Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

Hello! It's Monday morning and have to go to the post office to send all of these pins.

I just realized I'm not even sure I've shown you the pins from up close

In my vlog. I mean, I took so many pictures that maybe I thought I did.

Do you have a favorite? I think my favorite is the Fox one but I really

love how the otter turned out. I mean I loved the others as well, but I don't

know... So, so happy that they look good

I am working on my Inktober piece of the day, as usual, and I kinda like this one but I

think it's very difficult to give the impression that she is bending over.

I think I missed something and honestly I think that's because of the cape. Without the

Cape, I think it was working better.

But anyway, I'm gonna let it dry a little bit, erase the pencil lines, then scan it and then color it.

I don't think you've seen, but this is the drawing that I made yesterday.

And this is the drawing for today.

I've been quite bad at vlogging today it's already

10:00 p.m. but I'm just gonna show you a bit of progress. So those are all the

good pins. This is what I need to review that my sisters and my mom put in cards

and plastic bags for me. Those are the pins that still need to be pinned down on

cards and those are the one with slight flaws or spots that I need to remove

with my acetone free nail polish remover. I tried it on one of mine and this

worked really well. Now I know it's safe and I'm gonna use it on the others

because some are in those boxes but could be in those ones. They just have one or two spots.

Also, I'm going to do my Inktober piece I haven't started yet

but I thought it would be nice to have a look at all my drawings for Inktober so far.

And the theme for today is 'Gigantic', so I need to find an idea and do it in less than 2 hours.

This is the drawing that I have so far.I ended up doing a very big witch and I added

some little people, in little houses for the scale.

It's midnight and I'm done. This one is definitely a bit more rushed than other days.

I still think it's kind of cute and at least I made something. That's the most important

thing for me in Inktober, is that I get to draw everyday. So, it might not be the best

but it's okay.

I've got my little sketch for the created a doodle.

The prompt is 'haunted house' and I'm going to do this quickly while I'm waiting for my drawing

to be able to dry and then I'm gonna take picture, post them on my Instagram

and go to bed.

Hello everyone! It's Wednesday and I'm starting the day by

sketching all my ideas for the 'create day challenge', not sure I'm gonna keep

everything but at least it will help me move faster.

And I'm done with my inktober sketch as well. This one I struggled to do so much because I don't

think I've ever really drew a running person. I'm not sure it works...

But yeah... at least I tried. I think what I'm bothered about is that her waist

looks really thin compared to what I usually draw.

Hello everyone, It's thurday. It's already 4:00 p.m. and I honestly completely

forgot about vlogging this morning. I went to the bank to open a account just

for my business. And I have to draw, I have to do my inktober like every day so

the theme today is 'shattered'

I was getting ready to shoot my picture of the day and look who I found.

Nym... [makes noises with mouth]

Hello, it's Saturday! So yesterday I completely forgot to vlog and besides it

wasn't even a good day for me. So this should have been drawn on

Thursday and this yesterday on Friday. I didn't do any of those so I'm gonna

combine them and post them today. And I'm not gonna draw this today but

I'm gonna combine with this one and post it tomorrow, basically I'm gonna combine

now every time two prompts and post it on one day like every two days

I do think it's harder and harder to find ideas and sometime to find the time to draw.

I love using those little flakies to decorate but the hard part is

always putting them back in the bag.

This is completely unrelated to my art but

basically I went to a shop in Paris, a anime and manga shop, and they add this

Sailor Moon lottery thingy. So I bought 5 tickets and those are all the prizes

that I got. So I had this one twice so I left it there for them to try and switch

with somebody else. But yes this is what I got. I think it's

so cute! Yep and on that note I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow!

Hello everyone it's Sunday! So I took out some of my drawings from July, August and September.

So those are out because I'm gonna film a video for a sketchbook/Art folder tour, the third

of the year. I'm a bit late but I'm gonna film this, this is going on my channel on

Wednesday. I'm gonna film this this afternoon.

And now I'm gonna sketch my inktober drawing of the day.

Uh... yeah. I'm probably gonna work a bit more today, and I will show you the result in

my next vlog, because I'm gonna end this weekly vlog here. Thank you for watching

and I will see you next time, bye!

For more infomation >> Inktober starting to get hard... - Weekly Art Vlog #3 - Duration: 13:51.


