Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

While living in Nargothrond, Turin son of Hurin, became an important advisor to King

Orodreth and practically came to rule in his name, convincing them to abandon their traditions

of secrecy and build a great bridge across the river Narog, then gathering and marching

their armies to fight openly against the Dark Lord Morgoth and the battle of Tumhalad.

Unfortunately their forces were unprepared to confront Glaurung, the father of Dragons,

who devastated their ranks with dragonfire.

The battle was an important victory for the forces of Morgoth, who killed King Orodreth

and sacked the city of Nargothrond, slaughtering and enslaving its population.

Glaurung also used his magic to place Turin into a hypnotic daze, which caused him to

stand by in a stupor as the Elves he knew and loved cried out in anguish as they were

carried away in chains.

When Turin awoke from his trance, he did not immediately set out to rescue his allies,

because the Dragon Glaurung had twisted his mind, convincing him that his mother Morwen

and younger sister Nienor needed him desperately in Dor- Lomin.

Swiftly he took off after them, unaware that his mother and sister were safe, having left

their homeland, and travelled to Doriath searching for Turin.

Arriving in Dor-Lomin, the son of Hurin learned that his mother and sister were gone and was

so enraged that he killed the Easterling Lord Brodda before turning back to seek out and

rescue his friend Finduilas taken during the sack of Nargothrond.

Yet because of his journey west, he was too late to save her, and collapsed in grief upon

her burial mound.

Returning to the forests of Brethil, Turin now named himself Turambar meaning Master

of Doom, and came across a beautiful woman, crying with great sadness and no memory of

her past.

She took the name Niniel, and soon they fell in love and were married.

And for a short time, Turin knew true happiness.

But the curse upon his family has not ended, and soon enough he faced his old foe once

more, setting out to confront Glaurung, father of dragons who was attacking the area.

Turin set out with 2 companion, one of whom lost heart and abandoned them, while the other

continued on, fighting and dying in the battle.

Yet eventually Turin succeeded in landing a killing blow, crying out 'Hail, Worm of


Well met again!

Die now and the darkness have you!

Thus is Turin son of Hurin avenged.'

Yet as Glaurung lay mortally wounded he once again used his powers to enter Turin's mind,

causing the man to collapse unconscious by his side.

Turin's wife Niniel then found them and Glaurung used his final moments to inflict

more pain and tragedy against the family of Hurin, lifting the veil of amnesia to reveal

that her name was actually Nienor sister of Turin Turambar.

Nienor and her mother had spent some time in Doriath, but soon Morwin took off to Nargothrond

in search of her son who was rumoured to be in the city.

Nienor, unwilling to stay behind, also made the journey, only to find the city already


Glaurung then used his magic to raise a mist to rise from the river, causing Nienor to

lose all her memories, eventually lowing her way in the forest of Brethil, collapsing in

tears, where she was found by her brother Turin, though neither of them recognized the


When Nienor realized she married her own brother, and was pregnant with his child, she threw

herself into a ravine, taking her own life.

Turin then awoke, and was told what had occurred by Brandir the Lame, Lord of the Haladin,

but was so enraged by his words he would not believe it, killing the man before many witnesses.

Yet when his friend Mablung of Doriath arrived and confirmed the truth of Brandir's words,

Turin could no longer abide the misery and tragedy of his life, deciding to end it all

by falling upon his sword.

And so with Hurin's children all dead, the Dark Lord Morgoth feigned mercy and freed

him from captivity, knowing that the man was now broken and might bring his misery and

doom upon others he might encounter.

Finally free, Hurin first returned home to Dor-Lomin but found it occupied by the Easterlings,

with the last of his people enslaved or killed.

He then set out to find Gondolin where he might take refuge with King Turgon, but when

he arrived in search of the Eagles who might carry him into the city, he received no response,

as the king feared this might be a trap by the Dark Lord.

Hurin, feeling betrayed by the king for whom he'd sacrificed so much, then yelled out

in anger "Turgon, Turgon, remember the Fen of Serech!

O Turgon, will you not hear in your hidden halls?"

Yet by yelling out in this way, he revealed to Morgoth the general location of Gondolin,

which would ultimately contribute to the cities downfall.

Turned away, Hurin continued on to the Forest of Brethil, where he at last was reunited

with his wife Morwen, encountering her at the graves of their children.

Yet the years had been hard on the women, and he found her in rags, wary from heart-ache

and despair.

Saying their final words to each other, Morwen died, and was buried alongside her children.

The location of their graves was one of the only areas to survive the destruction of Beleriand,

becoming the island of Tol Morwen.

Hurin, now poisoned with bitterness and hatred in his heart, found the petty dwarf Mim, and

killed him for his betrayal of Turin, then heading to Doriath where he scornfully blamed

King Thingol for failing to protect his son.

Yet Melian the Maia saw that Hurin was not in his right mind, and used her magic to lift

the cloud of darkness, poisoning his thoughts.

His mind now clear, Hurin saw all the harm he'd done and how his actions only served

to help the Dark Lord Morgoth.

