Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

Florida Man Uses Airplane to Fly Anti-Protest Statement for All to See.

There are plenty of ways conservatives have expressed their displeasure at the NFL in

the wake of the players' national anthem protests.

Most of us have just stopped watching the games.

Some people have asked DirecTV for a refund on NFL Sunday Ticket.

A few intrepid fans have taken to social media to burn jerseys.

Very few ticked-off fans, however, have gone quite as far as Florida's Terry Smiley.

Smiley is a Jacksonville Jaguars fan — well, former Jacksonville Jaguars fan — who was

especially outraged at the team's recent anthem-kneeling ways.

Given that refunds and jersey-burnings had already been taken as a form of counter-protest,

he did what any sensible, red-blooded American would do: He hired a plane with a banner reading


BOYCOTT THE JAGS AND THE NFL" and had it fly over Everbank Stadium for nearly two hours

during Sunday's Jaguars home matchup against the Los Angeles Rams.

"Do you believe in your country?"

Smiley asked rhetorically when questioned about the display by WTVT-TV.

"Do you believe in 'The Star-Spangled Banner?'

If you don't stand up for it now, you won't have it in the future."

"I am asking people to boycott the football games.

I don't watch it on TV," Smiley told WJAX-TV.

While it's unknown whether Smiley's banner caused any fans to boycott the game, we can

at least confirm the Jaguars' special teams apparently decided upon a boycott.

A Rams kick return for a touchdown and a blocked punt into the end zone accounted for 14 Rams

points in a sloppy 27-17 victory for the visiting team.

I'm sure it was the plane that made all the difference.

The latest Fox News poll shows that 55 percent of fans think kneeling during the national

anthem is an inappropriate form of protest, compared with 41 percent who think it's


While that gap has closed in the past year, it's still a problematic number for the

NFL, especially given its fan base.

Other signs have been negative, as well.

Ratings have been all over the place, but mostly down.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, who was once mostly in the protesters' corner, has now

come out with a memo strongly advising players to stand for the anthem.

However, all of these miss the most salient fact: In Florida, one guy was so peeved he

decided to hire a plane to fly a banner urging the boycott of the NFL and his hometown team

over their stadium for two hours.

If that doesn't show how deep the anger goes, I don't know what will.

What do you think should happen with the NFL anthem kneelers?

Thank you for watching...

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For more infomation >> NFL: Florida Man Uses Airplane to Fly Anti-Protest Statement for All to See. - Duration: 2:48.


Ironman Hawaii 2017 World Championship Day 9: Unknown Stats - Duration: 6:35.

- The most obscure stats.


You know I really thought there would have been

walkie talkies in there.


Sounds so formal.


Morning Trainiacs.

That there was

a 13 kilometer run done in one hour,

one minute, and 12 seconds, 4:42 per kilometer pace,

somewhere around

7:12, 7:15 mile.

Guess, that's not the fastest run I've ever done,

but name of the game this week in preparation for

Half Iron Man Austin, isn't speed.

We're about a week and a half away,

so it's to control the heart rate.

Here, on Alegi Drive,

it's tough, so,

I had to back it off a little bit

in the last 15 or 20 minutes.

An unexpected bonus,

of being here as media for the first time,

to Iron Man Hawaii, 2017, is that

they start sending out,

by they I mean World Triathlon Corporation of Iron Man,

sending out emails with interesting stuff

because they wanna give us ammo

to cover, the event, yeah.

So I picked the most obscure stats that I could

from the hundreds of pages of stats that they sent out.


Rapid fire.

Iron Man Kona, 2017, had 343,000 paper cups,

56,000 sponges, 8,000 bike bottles,

12,000 feet of mesh fencing, 21,000 safety pins,

18,486 gear bags,

407 tables, 4,000 chairs

3,500 towels, 300 wrist bands,

8,700 feet of metal barricades, 1,200 trash cans,

2,400 swim caps, 2,400 run numbers, 2,400 bike numbers,

52 jars of petroleum jelly, slather it on me baby.

Funny story about petroleum jelly on a stick,

my dad once did a half marathon.

Thought that it was like this delicious goo.

Took a swig.



11 gallons of Bullfrog sunscreen, 2,400 bike racks,

100 massage tables, 171 coolers, 75 chaise lounges,

130 luaus, 223 ice chests, 75 tents, 100 computers,

12 bleachers, 50 printers

and 35,000 square feet of carpeting.

Just wait until we get to the amount of food and drink,

that they had to lay out,


It's hot.

Food and drink. 103,179 bottles of water,

16,536 cans of soda,

6,880 liters of soda,

39,288 bottles of Gatorade Endurance.

Hashtag sponsored much?

86 tons of ice, 28,560 ounces of chicken broth,

3,008 packets of goo--


light is awful, I gotta switch this up.


9,000 packets of chomps, 11,900 Cliff bars,

75 cases of bananas, 63 cases of oranges, 1,350 bread rolls,

147 pounds of pretzels,

and 12,888 cans of Red Bull energy drink.

Get your eat on Iron Man.