Как Макс Паро е станал сноубордист? - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Как Макс Паро е станал сноубордист? - Duration: 0:54.


i filmed myself swimming during earthquake.. - Duration: 10:40.


You think in the which is our oldest car thinking something weddings are shallow


Okay, so rather than rescue Dientes, Grandpa takes pension no

Jerricans can I hold that for you I?

Couldn't resist. I said Brandy of pictures that only your son hmM

Where's sounds worse? We have a a a truck for a reason. I tried pulling him out before really no

I mean, I just tried pulling him out mmM

Mmm. Just don't pull hard on him. You can't you can't choke no if he won't pull don't pull

Like a tight pressuring can you find his foot down there?

Okay, his other foot was stuck, honey. Kingdom wasn't no bad

Yeah, just noted don't take a shoe off yet, because I want to just hold his hand or something to keep himself a balance

Our dramatic rescue that make it many parents pause when they send their kids outside to play

Seattle children horsing around the mud found to their horror that they were being sucked down into quicksand

They were pulled to safety. Thanks to one little boy's quick thinking Clayton, Sandell has their story

These young adventurers didn't have to go very far to find danger

We're exploring

Seven-Year-Old Katy Hyatt and her brother carl met up last Saturday with brothers Andrew and Caleb hummel we came down here

And we saw the mud and we started playing in it the kids had no idea this pit was filled with dangerous

Quicksand my shoe got stuck and I pulled it out by that time, Katie and carl

We're sinking I couldn't get myself out. Were you scared no?

Katie and Andrew were trapped Caleb ran for help and larry pilcher called 9-1-1. I've got two kids in what seems to be

Quicksand they're sinking and can't get out

The more the kids struggled the faster. They were sinking show me how far the mud came up here

By the time fire fighter John Merrick arrived Little Katie was freezing

Well, she was shivering really bad

So I climbed in the mud with her to start digging her out after a rescue that lasted 30 minutes

The kids were finally pulled free to give you an idea of just how strong

this quicksand mud can be you can step on it here and the more you move the

more stuck you become and

it's nearly impossible to

Pull yourself out this mixture of sand clay and water may appear solid but walk on it and it liquefies

That's what happened to this ten-year-old boy trapped just a few days ago in England

This mud pit has now been burton gravel and less

I learned Katie Carl Andrew and Caleb are finally getting back to just being kids now

I better stay in line. I'm not scared of my life

Why yes? I am

How do we save him?

Oh my God really bad. You should probably start coming out of that

Why not get out watch never as well got him later for surface area lay down

Singing is nothing

It's about six feet down

Let's happened

I need to do this

Oh my gosh, oh


Oh my gosh

Harry are you okay?

Can you breathe harry?

Hold it hold it

For more infomation >> i filmed myself swimming during earthquake.. - Duration: 10:40.


👑👑 [Afro-House] - Vany-Fox Beat'z - Kikuxi - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 👑👑 [Afro-House] - Vany-Fox Beat'z - Kikuxi - Duration: 3:16.


Brooks & GRX - Boomerang - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Brooks & GRX - Boomerang - Duration: 3:16.


Este Remédio é um Assassino de PULGAS e CARRAPATOS, Você Não Vai se Arrepender de Usá-lo! - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Este Remédio é um Assassino de PULGAS e CARRAPATOS, Você Não Vai se Arrepender de Usá-lo! - Duration: 2:54.



For more infomation >> YOU WILL MAKE THOUSANDS OF FIFA 18 COINS BY DOING THIS TODAY... 🔥 - Duration: 14:09.


What I Didn't Realize About The Switch - Duration: 12:26.

[Hellsing Abridged clip]


Fine, so in the past year or so since it's announcement, I admit, I've been a bit of

a... "negative nancy" let's say when it comes to the Switch.

But despite that, over the past few months, my desire to own one has been skyrocketing,

so obviously it's doing something right, right?

So with this video, I wanna look at all the reasons I was initially hesitant, and see

if they've improved any.

My main concern was that I was worried the Switch would just be another Wii U.

Now when I say that I mean several things, because the Wii U failed in a lot of ways.

The Wii U was a console without an identity or purpose, and all it's gimmicks only made

things worse.

