Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

For more infomation >> цветы из гофрировный бумаги - Duration: 1:51.


3YO - Transparencias (Free Beat Stifling-Yondo) [+letra] - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 3YO - Transparencias (Free Beat Stifling-Yondo) [+letra] - Duration: 3:46.


Stop Procrastinating! - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:16.

why do you want to study what is your goal the most important thing is that

you have a vision that you have a goal because without the vision and without

the goal I'm just drifting around and you're not going to end up anywhere

people don't end up successful just by accident I mean maybe the guy that found

gold in California and started the gold rush but don't count on that

that's a one-in-a-lifetime situation so you've got to really have a specific

goal in a specific vision you need to know exactly what you're chasing you got

to change that mindset some of you you stuck not because you don't have the

gift you're stuck because your mindset is off nothing has changed for me I keep

going to the next level because we keep changing my thinking to change your

paradigm you have to do what successful people are doing if you want to be


you need to use your pain to push towards greatness you need to understand

that pain is temporary in my last four second in my last four minute an hour a

day or even months but sooner or later if you do not surrender if you do not

give up if you do not give in it will subside look at your life situation are

you doing the urgent things are you doing the right things are you doing the

important the ones that's gonna get you ahead are you doing what most people do

waking up living in reaction like oh my god

text message notifications emails oh I got to do this

you know just running around or are you actually taking a step back

taking perspective on the doubt disassociating with all the emotions of

urgency and thinking okay what are the big things what are the ones I'm going

to go all out in instead of having this scattered focus each time you have

chosen rightly you have become a better person the reverse is also true

where every time you have compromised you know taking the easy way out

you have weakened your care - and suffering your personality the person

you are today is the total of your choices and decisions in life to this

day you have to see it where nobody else sees it you have the feeling when it's

not tangible you have to believe in when you can't see it you got to be possessed

with the dream and every single day you've got to wake up and you got to put

in the effort I need you to switch on beast mode I need you to live in beast mode

because if you live in beast mode you'll have what other people don't have listen

to me very closely not only will you have what other people don't have you

will do what other people can't do

I don't care where you are use what you got to get to where you want use your

mind use your vision your dreams dream your

way to passing your exams we're not just passing anyone can pass exams I'm

talking about getting 90 95 99 a hundred percent dream your way there

and then you'll see it and you'll get up every day in your grind your grind hard

you'll grind your way to it dream about a where you are from where you are in

the library in your house walking up and down the street thinking about it this

is your life this is your dreams you can have whatever you want to have you can

be whatever you want to be you can go wherever you want to go

and what you need to do it is already inside of it every tool that you need

it's already inside of you put in the work you discipline yourself to just do

the work you know don't take the easy way out

keep holding yourself to a high standard

you imagine right now someone's watching you and modeling you what kind of

standard do you want to say

what kind of role model do you want to be

I'll just do it tomorrow just do it anyway how did you become successful

simply look at successful people look at what they do and do what they do it's as

simple as that it's very straightforward look at what they do

look at how they think what the thoughts are that pop in their head there aren't

any excuses there look at what they read who they associate with and what they

are and replicate all of that discipline yourself to do what they do long enough

that it becomes a habit and at some point success will happen it's

inevitable it's not an accident and failure isn't an accident either

the same goes to look into unsuccessful people look at who they associate with

look at how they think the thoughts that go through their head you're going to

see all those excuses look at what they eat look at what they read and don't do

any of them successful people resisting

when introduced shot is very subtle concept that if you want it you gotta go

get it some of y'all got this concept what you

want what you want to accomplish you know some of y'all are motivated by

broke a broken stopper can't do mother some of

y'all are motivated by just wanting to accomplish the things

that you want to accomplish other folks are motivated by materialistic things

it's a very simple concept if you want it you gotta go get it and what does

that mean it means that you trying to convince me or anybody else that you

want to get it when you're partying all week as soon as you get any kind of

money you're buying a bunch of that you really can't afford what you got the

latest iPhone for see everything about what you're doing in the moves of moves

that you making it's getting in the way of the big picture everything you're

still clubbing you're still partying you still popping bottles with models you

doing the most already and you ain't even on you trying to convince everybody

around you that you are but you're not over you know the truth and I know the

truth you ain't on

most of the people who really ain't got it they go out of a way to try and show

people that they have it

it's time to stay focused it's time to decide trying to fit in and socialize

rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird why are you so

antisocial because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball

court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in

the hot Sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why

are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do

something fun and cool you always study it because I'm trying to get it let me

tell you something homie the more weird you are is a reflection of how committed

you are to focus in on your shit molding and shaping and developing your ideas

and your crap so that when it's time for you to make your rounds you're gonna fly

