Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 16 2017

halo guys im weicong

today i will talk a talkshow is it about

Types of people who listen to music

most people likes to listen music

watching this video of the guys

do you like to listen music?

you cannnn........

you can cast a vote at Upper right corner

let me know do you guys like to listen music

As for me, I personally is very



very like to listen music!

but... if i singing...

ok i talk too much already~

let come back today our tittle

most people likes to listen music

i belive most of like to listen music people

comfirm got many pattern !

you just did not espy


someone people like to wear earphone

someone people dont like to wear earphone

someone people like to hear with speaker

someone people dont like to hear with speaker

many many whatever lahhh

if u not belive just now i said it

because u will feel Pertinent

ok i stop talking

let watch the first of the people who listen to music~


For more infomation >> 各种听歌的人 Types of people who listen to music - Duration: 4:54.


[한글 자막] 동성애 혐오 광고를 시청한 게이의 반응 [MacDoesIT] - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> [한글 자막] 동성애 혐오 광고를 시청한 게이의 반응 [MacDoesIT] - Duration: 9:09.


Planet 9 Update for 10/15/2017 - Duration: 3:55.

This is an update in my continuing coverage of Planet Nine, a suspected large planet that

could be lurking out in the far reaches of the outer solar system.

Evidence continues to mount for its existence through its gravitational effects, and if

it's there, visual discovery could come at any time.

There are now five separate reasons to suspect the existence of Planet Nine.

In a 2016 paper by Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin, link below, they lay out the first

three indicators that something big lies far out beyond the orbit of Neptune.

The first of these is a set of six objects in the Kuiper belt, basically floating chunks

of ice and rock.

All six of these objects have elliptical orbits that point in the same direction.

That's a pretty unlikely arrangement, the orbits out there should be all over the place.

The second indicator also involves these objects, in addition all six objects are in orbits

that also tilt out of the solar system's plane.

These two clues on their own would indicate that there may be a large gravitational source

out there, such as a planet.

The third indicator comes from computer simulations predicting that more objects in the outer

solar system should be tilted out of the plane in a characteristic way.

Brown and Batygin then realized that several such objects were already known.

The fourth clue involves the solar system itself and somewhat of a mystery regarding


The solar system is arranged on a plane and barring gravitational disruption in the past,

the major planets orbit within it, thought to originally be the plane of the original

protoplanetary disk the solar system formed from.

The plane of our solar system is strangely tilted by about 6 degrees in respect to the

equator of the sun.

Until now, no one was certain why this is since it should be about level with the sun's


In another paper, Elizabeth Bailey, link below, presented that this could be due to Planet


Over time, its effect would make the solar system's plane wobble slightly, explaining

the discrepancy.

The last indicator is a group of inner Kuiper belt objects that orbit the opposite direction

of everything else in the solar system.

Planet 9's gravity would provide a ready explanation for that as well.

These five indicators, as Batygin states in a NASA press release, actually make the solar

system look extremely strange without the presence of Planet 9.

But it would need to be distant, as much as 20 times further out than Neptune and there

are competing viewpoints that all of this could be due to a chance arrangement of objects

in the outer solar system, though that idea seems to be losing steam.

But where did this distant outlier planet come from?

There are two possibilities.

Another mystery planet nine might solve is why one of the most common types of exoplanet

in the galaxy happens to not be present in this solar system: a super earth.

It may be that the solar system does have a super earth, but rather than staying in

the inner solar system, it may have migrated outward early in the solar system's history.

Or, alternatively, it may never have been closer to the sun, instead it might be an

exoplanet that the sun captured at some point from another system.

In which case, if we find planet 9, do we class it as a planet of our solar system or

an exoplanet addition?

If it did form near the sun, might it be a preserved frozen remnant of the early solar

system, or might it be a geologically active place like Pluto?

Could it have enough radioactive decay in its core for liquid water, even far out in

the Kuiper belt?

Or alternatively, if its not from here, might it some day give us clues on what planets

from other solar systems are like?

Thanks for listening!

I am futurist and science fiction author John Michael Godier currently hoping they find

planet nine soon so I can eye it suspiciously, it could be an alien freeloader planet from

another star system and be sure to check out my books at your favorite online book retailer

and subscribe to my channel for regular, in-depth explorations into the interesting, weird and

unknown aspects of this amazing universe in which we live.

For more infomation >> Planet 9 Update for 10/15/2017 - Duration: 3:55.


Halloweenpyssel | stressbollar DIY - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Halloweenpyssel | stressbollar DIY - Duration: 2:56.


Jean Grey, Cyclops & Storm vs Toad | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:52.


Oh, God!

Don't move.

Don't you people ever die?

Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning?

The same thing that happens to everything else.

For more infomation >> Jean Grey, Cyclops & Storm vs Toad | X-Men (2000) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:52.


Hashtags: #FallSongs with P!nk - Duration: 6:51.

-Now I thought I'd share some of my favorite Fall songs

from you guys, and here to help me out and sing them

is one of our guests tonight.