Now as far as personnel go, there were

30,000 spectators, I thought it was like five or six.

5,000 volunteers, 2,350 triathletes,

300 members of security, 350 journalists,

I'm one of them.

It sounds so formal.

150 police, and 5 on site announcers.

Team effort.

And you know what, I don't do very well with free time

and I have free time right now.

This is a book, I read.

On occasion.

I actually had a tough time yesterday

getting it through my head that I was going to have

not a crushing amount of work to do this afternoon.


Well, while we're on my mode of transportation for the week,

let's talk vehicles.

The entire Iron Man production took 55 motorcycles,

50 surf boards, 30 vans,

25 patrol boats and kayaks,

25 cars, 20 trucks,

and 12 shuttles.

And one bad ass beach cruiser.

Now, as far as communication devices goes

they had 200 cell phones, 40 landline phones,

whatever those are, and 9 fax machines.

Who uses a fax machine?

You know, I really thought there would have been

walkie talkies in there.


So, alright, nope.

Promotion numbers.

2,350 medals, 10,000 race programs, 7,000 posters,

2,500 badges, I don't know what a badge is.

What's a badge?

What would a triathlon badge be?

And 165 trophies.

Promo the shirt out of it.


That was just so nice.

Went for dinner with a very nice couple of training acts,

Oliver and his wife, just the nicest people from Ireland.

Big fan, very sorry I didn't show up to drinks and dinner

with enough money to pay for dinner.

But you know what, I will link Oliver's

Instagram channel below,

he went sub 10 hours in Kona this year,

and he's a coach, and he's got good stuff,

he documented his entire time here in Kona.


Television crew numbers.

In order for Iron Man to together that production

that you normally see at the end of November,

it takes 15 portable cameras, 12 drivers,

four motorcycle cameras, one camera equipped helicopter,

one crane and one Jiv.

Give me two cameras, 17 hours, a beach cruiser, and a Mel,

and I got you covered Trainiacs.


Drop the mic.

For more infomation >> Ironman Hawaii 2017 World Championship Day 9: Unknown Stats - Duration: 6:35.


Pros & Cons of Airbnb Rentals - Duration: 4:46.

A lot of people ask us what to expect when starting out on Airbnb.

And if you do this long enough,

you'll hear the same arguments a lot.

It's either easy money that falls from the sky

or raging parties that ruin your house.

After hosting on Airbnb for more than five years,

we can report it's more of the former than the latter.

Still, one of the most common questions we get asked is,

"What are the pros and cons of renting your place on Airbnb?"



In our experience, a short-term rental in a good location,

furnished and photographed well,

and operated with great customer service can pull in

two-to-three times the revenue of an unfurnished, long-term rental.

So yes, the money can be very good.

If you look at what the hotels in your area are charging,

you can figure out pretty quickly that a well-run Airbnb

surpasses a traditional rental model.

It definitely did for us.

We paid down debt.

We bought a car.

And we put a down payment on our first home.

(And we've subsequently used equity from that house to buy two more properties.)

Cultural Experiences

Now, if you're a really good person

and you care about more than just money,

you might be interested in the cultural exchange aspect.


People from around the world use Airbnb,

and if you're open to it, you could find yourself having a really great experience.

We once hosted a young couple from South Korea.

We didn't understand each other that well, but we both

enjoyed a few pints of beer and a couple games of ping pong.

Better Upkeep

So, this may sound counter-intuitive,

but running an Airbnb can result in a cleaner house.

If you're renting on Airbnb often,

then you're also cleaning often.

And guests will find the weak links in your home's armor.

A faulty light switch or a hanging cabinet door?

Plan on fixing those soon.

Because of the the speed Airbnb reviews are given

and the weight they hold,

you are motivated to keep your place at its best.

In our experience, a well-run Airbnb can only be done in a clean home.

So whether you're hosting in your own home

or in an investment,

you are now assured of maintaining that place better than you might otherwise.


Time and Work

Running a profitable Airbnb isn't rocket-science,

but it's also not a walk in the park.

You will work and you will work hard.

I've never scrubbed so many toilets as I did that first year.

Laundry, cleaning, stocking, key handoffs,

pre-stay communication, in-stay responses,

calendar management, and the occasional repairs

are all part and parcel of running an Airbnb.

Now, can you outsource these duties?

Yes you can, but we've found that to be a good Airbnb host

and business owner, it makes sense to do it yourself first.

The benefit of this being that you know what it's worth to you

to hire out and you know what your personal expectation is.


There's just no way around this one,

but that's okay.

Inviting numerous guests into your place naturally open you up to some risk.

There are going to be thoughtless guests

who not only came to party and consequently,

leave the remnants of a party-

but there are also well-intentioned guests

that just break something on accident.

But here's something to know:

Those incidents are so far and few between

that I would not let them deter you from pursuing this model.

Those horror stories you hear on the local news?

They happen, but Airbnb hosts 500,000

stays every night of the year, and one or two of those stays

are bound to turn sour.

You can take some steps to prevent such incidents

and/or protect yourself in the event they happen.

