Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

Look! My game is glitching out.

AKM, nice!

Look! I don't care!

Look! I'm fucking you!

*Laughs* I got an 8x fucks (He was supposed to say "Scope")

I have two 4x scopes here.

Give me one- No no.

Then fuck you.

I will put it on my shotgun.

For real now, give me one 4x.


Only if you give me the 8x.

Why do you want the 8x?

To put it on my shotgun.

Then fuck you, if you didn't like it, grab my dick.

That one fly. It has two long legs, just like a frog.

Yeah, I know it, I hate it.

It's the famous long legged fly (Brazilian looney tunes joke)

What shitty joke!

Hey Lucas, I'm-

Fuck you.

I saw four guys over there.

Did you really see four guys over here or you are just kidding?

I'm just kidding.

"I'm just kidding"

No, serious, I actually saw four guys over there.

You already said you were joking so I'm going in as if it is clear, if I die it's your fault because you didn't warn me.

I'm the character that Pedro (he's not in this video) would want to be.


A dumbass?

Breno you blind fuck, you left a Energy Drink behind!

I didn't see it.

Keep going, keep going.

Left, left, left.

Left, left.

Left, left!

There, you see it?! To the left!

Do you want this ammo?

No, you can have it.

The fuck?!

I spotted a gun over there.

Oh really?

Get out Lucas.

He got in the same house as me and steals my loot! Fuck you!

Because I saw the weapon over here first.

It doesn't matter.

You ahole!

You took long to get in the house, you lost the loot.

I got in the house first dumbass! No you did not.

Of course I did.

You still missed! You dumba-

Take that!

Holy shit!

Oh! Oh! I'm going to shoot you! I'm going to shoot you!

I'm going to shoot you! Hey you asshole, you shot me!

I didn't hit you, I hit the door!

Kill Milton! (In game name is BoldoBoleto)

Using fist! Using fist!

Son of a!

Holy shit, you killed him!

You are a son of a bitch!

Did you guys see where the other squad went?!

You are all a bunch of dumbasses!

My goooood!

Let's go, I will get the Chicken Dinner!

With a Micro Uzi!

That's the best game!

For more infomation >> WHO'S THE TRAITOR?! - Duration: 4:29.


Разорву | Песни о Любви Поет Женщина, Анастасия Карпова - Duration: 3:48.

Break, Beautiful love song, Anastasia Karpova

For more infomation >> Разорву | Песни о Любви Поет Женщина, Анастасия Карпова - Duration: 3:48.


Pit bull invade igreja e rouba a cena durante casamento em Teresina - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Pit bull invade igreja e rouba a cena durante casamento em Teresina - Duration: 5:17.


EPISODE 4 - "DIE THERAPIE" - Duration: 14:35.

Miss Zauner ...

... do you know the man on this picture?

No, whose that?

You really don't know him?

No, I've never seen that guy before!

What would you say if I told you, that this is your brother!

I would ask you if you are insane. I don't have a brother!

That's why I am asking!

Have you seen this man before?

No, I never met this person in my whole life!

I would like to do the same experiment as last week!

Why? Because I think that it didn't work so ...

I mean, I just do that because of Thomas!

He's worried about me and he thinks that you can help me.

But I think that this whole therapy thing is pointless.

It was his idea, that you keep doing these sessions?

Yes! He thinks that ...

... I have to conquer the death of my parents and ...

... I was churning the last time I was here so ...

I'm here! But just because of him!

He's right!

So, what should I think of now?

We'll do the same as last time.

You told me that you can remember the sunday breakfast.

Alright, you can imagine your parents?

Yes! - Your mother and father?

Good, and now look through the room.

I don't know why this is so important?

Please Miss Zauner - trust me! Close your eyes.

You see your mother and father having breakfast.

Who ...

could be there too?

It's just us! There's nobody else!

Please take a closer look!

There's nobody!

Well ...

... there's a little boy!

How does he look like?

Just a boy! Blonde and small ...

What is he doing?

Sitting there.

Doesn't do anything! - Who could this boy be?

I don't know! Maybe the kid from the neighbors!

Could it be Lukas?

What Lukas, I don't know a boy called Lukas!

Could he be your brother?

I don't have a brother, I already told you that!

You must be kidding!

What are you doing here?

I'm working!

Get in!

I have to work, I need that money!

Please get in, now!


You can ask me if you need it! I can give you something!

And then I have to give it back, that's impossible!

No, you don't have to give it back. But only if you get in now. Come on it's raining!