As I said, her new album, "Beautiful Trauma,"

comes out tomorrow.

Ladies and gentlemen, Pink!

-Yeah! [ Cheers and applause ]


-Oh, my! -I love you, I love you!

Pink, thank you for being here.

We -- We love you.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Come on. That's what I'm talking about.

Uh... [ Cheering continues ]

All right, these are Fall-themed songs.

Pink, are you ready for this? -I think so.

-All right, here we go.

This first one is from @rockatbrock.

-Rocket Brock. -Not Rocket Brock.

RockAtBrock. -Oh, he's at Brock.

-Not Rocket Brock. -Oh, 'cause I know Rocket Brock.

-That's like a term -- -Yeah, "Hey, rock it, Brock!"

-"Yo, rock it, Brock."

-No, this is RockAtBrock. -Okay.

-He says...


-♪ Fall is here ♪

♪ To remind you ♪

♪ Of the allergies you thought went away ♪

♪ Fall don't care ♪

♪ If it's colder ♪

♪ 'Cause you've got to breathe that Autumn air ♪

♪ Ahh, ah-choo ♪

♪ Blow your nose ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-What?! -Come on!

-What's going on?

-Whoa! -What are you doing?

That's unbelievable!

The Roots and Pink have to release that.

-They rock it, Brock. -Oh, I love it.

Rock it, Brock.

This one is from @JWittle87, and she says...


-1, 2, 3...

-♪ Ain't no blower strong enough ♪

♪ Ain't no rake sturdy enough ♪

♪ Ain't no trash bag big enough ♪

♪ To keep me from jumping in leaves, babe ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-♪ Keep me from jumping in leaves, babe ♪

Man, you are so good. Oh, my gosh.

This one is from @carec11carec. She says...


-♪ Every branch you shake ♪

♪ Every leaf you rake ♪

♪ Every pie you bake, every punt you fake ♪

♪ I'll be lovin' Fall ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-I can't take it. I can't take it.

-It's like a concert. -I could do this the whole show.

-This is unbelievable. I'm freaking out right now.

-Oh, my God! -This is so great.

[ Cheers and applause ] You are so good.

All right, this one -- This is from @LyshaaG.


-Yeah, there's, like, a couple A's there.

-Not Lysha G.

-So it's like Lyshaa... -G.

-G. -Like, "What's up, G?"

-It's like, "Rock it, Brock." [ Laughter ]

But instead of "Rock it, Brock," you say...

-Rock it. -Lyshaa, G.

[ Laughter ]

-Lyshaa, G.

-Lyshaa, G.

This one's from @LyshaaG. -Rock it, Brock.

-She says...


-♪ Oh, I got friends in corn mazes ♪

♪ Where the cider drowns, and the candy chases ♪

♪ My blues away ♪

♪ I'll jump in hay ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-[ Laughs ] I love it!

I would -- You have to do these songs!

I love every one of these songs. -Come on!

It's like a concert. -Your voice is amazing!

I would buy every one of these.

I love all of these. [ Light laughter ]

This one's from @radiogurlmel, and she says...

-1, 2...

-♪ Big trees are made of leaves ♪

♪ Who am I to disagree? ♪

♪ I travel the world for the pumpkin seeds ♪

♪ Everybody's just waiting for Santa ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Ooh! Ooh!

-Rock it, Brock! -I love that one, too!

I love that one, too.

This one is from @Amymeck.

She says...


♪ I'm a tricker, I'm a treater ♪

♪ I'm a Reese's eater ♪

♪ I get my candy on the run ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh ♪

[ Cheers and applause ] -Oh!

Come on. -Come on!

Come on! -She is fantastic.

-Those harmonies were tight. -That was good.

Those harmonies were good on that one.

I know, exactly.

You know, some people call me Maurice.

-Whoo-hoo! [ Light laughter ]

This one is from @caromontesquieu.


-Yeah, it is Montesquieu.

-Isn't it? Like, old-timey.

I've only heard that in old-timey comics.

-But how would you know that that's how it was spelled?

I mean, you can't see it from there.

-I saw it on the cue card over there.

[ Laughter ]

Right over there. -I forget we have cue cards.

[ Laughter ]

I was like... -Got the jump on you, dude.

-"How did he even guess that -- Yeah, you're right.

-I rocked it, Brock. -It is spelled Montesquieu.

[ Laughter ]

-Lyshaa, G.

-This one here is from @caromontesquieu.

-Oh, good. [ Laughter ]

I love her.

Love her. -And she says...


♪ Lil' witch ♪

♪ You can't trick with me if you wanted to ♪

♪ These expensive, these is orange bottoms ♪

♪ These is pumpkin shoes ♪

[ Cheers and applause ] -Wow!

[ Laughing ]

-Come on. These bottoms.

Oh, my gosh. This is great.

This last one is from -- -Oh.

-Is a song from Pink, and it is from @rassmusenkandi.

She says...