Back when it was released, it was just about equivalent in power to the PS3 and Xbox 360,

both of which were less than a year away from being superseded by their successors, so AAA

devs soon found the system to be too lacking in power to port anything to.

If you wanted to make anything releasing around that time like Tomb Raider, GTA 5 or Advanced

Warfare run on the Wii U, it would've required massive visual downgrades, and not only does

that make buying the game on that console less appealing, but making those lower res

textures and figuring out that specific systems optimization takes time that most devs didn't

want to spend.

And so, the system got next to no AAA games.

As for indies, I can't speak for why the Wii U didn't get many of those, but the

potential reasons are as numerous as they are varied, from Nintendo's past issues

working with 3rd party companies, to the system never getting a big enough install base to

make porting their games worth it, to it just being difficult to get their games running

on the Wii U's hardware for whatever reasons.

I don't know, not a game dev, but suffice it to say, whatever its specific failings,

the system barely got any indie games, which left only the Nintendo developed first party

titles as the system sellers.

And we got a few of those.

Bayonetta 2, Splatoon... uh... that's literally it.

The only two other things I can think of are Smash which also came out on 3DS, and Breath

of the WIld which also came out on Switch.

Which uh... wow, that's actually kinda sad.'

The Wii U also had marketability problems.

It's infamously awful name is partly to blame, with a lot of people thinking it was

just an attachment for their long forgotten Wii, and those issues were only confounded

by the inclusion of the tablet controller which was inventing solutions for problems

that didn't exist.

But beyond the marketing, it's biggest issue was its image.

What was the benefit of buying a Wii U over a PS4 or XBOX One?

Aside from specific first party IP, there was nothing that it allow you to do that you

couldn't get elsewhere and probably better.

So Nintendo's inability to woo 3rd party developers with their underpowered console

resulted in precious few games, and that combined with basically no exclusives worth spending

the $300 for and a lack of clear focus, the console was dead in the water the second it

hit store shelves.

Which brings me to the Switch.

Now as I said, when it was announced I was worried it was falling into a lot of the same


The complete portability aspect was interesting, but brought with it a whole minefield of issues.

Now you had concerns about battery life, weight, and whether anyone even wanted to play a longform

game on the go?

Also, because it was portable console, it was by necessity even less powerful than the

already underpowered Wii U.

To me this was a clear indication that no AAA games of note would ever be released on

it, an impression not helped by the fact that all the had to boast about in that regard

for the longest time was Skyrim, a 5 year old game.

Now, I do still think I'm right about that.

Granted we have gotten port announcements of DOOM 2016 and more notably the currently

unreleased Wolfenstein The New Colossus, but outside of whatever backroom deal Nintendo

and Bethesda have going on, I don't think we should expect to see that trend continue.

I very much doubt that the Switch will be the console of the choice for the next Call

of Duty game, for example.

It's still underpowered which means porting the hottest newest shiniest things to it is

still a massive pain in the ass.

But recently I've had a revelation that's massively changed my outlook on the Switch:

Nintendo is no longer interested in competing in the console wars.

I don't think Nintendo gives a shit that the next Call of Duty game won't be on the

Switch, because they've turned their attention in a different direction.

You see, I think Nintendo realized that while they were messing about with the Wii, Sony

and Microsoft were busy stealing the hardcore audience out from under them.

The Wii U then was their attempt to reclaim that lost audience, and as we saw it failed


My problem was that I was looking at the Switch as another attempt to recapture that audience,

and in that light it fails miserably.

But in reality I think that the Switch is actually Nintendo throwing up their hands

in defeat.

Rather than weakly attempting to compete with Sony and Microsoft anymore, I think Nintendo

is redoubling their efforts to focus on what they've always been the best at: handheld

gaming, with a system that technically counts as a home console but is really just a fancy

portable system.

They're now positioning the Switch as a companion device to the PS4, XBOX One, and

PC, rather than as a competitor to them.

To me, that completely recontextualizes how I view the Switch.

Suddenly, not having big AAA's doesn't matter anymore, and any one's that you do

get are just icing on the cake.

What really matters for a mobile gaming device, is having games that you would want to play

in short bursts while on a bus or in a car, and that brings us to the best thing about

the Switch currently, the indie games.

Over the past few months, we've been drowned in an ongoing tidal wave of indy port announcements,

and that doesn't show any sign of slowing down.

