Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

So recently I bought GTA 5 for my PC since I haven't been able to play it since my ps4 blew up a few months

Ago and because I'm now playing on a new platform

I've had start all over again with

Absolutely nothing so this

Led me to look for GTA 5 videos to try and get back where I was on the ps4

Version a little bit faster and well

It's made me come to the conclusion that about 90% of GTA youtubers are absolute scumbags so in this video

I'm gonna explain. Why some of these gta5 youtubers, just really suck

First of all can we just address the thumbnails real quick


Every GTA tutorial videos from now has the biggest number they can fit on the screen

Just to show how much one you're going to get from this sick glitch

And just in case some of you are a bit sleepy today, and haven't realized yet

You don't actually earn that much money from any of these videos unless you like it like a hacker or something ok

I don't know, but yeah

It's blatant clickbait and the fact that literally hundreds of thousands of people fall for this means that people are either really

Desperate or just really really stupid

Right so one of the major issues I have with GTA youtubers is

That you can't find a single damn tutorial that doesn't have a giveaway at the start

Okay, the first 30 seconds a genuinely means of every single GTA video

It's just a stupid giveaway, and I know what you might be thinking well. I don't mind

I mean, it's a chance to get free money well

Even if you think that there are many youtubers

You know posting videos exposing these big GTA youtubers for their giveaways being completely fake

And now this isn't just in the GTA community. It's spreading all across YouTube

You know you got people like derv doing it that there's so many. I'm not even gonna go into it, okay

Is it's being ridiculous, but these fake giveaways are a major issue?

And it's not even that I'm against giveaways. I think they can be a good thing if they're done well

He'll have even done them myself in the past

But I do have an issue with them when they're fake so YouTube should really do something about this

But let's be honest. It's future they probably won't

Now it's bad enough that they all waste the first 30 seconds of each video with their fake giveaways

But what makes it even worse is that a bunch of these tutorial videos waste the next two or three minutes?

Just talking for no reason about what they're going to show you rather than just getting into the actual content

You clicked on a video for so sometimes you don't actually get to see what you clicked on the video for until literally not even

over-exaggerating here over halfway through the video in some cases

It's ridiculous, and it's all of course just a desperate attempt to improve watch time and stretch the video to that now-infamous

10 minute mark and

I wouldn't have an issue with youtubers trying to make their videos over 10 minutes long you know with the ad pocalypse

People need this extra ad revenue if it wasn't for what I was about to talk about next

So as many of you know the GTA v community on YouTube is dying, okay, it's a fact

It's dying, and how do you survive if your channels getting less views increase the odd revenue?

And how do you do that by spamming every five seconds of your video with ads?

Some of these GTA videos literally have five six some even have seven ads in what is literally a ten minute video

Fast like an ad every one or two minutes or something stupid like you're almost at the ratio there where there's more ad than video

Like when you get to that point surely people must realize that they're pushing their look a bit

It's ridiculous that this is even allowed

I just find it incredible that even

massive youtubers with millions of subscribers

Can do this and get away about people even calling them out for it way more people to be calling these big youtubers out especially

for spamming their videos with ads

Now the final issue I have is with this latest trend of people claiming

They have GTA 6 early even though the game hasn't even been officially announced yet

And what once again just a disclaimer for those of you that have realized yet. They don't have it is. It's fake

They don't have you chase takes. It's fake

This is kind of old news now, so I won't even talk about it too much

But it still seems that small youtubers are doing this and well

I don't think I need to explain

Why this is annoying so I'm not going to but the good news is that?

most of the youtubers that were doing this especially the bigger ones have now moved into another part of YouTube's fake reaction videos

But I could make an entire video out of that topic so let's not get into that in this one so yeah basically

That's my brief run on GTA

Youtubers this is old news now, so I don't want to get too into it

But since I started playing the game again, and now these videos is taking over my YouTube homepage

I just really wanted to make a video on it, so if you enjoyed this video

Please subscribe it really helps a tiny trying to light mine out

I don't leave a like if you enjoyed this video or dislike if you if you didn't I don't mind just let me know how

I can improve in the comments if that is the case uh yeah, hopefully. I'll see you all in the next video

For more infomation >> GTA 5 Youtubers Rant (Scumbag Youtubers) - Duration: 5:37.