Get it! - You're getting on my nerves!

So, where's my money?

Where do you live now?

With a friend!

What friend?

I'm with Eva!

When did you get back in contact with her?

After the breakup with mario, you quit meeting her!

So what? We're friends again!

What are you doing here?

I thought I ...

... I just come over!

And what do you want?

Can we talk to each other?

What do you wanna talk about?

Do you know how much time passed by?

Of course I know and I know, that I did some shit.

I miss you and ...

... I really want to talk with you!

Come in.

For more infomation >> EPISODE 4 - "DIE THERAPIE" - Duration: 14:35.


how to make a cat use the scratching post - Duration: 1:45.




in the challenge

to make Gatô

use the scratching post

we take the feather toy

to stimulate


then we pass

the feather on the scratcher

so Gatô plays

with the scratcher


For more infomation >> how to make a cat use the scratching post - Duration: 1:45.


التخلص من الكرش | نحث الخصر بسرعة | التخلص من البطن السفلية | abdo et taille | تمرين شامل - Duration: 34:20.

For more infomation >> التخلص من الكرش | نحث الخصر بسرعة | التخلص من البطن السفلية | abdo et taille | تمرين شامل - Duration: 34:20.


Wochenendeinkauf für die Hälfte | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> Wochenendeinkauf für die Hälfte | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 11:33.


Top 10 Creepy Abandoned Haunted Theme Parks - Duration: 9:52.

Hey YouTube, Jim here!

Welcome to Top10Archive!

Theme parks are intended to bring joy, but those left unattended and forced to survive

on their own as the years pass on often become twisted versions of the glee-filled establishments

they once were.

If you're ready for a rollercoaster ride into neglected worlds of horror, join us as

we explore these top ten abandoned theme parks.

Before we can launch this ride, we need to go over a few safety precautions and ride


All watchers of this Archive should be subscribed to the channel.

For maximum safety, be sure to also click the bell!

Don't hesitate to scream out in excitement, but be sure to do it in the comment section.


Takakonuma Greenland, Fukushima, Japan About 155 miles (250 km) north of the busy

Japanese city of Tokyo lies a place once filled with laughter and joy.

The history of Takakonuma Greenland starts in 1973 when the park opened for a very brief

two-year run.

Why it closed remains in question, though stories of accidental deaths sprout up here

and there.

In 1986, the park was reopened for 13-years before closing one last time and being abandoned

by its owners.

The rusted rides that were left behind are frozen in time while the world around them

progresses and threatens to reclaim the land Takakonuma Greenland sits on.


Atlantis Marine Park, Two Rocks, Australia Like a deity watching over his people, the

Neptune statue of Two Rocks' Atlantis Marine Park is the most striking remnant of the 1980's

theme park.

Located north of Perth on the western coast of Australia, what remains of Atlantis Marine

Park has fallen victim to creative minds who have used the admired stone statues as their

own personal canvases.

After the park closed, the star attractions were given to marine park vet Dr. Nick Gales,

who used the dolphins as the focus of a case study that revolved around returning captive

dolphins to the ocean.

When the study flopped, the dolphins were donated to the local aquarium.


Camelot Theme Park, Charnock Richard, England Much like the historic legend that this medieval

theme park is designed for, Camelot Theme Park has been completely lost to time.

During the 2012 season, Camelot revealed it wouldn't be reopening for 2013, and ever

since it's been a ghost town of dismantled rides, empty buildings, and terrifying, scattered


Opened in 1983, Camelot saw a steady drop in attendance and quality after the turn of

the millennium and while it's a shell of the enjoyable escape it used to be, the abandoned

acreage has proven an effective playground for arsonists.


Yongma Land, Seoul, South Korea It's rare for an abandoned, deteriorating

site to invite guests to walk its dilapidated grounds, but the former Yongma Land in Seoul,

South Korea encourages guests to visit its rusted rides and overgrown grounds.

Relics from its prime are thrown about in a depressing scene.

What at one time brought joy to children and offered an escape for adults is now a roadside

curiosity that gives a haunting look into the reality of failed amusement parks.

Opened in the 1980s, Yongma enjoyed years of success before being forced to close its

doors in 2011 as it slowly became irrelevant.


Cidade Albanoel, Itagua, Brazil Not all abandoned theme parks have a lengthy

history of providing fun and entertainment to the public.

Before Cidade Albanoel could even get off the ground, it was met with issues that kept

pushing its opening back.