From Stardew Valley, Enter The Gungeon, Hollow Knight, Rocket League, Shovel Knight, and

many more.

And this is just the beginning.

I honestly think the Switch is gonna become a haven for indie games in the coming years,

partially because I've been told it's generally easier to port games to the Switch,

but mostly because of the portability aspect.

If you think about it, the portability factor alone is a huge selling point, and indie games

are both generally shorter and snappier than AAA games, and aren't prone to pushing the

boundaries of graphics hardware in the same ways.

To indie devs, releasing your game for the Switch means that a lot of your customers

have a reason to buy your game twice.

The console is also a natural fit for local multiplayer games because of the portability,

and the two controllers you're guaranteed to have with you at all times, which means

that great couch-co-op games like Lovers in A Dangerous Spacetime or Overcooked which

did terribly on PC, finally have a chance to shine!

And along with the indie stuff, you also have Nintendo's usual main series games, and

practically all of their big franchises are already confirmed to have new games coming

to it.

All of that combined means that recently, my interest in owning a Switch has skyrocketed

Of course I still have my reservations.

At the moment it seems pretty lacking on the software side of things.

I can't believe a console in #CurrentYear launched without YouTube or Netflix built


Think about that.

There are refrigerators and blenders that are more ahead of the curve than Nintendo

right now.

And on that topic, Splatoon 2 resorting to using a phone app for voice chat might be

the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.

I admit, I don't particularly care about voice chat myself because if I wanted to hear

nonstop racial slurs mixed in with video game sounds I would just go watch PewDiePie, but

the fact that they had to resort to this to do something that consoles had mastered back

in the days of the Dreamcast, shows' just how behind the times Nintendo as a company

really are.

There's also general concerns about battery life.

Yeah it seems like what it's got is perfectly fine for general use, but for long car rides,

flying, or if you're like me and just routinely forget to plug your shit in, you run the risk

of it dying pretty fast.

Now I can understand them wanting to stick with the bare necessities to keep the cost

low, but if that was the case, I would have expected them to let you switch the battery

out for a better one if you so chose, but you can't actually do that.

It angers me enough that my phone that lasts for 2 days without charging doesn't have

a hot swappable battery, let alone something that can die after 2 hours.

And also as I've brought up before, I would still like to see Nintendo slowly phase out

the DS's and just merge their usual two consoles into the one.

That means twice as many games, not having to lug around two devices, and also means

that you'd only have to spend $300 to play Nintendo games as opposed to $500.

Obviously we'll still be getting 3DS games for a few more years yet, but I really do

hope that this current iteration of the 3DS is the last one before we permanently hop

aboard the Switch train.

But all that's pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, and if they can

get it ironed out, I think Nintendo will have finally carved themselves a comfy little niche

in mainstream gaming for the first time since the Nintendo 64.

Not as a direct competitor to the current triforce of PC, PS4, and XBOX, but as a companion

device that capitalizes on offering an experience none of the others can.

So congratulations must be given to Nintendo for having successfully Switched things up....

Ahhhh, I'm so clever.

Ayyyy, recomendations time!

So if you want to see why I'm so excited to reply indie games on this thing, go check

out some of my videos on them, like "The Most Interesting Thing About Enter The Gungeon",

or "How Hollow Knight Captured The Magic Of Dark Souls".

Alternatively, I made a video speculating about what that new Switch Pokemon game might

be like, and what we can expect from it - all linked below.

Finally, I wanna give a special thanks to my wonderful Patreon patrons...

For more infomation >> What I Didn't Realize About The Switch - Duration: 12:26.


Katalonien: „Nicht nur eine Seite der Medaille" („451 Grad"-Sendung) | 15.10.2017 | - Duration: 18:12.

For more infomation >> Katalonien: „Nicht nur eine Seite der Medaille" („451 Grad"-Sendung) | 15.10.2017 | - Duration: 18:12.


How to Overcome Obstacles (In life, fitness and business) With Lucas Rubix - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> How to Overcome Obstacles (In life, fitness and business) With Lucas Rubix - Duration: 3:00.


Jacque Fresco - Se Vivermos Para Nós Próprios Morreremos Por Nós Próprios - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Jacque Fresco - Se Vivermos Para Nós Próprios Morreremos Por Nós Próprios - Duration: 5:28.