♪ Just give me Fall season ♪

♪ Just a little bit of fun ♪

♪ Just a second to enjoy this weather ♪

♪ Before it's wintertime again ♪

[ Cheers and applause ] -There you have it.

There you have it!

Those are our "Tonight Show Hashtags"!

[ Cheers and applause ]

My thanks to Pink!

We are talking to her a little later in the show.

You are the best.

To check out more of our favorites,

go to

For more infomation >> Hashtags: #FallSongs with P!nk - Duration: 6:51.


Jay 305 - Stay Dangerous - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Jay 305 - Stay Dangerous - Duration: 3:24.


JACKIE CHAN Talks About One of His Most Insane Stunts - Duration: 4:22.

- Oh, yeah, police story.

The light.

(suspenseful music)

(electricity crackling)

Too long, the story.

I was sick.

I get injection.

I was day and night shooting.

Daytime, I'm filming,

Heart of Dragon.

Nighttime, I'm directing my own things.

We built our own channel lights.

Then we put the wire,

we put the in electricity to light up the light.

Before I jump, the lighting guys says,

"Sorry, the battery cannot light up the whole thing.

"We have to use the building battery.

"I might get shocked, but don't worry.

"We watch you, anything happens, we shut off the light."

You look down.


No apple box.

I just use a

small prop car with

a million candies

to safe me landing.

That's all!

Then I just sit there.

Then suddenly

My stunt guy, we're ready.

Then he put something in my pocket.


Then he run away.

And I take my pocket. There was something like a


Buddha thing.

He know I don't believe these kind of things.

Then I - Okay.

Put it back.

I don't have the time to run, like, eight feet.

I'm just standing there like, the round pole.

No balance.

I said, anytime you see, I nod my head,

rolling the camera.

And I go up.

I go down.

It's scary.

Really scary!

I'm not - I'm just ordinary people

I'm not a Superman.

And somehow, I see the drop.

The sweat.

Then I look at the camera.

That's a cameraman up there already two hour.


I said, "Okay, take a rest.

"Get off your sweat."

Then he get off all the the sweat.

Then I go up, "Are you okay?"


Then I just do this.

One of the stunt guys,


I said, "Huh?"

Then, you just hear

15 camera rolling.



I think it's the record at that time.

We only have 400 feet.

You're not gonna jump?


75 (fps),

45 (fps),

120 (fps),

normal speed.



The whole entire shopping mall, quiet.

You only hear this machine.

Then I--


I say,

"I'm gonna die."

Yeah, I just,


(mimicking crackling)

I jump down.

And I said, "Wow, safe landing."

I grab my stunt guy do this.

Then he said, "Hold on big brother,"

"I'm gonna die, don't hit me anymore."

Because I'm so exciting, the power.

I don't know where the power come from.

Then I turn around and I see



and I just to the thing. (screaming)

I hit myself, bruise.

I just,


Then I see all my hand, the skin peeled, then at -

like 6:00 we finish.

Then we

drinking a beer,


Then I go to Heart of Dragon*

Get out the car, sleep, drive to the location.

Then, "Big Brother, we are on the location."

I get up.

I cannot open the door.

My hand just like this.

It's over.

All the energy are gone.

Then I get out of the car.

The whole body was, no more power.

I think at that time, in one second,

I use all my power.


Actually, I go down.

Almost fainted. (screaming)

We glad we don't have, like, a sound recording at that time.

We dub later.

Then, as he pick me up.

"Speak dialogue!



Otherwise have to do it again.

Actually, I just go, "Ayy-yay-yay-yay."

Boom, I just fainted.

For more infomation >> JACKIE CHAN Talks About One of His Most Insane Stunts - Duration: 4:22.


ESCAPE FROM the CEMETERY ZOMBIE in ROBLOX adventure cartoon hero for kids in the game GET - Duration: 5:55.

ESCAPE FROM the CEMETERY ZOMBIE in ROBLOX adventure cartoon hero for kids in the game GET

For more infomation >> ESCAPE FROM the CEMETERY ZOMBIE in ROBLOX adventure cartoon hero for kids in the game GET - Duration: 5:55.


JACKIE CHAN Shows You How to Fight with Random Objects - Duration: 2:07.

(upbeat music)

- Duster, this good for comedy.

You can turn it around here.

Hurt people with it, you see? Hurting people.

Or somehow you grab me maybe I just gonna dust here

then he do that achoo then after achoo maybe I just do this.

See it hurts.

Boom, ah.

In the bathroom, the bathroom is good.

He might grab me somehow he grab me then I push away

his hand he just like grab like this

and then I just ah!Bonk, Ow!


He comes as soon as the 'ow' and then I just boom.


Just like that, pow pow.

Then somehow broke, then I just crash like this.

Then pow!

Then coming back, then boom he's out,

then I put it back put back on the toilet and go away.

(flushing sound)

I think somehow this is good.