First off, you can actively screen your guests.

Ask them questions.

Find out their intentions.

Secondly, be sure to purchase insurance

tailored to short-term rentals.

(And, no, neither your homeowner's policy

nor a traditional landlord policy will cover you-

we'll cover this in a different video.)

Don't get us wrong, Airbnb is not for everyone.

Inviting guests into your home

requires a certain comfort level.

I'd still encourage skeptics to give it a try,

but if the idea makes you squirm,

then traditional rentals might be the better path.

Without a doubt, the pros far outweighed the cons for us.

Airbnb springboarded us into the world of real estate investing.

It honed our skills at operating a business.

And it changed our financial future for years to come.

We hope you enjoyed this video and if you did

make sure to give us a thumbs up and leave a comment.

For my name is James

& I'm Erin thank you guys for watching

and stay tuned next week to learn

how to find out if your city or hoa allows for short term rentals.

To learn more about short term rentals or connect with us,

follow us on Facebook or reach out to us

by clicking the links in the description of this video.

For more infomation >> Pros & Cons of Airbnb Rentals - Duration: 4:46.


RÉQUIEM A.K.A LIL DEATH - BVPE 🐵 (Prod. Raíces Estudios) - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> RÉQUIEM A.K.A LIL DEATH - BVPE 🐵 (Prod. Raíces Estudios) - Duration: 3:23.


Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.97 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.17] - Duration: 33:58.

(Episode 97)

Oh? It's Mr. Tall.

Mr. Tall!


Looking at the playground, I thought of you.

You did?

Mr. Tall, can you play with me today?

I want to play cops and robbers with you.

I'm sorry,

but I have to head right back,

since I'm busy today.

But you promised to play with me.

You shouldn't throw a tantrum.

Mr. Jin says he's busy.

How are you?

Why did you come if you were busy?

To see Uri.

Is something wrong?

You're looking concerned.

You're the only one who can tell

whether or not I'm concerned.

Uri, I'll come and play with you all day

once my urgent work is done.


Then can we go to an amusement park?

Of course.

We can visit the elephants at the zoo as well.

You mean it?

Have I ever broken a promise?


I should go.

Mr. Tall!

Where did you go?


Chairman Jin is here. What will you do?

He's been going nuts looking for you.

You're not well. Why did you come here

instead of resting at home?

Sit down.

What will you do?

Why do you keep asking me the same question?

It's tiring.

I told you.

I love Moo Gunghwa.

You won't come to your senses unless I die, right?

Don't you remember

how Mom died?

I still remember it clearly.

She closed her tear-filled eyes

with my hands

held tightly in hers.

Why are you bringing that up now?

But you forced me to accept Ms. Heo

after what happened.

You knew how much I hated her, but you didn't

care about breaking your young son's heart.

Yet I endured it well,

even at such a young age.

So you bite the bullet

for me this time.

No matter what you say,

you can't be with that woman.

But I can't be with

anyone but her.


You know that

I never had any desire to marry.

I didn't want to make someone suffer like Mom.

I was also scared I'd end up with a gold digger

like Ms. Heo.


I think I can be happy with this woman.

That's why I can't give her up.

If you take this any further,

forget about the hotel,

since I'll kick you out penniless.

I obviously thought of that before bringing this up,

since I knew how appalled you'd be.

Please let me have my way.

Otherwise, I'll leave

before you kick me out.

Are you okay, sir?

Get the car ready.

I must go to the hospital.

Yes, sir.

Chairman Jin is heading down.

- We're back. / - We're back.

I heard you were at it again, Officer Moo.

A police officer must be fair.

You can't take sides like that.

It was warranted today, though.

The apartment complex was responsible, too,

since they barred delivery people

without prior notice.

Oh, really?

It must be true if you say so.

Everyone is on a power trip these days.

Inspector Cha, a word.


How many times do you come here in a day?

I'll consider that a warm welcome.

Where's Inspector Cha?

In Senior Inspector Lee's office.

Spotty is the drunkard who killed her husband?


Scumbags only do the scummiest things.

From the work here to stakeouts...

Will you be okay?

Assistant Inspector Park is helping me a lot.

I know how you must feel, but...

Anyway, be careful.

You may lose your job if you slip up

and mess this up.

I know, sir.

So what will you do now?

Hey. What is it, Officer Moo?

I'm sorry. If it hadn't been for me...

I know.

We should've gotten him last night.

How will we find that slippery eel again?

Geez. It's okay. It's okay.

But he can't rise up to the sky

or fall into the earth.

He's in Inspector Cha's backyard no matter what.

Does Inspector Cha have a history with Spotty?

A very deep and unfortunate history.

The drug case that did Inspector Cha in...

Spotty was the runner Inspector Cha was pursuing.

Inspector Cha failed to catch Spotty, who vanished,

and he was disciplined for excessive investigation.

But I bet he'll get to the bottom of it this time.

He seems very determined.

There's Detective Han, for one.

Inspector Cha won't give up,

since his honor and future are at stake.