How to Cook Green Bananas - Recipe of Green Banana - Duration: 1:30.

How to cook green bananas Ingredients 8-12 immature green bananas Water 2 tablespoons of salt to boil, 1 teaspoon of sauce 2 cloves garlic 3 small sweet peppers 2 grains of peppercorns or 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons lime juice 2 tablespoons vinegar Toothbrush Steps 1. Cut the ends of the bananas. 2. Make two cuts along the length of the banana, on opposite sides. 3. Place the bananas in boiling water and cover for 15 minutes. 4. Drain the water and peel the bananas. 5. In the same pot, put 8 cups water and 2 tablespoons salt and bring to a boil. 6. Place the bananas in the boiling water and cover them. 7. Boil gently for 10 minutes. 8. Add 1 cup of cold water and boil another 5 minutes. 9. Drain and allow the bananas to cool. 10. Cut into 1-inch slices and place in a glass or porcelain container. 11. Place the garlic, sweet peppers and peppercorns in a mortar and mash with a mallet. 12. Add the olive oil, lemon juice, vinegar and 1 teaspoon salt. Mix well. 13. Add the sauce to the green bananas and mix well. 14. Serve on time with cocktail sticks.

For more infomation >> How to Cook Green Bananas - Recipe of Green Banana - Duration: 1:30.


Katalonien: Wie das Völkerrecht instrumentalisiert ... | 15.10.2017 | - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Katalonien: Wie das Völkerrecht instrumentalisiert ... | 15.10.2017 | - Duration: 7:21.


Putin Warns of Cryptocurrencies - Duration: 3:04.

Good afternoon, colleagues,

Today, I propose addressing a topic that is relevant not only for our country, not only for Russia, but is probably becoming relevant also for the rest of the world.

I am referring to introducing digital technology in the financial, banking sphere, and using innovative financial instruments.

Modern technology in the banking sphere certainly

opens up new opportunities for organisations and

citizens, making business activity

and everyday life more convenient.

As is known, virtual currencies, also known as cryptocurrencies,

are becoming or have already become very popular;

in certain countries, they are becoming or have already

become legal tender,

as well as an investment asset.

That said, the use of cryptocurrencies also carries serious risks

I know the Central Bank's position;

I have discussed this topic with the Governor on several occassions.

This is an opportunity for laundering illegal gains,

tax evasion and even financing of terrorism,

not to mention the proliferation scams to which

ordinary people can fall victim.

Cryptocurrencies are issued by an unrestricted circle of anonymous entities.

Therefore, buyers of cryptocurrencies may be involved in illegal activity.

In addition, there is no security for cryptocurrencies.

If the system breaks down or,

as it is trendy to say today, if there is a bubble,

there will be no entity legally responsible for that.

This is a serious matter that we should bear in mind when discussing this topic.

As is known, many countries are looking for ways of regulating

of cryptocurrencies and are beginning to create the necessary legislative framework,

a legislative regulatory system.

We need - based on international experience -

to build a regulatory environment that

will make it possible to codify relations in this sphere,

reliably protect the interests of citizens,

businesses and the state and provide legal guarantees

for using innovative financial instruments.

I would like once again to draw your attention

to the need to use the advantages

that are offered by new technological solutions in the banking sphere.

At the same time it is important not to create unnecessary barriers,

of course, but rather to provide essential conditions

for advancing and upgrading the national financial system.

Bearing all these various aspects of the problem

bear in mind, let us discuss this topic today.

For more infomation >> Putin Warns of Cryptocurrencies - Duration: 3:04.


Ellen Hutson Guest Designer - Easy Shading with Prismacolor Pencils! - Duration: 11:48.