Episode IV: Seeding | The Draw | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany - Duration: 20:51.

For more infomation >> Episode IV: Seeding | The Draw | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany - Duration: 20:51.


JAK UŁOŻYĆ TRACKLISTE DO OMENA? [Tutorial] - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> JAK UŁOŻYĆ TRACKLISTE DO OMENA? [Tutorial] - Duration: 2:47.


Вот и облепиха созрела! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Вот и облепиха созрела! - Duration: 1:07.


SILENT JILL Episode 7 : Le sanatorium hanté (feat. Henri PFR) - Duration: 25:14.

For more infomation >> SILENT JILL Episode 7 : Le sanatorium hanté (feat. Henri PFR) - Duration: 25:14.


Farming Simulator 17 Claas Axion 800 + Kverneland SKE 600 Accord Planter - Duration: 11:44.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Two New Mods You can use to plant your fields.

Claas Axion 800 (810, 830, 850) 2 Front Attacher Setup Front Loader 3 Engine Setup 4 Wheel Setup 50Km/h Top Speed

This Claas Axion 800 Need a lot of improvement compare The other same tractor I have use in the past This is new Model??????? Pls Comment

Rabe SKE 600 Pack Incudes Kverneland SKE 600 Accord Planter And SKE Trailer

Kverneland SKE 600 Accord Planter 2.o00l Capacity 6m Working Width 10Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 250Hp Direct Seeding

SKE Low Loader Trailer

I you stand front of teh trailer hitch and press N KEY You can added/remove the ramps

You can also use this trailer to transport the planter

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Claas Axion 800 + Kverneland SKE 600 Accord Planter - Duration: 11:44.


Todos somos electrosensibles !SOS EHS! Trailer English Subt - Duration: 3:12.

We are electric, basically.

From neurons to the fingertips.

We move a muscle based on an electrical impulse.

Beat the heart based on an electrical impulse. We think based on electrical impulses.

And this is affected by the outside electricity.

A GLOBAL CONFLICT then, for sure , we have the simile that we feel that we've placed

the children in the microwave, that we have closed the door

and we have left them there,

and see what happens.

A DIRECT ATTACK ON OUR PRIVACY So with a mobile phone

they touch me my neurons.

With a light transformer, they touch me my neurons

and that means we enter

enter on the rights and freedoms of persons.

So It is for me, so it is , the total loss of freedom.

So , it is in Norway, in Sweden, there is not wifi in schools.

it is recommended not to have these wireless systems at home.

A DETECTED PROBLEM The ones we realize that,

we can put a remedy.

Those who do not notice it maybe

will appear a cancer and they will not be able to put a remedy.

OF HIGH RISK FOR HEALTH The worse it is the status of health which we daily have to cope with .It is the question of getting out of bed, go outside

in the street and be in an uphill . As I say,

be climbing fatigued for the microwaves ,

by minefields. We do Not have access to the library, but you get used to live without it

but I did not get used to living with lack of health

Subsequent affects the DNA links , affects the melatonin ,

does create stress proteins in cells

Alters the circulatory system,

alters the hormonal system, especially the hormonal one ,

the neurological,

the nervous system...

THE WHO (the World Health Organization ; IS AWARE. Starting in 2000, the World Health Organization (WHO)

declared potentially carcinogenic the electromagnetic fields, governments have

an ethical obligation to protect us from this

this and they are not doing it.

HANDLING THE ROAD TO IGNORANCE We spoke to journalists where we have given to them the names

names of chemical compounds and they have said - no, no, no

that can not be mentioned because people do not understand.

How can we mention Bisphenol A, That makes it very uphill for them and I say back but

if they know the alignment of the club of Barça!

