Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

Oh hi baby puggie!

hi so today I have the Kingso plush mini emoji pack

this is a pack of 35 and as you can tell there aren't a lot of them they range

from poop emoji to it's different forms to simple smiley face and the cat and

even rainbow poop with this package you can pick from whatever you like

kissy-faces - I don't know what this is and add it to your keychain or something

you'd like to carry around every single day. This would actually be great to hand

out on Halloween especially if you don't want to spend all the money on the candy

and want to give to the kids something a little bit more memorable to have you

can also be good for party favors as well something so simple these are

actually a lot of money in the stores I felt like a dollar, a dollar fifty or two

dollars sometimes even more but you can get this pack of 35 for a relatively

cheap price and get so many options. So what's your favorite? My favorite I like

this one it's it's purple and it it kinda has some double horns but I like

it I also like the ghost the ghost is my favorite I don't know why I just think

it's really cute

now which one do you like do you like to tiger I think she's kind of like - tiger

there's also a fusion here you like the kitty

as you can see there's so many to choose from

I mean I'm sure you could find whatever mood you're in in this pack of emojis so

you know you're feeling nerdy one day you could take this one or you know just

happy or I guess if you're feeling a little little piggy maybe ate too much

and I spy a pig and I guess so this is if you feel a little you know a little

rambunctious I guess I'm gonna put all these back you're gonna put them all in

your backpack yes oh okay what give out to friends

gifts friends? no they are just mine

so people of all ages like these my younger four-year-old nephew tried

getting into the bag before I did this video and even my older sister wants a

share in all these so these are the Kingso

plush mini emoji packs thanks for watching


For more infomation >> 👀 KINGSO EMOJI EMOTICON Key Chain PARTY FAVOR 🎃Halloween Treats👈 - Duration: 4:01.


Đầy Đủ 7 Viên Ngọc Rồng Siêu Cấp Tập 111 Full HD. Trận Chiến Sinh Tử Giữa Jiren Vs Hit - Duration: 23:01.

For more infomation >> Đầy Đủ 7 Viên Ngọc Rồng Siêu Cấp Tập 111 Full HD. Trận Chiến Sinh Tử Giữa Jiren Vs Hit - Duration: 23:01.


Palestinians: What questions do you want to ask Israelis? - Duration: 11:40.

Do you have a question you want to ask the Israelis?

Nancy and Nur Beit Sahur

Why are they doing this?

Why are they doing what? Explain what "this" is?

For example, what happened yesterday

They (Israel) denied access to the Friday prayers

at al Aqsa

Why did they do this?

Because there was a shooting before... - You are answering?

I am putting it in perspective to the viewer

Do you have any questions to Israelis?


Mohammad Jerusalem

How do you want peace when you are killing us?

and you are breaking into al Aqsa every day

How dare you go into our holy sites?

Mahmoud Bethlehem

They should take the government off

because they are...

Why are you not stopping the occupation?

Anan Beit Jala

What does the word 'peace' mean for you?

Adi Jerusalem

Alin Beit Jala

Why are there borders? (between the West Bank and Israel)

Atala and Ahmad Beit Sahour

Maybe we want to ask about

the right, how can Palestinians

go into Israel without permits

You want to ask about permits

There are so many reasons

that Palestinians need

They need Israeli


religious places

Palestinians need the rights

to go to Israel

He is asking and he clarified

we should be given permits

they should sympathize with us

the Israelis should sympathize with us

and get us permits

I already work here and it's fine

if I wanted to, I could work there (in Israel)

but he applied and never got a permit

Nader Jerusalem

(after asking him the question he went on a long speech)

(regarding the previous days Israeli closing Haram al Sharif)

(which started with an attack on Israeli police)

Do you not believe what happened yesterday was planned for

because the Israelis do not work according to reactions

They don't just react

They usually plan things and act

Three young men

shot (policeman)

outside of al Aqsa

then they went inside

the Israelis

government took advantage of them running into al Aqsa

the plaza (Haram al Sharif/Temple Mount)

and ordered ...

They wanted to take advantage of the Palestinians inside al Aqsa

in order to

apply a punishment

How does he think that happened?

What could they have done differently? that would prove something different

Meaning, he is saying it was all planned by Israel

how can it be planned? I don't understand

They (Israel) were waiting for something like this to happen

in order to use it to take advantage of it

To close the mosque? - Yes

Not to close the mosque

Not to close the mosque

More than closing the mosque

That's the first step that is what I mean

the first step of many steps

The steps like what happened in Hebron

What happened in Hebron?

What happened in Hebron before

The worst one visited (referring to terrorist Baruch Goldstein)

Ibrahimi Mosque (Cave of the Patriarchs)

they divided it

In 1994?


After that they

What he means is

they took advantage of something and took steps to make something worse

The even worse is that they (Israel) is planning to take over Haram al Sharif?

The first thing that the Israeli people said was that

there is no meaning to Israel without Jerusalem

and there is no meaning to Israel without the Temple

So they (Israel) is trying to take over the Temple?


They are trying to build the Temple (by destroying the mosque)

Claire Bethlehem

because if they lived in an isolated corner

where it is borderline a big tomb

a racist tomb

they would destroy this wall

(her house is surrounded by the wall)

I believe in the Jewish people

the chosen people

will make peace here

Not others

not as Palestinians we cannot fight

unless they will do it

because this is a holy land

where the light and peace started

it has to be an example for peace

an open country

for people to come

Is there something you want to know from them, ask a question

I ask why


why (Israelis) accepted to build the wall

Why they accepted to have this wall build in Palestine and Israel

because it is a holy land

because there are so many Palestinians in Israel

and they (Israel) cannot stop the violence

they could have stopped it in different ways

For more infomation >> Palestinians: What questions do you want to ask Israelis? - Duration: 11:40.


