Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

hi guys! I'm DiVàl

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See you on the next one!

Bye Bye! ;)

For more infomation >> Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes | DiVàl Cover - Duration: 2:41.


Girls - Duration: 2:23.

Who liked ur picture on Instagram ?

(If he moves his nostrils, it's because he's lying. I read it on Doctissimo)

So ?

That was my mum...

When she just watched 50 Shade of Grey

What You Think

What actually going on

When she's lying


You don't find that I seem to have taken some muscle

I knew it

Easy !

When you are watching TV

So, what are we going to watch today

If he doesn't put Grey's Anatomy, we won't have sex for a month ! He already know that's my fa-vo-rite show

Look ! There is Grey's Anatomy !

Can't understand there is always dumb people to watch it!

When she meet another girl

Luce, she's a friend : Elsa

Nice to meet you ! I love your hair !


When she doesn't know

What do you want to eat tonight ?

mmh i don't know ...


What movie do you want to watch then?

mmh i don't know

When she's doing her make up

15 mn after

15 Hrs after

when she asks for your opinion

Oh, it's cute, don't you think it would be fine in the living room?

Not really...

I don't care i got ur bank card

when you are doing sex

In your mind

Holy sh*t i did great here, she will remember it for long

In her mind

Damn that was better with his brother

I'm sure she will text her friends to say them i'm one of the best hit of her life

remark, it was also better with his father

Look ! You aren't too small !

click on the middle button / Suscribe

For more infomation >> Girls - Duration: 2:23.



For more infomation >> YOUTUBERLARIN GERÇEK YÜZÜ - DİSS TO YOUTUBERLAR - Duration: 1:51.


3 TÉCNICAS para Separar a Tu PERRO si se PELÉA (Incluido RAZAS de PRESA) - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 3 TÉCNICAS para Separar a Tu PERRO si se PELÉA (Incluido RAZAS de PRESA) - Duration: 6:35.


KOREA'S VLOG EP.3 - Stracciatella Shoes and concert - Duration: 2:02.

- Axel, do you have a fashion advice for people who wanna buy shoes ?

- White shoes.

White shoes or white shoes with a bit of black, kinda like "Stracciatella"

- Stracciatella shoes...

For more infomation >> KOREA'S VLOG EP.3 - Stracciatella Shoes and concert - Duration: 2:02.


ZULA'DA NASIL PRO OLUNUR ??? - Duration: 12:17.

For more infomation >> ZULA'DA NASIL PRO OLUNUR ??? - Duration: 12:17.


Types of Christians that Non-Christians Hate Part 2 - Duration: 4:30.

Huh? You want some more ah?

Sure! I have some more!

The next type of Christian hor, very strange one leh.

They like on drugs like that.

Always so high!

And then, every time I see them, they are always very happy,very friendly.

Arghh!! So ANNOYING!!


Are you ok? You are not feeling well?

Can I pray for you?

I am just tired, that's all.





I think hor you need to eat so that you can have energy, energy, ENERGY!

Nah, I bring for you this one. Wet wipes.

Weather very hot these days ah, wipe your sweat. Ah....

also Bao, ah come, open your mouth, EAT!

also have energy drink!

More energy drink!

Also, you always say you are very stupid right?Chicken essence!

Also, more bread!

Energy bar!

Errr.. also..ah! Aunty, Aunty! Can come in liao!

Ah! Coming! Boy ah Boy. eat , eat Char Kway Teow!

Eat! EAT!

I think hor I need to bring you to church, this Sunday!

Very annoying right then they always overreact like some drama queen

Then there are some who are very persistent. They are everywhere, like housefly like that.

No need to sleep ,very scary leh!



Chee Meng har?


Where are you going?

My School.

Good! My School. I know.

Chee Meng! I bring you go eat dessert after church!

They are everywhere!

For more infomation >> Types of Christians that Non-Christians Hate Part 2 - Duration: 4:30.


