Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

why do you want to study what is your goal the most important thing is that

you have a vision that you have a goal because without the vision and without

the goal I'm just drifting around and you're not going to end up anywhere

people don't end up successful just by accident I mean maybe the guy that found

gold in California and started the gold rush but don't count on that

that's a one-in-a-lifetime situation so you've got to really have a specific

goal in a specific vision you need to know exactly what you're chasing you got

to change that mindset some of you you stuck not because you don't have the

gift you're stuck because your mindset is off nothing has changed for me I keep

going to the next level because we keep changing my thinking to change your

paradigm you have to do what successful people are doing if you want to be


you need to use your pain to push towards greatness you need to understand

that pain is temporary in my last four second in my last four minute an hour a

day or even months but sooner or later if you do not surrender if you do not

give up if you do not give in it will subside look at your life situation are

you doing the urgent things are you doing the right things are you doing the

important the ones that's gonna get you ahead are you doing what most people do

waking up living in reaction like oh my god

text message notifications emails oh I got to do this

you know just running around or are you actually taking a step back

taking perspective on the doubt disassociating with all the emotions of

urgency and thinking okay what are the big things what are the ones I'm going

to go all out in instead of having this scattered focus each time you have

chosen rightly you have become a better person the reverse is also true

where every time you have compromised you know taking the easy way out

you have weakened your care - and suffering your personality the person

you are today is the total of your choices and decisions in life to this

day you have to see it where nobody else sees it you have the feeling when it's

not tangible you have to believe in when you can't see it you got to be possessed

with the dream and every single day you've got to wake up and you got to put

in the effort I need you to switch on beast mode I need you to live in beast mode

because if you live in beast mode you'll have what other people don't have listen

to me very closely not only will you have what other people don't have you

will do what other people can't do

I don't care where you are use what you got to get to where you want use your

mind use your vision your dreams dream your

way to passing your exams we're not just passing anyone can pass exams I'm

talking about getting 90 95 99 a hundred percent dream your way there

and then you'll see it and you'll get up every day in your grind your grind hard

you'll grind your way to it dream about a where you are from where you are in

the library in your house walking up and down the street thinking about it this

is your life this is your dreams you can have whatever you want to have you can

be whatever you want to be you can go wherever you want to go

and what you need to do it is already inside of it every tool that you need

it's already inside of you put in the work you discipline yourself to just do

the work you know don't take the easy way out

keep holding yourself to a high standard

you imagine right now someone's watching you and modeling you what kind of

standard do you want to say

what kind of role model do you want to be

I'll just do it tomorrow just do it anyway how did you become successful

simply look at successful people look at what they do and do what they do it's as

simple as that it's very straightforward look at what they do

look at how they think what the thoughts are that pop in their head there aren't

any excuses there look at what they read who they associate with and what they

are and replicate all of that discipline yourself to do what they do long enough

that it becomes a habit and at some point success will happen it's

inevitable it's not an accident and failure isn't an accident either

the same goes to look into unsuccessful people look at who they associate with

look at how they think the thoughts that go through their head you're going to

see all those excuses look at what they eat look at what they read and don't do

any of them successful people resisting

when introduced shot is very subtle concept that if you want it you gotta go

get it some of y'all got this concept what you

want what you want to accomplish you know some of y'all are motivated by

broke a broken stopper can't do mother some of

y'all are motivated by just wanting to accomplish the things

that you want to accomplish other folks are motivated by materialistic things

it's a very simple concept if you want it you gotta go get it and what does

that mean it means that you trying to convince me or anybody else that you

want to get it when you're partying all week as soon as you get any kind of

money you're buying a bunch of that you really can't afford what you got the

latest iPhone for see everything about what you're doing in the moves of moves

that you making it's getting in the way of the big picture everything you're

still clubbing you're still partying you still popping bottles with models you

doing the most already and you ain't even on you trying to convince everybody

around you that you are but you're not over you know the truth and I know the

truth you ain't on

most of the people who really ain't got it they go out of a way to try and show

people that they have it

it's time to stay focused it's time to decide trying to fit in and socialize

rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird why are you so

antisocial because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball

court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in

the hot Sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why

are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do

something fun and cool you always study it because I'm trying to get it let me

tell you something homie the more weird you are is a reflection of how committed

you are to focus in on your shit molding and shaping and developing your ideas

and your crap so that when it's time for you to make your rounds you're gonna fly

you still got work to do stay on that basketball court stay on that football

field call the homies texting and calling and trying to make you feel bad

about being so focused its grind season homie it's not about today it's about

the future you do the work now do the work now and all of that you could ever

want to do for your family your kids your loved ones it's all gonna be on a

whole nother stratosphere this time stay focused

this is what I hope I hope this video makes you

uncomfortable because I look at this I look at this as a mirror you get to look

yourself in the mirror and acts hard and tough questions what am i doing every

single day with my life creating obstacles challenges and distractions

for myself I am so proud of you already because only a chosen few will hear this

message and you're gonna reactivate the beast inside of you and move on those

visions ideas and inventions I'm proud of you I'm celebrating your success


For more infomation >> Stop Procrastinating! - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:16.


