Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

The cold wind

is hitting my empty heart

The hot

summer rainy season

became dry fallen leaves

In a corner of my mind

they are left as a bookmark

In this year as always

your season has come

I can't forget your face

when you left me I am here again

I can't delete you even if I avoid you

I go back to you

Your season that I have missed so much

How could I forget you?

In the wind

only the name of you is left

In the fallen leaves

the season has come

If the early snow

falls and cover the world white

It was not colder

than our autumn

I can't forget your face

when you left me I am here again

I can't delete you even if I avoid you

I go back to you

Your season that I have missed so much

How could I forget you?

Tears are falling as I miss you

The image of your back when you left me

is going far away even if I'm trying to catch you

Your warmth of hugging me

I can't stop thinking about it

My memory of you keeps growing bigger

How could I forget you?

For more infomation >> [MV] Jung Dong Ha(정동하) _ Your Season(너의 계절) - Duration: 4:43.


九個月超40億次觀看,神曲Despacito領銜,YouTube點閱率最高觀看次數最多的50首歌曲 截止:2017/10/14 - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> 九個月超40億次觀看,神曲Despacito領銜,YouTube點閱率最高觀看次數最多的50首歌曲 截止:2017/10/14 - Duration: 12:20.


JADOLIVE SON... - Duration: 9:15.


For more infomation >> JADOLIVE SON... - Duration: 9:15.


CADEIRA DE MASSAGEM DO JAPÃO マッサージチェアに挑戦する外国人【日本語字幕】 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> CADEIRA DE MASSAGEM DO JAPÃO マッサージチェアに挑戦する外国人【日本語字幕】 - Duration: 5:14.


Australia will 'not be cowed' by North Korea threats, minister says - Duration: 3:06.

North Korea has issued its latest threat against Australia for its relationship with the US

and South Korea, but a Turnbull government minister said the nation would "not be cowed"

by the rogue state.

North Korean state media reported Australia was "showing dangerous moves of zealously

joining the frenzied political and military provocations of the US against DPRK", warning

against it.

Clinton: Trump will provoke 'nuclear arms race' over North Korea

Read more "Should Australia continue to follow the

US in imposing military, economic and diplomatic pressure upon the DPRK despite our repeated

warnings, they will not be able to avoid a disaster," the state-run news agency KCNA

said in a statement on Saturday.

North Korea's latest round of warnings against Australia came in the wake of foreign affairs

minister Julie Bishop and defence minister Marise Payne's visit last week to the demilitarized

zone which sits between South and North Korea.

Bishop and Payne attended meetings in the truce village of Panmunjom with their South

Korean counterparts, reinforcing Australia's support for its historical ally.

Speaking in Sydney on Sunday, Bishop brushed off North Korea's latest statement on Australia.

"North Korea's threats only strengthen our resolve to find a peaceful solution to

the rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula caused entirely by North Korea's illegal,

threatening and provocative behaviour," she said.

The minister for defence personnel, Dan Tehan, said Australia would not be bullied by North


"We will not be cowed by the North Koreans, we will continue to do all we can to protect

and help and support our allies," he told Sky News on Sunday.

"The North Koreans should do what the international community have asked them to do – obey all

the security council resolutions which have been passed, condemning their missile activity,

condemning their attempts to build nuclear weapons.

"If they did that, the international community would look to work with them.

Australians fear North Korea standoff will lead to war – Guardian Essential poll

Read more "If they don't, then we will continue

to support our allies, the South Koreans, the Japanese and everyone else who is threatened

by this unpalatable behaviour by the North Koreans."

Labor foreign affairs spokesperson, Penny Wong, who made a recent visit to the region

with Bill Shorten to reassure South Korea of Australia's bipartisan position on the

issue, reiterated the opposition's support.

"It's very important that we continue to stand with the international community,

that we continue to seek a unified approach and a peaceful diplomatic solution," she

told radio station 2GB.

"It is not the time for escalatory language and the opposition supports the comments that

the foreign minister made in her recent visit to the Korean peninsula where she sought a

diplomatic and peaceful solution to this crisis."

It's not the first time Pyongyang has taken aim at Australia.

In April, KCNA issued a statement Australia was risking a "suicidal act" if it continued

to support the US in United Nations security council resolutions.

The prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has repeatedly confirmed Australia would come

to the aid of the United States if the Anzus treaty was enacted, while also calling on

China to do more to use its influence to bring North Korea back in line.

The latest Guardian Essential poll found 55 % of Australians feared the North Korean standoff

would lead to war.

For more infomation >> Australia will 'not be cowed' by North Korea threats, minister says - Duration: 3:06.


état de cette chaine youtube au 15 octobre 2017 - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> état de cette chaine youtube au 15 octobre 2017 - Duration: 0:45.


10 Indian Personalities Who Deserve A Bollywood Biopic - Duration: 7:09.

10 Indian Personalities Who Deserve A Bollywood Biopic

For more infomation >> 10 Indian Personalities Who Deserve A Bollywood Biopic - Duration: 7:09.


ポーランドでコスプレ&アニメ祭り 2017 Anime Festival In Warsaw, Poland! - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> ポーランドでコスプレ&アニメ祭り 2017 Anime Festival In Warsaw, Poland! - Duration: 11:01.


New bangla song || keno evabe kadao || concert of Hridoy khan in South korea - Duration: 1:28.

,keno evabe kadao by hridoy khan

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