you still got work to do stay on that basketball court stay on that football

field call the homies texting and calling and trying to make you feel bad

about being so focused its grind season homie it's not about today it's about

the future you do the work now do the work now and all of that you could ever

want to do for your family your kids your loved ones it's all gonna be on a

whole nother stratosphere this time stay focused

this is what I hope I hope this video makes you

uncomfortable because I look at this I look at this as a mirror you get to look

yourself in the mirror and acts hard and tough questions what am i doing every

single day with my life creating obstacles challenges and distractions

for myself I am so proud of you already because only a chosen few will hear this

message and you're gonna reactivate the beast inside of you and move on those

visions ideas and inventions I'm proud of you I'm celebrating your success


For more infomation >> Stop Procrastinating! - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:16.


Краски осени 2017 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Краски осени 2017 - Duration: 2:19.


Two Truths and One Lie - Book Edition - Duration: 22:45.

Hi everyone! I'm here today with my sister

who joined me already a few months ago when we did the Harry Potter tag

and when we were in London.

And today we're back because we thought we're gonna play a little game.

So maybe you know the game two truths and one lie

like when you meet new people and you introduce yourself,

and you're like "Hi my name is Frede,

and I like books and I own an elephant," or something.

And so we thought we're gonna do this as a book edition,

so we both looked at our bookshelves and we

thought about four books that we have read

that the other person hasn't read and we're gonna talk

about those books and we're gonna tell two truths and one lie and

We're gonna have to find out what's the lie.

And then in the end we're gonna try to also do the same

with a book that both of us is read,

so we're gonna see how that works out.

I'm gonna start because this is my channel. [laughs]

And the first book that I chose is the book Damned

by Chuck Palahniuk. I read that three years ago,

so it's been ages since I read that

But basically this-

I'm going to read the Goodreads description

because I don't have my books with me

because we're at our mum's

and my books that are in my flat, so-

So the book description on Goodreads says

"The newest Palahniuk novel concerns Madison,

or she's also called Maddy in the book,

a thirteen year old girl who finds herself in hell,

unsure for why she will be there for eternity,

but tries to make the best of it.

I'm gonna read you three statements

and you're gonna say what's the truth and what's the lie.

Number one: Maddy meets Hitler and rips off his moustache.

Number two: Maddy sends tweets to Satan.

Number three: Maddy calls people from hell,

asking them stupid and annoying telemarketing questions during their meal times.

Well, I think the Hitler one is true because

it sounds too good not to be true [laughs] Basically.

Yes, it's a truth.

And yeah, I would say the tweets one is a lie

because like I could imagine people in hell like calling me while I'm eating so


I'm gonna say that the tweeting one is a lie. [ping noise]

Yes, that is true. The tweets were a lie.

If people nowadays go to hell they're like oh I could tweet here it's-

Is it really hell though?

You don't have Wi-Fi in hell. [laughs]

Okay, my next one is about the, I think it's called Gemstone Trilogy in English,

like in German it's Edelstein Trilogie,

which like translates to gemstone, so I think that's right,

and it's three books,

obviously, like gemstone.

Like trilogy.


Yeah that's what I meant [laughs]

I would say it's been a long day but it really hasn't so-

It's a book series by Kerstin Gier, it's a German author,

so I have all the books in German.

And it's about a girl called Gwendolyn,

or I think and the English version she's actually called Gwyneth,

um but like she's mostly called Gwen,

so I'm just gonna say Gwen because it's easier.

Um and she learns that she's actually a time traveller,

because that's a gene which is passed down in her family. So yeah,

that's kind of the plot, it's like young adult fantasy whatever stuff so yeah.

And my three facts are

Helena Bonham Carter is mentioned by name in one of the books

Gwen's cousin sings the song Paparazzi at some point.

Lady Gaga's Paparazzi?

Yeah, right Lady Gaga's Paparazzi.

And Gwen has a cat named Hermione because she's a big Harry Potter fan

What? [laughs] Oh dear, okay.