Here it is emitting

the mobile phone device and here,

when I move, the mobile phone in my left hand,

with this comes to fry my brain, as you can you see.

.Well, then, I'm inside of a microwave oven.

For one hand, I can measure and on the other hand I am emitting to myself

For more infomation >> Todos somos electrosensibles !SOS EHS! Trailer English Subt - Duration: 3:12.


It's a upload and thats all that matters...i think (Minecraft Skywars) - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> It's a upload and thats all that matters...i think (Minecraft Skywars) - Duration: 1:05.


Kiko Matamoros arremete contra Carmen Borrego en 'Viva la vida' y Toñi Moreno la defiende - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Kiko Matamoros arremete contra Carmen Borrego en 'Viva la vida' y Toñi Moreno la defiende - Duration: 3:41.


Type 1 Diabetes Makeover – From Rollercoaster to Full Control - Duration: 8:31.

Affaf: I always felt like I had no control over my body.

I always felt like something was going to go wrong.

I was doing everything the doctors were telling me and it was just so hard because all

I felt was fear and all I could do was think about like diabetes 24/7.

I couldn't think about anything else.

Affaf: And now I eat like either oatmeal or fruit in the morning.

I eat rice, I eat potatoes, I eat a lot of fruit.

I'll go on runs at like 1:20 and before I wouldn't even leave my house if I was under


It's like you're on coffee constantly.

That's basically how you feel, right?

Robby: Exactly.

It's the truth.

You just have energy.

You get to eat food you like.

Robby: I'm really excited to have my new friend here, Affaf.

She has an incredible transformation, and I think it's gonna inspire

a lot of you guys.

So we're going to share her story here today.

Let's start with the beginning.

In August 2015, you're diagnosed with type 1


What happened before then?

What was going on upon the diagnosis?

Affaf: Basically, I was just sick for a whole year.

I was throwing up a lot.

I felt really thirsty.

I lost a lot of weight.

That;s basically it.

Robby: Yeah, the normal stuff.

Affaf: Yeah.

Robby: Okay, so you get diagnosed.

And then what happens?

What does the doctor tell you to do?

How does your family handle this?

Affaf: My family was fine, but the doctor was like basically don't eat carbs.

I didn't eat any carbs.

And it was just depressing because it was just so hard to manage it, and my life just

like changed like that.

Robby: Absolutely.

What do you remember from the early days of not really being in control of


Affaf: I used to be so scared to go to sleep.

Because my sister when she was younger had a

friend that died in her sleep because of diabetes.

Robby: Wow.

Affaf: And so before I would go to sleep, I would eat so much to be at 300 just so that

I feel comfortable going to sleep.

And I would wake up in my 30s.

It was so scary because I just felt like I had no control over my body.

I always felt like something was going to go wrong.

And I was kindof careless, but at the same time

I didn't know how to be careful.

Because I was doing everything the doctors were telling me, and

it was just so hard because all I felt was fear and all

I could do was think about like diabetes 24/7.

I couldn't think about anything else.

And I was just so scared all the time.

It was just so depressing.

I would just be in my room all by myself crying because I just didn't know what to do and

how to feel better.

Robby: Walk us through a typical day of eating before you started the low fat plant based

whole food program and then what you do now.

Affaf: So basically, I would eat eggs and turkey bacon and then I would eat for lunch

probably chicken.

For dinner I would probably eat meat or something, but the thing about the way I was

eating before, I would eat like that for like 3 days and then I would binge on Pop-Tarts

or pizza or something like that because it was so...Like

I had no energy.

I didn't have anything to do.

And also I would drink so much caffeine.

It was disgusting.

I would have like 4 cups of coffee a day.

And now, I eat like either oatmeal or fruit in the morning.

I eat rice, I eat potatoes, I eat a lot of fruit.

Yeah, that's what I eat now.

All day long.

It doesn't really matter what time f day it is.

Robby: And you eat quite simply.

Affaf: MmmHmm.

Robby: You were taking 22 units of Lantis and then every time you wanted to eat a meal,

you would take roughly 10 units of Novolog.