Краски осени 2017 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Краски осени 2017 - Duration: 2:19.


AI Learns Video Frame Interpolation | Two Minute Papers #197 - Duration: 3:52.

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

With today's graphics technology, we can enjoy many really smooth videos that were created

using 60 frames per second.

We love it too, and we hope that you noticed that our last hundred or maybe even more episodes

have been available in 60hz.

However, it oftentimes happens that we're given videos that have anything from 20 to

30 frames per second.

This means that if we play them on a 60 fps timeline, half or even more of these frames

will not provide any new information.

As we try to slow down the videos for some nice slow-motion action, this ratio is even

worse, creating an extremely choppy output video.

Fortunately, there are techniques that are able to guess what happens in these intermediate

frames and give them to us.

This is what we call frame interpolation.

We have had some previous experiments in this area where we tried to create an amazing slow

motion version of a video with some bubbles merging.

A simple and standard way of doing frame interpolation is called frame blending, which is a simple

averaging of the closest two known frames.

The more advanced techniques are optical flow-based, which is a method to determine what motions

happened between the two frames, and create new images based on that knowledge, leading

to higher quality results in most cases.

This technique uses a convolutional neural network to accomplish something similar, but

in the end, it doesn't give us an image, but a set of convolution kernels.

This is a transformation that is applied to the previous and the next frame to produce

the intermediate image.

It is not the image itself, but a recipe of how to produce it, if you will.

We've had a ton of fun with convolutions earlier, where we used them to create beautiful subsurface

scattering effects for translucent materials in real time, and our more loyal Fellow Scholars

remember that at some point, I also pulled out my guitar and showed what it would sound

like inside a church using a convolution-based reverberation technique.

The links are available in the video description, make sure to check them out!

Since we have a neural network over here, it goes without saying that the training takes

place on a large number of before-after image pairs, so that the network is able to produce

these convolution kernels.

Of course, to validate this algorithm, we also need to have access to a ground truth

reference to compare against - we can accomplish this by withholding some information about

a few intermediate frames so we have the true images which the algorithm would have to reproduce

without seeing it.

Kinda like giving a test to a student when we already know the answers.

You can see such a comparison here.

And now, let's have a look at these results!

As you can see, they are extremely smooth, and the technique retains a lot of high-frequency

details in these images.

The videos also seem temporally coherent, which means that it's devoid of the annoying

flickering effect where the reconstruction takes place in a way that's a bit different

in each subsequent frame.

None of that happens here, which is an excellent property of this technique.

The python source code for this technique is available and is free for non-commercial


I've put a link in the description, if you have given it a try and have some results

of your own, make sure to post them in the comments section or our subreddit discussion.

The link is available in the description.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> AI Learns Video Frame Interpolation | Two Minute Papers #197 - Duration: 3:52.


Top những bản game xóc đĩa được nhiều người chơi nhất 2018 - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Top những bản game xóc đĩa được nhiều người chơi nhất 2018 - Duration: 7:35.


Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas October 2017 | Part 15 - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas October 2017 | Part 15 - Duration: 10:01.


Món quà của An dành tặng 40k SUBCRIBERS | Undone GIVEAWAY - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Món quà của An dành tặng 40k SUBCRIBERS | Undone GIVEAWAY - Duration: 28:31.


Where do the feathers for LaFibula come from? Q & A and some new ideas - Rapalje Show #31 - Duration: 5:26.

Lets discover

Where feathers for Celtic jewelry are found

I will answer some questions you posted in the comment section

And I will share some ideas for future Rapalje Shows

So now you know where the feathers for LaFibula Celtic Jewelry come from

the come from the falconer Achim

Which we met on the MPS festivals in Germany

And this song Caledonia

Is his favourite song and he is also opening his shows with this song

Thank you Irivaleine

for your comment:

Is there any chance for considering doing "The Water is Wide"?

By reading this comment I'm already considering it

So we take a look and an ear at it

And you also wrote me:

That you found

this version of Caledonia quite touching

And you like to hear more of the songs in that vein

Thank you very much, we're working on it

and there is some new songs coming up with our new album

Then I got a comment from Priscilla Jackson

Hi guys! don't you have an instrumental version of your songs?

Mostly from "Caledonia"

I've been looking for a backtrack to do a vocal cover

But I didn't enjoy other's versions as much as this one

Your instruments sound so beautiful

So, we made a backtrack for you. It was a live version originally

But it was recorded with very close micking so you can not hear William's voice

And I'd love to hear you voice

on this backtrack on this backtrack recorded. So, please send me a link

to a soundcloud account or whatever

For everybody else: If you want to do a cover from Caledonia

You can find

the backtrack in the link in our description

and have a go with it! And let us know how it sounds

Ruurd van Buiten wrote me:

Would love to film for the Rapalje show

But first let me make a nice kilt

I've got two questions: First of all, I'd like to see a photo

from you in a kilt

on a social medium

And I'd like to make an appointment with you to film for the Rapalje Show. And not only for you

Please write in the comments if you're a filmmaker and also want to help me out with shooting film

Here in the studio with the Rapalje Show or maybe on location because

I could you a help 'cause it's a lot of work and if you can take some work out of my hands

It will safe some time for me to do other things like making music

Laetitia YeTi wrote me:

Did you ever meet bands like Clann An Drumma

Or Clanadonia or Barbarian Pipe Band?