Just as things started to look up for this Santa Claus-themed park, its owner, Antonio

Albano Reis, was killed in a car accident right outside the park's entrance.

Enough of the park remains behind to relay what its intended theme was, but rather than

pay tribute to St. Nick, its sole purpose is to rust and deteriorate until nature takes

the land back completely.


Discovery Island, Orlando, FL For 25 years, Discovery Island put guests

face-to-face with an incredible array of wildlife, but after its closure in 1999, it's fallen

into disarray and has become a haunting location right on the property of Disney World.

Disney tried to revive the island by incorporating the video game Myst into it, creating the

interactive "Myst Island," but the idea was scrapped during the concept stage.

The island sits uninhabited and unused in Bay Lake as the humid air of Florida and the

rapidly growing foliage threatens to completely dismantle any memory of Discovery Island.


Velling Koller Fairy Tale Gardens, Bryrup, Denmark

Clearly having taken inspiration from Disney, Holger Rohde brought his own vision of a whimsical

park to life in 1962 with this land of make believe.

Despite a strong few years after opening, Fairy Tale Gardens started to crumble in on

itself and, in the 80's, its creator sold it off and retired.

The remaining castles are all that remains of the popular fantasy land, and though it's

a great setting to explore, poor craftsmanship has made for many injuries to curious parties.


Williams Grove Amusement Park, Mechanicsburg, PA

The owners of Williams Grove Amusement Park took a golden opportunity to turn their abandoned

amusement park into a haunted walk on October 31st, 2016.

The one-night event showcased the horrific condition that the park was in, using its

eerie ambiance to set the mood for Halloween night.

The park ran successfully for 155 years, starting in 1850, before being closed in 2005 so the

managing family, the Hughes, could focus on the Williams Grove Speedway.

Three years later, many of the rides were auctioned off, but there is still plenty left

of the old park tucked away beneath Mother Nature.


Lake Dolores Waterpark, Newberry Springs, CA

Lake Dolores, Rock-A-Hoola, Discovery… whatever you knew it as, the waterpark that once brought

entertainment and fun to so many is nothing but a ruin tucked away in the Mojave Desert.

We don't get many opportunities to visit the places we feature, but the Top 10 team

had a chance to stop at the heavily vandalized remains of this 55-year-old concrete playground.

Getting into the park wasn't much of a hardship, but walking through the deserted waterpark

was unnerving.

Besides a few trailers scattered in the area around the park, signs of life simply didn't

exist, as if an apocalyptic event forced complete abandonment.


Boblo Island Amusement Park From 1898 to 1993, the island of Bois Blanc

in Ontario was home to Boblo Island Amusement Park, a slice of entertainment that the people

of Detroit, Michigan considered "their version" of Coney Island in New York.

The former playplace of amusement rides, log flumes, and good cheer was the place to be,

but time has taken care of that.

Now it's a horror show of nostalgia, complete with decrepit ferries that once carried visitors

in droves, hazardous rollercoaster rails, and buildings unfit for any sort of life.

Though the park was intended to remain open for at least two additional summers, co-owner

Michael Moodenbaugh suffered severe injuries in a car crash that nixed any plans to continue


For more infomation >> Top 10 Creepy Abandoned Haunted Theme Parks - Duration: 9:52.


LEGO Friends Season 2 Full Episodes 32-37 | Disney - Duration: 19:44.


♪ Me and my best friends ♪

♪ Forever 'til the end ♪

♪ Me and my best girlfriends ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, Hey ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, Hey ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, Let's be friends ♪

♪ BFF ♪

It's only once a year the flying squirrels return to the friendship tree.

There's no way I'd want to miss it.

We'll be the first to see them when they arrive.

Great idea to camp out, Steph.

I'm so excited I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep.

Me neither.


[frightened gasps]

What are they doing?

I can't see the tree.

The flying squirrels won't be able to find their home.


Lunch, ten minutes.

Mr. Snivel, what's going on?

Oh, you noticed.

Just a little brainstorm from my boss, mayor Butthair.

Uh, Butaire.

But this is all wrong.

No, don't think so.

Let's see.

We got your flying squirrel souvenir stand,

photo kiosk, flying squirrel flying nutcrackers,

friendship tree yogurt and falafel stand,

a flying squirrel ride and big, rig mud flaps

with the mayor in three fetching poses.

No sireee it all checks out.

Wouldn't be surprised if I get a big promotion.

Maybe even a real paycheck.

But what about the squirrels?

You can purchase them in three souvenir sizes.

Ugh. The real squirrels?

Oh, them.