What did Officer Moo say?

What do you think?

She's curious about what's going on.

Spotty did kill her husband,

so how can she not be interested?

What did Senior Inspector Lee say?

He's just worried.

Where will we find that Spotty scumbag?

All we can do right now is tail Chairman Jin.

You're probably right.

He showed up near Seoul Corps despite the risk,

so he must have something with Chairman Jin.

Spotty will try to make contact with Jin again.

Geez. So it's another stakeout tonight?

It's necessary.

What brings you here?

I was passing by,

and my beater of a car stopped right out front.

Do you want tea?

I'm all set.

I'm dropping in just to see you.

These sleeves are really worn.

I've had this since college.

But it's so comfortable.

Will you get home late again tonight?

Come home early and sleep.

Are you seducing me?

It's tough, isn't it?

I'm a bit tired, but it's okay,

because I have you.

What if you hadn't seen me again?

What if I had gone to live on a beach

and married a handsome fisherman?

What kind of life would you have led?

Would you have looked for me?

I'd probably have found a great woman along the way.

Something's fishy.


You're thinking about something else.

You're distracted in front of your husband?

It's Dohyeon.

What about Dohyeon?

Is something wrong?

I don't think Dohyeon can give up on Gunghwa.

He even told Dad that.

Dad is bound to have thrown a fit.

What if Dad barges into our house again?

Oh, hi.

Where's your nephew?

He just left.

That squirt is really adorable.

All the men in that family are winners,

including my brother Taejin.


I'll go and eat.


Please have a seat.

Why the surprise visit?

Officer Moo hasn't said anything?

Dad called her in.


I was going to formally present her to him

after I wrapped up my hotel project.


But that's the end of that.

She won't be harassed by Dad again.

Aren't you being too reckless?

You know Gunghwa doesn't love you back.

Yes, I know.

But Officer Moo is Bong Uri's mom.

Wouldn't it be wiser of her to choose

someone who'll be a better dad to Uri

over someone she loves?


I didn't get between you and Bora.

So if you won't help me,

at least don't get in the way.

What's most important is Gunghwa's feelings.

I don't want Gunghwa to suffer

because of your greed,

since she's having a hard time as it is.

You're hurting my feelings.

I'm sorry.

The fall weather is so nice,

and there are many shows,

but I have no one to go with.

Sir, do you have plans tonight?


I have something to discuss with you.

I'm sorry, but I'll be busy for a while.

It won't take long.

Okay, fine.

I don't know what it is,

but you can discuss it here.

Why meet outside?

Because I feel like it.

She just asked him out, didn't she?

I think so.

Wow. Senior Officer Jang aside,

I didn't take Inspector Cha to be like this.

Can someone who

values professionalism do this?

I didn't upset you, did I?

Frankly, it doesn't feel great.

After meeting his brother, my dad said

I should date Inspector Cha,

since he sounds like a great guy.

So I told him I'd give it a shot.

I can't go on blind dates

when there's a man I love.

I'm sorry if I offended you.

It's fine.

Honestly, I did it on purpose,

so that you wouldn't say no.

I knew you wouldn't say no in front of Officer Moo.

While love is important for marriage,

I think rational judgment is just as important.

I do have romantic feelings for you,

but I also think you'd make a good spouse for me.

Senior Officer Jang.

I'd like to date you

with marriage in mind.

Why are you asking for trouble like a fool?

Inspector Cha.

It'll be clear if you think about this rationally,

like you said.

You know I'm not good husband material.

Isn't the only son of a head family the worst?

I won't let that bother me anymore.

I'll do my best

to make you see me as a woman.

I told you

that it won't change anything.

Is it because of Officer Moo?

I know that

you're still hung up on her,

though she doesn't seem aware of it.

I always knew you were smart.

I needn't worry then.

I should get going.

Are you feeling better?

How did Dohyeon meet that wretched girl, anyway?

The truth is, Dohyeon got hurt a while back,

but I couldn't tell you, lest you'd worry.


Someone attacked him from behind

with a baseball bat, and Officer Moo saved him.

So you've known from the start,

yet you didn't say a word to me?

That's right. I knew, but pretended I didn't.

I couldn't bring myself to tell you,

since I know how much Dohyeon means to you.

No. You probably wanted see Dohyeon destroyed.

Didn't you want him to ruin his life,

since he says such hurtful things to you?


Wow. It's finally very clear to me

that you're not family.

Have you thought about what you've done to me?

Who saved you when you were dying

at the marketplace?

When your kids appeared,

you didn't give a toss about us.

I'm grateful that you raised the kids,

and I feel bad that I couldn't legally marry you.

But I did the best I could,

and yet you let me down like this.

You want to call it quits?

Fine. Let's think about how

we should end this dragged-out relationship.

President Yun, set up a meeting with that buyer

as soon as possible.

Yes, ma'am.

What are you doing?

I'm sorry about earlier.

You know I'm under a lot of stress,

given Mom's situation

and Haechan's issues.

I'm sorry that

I made you say something like that.



There's something I'd like to discuss

with you about Haechan.