Could be crazy to see you all together!

We know one of the bands called Clanadonia

And we performed at the same stage at the Irish Folk Open Air in Poyenberg

But I know another band called Soar Patrol

And we share the stage almost every weekend, and this is there T-shirt

And it's also a pipes and drums band like the bands you mention

And we also perform together with them

And Jürgen Weißmann wrote in a comment:

When you are presenting a T-shirt

show a short video from you and the band with a sound sample

For the rest, I like this format

So that's what we are going to do!

Be easy and free and we'll meet you in the next video

For more infomation >> Where do the feathers for LaFibula come from? Q & A and some new ideas - Rapalje Show #31 - Duration: 5:26.


#AD 遺棄男友~宜蘭閨蜜輕旅行(旅行保養篇) ft.唯有機 - Duration: 20:28.

For more infomation >> #AD 遺棄男友~宜蘭閨蜜輕旅行(旅行保養篇) ft.唯有機 - Duration: 20:28.


Latest Indian Bridal henna mehndi designs for hands in flipkart and amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:59.

New Indian Bridal henna mehndi designs for hands HENNA in flipkart and amazon shopping online

For more infomation >> Latest Indian Bridal henna mehndi designs for hands in flipkart and amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:59.


7 Days to Die | Settler's Mod Multiplayer EP2 - Duration: 1:03:23.

For more infomation >> 7 Days to Die | Settler's Mod Multiplayer EP2 - Duration: 1:03:23.


What's Up in Makeup NEWS! Tati's Makeup Line! Dove Model Speaks Out! Cover Girl Ditches Slogan! - Duration: 25:38.

For more infomation >> What's Up in Makeup NEWS! Tati's Makeup Line! Dove Model Speaks Out! Cover Girl Ditches Slogan! - Duration: 25:38.


SOMA SECOREF - MILANO (Shot by SIXfilms) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> SOMA SECOREF - MILANO (Shot by SIXfilms) - Duration: 3:07.


Мой Маленький Пони: В КИНО МУЛЬТФИЛЬМ 2017 #МайЛитлПони My Little Pony the Movie - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Мой Маленький Пони: В КИНО МУЛЬТФИЛЬМ 2017 #МайЛитлПони My Little Pony the Movie - Duration: 4:25.


Nationalsozialistische Erziehung ab 1933 - Presse, Kultur und Erziehung im Nationalsozialismus 1 - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Nationalsozialistische Erziehung ab 1933 - Presse, Kultur und Erziehung im Nationalsozialismus 1 - Duration: 2:52.


HOT!!! Best Chinese Action Movies Sci-Fi ✩ Action Movies Full Movies English Hollywood - Duration: 1:21:47.

Thanks you for watching!!!

For more infomation >> HOT!!! Best Chinese Action Movies Sci-Fi ✩ Action Movies Full Movies English Hollywood - Duration: 1:21:47.


Bruce Wayne & Alfred 'Batcave' Scene | Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) CLIP - Duration: 2:27.

You still working?

You're getting slow in your old age, Alfred.

Comes to us all, Master Wayne.

Even you got too old to die young.

And not for lack of trying.

Funnel-ferry butterbar. Funnel-ferry butterbar.

Funnel-ferry butterbar. Funnel-ferry...

There's nothing wrong with the microphone.

It's this new layer of armor.

I'll just have to rewire.

So, last night was productive?

No. He's too low-level. He knew nothing.

This is the man who knows things.

Anatoli Knyazev. He's Russian.

Contracts all over the globe,

but he's based out of the port of Gotham.

Weapons and human trafficking.

So the White Portuguese is a Russian.

That's the theory.

No. The theory is that the Russian will lead me to the man himself.

If he is, indeed, a "him."

You don't even know if he exists. Could be a phantasm.

One that wants to bring a dirty bomb into Gotham?

Ah, high-stakes round.

New rules.

We're criminals, Alfred.

We've always been criminals. Nothing's changed.

Oh, yes, it has, sir.

Everything's changed.

Men fall from the sky.

The gods hurl thunderbolts.

Innocents die.

That's how it starts, sir.

The fever. The rage.

The feeling of powerlessness.

It turns good men cruel.

For more infomation >> Bruce Wayne & Alfred 'Batcave' Scene | Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) CLIP - Duration: 2:27.


My Most Liked Photos, The Making of: Photoshop Composite Part 1 - Duration: 15:55.

For more infomation >> My Most Liked Photos, The Making of: Photoshop Composite Part 1 - Duration: 15:55.


Me when i hear a 5 cylinder engine!! | [GER] - Duration: 0:13.

Guys, look there is a nice car


Such a nice sound

Ohhh sooo nice

sooo mhhhhh :D

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