I'm sure they'll be fine.

But the friendship tree is a Heartlake City landmark.

And people come from miles to see the flying squirrels return.

The mayor can't just cover up the beauty of it all.

Of course he can.

He's the mayor.

I can't believe the mayor would do this.

It's so cheesy, even for him.

It's worse than that.


Oh, no.

The squirrels are here, but they're in the wrong place.

Did you say squirrels?

Step aside.

Those are official city squirrels.

Mother of pearl, they're at the wrong tree.

Don't they know they're supposed to be here?

Maybe if you took away all these tacky souvenir stands

they could actually find the friendship tree.

Wait a minute.

Not so fast there, missy.

You girls is trying to trick me, ain't you?

This tree here is the wrong tree.

Of course not. They're just--

I get it now.

Well I'm not so easily cheated.

They don't call me smarty-pants Snivel for nothing, you know.

Ok. Whatever.


Lunch break's over.

Pack up everything, we're moving it all to that tree over there.

[sighs and groaning]

Hey, everyone, here they come.


Mayor Butaire, sir.

Well, what do you think?

What do I think?

Where are the cash paying tourists?

And where are the flying squirrels?

Uh, squirrels.



♪ Me and my best friends ♪

♪ Forever 'til the end ♪

♪ Me and my best girlfriends ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, Hey ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, Hey ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, Let's be friends ♪

♪ BFF ♪



Sending yourself flowers again?

No, Tanya, it's for Mother's Day.

But my mom has a business dinner tonight so I'm sending her

a surprise Mother's Day bouquet to her table.

Oh, I know all about the dinner.

It's with my mother.

They're planning a charity event for the Butaire Foundation.

Hmm, maybe I'll send a bouquet to their table, too.

A bigger one.

Tanya, why do you always have to compete with me?

I'm not competing.

I'm simply a better daughter than you.

Oh, yeah?


Ok, the banquet hall's confirmed.

We can finally check that off our lists.


Now all we have to do is plan a menu,

choose the décor, find musicians and book the entertainment.

Flower delivery.

Mia. Oh how sweet.

Happy Mother's Day.

Love, Stephanie.


Happy Mother's Day.

Love and smoochies, Tanya.

Oh, now isn't that adorable.

But, uh, maybe we better put it there.

Now, the food.

I was thinking--

And in honor of Mother's Day, I've made you each fancy cupcakes.

And I baked a super fancy three-layer cake.

Aww, thank you girls.

That's so thoughtful.

Wait, that's not all.

I personally hand-carved this special Mother's Day ice sculpture.


Ok, with your help, too.

Well, I sculpted your likenesses in Beluga caviar with no help.

Which you can enjoy while listening to your favorite music,

played live.

♪ Oh, nothing to lose ♪

Or you could listen to a whole band playing classics.

Light show.

Live dancers.


[disco music]



We are trying to plan a charity event.

But you're making it impossible with the cakes.

And sculptures.

And the music.

And the lighting.

And the dancers.

[disco music]


Girls, you're not the problem.

You're our solution.

You're just what we need, brilliant party planners.

Congratulations, you are now co-chair women

of the Butaire Foundation planning committee.

I can't wait to see what you come up with when you work together.

Steph, you want me to start the fireworks now?



♪ Me and my best friends ♪

♪ Forever 'til the end ♪

♪ Me and my best girlfriends ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, Hey ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, Hey ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, Let's be friends ♪

♪ BFF ♪


Morning, Emma.

Good morning, Naomi.

What day is it?

Well, since we're going to basketball practice,

it must be Tuesday.

Or Wednesday or Thursday.

Or Friday.


Ever since we joined the team, it seems like all we do is practice.

If basketball weren't my favorite sport,

I'd skip it.

Hey, that's a great idea.

Why not?

Skip practice? Really?


Missing one teensy little practice isn't going to hurt.

We'll take today off and have some wild exciting adventure

and we'll just train double hard tomorrow.

But we didn't plan for it.

That's the point.

Let's get on a different bus and just go wherever it takes us.

Here comes a bus, but I can't tell which.

Let me get my glasses.

No, don't look.

Let's just get on it

and let it carry us away to wherever adventure awaits.

Ok, I am prepared to be spontaneous.


This is awesome.

I wonder where we're going.

What if this is the upstate commuter?

We could end up miles from Heartlake City.


We could go all the way to the Heartland mountains

and climb the top of mount echo.

Echo, echo, echo, echo.

I've never been mountain climbing.