Distraught, and unable to cope with the curse that destroyed his family, Hurin Thalion,

hero of the House of Hador and rightful Lord of Dor-lomin, ended his own life, throwing

himself into the sea.

And while the story of Hurin and his children was one of great tragedy, according to the

Second Prophecy of Mandos they would one day be avenged in the Dagor Dagorath, the final

battle at the end of the world, in which the Valar will wage war one last time against

the dark Lord Morgoth.

According to the prophecy: "In that day, Tulkas shall strive with Morgoth, and on his

right hand shall be Eönwë, and on his left Túrin Turambar, son of Húrin, coming from

the halls of Mandos; and the black sword of Túrin shall deal unto Morgoth his death and

final end; and so shall the Children of Húrin and all fallen Men be avenged.

For more infomation >> LOTR: Children of Húrin (Part 2 of 2) - Duration: 6:43.


Nykaa Haul - Ordered some Cosmatics online | Dhruvi Shah - Duration: 3:43.

Lakme Lipsticks

For more infomation >> Nykaa Haul - Ordered some Cosmatics online | Dhruvi Shah - Duration: 3:43.


☆阿神生日快樂!☆賀圖繪圖過程 - Duration: 1:22.

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Colors for Children Wrong colors ,Heads Mega Gummy Bear Fanny Finger Family Songs - Duration: 2:13.

Colors for Children Wrong colors ,Heads Mega Gummy Bear Fanny Finger Family

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Weekend Update on Harvey Weinstein - SNL - Duration: 5:02.

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Earthquake Part 1 | The Best Addiction EDM | BOONG - Duration: 20:00.

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P!nk: Beautiful Trauma - SNL - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> P!nk: Beautiful Trauma - SNL - Duration: 4:14.


3 EXERCISES to not play ALL THE TIME THE SAME THING - Learning Gypsy Jazz - Duration: 8:23.

Hi, Clément here

in this video, I will answer a question I've been ask in an e-mail recently

it was: how to not have the feeling of always playing the same thing while improvising

it's true that often while improvising

we have muscle memory in place at the lick, scale or arpeggio level

and even totally different pieces

some licks always come back

we play licks, and sometimes we feel like we are playing the same thing all the time

Firstly, one thing to know is

that feeling is not only a beginner thing

it's all musicians even the greatest guitarists will have this feeling

of playing always the same thing, even I get this feeling

truth be told advanced musicians have this feeling but it's not...

listening there are a lot of changes, but it's a feeling a lot of guitarists do feel

and in this video, I'll give you three small tips

that will allow you to get out of that and don't have this feeling anymore while improvising

so, the first exercise you can do

to leave what you're used to do

will be to pick up licks or improvisations of other musicians

because if you're playing always the same arpeggios, scales and licks

you confine yourself within your own things

and you won't realize what you could do to come out of that

and picking up improvisation or licks could allow you to

discover new things on the neck, it could be a new path on the neck

for example if you're used to always playing here in C

maybe you will pick up a C lick at this level of the neck and it will open new possibilities for you

and from here you will find new scales or arpeggios

or other fingering that will change up what you're used to playing

So, to discover new licks and new paths on the neck

a nice thing is to pick up improvisations, like django's or from other musicians

even from other instruments, saxophone licks, whatever you want

and then once you did that, you can take a bit of the lick that you like

to play them back in other ways

I wrote an article about that

it was "How to integrate to your improvisations the licks you've picked up"

you can click on the 'i' for info in the top right corner of the video

I explained from a lick we picked up in an improvisation

how to adapt it to one's own play style

to enrich one's improvisation

So, that was the first thing to get out of your habits

pick up improvisations, understand what it is and adapt it

and then integrate it to enrich your licks repertoire your arpeggios, and point of reference on the neck

the second thing you can do is to think more about rhythm rather than notes

for example if you're used to playing the C scale

like so with eight notes, you can try adding rhythm to what you usually play

I'm just doing random rhythms here

but by thinking more about rhythm on a pattern you already know

it can result into a really different music coming from a same lick

if you play...

it changes up the lick even though it's the same notes

It's another way to approach rhythm

to add rhythm and variation on the licks you already play

it allows you to change the way you improvise as well

you can also do rhythm patterns on one single note

for example, take a note

think less notes, think more rhythm

find your own rhythm pattern

play on one or two notes while trying to add a rhythm to it

to get out of the licks you play like a recitation

that was the second thing you can do, thinking about rhythm instead of licks and notes

and the third exercise you can do

it'll be to learn new diagrams of scales or arpeggios on the guitar

for example if you play a piece in A

and you're always playing the A scale like that

you're kind of stuck in this diagram

so, all your licks will be more or less similar

because you lock yourself in a diagram

if you learn another diagram

on a chord

for example

so, that was a Am6 diagram

it will allow you to create new point of reference on the neck

other fingerings, other diagrams

and it'll give you new ideas to create licks

other than the one you're used to play with the diagrams you already know

a nice to do to work on this, is to learn new diagrams

so, if you know a diagram of Am here and here

try finding one here or there

or another over the whole neck

if you know an arpeggio here, try learning it here and here too

that way while learning new diagrams of scales and arpeggios

it will allow you to find on the neck

other spot to improvise where you weren't used to going

that way you'll have other fingerings

and it will make you discover new licks

and you will enrich your play style, with new licks, scales, and point of reference on the neck