hi it's Therese from Lostinpaper and today I'm in the classroom at Ellen

Hutson and I'm playing with some of the new

release stamps and these are so much fun I've got not just one but two cards for

you today and I just wanted to show you a fun technique or a really easy

technique and it's shading with your prismacolor pencils so these stamps are

perfect for this technique they are a solid stamp so, people can look at

them and kind of think that they're a little bit limiting but it actually

opens up a lot of other horizons as well so what what I'm doing today is creating

two very clean and simple cards and I'm starting by stamping out the background

directly onto my card front this is a top fold card using some Altenew inks

and the classroom will have all of the products that I've used today listed

there and the link will be in the YouTube description below now I thought

it would be easy just to do all my stamping first so what I've done is

chosen colors that I think would work really well with these images this set

is called snailed it it's hilarious and has some really fun funky kind of

designs that just make me smile alright so to add the shading on the

background I am just gonna do it very lightly I'll just I didn't want the

background to kind of be the focus so I have chosen some prismacolor pencils

that are very similar colors to the actual stamp colors or the ink colors

that I've used and just basically working where I think the shadows are so

this toadstool obviously it's got to be a little bit rounded so I'm working sort

of more on each side of the actual image and then sort of drawing the color in

and I'm doing with the beneath a toadstool I've just used a kind of a

grey a warm grey and adding some really light shading

along beneath it and along the stem as well so the the snail itself is kind of

the focal point of the card and like I said very clean and simple cards today

and I did stamp it in a fairly dark color because I do want it to stand off you

know off the design and you want to be able to see the image so I really just

added some darker brown on the edges of that just to make it look a little bit

rounded and for the snail itself I just came in with the warm grays again I'm

not using any gamsol or anything I'm just actually using the pencils to blend

with themselves and using a light hand because I can always come back and add

more color it is harder to take away although you can use an eraser it's just

easier to add less colour and just keep building up on them I've got the

matching dies here and I'm going to cut my images out with the both at the same

time I made sure that I spaced them far enough apart on the piece of card stock

that I could cut them out at the same time and then I'm simply just going to

pop this up on the front of my card that's as difficult as this card got

it's very simple but a real fun design

and I've just got a couple of photos close-up photos showing you some of

the actual shading there

so for my second card I decided to actually add a little bit more detail

using the pencils just showing you how versatile they can be they are such an

easy medium to use the stamp set I'm using here is called thistle and that's

another solid image stamp set so it's not like a line art one so there's these

solid images are perfect for this technique I'm stamping out I had to do

it in purple I was thinking about doing it another color but thistles are purple

I just couldn't not do it in purple I love to sort of change up colors of

flowers but this time I just couldn't bring myself to do it anyway I'm

stamping it out and a couple of different types of purple and then using

the green ink for the leaves and the stems and I'm not too worried about the

stems of the flowers because I can actually draw those in later and thats

one of the great things about these pencils is you can actually use them to

add these details without getting too sort of wound up in the stamp set

themselves so this is a panel of cardstock it's cut to the same size as

my card from I've die-cut an oval shape out of some stamp masking paper and it

adhered it over the top of the whole panel I left it in place while I did my coloring

just in case I did sort of accidentally get any marks or anything on the

cardstock you don't need to do that. the leaves I'm doing very

similar to the first card all I'm doing is actually some simple shading and

using very similar colors to the actual ink itself just a slightly darker I'm

not blending out with any gamsol I'm not doing anything fancy here I'm adding the

darker color and then sort of almost pulling it out with the lighter colour and

I'm not pressing very hard on my pencils because I can always come back in and

add more and it does add so much depth to these, like these leaves are such a

beautiful shape and it just brings them to life. so something

else you could try is actually adding a different color over top of the green

with the prismacolor pencils and that would just make it add such a wonderful

variance to the image so a nice golden leaf or even the red tones you could

really make this your own along the stem I used the darker pencil to add some

sort of little you know almost thistles a little kind of dots of

green and that just those little extra bits of detail that you can add with a

pencil which is really easy to do and

can really take your card image up a notch it's hard to see in the video here

but you will be able to see it in the picture at the end with these the flower

portion of these images I've I didn't show you the dark one it was too hard to

see but on this I'm going to show you this the paler flower here I've chosen I

think it's a total of three different colors of purple so this is my medium

color I'm just slowly working up from where I think the shadows are going to

be and adding little flicks of pencil on the way I'm not just doing it in the

same spot each time I am kind of varying it up because you know that flowers

aren't perfectly even at all then I'm coming in with the lighter color which

is almost the same color as the ink itself and adding some more flicking

motions and just slowly working my way all over this flower it doesn't look

much yet but it does actually change the whole look of the flower in the end bear