Okay, it was published in 2009,

When did Paparazzi come out?

I don't know probably 2009, because like The Fame,

but like there's three books so-

Okay so the questions are the- these things are all about the trilogy.

Yeah, they actually- like actually,

most of it happens in the last book which

was published a little bit later on.

I know that they sing the Time Warp in the film. Don't they?

I don't know.

Ahhhh [laughs]

I'm gonna say the Paparazzi one is a lie

because I think they sing the Time Hop in the film.

Nah, it's wrong.

Paparazzi's is in the books. Because

Ah okay-

Because like the Time Warp they actually sing in the second movie,

and they- like in the books she sings memory from the movie cats.

But they- I don't think they got the

license or something or maybe

because the actress wasn't that much of a great singer

so they put in the Time Warp,

which is a little bit easier.

And then third one which is this one um

her cousin sings Paparazzi at a party because she gets really drunk

So weird. Okay, then I'm gonna say-

I'm gonna say that Helena Bonham Carter is the lie,

[deep beep noise] Nah it's true. [laughs]

The cat is a lie.

Um because like Helen- Helena Bonham Carter is mentioned because she's like oh

I look like Helena Bonham Carter's character in Harry Potter. I look so angry or something like that.

Okay, so they do mention Harry Potter?

They do, yeah.

But like she doesn't have a cat.

Okay. Interesting.

Wow, YA is such a wild party.

My next book is a book that I read fairly recently,

which is called Iitterbug Perfume, and it's by Tom Robbins.

So you have two timelines,

it starts an ancient, Bohemia

around the time where Christianity comes up, a bit earlier I think.

And then you have another timeline in I guess the 70s or 80s, which is when this was written, in America.

and you have this this first timeline you have a man and a woman and

they want to be immortal, so they do rituals to be immortal.

And then in the modern day timeline you have

people who work on perfume who like-

what's that called? Perfume creator people.

Okay, so it's a really bizarre book.

I chose the weirdest books from my bookshelves that I could find.

Yeah, I've noticed.

So. Um the perfume that is mentioned in the blurb

was created so as to hide the stink of this goat god.

That sounds like something that would happen, so yeah.

Pris- Priscilla, who is a person in the modern day timeline,

wants to find the recipe for the perfect taco,

and number three: the immortality ritual includes singing for three hours a day.


Okay, um I don't think the first one is a lie

because like the first one and the last one they're like really-

like more mystical and more like immortality and a god,

so I have to say that the second one has to be true because

you wouldn't put something in there that's completely

different if it wasn't true. Like- Okay.

So the third one is a lie.

Why are you so intelligent?

Yes. [ping noise]

They have a lot of different immortality rituals,

but singing for three hours a day isn't one.

My next book is The Hobbit by-

J.R.R. Tolkien.

I'm sorry. Oh god. I probably offended someone right now.

Yeah, it's the Hobbit, or in German it's called the little Hobbit which is really cute.

It's a prequel to Lord of the Rings,

and yeah, and it's about

the Hobbit Bilbo who goes on a quest with 12 dw- 12 dwarves,

ah, hard word.

To reclaim the mountain and the treasure

that the dwarves used to own.

But it was stolen from the dragon Smaug.

But I think you saw the movies didn't you?

No. I saw Lord of the Rings.

I thought you saw the movies.

No. I'm not- I'm not gonna waste my time watching Martin Freeman.

I'm never gonna watch the movies.

Okay great. So my three facts are when Bilbo returns from his adventure

people actually assumed he was dead

because he was gone for so long so they started selling his stuff.

The second one is that Gandalf only appears in two scenes

one at the very beginning and one of the very end.

And the names of the dwarves are-

oh god I have to look it up, I wrote it down,

are Thorin, Fili, Kili, Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur.

[laughs] Are you kidding me?

Can I read this please?

You can read it, yes.

I think you wouldn't come up with names like that,

and I think I've heard at least

Thorin and I think Fili and Kili as well.

So I'm gonna say that that one's true.

I'm gonna say that the first one is a lie,

that Bilbo- that people started selling Bilbo's stuff.

[deep beep noise] No it's true.

So the Gandalf thing is a lie?

Yeah. He technically is only at the beginning and the end,

but more than two scenes, so it's kind of like a technicality.

So we're gonna do the third one for me.