And also you were high all the time.

Your A1C was 14.

So roughly 62 units of total insulin eating roughly 30 grams of total carbohydrates.

Affaf: And that wouldn't even fix my blood sugar.

Like it would still be high.

Robby: So then you found out about what me and Cyrus are doing at Mastering Diabetes.

You are literally one of the best students I've

ever had.

I really was like okay, let's do this.

Let's try it out and see how it goes.

You were pretty scared to eat fruit.

Affaf: MmmHmm.

Robby: But how did it go?

Affaf: Well it was honestly like it was easy, but at the same time it was so weird because

my blood sugars would be normal and I would start

freaking out.

So I feel like the transition from now and then was so easy because I'll go on

runs at like 120 and before I wouldn't even leave

my house if I was under 200.

And so I feel like the transition was pretty smooth.

Robby: Yeah, that's a real thing.

People who don't have very good control of their blood glucose

or any predictability sometimes are just scared to do things.

The other problem you were having is the extreme highs, but also the extreme


You would tank sometimes.

Affaf: Yeah.

Really badly.

Robby: You did everything I asked you to do.

I mean I said log everything in Cron-O-Meter.

You did it.

I said send me a picture of each meal.

You sent a picture.

I said fill out the decision trees.

You filled them out thoroughly.

You were doing everything amazingly well.

Affaf: I still fill them out.

Robby: Thank you.

That's great!

So now, it's 6 months later and let's review your totals.

Your current Lantis use now is 10 units per day.

And then when you eat meals, how much do you inject for your meals?

Affaf: It's like 3 or 4 for each meal.

Robby: Yep.

And it's roughly 80 grams of carbohydrate per meal.

Affaf: Yeah.

Robby: Okay.

And then sometimes you might have a snack in between.

Affaf: Yes.

Robby: If we run the numbers conservatively, that gives you a total of 25 units of insulin

and now you're eating roughly 300 grams of carbohydrate.

Affaf: A lot more.

Robby: A lot more.

So the numbers in regards to insulin sensitivity is dramatic.

But now let's talk about the more important stuff like how do

you feel?

Affaf: I feel so good!

It's just -- It's like you're on coffee constantly.

That's basically how you feel, right?

Robby: Yeah, exactly.

It's the truth.

Like you just have energy.

You get to eat food you like.

Affaf: You don't have to starve yourself to be skinny.

Robby: Absolutely.

I see your Snapchat, your Instagram, you're active all the time.

Affaf: MmmHmm.

Robby: That's essential for overall health.

And have you had a new A1C since changing your


Affaf: Yes, but it was at 8.

Robby: It improved from 14 to 8.

It's progress.

You're young.

You have friends that probably don't eat the same ways you do.

How do you navigate those situations?

Affaf: Honestly, I feel like it's not that hard because either if I'm going somewhere

I'll just make sure that we go to somewhere that has a vegan

option or something like that.

It's not that hard to just put like a plastic container of food

in your bag or whatever and go out with your friends.

I feel like it's not as hard as people think

it seems because they just overthink it.

It's just like, pack your food!

Or do whatever you need to do if you want to feel good.

There's no price.

You're changing your taste buds, you're changing

your entire life, and then as soon as you get used to

it, it's just like whatever.

Robby: If you just lead by example and take care of yourself and don't make other people

feel bad about their decisions, you're not judging

them like oh you shouldn't have eaten that, Then it

sets a good tone so they're not going to do the same thing to you.

We're all supporting each other, doing what each of us decides is best

for ourselves.

You support them; they're gonna support you.

If anybody is thinking about doing this, whatever type of diabetes they're living with.

If they're considering this program, what advice would

you give to somebody?

Affaf: Just do it because you're not going to be depressed and sick all the time.

Robby: That's pretty simple.

Affaf: That's all I have to say honestly.

Robby: Just do it.

Just give this a try.

Affaf: I mean it's not going to hurt you.

If you try it for a week, you're guaranteed results.

Like I swear to God.

It's just so true.