So, that was three exercise you can do to try to enrich your improvisations to not feel like you're always playing the same thing

the first thing is to learn licks and pick up other musicians

the second is to think about rhythm more than thinking about notes

and the third is to learn new scale and arpeggio diagram

So, I will make a summary PDF of that

if you're on Youtube there will be a link leading you to the website

and at the end of page, there is a box where you can put your e-mail and I will send it to you

if you have questions on that, ask away in the comments

think about giving a thumb-up on Youtube and that's it for today

I hope these advices will help you to get rid of this feeling of always playing the same thing

See you soon for an upcoming video

Hey! Did you like the video?

So think about liking it, it's always appreciated

You can also subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking on the big red button just below, there

And if you want to receive 3 free lessons on gypsy jazz guitar

with videos, PDF and many really amazing things

In the right corner there, there is a button, you can click it's free

See you soon for an upcoming video


For more infomation >> 3 EXERCISES to not play ALL THE TIME THE SAME THING - Learning Gypsy Jazz - Duration: 8:23.


Kellywise - SNL - Duration: 4:00.

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P!nk: What About Us - SNL - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> P!nk: What About Us - SNL - Duration: 4:56.


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Getting Out Of A Conversation Without Being Rude? Free English lessons & Public speaking tips. - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> Getting Out Of A Conversation Without Being Rude? Free English lessons & Public speaking tips. - Duration: 10:27.


Get ready to school 🎒 Japanese kindergarten is fun! 🏫🇯🇵日本的幼稚園好可愛 (上集)| Daphnefroggy - Duration: 8:55.

Hi everybody! It's Daphne here.

Today will be sharing some...

something excited! lol

Some of you may wondering how's Japanese school life.

Hmmm, something you may need to prepare.

So our kid is 3 now and finally he ready for kindergarten!

As you guys know,

there's are 2 type of school in Japan.

Which is nursery,

nursery which is for

some parents who work for whole day and can't able to take care of their children.


kindergarten is more shorter

According the time table,

nursery is from 7am to 7pm

A whole day is for taking care your kids.

kindergarten is like normal school time,

just random school life.

From 9am to 2pm.

If you aren't able to finish your work before 2pm,

you can extend the nursery service

by paying extra fees (3pm-6pm)

that's totally different system.

Today will be introduce...

should be sharing,

that...what I actually busying for recently

preparing those school thingy!

The kindergarten we applied,

their system is good!

You can get most of the tools from the school,

no need prepare a lot of things by yourself.

Like hat, clothes,

some stationaries...


some clay..

so today will be showing you guys.

Actually the school prepared a set,

and tell you what they have, and some of the thing you need to prepare by yourself.

You just have to pay, thats it!

Of course your have to prepare a lot too!

Fine. Today will be showing up,

what did I prepared!


I got 1 pack of is these from the school.

Some education stuffs,

and some of the thing that I bought.

Most of them are bags,

you guys should be seen before,

those student that bringing a lot of bags to school.

From primary school to high school.

A school bag and others bags...

inside which is bringing their shoes, clothes...

Let me show you now.

I bet you guys saw this before, something which is so similar...

I don't like this actually. It seems looks like those Japanese soldier's cap.

As you in Japan, no choice.

This is a smock, which is like a work clothes.

Normally looks like this, kindergarten or nursery use this a lot!

Bento goods.

All should stick with name.

Luncheon mat.

Name tag.

Wirte your information behind the tag, tag it on your shirts.

The indoor shoes.

It's soft but a little bit tight, must wash few more time and it will lose a bit.

A bag for your indoor shoes.

You can make it by yourself, but I can't... so I bought.

inside there's a name tag.

Toothbrush---clean set.

This is the smallest bag, so cute.

A string bag for sports clothes and dirty clothes.

A bag for books.

Size is according the guide that school given.

Multiple bag!

If you major at homemade, you can do it yourself. Just fun!

School bag.

The schedule book.

For more infomation >> Get ready to school 🎒 Japanese kindergarten is fun! 🏫🇯🇵日本的幼稚園好可愛 (上集)| Daphnefroggy - Duration: 8:55.


【ナルト疾風伝】12話『プロローグ~波の国』「橋上決戦ザブザ再び」 - Duration: 17:20.

For more infomation >> 【ナルト疾風伝】12話『プロローグ~波の国』「橋上決戦ザブザ再び」 - Duration: 17:20.


VW Touran V55 water pump replacement / Wymiana pompki v55 ,,Webasto" - Duration: 3:26.


today i will show you how to Install the new pump v55

on VW Touran 2.0tdi

please enjoy video and don't forget to subscribe

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