with me

I have or sitting here thinking now do I want the darker color or not or is that

going to be just a bit too much but honestly this flower really didn't come

to life until I added the darkest color which is actually the darkest color I

used on the other flower itself and you'll see that here and I haven't added

much at all but I did do it from a couple of the middle spots of the flower

as well as the base now for this technique you do not have to use

prismacolor pencils you can use any pencils that you might have in your

collection it's just that I love them and they are so easy to use and I find

the softness of the actual lead in the pencil because they're wax based, is really

easy to work with and now for the big reveal

I'll remove my mask I made sure to stamp a couple of the leaves over the edge of

the mask and that just gives that oval finish I'm going to pop the die this is

actually MFT wonky oval die and that's what I originally did the die cut with

through the mask paper I'm just popping that in place on the front panel because

I want to do an impression or emboss with the die and to do that I'm using my

Big Shot. whatever you would normally use on your machine for an embossing folder

so this one's tab one and then I've got a base plate I like a shim in there then

I've got my cardstock with the die facing upwards and my rubber mat and a

another plate on top and then just roll that through it actually doesn't put a

lot of pressure on so if you're having trouble getting it through your machine

don't force it because you don't want to damage your machine you might have your

sandwich wrong so just recheck your sandwich and there

you have it an embossed wonky oval die now it's time to work on my sentiment

I'm using a powder tool to destatic my black card stock before I stamp out my

sentiment with some Versamark ink so this sentiment is from the snailed it

set and it says hope thistle cheer you up

just love it it cracks me up I've used some white embossing powder I'm just

going to hit that with my heat tool and to get rid of the residual powder all

that I do is wait for it to cool down and then just wipe it away with the dry

cloth I'm just going to assemble my card now using my ATG and add some adhesive

to the back of the panel and pop it up on the front of my top fold card and

then I'll just add some foam squares to pop up my sentiment thanks so much

Ellen Hutson for having me at your classroom today I have had an absolute

blast playing with your new release products in the Essentials by Ellen

line I'll have all the links in the description below so please head on over

there and check out the classroom there's always heaps to see and do until

next time happy papercrafting bye

For more infomation >> Ellen Hutson Guest Designer - Easy Shading with Prismacolor Pencils! - Duration: 11:48.


What is a Multi-Family office? | Family Matters by Tony Layton - Duration: 5:18.

A family's financial affairs can get pretty complicated.

Your family has many needs across multiple generations.

These include investment management, tax and estate planning, charitable giving and much,

much more.

As your family becomes wealthier, you probably won't have the time, expertise or desire

to manage it all yourself.

That's why many families choose to have a dedicated team of professionals to manage their

wealth in an integrated way.

The richest families set up an office whose sole focus is managing its affairs.

But running a single-family office is very costly and that puts it out of the reach of

all but the super-rich.

However, there is an alternative known as a multi-family office.

How does it work?

Let's look at it.

I'm Tony Layton and in this episode of Family Matters, I answer the question:

What is a multi-family office?

The Rockefellers were the first to set up a family office to handle their family's affairs

way back in the 1800s.

In recent years, more and more wealthy families have set up offices.

But again, single family offices are very expensive to operate, and that's why multi-family

offices have become increasingly popular.

What is a multi-family office?

Well, it's a team of professionals that looks after the affairs of numerous families.

This allows the families to share the costs of running the office.

And that makes a big difference in how much they have to pay for the services they receive.

Multi-family offices come in many shapes and sizes.

But they all should offer complete confidentiality and highly personalized service.

They should also provide you with integrated wealth management.

That means the team takes a holistic approach to your family's affairs.

From financial planning to investment management to tax optimization, estate planning, insurance

needs and coordination of charitable giving – each part is aligned with the others.

Your team should also coordinate the work of specialized experts such as accountants

and lawyers.

It should make sure all the administration is taken care of and you're kept fully informed

and consulted as your family's situation evolves.

This kind of an integrated approach offers many benefits.

They include: the convenience of having a one-stop shop where all of your financial

affairs are managed under one roof, personalized service based on a deep knowledge

of your family, access to a network of expert advisors, and

reduced costs thanks to resource sharing and economies of scale

If you think a multi-family office might be right for your family, there are a few things

you should watch out for as you search for a firm.

First and foremost is fees.

You want to make sure you're paying a reasonable amount of money for the services you receive.

One thing to be careful about is the investment products you are being sold.