Carrioner ogląda: BOXDEL 👊 "POJEDYNEK w MMA... GUZIK" - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Carrioner ogląda: BOXDEL 👊 "POJEDYNEK w MMA... GUZIK" - Duration: 2:50.


Things I've Been Sent #3 | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 10:12.

It's October! and time for another selection of wondrous items I've received through the


So let's dive in, first up a little package containing a Lemmings: The Tribes CD by SFX.


This CD has the 7" Lemmings mix, Bebop extended, Hamster Jam and I Think You'd Better Do What

He Says tracks.

Let's pop it on.

Less well known than the Super Mario Land and Tetris releases, these tracks are by the

guys who worked with KLF and although released in 1993 to promote Lemmings: The Tribes, it

pretty much went by un-noticed.


Thank you to David Blackman for sending that in.

Alright, next a package direct from Amazon, and a note from Joseph.

"I couldn't resist having maple syrup we discussed on discord mailed out to you.

By the time you get this a copy of IBM DOS should be on it's way hopefully.

From Joe / Garoninja".

Heh, this is from a chat we had in my Patreon discord room.

So inside we find out that although many wouldn't, Buck certainly Would.

Awesome stuff, thanks Joe, I shall enjoy slopping this over every dish I have for the next week

or so.

Nice bottle as well, better than the cheap stuff I usually buy.

Another small bubble wrap envelope.

This time containing two little floppy disk cases, which I completely and utterly remember

having myself.

These are from a PD distributor I used back in the day, and you had these little individual

cases with different artwork depending on the category.

These disks both contain WAV files, so they have the Music label.

Yup there we go, Public Domain Nationwide.

So much nostalgia in these disks.

These were from Edward Hale I believe, so thanks very much!

Next up is an incredibly light box, sent over by air-mail.

I'd considered it was just an empty box, but no, this is actually a DreamBlaster S2, sent

by Serge Defever (apologies if I don't pronounce your name correctly there).

This little beauty can connect to an FM Synthesis soundcard and essentially convert it to some

high class wavetable sound.

I'll definitely be doing a proper video about this in the near future.

Thanks Serge.

So, another small box, and immediately I know what this is.


It's a tiny Starfox 2 for the Super Nintendo Classic Mini, in it's own box and everything,

it's even got an inner sleeve.

This was sent to me by twitter user @Make_Me_A, and of course it's not a real cartridge.

It's actually a 3D printed fake cartridge that you can pull apart and plonk on top of

your SNES Classic.

Look at it!

It's so cute.

There's no real point to it other than the aesthetic, but I find it highly pleasing.

It's actually a lot more solid than I'd imagined as-well for a 3D printed item, wasn't expecting


Be sure to follow this outstanding fellow on Twitter for future 3D printed wonders.

Now we move onto the slightly larger boxes, and my oh my, this looks filled with wonder.

Not only if there a freakin' Sinclair Flat Screen Pocket TV which is making me moister

than the Titanic, but there's one of the 1980s Polaroid cameras.

Let's have a look at the TV first.

I've never seen one of these boxed, especially in this condition.


Inside we've got a manual giving us some essential operating guidelines, and the original sales


Arena Electronics, sold on the 6th April 1985 at a cost of £104.95.

Roughly £300 in today's money.

The TV itself is stowed in this felt bag, and oh yes, look at this wondrous piece of

Sinclair innovation.

On the back is the battery compartment, it's actually a flat lithium 6V Power Pack.

You don't often see these nowdays, it just slots in there and probably gave minutes of

power back when it was new.

Of course, at the moment there is no charge, and there probably never will be.

But you can power it from the mains, so stay tuned and we'll take a closer look at this

in the near future.

The Polaroid camera is almost identical to a model my cousin had in the 80s, and it's

even got some power, although it'll need some new Polaroid photo paper to print on.

I'd forgotten how bulky these things were, but again, this is worthy of it's own video

at the very least.

Thank you very much to Peter Barker for those items, they're very much appreciated.