You grab something, you put it on the face just like this

then he try to - they try to grab you know grab this

then you boom, he try to grab grab grab there this

Take this side take this, grab here, grab here,

it's a look it's a look,


somehow if it's longer then I can, it goes right here, boom.

Grab even longer, grab grab, yah yah yah, boom.

And go away.


That's how I fight, how I create.

Whatever they give to me then I fight.

Even I can fight with this.


For more infomation >> JACKIE CHAN Shows You How to Fight with Random Objects - Duration: 2:07.


zzZ| EPIC DRUNKENNESS |Zzz - Duration: 10:27.

the following story is fictional and it never happened...

yeah, right ¬¬

yeah, right ¬¬

see it at your own RISK

what's up lazies, today I find myself with a person... not just a person, a real personality. One of his own

first level presence. With all of you...


Job: gigolo. Age: unknown. Ki energy: 18000 joules

today he's simply with us to talk about a story we have in common, a story...

a quite funny story

and painful for me. - and painful for he, because personally for me...

and also painful for you, because you were with me at the time. -mmm yes but nahh.

mmm.... yes but nahh. More than anything, it was a sorry for others. So, lets talk about it


Not that story dude...


Everything began when we wereee att...

in a local field of this town. We went to see a football match. He was going to play but he did not actually play

"He was going to play but he did not actually play"

we carry a box of beers


we don't have sponsors, so we aren't going to give away sponsorship

of course not

for brands and sponsors who want to appear on this channel, please call to number 2263162002. During office hours monday to friday from 12 pm to 8 pm.

look! your uncles are coming

"all right, all right, what is going on here?"

free ride. Yeah dude, yeah dude, yeah dude

tell us, maria, come on!

what was telling you? about the box of beers, right? .- A box of beers with 25 quarters of beer. Allow the donkeyncy

how many bottles? 24?. 25 right?

25 quarters, 25 quarters. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - They were baby bottles, yes they're

well, anyway

he didn't play, so we devote ourselves to drink

I took in total 10, 10 quarters. - 10 little quarters

It should be noted that everything happened in an amusing way, watching the football game, trolling and cursing the referee

anyway, we continue (x2)

i started on 1, i got addicted with 3, i continued with 7, at the end they're 10

he was so drunk that when he went to the bathroom, he stood up...

he was teetering, and then, he almost fell, so he had to grab himself of a tree, trying not to fall to the ravine

for that reason love the trees, take care of them, because they save lives

"love the trees, take care of them, because they save lives"

anyways, at the end of the game, he had a friend, he brought us in a car

in the v8, it was call. (very similar to this one)

at the end, my friend did play, pitifully, while I was on the bench, not even on the bench, just chugging

so we arrived, where do i arrived? - to the courts. (let me speak dude)

some basketball courts

so we stay there, to play for a while, to play the ball, to kick... - You know

but for this, here our...

our lovely host. - Ho, ho, hostt

Ho, ho, hostt

Ho, ho, hostt

he was feeling a little dizzy

in a bad mood

almost throwing up. -Saying, nah, nah, nah wait, i don't wanna play

I could not even get up

my eyes were closing

and I was quite sleepy

at the end

i finished lying down in a little corner, a small one

for later

for later

all the vomit went back to me, and spit it all into a drain tube

noo, that was the second one, the first one was behind of a basketball basket

you're right

and it was a green vomit, because it was just beers

from there I felt worse, and I went to bed at the corner

that's the second time when I returned it in the drainage

two times i returned it in the drainage

yes, you're right id$%t

so i saw him throwing up, and i said ok that's cool, throw up so you can get off

so he do not be scolding when he gets home

and then what happens?

i fell sleep, OMG nooo


i fell sleep

anyway, it was time to leave and go home

i had to wake him

"wake up maría"

you feel good? what is going on?

I didn't want to get up for anything, I wanted to stay there asleep

i wanted to sleep like that, with nothing



we went up to the v8 (vw)

and we headed to the village center

at the moment, we were planning to go to the park and spin around like oxen

go to... we understand each other

and hope that this guy

were sober in a couple minutes

and although he had already vomited, he was still ... i do not know

immediately right where we got off the sidewalk

there I vomited some more

I leaned against the wall like this, and i vomited some more

and it is that I didn't even regret it, what I wanted was to get out everything at once

so we went to the park and i tried to sit

and i said: "you know what?, i want to stay here, i don't wanna walk anymore"

i'm sleepy

total, i lay down in crossed pocision

then i was sitting

then i stood up

it is noteworthy that during this process I never left him, I was always by his side as a faithful family member that I am


wait, wait. We're going to cross

i lie down

i lie down and i think i fell sleep a little bit more (damn noisy cars)

i stayed asleep for a while (damn noisy cars)

from there i got up again, but..

was to vomit more, because I still wanted to vomit more

and theen...

i throw up again


sitting on the bench, while he was vomiting and people were spinning in the park

the truth is that I was dizzy but I was aware

yia, right ¬¬

i'll never forget that day, it's always going to stay here in the mind


How nice that none of my friends saw me, because they would do fun of me

so, my friends, there you have the story about this guy named maria

anything else, maría? about this peculiar story?

i did not arrive at my house, I went with him to sleep

and I was more calm, I had emptied everything on the street

not on the street, it passed on the bench in a public park with people hanging around

and finally, it finish there, i stayed in his house. At the next day we went back to my home and that's all

there you have it mates, i hope you liked this video about our story and i hope you share this video, like it, and subscribe to the channel. And comment if you want more stories like this one...