It's a book that I read in French,

but I'm not gonna talk about all that stuff in French.

Thank you.

It's called Métaphysique des Tubes by Amélie Nothomb.

It's about this small girl, I don't think she has a name,

I'm not sure. I don't think so.

Um and when she's first born she doesn't do anything,

she's kind of like plant.

She just just lies around, she doesn't cry, she doesn't do anything.

Like you can give her food, and she's like okay.

But she doesn't cry for food or anything.

Up to a certain point in her life, and that's kind of it.

And she's- she's a really bizarre kid and and she kind of-

she's able to speak when she's like 3 years old,

She's just like- [snaps finger] like that, and she can speak French and Japanese

without problem. So it's a really bizarre book.


So my first fact about this is: as a really young-

as a really young child the narrator tries to drown herself,

the narrator only stops her 6-month crying fit,

like she cries for about six months at a time,

after eating chocolate.

Me. [laughs]

And the narrator is able to speak with fish.

Drowining yourself sounds really hard,

but that's why she tried maybe like-

like how old was she when she tried to drown herself?

Three or four.

But it was on purpose, she purposefully tried to do that.

It would kind of work with the she could speak to fish,

because like- but hmm

Which was the second one?

The second one was that she cried for about six months

at a certain time when she was about two-

Well that sounds great.

And then she had some chocolate and she stopped.

That sounds kind of legit.

I'm gonna say that she can't actually speak to fish.

[ping noise] I just can't lie.

That's true [laughs]

I just can't lie.

It's true.

My next book is by Agatha Christie, and it's called At Bertram's Hotel.

And I'm just gonna read the text because I think

murder mysteries are kind of hard to describe so yeah.

When Miss Marple comes up from the country for

a holiday in London she finds what she's looking for at Bertram's Hotel,

traditional decor, impeccable service, and memories of a childhood.

What she doesn't expect is the unmistakable atmosphere of danger

behind the highly polished veneer.

Yet, not even Miss Marple can foresee the violent chain of events

set in motion when an eccentric guest makes his way to the airport on the wrong day.

So yeah, it's a really good book by the way.

Okay and now my three facts are:

Hercule Poirot, who is another detective in Agatha Christie's stories

makes a cameo appearance in the book.

The second one is that a police officer is referred to as father by the other people.

And the last one is that one of the main cast I would say,

or hotel guests, is a 17 year old girl

who's to become really rich when she comes of age

because she inherits her father's money.

That sounds so much like an Agatha Christie premise.

I'm gonna say that the Poirot one is not the truth.

Because yeah, I'm just gonna say that.

I'm actually right. Yeah, actually for some reason. I thought that was and

In that book is one. I don't know why I think I don't know so I just skimmed through it

Early on I was like quite hidden in this book and then I grew out

It wasn't they ever met and they didn't so yeah now we're on to the last books that only one of us is read

And my choice for that one is the accidental by Ali Smith and this book is about

A family who's on summer vacation and kind of a country in a vacation home


one day a woman appears her name is Amber, and she just arrived a bit home and

Because the family don't read speak to each other everyone thinks oh she knows this other person

So I can't remember the names

I think the mom's name is Eve for Eva Eve

And she's a writer and her husband is a university professor who?

Casually sleeps with the students and even knows that and then they have two children or maybe they're only used the children

I'm not quite sure he's actually the father, but they have the son who's about 16

I think who's called Magnus, and then they have another daughter who I imagined to be around 12. They'll make a play and her


Astrid sorry and then amber arrives in this situation everyone thinks oh

She knows this other person that would make a really really good play like playwrights get on it

Okay, so the first thing that I have here is

Amber destroys ask asteroids camcorder on purpose amber paints the family's London flat in a new color

Amber takes on the habit of having sex with Magnus in the town's to church

I also have to say I was about 30 and okay. I was about 16, okay

Well, that sounds like a truth since they don't really know story

I don't know why she would destroy it or why she would paint it, but like yeah

I think I think she paid she no she didn't paint yeah. Yeah, that's true

She did something to that flat, but it wasn't painting all right yes

You're right. Did I get everything right?

yes, I

Just can't like that's the problem my next book is

It's called centre of the world I think in English in German it's give me to die veg and

Yeah, it's German unoriginal II so I have it in German by

Andrea Stein who and it's an coming-of-age story about a boy named Phil who grew up with this