شرايها عليا؟ السرطان والحالة النفسية حوار 9 مع د. لودي Cancer and emotions - Duration: 22:33.

For more infomation >> شرايها عليا؟ السرطان والحالة النفسية حوار 9 مع د. لودي Cancer and emotions - Duration: 22:33.


Những em squishy mà Nhi yêu thích nhất | NYN KID - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> Những em squishy mà Nhi yêu thích nhất | NYN KID - Duration: 11:40.


BREAKING: Vegas Witness Who Identified Multiple Shooters FOUND DEAD— Here's what we know… - Duration: 5:30.

It's been almost two weeks since the Las Vegas massacre took the lives of 58 concert-goers,

and there seems to be more unanswered questions at this point than ever before.

The mainstream media as well as the Las Vegas police department have been caught in multiple

lies, leading many of us to believe that we have been fed a giant pile of BS up until

this point.

Now the sole witness who could've proven the truth about Las Vegas has mysteriously

just been found dead, as a massive scandal rips across social media today.

It's amazing how many lies the mainstream media and authorities have already been caught


The timeline has been debunked by several sources, including eye-witnesses, hotel staff,

and even the owners of the hotel itself, but the mainstream media keeps pushing their false

narrative of events.

Rumors continue to swirl that the shooter was an arms' dealer in an ISIS gun-running

scheme gone wrong, which is why details are being buried in order to protect the FBI from


With authorities and possibly top-level government agents now participating in an active cover-up,

just how frantic and determined are these liars going to be at stopping the truth from

coming out?

Would they actually KILL Americans in order to BURY the truth about Las Vegas?

According to breaking reports, it sure appears to look that way.

Up until Kymberley Suchomel was found mysteriously dead in her home on Wednesday in the early

morning hours, the 26-year-old was very vocal in her assertion that there were multiple

gunmen involved in the shooting.

She had spoken to multiple news agencies about the truth of what happened that night, and

was determined to not let the trail of evidence run cold.

Realfarmacy reported:

"Kymberley Suchomel, a survivor of the Las Vegas shooting who claimed there were multiple

gunmen involved in the shooting, has been found dead.

She was 28."

"Suchomel was also vocal about the fact there was 'more than one gunman' involved

in the attack, speaking out repeatedly and claiming that Las Vegas police and mainstream

media were not providing the public with a truthful account of what happened."

Suchomel was not injured during the shooting at the Route 91 music festival, and died suddenly

in the early hours of Monday at her Apple Valley home, according to her grandmother,

Julie Norton, who explained to SeaCoast Online that Kymberley must have died at some point

during the four hours she was alone in the house.

Norton found Suchomel just after 8:30 a.m. when she arrived to care for her 3-year-old


Suchomel's husband Mike had left for work earlier that morning at 4:30 a.m.

Days after the shooting, Kymberley Suchomel explained to the Victorville Daily Presshow

she and her friends escaped with their lives as bullets rained down "from all angles"

on the 20,000 concertgoers on Oct. 1.

What would cause a healthy 28-year-old to suddenly die in her sleep?

Was someone in the government concerned Suchomel was too great of risk to keep alive because

of her determination to spread the truth about there being multiple gunmen involved in the

massacre that night?

Suchomel went on the record with the media and told them:

"Every single survivor I have talked to also remembers multiple shooters, and at least

one from the ground- why aren't we being taken more seriously?

Tons of things don't add up," she wrote on Facebook.

"I have been watching the news non-stop since I arrived back home to my family.

And it just doesn't make sense.

The story that are feeding everyone doesn't add up to our eyewitness accounts.

There is something wrong with what they are saying & the evidence seems fake if you ask


Suchomel was very concerned because of the amount of gunfire being shot by multiple gunmen

that she might not make it out alive via Realfarmacy:

"Explaining that she called her husband and grandmother to warn them she was in a

shooting and might not make it out alive, Suchomel wrote, "The gunfire wasn't stopping

this whole time.

It wasn't ceasing.

It wasn't slowing down.

And It was directly behind us, following us.

Bullets were coming from every direction.

Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us.

"But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us.

The entire time I felt this way.

The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got.

I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than

one person.

There was more than one gun firing.

"100% more than one."

Kymberley Suchomel's grandmother confirmed that she was in good health.

Though she suffered from focal epilepsy, it is understood that the condition is rarely

life threatening.

Horrifically, this isn't the first witnessed that's mysteriously died or disappeared.

Realfarmacy went on:

The news of Kymberley Suchomel's sudden death also comes as Fox News reports that

"hero" security guard Jesus Campos "disappeared" minutes before he was due to appear on Sean

Hannity's program as a featured guest.

The network is at a loss to explain Campos's disappearance.

Hannity did not mention Jesus Campos or his no-show during the program, and responded

to queries on Twitter about what happened by saying "He cancelled."

Something is extremely fishy here and we need to spread this story like wildfire and demand

an explanation.

If the mainstream media and crooked officials in our government are willing to kill to expose

the truth, there is seriously some major dirt behind what really happened in Las Vegas almost

two weeks ago,

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Vegas Witness Who Identified Multiple Shooters FOUND DEAD— Here's what we know… - Duration: 5:30.


Κλωνοποίηση - πώς το περιβάλλον διαμορφώνει τη συμπεριφορά. - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Κλωνοποίηση - πώς το περιβάλλον διαμορφώνει τη συμπεριφορά. - Duration: 5:22.


Laptop Repair Brooklyn Park MN 763-324-9560 Laptop Repair Brooklyn Park MN - Duration: 1:05.

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