(like for more) about myself, or other guests to talk about anecdotes I have in common with other people

and that's it lazies, make something profit the humanity


For more infomation >> zzZ| EPIC DRUNKENNESS |Zzz - Duration: 10:27.


Spiny Lizard Catches Me! - Duration: 14:04.

- Mark, you rolling?

- [Mark] Yes I am.

- That is the biggest spiny lizard we have seen

this entire trip.

One of the biggest I've seen in my life, it is huge.

This is gonna be a tough catch.

(suspenseful music)

(yells in pain)

(tribal jungle music)

What's going on coyote pack?

We are back in the Sonoran desert,

and as you can see it is night time,

which means it's the perfect time

to search for desert creatures,

and I do have my trusty flashlight with me

and my snake tongs, and of course,

Mark right there behind the main camera.

- What's goin' on guys?

- Got Mario on the B camera.

- [Mark] There he is!

- If you guys are ready, we know what happens next.

We head off into the darkness and see what we can find.

- [Mark] Let's go!

(suspenseful music)

Alright Coyote so what are we looking for?

Where are we starting tonight?

- Well what's interesting and that people don't realize ...

Whoa, I just heard something. Hold on a second.

- [Mark] What was that?

- Oh, what is that?

- [Mark] What is it?

- I thought it was a rattlesnake,

it just went tsst tsst tsst.

I think it was a bug though.

What I like about this area is you have a lot of plant life

but there's also all this area to walk in between things.

You'll notice there aren't many cacti around.

- [Mario] Which is nice.

- It's really nice.

So we're not walking into things, and look at this,

it looks like we're on a trail but we're not.

The entire desert in this area, no matter what direction

you place your lights, you can go this way,

you can go this way, you can go that way,

it's actually almost disorienting because

it's very easy to get lost.

Now we do have a GPS tracking system with us.

We've made a pin way back at our vehicle

which we started off at at daytime.

Hopefully we'll make it back there,

but I think we go this direction and see what we can find.

We're just gonna move slowly, continue scanning the branches

and often times what you'll find is in just like a nook

like this, a lizard laying and sleeping on the branch.

Now we've used the same method to catch things like iguanas

and knight anoles, if you guys remember

the knight anole episode, we were able to spot the lizard

up in the tree and then safely catch it.

Hoping to use that same tactic tonight for some of

the lizard species out here in the Sonoran desert.

Alright let's cover some ground and keep searching.

(suspenseful music)

Oh! Right here, look look!

- [Mark] What you got?

- [Coyote] Baby western diamondback!

Wow! I'm gonna cut my light, can you see it okay?

- [Mark] Yeah sure.

- [Coyote] Look at that, that's a tiny one.

Wow that's one of - [Mark] A little one.

- [Coyote] the smallest rattlesnakes I've ever seen.

- [Mark] Beautiful though.

- [Coyote] Look at you!

Now don't let its small size fool you.

This rattlesnake can be just as dangerous as a large one.

Where is that little rattle going?

(intense music)

Whoa, okay buddy. There you go, strike position.

Trying to get it away from these bushes so you guys

can see it a little bit better.

Look at how quick that is!

Alright, how's that? Can you guys see it right there?

- [Mark] Oh yeah.

- [Coyote] Wow, you're one of the smallest

little rattlesnakes I've ever seen!

Look at that, just two buttons on that rattle.

- [Mark] Look at the banding on the tail too.

- [Coyote] Oh it's gorgeous!

It looks like it maybe just shed.

Look how vibrant that coloration is on the tail

and on the patterning of its back.

Look at that. Perfect defense pose right there.

Now the venomous bite that this snake can pack

even at this size would send you to the hospital.

So it's not a snake I'm going to try to handle,

I'm just going to admire it.

From a safe distance, if you can call this safe.

Now these snakes don't necessarily want to strike.

Right? Notice that.

And its tongue's flicking out feeling the edge

of my snake tongs.

They want to keep that venom as a reserve

and snakes only bite as a last resort.

So right now this little rattlesnake is thinking

as long as I stay camouflaged and I don't move

perhaps these potential large predators

will just keep moving in that direction

and I'll be able to slither off and continue hunting

for the night.

Alright guys, well this was a pretty cool find.

Well lets head this direction and see if we can find

some of those sleeping lizards.

Oh look at this, a fallen cactus.

- [Mark] Whoa. That is a huge ...

- That's a fallen giant right there.

- [Mark] Whoa. It's still alive a little bit looks like.

- I'll bet this came down in a recent monsoon.