Me neither, but this could be our chance.

Or we might end on Sky High Bridge and bungee jump off it.

Whoo, hoo.

It would be like flying.

Or being a human yo-yo.

Whoo, hoo!

Which could be fun.

But what if this bus isn't going to Sky High Bridge?

Then we go with the flow.

We could end up zorbing down a hill.

You know, I've always wanted to know how a hamster feels.

What if we wind up at the beach?

Then we can go surfing.

Gee, that'd be my chance to say cowabunga.

Or we can go speed boating.

Uh, I get seasick in boats.

Can we fly instead?



[record scratch]

Last stop.

We're here, we're here, we're--


Move it ladies. Let's see some hustle.

At basketball practice.

We took the same old bus.

Well, we did say we'd go wherever the bus took us.

I guess basketball is our destiny.

Let the adventure begin.


♪ Me and my best friends ♪

♪ Forever 'til the end ♪

♪ Me and my best girlfriends ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, Hey ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, Hey ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, Let's be friends ♪

♪ BFF ♪

-Stephanie. -Hmm.

Oh, hi, Daniel. How's it going?

Great. Thanks.

I'm glad you're here.

Would you mind taking this bread to Mia?

She's at her grandparents ranch.

Sure, no problem.

Daniel, you're not serious.

This bread looks day-old.

Well, yeah, but--

I'm sorry, but giving a gift of day-old bread is totally unacceptable.

You need my help. Stand back.

But, but--

But, but, but, Stephanie.


Stephanie, I should tell you--

Distilled water.


You should know--

Now flour.

No, whole-wheat flour.

Ok, we need grains, rye, millet, barley, corn.

Look, I'm just trying to say that--

[record scratch] Remember, Daniel,

anything worth doing is worth doing right.


You see, Daniel, it's important to put pride in everything you do.


You need help.

What did you say?

Uh, I said there's a customer who needs help.

Now to find a basket.

Viola. Presentation is everything.

Wow, Stephanie. You made this?


My pleasure.

[sniffing] Ah, It smells wonderful.



[giggle] I didn't know you liked goats so much.


Usually Daniel just sends me day-old rye bread to feed him,

but this is a real treat.

Goats? [baaaa]

[gasp] [baaaa]

Yeah, I just love goats.


Come on.

Look, look, look, look, look, look. There's no line at the space ride.

We can get right on.

Wait, I gotta check this out.

Ugh, you didn't seriously think Andrea was going to walk by a stage

without getting on it.

Not a chance.

♪ Lighting up the sky, burning out the dark ♪


If I were singing tonight, the whole park would hear me.

Luckily they'll be hearing me.

Isn't that right, daddy-kins?

It's true, princess.

The mayor's commission insisted you sing at tonight's fireworks spectacular.

And may I say, what an inspired, unexpected choice, Mr. mayor.

Well, have a good show, Tanya.

Oh, I will.

But first I'm heading to the roller coaster.

As the star, I can go on all the rides for free.

Wow, all I get is a free hotdog.

Be sure to butt in line pumpkin. [laughing]

But you've already gone twice.

I get to ride as many times as I want and I want to ride again.







Oh, almost show time.

The bar, it won't budge.

I'm stuck.


I know, I know.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no. My phone.


Hello. Hello.


Andrea here, talk to me.



I'm totally ready.

I'll be right there.


There you guys are.

Come on everyone, they're starting tonight's fireworks show.

The mayor's daughter didn't show, so Martin gave me your phone number.

Please be great.

You know it.


♪ We're going to shine tonight ♪

♪ Brighter than the stars ♪

♪ Taking on the world ♪

♪ It's forever ours ♪


♪ We got this for life ♪

♪ Never going to stop ♪

♪ Lighting up the sky, burning out the dark ♪

♪ It's forever ours ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪


♪ It's forever ours ♪

Wow, isn't she awesome?


♪ Lighting up tomorrow ♪


♪ Bringing up tomorrow ♪


♪ It's forever ours ♪


Try your luck. Just a buck.

Test your skill.

Everyone can be a winner.

Prizes, prizes, prizes.

Oh, too bad.

Well, I did say it was the dead hand.

I just love these mid-way games.

Of course you do.

You always win.

Who's next?

Hit a toy frog.

Step right up. Don't be shy.

Everyone deserves a try.

Watch this.

Come on, Mia. You can do it.

It's just like golf, but the balls are out to get you?

Ah ha.


Oh, what a shame.

You just need to be a bit quicker.

How 'bout another try, little lady? Hmm?