Sister his twin sister and his mom the dad left

Left left their mom when she was still pregnant, and yeah, we watched the movie to that book

Earlier last year laughs. Yeah last year all right, so you know something about it, but

not everything um

Yes, it's a nice book. I think

You don't like it, so yeah, I couldn't get into it

I started reading it, but the writing style was too much this typical way writing style just go into it. I was just born

To be honest around when I was like 14 or something I still like it

okay um

Felt best friend is the principal's daughter

the first fact my technique factors that Phil and his boyfriend are called skinny dipping at night and

The last one is that the first boyfriend who's called Nicholas by the way

that Nicholas is shot in the eye with an air gun and

Therefore loses eyesight on that

I now saw the film so judging from that I would say that the skinny-dipping is true

I would say that

His best friend is the principal's daughter is the truth?

So what the shot should be I said the eyes why


Said why's the lie?

The lives of skinny-dipping every day yeah his his sister and a friend of hers were caught skinny-dipping while may be full of Nicholas

Once we need to think I remember they were in court it's gonna. Take me at night. I can't much. I'm sure so yeah

So now we're on to the books that both of us have read let's do that for the win because

Realistically you couldn't win anymore, so let's say that one is

10 points in my choice is a German children's book


is called removal and that's really unfair because

The last time I like reddit who can't even say that is for men or mother read to us

So talk about fairness


I'm gonna talk about that book by the way in an upcoming video about my favorite books of my childhood so keep your eyes out

For that I'm gonna be talking about that book right now

so this book is basically about this girl called mama who suddenly arrives in a little town and

She's kind of like a very sweet person. She's alone she's

accompanied by Toto and she's

All the children love her the the adults feel very comfortable very calm around her and then one day a group of

men in gray who have like grey suits and gray skin and gray hats

And they smoke gray cigars they arrive and basically the these gray men want to try to

steal the people's time and

MooMoo eventually

visits or meets this person called master


It sounded like hob was like just like you know the hour like that kind of editor. She meets that guy and

they talk about that plan how to

defeat those men and gray and

Master ho

Says that he is going to sleep, and then the time will stop that's my first fact when he sleeps

the time will stop oh

My second burger is that the story?

Is set in a small town in Italy I think that's true?

And my third fact is that the men in gray smoke cigars made from people's time I?

Think that Italy wanted to rethink I remember that and I

Know that they steal their time, but I

Don't remember any of the that must hold up

But I still remember that he existed and that like her torch voice had something to do with him

I think food. I'm gonna have to say that the first one is a lie that he sleeps in that. Yeah, oh

Really, and then the one that with the big R, right

What yeah?

Not in Italy in there. It's not it's a little

Town without a name, and it looks a bit like Italy

But it's never explicitly mentioned that it's Italy

Like there's a TV series a kind of a Cotuit series that used to be on TV that we used to watch

Yeah, it looks like Italy yeah. It's not set in Italy at least explicitly

Alright my last book is Harry Potter like we did the Harry Potter challenge

It's gonna be linked in in the description below

Push it out for the houses watch it. If you haven't seen it. It's pretty good

It was a lot of fun doing that it was

so yeah Shane was plugging and

Yeah, I don't think I have to summarize Harry Potter do either I have three facts for you

The other are lock hurts favorite color is forget-me-nots blue rita skeeter has three golden tea

And I rubella fake broke her leg when she cooked over one of her cats

Character based on those ones yes


Think the one with low-cut is true

I think I remember that because it's not been so long, but every record are they all sound like true

it was dumped there, right ah

Didn't mrs. Fig. I know that you broke her leg

But did she break it one tripping over her cats. I'm gonna say that the rita skeeter one of the live

I'm sorry mrs. Fig. One is a lie

Fuckin Christ really favorite colors lilac you

Should know that I

Good there was actually a quiz and like forget me the blue was an option, and I was like okay

I think that's the right one. They clicked on ignores like no. It's it's not true

Why do we think?

