Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

(slow hip hop music)

- Hey guys, Shawn with Custom Offsets,

Custom Offsets TV on the YouTube.

Got another episode of Hot 'N New for ya.

This'll be hop, hopisode?

Episode number 95.

We're five away from our giveaway.

When we hit 100, we're gonna give away,

so make sure you're watching that one,

'cause it's gonna be something about

comment quickly or something fun like that.

So, this one we got another one of the forged wheels,

it's gonna be the Fuel Forged

and it's the FF-oh-2 or FF-zero-2

and it's gonna be a 22 by 14 wide, so this is 14 wide,

and it's negative 76 offset.

The lip is gonna be

I'm gonna call it 8 3/4 to 8 7/8.

Just short of nine inches,

which is exactly what you want on a 14 wide forged wheel,

is get as close to that nine inch lip as possible.

So this one definitely gets there.

You'll see that it's a directional wheel.

So they're all gonna be tipping this way on this side,

and on the other side, same thing.

So they'll swoop on both sides.

Remember, the forged wheels,

the really expensive ones, over $1000 a wheel,

are pretty much the only directional wheels.

Anything else, they're all gonna run

the same direction,

so on one side of your truck they'll run backwards,

and the other side of the truck

they'll run the correct way.

So any cast wheels will not.

That's just a disclaimer

'cause somebody got upset this week,

that they ordered,

thought they ordered directional wheels,

but they weren't because they were cast wheels.

Any questions, ask us, we'll help you out.

So this is gonna be the polished,

you can also get 'em in the black and black and milled,

and couple other different finishes.

You'll see that he's running the spiked lug nuts

with these because these are definitely an exposed cap,

pretty much all the forges,

I'm gonna say all the forged wheels are open cap,

open exposed lug nut.

And then you can run the spikes with them.

And you'll see it's got the chrome center cap on it

to kind of match with the black Fuel Forged.

It's gonna be a one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight spoke.

So you got a spoke per lug nut.

I would have to check but I'm betting the six lug

is a six spoke.

I would have to double check my sources on that,

but that would be my bet.

So these are gonna come in 20 by 9s, 20 by 10s,

20 by 12s, 20 by 14s, 22 by 10s,

22 by 12s, 22 by 14s, 22 by 16s,

24 by 12, 24 by 14, 24 by 16,

26s all the way up to 26 by 16.

So pretty much as big of a wheel as you would like,

and all the 16 wides are negative 101 offset.

Most of them, I think I saw one that was

negative 96 offset, depending on bolt pattern

and style I would imagine.

But most of them are gonna be the negative 101 offset.

And as far as price point, these'll sit

in the medium as far as the forged wheel price point.

Remember, we're gonna start doing it

where the cast wheels are judged together

and then the forged wheels.

In the forged world, these'll sit about in the middle.

Just like the Fuel cast wheels sit about in the middle

of their price point,

these'll sit in the middle of the forged price point.

They're not your low-cost forged,

but they're not going to be super expensive forged.

They're right there in the center,

is where Fuel Forged has landed.


That's a wrap. Peace!

(slow hip hop music)

For more infomation >> Hot n New Ep.95: Fuel Forged FF02 22x14 -76 - Duration: 3:29.


The Secret To Hitting Your Pitch Shots More Solid - Duration: 4:21.


I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And today I am going to you you the secret to hitting a really good pitch shot.

Stay tuned.


So if this is your first time here.


This channel is all about helping you play better golf.

I've been a golf pro for 32 years and along the way I have found out about what works

and what doesn't.

And as every day goes by I try and simplify everything that I do.

Today is no exception.

Today I am going to simplify and give you the secret to hitting really good pitch shots.

Probably the most common mistake I see in my day to day coaching of normal people.

Normal everty day golfers that is and not elite players just normal every day players.

Is they actually have the ball in the wrong position.

Now if you don't have the ball in the right position.

It doesn't matter what swing you use you can't possibly hit good consistent pitch shots.

And I think there is a real misnomer about where you should be playing the ball.

So I have got my 2 alignment sticks down here.

This ones pointing at the target and this one here is pointing at the golf ball.

So if I position my feet so that they are the same distance from that alignment stick


That ball is now in the middle of my stance.