So last, but by no means least, is this mammoth sized both, and if I can get it open, you

can see it contains wonder upon wonder of nostalgic excitement.

There's really no other way to approach this than by running through each item, most of

which are Amiga games, but there's some PC titles in here as well.

First Caesar Deluxe, with it's deluxe manual and double density disk.

It still staggers me that most games fitted in 880KB, in the Amiga's case at least.

Pinball Fantasies for the A1200 next, followed by, Civilization, King's Quest I (Quest for

the Crown), Wonderland with its sublime box art, The Destiny Knight Clue Book for the

Bard's Tale II, which is really everything I want from a book.

Quartz and Mega Traveller 1, International Championship Athletics, Cadaver (a brilliant

isometric Bitmap Brothers title), F-16 Combat Pilot, The classic that is Speedball...

What's this?


What a beauty.

I've been meaning to play this for a while now.

The Monsters, PowerMonger by the favourable Bullfrog Productions, Archipelagos, The Wheels

of Fire compilation containing some of my favourite driving games, Star Trek 2th Anniversary

(which I'll definitely be playing), A somewhat flattened Gold of the Realm, One of my favourite

games of all time; Railroad Tycoon (the disks and manual are here aswell), International

Karate+, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Fusion, The Bards Tale II (to go with the clue book).

Turbo Cad for Windows.

9 times out of 10, I often get more excited about applications like this than actual games.

It just feels so damn productive and creative.

Then we have Pagan Ultima 8, which is actually for PC.

Check out those specifications.

Fields of Glory, again for PC.

Then this, the Complete Universal Military Simulator.

This looks like it could take a lifetime to learn alone.

Which is great.

You can't beat deep software like this.

I mean, check out the box.

Pinball Dreams, Conflicts in Civilization for Civ 2, a Sound Blaster 32 manual which

is essentially night time reading for me, along with some other CDs.

Then there's this sealed copy of the Bitmap Brothers Compilation for PC, which is amazing,

but leaves me tormented as to break the seal or not!

Prince of Persia 3D with a 3DFX sticker on the box for added elation..

"It's good to be the Prince".

Civ, Call to Power.

Colonization, again for the PC, before we're thrown back to the Amiga classic, Loom, which

is terribly exciting.

Then we have various other CDs, manuals, things.

A Matrox Mystique manual which intensifies my excitement further.

A 586 motherboard manual.

I mean, this is all stuff directly from the era of PC gaming I love the most.

Any of this could have been mine back in the 90s, even this Know How CD-ROM, which I definitely

had at one point.

I can feel the nostalgia just looking at it.

More disks, some loose, some boxed, all amazing.

Followed by Evolution from the Discovery Channel.

The COSMI Forms Maker & Filler which looks compelling - to my eye at least, and then

another box of CDs, including this Special Edition 4 Pack of Gremlin games which I owned


I think I picked it up for a tenner at Woolworths, and I played all these games to death.

There's also some sealed Microsoft titles, such as Microsoft Golf, and jut to confirm

this is my era, a copy of Star Trek TNG, A Final Unity.

I really need to get back to completing that.

I could go through all these other items individually, but we'll be here all night, so I'll just

stack them up here and say a massive thank you to Colin Smith for sending it to me, I

am blown away by your generosity.

In fact, I'm blown away by the generosity of everyone who has sent things in this month,

and you can be sure that there will be many videos made from your wares.

That's all for this month's collection, so hopefully we can do this again in November.

Until next time, thanks for watching, and have a great evening!

For more infomation >> Things I've Been Sent #3 | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 10:12.



For more infomation >> TÜY - YOUTUBER DİSS - TEPKİ&BURAK - Duration: 3:47.


CADEIRA DE MASSAGEM DO JAPÃO マッサージチェアに挑戦する外国人【日本語字幕】 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> CADEIRA DE MASSAGEM DO JAPÃO マッサージチェアに挑戦する外国人【日本語字幕】 - Duration: 5:14.