Because like in one scene where he's um. I think in the first thing. He's seen he wears a forget-me-not blue

Cape or something like that so I think that kind of stuck with us as I mean like

Lockard seems like the kind of person who would be like really particularly yeah, my favorite color forget-me-nots blue

Okay, Wow

Everything I lost signai

Yeah, pretty sure did I get any point? Yeah? Good one point? I got the Agatha Christie one right? I got one point and you

got full right

Okay, my camera battery is flashing. We're done with this game. This is going to be a hell to edit. I'm already annoyed

This was a lot of fun filming wrong

And if you have any friend or sibling or partner or whoever it is comfortable sitting in front of the camera

Do that they're doing fun. It's a lot of fun. You can get angry, and I'm gonna have fun

So do that game tell me if you do it. I'm gonna watch it

It was a lot of fun to do this with you today

Thank you for watching, and I will see you when I studio bye

For more infomation >> Two Truths and One Lie - Book Edition - Duration: 22:45.


Where do the feathers for LaFibula come from? Q & A and some new ideas - Rapalje Show #31 - Duration: 5:26.

Lets discover

Where feathers for Celtic jewelry are found

I will answer some questions you posted in the comment section

And I will share some ideas for future Rapalje Shows

So now you know where the feathers for LaFibula Celtic Jewelry come from

the come from the falconer Achim

Which we met on the MPS festivals in Germany

And this song Caledonia

Is his favourite song and he is also opening his shows with this song

Thank you Irivaleine

for your comment:

Is there any chance for considering doing "The Water is Wide"?

By reading this comment I'm already considering it

So we take a look and an ear at it

And you also wrote me:

That you found

this version of Caledonia quite touching

And you like to hear more of the songs in that vein

Thank you very much, we're working on it

and there is some new songs coming up with our new album

Then I got a comment from Priscilla Jackson

Hi guys! don't you have an instrumental version of your songs?

Mostly from "Caledonia"

I've been looking for a backtrack to do a vocal cover

But I didn't enjoy other's versions as much as this one

Your instruments sound so beautiful

So, we made a backtrack for you. It was a live version originally

But it was recorded with very close micking so you can not hear William's voice

And I'd love to hear you voice

on this backtrack on this backtrack recorded. So, please send me a link

to a soundcloud account or whatever

For everybody else: If you want to do a cover from Caledonia

You can find

the backtrack in the link in our description

and have a go with it! And let us know how it sounds

Ruurd van Buiten wrote me:

Would love to film for the Rapalje show

But first let me make a nice kilt

I've got two questions: First of all, I'd like to see a photo

from you in a kilt

on a social medium

And I'd like to make an appointment with you to film for the Rapalje Show. And not only for you

Please write in the comments if you're a filmmaker and also want to help me out with shooting film

Here in the studio with the Rapalje Show or maybe on location because

I could you a help 'cause it's a lot of work and if you can take some work out of my hands

It will safe some time for me to do other things like making music

Laetitia YeTi wrote me:

Did you ever meet bands like Clann An Drumma

Or Clanadonia or Barbarian Pipe Band?

Could be crazy to see you all together!

We know one of the bands called Clanadonia

And we performed at the same stage at the Irish Folk Open Air in Poyenberg

But I know another band called Soar Patrol

And we share the stage almost every weekend, and this is there T-shirt

And it's also a pipes and drums band like the bands you mention

And we also perform together with them

And Jürgen Weißmann wrote in a comment:

When you are presenting a T-shirt

show a short video from you and the band with a sound sample

For the rest, I like this format

So that's what we are going to do!

Be easy and free and we'll meet you in the next video

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Ohhh sooo nice

sooo mhhhhh :D

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Essence of Murli 16-10-2017 - Duration: 8:16.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 16th October 2017

( Sweet Sweet Baapdada is genuinely and truly a well wisher of all we children. This is the reason why he teaches us every day and we also love that )

( So what is he teaching us - Lets hear same ? )

Essence: Sweet children, Maya creates obstacles in yoga, not in knowledge. Unless there is yoga, the study cannot be imbibed.

This is why you should make effort to stay in as much yoga as possible.

Question: Through which method does Baba uplift the children who have fallen?

Answer: Baba praises those children in class and gives them a lot of love and courage: Child, you are very good.

You can become a Ganges of knowledge. You are going to become a master of the world.

I have come to give you the sovereignty free of charge. Why are you not claiming it?

Are there the omens of Rahu over you? Study the murli and stay in yoga and the eclipse will be removed.

When the children are encouraged in this way, they become engaged in having remembrance and they study once again.

The omens of many children are removed in this way.