My left foot is turned out slightly which makes it look like my ball is back a bit further

in my stance but it's not.

It's actually in the middle.

So with the ball in the middle of my stance.

That's actually the bottom of the arc.

And if the ball is at the bottom of the arc.

That gives me the best chance of getting the club underneath the ball which will get the

ball in the air consistently.

Unfortunately lots of people have been given bad information and they have been given bad

information from their friends.

Now no friend is trying to help ruin their friends golf swing or golf score.

They believe this is true.

But a lot of people think that when you are hitting a wedge you have to hit the ball more

toward the front foot because it's going to go higher.

If you are an elite golfer and you know what you are doing.

That is true.

But for the average person that doesn't have a fantastic skill set it isn't going to work.

The reason why is the club will tend to ground at the bottom of the arc.

Now the bottom of the arc is as I have already said is half way between my feet.

So in moving the ball forward.

I am more likely to hit the ball fat.

And if I don't hit the ball fat I am going to hit the ball behind.

And I will hit the ground first.

And if it's in summer the club will bounce off that ground and it will belly the ball

and hit it skinny or thin.

So by far the best ball position we can get is to get that golf ball in the middle of

my stance.

The other thing I want is if I get a ball and if I drop the ball from my nose when I

take a set up.

I want my hands to be directly underneath or the shaft to be underneath my nose.

So that gives me the best opportunity of getting the club back and presenting itself to the

ball in the correct position.

You can be a little bit more to the left.

That encourages a slightly descending blow.

Which we do want when we chip.

But under no circumstances do we ever want our nose to be back behind where our hands


You do with a driver but that is a different concept.

We are using a golf tee we want to hit up.

With this one we want to hit down.

We want the nose to be directly underneath the shaft.

Ball in the middle.

And from there I just swing back.

The club gets under the ball just goes up in the air nice and straight.

So don't underestimate the value of hitting with really good ball position.

Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.

I am Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And if you like my videos you can click on the round avatar down on the bottom there.

You can get further information on my FaceBook page or my Twitter feed.

You can also sign up to my electronic newsletter at

For more infomation >> The Secret To Hitting Your Pitch Shots More Solid - Duration: 4:21.


How to Draw Shapes for Kids - Drawing and Painting Coloring Pages for Children - Art for Kids - Duration: 1:16.






Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> How to Draw Shapes for Kids - Drawing and Painting Coloring Pages for Children - Art for Kids - Duration: 1:16.


YouTube Edit Links Option Missing - SOLVED - Duration: 1:13.

it's your YouTube edit links option missing? Well in this short video I'm

gonna show you exactly how to fix it. If you stumble across this channel and

you've not yet subscribed go ahead and hit that subscribe button and you'll get

notified when I release new videos, I release videos like this one weekly to

help entrepreneurs, businesses and individuals just like yourself go online

with video. I'm gonna jump on a computer quickly and show you exactly how to fix

the YouTube edit links option which is missing. Right let's get started click on

my channel on the top left then click on the gear icon on the right next to the

subscribe button in the channel settings pop-up window you'll see customize the

layout toggle the button on and then click Save

then hover over the top right of your channel art you'll see a pencil icon

click the pencil then click Edit links from here you can add the links to your

YouTube channel that's it for this video hope you found it interesting and

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subscribe so I can deliver more videos just like this one to help entrepreneurs

businesses and individuals just like yourself get online with video thanks

for watching if you're new to the channel or you stumble across it how-to

For more infomation >> YouTube Edit Links Option Missing - SOLVED - Duration: 1:13.


Real Scary Halloween Decorations 👻 🎃 - Duration: 5:38.

so hey um I rinsed here this really freaky um Halloween store I'm gonna show

you most of their and trucks oh cool

well this one I'll skip cuz it's the finals and now is ever gonna do

this one's just like all creepy and bloody and awesome

inside I'm holding a girl a little little girl and watch

and this one is a little thing evolving another girl now these two aren't really

a neutron

and this one is really creepy this one's really creepy watch close I

asked like


it's one poisonous touch from me see if you can do cheetahs

do something

so watch it but it was kind of freaky right

and remember freaky electronic thingies are amazing and so are you

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