 2017, Katic will star in the 10-episode series, Absentia,

as an FBI agent who's involved in a series of murders.

The actress will also be showcasing her horror chops in 2018's Cadaver.

Whether Katic is in front of the screen or advocating for the planet, there's no doubt

that we'll be hearing her name for a long time.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> What You Never Knew About This 'Castle' Star - Duration: 5:04.


Real Scary Halloween Decorations 👻 🎃 - Duration: 5:38.

so hey um I rinsed here this really freaky um Halloween store I'm gonna show

you most of their and trucks oh cool

well this one I'll skip cuz it's the finals and now is ever gonna do

this one's just like all creepy and bloody and awesome

inside I'm holding a girl a little little girl and watch

and this one is a little thing evolving another girl now these two aren't really

a neutron

and this one is really creepy this one's really creepy watch close I

asked like


it's one poisonous touch from me see if you can do cheetahs

do something

so watch it but it was kind of freaky right

and remember freaky electronic thingies are amazing and so are you

For more infomation >> Real Scary Halloween Decorations 👻 🎃 - Duration: 5:38.


Como emprender un negocio - Duration: 1:29:13.

For more infomation >> Como emprender un negocio - Duration: 1:29:13.


Video: Quick showers, gusty winds overnight - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Video: Quick showers, gusty winds overnight - Duration: 3:32.


mini album memories (SK/EN subtitles) - Duration: 1:51.

Hi, welcome. Today I´m here with my new memories mini album

It´s just 10cm (4 by 4 inch)

I used some sequins and my handmade tassel for decorating

The letters are from Paige Evans

In Silhouette Studio is her new alphabet cutting file

I just needed the letters a little bit bigger


I used more Paige´s cutting files in this album

I like them

I like writting into these little windows.

I think I will be doing this often :-)

And I used lot of stickers from Pink Paislee

these clouds are absolutely perfect

another sequins here

The fox

I had to make som cuts smaller to fit them to my pages.

I didn´t want to cut of this photo, so I just made it openable

here are some thoughts about taking pictures and a camera-shaped paper clip

the special page for the bear friend :-)

added some stickers

there will be some notes for my son on the left

and here is a beautiful flower background

Thank you for watching, links to cutting files are down below


For more infomation >> mini album memories (SK/EN subtitles) - Duration: 1:51.


Destiny 2 Lore Nokris will return? - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Lore Nokris will return? - Duration: 10:37.


New Channel ft Rebecca Parham - Duration: 0:44.

Rebecca: Hey Colton, why don't you post videos anymore?

Colton: Because, animations take a while to make.

PSH! Why don't you make a new channel?

Colton: Yes, because losing 60 subscribers and and still taking a month per video...

...would be a positive way to use my time and would be beneficial to me.

Rebecca: Yeah it would be!

For more infomation >> New Channel ft Rebecca Parham - Duration: 0:44.


Free Fish Food from Fluval and a Chance to Win $2500 in Products - Duration: 1:24.

I'm sure you guys all know Fluval,

they make a ton of great aquarium products.

But you may not know that they recently launched a new food called Fluval Bug Bites.

Which is actually made from bugs.

Or partly from bugs anyway.

The main ingredient is dried black soldier fly larvae

and you might be wondering...

I wonder if my fish would actually eat that.

Well wonder no more

because Fluval has agreed to send a free sample to 100 of you!

All you have to do is comment on this video down below and let me know which one you want.

There's a bunch of different varieties,

and I'll put a list of them down in the video description.

And I need you to post the actual code.

Like for example this, the Cichlid Pellets, is A6581.

And the first 100 people to comment will get samples.

But that's not all.

You also have a chance to win $2500, yep that's $2500 in Fluval products.

All you have to do to enter is make a video showing one of two things.

Either you feeding your fish some bug bites food,

or just telling us why you want a sample of bug bites.

Then you need to post that video to either Fluval's facebook page,

or tweet at them, or tag them on Instagram.

I will include all of those links down in the video description.

But you have to use the hashtag #FLUVALBUGBITES


Frankly I think that's a pretty easy way to win $2500 worth of stuff.

So thanks to Fluval for giving me the opportunity to give you guys a bunch of stuff.

Good luck to everyone who enters,

and as always thanks for watching

and have a good one!

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