For more infomation >> Type 1 Diabetes Makeover – From Rollercoaster to Full Control - Duration: 8:31.


VYCHYLOVKA, Slovakia - Duration: 10:28.

Vychylovka it is located in the Kysuce region in northwestern Slovakia

The railway uses switchbacks to overcome the local steep inclination

the Museum of the Kysuce Village displays 34 buildings presenting folk architecture from various corners of the Kysuce region

ticket office

if you visit castles or open areas you better wear special trainers so you dont fall

the local country typical represented for the Walachian and shepperd form settlements

The entrance fee is 4 euros for train trip plus 4 euros for visiting the houses

this is how it looks the settlement

the turning back system of the train overcoming the major rise on the short distance, is the second most preserved in Europe

In almost one hour you can enter in several wooden houses

and meet new inhabitants

This was a logging zone


The weather was so hot that the sound of the water was tempting

This type of plants were one of the first to exist on earth

the evolutionists said

plants which are covered seeds

and bare seeds


The stove is like the ones in Cicmany

These ceilings are not to high to keep the warmth

look at that thing is to put babies on it

the woman is in her 6th week period after delivering a baby

this artifact was used to make butter


it scared me


They used to make from cannabis clothes


the word "nevstupovat" means dont enter

In this type of house 12 people used to live

children used to live upstairs

6 adults down and kids up


slovaks collect wood during summer

so they can use it during winter




Be aware with low ceilings

the looms

women were short

the spokes

to make skeins of yarn

Beware with the door

that was for me, cause I have just hit my head

apparently these wooden houses were brought here

piece by piece were ensambled

from different towns around

If you got upset with your family you didnt have chance to be alone

This is Frumanske Halusky a slovak typical dish

(i made a mistake with the name)

It was "klobasa" or sausage, cheese and bacon

it tastes strange

"Slanina" is bacon

cheese, potato

This bacon is like the fattiest parts of the bacon

I was told that this was the food of poor

when they didnt have many products to eat , this is what they could eat

My final score to this Furmanske halusky is that:

it is not so good for me as I dont consume so heavy food

if several of you come here, just order one portion

you can try it and 2 spoons will be enough for you

there is no necessity to eat more

and order a beer

so you can digest it

because it is heavy dish

if you dont drink alcohol you always can drink non alcoholic beer

or a vinea (slovak drink made of grapes)

I was told that many peple used to eat cabbage

and due to that thyroid gland diseases were common


for one soda

one non alcoholic beer


are 7.50 euros (aprox 8.85 american dollars)

You can round the tip

as it is typical to do, so we payed 8 euros

For more infomation >> VYCHYLOVKA, Slovakia - Duration: 10:28.


Что потребуется родителям, чьи дети от 0 до 8 лет? - Duration: 14:00.

For more infomation >> Что потребуется родителям, чьи дети от 0 до 8 лет? - Duration: 14:00.


Top 50 Funny Cats Video compilation - Duration: 4:24.

Top 50 Funny Cats Video compilation

For more infomation >> Top 50 Funny Cats Video compilation - Duration: 4:24.


Álvaro de Marichalar saca de quicio a Jorge Javier Vázquez - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Álvaro de Marichalar saca de quicio a Jorge Javier Vázquez - Duration: 2:52.


【衝撃】 ゴーちゃん。&ちんじゅうみんのモッフンがテレ朝音楽イベント「ドリフェス」盛り上げる! - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 【衝撃】 ゴーちゃん。&ちんじゅうみんのモッフンがテレ朝音楽イベント「ドリフェス」盛り上げる! - Duration: 4:23.


Meena Games level 8 - Meena in The City HD - Teaching Educational Meena Cartoon-Unicef - Duration: 5:23.

Meena Games level 8 - Meena in The City HD - Teaching Educational Meena Cartoon-Unicef

For more infomation >> Meena Games level 8 - Meena in The City HD - Teaching Educational Meena Cartoon-Unicef - Duration: 5:23.


The Real Reasons Why These Movies Were Shelved For Years - Duration: 4:42.