Haechan says he wants to go into cooking.


He said that to you?

Yes. He really enjoys cooking.


Then he'll be kissing academics goodbye.


Cooking is great. It is.

But what if he goes down that road

and then gets tired of it?

What will he do if he ends up

with no academic degree or cooking skills?

Then he can start over.

He's still young, so why worry?

Do you think becoming a chef is easy?

But it's what he wants to do,

so won't he do his best?

But what if he doesn't like it?

He lacked the perseverance to study,

so how will cooking be different?

He failed to endure what all other kids endure.

I know why you're worried,

but Haechan might have found his passion

sooner than his peers.

It must be nice to be you.

You're so optimistic about everything.

Oh, you're late.


I went to see Juyeong...

I mean, I went to see Uncle Juyeong.

You did?

Was he nice to you?

Yes. I had a lot of fun.

What was so much fun?

We played games,

ate instant noodles...

Uncle Juyeong is a great gamer.

He caused me a lot of grief because of that.

Then again, that's how he got into design.

So all you have to do is find

what you're good at and enjoy doing.

Haechan, what do you want to do?



Wow. Being a chef is great.


Did you drink?

Yes, I had a few beers.

Haechan wants to be a chef.

Do you want to be a chef?


You don't want that, right?

Let's think about it.

Does cooking not appeal to you?

No. Honestly, I don't care for it.

What's wrong with being a chef?

So many chefs are even on TV these days.

They apparently make a lot of money, too.

Who knows?

Haechan might become a world-renowned chef.

What were you like when you were little?

Me? I was a spirited little thing.

Although I ended up poor and pathetic,

my family was very rich when I was young.

My parents pampered me like a princess.

I'm sure they did,

seeing how positive you are

despite the hardships you went through.

Maybe that's why Dad loves you so much.


Mom, what are you doing there?

My mom grew up in abject poverty.

I blamed her a lot

for what happened to Haechan.

But I just couldn't hate her for some reason.

Although she's always dressed to the nines,

it's sad that she always looks anxious,

as if she's being pursued.

But of course. She's your mother.

Isn't that what blood ties are like?

Mom seems very regretful

that she left us.

It really upsets me

to see her like that.

If you just hadn't shown up,

maybe Dad might have

taken Mom back.


What are you saying?

Sangcheol, take Gyeonga to your room.

What are you doing, Mother?

It was the alcohol talking.

Take her to your room!

Let's go.

Did you drink?

Yes, Grandma. I had a few beers.

Then you should've just gone to bed.

Why did you say such a thing to Gyeonga?

What's the matter with you these days?

You don't say, Grandma.

I don't know why I'm like this, either.

I thought I'd lived fiercely,

but everything has fallen apart.

Don't take what Huijin said to heart.

She can be upset, since she's her daughter.

What she said wasn't unreasonable.

If it hadn't been for me, would you have

turned away your children's mother?

Good grief. That's ridiculous.

Excuse me?

Huijin is like this because she misses her mom.

Even if it hadn't been for you,

Seonghui would not have been satisfied

and would've left eventually.

And if it hadn't been for you,

I never would've considered remarrying at all.


Do you not understand how I feel?

Must I rip my heart out and show you?

Yes, show me.

I can't see anything.

Don't worry.

I won't have to see Seonghui again.

I promise.

- We're back. / - Hi.

- Mom. / - We're back, Mother.

Why are you all coming home together?

We ran into each other out front.

What are you carrying?

I got it on the way home.

Suhyeok's jacket was so worn out.

What do you think, Mother?

Isn't it cute?

Oh, wow. It looks very luxurious.

Ah, it wasn't that expensive, Mother.

But it looks very high-end, right?

Bora has an eye for quality goods.

Right. You must be tired. Turn in.

- Okay. / - Okay.

Good night.

Good night.

Mom, what's wrong with you?

What did I do?

Are you out to give Bora a hard time?

Why make her feel awkward?

If Bora buys Suhyeok something,

Suhyeok will have to reciprocate.

She has no consideration for his money situation.

Suhyeok needs

peace of mind, not a jacket.

I get what you mean,

but you're being a hysterical mother-in-law.


How is it?

Looks good.

But you look good in anything.

Wow. My wife is pampering me.

Thank you for getting me this.


I'm glad you like it.

Sit down.

I'm fine.

I know where Mother's coming from.

It's not that.

I saw Dohyeon today.


He came to my office.

What did he say?

The same thing you told me.

I'm worried.

Dohyeon will never give up.

And Dad's not one to cave, either.

Maybe that's why

I've been so nervous.

About what?

I don't know.

I keep thinking something bad will happen.

Why are you nervous when I'm by your side?

You must side with me, no matter what happens.

Come on. Nothing will happen.

Don't worry.

Hey, what did you mean just now?

How am I being a hysterical mother-in-law?

You've been a bit hysterical.

Making Bora feel bad

and finding fault with everything

is what a hysterical mother-in-law does.

Excuse me?

So what if she got her husband a jacket?

I thought it looked nice.