You lose again.

Nice try.

Oh, so close.

Maybe you should try another game.


Howdy strangers.

Try your luck.

Win the prize before your eyes.

Hey, aren't you--

Nope, he's my brother.

Mia, you're great at hoops.

Look, the wind speed's two miles per hour, south, southeast.

You've got this.

Aww, bad luck.

Oh, almost.

Ok, something weird's going on.

Mia never loses.

I agree.

Let's just check those games a little closer.


Oh, clever.

He's reversed the magnetic field so the frogs avoid the mallet.

There's a wire blocking the rim.

And what do you want to bet that water cannon is rigged, too?

Let's turn that crook over to the police.

I have a better idea.

Ok, we'll need two bar magnets, a screwdriver, pliers,

three feet of copper wire, a 12-volt car battery.

Wouldn't this be easier?

Ugh. Ok, that's it for me.

Aww, but you can't stop now.

He's right. You can't give up.

How about giving the hoop another try?

Aw, better luck next--



All right!




And she wins again.

Say "hi" to another bulls-eye from the master archer of Heartlake pie.

Give her a prize.

What prize?

She's won everything I've got.

Here, take my watch and never come back.

You keep it.

This is too much fun.


But what do we do with all these?

I want the chameleon.

I'll take the lobster.


You finally made it.


I'll name it, Gina Lobsterbridgetta.

The rest of these are for you.




For more infomation >> LEGO Friends Season 2 Full Episodes 32-37 | Disney - Duration: 19:44.


The LGBTQIA+ Booktube Tag | Shout outs!! [CC] - Duration: 8:53.

hey guys I'm Mel and today I'm going to do the lgbtqia+ booktube tag I

decide to do it because I saw it on Adriena's channel from perpetualpages

this tag is created to celebrate the lgbtq+ community in booktube and just you

know just to support each other and to support books by queer authors and with

queer characters so the first question is how do you identify? I identify as

bisexual and pansexual I honestly feel comfortable with both labels sometimes I

feel more pan and sometimes I feel more bi but in general I feel good with both

terms I know bisexuality is sometimes easier

to understand which doesn't mean that everyone understands it but most of the

times I feel very pansexual which means that I don't care about anyone's genders

or genitals like I can be attracted to basically anyone like basically any

gender I've also been wondering about my romantic identity and I believe that I'm

somewhere in there aromantic spectrum but it's something that I'm still

questioning very much so if you are aromantic or if you're in the aromance

spectrum and you want to talk that would be amazing

What are some of your favorite lgbtqia+ authors and books? The first thing I have

to do obviously is mention my favorite author and that is Anna Marie McLemore and

especially her latest when the moon was ours and Wild Beauty I'm like 100 pages into

wild beauty and I already know it's going to be one of my favorites when the

moon was ours is my favorite book I would recommend her to anyone especially

if you want to read more Latin American magical realism. A book that I

enjoyed so much this year is How to Make a Wish by Ashley Herring Blake this

validated a lot of my feelings as a bisexual woman. It was just so adorable but

it also touched on so many different topics and talked about a lot of complex

issues. Also basically any book by Santino Hassell I think you know by now

that I really really like his books not only because they are romance books and

they have a lot of steamy scenes but mostly because his books are super intense and

dark they make me think so much about humanity and how much I appreciate that he

makes his characters super flawed and super complex and multifaceted. Obviously

I have to mention Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera this is the first book I

read that just spoke to me on a lot of things that I had been carrying for a

long time as a queer latina. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo in this book

Evelyn Hugo is bisexual and it speaks to my soul so much and this book made me feel

all the range of emotions and I just love the writing I love the construction

of the characters and this book was brilliant

Finally I wanted to mention Chameleon Moon by RoAnna Silver I believe that this

is the definition of a diverse cast of characters in a sci-fi book and I feel

like everyone who likes sci-fi and who likes SFF should read this book

because it's super diverse and super important. How often do you talk about

lgbtqia+ books in your channel and what videos of yours would you recommend

people to start with if they are looking for lgbtqia+ content? I talk about it all