Years can go by between the announcement of a big Hollywood film project and its actual

arrival in theaters.

But sometimes studios and distributors will shelf a finished film for years if they believe

it's in their best financial or promotional interest.

Here are a few films that took years to appear on the big screen.

Red Dawn

Turning to remakes of popular films from its vaults in the late 2000s to help stave off

financial ruin, MGM hired Dan Bradley to helm a remake of the 1984 Cold War film Red Dawn.

It's about a ragtag group of teenagers who mount a resistance against invading Soviet

Union forces.

"I know we're outnumbered and outgunned.

But that doesn't mean we can't make a difference."

The remake starring Chris Hemsworth and set in the present day, originally had Chinese


But to quell controversy and increase the chances of a Chinese release, the villains

were changed to the North Koreans in post-production.

The updated Red Dawn was originally scheduled for release in 2010, but was shelved due to

the studio's then-pending bankruptcy.

While it was in limbo, the filmmakers spent less than $1 million in edits, CGI, and dubbing

to remove all-things-China from the film.

It was finally released on November 23, 2012 ... but never in China, despite the work done

to make the film more China-friendly.

The Cabin in the Woods

The satirical horror gem The Cabin in the Woods, co-written and produced by Joss Whedon,

is another Chris Hemsworth-led film that was tangled up in MGM's disastrous financial crisis

in the late 2000s.

"Their ears are stopped."

"They are the Gods' fools."

"Well ... that's how it works."

Originally scheduled for release on February 5, 2010, the film didn't arrive in theaters

until more than two years later.

After initially delaying the film so they could convert it to 3D, MGM shelved the movie

indefinitely after succumbing to its financial woes.

Instead of pushing forward with a new distribution strategy, newly appointed executives chose

to sell the movie, along with Red Dawn, to Lionsgate in 2011, and it finally made its

debut on April 13th, 2012.

Repo Men

Based on the novel Repossession Mambo by Eric Garcia, 2010's Repo Men stars Jude Law and

Forest Whitaker as agents for a company called The Union that sells bio-mechanical organs.

When the company's customers fail to pay their due, The Union sends agents to "repossess"

the goods.

"Don't you touch me."

"No need for violence, miss."

The film entered production in 2007 — two years prior to Garcia's novel being published

— and finished filming the following year.

However, since another film with a very similar title and premise, Repo!

The Genetic Opera, was also in the pipeline, Universal chose to shelve the film to avoid

competition, not releasing it for another two years.

House of 1000 Corpses

Rob Zombie's cult horror classic House of 1000 Corpses took a long and arduous road

to theaters.

Originally filmed in 2000, the movie followed the Firefly family as they travelled across

the country on Halloween, killing and maiming along the way.

Due to the amount of blood, gore, and violence, the film received an NC-17 rating by the MPAA,

prompting Universal to deem the film a bad investment and shelve it indefinitely.

Several months later, Zombie purchased the rights from Universal and began searching

for another distributor, with MGM eventually picking up the film and scheduling it for

release in October 2002.

However, MGM later dropped the project after Zombie reportedly joked that the studio had

"no morals" since they chose to distribute it.

Lionsgate ultimately released a toned-down R-rated cut of the flick on April 11th, 2003.

Take Me Home Tonight

The 2011 retro comedy Take Me Home Tonight arguably came closer than most films at capturing

the essence of the '80s — but that's one of the few positive things critics had to

say about the film.

Set in Los Angeles in 1988, the comedy follows Topher Grace's

Matt Franklin, as he pursues his high school crush and reconnects with old friends over

the course of one wild night.

"What do you do, anyway?

I thought you went to MIT."

"I work at Suncoast Video."

Since the movie featured heavy use of cocaine as part of the night's crazy hijinks, Universal

didn't know how to go about marketing it, which led to the studio indefinitely shelving

the film until Rogue acquired its distribution rights for $10 million dollars.

Take Me Home Tonight finally debuted on March 4, 2011, four years after it finished filming.



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