Honestly, Bora is really trying hard.

Just living here must take a toll on her,

so why are you being like this?

I have my reasons.

It's because of you.

What about me?

While you're having such a hard time,

your brother is mindlessly enjoying himself.

What you're doing is making me feel worse.

I'm disappointed.

I thought you'd be the coolest mother-in-law ever.

Reflect before you go to bed.

Excuse me?

Uri, Uri. Let's go shower.

Okay, Mom.

Come, come, come.

Let's run away.


Are you okay?

I'm fine.

I felt sorry for Chairman Jin.

When I went in after you left,

he wanted to go to the hospital.

Darn it. That old fart...

I've always been intimidated by him,

but right then, he just looked like a frail old man.

He'll give in soon enough.

President Yun hasn't called?

He has. Ms. Heo took the bait.

Yes, Assistant Inspector Park.

Officer Moo.

Inspector Cha called me to join him on a stakeout,

but I have to go to the hospital,

since my kid is sick.

Where is Inspector Cha?

For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.97 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.17] - Duration: 33:58.


Experience the new Sabatini's Italian Trattoria - Duration: 1:02.

(Sabatini's Italian Trattoria Chef Angelo Auriana) Ciao! I'm chef Angelo Auriana and I'm

excited to be working with Princess

Cruises to create special pasta dishes

for the new menu at Sabatini Italian Trattoria.

My personal culinary journey

as an executive chef include the Italian

(The Factory Kitchen: 2017 LA Times "101 Restaurants" by Jonathan Gold) restaurants The Factory Kitchen

(Officini Brera: "Top 100 Hot Spots in America" by OpenTable) and Officini Brera in downtown Los Angeles.

In my own town of Bergamo, Italy,

i was born with an appreciation for the

beautiful flavor of northern Italian

ingredients, and now i'm pleased to share

that appreciation with these delicious

new menu items made fresh daily and

served exclusively onboard Princess. This

will they experience the authentic

ingredients, distinctive sauces, and

handmade pasta that I grew up with, while

dining in a new setting that showcases

the Trattoria's rustic traditions with a

modern flair. i invite you to visit the

new Sabatini Italian Trattoria on y our

next cruise. Ciao!

Est. 1998 Sabatini's Italian Trattoria Exclusively on (Princess Cruises Sea Witch logo) PRINCESS CRUISES come back new®'s

For more infomation >> Experience the new Sabatini's Italian Trattoria - Duration: 1:02.


Escort: 10 curiosidades sobre um Ford versátil | Carros do Passado | Best Cars - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Escort: 10 curiosidades sobre um Ford versátil | Carros do Passado | Best Cars - Duration: 3:34.


Hello - FRC Team 1967 Parody - Duration: 3:26.

hello, it's Dean

he was wondering if after these six weeks if your bot's complete

are you ready to compete

at the world championships

for the past six weeks

we've read the rules to pass inspection

a social life is what I've given up

since we started kick off - no more sanity

I just want to tell you how I love FIRST

gotta make you understand

never gonna give it up

never gonna let Dean down

gonna fix this bot 'til it works

this robot made us cry

but we'll never say goodbye

gonna come back as alumnae

we're still hoping for a water game

Recycle Rush broke hearts but Stronghold made up for it

it doesn't matter because every year

we have fun and are Gracious Professionals

we're scared but kind of ready this year

our team's brains are geared to go

we're not gonna give up now

never gonna let Dean down

we're gonna make sure FIRST lives on forever

this robot made us cry

but we'll never say goodbye

it's not like we have any social lives

we don't want to stop building

we don't want to bag our bot

our robot's nowhere near completion

but we're gonna make our way through the final rounds

until we are World Champions

we've been nerds for so long

my only ever date will be at robot prom

sleepless nights that's what's been going on

don't know this year's game but we're gonna play it

I just want to tell you how I love FIRST

gotta make you understand

never gonna give it up

never gonna let Dean down

gonna fix this bot 'til it works

this robot made us cry

but we'll never say goodbye

except right now cause we're queuing

never gonna give it up

never gonna let Dean down

gonna fix this bot 'til it works

this robot made us cry

but we'll never say goodbye

we will make sure FIRST lives on forever

For more infomation >> Hello - FRC Team 1967 Parody - Duration: 3:26.


27 Week Pregnancy Update ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 10:08.

Hello, I'm Jill. This is ASL Stew Life!

(cat meow... ♪♪♪)

Hello, welcome back.

Today I'm going to do my 27 week pregnancy update.

I'm 27 weeks and a few days.

So I thought we should update.

See what's going on.

Right now the baby is approximately 14 1/2 to 15 inches

and weighs about 2 to 2 1/2 pounds.

I'm doing well. My blood pressure has actually gone down.

Before it was about 120, pretty steady.

Now it's gone down to about 112 to 115.

I did have a few appointments. One was 112, and one was 115.

So that's really great.

The baby's heartbeat is good.

Still 150 - 160s. Always has been.

I think I already mentioned this. I know I did in the vlog,

but I'm not sure last time.