the time I think I there hasn't been a video in a while where I don't talk

about an lgbtq+ book and I consciously make a lot of lgbtq+ content I would

recommend especially my two books on bisexual books recommendations one on

just bisexual books and the other one is on bi, pan and questioning characters

I also have a lot of videos where I recommend LGBTQ+ books I also have a

video on diverse new adult which has LGBTQ+ books and I also have that

video that is read this diverse book instead of that problematic one and I

talk about a lot of LGBT+ books. Who are your favorite lgbtq+ booktubers? I

was so excited to talk about this because I feel like so many of these

booktubers deserve so much love. Obviously I have to mention Adriana from

Perpetualpages they have the most insightful and interesting and beautiful

reviews of books that I've ever seen I always leave their videos with a new

book on my TBR at least one and I read so many of my favorite books

because of their videos. Then I wanted to mention one of my closest friends here

and that is Lily from sweetlovebooks she's a wonderful reviewer and we have

very similar taste in books especially in the young adult genre I believe that

there is something for everyone in her channel and she also talks about a lot

of thought-provoking things and it's just an overall lovely person. I also

wanted to mention another close friend of mine and that is Katie from katie loves

to read I'm sure you know her but she puts out a lot of content on SFF and

especially diverse SFF I basically want to read everything that she talks about.

Then I wanted to recommend Biblio Nyan they have such a wide variety of videos

as well they talk about anime and manga but also young adult and adult books

they talk about diversity a lot as well and I've seen them making conscious

efforts on reading more diversely. Then I wanted to recommend one of my favorite

people in the world and that is Leanne from Leanne Rose. You want

videos about poetry you want videos about adult books you want romance books

you want feminist books you want anything

she has it, she is such an inspiration as a feminist and I just adore her

videos so so much. Then we have Cam from - justabookeater she is such a smart

and lovely person she tell things like they are and she's adorable

she reads super diversity as well she started her channel very recently and

she already captured my attention I really look forward to all of the videos

that she makes. I also wanted to mention Riley Marie I'm sure you know her but

her videos always put a smile on my face every time that I feel low I feel like I

can watch one of her videos I feel better. That is something that

I appreciate very very much. Then I wanted to talk about ChrisVigilante if

you're looking for recommendations his channel is the one that I would

recommend. He has such a wide variety of books and knowledge of books that are

queer. Finally able to talk about Ashley from tealeavesandbookbindings if

you're looking for F/F recommendations and if you're looking for someone who is

very compelling and someone who is very interesting to watch her videos are so

so brilliant. When was the first time you encounter an lgbtqia+ character in

fiction? I believe I found an lgbtq+ character in some TV show before

especially in Degrassi but I don't remember like impacting me in such a big

way on the queer part I know one of the first books that I read with an lgbtq+

characters Will Grayson, Will Grayson. The book that impacted me the most that I

remember the first book that made me consciously want to read queer lit is

Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets of The Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz

obviously I love this book very much I read it quite a few times it's just a

book that changed the way I thought and that's why I appreciate this book so

much. Anything else you want to add and who do you want to tag? You need to

listen different experiences to understand

everything that's going on and there has been a lot of different attacks against

lgbtq+ people especially people who want and crave for that representation

especially people who call out books that just reinforce prejudices against

minorities and I think listening is key here make sure you look at your

subscriptions and realize if your subscription box is diverse

make sure to support the people who are trying to change this community and are

trying to make it better I appreciate my fellow queer booktubers

I'm just very happy to be in this community

and I wanted to grow and I wanted to be better and who do I tag? I tag every anyone

who wants to make this video and especially the people that I talked about in this

video that is everything for today hope you like

this if you did, subscribe and I'll see you when I see you, bye

For more infomation >> The LGBTQIA+ Booktube Tag | Shout outs!! [CC] - Duration: 8:53.


Videos de Animales para Niños l Sonidos de Animales de Granja vs Aves naturales l Bonbi Channel - Duration: 4:12.

Videos de Animales para Niños l Sonidos de Animales de Granja vs Aves naturales l Bonbi Channel

For more infomation >> Videos de Animales para Niños l Sonidos de Animales de Granja vs Aves naturales l Bonbi Channel - Duration: 4:12.



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Katie Holmes, pillada viajando en el Metro de Nueva York como una ciudadana más - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Katie Holmes, pillada viajando en el Metro de Nueva York como una ciudadana más - Duration: 2:26.


GALATASARAY | Ahmet AKCAN: "Galatasaray Puan Kaybetmediği Sürece Rakipleri..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Ahmet AKCAN: "Galatasaray Puan Kaybetmediği Sürece Rakipleri..." | Youtube - Duration: 10:17.



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For more infomation >> Duskwood Global - Freaking Addicts, WOW Parody - Duration: 3:16.


Mine-Crafty 5: How to make banner patterns in Minecraft - Duration: 12:20.

Hello everyone, welcome to The Ultraboot Gaming.