I've never even seen ...

Oh yeah look at this, this is definitely recently fell.

- [Mark] Wow.

- Look at the inside here. Look at that, it's like wood.

- [Mark] Too bad, that's an old cactus.

- Yeah, that's an old legend that fell right there.

Wow, definitely probably came down

in some heavy monsoon winds.

I'm just gonna ...

Yeah we can get up and over this.

- [Mark] Okay.

- Wanna hand me your camera?

- [Mark] Sure.

(dramatic music)

- [Coyote] I got it. Yep.

- Wooo, standing on top of an ancient cacti.

That's a new one.

- [Coyote] Watch the spikes.

- Yeah I see it. I'm gonna jump.


- [Coyote] Snake snake snake.

Okay, I got it, I got it. - [Mark] Nice grab.

- Took me a second to properly identify it

and that's gonna be the key piece to talking about

this species specifically.

As we walked up we set the lights and you'll notice

the red and the black and the slight yellowish coloration,

this could've been a coral snake, but it is not.

This is a long-nosed snake.

Wow, look how beautiful it is!

Now that bright coloration is aposematic,

which means it's a warning to any potential predator

that I may be venomous.

However, in this instance it's a snake

that is completely safe to handle.

Now these snakes are strictly nocturnal,

it's the only time you'll come across them

and during the day they're actually hiding underground

which means they are fossorial.

But at night they are out searching for any sort

of little creature that they can get their mouths on.

Could be a gecko, could be a little roach running around

in the desert this is an opportunistic predator.

Now go ahead and zoom it on the nose there.

You notice how pointed it is?

The scales on the tip of the snake's nose

are specialized to help it dig underground.

They are excellent at burrowing in soft sandy soil.

Now that red and black actually does help it blend

really well into this desert environment.

Here Mark, check this out.

I'm gonna set it down in the sand.

- [Mark] Sure does.

- Look at those variations in all the dark rocks

and even the reddish colorations in the rocks

help the snake stay perfectly hidden.

Get back here. Gotcha.

Very cool.

Let's look at the underside of the snake real quick.

Look at that, very smooth.

There's actually an iridescence to its skin.

Can you see that in the lights there?

- [Mark] Oh yeah, that's awesome.

It's like a satin white.

- Incredibly smooth too.

Almost looks like it's slimy, but as we know,

snakes have scales, they are not slimy at all.

It is very very smooth.

As you can see, very very friendly.

Well that was pretty cool.

We've come across a rattlesnake tonight,

which as we know is venomous, and a long-nose snake,

which is nonvenomous and completely safe to handle

as long as you properly identify it as being

a long-nose snake and not a coral snake.

Alright, I'm gonna set it back down into the sand,

it's going to take off into the desert.

Later buddy.

(suspenseful music)

- [Mark] So how do you spot these lizards Coyote?

- It's a matter of looking for some kind sort of

obscure shape out on one of the limbs of these

creosote bushes or some of these other trees.

They're actually really hard to spot.

Wow. Mark are you rolling?

- [Mark] Yes I am.

- That is the biggest spiny lizard we have seen

this entire trip.

One of the biggest I've seen in my life. It is huge.

At its maximum size, that is a male,

you can see the dark blueish coloration on its back.

This is gonna be a tough catch.

- [Mark] It's a fortress around it.

- Wow, see you've got all these prickly pears

right in front.

I don't know how I'm gonna catch this lizard.

- [Mark] There's a giant cholla tree right next to it too.

(suspenseful music)

Coyote where you at?

- [Coyote] Right here.

- [Mark] Cholla right here.

He's awake.

- [Coyote] He's awake?

- [Mark] Yep.

(music intensifies)

- Got it! (groaning)

Got it. - [Mark] Nice grab!

(all cheering)

That's the one!

- Wow, nothing like getting on your back

in a bunch of (groans in pain) spikes and thorns.

(groans) I got spikes all in my shoulder. But ...

- [Mark] It was worth it.

- There it is. That is a gorgeous male desert spiny lizard.

(whistles) Wow, that is a beaster right there.

A perfect field guide specimen.

Oh! Trying to bite me.

Ouch! And spiked me.

And let's talk about why they call this

the desert spiny lizard.

Look at that beast. Wow!

This is one of the larger specimens that I have ever seen,

and look at all the spikes on the back of that reptile.

Now the way we know this is a male, aside from its size,

is look ... oh oh oh.

We just wanna show everybody your belly.

Ow! So spiky!

Look at the belly of that lizard.

Wow, and there's a little bit of yellowing

speckled in there.

Oh you are so handsome, so handsome.

And incredibly strong.

Now this is one of the most robust lizard species

out here in the Sonoran desert, and one of the fastest

lizard species you can come across.

They are almost impossible to catch during

the daylight hours, it's even been tough to catch them

at night, but as you can see we finally managed

to get one in front of the cameras.

Whew! We have been out here for, gosh,

it's going on three hours at this point trying

to catch this lizard, but we have finally got one.