I passed my diabetes, or glucose test. So passed that.

They did tell me though, I have low iron.

So I'm going to have to take an iron supplement for that.

Kind of causes me a little bit of problems going the bathroom,

but that's okay. Not bad yet.

So I have to talk with my doctor about that, but really no big deal.

We met with one pediatrician recently.

They're actually really close to our house.

The doctor was really nice. We really liked her.

She is female...

and really we liked everything about the place.

The doctor is great. They have great services.

It's close to our house. Like less than 10 minutes from the house.

Maybe even 5 minutes. So that's great!

But there's one problem.

Their policy with the interpreting services.

The interpreters themselves, great. That's not the issue.

So they only work direct contract.


there's 2 people that they call. That's it.

They don't work through an agency.

So I'm not really sure about that.

It might be hard to get an interpreter kind of quickly.

So that's the only issue we honestly had.

The doctor was great,

but we're going to be meeting with another pediatrician

in a few days from this filming.

So hopefully that one...

well it's actually closer to work than home.

Maybe 15 minutes or so from the house.

So it's still not bad, but we'll see about that later.

Fingers crossed.

Then we will pick from the two and see what we want.

So funny thing happened like a week or two ago.

I actually saw the baby move from the outside.

It was while I was working.

I wasn't actually standing and interpreting.

I was in the "off seat" so to speak.

So we switched and then I sat down

and I was feeling some movement,

and I looked down and actually saw my stomach moving as the baby was hitting.

It kind of made me giggle.

I mean obviously I couldn't laugh out loud

because I'm watching the interpreter and doing my job.

But it just kind of made me laugh a little.

It's funny to actually see the baby move from the outside.

It's not a lot. Just that one time, but that was funny.

Actually talking about movement...

sorry Falkor wants to be in the video really bad.

I'm actually filming this really early.

It's like 6 in the morning.


the baby's movement is kind of odd.

I would say from the end of 26, now 27 weeks,

the baby's movement definitely changed.

They're moving a lot more during the day.

I'd say like 9 - 1,2,3pm, somewhere in there.

Then for the rest of the evening there's a lot less movement.

I mean still movement, but a lot less.

Which I think is kind of odd.

I am a deep sleeper though.

So I know I won't notice movement while I'm sleeping.

That's not gonna wake me up for sure.

But it's just weird. I don't know.

A lot of people say, the baby moves at night.

Not during the day, because you're walking and stuff.

I kind of noticed the opposite. Have you guys noticed that?

Mentioning movement again.

Recently... which today is October 2nd, I think... it's Monday.

Was it last Friday? or two weeks ago...Friday?

Anyways... whatever.

It was Thursday evening I had a little bit of a scare.

I'll try to summarize it as much as possible

because I did explain it in the vlog, which I'll link down below.

But we had a little bit of a scare.

I didn't feel the baby moving for quite a long time.

Pretty much throughout the evening and night.

I tried as much as I could to get the baby to move.

I drank something, I lied down. Nothing helped.

So then I actually, finally called the on-call doctor.

Like really early in the morning. Like... I don't know. Early in the morning.

Like 2 something. I don't remember.

They said, "yep you need to go to the hospital and check on the baby.

Because you haven't felt any movement and tried everything."

Then I was concerned and crying and we went to the hospital.

They hooked me up to the monitor

and luckily, after like a minute, they found the heartbeat.

The heartbeat was good.

Then I just lied there for like 20 minutes or so...

and everything was okay.

So seems like everything is fine so far.

The baby's doing good.

There's no dips or anything with the heartbeat. So that's good.

So I think, hopefully the baby will start moving more.

But, I don't know. I'm trying to just keep and eye on it.

So far everything's okay.

Thank God! Cause that was really scary.

I ended up missing work Friday

because I was so exhausted from staying up all night

and it was just blech!

I couldn't even think straight enough to interpret for sure.

It was bad, but luckily everything is okay.

Oh, I noticed one symptom.

I've had a little bit of pain in the front of my calves. Like in my leg.

Just a little bit. It's not consistent.

But every once and a while I'll get a pain.

Like if I'm standing too long or something like that.

The doctor did mention that if it gets worse, it's consistent,

or if it moves to the back of my calves,

then I have to let them know because

it's potential of a blood clot.

That's common in pregnancy to have that risk.

So just kind of gotta keep on eye on it,

but so far it seems like it's kind of gotten a little bit better.

Uhh, I had mentioned that my blood pressure had gone down

and my weight's been fine.

Not under, but I'm about 165 now.

Which is not bad.

The doctor seems to think everything's going okay. So that's good.

Plus, my fundal height is good.

It's actually kind of funny.

Recently at our appointment,

I think I was right at 27 weeks or almost at 27 weeks,

and the doctor had me lie down and measured

and she said "22 centimeters!"

I was like what?!

Because your fundal height should be about 2 centimeters

less or more or equal to your actual weeks pregnant.

So I was 27 and she said 22.

I freaked out. I'm like "that's 5 cm difference!"

She said "oh wait a minute."