This is Mine-Crafty, where I will teach to build and also give easy tips for Minecraft.

Let's get started and today I'm going to talk about...


In this video, I'll teach you how to customize banners with different patterns and colors.

Before we start, let me first talk about the banner orientation.

In the previous video, I said that the banners can be placed in various positions. It's easy to do!

When it is placed, the banner is always facing the player.


Let's start customizing the banners and see the materials we're going to need.

The patterns are made on a crafting table.

We'll need empty flags and dyes.

I taught how to make the empty banners in a previous video. If you have not seen it yet, you can view it after this one.

I also taught how to make the dyes in a previous video. If you have not seen it yet, you can also view it after this one.

We will also need vines. You can find them in the jungles and swamps, just use scissors to catch them.

We also need clay bricks.

They can be obtained by cooking clay in a furnace to give bricks,

which we can use on a crafting table to make the brick blocks.

The creeper head is a drop when it dies with the explosion of another creeper.

Wither's head is a rare drop of this creature when it dies.

Daisies, these flowers can be found in the world.

Enchanted golden apple. It isn't a regular golden apple, this one is enchanted and cannot be crafted.

It must be found in the world. They can appear in chests found in forest mansions,

desert temples, abandoned mines, and dungeons underground.

We'll also need a cauldron with water.

And these are all the materials we need.

We are then prepared to customize the banners and there are 38 patterns that we can use.

Now I'm going to teach you how to do them all and you can put several in your banners.

Each banner can carry up to 6 patterns.

Let's get started!

All 16 banners can be used to place patterns.

Each pattern can be made with all 16 dyes.

Let's see the patterns!

One important detail: in most patterns, banners can be put in any place of the crafting table

The dyes can only be placed as shown to be able to make the patterns.

There are only 5 patterns where the materials can be placed anywhere.

All the other patterns must be made with the dyes in the right position.

We can make a background with brick lines

We can also make a gradient from top to bottom.

We can also make the gradient in reverse order - from bottom to top.

We can paint each half of the flag

Top half

Bottom half

Left half

and the right half.


In the same way, we can paint the four diagonals.

Like this

like this

like this

and.. like this :)

We can also make a triangle at the top or bottom

It is possible to paint the four corners of the banner





We can make vertical lines

at the left

at center

at right

we can also make several vertical lines

You can also paint in three horizontal parts

at top

at center

and at bottom

It can be combined with the vertical lines to make a cross.

We can also make this diagonal line

and in reverse

we can also combine both to make an X

We can also put some patterns on the borders

like this one on top

at bottom

or a complete frame shape

there's also this waved frame shape

At last, there are patterns to place in the center

like this circle


and also these 4 designs

creeper head



and the Mojang symbol.

And that's it! I have taught you how to do all the patterns that exist!

Resuming, there are 16 banners that can be costumized with 38 patterns,

each pattern can be made with 16 colors,

each banner can carry 6 different patterns.

This means that we can made many different banners

and it must be difficult to find another one exactly the same.

*809.573.616.779.945.488 combinations*

Now that you know how to make the patterns, you are ready to costumize the banners.

The rules are simple:

Each banner can carry up to 6 of the 38 patterns that I've shown

and can be made with any of the 16 dyes.

Each added pattern will be over the previous pattern

If you make a mistake, just put the banner inside the cauldron with water to remove the last color ou pattern added.

To show you, I'm going to make a banner with 6 colors.

I'm going to take the materials

and place them on a crafting table.

I'm going to use this light blue banner

and make a blue gradient top to bottom.

I'm going to put a top triangle in lime green,

a white X,

a frame shape in cactus green,

a center horizontal line in orange,

and a black circle in center.


But let's imagine that I made a mistake and, instead the circle, I wanted a flower in the center

I just put the banner in the cauldron. Done! The circle was removed.

and now I'm going to make a black flower.


You can now start making your own banners

I've already made the Ultraboot banner, which I'll place to decorate my buildings.


I'm now going to teach how to copy banners.

Just imagine that you made a really cool banner and you want to make more like it

you can make all the patterns again on a crafting table

and each banner indicates everything that was done

or you can copy the banner!

To make a copy, just place the banner on a crafting table and another with same fabric color.

Which means we saved all dyes and another materials that would be used to make the patterns.

And that's it, we've reached the end of today's Mine-Crafty.

If you want, you can give suggestions of what you would like to see or learn.

Subscribe the channel to find these and other videos more easily.

Until the next time, bye bye.

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