KXF tshaj sawm qhuab qhia rooj txhawb siab 10 / 2018 - Duration: 1:01:43.

For more infomation >> KXF tshaj sawm qhuab qhia rooj txhawb siab 10 / 2018 - Duration: 1:01:43.


Australia will 'not be cowed' by North Korea threats, minister says - Duration: 3:06.

North Korea has issued its latest threat against Australia for its relationship with the US

and South Korea, but a Turnbull government minister said the nation would "not be cowed"

by the rogue state.

North Korean state media reported Australia was "showing dangerous moves of zealously

joining the frenzied political and military provocations of the US against DPRK", warning

against it.

Clinton: Trump will provoke 'nuclear arms race' over North Korea

Read more "Should Australia continue to follow the

US in imposing military, economic and diplomatic pressure upon the DPRK despite our repeated

warnings, they will not be able to avoid a disaster," the state-run news agency KCNA

said in a statement on Saturday.

North Korea's latest round of warnings against Australia came in the wake of foreign affairs

minister Julie Bishop and defence minister Marise Payne's visit last week to the demilitarized

zone which sits between South and North Korea.

Bishop and Payne attended meetings in the truce village of Panmunjom with their South

Korean counterparts, reinforcing Australia's support for its historical ally.

Speaking in Sydney on Sunday, Bishop brushed off North Korea's latest statement on Australia.

"North Korea's threats only strengthen our resolve to find a peaceful solution to

the rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula caused entirely by North Korea's illegal,

threatening and provocative behaviour," she said.

The minister for defence personnel, Dan Tehan, said Australia would not be bullied by North


"We will not be cowed by the North Koreans, we will continue to do all we can to protect

and help and support our allies," he told Sky News on Sunday.

"The North Koreans should do what the international community have asked them to do – obey all

the security council resolutions which have been passed, condemning their missile activity,

condemning their attempts to build nuclear weapons.

"If they did that, the international community would look to work with them.

Australians fear North Korea standoff will lead to war – Guardian Essential poll

Read more "If they don't, then we will continue

to support our allies, the South Koreans, the Japanese and everyone else who is threatened

by this unpalatable behaviour by the North Koreans."

Labor foreign affairs spokesperson, Penny Wong, who made a recent visit to the region

with Bill Shorten to reassure South Korea of Australia's bipartisan position on the

issue, reiterated the opposition's support.

"It's very important that we continue to stand with the international community,

that we continue to seek a unified approach and a peaceful diplomatic solution," she

told radio station 2GB.

"It is not the time for escalatory language and the opposition supports the comments that

the foreign minister made in her recent visit to the Korean peninsula where she sought a

diplomatic and peaceful solution to this crisis."

It's not the first time Pyongyang has taken aim at Australia.

In April, KCNA issued a statement Australia was risking a "suicidal act" if it continued

to support the US in United Nations security council resolutions.

The prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has repeatedly confirmed Australia would come

to the aid of the United States if the Anzus treaty was enacted, while also calling on

China to do more to use its influence to bring North Korea back in line.

The latest Guardian Essential poll found 55 % of Australians feared the North Korean standoff

would lead to war.

For more infomation >> Australia will 'not be cowed' by North Korea threats, minister says - Duration: 3:06.


10 Indian Personalities Who Deserve A Bollywood Biopic - Duration: 7:09.

10 Indian Personalities Who Deserve A Bollywood Biopic

For more infomation >> 10 Indian Personalities Who Deserve A Bollywood Biopic - Duration: 7:09.


ポーランドでコスプレ&アニメ祭り 2017 Anime Festival In Warsaw, Poland! - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> ポーランドでコスプレ&アニメ祭り 2017 Anime Festival In Warsaw, Poland! - Duration: 11:01.


New bangla song || keno evabe kadao || concert of Hridoy khan in South korea - Duration: 1:28.

,keno evabe kadao by hridoy khan

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