Understand, at that time my legs were bent.

So she said "put your legs down."

She measured again and got I think 26 cm. I was like ohh.

So that was much better. So now I'm 26 cm which is great.

Another symptom that I noticed is

I'm having, I guess vaginal pains.

Not horrible or anything, but it's more towards the upper part.

Sometimes I'll be walking and I'll get this sharp pain.

Then I'll stop for a minute

and then keep walking and then it calms down.

It's more like shooting pains.

I had them in the very beginning when I was pregnant.

But it seems to be back again. it's not too often.

I had it maybe once or twice in a 2 - 3 week period,

but it's just kind of funny cause i'm like OHHH!

As I'm walking I think, "walk it out, walk it out, OKAY!"

Then I'll be fine. So it's just funny.

Last thing before the belly shot is

a lot of people... well not a lot of people,

but I had a few people being like

"whoa you're huge for only 27 weeks!"

I'm like I don't know,

but I will show you the belly and you can let me know.

Do you think I'm that big? I don't know.

Now belly shot!


So that is everything for the 27 week update.

I will be having a baby shower soon.

So definitely be watching out for that vlog.

I'm going to try and film as much as we can... hopefully.

And... yeah.

I mean, everything seems to be going great.

Just hit the third trimester, so.. yay!

Anyways, thank you for watching.

Remember if you like the video, click LIKE.

Remember to subscribe and hit the notification bell

so you know when new videos are out.

If you want to support the channel,

you can do so through our ASL Stew merch store with shirts and stickers.

So if you want to buy one of those.

Also have monthly donations through Patreon

or a one-time donation through Ko-fi.

Alright, thanks for watching.

See you in the next video. Bye!


For more infomation >> 27 Week Pregnancy Update ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 10:08.


Why are Dentists Laughing at Perfect Smile Veneers for $14.99!? - Duration: 4:01.

every once while you get something that bothers you and you have a voice and you

have a video camera then you can actually put on YouTube so that's what

we decided to do I want to tell you about instant perfect smile perfect fit

veneers that are online for $14.99 I've seen Dentists come out and they're being very

sarcastic about this product they're just making fun of this product

with the heat... after

so you too.. in minutes... and this is a problem and what I want to tell you is is that I

actually want to endorse it I I want to tell people that I think a lot of this

product and let me tell you why, I know what it's like to serve people who have no money

and I know what it's like to hear from people who have no choices I think the

doctors are making a mistake it's a real ivory tower position this is why you pay

somebody to do this I think they're misrepresenting the product I think that

they're doing what they can to make it extremely bad and extremely aggressive

and actually making fun of the fact that it could help some people and that's

what bothers me this is a great way to take care of your

own dentistry at home there's no dentists that are losing any money to

this product for $14.99 you're not going to cancel your appointment at the

orthodontist and you're not going to cancel your appointment for dental

veneers or implant surgery what you're going to do is you're going to go ahead

and not cancel your job interview you're gonna not cancel meet the teacher you're

going to not cancel a reunion they're gonna not cancel pictures you're going

to say I've found a solution if you look at them in a certain place they're not

bad nobody's going to show that much of their smile and show all the gum there's

just exaggerating the situation I think it's just real convenient to take your

position when you have absolutely perfect smiles if your teeth didn't look

like this and they actually looked like this or you come from a family that

couldn't have afforded orthodontist treatments people may

have any other choice there are a massive amount of people out there that don't

have that privileged position and I know because we see them every day

anything that can help people is something that should only be taken and

improved not something that should be laughed about the main thing is is

sometimes things get contagious and one person does that another person does it

another person does it and right now we're looking at four or five dentists

that are trying to make fun of the perfect Smile veneers I have to tell you

I'm not one of those people what I what I'd like to do is tell these dentists

that their position is a little bit ivory tower 80% of the people who buy

online are probably going to be disappointed its twenty percent of those

people they're going to make a better life for themselves they're going to

make a meeting of pictures or presentations a special event and

they're going to use this to get through a couple meetings until they can get a

job until they can get a savings until they can get insurance until they can

get back in the game and I think a lot of the people who've done it I like it

because it's a choice and I like it because if you use it properly it'll get

you through a two-hour interview or a two hours with friends and I think they

serve the purpose and I think it creates a choice and the only thing good about a

choice is one that you have one into you're the one that gets to make it

right now with these instant smile veneer is available for $14.99 there are

some people who are listening to this conversation that can't afford me and

they can't afford the doctors but they have a choice and they get to make it

thank you guys

For more infomation >> Why are Dentists Laughing at Perfect Smile Veneers for $14.99!? - Duration: 4:01.


WWE 2K18 Gameplay - Duration: 3:01.

The biggest video game franchise in WWE history is

back with WWE 2K18! Featuring cover Superstar Seth

Rollins, WWE 2K18 promises to bring you closer to the

ring than ever before with hard-hitting action, stunning

graphics, drama, excitement, new game modes,

additional match types, deep creation capabilities, and

everything you've come to love from WWE 2K. Be Like

No One.

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