Now let's talk about why they call this

the desert spiny lizard.

This is probably easier to feel than it is to see,

but there are sharp scales running all along the length

of this reptile's body, and if I rub my finger backwards

like this (wincing).

Mark, put your finger out there, tell everybody

what that feels like.

Just kind of run your finger gently backwards.

- [Mark] Ah, yeah it's like a cheese grater.

- Right?

- [Mark] Oh yeah, that would shred you.

- Now imagine being something trying to eat this lizard,

let's say a snake.

Tries to swallow this, it's gonna get stuck in its throat.

So the only real predator for this creature out here

is a bird, something like a roadrunner or a hawk.

Snakes usually tend to avoid the desert spiny lizard.

Oh and this is absolutely one of my favorites,

and as a kid I would always try to catch these

but they were incredibly difficult to ever get close to.

Now you'll notice the sort of dark patch

on the lizard's back as he's shedding some

of his scales there.

That dark patch actually becomes much more vibrant

during the day, and what they will do is wake up

early in the morning to bask in the warm glowing sun.

As they warm up they get ready to head out and hunt.

This is a diurnal species, which means it's active

during the day.

And as that sunlight warms them up they actually

get brighter in coloration.

But you can see even here at night under these lights

the belly is absolutely beautiful.

You notice that bright blue coloration,

you see the chin here, it's not as bright right now,

but during breeding season these lizards

are absolutely gorgeous, and the males,

what they will do is they'll go up on a rock,

puff up their chest, and say to all the ladies

with their bright coloration, aren't I handsome?

Don't you wanna date me?

And I'll tell you what buddy, you're about as handsome

as it gets for a desert spiny lizard.

Wow, these guys are just so cool.

Now they are voracious predators, and they have

a pretty powerful bite, let's see.

Show us how tough your bite is.

(yells in pain)

Wow, that's powerful right there!

And that's about as powerful as the knight anole

and kind of getting close to the collared lizard.

Can I have my finger back? Please?

Oh yeah, those little teeth ...

Ow ow ow!

I'm gonna turn my finger like that Mario,

so you can get a tight shot.

- [Mario] Is it gonna break skin you think?

- Aaah, probably not but the pressure is noticeable

and I'll tell you what, for any little insect

or arachnid running around out here in the night time desert

those jaws would be the end of you.

Alright, can I have my finger back? Please?

(gasping in pain)

- [Mark] Ooh, I saw the saliva coming off of that.

- Oi! That was a powerful little bite right there.

- [Mark] You ever worry about getting bit

by all these reptiles?

- No, not so much.

I knew that this one wasn't going to break skin

but gave me a solid little pinch.

Well it took us quite a bit of time,

but we finally managed to catch one handsome

desert spiny lizard.

I'm Coyote Peterson, be brave, stay wild.

We'll see you on the next adventure.

Alright, let's place this lizard down here

on the ground and see just how fast they really are.

(jungle music)

- [Mark] (laughing) He was super fast.

- He was that fast?

- [Mark] Yeah (laughing).

- He took off in a bullet, did you see him?

(laughs) Well there he goes, you see how fast they are.

Alright, well, that's a wrap!

If you thought catching a desert spiny lizard was exciting,

make sure to go back and watch the episode where I caught

another one of the southwest speedy reptiles

the collared lizard.

And don't forget, subscribe, so you can join me

and the crew on this season of Breaking Trail.

(various animal sounds)

For more infomation >> Spiny Lizard Catches Me! - Duration: 14:04.


Logan Paul - Outta My Hair ft.Bella Throne [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:37.


Pull up on you

Standing with your girls looking good I just gotta have you

Started coming saying then you ask me all 'bout my shampoo

Thinking 'What's that about?'

But it kinda made me laugh so I told you come through

You know what we gonna do

Candles are lit like Adele playing Cody Simpson

Running your fingers through all of this blonde ambition

Till I found you in the shower but the water ain't running and you still got your clothes on

Got my products on the counter and I put it all together, I just can't get you out of my hair

Can't get you out of my hair

And I know it ain't fair

Tryanna blow dry and brush it, you just want to touch it

I just can't get you out of my hair

I just can't get you outta my, I just can't get you outta my, out of my

I just can't get you out of my, out of my

I just can't get you out of my, out of my

I just can't get you out of my, out of my

I just can't get you out of my, out of my

Next day, woke up feeling funny but to do is money so it's okay

Walking downstairs, saw your purse sitting in the hallway thinking 'What's that about?'

And you came around the corner with a can of hair spray

Let me hit the replay

Candles are on, lights are up I'm still on a mission

She said I just want to give you a deep condition

Cuz I'm looking so good and I'm feeling even better I've been smelling like a rainstorm

She said I got body but she ain't talking naughty, I just can't get you out of my hair

Can't get you out of my hair

And I know it ain't fair, tryanna blow dry and brush it, but you just want to touch it

I just can't get you out of my hair, I just can't get you out of my

I just can't get you out of my, out of my

I just can't get you out of my, out of my

I just can't get you out of my, out of my

I just can't get you out of my, out of my

I just can't get you out of my, out of my

I just can't get you out of my, out of my

I just can't get you out of my

Out of my


For more infomation >> Logan Paul - Outta My Hair ft.Bella Throne [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:37.