( See how Baba by saying positive words of encouragement is cheering us and ensuring we continue in our efforts )

Song: The Resident of the faraway land has come to the foreign land.

Essence for dharna: 1. Forget the relations of the body and consider yourself to be a soul alone.

Surrender yourself to the Father completely. You mustn't be afraid.

2. In order to become free from the punishment of Dharamraj, don't leave till tomorrow what you can do today.

Continue to take blessings from the Father on the basis of how you study.

Blessing: May you be constantly carefree and increase your decision power with balance in karma and yoga.

Only those whose intellects always give an accurate judgment can remain constantly carefree because,

day by day, the problems and circumstances are going to get tighter.

At such a time, if you have a balance of karma and yoga, you will easily overcome any situation with your decision making power.

The blessings that you receive due to maintaining a balance will not allow you to have any surprising questions arising even in your thoughts.

"Why did this happen? What happened?" Such questions will not arise.

There will constantly be the firm faith that benefit is hidden in whatever is happening.

Slogan: Take the sweetness of all the relationships you have with Baba and do not remember anyone else.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 16-10-2017 - Duration: 8:16.


12 Type Secrets of the INFP Personality Type - Duration: 10:24.

12 Type Secrets of the INFP Personality Type

INFPs are unique individuals who care deeply about other people.

They possess a rare set of abilities that allow them to masterfully understand emotion

and the human experience.

At their best, INFPs bring emotional healing to others and inspire incredible change in

the world.

INFPs are fairly rare, making up about 4 to 5 percent of the population, which is make

them really special.

In this video I'm going to share with you 12 less obvious aspects of the INFP personality


If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video and subscribe

to this channel so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future!


INFPs need to feel inspired.

INFPs live in a world of emotion and meaning.

They need a certain level of emotional intensity in their life in order to feel like they are

truly living.

So INFPs may unconsciously seek out relationships that evoke strong feelings.

Or they may turn to books, poetry, music, travel, or charity work that inspires them.

However, if the passion or intrigue fades, INFPs may find themselves feeling restless.

Dissatisfied, they may move on to another relationship or project that once again infuses

their life with emotion.


INFPs are deeply in touch with their values.

Perhaps more than any other personality type, INFPs are deeply in touch with their personal

values, because their dominant mental function is Introverted Feeling.

This means INFPs make decisions by asking themselves, "What feels right for me?"

INFPs are generally nonjudgmental and gentle, but they may find themselves reacting with

anger or defensiveness when someone violates their values.

This may happen when other personality types, such as "Thinking" types like the ENTJ,

INTJ, or ESTJ, demand to know the rationale behind the INFP's decision.

But INFPs may not be able to offer logical reasons.

They made a decision simply because they felt a certain way.

When others criticize them for "not having a good reason," the INFP may be left feeling


If this happens too much, sadly, the INFP may begin to doubt themselves and their most

natural way of thinking.


INFPs want to connect with the essence of life.

Often, INFPs are lovers of nature who spend time outside or in the wilderness.

They do this in an effort to passionately connect with what they see as the basic essence

of life.

Especially early in life, INFPs may become lone wanderers, as they travel and explore

one place after another.

They're usually content with rather simple or Bohemian living arrangements, perhaps furnishing

their homes with second-hand furniture and decor.

Extravagant vacations, designer clothes, and fine meals aren't a priority for the INFP,

who values a simple life of meaning over a life of material goods.


Creative expression is their life blood.

INFPs tend to excel at writing, music, or other forms of creative expression, because

art allows them to express their deep feelings in an authentic way,

explains personality profiler Antonia Dodge, co-owner of Personality Hacker, in a podcast

about INFPs.

INFPs may not be able to articulate their deep, personal feelings to friends and family

in passing conversation, but they can create a painting or write a

novel to immerse others in their emotional experience.

It may be an emotional experience related to their own feelings, the feelings of another

person they've come in contact with, or on a much wider scale,

the feelings of the human experience in general.


INFPs are healers of emotional wounds.

In the Keirsey Temperament system, the INFP is nicknamed the "Healer."

And the nickname fits, because INFPs care deeply about the inner emotional lives of

other people.

According to the Keirsey web site, "Their great passion is to heal the conflicts that

trouble individuals, or that divide groups, and thus to bring wholeness, or health, to

themselves, their loved ones, and their community."

The INFP's ability to heal springs from their deep understanding of emotions, their

caring nature, and their ability to see things from a unique perspective.