Funds and insurance products can have sales commissions and management fees imbedded in


And there can be other kinds of fees, such as those charged for so-called wrap accounts.

Often, these various fees will be in addition to an overall charge

for managing your family's affairs.

It can add up to a heck of a lot of money and eat away at your investment returns.

So buyer beware.

You will also want to make sure the firms you are considering have the experience, resources

and expertise to provide the kind of fully integrated wealth management that I talked


Finally, your family will play a critical role in making your family office a success.

You should communicate constantly amongst yourselves to avoid conflicts and ensure a

common vision.

Then, you can work closely with your team to find an approach that's right for your


The result will be financial security and peace of mind for many years to come.

I bring out a new video every two weeks to help you manage your family's wealth.

Subscribe and

Hit the bell to be notified when a new one is available.

I'm Tony Layton and this is Family Matters.

For more infomation >> What is a Multi-Family office? | Family Matters by Tony Layton - Duration: 5:18.


Gerald's Game (Netflix) Movie Review - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Gerald's Game (Netflix) Movie Review - Duration: 3:09.


Planer för kanalen - Oktober 2017 - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Planer för kanalen - Oktober 2017 - Duration: 3:24.


Vlog# Upgrading - Training 4 (French language - EN.Sub) - Duration: 7:13.

Hello everyone !

Welcome to my 4th training session

Today is a special day Because

I am alone.

My buddies aren't here

Marie is ill and The others can't be free

So I will be alone

to record and to jump.


So, I have to admit that today

I didn't plan any specific stuff

So I will come back on what I did last week

Especially on the jumps

with some jump combinations again

Some Double Axel

Next, I will be back on the spins

Because I really need to

Improve my spins

Especially the rotation speed

To make them more impressive on shows

And because I don't have cap anymore

I will be able to try some difficult positions I tried last week

and the cap went away

But, as you see I just cut my hair

So I don't need any cap to hold my hair anymore.

Right. I will stop on the jump combinations session

I did Salchow, Toeloop and Loop

With a Loop after as a combination

This is the essential. So I will go back on

Flip and Lutz without combination and after, Double Axel

As usual

This one was really better !

Yep They become more and more great

I don't know what you think about


I think I don't need any motivation anymore

So, right now, I spent 30 minutes talking So I am a bit frigid

So I will stop the jump session

And start the spin session

As I said I really need it so

I must do spins every weeks

And in one month They will be awesome

Exceptional They will turn very fast and will have great variations of position

and my bosses will be happy

Right, The training session is about to end

I was a bit hard to record

and to do stuffs alone. Seriously

I have to admit I had to be careful of

the point of views, people skating

Me jumping Plus, the Ice rink was full

That's my feeling today So I didn't find it easy


It's better when someone follow us to record

Anyway. The session wasn't bad

A bit stange

alone because We're not in a very competitive

ambiance, Like I like to say

When there's someone You always want to impress him/her

Doing stuffs And yeah, it wasn't the case

today but

I was a good session comparing to

the first week

The double rotation jumps were rather good

I was able to do combination jumps with Salchow, Toeloop and Loop

Essential Because, they are the triple rotation jumps

I will work on

Flip was good Lutz, a bit less

because, Like I said during the 2nd session which I invite you to


If one is good, the other isn't

and vice-versa

The Double Axel was great at the beginning

I was almost 100% success

but, when I wanted to change the course

which I didn't record

It was awful and I had to spend

1 hour to do Simple Axel to

Find a good jump again.

For the spins,

It was fine

Yeah... It was fine more or less

I start to go on some small

variations of position

I will do some more the next weeks

I ask to everyone who know how to skate

who are good to skate

to find ideas

for sequences before jumps or spins

To spice up the next sessions

Like I did on the last session

That's it

I am generally empty of ideas when I have to do stuffs

by feel. So Help me on it.

Anyway. I still invite you to look at

the Patin'air Facebook page

and their Website

Soon, We normally should receive The tour dates

for this winter

I will place the links in the description.

You can follow me on Youtube by clicking on

the little banner (I hope I am on the right side, this time)

And you can follow me on Instagram

Same, by clicking on the link in the description.

I put everything on the description

By the way, i say to you "See you next week"

with whom ? I don't know but I hope there will be someone

Marie, I hope You won't be ill anymore

That's all Kisses to you !

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