Miley Cyrus Carpool Karaoke - Duration: 13:10.

For more infomation >> Miley Cyrus Carpool Karaoke - Duration: 13:10.


Thousands compete in Louisville Ironman - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Thousands compete in Louisville Ironman - Duration: 2:05.


Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts w/ Charlie Puth, Josh Gad, Michelle Dockery & Rachel Bloom - Duration: 11:04.

For more infomation >> Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts w/ Charlie Puth, Josh Gad, Michelle Dockery & Rachel Bloom - Duration: 11:04.


Galata Bridge and spice bazar - Duration: 8:57.

Galata Tower

The queue is quite large

As usual, I expected to this

We're not going to sit in order to get in

the entrance costs 25 Turkish Lira

So big the queue is, well there is a little after the tower, climbs the stairs and then is the entrance.

That's how big the queue is

I said we were not going in, we'd better go to Galata Bridge

That we stay pretty bad with the time

On the tower I climbed four years ago when I was in Istanbul

Is very interesting

Because first of all he is upstairs, standing up on a hill

and with his height. From there you can see the city very beautiful.

We are going down from the Galata Tower

We head to Galata Bridge

A street with lots of shops

Many souvenirs with one lira (Turkish lira)

Magnets - 3 lira, and if you're buying four magnets - 10 lira

Let me say some prices

And there are not only souvenir shops, there are all sorts of things

Headphones, selfie stick - 5 turkish lira

Here again souvenirs, but I did not see the price


These wallets for girls - 5 pounds

Magnets - 3 turkish lira

Ohhh, there's a music store here

Very nice

Here placards, the have coins? I do not see coins

No, they do not have coins


I was coming in if they had coins

An exchange

So one dollar on purchase is 3.43 and on sale is 3.49

And 1 euro on sale 4.16, sale / purchase, it does not matter

And 4.18. So if I come with the euro I will have 4.16 turkish lira for 1 euro.

Here we are at Galata Bridge

What I like here is that we have terraces downstairs

And if you look carefully, well, they are very thin, but they are fishing anglers

Above are the fishermen who are fishing

We'll see when we're going now, tarpaulins are being set up so as not to sprinkle the people at the table

When they pick up the fish

I'll show you right away that some terraces have, some do not let them down

Look, here is down

It's actually just a cloth

I knew they were from the tarpaulin

ah, look, he caught something

but he escaped

but he pulled up one

Now we're crossing the bridge upstairs

To see the fishermen

Let's see what they have in the bucket

They have some fish

Although I saw earlier, one was full of bucket

And not that the fish were on top, it was full of fish


Small, but ... about 5 on the plate ... hmmm

Pentru o tocană

And it smells of fish

In video you just see the fish, but it smells like fish here

cooked fish

Okay, it comes from the terraces below

And we got to this side of the bridge

Also on the European side, do not think we're on the Asian side

because we crossed a bridge

We have not crossed the Bosphorus, We'll pass the Bosphorus next time when we come here

in return

And that's it

Now we're going to Spice Bazaar

Now we will enter in Spice Bazaar

For me it's something new

Verification is also being done, so far, no verification has been made

Or I do not remember when I was last time here to do this verification (4 years ago)

Now we will enter

We're in the queue

There's a big queue here as well

Everywhere is queue, queue, queue

But at least here we will go quickly

There is no actually a body scan

It just goes through that gate

Okay, what are we going to see here?

Many spices

It is also called the Egyptian bazaar, why?

Spices and all things that were sold before

Probably now also, but certainly ahead

They were brought from Egypt, so it is also called the Egyptian Bazaar

Without filming? No


I'm allowed to take pictures, but I'm not allowed to film

Now we stopped to drink a tea

Turkish specific tea

Which it is, it is more special

One tea is one and a half Turkish lira

Pretty cheap

What is good? is it somewhere more private

It's not in the tourist area

And we all stand on drums ... the little ones

On the street

And with small tables

It's very nice

This was the six-hour stopover in Istanbul

We visited Dolmabahce Palace

and walked by the Galata Tower and the Galata Bridge

We were in Spice Bazaar and we drank a Turkish tea

Now we headed for Kilimanjaro airport in Tanzania


For more infomation >> Galata Bridge and spice bazar - Duration: 8:57.


Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds - Environment Trailer | PS4 - Duration: 0:58.


For more infomation >> Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds - Environment Trailer | PS4 - Duration: 0:58.


Muzu the Gamber | Cinematic Middle Earth: Shadows of War - Duration: 5:03.

New orders lads. We will wait here for now. But be ready to move

All right men, choose your targets and put them down. Make sure they can't get up

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