Other people dump their problems on them.

Unfortunately, there can be a downside to being so gentle and outwardly receptive: other

people dump their problems on you.

Many INFPs end up in one-sided conversations in which the other person vents their feelings

and complains, while the INFP listens patiently.

Being the dumping ground for other people's problems can give INFPs a sense of emotional

heaviness, and in fact, many INFPs do have an air of melancholy about them.

Spending time alone, immersed in a creative project or in nature, can help clear the INFP's


And, INFPs can learn to set boundaries to avoid getting "dumped on" in the future.


When INFPs feel passionate about something, watch out!

INFPs may see themselves as reluctant heroes.

One minute they're strolling through life, the next minute their passion has been awakened

because they've stumbled across a person who needs their help.

With their idealism driving them on, INFPs can be truly unstoppable.

That's why this type has accomplished great things, think Joan of Arc, who as a teenager

with no military training, led the French army to victory over the British

during the Hundred Years' War.

Other famous INFPs include Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn, Fred Rogers,

John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, Tori Amos, William Shakespeare, Helen Keller, and Isabel

Briggs Myers (creator of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator).

According to Dr. AJ Drenth of Personality Junkie, INFPs are often found helping people

who are sick, disabled, or in need.

INFPs love rescuing the helpless; for example, they might adopt abandoned pets from an animal

shelter or take up special causes that have affected them personally,

such as raising money for research for a rare disease.

On the other hand, if INFPs don't feel a sense of conviction, they tend to shut themselves

off from the world.

For INFPs, "when it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

But when it matters…it matters big," Joel Mark Witt, co-owner of Personality Hacker.


INFPs don't want just any job.

INFPs are not particularly driven by money or career status.

What they really care about is doing work that aligns with their personal values and

allows them to help others.

Because INFPs are highly individualistic, they may feel dissatisfied working for a company

or organization that they don't personally believe in.

INFPs are motivated by vision and inspiration, so they may become restless and unhappy if

they have to do routine work often.

Their ideal job allows them to express their individuality and takes advantage of their

ability to see unique solutions.

They enjoy working independently and having a measure of control over how and when they

complete projects.

As they experiment in life, try new things, and find themselves,

INFPs will inevitably narrow their interests and be better equipped to find work that truly

resonates with them.


The people in their life must share their values.

INFPs make wonderful partners and friends.

They're loyal, nurturing, and understanding.

Self-aware and often spiritual, INFPs tend to be open-minded and accepting of other people's

preferences and behavior, as long as their own core values are not violated.

They strongly support their friends' and partners' individuality, encouraging them

to explore their own ideas and interests.

However, they choose romantic partners and friends carefully, not just anyone will do.

INFPs look for people whose values are similar to theirs.

And they need someone with whom they can create deep emotional intimacy.


They shy away from conflict.

INFPs tend to be sensitive and have a strong need for harmonious relationships.

Because of their open, accepting nature, they're always looking for ways to compromise and

accommodate other people.

They are generally quite skilled at finding creative solutions to interpersonal problems.

However, confronting someone can be difficult for them, so they may ignore problems or keep

negative reactions to themselves.


INFPs can lead through inspiration.

INFPs are true introverts who prefer to stay out of the spotlight.

They often spend time alone, immersed in their daydreams or creative projects.

They tend to live quiet, simple lives.

But this doesn't mean that INFPs are not leaders.

In fact, INFPs can be powerful leaders, because they have the ability to profoundly inspire


When they tap into their passion, sense of meaning, and natural abilities of creative

expression, they can get others excited about causes they believe in.


INFPs can grow by having new experiences.

The INFP's secondary function, Extroverted Intuition, is a learning process that "sees

behind the curtain," so to speak.

It perceives patterns in the INFP's experiences and makes connections that aren't necessarily

obvious or inherent by definition.

It asks, "What if?" and sees possibilities.

The way INFPs can grow on a personal level is by using this process to explore, make

connections, and learn new things.

For INFPs, this may mean traveling to new places, taking classes to learn new skills,

joining groups or clubs to meet new people, or feeding their appetite for new information

by reading or exploring the arts.

The more INFPs have new experiences, the more they will add to their deep understanding

of emotions and the human condition.

All in all, that's the traits of INFPs personality type.

So, really cool information isn't it.

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